HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. VoV 111 ~ WKI)N KSDA Y, MAY is, 1322. JS'o. l\f HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PUBt.tSHKl) WEEKLY BY DENNIS I1EARTT, AT TMHKK UOLLAH1 A YEAH, PAYABLe HALK YKARI.Y IX AbVAKCK. Those who do not give notice of their wish to have the pa|?er discontinued at ihe expira t on of the year, will ???- presumed as desiring it? continuance until countermanded ?And no p?|**r Will Ik: disc >ntinued until arrear ages ate paid, unless at the option of the pub lisher. Whoever will procure nine suhscriliers md guarantee the payments, shall receive a tenth gratis \d\ crtisem? nt* not exceeding fourteen lines t\ , la !>e inserted three time a for one dollar, and luenty-five cents for eacli continuance. Subscriptions received by the printer, and m<>st of the postmasters in the stat All letters upon business relut ive to the p* j?r must he |?>*?-paid. ?/ iientleinctt ot leisure, who possess a ta^te for literary purauits, are .nvited to favour u? with communications 3. V. ftXV.V.tt * Co. H\VK jus* rcrcivi'd Slum \e\? -Vm k, a trood ??*'?rtment of |)rv Saddlrrv. &c. v l|irh v* er* c ?ri tn'1* vli rt? ?l tj\ .1 I* -n- nl, and b"U|fh' with rash, a' s nail priees, c<m ?.sting ill part til * t??- tnltuu III;; : Suj?- fh \t and fin** Cloths and Cassimcrrs, ('alio i t Jul Dlir /'i hi K r*." ?* Vai.ety, C^'i hr c, figured iii.it plain, H' ok, .??' in** , a* d Mull Muslm, 1! al l-.dia Mull Mnslin, l.i icru jiui I iwnt, S .i?l Id ipurler 1 nesi dama>k I)i.iptr, lor ta'di* cmihs, |{i|?M4 d'.'to, t<?r tnurls, ] ) ill ? \ , Ku.i II-. Tlirt J.I l.ar-, \|< ti'it ????! ??nnrii i? c?it'r?ii lloic, \ *tm^?, ui l>i[M;tlor ?j.i dtl v ?od llfVril f.l* I 'I, Itiick, beaver, ca*t;>r, skin, and silk C?lu\ e?, >i 1< and I nrkin^ ( nmU, Can* ? and N.mkiti I rapes* i an. I>u t. f < ?' ?< III Sli |M .5, S'lk. K.?r.c\ and Bandanna Hsndkerchie f?, M .? icn> *? d v vlv? ' l{eiicule?, S.Ik ?'H ro.ton ^tisprt.drt *, II- nv>?*i ?>. Nati-ii t?, ?, k Velvet, Hint* \ i i\f. f r ?4(idi*w<?, Sattri nt, < 0? i i?' axi'iirr* %, ><ll'i?? S.?fikr?'n, \\ te Ur I I r ? iOri.tr pan al> i, (; na??>an l'i .ii. Kiirintur< l^miinckv f.ins'lianis, l/'icrlm, W li V , >1 ? i;ied ,n.d plaid N il hrm llufnC ypu'i, lu d I .cWm^, VVa'tr pr ?(?? a'?d ro i ni'?i I! <??, Sit* I tmrellas, Omni Nhirt >>. Oil Cl??it?, 1 l\e ij'iar'i-r ^ais- lh-s i unn ? r,.aiiea, A irvi superb M'i^I n H ?h< s, &?e he. b \I>I>L*.KY. Hi >kn?s, Mill's aid \N i. Hit ? ft** Saddlf 1 ri Mr. Ii* IJ'tm, and Stirrup tr .ns, common anil 'I (??rit-i\ ii> pat'< rns,) ' ? on. Worsted .?nd *?i| tiling Wi bbiii?, I r?-?, c initii'jii and plat**d Iluck ek, all si t' *. Omjiiii i.ii, siimldm/, Martingale ilmilt*, |i>a'ed ? 'in h Cm i ? , S .dill* I lea<l->, I'll ' li< *, II i i in. rs, N< '??lies Hj.s Naii ?, t\d Ja-li.'inal>5r plated Spina I'll- v *rc in d'?i!> <*XpCr' a' ii" < *1 I enving a n ? ifv %i i ppl v <it ? I "Tli a n<l( ^ a*s< nit ii , Kor ? n'-ir?- |li t \ . Ia?r>^ \ anki i'iis. < '.?? ,c??. In 1^. a in s, ?ccr?iirV rs, 1 a 'ton 1 r.?pcs, Ii _? ? t r?. 1 a n! plam Ci.?pe Itobri., 1 r;t| r *? .wU and scan* . r.vat.i.