HILLSBOROtlGII RECORDER. Vo\ III. WEDNK8I?AY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1822. JVo. 136. HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY DENNIS HEARTT, A T THREE DOLUKS A Y RAIt, PAYABLE HALF YKAItl.Y IN ADYAMCf. Those whw do not give noticc of their wish to hsve the paper discontinued at the rxpira. tion of the >ear, will be presumed as (lt sirin^ it? continuance until countermanded ? And ?o |"*|>er Ul" he discontinued until arrear age* are paid, unless at the option of the pub lisher. Whoever will procure nine subscribers and guarantee the payments, shall receive a tenth grans. Advertisement snot exceeding fourteen lines villbe melted three times for one dollar, and wenty -five cents tor each continuance. ? ^Subscr prions received by tbe printer, and ol the postmasters in tbe state. i All letters upon business relative to the pa pier must he p -st-patd ?/ Gentlemen of leisure, who po??ess a tas'v tor literary pursuits, are invited to favour us nth communications. Lund fur Sale. ?? t MLL be offered at Public Sale, on Mon W day die SOtli instant, if not previously of at private sale, two tracts of lami, l>mg on .Mary's creek, on the west side of" ll?w river, three mites fr??m Thompson's BMll On one tract, e >aia nii.jj about One hundred and seventy nine Acres, is a comfortable dwelling noose, and a grist ?nil. I lie oilier tract, Containing about One hundred and forty-three Acres, * * i also has on it a couiforrable dwelling bou?e, a smali orchard, *nd three acre* of meaa ???* P*rt of the purchase mono will be fequ?rrd ??n uk 'ig possesaiu i; tor the balance j s rca?onai<le Credit will i? given, the purcha* scr giving bo. id with su'lcien* security. W illiam -Vloore. Orange county, S< pt. J. J4?owp A I TLNTION! T? I he Offcrr* c>smf?> *i nr the Second or Ih.-w jirhi \r?>U art hereby notified ?nd omnv?n led mi attend >n the town of Hillsborough, on Wed 'e?day, the -d da\ of October next, together with yovir noncommissioned officers ami musicians, ecj'i p? f* r drill and com t mar oat, ra he- read, to cn parade precisely at eleven o'clock, \ \1. ? And on Thursday the 3d, >ou will attend with your respective c?>m. panics a the aLovr mentioned pl?cr, equipt as the law d i recta, with ,he addition ot aix rounds of powder to each n an, to he in rra? dme?s to p) on parade precisely at ten o'clock A M , in order to be reviewed by the major general. B\ uider of the colonel commandant Hunter M'Ctilloch, .Id, Hunt of the 2 J Heipment (J < .If. Au< 23 34? p Land for Sale. I^HK misci ilicrs, be iijj deter. tuned to leave the state, will offer lor ?ale, at ihi ir re s ItiX , on Thursday the ?6th of Sepiemoer ne\t, two tracts ot land iitiutrd in liir Haw. fiVs, n,nc miles tvcit ot lldishorough, one itj r.. i ? T*? Hundred aad Fifty?six Aires, the other Three Hundred and Fifty Acres. Also Corn. Fodder, Horses, Cattle. Sheep, Houselmuld and Kitchen Furniture, I anii'n^ nten* Is, an i k number ol other ar l cit s too numerous to mention. Terms will !?e ??aUc known su the day oi sale. Murgnret Mt'1?an<?, J ameM Mi'baut?, jr. Ila* fields, Auk ,3- H2J. J- ? td? NOT1CK, TJ V snr?tie of Sunday execution* to me di AJ r< cted, issued trnm ihe circuit court ot N trili-Carolina against I) mean K?se and Uen j' n < ihnmbeM, *ill b?: sold at puolic auc l t<?r ca*h{ at the comu h'-use in Rnxbo mti^ii, oil Thursday ihr U h >n Scpt< mb< r nev. the f idwwntg traC's of la-id, to wit: Our tract of Land whwon Hen jvn.n Cumber* now I'.vca, sonj?osed to r.?n. la, ii ii ?