HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. Vo\ 1U. ; WEDNK8DAY, SKPTEMBKR 18, 1822. Xo. 1S6 HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. Pl'BLI 9MKU WEEKLY BY DENNIS HEAUTT, It TilRRE DOLLARS A YEAR, PAYABLE HAI>r YEARLY IN ADVANCE. Those wh? do not give notice of their with have the pap^r discontinued at the expira v,on of the year, will be presumed ?? desiring j,, v; mtinuance until countermanded ? And g j j,a|Krr wdl be discontinued until arreur- I are paid, unless at the option of the pub hsiicr. Wiioercr will procure nine subscribers mod purantee the p?\ ments, shall receive a tenth S .?:?? _ j iJvertisementa not exceeding fourteen linos j v . It n?.?n?ertcd three tiruesforonedollar, and writ* -live cents tor each continuance. S i .iC ipuo ii received oy the printer, and m i<t ?' the postmasters in the state. All letters upon business relative tuthc pa p-r im?t be post-paid (icntlemen of leisure, w ho possess a taite tor literary pursuits, are invited to favour I us *ith communications^ N O T I C K. Vl.l. person* indebted to If '.If /*. CI.. f.V- ' CI' U Co are particularly retpirated t?? fill ?'*;! *it:le during ilie Superior C'.uurt, as 1 vn determined to lea*e this place in the ?ili ot November; therefore I hope those v.,n, erncil will i?\:?il tlieiiiScUeS i?| the oppoi t..;?it) tif saving e.iit. Win. I*, ('lanry. ? ? pt- 10, .>5 ? ATTKNTHIN! Vl.L tljov b*|.>njjin<^ to 'lie btrUpemleit .IrTi.'lety Cotop<iHy '?? (he to-*-'! -if" llitl* . r. herebr&imnuixlid to attend at i :.i?- public MjM.trv in said tot* it, <<ii 'I !iiiriu{.?v t(.e third ila> of October n?-i< , etjiiipt a? toe U?r directs, ? ill i the at i ? li* ion ol ? \ rnnril<i of uiwdrr, to x?i on parade at ten o'clock A M. in order to be reti^Wfd b\ tin* M?j or (.cue :*l ol ttiC thud division ol N < ' . nnlma. Win. Hi ?OH ||, Caf.l Sept. 7 ? 3wp hand tor Sale. T"* HE ?n?c.*it?er?, lie.n^j ieterrmneii to leave , X the ?tate, * ill v Ht-r for s*le, at th? ?r rc idenCe, on I*liursda\ tl?e 26ili ol September | mt, * o iracia o( I*>mI *itu?tcd m 'he il?w fc. i.U, i ne miles .veal of lldUborou^ti. oue Cu>ita<ntr>? T*o Hundred an I Fifty -six Acre*. i!te oiher ? T hree Htindmi aud Fifty Acrrs. j AV> <'orn, Fodder, llorse*, Ci'lle, Sheep, M >,** lioii?e!iooid and K telien Furniture, Farnou^ utrn^ili, and a numU-r ol o'her ar ticle* too nuoieroti* to mention. I'crnis * ill be j tL?vie known on the d?y ol' ?aie Marguret Mehunr, I .Ihiiu'h \lebune, jr. j llaaTicIdi, Au< 15. lufti. 32- tds j FOR SALE. Tlf K subscriber offers for sale the Urge and convenient dwelling house I lg J and lot where he now Uvea, in the ?^Utown of Hillsbormiph. I'be lot con taini an acre of ground The house contains eight roms, well Gnikhed, with a large gar ret rooni; adjoining the house is a dimug room, 30 by 16 feet, well finished. The other 1 improvement* on the lot are a kitchen, smoke ; house, stable, carriage house, 5cC. and J a weH of e*c< llent water within a few feet I of the kitchen door. It would form an eligible I situation for a large family, or any person di*p >s?-d to keep s private boarding house. | The term* will be accommodating. Any application by msil, for further and more par , tieuKr information, will be attended to with j out delay. John Witherspoon. j July 16 27? tf State of North -Carolina, oh. i ace co' Xrr. C<-urt of I'ir at % C^u<*. t<r Sessions, Augim Te???, 1822. .Iruhnc .M'B'f-tn Original attachment, vs. levied' on the land* oft Jo*iuh If Hu 'ill itlge 3 il>* >le fend dit. 11 appearing io the satisfaction ol the Court that Jutiah W lluldnd^r, the defendant I m this r?->c( i* ill it an inhabitant of this state: It is thereto.