HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. Vol 111. WBDNKSIlAY, Jl I.Y IO, 1822. J\*o. 126 HILLSBOROUGH. N. C. PUBLI5HKO W(EKLT BY DKNNIS HEARTT, at TIIHEK dollvks a year, pavadlk HALK Y1AKLY IN AOVAKCE. Those vho do not jfive notice of their w ish to have the pa|?er discontinued at the expira tion <>f the year, will be presume d a* desiring jt? continuance uutil countermanded ? And no discontinued until arrear *?? paid, unless at the option ol the pub I titer. W hoever %?ill procure nine subscribers and guarantee the pa\ m^nts, shall receive a tenth Gratis A i !\ rrti*ements not exceeding fourteen lim-a > :ii iw inserted three times for one dollar, and twentv-live crnts tor each continuance. Subscriptions received bj the printer, and nrst ol ttip poitmuten in the state. AH letter* upon business relative to the pa *>cr must be p 'S'.-paid. ?/ (ir:itlrme:i of leisure, who pos?e*s a t*?te t*?r literary pursuits, are invited to favour us with coinuunications. ( VMr-MKM'UNCS. \ (.* \ MP MF.E TIN'ti will commence on - *? Saturday the JO?h ol July, at .1 o*c!ru k the afternoon, in Sttrrr cminiy about three i 'i j north west of Jon? svdle, for lre?iell cir ?iiii, s<.J c<>r-.'!udc <>n the Wednesday follow ?V Ca.np-Mi'et.njf will c mmcnce on Satu rn the id ol \'i^;i?t,ai three o*cl^>tk m t!.e itirrn him, in Uaswell county, three or lour tn.Je* north ur?t ot M'taiil*'-. store, and oi?e 7n 1? west ol ihf It* v Jimrs llouldit/>, at a i,c* inrfiii|j li -use talh-d t*ros[>eci,? l? ?r ? %? vtII c.rcui*, >.11.1 cor.Cude lli* \Yedursda\ lullow uij; i lie V ad kin I). stri< t (.niifcrer.ee \? .il c?m li.r' 11 on W i :!,c 14"Ii ot \u?ii?t, at M >1111 /. on meeting noose, in the lower p?rt ol St?4.o? county, tt ihr same nine and |da< r il 'ati. .-Mcet.a^ * ill Lo lieivi ior (?i..Uc.u c.r cuit .p (-I.I T of tbr Star w ill pictte to iii aest toe above appointuu nts n liii pa;>< r. LEWIS J>KIL)Mi?UK. June 1 W\Ws\jorou&\\ .Aevidv iw^ . r I * H ? tall ??f?? tm ??! llic ^ ? ??? 1 ?lcrr?\, *? lit conmir'.cc on c tic first M >??? ' utirr ? fi?- tonrtfi o' Jul\,ii'il nrni.nat. on ltn? fiMjr'h Sat':r?)a'k m Nirtrinlirr, uiider ilic 'H John Knurrs, I'mwiftaf. ~ 3. 2 J ? None i:. \ \ he .i?l ?t iti'\ ? t \ it ll'MHf l?.i!tl ami KiirUm I uruitiirc, tc^<' her u 1 1? i 'IVti valuatilr \. !^r??rs. a man Jtvl a !?". Ni'*ci> f t*>? rrcilit ^ ill lie given ' ? I i kii?ii? ?v? r ' 1 1 t % . 1" >r all sum* ?>? me lm i'!r>*4 ilniljr* s?!i:1 ?.;>* anl ?, ap|j|-;?\ t -l i # i! sr.l negn'.i.mle nli tor ?.i s uns um! c ten dollars J oil it \ an llook. jr. l N . n I wisli r?i r?-nt thr 4 iin'i anil l.ot wit rcon I rv.\?- iivr, > liir to'vn ct IIiIIiIkmoii ;?!, i it'll t In- lir.t i>l .l?i:u?r\ ??? M. I ? * iroi, ? i-vum jr?, two {.aril njc It- .?!??< ?!!., l? ?rn, anil lour lar^c ? in ttl;ii!i i> att?c,..r!>" ?? in 1 r-d p.icr-, n'lr 'i 01 tlie tn..rS,ei ? "i? ?, A '.(I \V 11 |h" !? I > Hi I A , J I.! It' . f ' ? >11 t?,r .i pr I. itii.lv, or 4>i ?? \ceU'~til ?ta'' ' 1i>r ? lui'lM' .. ul( I I MillifiC'it I tic t'Tlli# ? l! I'P in1" t'i' ?? i in nj j ' ? .?!idn ii tlir s I'm ru'i'r ' ' ' " .1 .lm \ ?