#? hundred acre*. situated on tli? wa t* r? n| ir>'? creek, adjoining F.dwards and o?h rs. Also, ori** tract of Land in IVmon county, adjoining the land ol V to Wmxli *r.d oi tiers, containing about fori) -fire acres, ?jn which i* a (,riit Mill and Cotton Itin. Also, una tract of Land nifiiate on H>co rrei k. contain n^ nhout three hundred *"<| HI ty acres, adi'iinin^ the lands of the iaie Anderson Cochiau ami others. \1h'? * ll ??i<4c ami l.it in ?ht* town of ItiiilMirmicli, iti vkliic'i |vn?l ll'incau Hon- I'orntrrl) k*pt , iiicliftlini; the home ?m <i bv niro *s a rlfik'n office. A!?o one tiart of I. ami n?nr to RoiborougK, containing uw hundred and five scrn ?r thcri abouii>, which the t?wi<i Ho?c own? ami claims. Also one tract of 1. and on Story's Crfk, corvaming about' one hundred and n iw i pn acres, which ?aid tlosc purchased W sheriff 'a talc. Als?, Lot No. 5? in tlie town t?f Hsywoad, m Chatham county lUv?rly Daniel* Marshal of the district of V Carotins. H*j Jamea Turnar, Marthnl Aug 11 31? ??? Oil f?? No. o A err< 100 9o t&i 105 69 100 2*2 loo 100 142 112 58 500 218 10') 72. 145 100 150 60 75 JoO 5'iS 64 71 200 9V 1oO lot; 164 167 J 3 lib 100 150 1 1U 6b ^ 5) 2tO m o 7 >0 510 165 17:. 4 2.0 10* loo 274 J.HJ 98 70 1* . 250 I 1082 j 5j . : L.L be sold, on Monday the 21st day of Oc nber luxt, at ihe court -ho rough, the following tracui of land, ur ao muck iherrot as will satisfy the he vears 1819 and 1820, and cost ol advertising, 8cc to wit: Situation. I'ravn cttek, D > p creek, do. lortien creek, Haw nver, I*ra?ia creek. Stone* creek, I'mvii oveek, [?unn creek, r ravig creek, \djoining- Murray, do. do. d<>. Fausett, do. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. do do. do. do. <lo. do. do. do. do. Wyatt, BamhiU, Walker, Ector, Anderaoa, Gill. Ward, Walker, Tate, Wyatt, Scott, Tate, Ocklireec, M*Cauley, Stewart, Whitehall, Cs?e?, Forres*, Coipptuo. We'ilfc, . White, Ward, Strudw ick, By whom given in. do. Person's heirs, do. Nicl ola, do. d??. Vat' ri of llyco, nljo.ii .u^ Stray born, V .vt-r? of Fno, do, do. .ittjr River, ? at River, no, ..??le river, lat river. ittle ri\cr, no, anu-ll* Crrek, aw river & H->ck creek, l'a*?oi>'s cr. ek, ? avis creek, !?t 26 Wilfim Bailey, -amuel Beasley, Richard Browning, .Itnae Howrrs, Ja ue? Coon's lieira, Frederick l^rvi, or Love, Elizabeth Lackey, Michael Lucy, Alexander Melrose* James Petu-grew, John Arnold, ditto William Bradford, ditto * for Douglass's heirs, John Uowls, ? James Corbet, Jolm Daley, ten. John Freeman, Mo?r* Falkner, Jacob Hop-gins, ? Taptey Home, Archibald tamilton, Elizabeth K.ng, John Keeter, i Nathaniel Mann, . (*c.?rge Pt-ndergrass, Bobrrt Kav, IBrrahaliy Roberta, John R^cor, Thoniaa S'ephens, Gcuige Smith, L?y T Lynch, Sarah Smith, Thomas Sladr, John W i?ion, Willie Whitciiart, Krmth \mli*rs(Mi, Samuel Coir, adm. on Doghcrty's estate, Joliii Collins of Enoch, M.l>a EU??, John llsiH I Thomas, .lamra Jackson, sen. d. to, James lvc? ,in;, f?>r lather, self, and W P.K/ioeth Scarlett, Patsy TajHor, Wuham Ch'saeiihall, William Carringtoii, Benj.?niin Cnrrinjjtun, Je?sr James, J'aul K.nion, William M Purlin, Maty Scarlett (u\ N'aiiCv) I boruas? amah'* iicirs, KraiiCis Norman, John Sharp, Jonathan Wanick, Jacob Noa!., Thomas Clancy, Lain I i ] lliam. : j KOR S\I,K. TlIK tubacnber nfEer-. f.?r sale t!1 ' larjjc olid oinvenifn' dwelling hon?? and lot wi?cr<* he now H?c%, in tlie ! ?>!' MtlNborouc^- I f"* 1"t r r. i tains in ucrt ? <>l ground The houM- cnnu * ei^ht r >ofr.s, well fim^ned, with a lar^e ?;?'? ret mom; adjoin np the house is a cl.mijj Poon.. 3't by 16 l?*rt, well finished. T'.te r.V r improvements on the lot aiv a kitciien, s: .e house, bam, viable, carriage hnuv.f r. ! a well nf excellent water within a few t ?? of the kitch?