* ordt-re?J by ilieCourti d?a' pub lira* ion or made three mouths surr? e!y in the Hili?l>oroo};h Kecordcr, tha' u'th-ss the a?ud Josiah \V. Ilaldrul^e he and appear al the next term ol sa.d Court. to lie held on the fourth Monday in N*>>teiubcr i.i it, thv.i and ilierc t.? replevy and plead to '.jsiir, that jiulfTii>:nl uul )??- rendered him. John Taylor, Clrrk I'rice alv % ? 25. 31 ? 3m X c \v- V < ?rk I n fir in ar v. Gratuitous tiealrrcm (Cancels, h istnlai nr.d I. It crj. ^ ^ WKAClI, ?ncce>vir to the ls*e Doctor m w f i.Ul o|'\rv -J* rsrj, rvspectfully informs t li*. | ubhc, th?t i?e will open on I Imr-d^v the >*? 1 1 1 of * u?t<*t, ^11 Infirmary a* No 4 Chamber strei t, for the spectsl treatment of c.tneers, fistula*, and ulcer*. More tlian one thousand persons hare Leci. curetl of these diseases in (li s city in the last ?hree years, without snr ! gic.al operation*, l>i *!i?- ?i ll'* n.i Jr <>f treat* I menl that wriil be |iiir> .:ti at this Infirmary. I It is o;Ki>ed cSi lusivel) tor tue benefit ol the i?%*i > ??*"*? ' ? 'a nurmg under these distress ir.jf maladies. I his ci ts'* of the con munity arc r?*sf>etttull) invited to call, and receive niiJicmc arid attendance, *uhout in one v and without price I .V H I'lie infirmary will be opened twice 1 a week, on Mondays aiul Thursday s, beta e?-i> . the hi?uis of twelve an. I one. I r^y F.di'or* of hru spapera throughout the I union, are requested to jjive th - above j I * i insertion*. ? The Shorter <'at<'chisin. For sa'e at this office, ?>> the rtoss, dozen, or S;n-K-. STI. AiYJiS FOR SA1.K A i llllrv Dl'l'lCK. a'irjssixra^si sAi/jt \ 711.1. iold, on Munda\ ?'>f .'1st d.i) of Oc?n*v>r i?c\t, r #u<li. fLr icH'iU i!i? ?r..c?s ol l?nd, ..i ?<% rn'.fh ll.t r? for ? Sir u-tin lHW and liSJu, an.; c >?t o! rti? ???, v? Situation. ?vis en . k, ? j> cr?*-k, clu. ? U n creek, la* r,\fr, !''*? i? creek, V > i?*y cr??-k, ? rnvi.% trrrt k, r.n rr> , k, ? rk* ? rwk, iljoininj; Murray, (!r>. do. ? I.. do. ?!??. do. dti ilo. (In d<t do. do. do do. d<?. do du. d<?. d?. do. do. do. do do tlx. Fjuaest , \\ \ Hi t , H iimIi II, \r alke , A nd". i ftn, ? .til. W ..r !, W alki-r, I ?o , u S<-Utt, r (:?>< kiirrt-r, M'f /Mllli*> , Stc at I, U liitctiart, i Forr? ?t, Cornpion, Wells, White, W aid, S'.nidvuck, B* vv 1 1 m ^ \V. I ?*n SAit.nri II u>.i \ , ? I c .ui.l |Ii-<m. tiirij, J'.}!1 lio? t ri, ? J ' ' u h's ? t , > red*. rk Irw, <?r 1. >\c, bit / li t til l.3( ki'V, M cl>?el I .ur \ , \ l( \:?i.d< i M < Ires'". J tn.rj IVI' h ' r w do. IVrwn'ilifiinJ do. Niclmla, do. do. W ater? of lljco, ^djoinmK Stray horp, V\ au ra of F.no, do, d<>. l.ittle Uiver, H*l Hivtr, Kno, l.iMlc river, I'lat river. Little river, F.no, Varnella Crerk, Haw riv?-r k Hock crrek,| Wataon'a crrck, Tra\ >? crick, J >li?i \roold, ditto \V?iti tin l)i ad ford. li.i'.o f<?r I lollll lid'tls, j ?nn ? rorlKM, 'or.i 1 > i'i y, H'i). i .1'iliti Frffinnti J..COl? llOil^lflt, I' Ijllvt IIUi lll'i ^rc'iituM ??-mdton, *'li/al?et*i K ??, J otiii Ki Katba'i t I ai.oin, < ???? ?r u <? Iviidc-rifr-sf, llol?f 1 1 U , lt^riliah\ Ujbetta, Jnlif? lti.<co(, llioma*. S rpltfin, l.rorfe ^niitli, l>) T I.ynch, Sarah Simtli, I Iiotimi ^l?dc, Jo .n W^ltoi, V\ i ? I ?? \V hi'eliart, Kmitli \nd? rs <n, Saiiitu I t lr, mini on l)o^l,crt) l '.llina of Cnocli, Mim<a K!ih, John ItaM of Thnttm*, .laim-a Jackson, a. it. di to, James keeling, f<>r lather, Bclf, Kli/. 1?et f? SrarU ft, l a>lor, WMIidin < Iiiim mIhII, \V illiatri ? n rciKtun, Itrnj.iiuin C-*rrioj,ton, Je.a^ J tfn^w, Paul Kmioii, ? William M'Kurlin, Marv *sra?-|i ti (oy Na'iCt I Iwiiiiita Sin i S'a lien -, Franria Ni?rin*n, Joltll Si. ft I I', Jumiliiin \N n.rli, - Juuob Noai., .?r the cotirt-houso ;i IlilULiO' I will sat.?(\ tfuii.xdvn U?or< - to v? it : heirs. ca'atr, and W Inr vi ? u dm*. Yh2u 1 .J 1 ?< 1 aisd 1 i.'d is-' l>JO l"2o lS2v 1 19. 1 ? 1 ?. 