HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. Fl'IlLI SH Kl> WKCKL1 BY DENNI8 I1KARTT, TURK K OOLUAHI A YKAit, PAY V OLK ! IIAUK YKAItLY IN ADVANCE. Those who do not^-ve nut ice of their Midi 1 to h?vc the paper discontinued at the expira- | ? on of the year, will he presumed ti desiring it* continuance until count ermand* <1 ? And < no pa|H.T will be discontinued until arrcar- I gg?? are paid, unless at tlie option <>t Uie pub lisher. Whoever will procure nine subscribers and guarantee the p?j menta, sbali receive a tenth { gratis* Advertisements not exceeding fourteen lines ! ?ili he inserted three times for one dollar, and } uentytive cents for cacli continuance. Subscriptions received by the printer, and j mj?< ot tlic postmasters ir. the ?t*W?. All letters upon business relative to the pa- ' jvr .nu?t he p >?t-patd ?#* t. ? ?? ifincii '.i leisure, who possess a ?istc lor iitv r jry pit. suits, arc in* itcd to favour ? aitli communications Land for Sale. Wll.l. Ik- oil- r-.| !*? i ??1 i' S.,V. on Mun. \a\ tie ,0" 1 1 in-ia>r, if n.>t pr nui.ily jimitril of *? ???!?-, two it.ir sol bnil, U>< ^ <"? crerk, on thr \\?-..t # tU- of t?wr. Hirer tn..cs tr ? ri I li.>n>|.? .n'g tn, i| <)'. ?vio ronia nil if afiuui One hundred unci seventv nine \crrs, ? is a cviflfnrtililr n?a.nin)T -bou One hundred and lortv three ' Acres, tl?o h?* on it a comfort ?b!c ilv. e'lr ,* hoii*r*, a irimli i?T"rli?r t 3l.*.t?l" ? I'l ' li' t.lf ("Ift" ?-f lit* II It" \ Will ') it ji. 1 re?! on i*k ? n (? 'it ? ???- ti ? am < a ttiKiiuHli trrdit w.M m* vrn, ijt? |>urcha ?cf?i*in? bond ? ? ' ii iiif itii ?>4' ?t i writ v. William Moure. Orange count;, Vjit.U. S?p l.arul for Sale. np liK u?ri il>rrs, t>e nj? ilfti rnime ' '?? lr?ve A the atatr, u i .1 ?. tier l'?r %.?!??, .?t i|i?-irrc iidocc, on T!ursd?v n>c ?6 l> i?t Sjrcmhcr Kit, tun ra< * oi l^titl ? tutted m h lla\\ ? i >?? uiii lil mid \rCl.rn Fori ' u> ?, F?nn,?'g uteii*>W, anu a num.i. r ot otli* r 4. tirt < ???.? tiuiiii'ruiis to m rntion. I'crntA .? ill !>c niaJ<. known 011 ti. d?v ?>? talr. Margaret Meh.me, | .tallies tlehane, jr. Ilawfjeldt, An^ 13, If. 2 J 5 J -'d* FOR. SALE. THE subscriber offers for tale the ?^^^nlarjfr and convenient dwelling house ! J A J 1 ainl lut where he now lives, in the flaLt1'1*'! of Hillsborough. The lot con taiim um acre of ground- The house contains ei^ht r o-i.s, ueli htualied, w?tl? a larj'e ?ar rvt room; adjoining the house is a dum;^ room, ju by 16 leet, will finished. The other im|)rovt'nn-i-t< on lite lot aiv a kitc'ien, smgkc home, ha> n, stabie, carriage ho'W, &.C- and a well of excel U-Itt water within a te* feet of the kiiclit u door. It would form an eligible situation tor a lar^-e fanulv, or any person di*pos> d to keep a private boarding house. The terms "V ill be accommodating. Any application by mail, for further and mure par ticular information, will be attended to with out delay. John Witlierspoon. July 16 27? tf State1 of North-<'arolin&, On.LYGE COf'UTY. Court of I't a:? iiiift Qn ,iur Sessions, August T< nit, 1 8 J J. -jtidrrw .11' fi' oem On^ir.ul attachment, ? levied on the lands of j JomuJi b iiu'il?7>!gc-j 1 1 ie defendant. II appearing :o the satisfaction of tlie Court :!ui Jo-ia!i \\ Ualdrulge, the defendant .n tins ??*???, in not an inhabitant of this state: 1* it tlirri liKf ordered by theCQttr*, 'ha; pnh 1 rj !?> li U . lUlilnd^e be and ?pj>e?r at th? D'-xt t? r?n of Haul Omr. t r> be held on tin* I iilrth M itn'.a* in November next, tlien i- ? ? < t tlieiv to teplrvt and plt-ad t.