-? u I l??i?k. jr. .l'liir 1 . I. ;nx! Cor Salr. r t 'iil*. ?? i!i* i irr, ? ?. ? t ?? rcii'i 'i' 'If ? iirsMi iril. \* ill, < ii Tn??il:i\ ' <" i ? I .1% tn-\i ?ii|i r t r s if I i I n? lit#jli'*#' liulilf r, III- plan' it (? '1, ?? .1 III ^ Six li ii iifl i . ' t ' ' ,iij-r, c'T IP !ii ?i ?? "? i' ? II. iu In Id , incr iiii?-li<'ii*< . 'iPn niil-? r: i?t u| M .r Lev's null*, mi ? !>< J !'? I< ail i n ; 1 1-. i>ii 1 1 1 ,1,1 1 ii i nigl i In Salmi I lit* ? .i.n. i ? as lir ili\ ai an\ in v' ? ?? i ? ? ?r? 1 - ii'K vi 1 1*- ut v? .it ? r, ami Ar'.t ?i? n? > i'? il v* illi s r v filing 'i iP W|ll? sr* i ii i\ni?n> i i .rrp lir ?|?1??cpi# il-'i :i ?tore*li'?mc, and all ii'rr\iiiry nut li tin *, w.tli a j,i ?, ?s < \ i U t uS vMioil ol the st.il?'. ai'.il ;.?? w?'!l '? ri?l. a si, If, c, rut ipmnlitv is rl''ai >? I lor ? ?>' ' or u n wo. king IhiiiIk, rnm|iiiMii|; ? ?>: lit or n ani ? ot on ?ilo? of i mijw tor ijual'ty, fc'ul '1,1,1 , ,rc anl* Ml ot i* hull tlir mil>?cri? L < ? r v?a|l s .1 on ilia dav , r itliri m one, t vi n, or tl.iiv to oiiit | nr< ImnMH, our lia" ??! |?'\mrinn Mill i.p cash or likHi np^roi ? "" t ikui^j |io*sp?r ill* otl'Pr li:?ll a pip 'J i %\ Upnirtut i< vi , II l>e ^itrrn, ur iH'gr u-s ?" ; ?> .in'iit 'or i In" w IioIp wJI . av.d G. Setx a*, an experienced teacher of that description of persona, ia ready tor the reception of pup la. Applications made by parents or guardians to the uruieiaigned gciulcuien, will meet wiib prompt attention. Itichard Povall, N? 11 J. S. Oth-st. Washington Jackson, So 75 i?. th-at. Will *m Price, No. 36, N 9th-at Nicholas C. Nancrede, corner ot 5th and Pow ell streets John Swift. No. S 6th-st. Committee o f (iet^ernl Supcrinteritlan' e. CTj*K'litor?( ot newspapers in the several* state* ot tlie union, are requested to give the above advertisement a t'e* insertions. June 25? Notice is hereby given, 1"MIAT I sf.,-.ll attend at tlie fallowing places, fur the purpose of collecting the 'l'axesdue tur tlie uir 1 Hoi, to wit, at t?eorge Jul ti*toi?'>, n Wcdnesdrv the lOtli ? at George ("lai>c_\*s on Thursday the 111 . ? at John Neuhn's on Fr.day the 1'2 ?. ? at \lr. phey's ii.tl's on Saturday the l.iih ? at (Ihg) Georjfe Ah>rigni's on Moniitt the 13th ? at John lying's on Tuesday the 16'h? u Isaac M'?lt*?. f?<| on Wedntsda\ the ITth ? at Kpliraim (Jink's on rhursda\ tie l8'\--at Jan e* (look's on lr.'s i" i Kr i ia* the iotli ? a: tl-c <" uit l.o'ifcc i'i II uu i>..tiir day tl.e -Ttl. ? ;?i t'"l J J C.-ri i.igton** on Moii>i ?v ih?- h ? .?i Col l.?i.<_ri Suiis's on Tuesday the iotli ? j' Williatn inland's, esq on W?-dnrsda\ the j 1st ? at '/. Ilrrti Ion's ? ??i Tl.urs>* TMonis il i- t r:C? . VI ttthevv IJ ?%, ? sij {or Caswell ilistrict. l?aar ttoli, e*>j I- r M %aa[>h's distnc?; tienn liutdlc e>:j tur i iiathatii il str ict. James Htitcl.erson, esq tor <)i tr ?? . T'.omas Itenelian, e>ij lor S: Mth's il.strn . i'?d tS iM.Uftl Dulalil, i lor St. Ma***# district 1 llt)S. !). \? atts. Sheiijr. 15. I he I iit ?? SJicriir will atlsnii gt'itf rally tu ( ullci l uis arrears. JllllC ih ? State ol'^iortli-i urolinn, u u. i.\ <,/: cor.m. In l"'j i ? ? ? \1 arc ii 1 ? rut. I ?. J 2. . I ?!? ?' /?' lime e. i r ilJ'urj. ci i.l, it \ v / II rt .M'A'fa drfrmlanU. ? *I1K il<: ? Ii \\ U'.iiji ^I'Kerall, one of I (In- iL f- ?>?:?? t>? this c.iiisr, hemp so;*. ?.-cl .?