1 s i j. I ?2</ iUam, i?:j 5 Hi J ui,l | ) ?1'.> ;;rid l H J'i 1 J i J ? J ? IP.2, 1 fc2') 1 ? 2 i 1fcl9 an l 1 "2 > I 8*i? lh '20 1 tj') I 1 *{ 2*) 1 S JO 1 K J- ? 1 KJU 1 x JU ISl-J 1 820 1 82U 1 H JO 1 8 -t> IH19 and IHJO I82t) IHIp idly 1H20 18 29 1819 1K20 18l9?nd IS20 18J.? 1820 1820 18?u 1S.0 lS2u 1 v;0 in^/ 1 62't iH'JO 1*19 and 18 M I Wand 182 ? IH"0 i(<19 ?nr' Aurut 2? Ihuniub Clancy, Lale bhriijf .lU? 8 w N OTIC K. ON Saturday the 2lst instant, will He ?o'd ?itlif market house in ? >c town of Hills borough, all Ute A'EG RO?S belon^in^ t the estate of ' homat Wlntted, deceased They consist of men, women and children, are nine in number, and amunfc&t thi-m it at excellent wagon maker. Six month credt* will be given the purchaser on Ins giving bond and approved aecuivy. John Y OUil^, Jidmr. Sept. 2. *i4 ? ow ALEXANDER $ HARRISON. HWK on band ihe following articles, which they will sell at very reduced prices to suit the tinnrs. Best * addle*, cut hack trees, at jj 1 f? 00 cash. Plated Gig liarntki, 40 'j 0 Co?inon ditto, 25 00 Plated Carriage Harness, elegant, 85 00 Common ditto, 55 00 Mreech Bands, by the pair, 8 50 Blind Bridles, 2 25 and all other article* th proportion. They will also credi' their work itx ai.d twelve months, at a mmlrNte ;<dvancc on the abovf priwt, or re<*eiv? in payment an\ .ind of produce. Their ?hnp is <?t? Queen Strtetover l?r W ebb's medical shop. Jaman 9, 1822. 100 ? tf D. HEAR IT Propones publishing, in H'dlsborongl', N- C? a religious paper, to be entitled 1 HE NOR I'H C.%RO!.?X A Kvangeli cnl In flligencfr, la w iirli oilt i>c given the tuo> .mp^r-nt in foi m*t:on relative to the sprt-ail o; . t>c gos pri, .?ivl the e?niu|i)fi.; rcl??rati?.n of the condition <>t ilic liuruii [.'iHi.S, m itli such oth* r inielltgt nee ;??? ma\ he '.ntereviiig to ' the eiiristtan rc.tder; ? cCJsiciia.lv enlivened w.tji religious jiiri n.ur.i! ?*ssa\ s, and lighter a't.cl s tc'i'lmg to ,?!?? irote christian cha rily and h?-'averd> -'mndeditesa. V IROSI'ECTUS. TO a contemplat ve mind it is pleasing to look abro?d om r the various portions of t'?e globe, and observe the improvements which arc dailj taking phice in the condition of man kind. We perceive the d.uk clouds of igno rance and error, of superstition and fanaticism, gr. d- rdh w ssiing away, and the horizon gil ded will; a hri^hmcsa indicating the approach 1 of a morning glorious to ^iimanity and rich with blessings to the childtenof men. l'hese heart-cheering prospects are the natural re suits ol extended ir?f.?rmatk n, but more parti cular!) the blessed ell eels of an expanding knowledge of the div me precepts of '.he chris van religion. A general tl.Vist tor knowledge^ seems to Ik; awakened, and Uie efforts now n ?k*nv' by tnis??< narj, biotu, and other sfccic i?e>?, to diftiihc t1.<? i< I giou of the gospel, and ? o ii'culca'e a more attentive observance of our ? vl, moral, and religious du'.ics, art au ended | * 'ith a success cheering to the he?rl of the i>o.laiitlir?'p^t. It is under anch c rctim tat.Ccs that ,v c pre ent in ilic fr:euds of rhris: ianity in Uys and 'lit in- g.o>- ? ii?n su'.i ?, j?u|) ih.?Is for publish ing n lin- ? I -c< h #t klj paper, calculated to a.