HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. ^ t.* Vol. 111. W ISDN KSD AY, MAY 29, 1822. v, ?A. O* HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY DENNIS HEARTT, AT TMKKK DOLLARS A YEAR, PAYABLE H ALV Y KAHLY I* ADVANCE. Those who do not jfive notice of their wish to have the paper discontinued at the expira tion of the year, will be presumed as desiring its continuance un?il countermanded ? \nd no pa|>er will he disc tntinued until arrear ages are paid, unlets at the option of the pub lisher. Whoever will pr??cure nine subscribers and iniarantee the pa) ments, shall receive a tenth pratis Advertisenfn'* no? exceeding fourteen lines will In' inserted t hrec ti nrw s fur une dollar, and twenty -five certs lor each continuance. Subscriptions received bj the printer, and most of the postmasters in the state. All letter* upon businesi relative to the pa j, r must be post-paid. ?/ <;cntli*men of leisure, who possess a UsU- for literary pursuits, are invited to favour (1s with ci?nn Ih .'iv>-n t<>r t!>? Im-m, H; ?,f the sucictv t W>ll he th.ii'kt . 1 iy su k't?>w lt-d^< d I). W Iiou/f, Secretary. SVRl^li ; tihimas r# c. >. n\\K Just ircriVid their spring as-ort inn. i ot Dry onchr*s an?I *? .r-oirtts, V l.iii- and hl-ck. ? Ik 1 jrr, Into a'ul jjr?-rn Klorriirf, H. i >i and h,;nred I .ni. in i i 4 {>(**, '.i-? .ltd 4-4 tifwii > '?-?-t I 'a i nt >'?hni ami Watt r lv?om Shir'ings, HuiMa Drill, for miiiiii rr pauUliKii^i, li..s- a *?li etiug, ai?l I) .,K-r ?or towrls, K'l: i <1 an 1 plant Humuax tta, Hla< 4 S.Ik \ ?-|? rt. Satin ? ? r 1 1 1 ami Fl-nvntin. Votings, Valrtlt |J? Vi ?t ah?[H'S, W ti r Marse llr* and ?ancv \ es'ings, I in k.n< and sulr Cum'?s, t Cfnilenifii'i white bordered Cravat*, Jacknet, Ui-ok mikI S. eded Muslo.a, < -5 & 4-4 t anii?rick?, ? s I a?i id m C.i,. i ts ji.d ?up. rti.ie Calhcoes, Dimity. M inches'! r (..i^liims Cotsi.n, Hi^ ami vik Ma: dk?-rch'rfs, Mh.tr <-??, I|h|i'b \\ ,ft |'| read, Nrt Sinjh-i.ilfrj, ~il f?-?*\rr r??.th Brushes, ' "I*" tr bir Buttons, ??r n'ieroei.'s h?.ck u i .1. \V .. er I'rool |lat?, I.td.ts Miipm Di ainl l.f al'uT Si.m ?, Mi?-ct and (^' ildrtn'k r. ditto, < in drt-? '? Mon.cc.. l( . ts, Yt ll w >?i krrn, f o'.t >n t osiirrtr, Mnl ami, Furnittiie allien, I tor* and mi, rp?.?ri| I'.a k t Combs, ^1 a.li as* Maiiilkcrclii. I., *.Vrt|i> Kl??n Shawls, StrM??-' i ?. I?. .. I irk r t, Ind.a lidiltaiid . T a jw tuition bails, P j .f f| I liTcid, ( i MMifi 1 1 1 :<|in % ^ riii'iK I'-.per, "Matt, nd slalt IVncda, ? ll'i I ?-'?i..ii .-ni*, lar^c l'.il>le?, \N tts's IN . Ill % a III II; ?: ns, and Method. st ? I \ 1 1 . ? i II i ,ks, a,, |\ IV a?.d pr.t .e ">c tii Hi .fit s, C .u.p.ivl I Ki t les. I ..lice .Mills. I * ?' ? h.uf??, bi ?l K .?! sn Hiisk rr I " ? *?? |, M .Ml. I ...ns, t r\ -i. I' ns.p, h Sin Kuivo .. |>iati l.ck>, .H .Il k iltto, ' ??'irii'Mi .i . i |i ,u i IV1 , ,,.rks. *?<". a I' d /?i.l infill., *wi ,|> ? I '.||, 0 K'.^l.di K./.i > i |( i ii Snaps, i i '? inn. s I .. ?<. Curds, 1 ??? l" I and |>a< <> I* ,i.?, :t i ii I T, l.njijr,,, *.a- .| jnd td.iss W .?rt; M' ?if wli.rli will b\ nold on the lowest Itnii* lor i'4j|) 22. 1;)_ Mks. IH.II.OW, H^S just rvrrivrd Irom IV tci ->bur(( a cn.tl plf'.f sssnrt'ne i n' ST/Uir /tO.Y.VKTS. ?