< issue, tliat i id^oM iii v? ill fx- rvidered j^tin?t him. John Taj lor, Clirk Price ad* S ' 34 ? jm Now- York Infirmary. (iraJiiii'Mis IrtRioiont Cancers, I- i>t ul. is and Ulcers. UK HY. ACII, successor to tlie late Doctor i idd<>f Ne?'*Jer?ey, respectfully inform* tjii p'lhlir, that lie vv.l! open on I hur->day ti?c mIi ol s ngnst, uii liiTir u.ar v a' No. 4 i -h amber stint, 1or tii.* spt-cul treatment nl cancrr?, tii'. d'. is. ?nd ulcer-.- More tlian one thousand |x-r-Mii? |.j\e been cured ol these uist ?*> s in th.s i it* in tlie la-?' hree years, witi.ou* ?nr gical operations, b\ 'be ?an?e r ode of treat ni< tit tiiai will he j ?? i r?t i d at ihii Infirmarw r. .? n|iciicJ cxdutivcl) tor u?e ben< lit ot the md.gen>, la' ??ui uiulcr iliesr d n g maladies. I Ins class of the community are reajiect nll\ turned to call, and recei\r (TH ii.ciue ami attendance, without money and w .tli u*. pi ice. .\* It t'lie infirmary ? II bf opened tviicc a \?etk. on Moniliys and Thursday s, bet* em the bouia ??? twelve and ore. i^j~ F.ditors f.i i e^spapcrs throughout the un >.?i, an- reipie.ud to give the ?bo?e .? lew nisei I iuIis. J-* The Shorter < 'atorhism. For sale at tins oftii e, by the gross, dozen, or single. | Foil SAl.E A i This Oi l ICF. !>r sold, on Mnnd.iv dip 21, i ,la\ ?t nf # Ivertii.njj, to *it: S l?x> t, ) 1 IJJ a?j i'i l-rj H: 11 5m. 2I? 10' 7J *' 14i' 1 <) I 1 ?U ' So 73 oMj 4') 5 M 71 aou 94 llJO I K) 164 167 :;j 118 100 l'?0 I I I 4 60 ( 5?# 2iiO 8. 0 7.0 51.) I '? > l: v ?:o lOH l'/D r?7 i *1 I 3ril< ii rr? < k, ' I ?\? n\ rr. T a ,i < rv? k, V'-jiu v r < ? i ll, I'r ?\ ? crr? k, ? . .f?i? ? r? i k , I'i i* >? cr? rk , \\ unl, W a kf r, I . V.yatt, Scott, r 4i (*i <;> ? klirrrr M'C.nl-v, Mev ,rt. Whit'-ltari ( ' i'ri, F ?rie?t, ( mi , W i lls, \V .1 r, U il l, Si 1 nd m k k , 1 1 am U*lc , ??.I i.ii< I II. .t*it > , K.e'.aml II ova inn^f J ( linu ? r?. .la tit'* I.ini' i'i I- i-. il- 1 ? w l.< * . or Lore, F.i ' ?'.t in I rk?-% , M r.'i^fl l.i.cv . \lr*and< r ir< %<-, j ,lanlri \ rnidil, ditt" W illt.. >i? II. adfurd . il iM for Don J* .lilt lin.?U, I .. iii'-i ("??ibrt, .in. n I >.?>% . sfll. Ji.tm Kr?rin?n, ?!???? s I jlk'i r, ? II r.?,>lrv 'I'vni'i \rcli.'?j I l in iltnn, Kl./a ????,( ll njj, J >'i i K -f ? ' . N il. ill r| \| |MI|, l.\ nc ? I N ( ;? .itvr IV ndci jvh, Hob?*:t li:t\ , ll?.-sll |.>> K-?'nTt?, ? .lull i It^-r I'lnirti i* S't'i'ln ???, I ( ??? _? -?*i . 1 1 1, ?>) l S i| t'l Mil. tli. J I II' 'III. i >l .ill', Jjuhn W.ii on, J * nl ? W I'.ihart, K ' ii Ii tii.l'-'> n, s mi., i I 1 .,ij ii mi Diighcrty j l ?? n ( -ill ?)? m I', i t'i, 'cr 1. in'v Ik ir*. M1111.1 F. '! h, .1 i'.h 1 1 ? 1 I Thoiiiaji, .laniCH .l.i' kh.in, *1 n. ?|l !?'? J.im s K? 1 ii.tr, I r f.ttlior F.'iz .' Ji Sr .rli ? t . I'm** I'm lor, W 1 1 1 1 .? in ' In Mi nhall, 1 1 1 1 ?tn < ari 1'i^tnn, ('.?rru ^t'>n, Jr-Kf Jllllfl, !':? ?t I Kminn, William M'F.irli", M:ir\ TailiMt ( l?v N'ancx) 'I Imni.is Siiii'Ii'* lieu Prai'O# \orm-iti, .loMt Suai |?, Jnnstl.ai. W..itu*kf ? Jacob Nowtit Itolli do. ?ln. \\ ri ?>f ll>ro, \ ?) i 1 11 S'ruyliorp, alc r* of l-'.no, ?In, ii>> l.ittlc Hivi-r, K at Kivcr, l-'.nci, l. tilp rivrr, Hal rivrr, I. ttl?- n?fr, Kim, Vmiirllt (I'ffk, Haw rivrr Pi Hm k rrffk, Wmaott'ti fr^rk, Tr?v ik crcck, ,c.rs, estate, sell, and \V For what year di,p. 1 ft 2 (? 1 20 1S19 ami 1 "JO 1?2. 1 - .'0 1.J0 ?82' 1820 I 19. 1819. 1*19. 