<l tin. ciiijc ti u ii.cli 10 many arc enga ged. anil are induct tl to hope that micli ait es tablishment. w..uhl not be imni'g the least ef ficient int-4'tk of promoting rel:g-ou? informa tion. U\ ihe multiplication of political papers the ni.nd* ? f the people of th.s Utoured coun try linte nt-en en'igM -ned in lite science ol govt rn?n?i i i a'i 'tie uat.ons of the earth. I .r i'?gh ilif sjf.x merits is -t nut reasonable to ?? \t>: ct ;ha mural tUrkr-ess max he dissi p. i d, ti e |i,\e nt rtiigmnbc mculcatcd, arid * \ta>n >)i t?e iniM?i'*d into thr hearts of beiiev. iny christians wh'.ch would urge liiem to st'Il ;rrca?i-r extriion*' For thow^li we arc ,<h a.std .n co<?lt>iii| luting llie general advance ment of ehiis'i.tn knowledge, and t tie melio r:?'ed condition of mankind, yet u t find much to lament a I. ru Me look aiouud us aiul pt r reue how tnai.v arc .still enveloped in slothful ignorance, the vicms of vice and immorality, "l'noujjh hvinp in a christian land there are some, ul.is many, who ne\tr enter a church, who never open a bihle, who never reflect on the cause ot tin- purpose of their existence. May not the d fTii?ic.n of religious intelligence t? tid to r?.mo\ e this listlessne*** May it not eXi ite to inquiry? May it not irad to convic tion' to reformation' 1" lie continual droppings of water wears the hadrst st.>no?; may not we? k !y admonitions and repeated examples melt hearts of Mone' Surely there is room to hope that the contemplated work, ?f properly encouraged, may contribute in some small d> glee, towards hastening that glorious peri od, lien " the mountain of the Lord'9 house shj.ll be es'nSl.shed in 'he top of the moun tain., and sh.dl be exalt* d above the hills; and all nations sli.dl flow unto it " In picscnting this prospectu* to the public, it is unite -rssary farther to explain the nature of the proposed publication. In its conduct, all possible care will he taken to select such matter as nia> be most in'cresfing and instruc tive; and the premised asiistancc of several eminent divines, it is expected, will add use lulne?s and respectability to the work. i ON L)l HONS. Tlic Kvangclical Intelligencer will be pub lubed once a we< k, and contain eight quarto pages. neatly printed on good paper. The price will be three dollar* a year, if paid .11 *dt snce, otherwise four dollars will be demanded. No subscriptions received for lea* than one \ear; and no subscription will be discontinued until *11 arrears are j>aid. unless at the option of the publisher A tailurr to give notice be fi?re the end of the year of a wish to discon tinue, u?llh? cnnsidere.i :is anew engagement To pfraona procuring e.glit nurse riberi, and lenntiing the anontitof ihe subscription*, the paper will br sent graft*. The publication w ill commence as soon a* sufficient encouragement is obtained to de tray the expense (I. T Permit* holding *ub*rrtpttpnt u?r rtqurtt ] eil to / "-win d to thii ujfict the numrt l/ie ?aA* tenhm i they nuitj hit xt ibinintd ? 'Yiittnt ng the propitult till farther ntfirr I i rutting uvutty executed. UuruY tcDuuwvy w%w% " \nd your rich soil, Exuberant, .nature's better Meanings pour OVr every land.** IN TLRESTINCi TO FARMERS. It is now sufft icntly certain, that the horse bolts or grub-, by whicl so mtny horsrs are annually c!cstroye?\ are pro duced liom rgg* or nits, which ate posited chief)) ir. the inside moist sui face of the tongue, and arc from thence convryed with fond to tiie stomach. Any person who chooses. may reducc it to expetinter.t foi him.clf. In the tea- , son for i(, let a few hairs be clipped, ha s vir.g these nits adhering to hem, inois- j ten the inside of the hand by t?.e appli- j caiijn ot a little spittle, and close it up on the nits, t?nd he will find them hatch ed in a fe* seconds. It is therefore recommended, to be careful to remove these eggs by scra ping them off with a knife, or washing them c ff with an infusion of tobacco eve ry third day throughout the season in which they are deposited. If this lie done, there is no doubt but rhe destruction which is made by this hateful insect, may be completely pre vented. *1 *,e arc deposited on the fore part of the knee, and back part of the shoulder cf the horse, by a certain spe cies of fly. ? The fly is called oestrum equi. Ti.ese eggs or nits become ripe in the course of lour or five days. When thus ripened, the slightest ap plication of warmth and moisture is suf ficient to bring forth, in an instant, the latent larva , thai is, the insect in the first form. At this time, it the tonqu'* of ti?