<"nr of Ii c.i ,?ie in tin- laS iioi.able 1 reborn y'r. h if Ii.ih aUo nr? tvc.l l^i?horn and (Jhip Hoimris, t'bi;. Mats, l.rNh<.m ami hi rai w i r i *n mt!? f St r..w B.n Is sss irte l, K ??? . .ssorteil, l.?d.r,' top s!irll and side t'onli*, (?.?dies' silk. Kid, and b? (doves, l.ailics' silk ami cn':oi? Mosr, Assorted K .h'S and M'ldins, '?ini'h to. a, and l.ialnoii , . (? i .4||,cor?, Mtl rs >lor<>Ci o an. I leather Siloes ami if."} !?. rs, Mair in- f'aps ami Curls, Fa ii") Flowers, 1 ? a hi r Fait, I lircad l.d^m^, fcnawls asS'.rt.d, |,o ig l.awns, III !a< k ai d uintr Ma'ims, '?"en Moiance, ML< k Silk, Pink and ? Ii. t IVr?,? i, ^.?'?-n Caii/r, '?"* Pris and Nfullfi, Maud llnxrs. She also e HHinii'S to kerp on hand a sari ot> ol . . SILK IHI.Y.VKTS, ?'?<1 Mnl m.kc |m nrd.tr ... ?..i. c.tslnnirrt. al #nort ni t.rr. Sue ? || also whiten straw Bonnets, and do "em tip Willi neatness. 2.'. |y_ 13iiArr^L3 foil SA1.Il A. nils (IlllCL. THE JS-EW STORE. x^w\w\ Smi3>3AJ?I? & <8S>* ^^HP. now opening at their siorc ( Wttnt^d'acorner) * jrt-ne. ul aaaortinent of New and Seasonable Goods, just rcccivd Ne*-Y<>rlc *nil I'lulailrlpiiia, io which tlicy inrne tiie ailention of pur Cliasem, bring UclcimititU ?o ?*ll at uncommvtilv low price* tor Cafeh. Among the a^ortmm1 arr. i fj c*. insh i.inrn?, o* approved t>ic*cli, J J. 4 Irish ami l(ns?u Diaper, 5-4 Ir.sh SlKCtinK?, * 5-4 American cotton ditto, \ 6-4 Cotton Table l)itp<;?, J Lonjf and t bread Cambrics* 2 4-4 li 6 4 Cuiiihi CumbricSt J 4-4 ft t? ? figured ami .^a' .n striped ditto, ? 4 I f< 6-4 plain JaCon?;t and Mull Vf?4sli??? j 4 4 ft 6-1 ditto llonk and l?rno ditto, 4-i* .nj;*d VI nil and tt<>ok d tto, Kaiiiiuiitiiii' txnd r<-d Mt.slin H lit:*' k and white Italian Crap-, (?cn'irtncn and lad.es* tJv'lun and S?lk t St ^s, ? D.vto ditto S.!k and Stealer Cjlove?, Sheppard's extra superfine Saxony blue and black Cloths and Cassiioercs, Second quality ditto, ??n>rteil colours, Vignuia and other lijcnt Gas* .mcrts, Su|KTfine w lute Klant:cls, TwillM and plain black Unmbazctt, Irish and lt>issia Dnll.-i?, tor pantaloons. White and coloured fashionable Vesting, Kl.ick Silk Florentine ditto, Mine and yellow Nankeens, Wiii it- and striped Jeans, I K >iii i stic I'la cis ai d Stripes, 3-4 Sc 4-4 llm in Shirting, ?i-4 ditto Sbeetinirii 3-4 &. 4-4 i.'ottou Cheeks, Reu Ticking, Shi-ll Combs, as?ort?-d s'tz^s. Silk CinlTt-ilus anil I'arasols, Writing and Letter l'a?Hr. Also, Hany new articles ol Hardware and Cut ler* , Wluttemore** Cotton and Wool CAKDS, S:j U.c I itcy lia%-c j?is ) received An atMitinnal mipiiU of Men*? ami Women"* SIIOKS, with a coiri plrle a->N.utn?oi,t ol GUU('t)Kib.S. IKON, N AILS. K* . Mat I i 1 ?3* II ti Lr" It'ni. II. linn rs. j HVVK nrchul b\ !liC sctn.omrs Hflvi- i . , li.tli . M .r^ui >;t \nn, liol t , CuniihHiKli r, Vcnrlia, \ ?? Sfa-Voik., il.cv ti.i 1 r ? L- j; mlucctl pi ic ?. PrtcrkiiU!^, \pri!, lliJi. 1.3 ? Jm N O I I ( K. IOST or ni sla.:! a i.ote ot isarvl for two j liumliiril itmlji >, iluvn !> k S inmel i.oic. iliti* tfil, [>.? ? aliie I ? ? lilt* n'iit-cr .er, '1 j cii t .? J (Hi >? J* u * ? ? 1 1 r* , 1 18 All |icrn>iii? a c iii^nrhf l1 int.r, 4stllit (> aUiier ul llic sanic liu* t%trr b t > m.ulc. \\ i 1 1 i it in Horn. Orange conntt, 17 ? Jwp O V I C K. rpwliot < ? IS traiid was obtained f om n.<- , M. In HIM- Hutru r, ul hUikt > count} , ^ ' r-ti ( arnliiu, three |>rotin*>s >ry n<>Ie?, djtril Mil* > xtli d*. iti Oc'oDcr, 1 15; one hole lor tan hniui ed and six, > dullart, p?