1S20 1819 and laly and |kJi> 1 JO 1K2> 1 82(> 1V20 1-2J 1819 and 1S20 18 JO 1 JO 1 JO 18.0 1 1 JO 1 1*J0 1 l>Jt> | 18 JO 1 JO I8I9 1820 IrtJo 18 JO HJ0 1819 and 1 8 JO 1 8 Jrt 1819 ial9 1820 1820 1819 1820 dliam., 1819 and 1 sJo lK2o 1820 1820 1820 18 JO 18 Jo I8j0 1820 1HJ0 1?20 1 '19 and 18 JO I 19 and 1820 18 JO 1819 .fid 1820 A ,l5'i?t JO TIioihuh i laui), Lute Slier if. ATTENTION! ALL those belonging to the In ileprmlrnt . Irti/.ery Cum fruity ot I Ik* tu?n til Hills* bop'U^ii, ar. lurrby commanded to attend at tlit* public arpiare in suid town, on Thursday the thud day ill October nexi, eipiipt m the law directs, with the add*ir>noi a x rmmdsof [Hmdcr, to go on paiadc at ien o*cl < k A VI. in order to be reviewed by the M .j .r Gene ral of the thud divia on uf N ? . m.lria. \\ III. Browil, Cnpt. Sept. 7. 35? 3wp ALEXANDER <$* I1AKKISON, HWK on hand khf lollowing article*, ulucli the) will si ll ai veiy reduced pr.Ces to suit the timet. Best -adillrs, cut hack ireef, at & 16 00 caih. i'liied Gig llarness, 40 0 Comnon duto, 25 <>0 Plated Carriage Harness, elegant, b > 00 (J'immon d.f?>, 55 00 Ilreerh Hun. Is, by the pair, 8 50 Hliud Undies, 2 JS and all other art iclri in proportion. They will also credit their woik six and twelve months, at a moderate advance on the above prices, or receive in payment any'.ind of produce. Their shop is on tauten street over Dr V? ebb's medical shop. Jaiiuar) 9, 1822. ' 100? tf I). UK ABIT Proposes puhlisltin< , in Hillsborough, N. C a religious paper, to be entitled THE N OR 1H CAROLINA Ev (inge lieu I In elligeucer, In which ?? II be given the ti.oi. .important in fo matioit rel itive to tl*c spread ot 'lie gos pel, and tlie consequent melioration ot the coiid-tion of the human tanolv , with such oth<-r .melt gt-nce as may be inirreMing to the chn?* ??i leader; >ccasioiiall\ eiihv, ned with rehg. .his and moral essays, and lighter articles tending to promote ctuisi.an cha rity and lit j enly-mmdedness. I'ROSl'lXTUS. TO a contemplative mind it is pleasing to look abroad mcr ilit* vari?*is portions of tlie globe, and observe the in?provenu ti's which arc daily taking place hi ' he condition of man. km. I. \\> percene the dark clouds o| igno rance and error, ot supersution and 'anai icism, gradually wasting away, a|ul tin Imrizcii gd d? . 1 i< i.gious dutie?,are ai'ended -w ti. a siiccr c.iccnog to the heart ot the ,?li la'ithrupijt. I is >md< r such circumstances that w e pre .. nt toring siatcl slimcnt would not be among the least ef ficient means of promoting religious informa tion. Ity the multiplication of political papers tlie munis of the people of tint favoured cour. trj have been enlightened in the science of government above a'l the nations of the earth. Through the vimc means is it not reasonable to expect thai moral darkness may be dissi puled, the hue 01 religion be inculcat. d, and a warmth be infused into the hearts of believ ing christians which would urge them to st.il greater exertions? For though we are pl<*as.platmg the general advance ment of christian knowledge, and the mclio- I rated condition ot mankind, yet we find much to lament when we look around us and J>er cei\e how many are still tin eloped in slotiiiul ignon.nce, the victims id vice and immorality. Though living in a christian land, there are some, alas many, wiio never enter a church, who never open a bible, who never reflect on the cause or the purpose of their existence. May not the d ftusion ol religious intelligence tend lo remove this hsllessness' May it not r*i it e to i i x 1 1 1 ? r\ Mav it not lead to convic Hon? to reformation? The continual droppings of water wears the hadest stones; may not wcikly admonitions and re|>eated examples melt hearts of stone? Surely there is room to hope that the couleir plated work, if properly ? ncouraged, may contribute in some small degree, to'Vards hastening that glorious peri od, when " the mountain of the Lord's house slull be established in the top of the motin j tains, and shall he exalt< d al?ove the lulls, and all nations shall How unto it.