*n donr. It would lorni an V situation tor a larpe family, or ?<>y (?n??ii? disp'?s? it to keep a private boarding V.ome I hr terms will lie accormrtidai inj;. Ai y application hv mail, for further m -re ?>:,r tienlar informal ion, will be attended to with, out dt-lay. John itlit'i*S|)oon. July 16 ~7? ? if State of North-' 'arolina, .OR.ijyat. cocKrr. Court of Plvss ????? r Sessions, AUKll'1 Tt ? III, 18.'*. Andrrw ?!/' lh~(tr>m } Original ?l:*clitifnt, is ^Ifviid on the lands nf Jo*i'ih If HniU'ttijfP.j the defendant. II appearing to tin- satisfaction of the Court that Josiah W lt.ddrid^e, the defendant in this case, is not an mhahitan* of this stale: It is therefore ordered hj t he Court, that j?til? lica'ion ot- made three month# successively in ilii Hillsborough Kecord'-r, tha' unless the ?a il .lost ah W. ttaldridge be and appear at tin next term ot said Court, to be held on the fourth M'ltidiv in November next, then ..Ml there to replevy and p!?-ad to mine, that judgment w ill he rendered apainst him. John Taylor, Clt vU Price adv. ^ > *j, 34? ,ini New- York Infirmary. (trfttuitoiiA treatment i?f Cancers, Fistulas mid I'lrrrs. "? k 1< flK.ACH, successor to the Lte Doctor M.9 ? nhl ot Now Jersey, respectfully informs tin public, that he will open on I'hursday the 8th of Sugus^sn Infirmary at No. 4 (Chamber street, for the special treatment of cancers, fistulas. and ulcers- More than one thousand persons n*%e lieen cured of thiae diseasts in this city m the last three years, without sur gicsl operations, by the same nude of treat ment that will be pursued at this Infirmary ? It is opened exclusively tor me benefit of the indigent, laiiuurmp under these d-strrst tr.g miladies. I his class of thu commninty are respectfully invited to call, sod receive medicine and attendance, without money and with' Ui price. A*, /f I'lie infirmary will be opened tweo ? ? eek , on MomUvs sod riiur>dsjfs, between the hours ot twelve and one. ft y F.ditors uf newspapers throughout the union, are requested to give the above a few insertions. 34 ? The Shorter <'aterhigm, For sale at this iflRce, by the gross, duxeii, >r smith*. iaiiAiTJ&.a FOR SAUK A I Tills OFFICE Land for Sale. l>e s<>1,1 t..a* valuable plantation on ? II .w m?r, n< 4r \\ ?<>d\ , lerryf where uii 1 now live, Con- -nMing Four lim?<lrccl Acres on M-'sirh .ir ? a S?\* Mi. J ami a pair of Wool c' it? Ji in operation aiul in good ??' itrr. xi>o one other truct of valuable land, nr?r the ;.h >v?*, on Marie** crcrk, containing < hit' lniixlret! unci lil'ty Acres. H<?t!i tr..c*? rt wnl improved, and have good luildm^s 1 Hereon. All o! wli ch will be ?ol.l hi a, *od ot> ac con >11 ulating terms. Natlinnicl Newlin. Oraej^e ronn'v , 8' h o.i 2 ! ill. J J ? 3wp N virtu** ni ? ilerd nl trust, exiculed so , 1 the ?ut>sc ?l-er I ?\ Jacob P Wonitek, to ?.? run* the pi* r..cr.t i| certain turn* of n.onev therein mem i"ii'-.l. w ill he sold to the login at balder lor c*s'?, ? ??? Moiulav the 16 n of S p teinoir ;?? \i, on tin | K-mis.es, 'ht< valuable section o' lot \??. 2fi in the ti?un of tlillsho rough, w rh :* ?'i.nd store house therein, bound ed east b* f .tt!<us'a 'avern, smith by the main strev ^, and \v< ?? h.v tn? ..I'ey leading from t?s d s.r? ct io IVhhs's inn Mso, three hkclv \our?? negroes, eons stn^ ???'? m.?n, woman and >lirl: ai'd some valuable household furniture The tr-nice ?? ill convey such title or<lj as is ve? ed in him bj said dud I t L. , KOKSAI.K. August 23 John Scott. 33? 3w Ten Ho 1 1 sirs LVwanl. KAN from the <nb srril.tr a nepro man named < .#:.*.