\ nine ten da_\ ? a? t r da'<*; one ??therlur tlnce Imiulnd t i$. o lie itisf )i.?ri;oi *ilii a wj^un ami tlit?v itorst-H, I txiu-xe three tnoiitli^ a icr (Lit, oik ut lu r li>r th: re litiulrnt si, |u\ ? abl?- 1 w . Iv r nt. i iilis at' t-r date I ht said n iles we:e are*tehn >now. | I llrr? !ij ({iVf ihh.Cc In all licisuu*, tliat I w ill n jiui c.ilier iain? d tioin in?- I)} b..s h.iud, which fraud will m- i t'l.Iiv appt-ar b> reference ?o the rc c >rd <>t tlie cnurl of ??j u'.\ lor ibc conn.v ot Ui an^e. I do litis t<> i>ii % lit anil |>'-ri4in fi mi tit itg illip'iM'd mi b\ ciilicr I sa.d nolrs, as i!it-\ aic net tiled ,n saul ffice. Jolm fStrowd. Ma> 10, 1S22 ' l*?2w Tlic Shortt-r ? utocliisin, For saie at tins \ tiie gruss, d.izen, Hi* Sl.l^ll". uuWiurUj oV* W\e Slule .VovUi-Curoliua. \\ V v \ . iv\ I [Drawing positively t0 Dollars, is 5.C00 1 2.UOO 2.000 2 1.O0D ?,OuO 2 50J I , ) 00 1 0 1 00 1 ,000 I ') 50 5u0 100 10 1.000 2500 5 12, 00 2 f?J(> iVi/.cs. ) vt .? ? it pi . 25,OUO ' .More i'i r/es than Blanks. 2.) 71 Blanks S 5< OJ Ticket* Jit 5 dollars, is 25,000 .s /' l TK). \ W /< i ' /7^/Z I lir last t! i :\ r tickrt on tin* I st, 2d. 5(1 ? 4 th, 6th, 7th. ami 1) I !? dat's drawing. will lit* entitled to a prize ot 100 dollars. I lie first drawn (n k?'1 alter lour thousand have been drawn* will be entitled to a prize of 2. 000 dollars. The last drawn tirket on the (it'tli da) *s drawing w ill be en titled to a prize of 5<>0 dollars. The last drawn ticket on the last day 's draw in;; will be en titled to a prize of 5,000 dollars. All the other prize* will l?c floating in the wheel from the commencement ot the drawing, SL i>l \VHH> ItoUuva. \ v :>vu> i a \ v \v> j \ v> ov* r>v> uoWiwft. W\i> H> r> |?r /!?< [>av able ninety days after the drawing is completed, subject to a deduction of lif'cc n p? r c? nt. I* i/?d not d m i oded within twelve tn mths after tlic draw i?,f '9 completed, will be for feit' d tn the w heel I l < drawing will commence as soon an a snOicicnt number of tickc's are sold. The draw ing viiil tak< place once a week, and five hundred tickets will be drawn each da\ until complett d N ?' ic? will l>e given in tlie newspaper* published in i li is place and at Kaleigli ol the commencement ot the duvi ing. ?## Tickets can be bad of the managers, and at most of the stores in tins plaCe, and at the post ."tin e la tiers addressed to either of the managers, With tlie cash enclosi d and the pontage pa d, will l?e prompt I) attended to. Tickets w ill be forwarded to she principal towns in this state, and to the Court houses oi the adjacent counties, for sale. J nines S. Smith, ^ David Ynrhrotigh, I John Scott, ?MA.\\tGER8. Thomas Clancy, { Hillsborough, May ^ ill 145 SliaW, J (Q* Hillsborough ? Masonic Lull try. ?*?# * ? " II K managers of the H> 'Uf oravrh ,lfnic 1 J.otte'y concei\e tLem?t Ivesi ;o Ik hi d'i ty hound to ?iatt ioth .se who have purchased | tickets .f them, i li?r rrawms why ?ne drawing ; li d hut comni' net* on S ilurdtv die 2d in?t. as had lit. n previously announced. They aic as follows: Tlie returns from agents at a distance were no, complete u to the UUilUier of sold lirke s. From the tx st estnna e uhc!i the returns mutlc w iuld admit o' , it u a-> thought, inat al tho-i^h a drjvmii; on tlut day wtmid t* safe according to all probable ralculatioiis, jet a loss might be sustained; .ml the\ fe.t unwtl liiikT to proceed ??> draw, so Ioiijj as tl.ere Could !? the k-asi p<>ss b'e risk l?