^, \\ h ie Jj.ii'i. I) .< k I \ 1*1 ?i'm s. Sinrlii \s ?, > *'iet>, \er\ ?.i-.- ri"r ni k *?., ? 11, I. H-nn, i'ii i?iil?, ru.brn i!i tiI, f fle 1 and tl ??:ir d K i?i-s, l iniaU >n Yilvr; 'I iiiillcir .11 Mir. <i ?*:! ? ?? I ?? aiitl 1 1 ill., k : . f ? 1 *? I i, l.i-it'.ti, i..| 1 iii( Kul a 'id I'l-nii'll l!l"f>, S r,w i{ niiit?, *1o' ten llatSfj VelV ? ?i><*rn#r \ inliti, ?<c fi?.c I in v liav?- ii iia'id a I a*?or nirnt < ?!" ' ! 1 ? ! \V ari , ( ; ? it !i f . , 1 1 4 111 r. Hi r , t '???!. 11^ *, Ni'-f, Sii^iir, Ciillrf, \ 1 l?, Rradi, ilpri^a( and ' ??' ti .ii ( aril*. I'liv !i'ii|i r it-irl? ilirx are ili*ti*riiui?r<1 lo ?' ll .it ? in:- I pr. t ? ir ra? ?<?r mi a H'mr nv* di in llini Mm. He punciisaliiy ina* lie relnd ? i(i >11 Mav 8. 17? .lw Postponed Snip, I iO ?. II III ? I.I Hill |tg up iiru'n.iiir s, win i'mi 1 W 1 a in ('Id* 11 nnw n sid' ?, ulitc waaad* r ??'1 1 in ink. pl.?ri- on tin- 13 Ii ol * pril, lij in^ In en pobtp<iin ?1 , 11 w.il now *akt place oil Monday (lit* 2< >t Ii insl. at i'ii roiirt -limise in Hills ormu'i I n s'lp fi"sit#5 tu lie Hie liesi sla' *1 in the imii ol lliMaliiirniii'ti It a 'aiern aid Ii?hi<?% " i 'cr t i'nnirnt riieteimsw.il Ik made kihiw :i <>n ttiC ' l.l > id >i i;r l lios. liufTin, I'niscr. Mnp 5 17? l ijhf Ihtllava Hnrartl. Sroi FA l'i r?ni II renthorniijfti, '1 I Imrs daj last ;? d.ik Kinrl Mine, sail II' and hr.d e. Tljc mare is ali'iot li'leen hands li'tf'i, ^i II srt, unit iti ^ >o<l 01 r, uhont mne \< ar Mill, lias a s'ar id tin Inn head, a*nl '.r.d tC> t wliiti1; has I Ten hr 1 tided mi t'ic sli.ndili 1 u 1 h the ii'tlits I Ht b-it ilu' miner 1 not c.i itaiu that the niatk ran now hr t|i*cov<T d. Kihy <lnll irs reward w It he ^ivr i |ur the rcciM-t* <*l the itiare xiid ronvtciion 01 the tins. I, .n t*enl -five d"|l n s Inr the itiari alone, or >;i? ' ?) sueli informal on as will enable tin.- hiiIi ?tri >( r to get her IVtlT SoilHTM. Guilford cotin'f, A pnt <0. l'? ? i B JfOTICE. Y virtu? til a deed of trust, executed by I I hotnit* Carey to i he subscribers, to m - cm r certain moneys therein mentioned, will ? e sold to the highest b.ddei, tor ready mo ney, on I'liui sday tlie 23d instant, at tin dwel ling house ot wid Caret, One Tract of Land, with the improvement* thereon, con.aming three hundred acres, lying iu the County of Person. Richardson Nichols, Win. IJ. JaitieUon. 'J'rutteet. May 1. 17? Jw Tire I)<tlhirn liewurtl. K '? N aw;.v fnun liir >uh scr her on me 4<h mat. a ?mi li'Mu bov nu'ned H.I UHV, ah??tit j teet j or 6 inches hi^h; ve \ likelt; no mark rec utlee tei|. lieu In lelt me lie had on a ro?ilid:ibt>ui Coat and <.tn?alootis of homespun ; a '(>a r of sltoes nearl? n? and n (dark home-made W<*>l ln>t. He has a dow n look v lii-n spoken to, and * loops lorward win n w.?lKing t.i??t; hi* teet are vt*rv lon^f The above reward w ill he niveii, provided he is r.njJ.t in U ?ng" Co<int\ and cilifr.ieti :ii II ihthorough jad. Ilenry Neal. Ma v 7 17 ? ^w N O '1 I C K. 1(?ST f?r a note ot liand fop tvo j ti'indri ii il'illart, ilriwu t? ? Samuel (iotc, ilfc ?sed. pa* able l<? tin- >iil?