///, f( nncrh the pro pem of Mrs Strndwck; he is a)?oiit fiffy-6vc years of ag? , nx feet stout anil well nude, lie i& inclined lo |I?e bald on the liead, urn I p< rliapi has lost some of his Tront teeth; lie is humble and somewhat insi nuating in h it manners, anil w ill no doubt en deavour to pai- for a tree man, and perhaps has papers to that effect. Cesar's complexion is a dark mulatto. It is expected that he is in or near the vicinity of Hillsborough. Ten dollars reward will be given to any person who may apprehend and confine said negro in any jail 111 the state Cieo. I!. M'Millan. South Washington, Aug. 10. 33? 5w ALKXANDKR $ IIARIUSON, I ?J NVK on hand the following articles, j X J. which they will sell at very reduced i prices to suit the times. B.'tl saddles, cut back trees, at & 16 00 cash. ' Haled Cig Karnes*, 40 U0 | Common ditto, 25 00 Plated Carnage Harness, elegant, Hi 00 | Common ditto, 55 00 i llrcech Hands, by the pair, 8 50 j Blind Undies. 2 25 | and ad other articles ?n proportion. They will also crcdit their work si* and twelve months, a' a moderate advance on t|?e above prices, or receive in payment any ind of product T hen shop i? ? .!, queen Street over Dr W ebb's med i hi shop January p, l$22. 100? ?t( NOTICE. ON Saturday the 21 st instsQi, mill I* *<oltl ?t the market house it ? ? e town of Hills borough, all the A 'Eli HOES belon^in^ t the estate of * homat \V.utt?d, deceased They consist of men, women and children, are nine in number, and amongst them u an excellent wagon maker. J?iX month - credit will be given the purchaser on ha giving bond and approved security. John Young, .Idmr. Sept. 2. 14? 3w T UNION HOTEL. HE Un'on H<?telv in Hillsborough, former ly occupied by Henr> Thompson. jr. esquire, and lately by Mr. William Chfmn, ia now open for the accommodation of genteel travellers, and others who may think proper to call. The subscriber, as superintendant, pledges himself that he will use everv exer tion in his power to merit a portion u? public patronage. Thom?S Scott. Hillsborough, Julj 29, 1822. ' 29? 6w 1 7*^* The editors of the Raleigh Register, Fayetteville Observer, and Halifax l.ompiler are requeaied to give the above tour inser tions in i heir respective papers, and torward their accounts t,( this office for payment. D. HEARTT Proposes publishing, in Hillsborough, N. C ? religious paper, to be emitted l He NORTH CAROLINA Evangelical Intelligencer, In which %*ll be gWen the iros- important in formation relative to the spread ol ihe gos- ; pel, and the consequent mel. oration ot the condition of the hnir.an family, with such other intelligence as may be interesting to the christian reader; occasionally enlivened v.th religious and moral rssais, and li^h'er articles tending to promote christian cha rity snd heavenly-mindedness. vw PROSPECTUS. TO a contemplative mind it is pleasing to look abroad over the various portions of the globe, and ohaerve the improvements which are daily taking place in the condition of man kind. We percei\e the dark clouds of igno rance and error, ot superstition and fanaticism, gradually ? sating away, and the honson gil ded with a brightness indicating the approach of a mnrmng glorious to humanity and rich with blessings to the children of mm. I hese heart-cheering prospAta are the natural re- J sulis ot extended information, but more parti cularly the bleased e fleets of an expanding know ledge of the divine precepts of the chris tian religion. A general thnsl tor knowledge seems to be awakened, and the efforts now making by missionary, bible, and other socie ties, to diffuse the i ligton of the gospel, and to inculcate a more attentive observance of our civil, moral, and religious duties, are attended with a success cheering to the heart of the philanthropist. 