* lie-, tcrin. It o> ordered i ? \ t'.e i iur', t l?.it |> J '.ii itioii !*? mad* in ill* Hills loii .'i/ii IJ. c piif' tor si v u e. ks -niece* sivc ly , I t i ir i ire 'iinrs, * tnMiiistr.i'ufs. or o;!,cr | ?r ? i ; ir i*i!ttitM ii.i > ;ii 'i i- judge o.nij;li,oii tlie thn\l M:n l.i v ri S'-pu .1 ;?i- . i liuii .? i it 1 t\rrr t.? ci'.'t, il u'lt t ] \ li.ivc, wherefore tb?* I s-lll ?i..?'l lilt St .1' 111 P V 4 \ t-*- 1 .i? .. I > S : thrill .o?l llu \ In* mad* ; jrH? dch ndant.s, and ill" proccedn 1 c liu l a? tl c ir.-'i! nn a^ iris* ttr.n in an lull and ample manner to :ill intents an 1 purposes, :i* u. ii. tl li.ivc bieil I dene tiail Mm viiil W'l'iaui M'KtiII !>':r*iv < <1 anil tic Miit iiav; ore.. Citritii ua a?..i.i?l Ii t in . I ci , .lames \\ c1j!>, c. i:. Puce ad* S ! 30 22 ? 6w 4.l< \\ I. S i ON KS. ' I "MIT. v,i ?r her Ims received srven or ei}{ht I. pnri I I ai'dsn'iie si lies, lor piaves, tioin t w f i to lout Ift l'?np, facitl ami headed suili nrntlv wide u> r?'c? i*e jmy in?, i.piton usual l\ (nit nil |;i.ii< vl'iiu * I Iiom- Uiiliirj; to pru* i tit* %uc!. .in .in tii r ?n h?ve t!.r inscription l>n' mi mi a lijii'it nic manner l?\ the Mibscri I.Ci ; a'lit il III itl lloW Oil lialnl sb'illid pll'aiC ? ln?v w ho want, almost any size t ail be ob I .oiii 'I at abort not in: I uf st in wrrr taken from a quarry about eighteen n;i)r? lii low tins place, anil are ot a I'K'i' K,vv colour, b In tie interior to marble, ami w 'I c -s Irom lour to ten dollar.* per pa r, c\eJu?>\e >1 lettering Spei incni ot tlir s one anil >eilcrin^ can be sh-cii on jj pl i atioit. N> in. Iluntiugton. Mav 14. 1H Al.KX AN hl'K ty IIAKRISON. \ V ? on liat.il ibe toilow nijj articles, mIhcIi they villi sell a \cvy rcilnccil I . i .re* to suit the times. It t ^kiMlirt, cut Imi trees, at }^lf> 00c?sh. ? la * *.'il <>>K Harness, 10 v/0 t o ? ???nit ditto, ?3 UO ria'nl Curriajfe llarneA?,el< pant, b > 0 ) < . ?ninion ditto, ,i.i 0(J Urn-ell llniiiU, liy the pair, H 50 lllmd Mridlcs. ? 25 and all other article? m proportion. They will also credit tbrir work si X and twelve months, a a tnodei ito advance on the above prices, or ifrr.ve in pa\mrnt any tnd of produce. 1 1. or aliop i* oft t^uccn birieVover Dr V* cbh'a n. i ilic.it )lin|). .laiiuary 1W0? tf ATTENTION! Tt the Officers ctmpotn'z tf& Buck Creek Buttalton. YOU arc hereby notified and commanded, to attend at Mason llal), nn Monday the 22d of July next, together with *our nn.com missioned officers and musicians, equipi tor drill; and on 'I uesday ?l,e 2o 1 von Mill attend with your respective companies, equipt us the tndilia law diifcts and to l>e in readiness to march to the field precise'y ai eleven o'clock A. M. bv order llunter ^I'Cullucli, .itljutant June 18. 22 ? p A ITENTION! 7*? the Officer* competing the Cain Creek Hattufiin. \^OTT are hereby not fin! and commanded, to attend at yur us- al battalion muster ground, on I'hurvJay the Jitli ot Jttlv next, togetlicr wul? y?nr none /mmissi, ntd officers ami musician-, rquipt for 4>ill; and on Fri? dav th ? 2f>di \ oti will a"'?