** | In presenting tins prospectus tothe public, it is unnecessary farther to explain the nature of the promoted publication. In its ronduct, all possible care w.ll be taken to select such matter as ma. he m >st >n cresting and instrue* tin . ami ttie promised assistance of several enom-nt divines, it is t Xj cCtrd, will add usc I ulness and respect ability to the work. CONDI I IONS. The Kvangelical Intelligencer will be pub lished * ? cck, and contain eight quarto paj;< s neatl) printed on i^id paper I he price will be tliitr iloilara a year, if ,.31(1 ?cril>cr?, I and remitting tbe amount ol the aubacr.ptiona, the paper will br sent gratia. Tile publication Will comiticnre aa soon ua RiilbciCot encouragement is obtained to de Ira) the exp< use X f I'ertnn* ho' i ling tuhicrif>honi arc request fil to /"'-wii'-d to thin njficc thr name* of thr *?<* ?crtbtr% they may huve ubtuineU ? retatmng the firopoiult ttH further notice. | i'riuting ucutly executed. Fatal rjppct.i uj Ignorance and Superstition. Superior Court ol Norfolk < bounty, Septem ber lerin, 18JJ. Norfolk, S<' pi. 11. On Wednesday t lie court ?as chief* ly employed in trying: Joseph Lewis, at rain ;ed for t h- murder of John Bass. The facts in this case were stated by us v. thr time the ocrurrence t?K>k plsce, hut, for very obvious reasons, not so circumstantially as they were when gi ven in evidence at ftic trial. 1' appeared f oni the testimony that Lewis and Bnss wen near neighbor* ? ihe former a poor labouring white man, brought tip in p >vetty and igno rance, and whose ieis^itin?r facultus were srarc* )y removed one degrte be Tond the grossest barbarism. and the latter a simple but in {Tensive free niu j ? latio, poor as Job. though p-rhaps tvei, | more contested with his lot than tha1 Fn-t j of great men is said to have b?eit. B'-th I the men had families such as they we e j ?and whatever prejudices miv exist ? in regard to the color ?>f the ?-kin, it is cer?ain that they hsii *ery little i* fl I enre with Joe L? wis, between whom and his neighbor Jrk Bas-., the rvla tions of intimacy and good fellow -nip, had long ?ub>istrd. In "he particular section of the eoun ty where th?se panic- ext*trd , Igno r.mce and he- handinnid Superstition , had long cx<* cised absolute dominion ovi th.- more abjet, while even the be'ter conditioned w<-re not wholly ex empt from their detestable influence. In a word. S'>m<- believed in the exist ence of wirc/tcrjf}, >?hi!r o'het B, though ashamed to confess their faith in it, were no* hardy enough to deny it in to-to. Unfortunately for B.'ss, his wile's mo ther was suspected of practising this devilish art, ar.d munv serious calami t es and afflictions with which, not only her neigh!?or?s but their hogs and cat tle, were sometimes visited, were laid at her d??or. Among oiher mishaps of this sort, the wife of Mr. Lewis wa? Mrtcken with wnii unknown disease, and although a nrgro doctor attended her for a considerable season, his pre scription# were of no avail, and he wa? ('(impelled 'o a< knowledge that she was under the influence of some af:etl too po t?nt for hi?n to remove! ? Ir was then left fo>- Mrs. Lewis to say who was the wickcd w retch that had cauied her suf fering; and t^he decided that it was no body hut Jack Bass ? for she had rept# edly awoke iti the night and seen him " standing 4 II at her bed-side!'