-cribrr, dattd tiir JVIi <>l I 18 All pcryjiis urt lit-n l>? lorwarned Inr ?. ii now, as r. i traiisltroi tlir ? j nit li?^r\ei- L? c<i mimic. V? l Hi ; 1 1 * i lloru. Orange county, Mn ?, 1 <?.. 1"? J'ap ALI A \NDKIl <y II AltUISON* HVI mi liaiid itit lollowiin' iiilir.lci, ?*U.c!i 'I w II a) \ i* rv reduced |,r?C< ? lit Mil' tilt* llll t s. H s? v?d*!l ??, cut I at* int>, at J?> It) O'J cash HUtfil < > K Harness, -*0 ^0 C??ii<(lion di'Ui. .<0 I'latrd Carr.atft Harness, elefcant, 8j 'JL C"tiiii.uti *1 . t ?>, jj OJ Hretcii liand?, L.> lite pair, 8 $0 1 1 ltrid.es 2 Ji and all ollu r articles i? proportion I'Ih') v. 1 1 1 alk<> Crt'l.t tlifll1 *? ?n k. IU a .it lUcllt: ll.olill.g, * a Hmdi rail* advance i?t? tin al>o\?- pi i< ?.3, ? r ie* ei?i' i ?? pd) mem .?ii) lint <| proline ?.? 1 4 ?uop i* on~t|uu en "sirti-; o* cr III \' tLli'a flic <1 < a- si. up J.i'iKin 1 U* J? 1 | ( Hillsborough ? Masonic Lottery. TIIK managers of tin- ihlUhurom ffi Jltusomc JjOtte'y c nceive thetnst Ivct to br oidti i tv bound t? ?taU' lu tlime vtio Imyc iNirchasnl tickets off them, the rtaviiiH why the draw did not commence on Siturduv the 2.1 it??t. as had he? n previously uonouno d. They are u f?llo? *: ' Tl.c returns from ag?nls at a distance were noi complete as lo the number of" sold rickets. From the brkt fiiinia'.e wh ell ilie returns made would admit of, it %ta< t'n?igh?, il?at al though a drawing on th-t d.y wwuid be sale according to all probub'e calculations, jet :? loss n tsrftt be sustained; ?nd tl?e\ felt tinw il | lin?r to proceed <o draw. so long as tlici"c could !e the haai poss ble risk It', delaying the drawing until a lew hun> tired m<>re of the tickets Could he sold, there would i hen be no risk whatcve:; and I lie man agers would he able not onl\ to pa\ to the fortunate adve- turers the prtz- s th? > ili-a**, bui in addition thereto fully to succeed in rais ing a sum ol nionex adequate to the building a conunotl ious house lor die use of tin l.odge. I'be managers li:?\e detc. mined to draw on TUF.Sft.lY the FOURTH OF J'WIl n x\. hut s'u.uUl the drawitig, however, not then take place, the manages**. |?l? d;,e themselves to leturii *iie ?iionit on demand to every per >:iii who mav be di-sati?f:cd. '1 'lie Managers. March 5. US? if NOT I V K. T) V virtue of a uarrait issued b\ the c >mp 13 trnller ot the trca-!ir\ < f t.?e I'n.Ud States ot Anicnca, I shall expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, tor rcad\ monex, ui the dwelling liutisi ut J. I.n Vailhnok, jr in the* cnt.nty ot Orange ai.d tow>i ot Hillsbo* rrjujjh, on the luth day of June next, all his jr*j'.4ls u!?? U, conms'. itijf of one ne^ro nun, Katpli, o:??; negro ^ rl. Ciur otto, one n?-uT?. boy, Hand), one voire I tiuiv , ana two twelve v\ !t?i?(,r cIi?.t>, tie side bn.>rd, one ilc k ^and biM?k case, one cnunev pre>% three leatlitr beu?u<id h dv? uis, three look ing- lasses. tour walnut tabi< 9, and oac ruling chair, lurncvi and cuihioiu. \iso two 'iun tiled acres oi laud, Ijn j< and being in the cniitit\ of Caswell, and also three hundred actes, more or less, in the county ot O. atige Due mil niton Will be gi\ rn . H' W ilv D'.ttii* I, Marshal of the district ot Carolina. Uij Jaiucs I'iii tit* r. Deputy ,\far?hul. May 1 16? is Tlie Hiortrr i atccliism, I or sale ut this office, hy the gross, dozen, .. .or aui.le iMiAvrsa FOR -Al.K \t I 111-. Ot'KIcr. 1?