\ delaying the drawing until a tew bun could he s?i'd, there would tlK-n be no risk ?hateve*-; and the man age) * would he able not onlv to pay to the fortunate adventurers the priz.s they draw, hir in add i ton thereto fully lo succeed in rais ii vj a sum ot mone\ ailctj iate to ti>e budding a comin i'iiotis house tor the Use of the l/?dge. The ni.tiia^ei'0 lta\e di te.-niined to draw on rur.sn.tr the Fouitrn of ju.ve xt; hut soo'iid the dra >nii$*. however, not then ?ane place, the managers pUdge ih?-nis?*nes to re'uP: ttie .r.oney on demand to e?ery per son who may he dissatisfied. The Managers. Mardi 5. Ob ? tf 1). HEAlUT Proposes publishing, in Hillsborough, N. C? a religious paper, to be t o uU-d 1 II K NORTH CAROLINA Ev a ugeli cut Jii'tll i^encer, In Wiiicli w>ll be given the O'Osi important in tu:m:i>iun rel itive to the spread ot the }<'.t,and o'her sonic tie?, to ditlo.se t!i?* religion of tht gospel, and to inculcate a more attentive observance of mir r v.l, moral, ami riligmus d?r ies, :?re at'eiideil with a success cheering tu tlie heart ol the ph'l.iiithroput I: is unih r ktich circtim-ta'*cr*s that ,u pre sent to the friends of Christianity m this and tlie ii' ighh irnig statt s, pt'op >s.ils for publish ing in this pi ce a we. kl\ paper, calculated to aid the* cause in winch so "any are en;*a g? d. and are induced to ho e that stic i in es tahl shmeui woidd not h? anions the least et lie < i,t means ol pii. mot . rilg.nus inlorn.a I ion. liy the niiiUipliCaUoil of po| iiC.il papers liie m :nd*? '?! the people ot th s tavon'vd coun tr\ h.ive been enlightened in the sc e- ce ot governmt nt above a I the nations of the earth. T u,jh the saiiie means is i! not reasonable to e\p. ct tlia mor d darkness mav be dissi. paled, the love ol rehg'on b- inculcavd, and a warmth he intu> d into the lu ait sot believ ing christians wh.ch would tnge tln-m to stdl greater eXerimis? Fi.r though we are pleased n coniiu.plut ng the general advance ment ot christian knowledge, and toe melio rated condition ot maiiknd; y.t we find much to lament vv in n we look around |ied in si nhful igno.unce, the vicl'tns of viC?? and on morality. Though living in a chr st.aii land there are some, al.is many, who nev< p enter a cti'irch, who never oJVn a bible, Wlio never reflect on tin ca ist- or the purpose ot their existence. Max not the d Hum ?n ot ruligtoiis intelligence l< lid o reiiKMCth S hs Jessucss.' May it not rXi ite to inqniry' ^ I ? \ it not l- ail to r >nvic Uon to ret? niatio-r rlieconmu.il drippings ot water wears the hadest st ines; n?a> not we klv ad 'iv lint -o is a. id tepeaied examples melt beat ts of sto ie' Surely there is room to hope that the co-i e ? plated work, it ploperly encouraged, may contribute in some small debtee, towavds haste n ng ti.at glorious pi ri otl, w I it ii " the mountain of tlie laird s house sliidl be esta >1 sited in the lop ot loo moun tains, and shah he exalted above the hiils; ami alt nations shall flow unto r. " In pre-entmg this pr.ispectu* 'o tlie public, i it is nniiCCessarv farther to Xplaiuiht i.a'nre ot tin pi o >os d ptiM eat. on In its conduct, idl p.ifsible Cii"i Will br taken to select siieii lliatti r as ma. he m s' oi r t'sluigaiid insiPuc tiv?-. ami tne pr in. si <1 assistance ol s? v< rul I em nt lit div iiie??