* This was enough to arouse the tiger in the breast of her '? p.irtnri Joe," who declared, in the presence of stv^ral wit tiesses. that since the doctor could do nothing for his wife, he w;,s resolved to try what powder and lead would do." The declaiation of the wife was the more plausibU, as Jack's mother in law being n witch , might reasonably he supposed to possess the power oi imparting her satanic gift to hnn ? But Joe, rather cautious of proceeding to extremities without proof infallible, took with him a few clioscn friends an ? proceeded to Portsmouth to consul' Goody Evans, the fortune teller, a.iouf the matter. This pretended dealer in mystery, after having k4cut the caid?," or as they say in Scotlaod, "cast hr, cantiaips," cot. firmed in the fullest manner the suspicion of poor J.?ck*? delinquency; and Joe being thus assur ed ol the cause of his wife's illness, and already coiifiimcd in the belief that no thing but the death of his nsighboi Bas.% could remove it, beni his way home, probably ruminating on the road in much the same mood with Baldy in the 44 G ntle Shepherd," where he says " I'm s?ire my ho art will ne'er gi'e o'er to iltint " Till Mause in a tat tar barrel be burnt." IIis next step was to cfToct the horri bte purpose for which he had been pre pared by the Suggestions of the wild e*t superstition. Taking his gun with him he repaired to the humble dwelling ol his pract fui unoffending neighbor, and encountered hini ju'-t as the po?>r fellow was entering his ' I i i tie enclosure' 1 on his return trom a neighboring null with a scanty portion of ineal for his wife and children.? A witness deposed that he heard Bass exclaim with a l never done you or your wile any hat m."? The hardened wretch, deaf to their entrea ties, vocif?raed with demoniac Jury, i. d ? ? you I'll give it to you!"? H'lie witness was prevented from seeing what passed, by an intervening thicket, but saw the Hash and heard the report of a gun; and in a few moments saw Lewis retiring with his gun towards his home. At the same time he heard the cries of Mass, and the screams of his wim and ihildreu Lewi* was followed to hn? Iiuuie where he was taken into rust<*dyi at fir-?t he denied* lit- fact of ihe murder; though hi finally couiessed it; nut so far from exp'revtiiig any lemorse forth# a- i, he declared ti??'. lie w<:uld not hcai* true to no u again!! This is ti e substance of the testimo ny. ? When brought to tho bar the pri soner appeared without counsel? *ifl poverty had put it out ot Ins power t?* ofTer a fee, and nobody c^ed enough for hint to assist him in tnis emergen cy. Indeed he evi.iced a pei fect^indifTcr encc aiioul his deft lice. But this delect was ampiy supplied as soon as it was made known, by the voluntary tender of the services of one who ha-, long been the pi?*'e and oriiarnent of our bar, 'O conduct his dclencr. We allude to R. IS. Taylor, esq. whose In.manr and dis interested conduct on ihe occasion r'e servi sto be commemorated, though the cause wnich he undertook to deitnd bu little dcseivcd such distinguished favor. Al.hough unprepared by ai y previous uri'jcrs'.aiiding ot the case, t tic counsel for the pr.sontr made a most able ar.d brilliant defence. Abandoning the ground of ih- ins.iflkiency of the evidence, and ad-nttting the ta< t of :he mutder to be lulJy substantiated, he rrst'.d the defence entirety upon ihe plea of ins-nity? con tending thai il.e prisoner , ti .wever ra? iion*l in other respects, was so complet..