%> uulUvii* i\ s ul vVvv: ^luVe ul ?VoYlU-CuvoVina.. [l)ra-.\ing positively t ? ? eniiuurnre on th?* 4th day ?*F June.j MASON iC LOTTERY. 3?VIl??iiie 1 l'rize of 5,o0o iJullars, is ^ 5,000 1 2.00W 2,000 2 1 .U00 2,OuO 2 500 1,000 \r) l O'j t<) 50 500 109 l o 1,000 2599 5 12. 09 StiJ'o Prizes, ) . . fll , 2 5,000 . ?(>l?re Prize* than Blanks. i2 ?> <1* 4 l?lailk^5 5( 0 ) Tirkrfs at 5 dollars, is 25,000 a r i no. > w /.'J /' u izes. Tlir last d i a \ n ticket on tin* I st , -il . ."?d, -4th, tjt h, 7th, and Dili ihn's drawing, will bo en I i f )?- ct to a prize ?>t 100 dollars. I lie first drawn ti. ket after four thousand have been draw ii, \\ ill lie entitled to a |m ize ol 2,000 dollars. Thr last draun tieket on the filth day's draw ing will lie en tilled to a prize of 500 dollars. The last drawn ticket on the last day's drawing will be ra tified to a prize of 5.000 dollars. Ml ilir oilier prizes will be floating in tbr wheel from the fnmmenreinint ot the drawing, Vl/. t)i \ *UM> UoWftTS. I \K> t)( \>tA\t\Vd. \ :a>v> i W> ?? V VH> j ft I'r /en Mavable uin ty >l;?vs iftc <? thf* ?1 r.? a- ? n ^ is complete I. subject to a deduction of fit' ? < ? pi < e in I' u I inn) led wiih'O twelve ti mths after the irawi'tg i? completed, will be for It ii? ?? ti> tli< el 'I lie dr.?w hi ? ill commence as soon s?s a sufficient number of tickets are sold. The ?1 ?u ii. k t.ik<- place once a we?k, ami live hundred I icket* will be drawn each d:i\ until t-.uiph t> <1 N ???ce u ill be ^iven in tlx* newspaper* published in this place anil ut Kaleigh ol In Ccii nu i t nu ni ot the drawing. I "?eket* c.?n be bad of the managers, and at most of the stores in this place, ami at I' e post ??rtirv |.< t<rr* addressed to either of the managers, with the cash enclosed and the postage pad,w !l be promptl* attendidto. I'icket? will be forwarded to the principal town* ?n tb ? stale, and to the court liuuaea ?>' tin adjacent countics, tor sale. Jhiim s S. Smith, Ituviil Yarhrough, J Jolm Hrott, yMJ.Y.iGKUS. Thomas Clancy, llillaborou^h, May J. lUll! fellilWj J j II. G &> IV m. //. Rowers. I IT \VK received by the schooners Belvi j il ilr re, IihI< pendence, Margaret Ann, lluld Commander, Veni-l a, and other laic arrivals, then- kprni>; suppl) ut FKKMI 1MPOKTF.I) S T A 1' L K A N l> F A N C Y which is much niorr- extensive iImh usual, and having been principal!) purchased ut anct n in the C'i) 01 New- lurk, ihey tffer fur s. lc at reduced pric.s. Petersburg, April, 1822. l.>? Jd? QT Take Notice. <?$ VLl. p TMini indebted to me for TAXKS, or that are o'.vinjj public 'axes tor the ve.?rs 1819 and 11.20, are re^pec1 fodv solieii. nl t<> e.ilS 'in ute and neiti** toe same, ???? llntv i nmv expect to he called on for settlement jr.. cording to tin; law ii such ca^<? made arid prov.ih ii. or altliough such a c mrsc w ill he disagreeable to me, 1 shall he under lite ne cessity o! iuf?rcin? it. As I do not exjject to hold the olii?