-i!d at 'he same pi*e with y< or r-'spf-ctive companies, e<|u:p< as the m 'i'ia la* directs, *? he n- id* 10 jfo on parade precisely at eleven o'clock A. M. Uy order. I i unter M't'ulloch. . hljutunt of the 2il lte^trur it (). C ,M. June IS. 2 J ? |> I). IIEAUTT Proposes publishing, in lld'sbnrougl', K. C a rt ligious paper, to elliiikd i it t: NORTH CAROLINA ! Errtii^elicfil Intelligencer* In ui.irh will hr riven tin n-os. important in li? nt. .i >4t r** ' ?t ve to the spread of ? ht pel, ?nd the consequent mel oration of the rond ti i'i of the lutruan faor.iiv, tvitli such other intell'jjenee as m:?j he interesting to t!ie chri: ' ian re.ider; ? xcasiniiadt rnhvr-ned w.th relijr'ious jml m? ral essais,and lt?h*er ail cits temlui^ t? promote christian cha nt* and heavenly-mindedness. rnospiK tus. TO a contemplative m nd it is ph'asin^ to look ahru.nl ov tr the various portions of tlie globe, and ol. serve ihr ini|iroifmt n'.s w I ch .?. ?? dadv tu.Ji i pljc- in ths con i.tion of man ic 'k!. Wc percr jvc the dark clouds of iero rance anil error, o? siipeivit.on and .anaiicism, gradu-dh ?aslni^ auay, and the hoi izon gil ded w ili a bright ness indicating the approach of a m"rn nj* rious t'? liumanity and rich w ith bleibic^s to tlie children of nu-n. 1 liese hcart-checring pr<>?pt-c'-> are the ra'ural re ?ul'sot extended i> formation, but more parti cularly the 4di. ssr.l efUcis of an expanding kn -w ledge dt t ! 1 1". d.v .no ' rec^pts of itu* riiris t.uii ? tin- i., ens .;f c! psi.anitv in this and tlie nei^-'ri' ring sut..*, pr.ipns-is for publish ing in '!.is i lace a wcekh paper. calculated to ?*?l ii,? cause in which so many are eiva grd, a-v? :i?c iin!- rrd to Impe th.t ?ich an cs t..b!.>'uTu nt v # ? ? 1 L not br ain>ng the ien-*t el l,c cut n ?* 'i ;.r .motmg relig-ous informa tion Hv die n ult .pl cation of pr>l:r ical papers ti ?? in n.S } tlie people ol this favoured eoun ' iv luvr f.cen enlightened in th?* ?o,or.e? of g i-e.ntiient above a I the nat'ons ol . . ica th. i . roup. h the s.iin e inexim is it not re < sort able in i vpt i'i 'ii.r int.ial darkness mav i! r !i:-'or, be inculcate. I, rod a warmth bcinlnod into the hearts ol believ ing r!'r,*-' ;?:>> wh ? h v* vf I t'e-in tn still greater e\er.ii?ii?? J'??r thnu^h we at pleased tic vpl * ; c the gcr.cnd advance ment of c ri.sti.in k- ^uleJjjr, and tnr nx r.,t< d e i .1. > ; ?>? ? k it, \t t we fi ! .i.uch lo lament when we lo.?k around u* and per oci*..-i. a n j"\ are >'??! n\cioped :is!i?thtiil i^no'-anre, tin: \ ir ? ? ms of * and nu n> .ral.t ? . Tho f, .i . v :n?' m .? (.ur .-'ian land, itu r ? are s.iinc, ala- m .nv, ? r.evrr ei.ter a church, w !ii) ne* cr c4 i'ii . v.1io nt? ( r reflect on tl>r eaii'-e or i; e p'ir. . se ot toeir ex'stence. M.iv not the I'.itfn1 ? ?> <>1 r 1i ;m'h intvlli^rnrc tend u rnnme ili s listh s' M.?-, it nut eXeite to inq'iiiv' ^l.iv i: not had to r-'iivie t i?-sii ; to iv'o; in ili ?r? I lie eoiitinu il ilropp.i v^s ol ws'.p uiars tin hadi *t st'>ni's; in iy not we k!\ ln..>:. t or.s ail n-j-ea'.cd examples mrlt In * 1 1 s i>i ?: >n. Sun U there is room to hope i|< ,i tlie conte* J'i t'ed w?'r'{, il piope most interesting and instruc tive; and the promised assis'ance ol several cnunt ut divines, it is expected, w ill add u?e fulueas and reapectabihty to the vvu' k. CONDITIONS. The Kvangi lical Intclligcnccr w ill !