1 is under such circumstances that we pre sent to the friends of Christianity in this and the nt ighboring states, proposals for publish ing m this place a week!) paper, calculated to aid the cause in which so n<any are enga ged; and sre induced to hope that such an es tablishment would not be among the least ef ficient means of pioniot>ng religious informa tion. By the multiplication of polities! t>*j>ers the mmd* of the people of tins taNoureu Coun I try have been enlightened in the science of government above a'l the nations ol the earth. | 1 '?rough the same means *s it not reasonable j to expect th* moral darkntas may he d>ssi | puled, the love ot religion he inculcated, and a 'Vat mih he iniut>rd into tfie In ari.sot' believ ing christians winch would uige them to St. II greater cxen.ons? For though we arc pleast d iii coi teinpl.U>ng the general auvance nwnt o i christian knowledge, and the mrho. rated Condition o? mankind; yet we find much to lament when we look around us and per ceive how man) are still enveloped in slothful ignorance, the victim? of vice and immorality. Though hvit.fr in a christian land there are some, alas many, who never enter a church, who never open * bible, who never reflect on the cause or the purpose ol their existence. May not the diffusion o| rcligioua intelligence tend ' o remove this listlessness? May it not excite to inquiry? May it not lead to convic tion? to reformation? The continual droppings of water wears the hadest stones; ma) not weekly admonitions and repeated examples melt hearts of stone? Surel) there is room to hope that the contemplated work, it proj>erl) encouraged, may contribute in some small degree, towards hastening that glorious peri od, when " the mountain of the Lord's house shall he established in the top of the moun tains, and shall be exalted above the lulls; and all nations shall flow unto it " In presenting this prospectus to the public, it is uunect ssar) farther to explain the nature of the proposed publication In its conduct, all possible care will be taken to select su?".h mutter as mm he nios> interesting and instruc tive, and the promised assistance ot several eminent divines, it is expected, will add use fulness and respectability to the work. CONDITIONS. The F.vangehcal Intelhgcncer w ill be pub lished once a week, and contain eight quarto pages, neat!) printed on good paper. The price will be three dollars a year, if paid in advance; otherwise four dollars will be demanded. No subscriptions received for less than one year; and no subscription will be discontinued until all arrears are j?aid, unless at the option of the publisher. \ failure to give notice be fore the end of the year of a wisU to discon tinue, will be considered as a new engagement. To persons procuring eight subscribers, and remitting the tmountofthe subscriptions, the paper will be sent gratis The publication will commence as soon as sufficient encouragement is obtained to de fray the expense CLj* f'ersvti* hoUbng nubicription* are regurtt ?d to forward t n thi * office the name * of the tub tender* they may hax-e obtained ? ifio$mng the Ipropotnl* ti'l farther notice Printing ueatly executed. ViuTtil Economy. ** And your rich soil. Exuberant, nature's bc:icr blessiugs pour O'er every land.