*e oi ahrriH longer tiian the e? pi rat ?o * <)l the term lor uh.ch I ?> as lust eUct e:l, it behoves me to hring my official hu-?i ness t ? a close, at.tl iherelore must have n>_v btisinc s in thai olft. e set led ? ?? pr per >nne. '1 -lOlllilS (.'lilllt'V, SncrtJJT Dtc 4 yj ? L>. 11 L \ K I r i'roposcs puhli-hini , in Hillsborough, N. C * religious j taper, Ui be cll'itii d I H K NORTH C . R( )L1 \ A Fa (i,igelicul In tlligeneer* In which w I! t??- given the n o* impt r:unt in formation relative to the spread ot the go?. |k-I, und the Consequent ti.el oraimii ?>(' itic* condition ot tlnr Ikuu an h.nii'v, with such other in di mmer mav be itHrrt'Min^ to the christ an reader; C> ?so all_v r nhtciicd w it 1 ? u-l.g >o? and moral i svi s, ..ltd ligl tr ?it tl("> tending to pr .mote cnus'iaii ctu rity and iicitveiily-nt'.ndedness. vw I'KOSi'Ll TUS. TO a contcpiplative rtuml it is pleasiQe to look a'. ruj.il mrr the vai io'ts ^portion.* of t>,e globe, and ohse: ve the improvement which are daiiv taking place in ' he condition ot man kind We perceive the <1 . . k clouds of ii>no rance.and error, ot' supers- ition and fanaticism, gradualiv i-nsl ng away, and tin honim gd i^c.i w till a brightness indicating the approach of a meriting glorious, tA human J\ and rich with bl^ssiigs to the ch Idren of nirw I hese heart-cheering prospects are the iiauial re suits qi extended information, bu: more parti*. ? ? cul?rt\ ? the t>lo?sid Hk-ci9'of an expanding knuw ledge ot the divine j"eC?ptsof cht cons, j tian religion. A general thrist f?r knowledge | seems to be awakened, and the eflbrts now mnkiii^ bv n iSMonarj, bible, and otliei socie ties, to (hfluse the r ligion of the gospel, and to iuculcatea more a?'< ii'ive observance of our civil, moral, and religions dtti.trs, are attended with a success cheering to the heart ot the philanthropist. I; is under such circumstances that we pre sent to the friends of Christianity in this and me neighboring statis, proposals for publish*, mg .n this pi; ce a uet k.lv paper, Calculated to a.d th? Cause in which so n any ait- enga ge :-d; and are induced to hope that such an e? tahl.shinent would not be among the hast ef ficient means of promoting rel emus informa tion. It\ the nniitipl Cation of political papers the minds <>f the people of this favoured coun t in have been enlightened in the science of g ivernn.i nt ve a I the nations of the t-urtli. T. trough the a ;? int'an% .s it not reasonable toe\p?Ci ilia moral darkness inay be tiissi puttd, the lovr <0 religion be incuicai.d, and a warmth he infused into the hearts ol believ ing christians which would urge them to st II greater exertions' For though we are pleased >n contemplut nglhe j;err ral advance ment of ehristian knowledge, alid the melio rated cm.di.ioii ol manku.d; ytt uc find much to l,.nient win n we look around lis ami per. ceive how man) are still enveloped in slothful ignoiaiice, tlie vict'UiSol \ iCt- md .mmorahtv . Tnougli living in a christian tand there are some, ala> mam, w no ..ever entr a church, who never open a bi.de who never reflect on the Cause or the purpos ? of tli?*tr existence. Mav not the d fltisi?