>e pnh lishr d once u week, and contain rigid quarto pages, neatly printed on good paper. I he price w ill b* thri e dollars a year, if paid in advance; otherwise tour dollars will br demanded. - No subscription* received for lesa than one vear; anil no subscription will be discontinued until all arrears ?rc j>aid. unless at the option of the publisher. \ tadim1 to g.ve not'ee be fore the rod of die year of a wish lo discon tinue, wdl be considered as a new engagenif nt. To persons procuring r.^ht subscribers, and remitting the amount ol the subscriptions, the paper will he sent gratis. The publication will commence as soon as sufficient encouragement is obtained to dc J fray tlie exp-nse dT /Vn??n? hoUHng ttihicripiiont o;*e rtqunt etl /? ftriptinl ti /'.h oflrr /'?e >inmc? of thr ?tt/? *cr-?Ar' ? /'in/ mm/ /wtf uh(ianif the I firvptHtli tUljmn'Hr utltte. * y ? t - . - From the \mcncin K*rn?er. On the various ways of preparing and employing Indian Corn. There are many things the rich have -no need to think of, which would be of infinite advantage to the ;wor, if they had the knowledge ne cessary to turn that product of their labour they have roost in their pow er, to their own comfort ? you may perhaps smile when you perceive this preamble is to usher into notice the virtuat of Indian Corn. I will al low you to dii so, if you can find in my enumeration one use to which 1 put that valuable grain, worthy of being more generally known. In or der to swell Ilia list, I mention some of tha purposes for which it is used, that are known to every one; before I enter into the detail of preparing a di?d>, which I consider the beat, heal* thirst, and most palatable food wo have. I will begin with it hwfore the d i* p*rfe< tlv formed: it can then !>?? mai'e. if proper y dune, a fine pic klc. NVe all know Imw delicious roast ing cars are; when fit for t!iia us? it w ill make a superior starch; if scald ed and dried you may ha\e roasting cars in tho middle of winter. When the grain i* hardened, you have for all domestic animals in the ahocks. top*, Acc. &:c. 1 he leaves of the shock or husk b> slitting them finely, m ike J excellent mattresses or under beds. ' The flour or meal of the grain is the most wholesome we use; I need only mention a lew of the ways in which it is managed in this state, for 1 should never have done Were I only to give you the receipts for making the various kinds of corn bread com mon in thia part of the country. A favorite way of making corn bread with us, is to make a batter with meal, milk, eggs, and a little sliort ning,* about the consistence of that for pound cake, which it resembles in appearance when baked in tins commonly used for that purpose. In making light bread by mixing the. whe.a flour and yeast with mush, \\e consider it adils much to the sweet r~ and ?w!:'ofrsr.:ncn?