( n is i X|'i t" 1 1 ?l. w .II aod use fulness ami rcspeclalnht) to the win k. CONDI I IONS. The Kvangclical Intelligencer w ill he pnb- | lished once a wc?.k,atid contain cigtit quarto pages, neatly |?niiie?l on good pa|M*r. I lu* price will l?e three dollars a >ear, if I paid in advance; ??therwise lour tlollars will i be deuiamled. , No sohsr riptions receive I tor less than one tear; ami no snhscr pi ion will be discontinued until all arrears are paid. mil. at the opt' on 1 of the publisher. \ failure to tfive notice be fore th? end of the xcar ol a wuli to discon tinue, w II be considered us a new engagement . To persons prociring e ght subscribers, ami remitting the imount of i lie subscriptions, the paper will be sent gratis. The publication w ill commence as soon as suHicicnt encouragement is obtained to de fray the expt nse (XT t'muM hoUhii? subicrifHion* at e wqitnt I e acres of wheal, and dots not give the tenth part of the trouble. He mentions further, that J4;s prevents the roi getting among them by giv ing salt three ^r Sour times a week. 1 nis ke ps them, a^ well as every do t..r stic animai, perfecrh healthy. lath state of New Jersey the farmers begin to keep very large flocks of sheep, and Iced them at me distilleries from the same offals with which the hogs, oxen and other animals are fed. As this is something new, a:.d hut lately brought into piacticc, it creates sum surprise but, let me ask , why not (ci d sheep wnh the same pi o vender as other do mestic animals? Some people prefer the milk and buti.ci of cows led from dis tlllei it- s. i ne writer of this has hid a conver sation wii ti a iiuuwi r of persons who are well acq n inted and who bave cftcn witjusaeu the above method uf feetlin?' she ep, and they positively assert that tne meat has a in .re delicious ta.ste, and tne wooi is finer, loi te r, and softer than w lic-n ti e thc-rp are led in ihe old way. 1 -ie sheep must i?ot be penned up as hogs a- C; it w i:i be nece- sarv lail,U from tiie Wcv.eii, Const of Ati ir a. 1 h.s grabb is sai ! to be re uia kab'y p.easant and mini ions lo: < atile, and the yi Id, as it U represented, aimos surpass, s belief. In Jamaica, it is said, one acre frequently yields iwc.i v t .ns of hay in a year. If t. supposed tha': tins climate will p.odiuc tmee crops in a season, without emtio*; until ii is thr,. e or f Mir feet high. Copt. G:alam has' ? e posit d ?( sin ill pane. of mis seed at the seed ?tor of the Hartford Comity Ag'lt ultural society, winch w;I? !)>? i.|3. posed o| gi atis. t ? s ( inc. A h. oar n wm.ied houe had b?-r.i k pt in a field where there wjs not any wa ter cxc? pt in the bottom of an o,d lime kiln, anl recovered his wi.nl; the own r O'deied a stable shovel full of quick li ne to he renewed every five or s:x nays, ami the water to he p.i red ofl', and a bucket c> I it to he giv. i, , vety dav to a hn ken winded io.?. ( m>rs-, a;ed eighteen years, w m h ha i a 'most a c -n staut c<.'ug'i. 1 ne hose w - soppl e l \?ltb water t liiis pr< pued f ,r about five weeks, ..ml kept m t:ie w.ic, Hr is now perfectly r-c vc d i? his wind, and live from a coogii. If m*i? Mr. l)ai>'> valuable machine, F > leaning Ik mp. has been found to answer ihc mov *vt>,;uific rxpecta lions of ihe public. ? 'liu hemp which this machine tut us out is u iv tte J, mm h stronger than mat dressed in the old way, more beautiful an I yields a hrgei quantity. It already commands a hign. r puce than Russian Hem;>. Kentucky fMfvi . Arm Grain Mill ?Messrs. J k I) ll-wiil ol l.e Koy. N. Y. have pjtvr.trd a new grain mil'; which, it is sai