-n of religious intelligence tend o ft move in.s hs lossittss' Mav it not excite to inquiry' M <v it not i ad t? c <nvic ' ion? ? o reformation? I iie coil inual timppings of water wears the hadt st >t ueg; n ay not we: k!y adm. iiit ions ? >d repeated examples n elt he u ts id stoie' *?urt !? there is room to hope ihat the comeo plated work, if properly encouraged, nav contribute in some small dtgreo, towards has tiling tuat glorious peri oii, w I ail " the mountaoi of tlie land's house shall l>e tstahhshed in the lop >. the moun t s iiis, mnl siiali be ? xai<< d above the hills; ami all nations shall Hum unto it " In pre.-ent i.<g this prospectus to the public, if is iinneC' ssai'\ farther to explain the nature ol the propositi puhl ca ion In its conduct, all possible care w ill br taken t.. ?el? ? l micIi matter as mav be hi s! .n e'csttng and mstrtic live, and t pr uused assistance ot several enutM'iii divines, u is exptclv d, vv ill add use fuliit ss and respec ability to the woik ( ON 1)1 I IONS. The I'.vangt heal Intelligencer \? i 1 1 be pub lished once a *eek,and contain ciglit rpiarto pages, ne.itlv printed on good pa|H*r. I he price will be thi'te vhnlars a \ear, if paid in advance; otherwise four dollars will be lie uiandrtl No suhsei iptions receive d for less than one ve:?r. and no subscription will be discontinued until all arrears arc iiaid. unless ai ?m opt on of i lie publisher. \ failure to give notici f>e Ibre the end ot" :|ie \eai of a wi^u u? discon tinue, w ill be considered as a new enga?eni nt I'o persons procuring e glit subscribers, and remitting the unouni ol the sul>scriptu>iis, the paper will bu sent gratis. The pu dicatmn Will con mi once as soon as stillicicul enrou ragenieut i? obtained <u vie fra) the expense ; V* /Vr'oiM Ito ' httir *uhtcrif)hon* ipy rtrnwii Cil h> f " W> <\ l > I II 'iflcr t/ir "lime* Hj thr ?M.' - sci'itx- tin "fin/ 'ii i f 'ihUnucd ? 'Tiutiufif the p' uftvmlt n /itrUigr noitce. AOKICL'E I'UKAL. Method of cultivat'Tig Hurley. Strep the seed iit writ oi spring wa ter f#r twelve h??ui*-, stirin^ it I'req^-nt ?y lioni the bottom of the tub ?.r * ws?l all uiuiindiaml previous to c.icli st r ??.??, all the floating grains, seed wet?.j. i*c. should br carefully skimmed ofl"; tlti^ nothing w ?l remain for seed hut s.? ui; I and peiirct grain. The first iva'ir should he drawn off al the end ol si.< hours, a:>d immediate. v replared t?v fr?-sh; this ag -.in draw oft' at the cm: ot' *?ix hours more; ii should be sown, b? o;<d cast, the following d .y, being mixi with a sufficient quantity ot wood 3s! es or p aster, to cry it as much as w'''i be necessary for the purpose ol sowi:..-. Thus managed, it the grou'iO he in pro per t ill h, and filly prepared, this j?rai<? will nuke l'.s appearance the filK. ot sixt'. day afier sowing; whereas ii the seed be s>.vvi? diy, it wiil probably he ti:ri.c w rks or more before it Cumes it; , narticui ? r ly if the season be <iry. 1 ?.ai? i o more foi cibly recoinmetitl tins p: ac tier than by giving a biiet sketch of an exp ? o r- .. mjCf :n England, ai d ti k f ? m lit H th and Westol England sor.. \' r p r.s. A lainiei selected