*ss re advan tage from the application of this paste, than from any of those wash es which tlicy pay so high tor. I come now to the preparation of the grain, which 1 believe is not as generally known as it ought to be, considering its excellence, it is what we cull lyed hemmony; we likewise have the largo horomotiy and sn>all hommony,bothot which are common, are iiuc dishes and superior to rice w lion properly managed, but the lyrd hommony is preferred by every one who is accustomed to it, as being ?ore wholesome and more palatable. ? A woM in I c ' ?n>kcry which im plies dial butter, i?to, or viU may be ukJ |t is prepared by boiling the white fietd cern in ashes and water, until the husk or ekin of the grain it loos ened, which will be the case in a Tow minutes, and it is necessary to pay attention lliat it does r.ot remain to.i Ions; in the ashrs, as it will by that means taste of the lye ? so soon av the husk as loosened, it must be wash ed and rubbed through the hands in rold water until the gain is eleansed from the ashes and skin, it inay then be dried to make use of any time, or boiled immediately, if wanted.? When ready to he cook'd for the ta ble, it must be scalded and p:>< nvc to boil in plenty of water, obs?iTii;g always to keep sufiirient hot water ready to add it aH the first boils away, 'l he grain bursts open into a white ball and becomes sjft when sufii irnt i ly done. This is the manner <*e boil it to eat with milk or cream, cither warm or rold. It is also used. in this country by the Indians and Creole boatmen who prefer it to any thing else in a soup, bj putting the corn over with a piece of beef or pork, leaving the water in it which niak?s the soup ? in the other rase the gra"i is taken out of the water. A yanked acquaintance of mine who knew no things!' hommoiij ,has become so fond of this dish as to declare lyed hom raony and milk to be preferable to the best sweet meats and cream that ! can he had, and 1 doubt not some more there are who would think the same, were they equally to make tin* trial. 1 have been induccd to write the preceding. A Missouri Farmer* t mjt. BY Til F. FBESIDSXT OF TBT I SU'Ci) STATES. A PROCLAMATION*. \ViiKn.K.%s, by the ?eco?d se-i'-n e president of the United | S'.atcs, if l>.e should deem the >.aine *x pedicnt, may suspend, by proclama':o:?. until the end of t!ie next session ? j' congress, the operation of the act, enu tied ?4 An net to impose a new tonnage duty on French ships and vessels, wr.d fr.r oth.-r purposes, " an # al*?o, to kiiv pend, as aforesaid, all* other duties on Freru h vessels, 01 the goods import a in the same, which may exceed the y a tem porary convention reciprocally benefi cial and satisfactory, and tii?*rcby oj leading to a more permanent and com prehensive arrangement, have resprc tneiy furnished v h ? i r full powers i.i manner following, th.il is to say : '1 he pte? ider?f ?1 the United States to Joi-.ti (Quincy Adams their secrctaiy of s'atr, and his most Christian maje*'y to tl.o Huron Hyde de Neuvills, kingnt of the royal and military order of St. l.ouis, commander of the legion of bono--, grand cross of the royal American r>i ? der of Isabella the Catholic, his envv y extraordinary and minister pler.ipo"v.? tiary near the United States; who aft* r < xchangin; their hut poarer.*, have agreed on the following articles. Article I. Articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Uuit^d States, imported into Franco in ves**!? of the United States, shall pay an add ? tion*l dui>, not exceeding twenty f> anre per ion of merchandise, over and aU >ve the duties paid en 'he like articles, alao cf the growth, produce, or luauu'acture