* horse touch the eggs, its little doot (operculum) is thrown open, and a small active worm is produced, which readiiy adheres to the stomach. slnierican Farmer. r On the Influence of the Moon. Mr. Pickering's, Urmarks published in the "Massachusetts Agricultural Re pository. '? Having noticed the folly of regard ing the moon in relation to the time of sowing peavr, I add that the idea of its influence in any other operation** in hus bandly, ought to be alike discarded It in a mischievous supposition kept alive by tradition, and countenanced and sup ported by the idle remarks and repre sentations made in Almanac*. The fi gure of a man marked with the aiid prognosticntions of the weather ought to be expunged, and every well disposed altnana. k maker would banish them if he knew the injuries they occa sion, by misleading the firmer in ana branch of rural economy. I once heard sonic farmers ? speaking of spreading manure on grass-1 ?nd in t>ie spring ? say vc;y g-avely, that it should not bt done *lrn the h >rns of the moon were turfed upwan' , for then the manure, instead of sinking into the ground, would rise vrith the grass and d-.? no good. On the contrary, they mentioned one farmer who would not set up his wot'm fence when the horns of the moon point ed downwatds? for then the stones placed under the angles ot the fence would sink, and the lower rails touch the ground and rot. And an industrious farmer, in another state, told me that he slaughtered a fine heifer call wheh he wished to hare raised, because is W3s dropped in the dark of the moon. If I had n.)t wiuiessed these facts, I should have hardly thought it possible that such ridiculous notions could have been entertained by at*y persons who claimed a share of common sen?e. ? Even the changes of the wether so generally sup posed to be influenced by the phases <?? the moon, have been found by '^"g course of observations, to happen at all periuds of the moon's appearance indis ? riminately. Tim fact which your fa ther mentioned to me twenty yt-ars ago, was this day repeated to tne by a gentle man who had noted those observations. Were it utherwiae, he remarked, did the *?oon's influence determine the weather ? then should not this ba fair or foul, at the same tune, in all countries wn the globo? MANUFACTURE OF NF.W 1MMPSHIUL Extract of a lettrr to the Editor of the New York Statesman. A* evidence of the progreat of ma nufactures, f will mention an establish ment which I visited at Dover, N. H which pronusca to rival if not suipas?, the celebrated manufactory at W ah ham, Mass. The capital of the company ta $500,000. They have a cor ton factory which was put in operation during the war, which carrier 2.500 spindles, era* , p o>s 86 looms, 130 hands, and ai which 1(1,000 yards of sheeting and shirting are manufactured and bleached per week. During the last season the corn pa'iy erected a building of 80 by 54 feet, (our stories, embracing a rolling and slitting mill, nail factory and ma* chine. The basement and second stories are devoted to the rolliag and slitting mill? t tie construction of the rolling mil' is on a new principle, having but one water wheel placed a< tho side of the plitt'orm. About lOOO tons of iroq ate rolled and ?lit at this mill per year. 1 The third story is used as the nail fac j t'?ry, and f<?m 6 to 700 rons of iron per y*ar are rut into nails in this factory The f-.uith story is occupied as a ma chine shr-p, in which 40 hands arc em* plowed in making tha various kinds of machtticrv