four a r soi tin >ame field, treated and pr. <a; ed ii lor sti ding .rx-tctly in the nami way, he ihen divid d it into two eqi.ai 'oat's; ne sowed one part with dry smi. in the common ".iy, the other with steeped ?etd,as here recommended, an I ihe consequent e was, that the latter produced a duu';le crop, although the seed i< both cases was .he same, sava me dtfl\ mice of treatmet t. Ti e it perior quality and condition of the ciO;> seemed to keep pace with t!ie in creased quantity. [Cc,nn. t\ur. THE NEW N AT IONS. The povertimeM r.f the United States havir.f, ae It now tedded independence of the ii:. tiotrs m Spanish America which huv* d? elared tiie:r separation fio?.? t! e mother country, the following succinct account of th???' nation^, 'ruin the Portsmouth J ?uriml, may be. acceptable to our readers. These nations a;r, the Empire ol Mexico, and the 1, publics ol Colum bia, But nos Ay res, Pi ru, and Chili. Mexico, inciuuing imc kingdom ot New Mcx.coand the province ?T (?i..t tamala, ?xien;ls tr >u? the Pacific Oc? n on the south and Witt, to the uncer tain lirni's ol Louisiana and the Ciu.f < t xico oi. t > ic e<??t. 1 he popui?:ion if Mexico alone, txclusive ol N c".> - Mexica and (*uatam:tl.>, was es'in ateo by Humhoh' : ii. I808, at f>,5 OO.Oo?, Since the beginning of 'n ii coi.tes: wi'.h Spain, the. inhabitants oi these Piovi ccs have taken a census, which may he considered toiciably accurate. Tiiey report the- numbeis io be, m Mi xi'O, 5 4 0 <>0U C? uataiiiala, 1,8 ?u,oi/u ^cw-Mcxito, 8u(#,0 0 Total, 8,000,000 Tlie ci'y of Mexico h< capital, coti tains accoiding io liumoildt, 137,0^0 inhabitants. The iodrpeod' nee of the 41 Mexican Empire" was declared on the '24i:t August lightccn l.uinJicd and twci.iy one. The H public of Columbia consist* ul the provinces ol Venezuela and New. (iranada; and prob 'hly inciudcs also the provinces ot Cntnuna, (iuiana, and Mai a caybt . ll so it extends from the Spanish Main on the noi th, to Uueoos Ayres an I F?-in; and from 1) .tth Ciuiana in ti.e east, to t le Pacific O'can; and c>n:aii s about 3,500,000 inhabitants. Its princi pal cii) b Santa 1 e Me H iro:a, coniain ing a po'.mla'.ion ol 40,()t?y. I' w id I c . < < <di. ct? <1 that the provin ces ol Vcn, zu *la and New-(irar.a,!a >c paratei) deeiaitd then inteprtidi. nee; mi'. sinC"- the* year I8v)8 lime maintain ed a bloodier contest w-; h the aiu>? rl Spam, than ai-v ol the oteet p.ovincvs. On the 19 i IKe?mhei 1319. tney uni iid hems ivf % und?r o :* -ri.fm tit , on the model of the United a> rt assumed the name ol "the He; ub ;c e.1 ol t olom ia.M Uufsos Ayres, be^i in ng at the?i8th egl e ? > .ontii .at! tide, '"Xtekds I i\ 1 600 in, I s to the n<>r w i?e re it is iKiund d by the unknown rryiuns o* Amazonia and Mottr> Ciio^so; and lioni tin. Atlantic on th: east, about 1000 miles to Chin on the wesi ? Its popuia 1 1 ? * 1 1 is estimated by Humboldt at I 000 000. Tnc city of Buenos Ayren is npp 'S d io contain about 60, COO ii - lalntants, and Monte Video ut>oi 30 oOO. i'; c Vice Royalty of Hue? c* Ayes declarco hi independence in^.8 U .

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