* ly unvler ihe di lusion of his superstitious ideas oi w itchcraft as 10 be w holy insensi ble of the ctiminaii'y ol any act to which it might impel him; and that he (the pnsonir) was as firmly assured of the propiioy of slaying Bjss, ^j> the only loians of saving the lite of his wife,) as any rational man could be of killing another in self defence. He qjoted a number of parallel cases, in which ver dicts of acquittal had been rendered, to establish hi* argument? atuong which was the c isr of HaifielJ, who was ar ? dinned f?r high ficason in firing at the k ag of (ireat Briuin in Drury Lane Theatre. Although it was pio\edthat i fie pri-oner in this < ase was capable ol attending 10 his attars, and ol lidding rational intercourse wiih soi iety; yet in one particular he was k. own to havn evinced symptoms o: insanity, air', .f ioed by the powct'ul talents of an fcr^kine, he was acquitted. Mr. Nimmo, for the com:H<-ir*-*ahh, replied by * plain, hut manly exposi tion of the Civ, in which he dw ell par ticularly upon the dan^L-rs to wliic i the community would he liable il the prin ciples contended f ?rhy hitleainedfriei.fi wei e to prevail. Ignoiancc and ?>*?b*ii '.y ini^iit at ai.y tune single oot 'h* ir vic tim unt' untnoia'e n with impunity. The case was men given to ine jury, who aiier a rr tire mem of half n k? brought in a VrrdlCtt.f GullUj yf tnururr in the trcond drgrtCy upon wuch tl>ry sentenced the prisoner to eighteen yrais imprisonment in th?* pi nrrmiary? Ti?e sentence guve vrry general satisfaction. The woman Ex-ann was next brought before the court upon an iiuiictmeot found against her by the yrand jury, for imposing upon the credulous aod il literate pait of the community, by pro ics'ing t<- ptaciisc the art of div:natijr, or Ir/ une friii'tg, to the inaiufist detri ment of the peace and morals of society The jud^e admonished the fcjred deltu quent of thr evil of her way?, jii'' point ed out to her the pernicious effects mj* ber imposture in the mriaiu hn.y ir, stance of Levi is, whom she nad been mainly instrumental in instigating 0 each. V aJling to give the security n quired, she was com mited to prison. 1. is a matter ot aston ishment, how any rational be it.^ could deliberately place confidence in the or acle sof this old beldame, who, though she mav be under the dominion of ?atan, certainty can have vrry little influence over hiin, or any other invisible agent, if one may judge liom her poverty and ignorance. ? * ? ? ? Thus, the violators of the Iswi, arc made to *? do the s;ate some v i vice," which would not he the rase if the >an quinary laws of the o!J couiitrie* pre vailed. The more ?r see <>t" the penMer.. tiary system, the more it comniaiuU our approbation ? though we still tHnk i! Could he unproved. Phe introduction of the treading mill , h late English inven tion, for io* ance, would no wonders? ? rogues would then shun the petiiten la ry as thty would a pestilence ? :h?v would rat lie r starve than steal if the con sequence was to be confinement to the drudgery of that M internal machine*' called a treading mill. Hcro'd. There is a pride in human know'edjn, which often blinds men to the sublime truths of revelation; heme oppoaet* cf Christianity arc found anion* tnen of viuuout Uvea, as well aa among th?> diiiipaicd atid liccnuou*.