foi a new cotton manufacto ry now eiectmg on the sanr falls. The building of which I have been speaking is of brick, the foundation of granite, and the platlonn and race-ways of larke flat stone. The new co'.too minufactory build ing by the con.pany, ilic present season, I is to be by 43 feet, and will carry J 4000 spindles, employ from 120 ?o IS? [ looms, am! from 150 to 2oO hands. It is I calculated that this manufactory will I produce about JO.OOO yards of clotb per week. There ar? six sites for erect ing manufacturing establishments, fully | equal to the one now un<*er improve ment, with a fall of 22 ? feet, and au abundant supply at all teasons of tbo yrar, which belongs to th? company; and they have already commenced blas ting the ledge, for the purpose of erec? | ting mother of equal dimensions. These ' improvements will give activity to bu | sinews, and be of lasting advantage to I the town, which is destined to hecomc the Manchester ol New Hampshire. Those who have labored to impress upon the American people the impor. tance of cultivating tnetr owu resour ces?of improving the advantages i:. their possession foi becoming a great, a wealiny and powerful nation, a:>!c to sustain itself in war as well as peace, without rccource to other nations, rati uot but rejoice at the march of improve ment visible every where, und hetrtiiy wish success to industry and enterprise. From ? he Baltimore Federal Republican TAX ON WHISKEY. In addition to what we remarked Ja*t week on this subject, we arc now ena bled to state, after a long and laborious researc h, that the quantity of Tfhiskey distilled in the United Slates, amounts to at leant thirtt millions or galloks annually!! A tax of 25 cents per gallon on this immense quantity, would raise a rrvenue of seven millions five hundred thousand dollars. Taking away from this hum 2? millions, which would pay for the expenses of collecting the tax, and for the frauds which, according to mo dern usage, it is fashionable to commit, there would be left the ?um of 5,000,000 dollars. The utility of such a tnx no one can reasonably dotibi. It would bring an im mense amount of money into our treas ury; it would tend to diminish intempe rance; and the proceeds, it judiciously applied, would rid usol some other tax ps, which are, in reali'.y, odious and op p:essive. This desirable tax can be ef< tccted, provided the people are anxioue for it. In selecting their representatives and senators, they have merely to ascer tain whether they arc disposed to advo cate i'ie cause of drunkards, or the more resprctaMe one of decency and sobriety. I? can be effected very easily, provided proper measures are taken. The next session of congress will be a busy one* and wc are inclined to be* lievr that the work of reform will go on with spiut and effcct. Besides knowing the opinions of those who may be sent to represent the people, petitions for a tax on whiskey ougnt to be sent from every city, town and village where the inhabi tants prelcr sobriety to intemperance, and decency to indecency. IT the sub ject is made a general one, it will be gained; and we are proud to learn that manj of the most respectable distillers are warm for the measure, and will lend all their aid to accomplish so desirable an object. A census of the population of tha state of Massachusetts, in the year 176a (not 60 years ago,) has just been pub* inhcd, Irom which it appears, that the grand total was at that day 241.714 muIh, of whoin only 20,788 belonged to Maine. The population of Ma?sa< chute' is Proper, was, by the last cen sus 523,237 souls, an that of Mait.e, 397,839; making togethei 8)1,126; ha ving oi re than trebled wuhiu th? j.>en? ?d o( $u yfars.

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