** BURNING OF STUBBLE. Mr. W. Curtis, of Lynn, Norfolk, found very b? ncficiaj effecis from burn ing ihe stubble of oats, which was left eighteen inches high for thU purpose, on a field broken from old pasture tie same year; he afterwards sowed whe?t and oats in succession on the same ground, the stubble of both of which was burned io the tame manner. The ashes were ih every case ploughed in to a small depth, and the veigcsof the field mowed previ ous tu the burning, to prevent accidents. Af'er the third crop of coru, all ot w Inch wereabundant and remarkably free from weeds, the fitld was laid |)o?u with clo ver and gr**s septls, and the ensuing < rops of lirth hay |ftd grass proved infi nitely fine# Shan tfljjpe before ibe ground was binken up. Another pie^eo^l 3 nd wascropped for three so; crssivrf^ears in the same man ner as the. first, 10 which it was simi.ar in every respect ol soVt aspect and previ ous mttiggnneot, but in which '.he s ub blr *a&ploa'ghed in, instead of beirj burned; the produce ol each crop on it was riiuch inferior to that of the first ex periment, and the weed* increased so greatly, that on laying it down to grass, they overpowered the giass seeds so m^ch that it wat necessary to re-sow it; and ever after, while Mr. Curtis held it> the grass and hay produced was coarse and lull of weeds, and consequently inle tior hoih in value and quantity to tLose of the other field, on wuicli the stubble had been burned. in burning stubble, the danger which is to be apprehended from the spreading of the flames, fifty perhaps be. obviated hy tracings furrow round the field, and setting fire to the slubMe on the inner edge of the furrow. New- Kngland Furrwr From the American Farmer Carbon ? Uteful in fattening ILigs. Cincinnati, Ohio* Jan. 16ili. 1322. ,l On' idea has entered my mine! which may be wor.h mentioning, but no', for i he press; you can perhaps im prove upon it. The fattening poultry upon carbon, or carbon hem ^ one of the artive means, together with aunt Dinah'b theory, suggested to me the propriety "I giving it to i>ngs, when penned and l.igii led for the purpose ot being fatten id. While standing by a pen, I observ ed the 1-ogs to root very uetp with much labor. 1 watched them, to know, il poa.Mblc, the object of their great ex ertions, until 1 saw one come up with his month full of fresh earth, which ho eat v;'.h an apparent avidity, while ano ther would he engaged in the same hole the moment the first would be out; my presumption was that it was u^ed as a coircttorx)f some morbid fluid in tho stomach, as they wete plentifully sup pli d with corn and water. I gave them immediately some coal, which they eat with supprising avidity in preference to fresh lood, then thrown in with the coals, and also in preference to their drink, which was thiown in ftesh, or new; for 1 should not say fresh, an 1 frequently put salt in the water for fatten ng hog*, and it might have been so at that time, ihey neither stopped to drink nor to r?c grain, until the coal was ail eaten. As the hogs are not yet killed, 1 cannot say w hat the in ernal appearance may be, but they discontinued their rooting, wer? more quiet, and appealed to fatten fast er. 1 omitted il for a few days, and they commenced rooting; I gave it again, and they discontinued rooting: I now contin ue to give them a moderate quantity daily, say the size of a hen's egg, two pieces to each, but ?f more is given it will do no injury, an excels will ope rate only as a moderate purgative." From the Ac iota Gazette. Jn Effectual Curt for the Bloody Mur rain in Cattle. Take the bone of an ox or cow, that has been dead for tome time, and burn ii until it can be pounded into powdery of which take an half pint, with the sani* quantity of common salt addcJ thereto and well mixt d together. Ciive this mix ui ft to the animal, and in tw? hours it *ill he well. Yours he. ZkIVLOX HCKtll. tbiliSoXbc, Oct. 14.

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