HIl^SBOROTJGH RECORDER. VoV va- v WBDN^8?JAY, NOVEMIBK^20B^?22^^?e"PP'"'^Wa^Mgaggg^^|' HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PUBLISHED WKKKLT BY DENNIS HEAItTT, XT THHKK DOLUKS A Y EAIt, PAYABLE IIALK YPAMLY IV ADVANCE. Those who Jo notgivo notice of their with to have Jit paper discontinued at capita* tion of the year, will bt presumed a* desiring ,t? continuance until countermanded ? And no paper will be discontinued until arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the pub. li titer Whoever will procure nine subscribers ?nd guarantee the payments, shaltreceive a tenth prat Advertisements not exceeding fourteen lines will ?e nserted three timfsforone dollar, and we.it i -five cent* for each coir- iuuance. Su ?*c--.pt io'ih received by the printer, and m ??t ot the postmasters in the state. All letters upon ?u*iness relative to the pa per .'pu?t be post-paid. ?/ Gentlemen o? leisure, who possess a taste tor literary pursuits, are invited to favour ui *itii communications V Hiot t f? ia?< _eneral iti ster T e ; er?oti hat.ug aid tC?n? ?? reqiirsied to re'urn it to Mr Kirkland's store, wliere he can receive hit own. ii / < John 1 0111 |)tnu. 14 laker Creek, Orange county, Nov 3. 43? 1 wp H illkitoron^h, ()clot>eT 2 ?>, li>2i Tli?* St?M*k!nld?'rs ??f ili?* Lniun Un til are r?qneV?*d to pav their I ait inwtal ntfiit oil earii ?iiari- o? ? ock of fourteen dol lars and ei^:it\ -five rents* on or betos-e tlie J8;li of November next. \N m. Rirklatul. President. 1 .V H \ *e .enl iii'-e'.injf of the ??'icki?' 'Jd ersi it ? quested on Wednesday of next \o. \ uuot court, at the (J turn II iu-l,x' 1 J oVl'ick 42? < : ? : lloiiHi'H and J.uts in llillalio roti?Hi. FO ti SALIi. Dlt O'P.ltO-EL Mill -ell all hta hooves iiwl lots, e. liter m 'lit- whole or kindly. I*: one tor * ?lr the I ?r,?r *iul Cdiivriiirfii ilwrllut^ lu?w?>c ^ud lot wlirrr lie ????>(? ii of ilill-boron h. ; l?<- lot c'i'i- I t?l?m <11 4f rr ? ground I lit* llOUkC contain* rani.*, well tintMn d. v? > t li a lar>.e ifar- | ret room, adjoining titr house i? ? din?njj ro >ot, ? / l> \ 1(> i?-rt, well fini t arv a kitcticn. sm ?itt | linum*, tu n, *tal>le, cirrm^ house, !*c aim a well of rxcelli nt ?atrr uithin a h ? let1' br iic krcliin dour I? would form ?nrli^inie situation lor a lai'ce tamil* , or any |>iy -un riisp'>* tnail, for further and more par tic .lar information, will i>e attrnded lo with out ?!rla\ . ?I oli u \\ ittieopooii. July 1 f, Jr ? tl Staff of \ortli-' stroliitsi, OH.IA'tih < >e?ion9, An II ? t T 182 2 ? hii/i rir Si' Hroom 1 Original it?achmrnt, VM d on the lam's ot 7o ?iii>i II Huh!: i'li;r j lie .Ictilid.nt. 1' it'i" arin>; o tin n ?t t?taction ol t ? ? ' ioiirt 'mi .li-iali W llaldmlge, I In* d? '? nd.tni "* 'iii? (jhi , m not an inhabitant nt 'lu*> ? ? II i ''n rctorr oi'li red lite (Uh? lira ion iir m id-- t ?i rt*?- month* Iiicc iinnt if tli llillfiioro.i^li Kecortler, 'ha unit ?*ilic *?a < I Joai ?li \V It iidrid^c lit' mill ippcar at Ih >ir\t irrm of said Court. to !??? In Id on tin 1 1 ii i . tli M ? I \ in Novcuh'-r m 1 1 1 ? i ai.il iiifi? to i e,dev s' and ph-ad to nvie, thai jud^nifi.t will in- r?-nd?Tcd .igainut lnm ?I < ?|i ti l*ii% lor, Ch vk I'r re ad\ $*> ? 23. .?! ? 5m St ;? I ?? of \ orf li-^jirolina, o H.i.vut: t ois.vir Out \ ?.1 I' i a- u' . Q .Hi- 1 Sessions, Auk?ix T r-n,^|?."2 f Original a' John Hruce | " l*ir sln> h vt'l inil tun^;', ** I/' ??/..?? 'Intuit on | miii ! j %lr ,l >hn Biiitf. jr lir pit* defuul* will i?c <-nicrrd ?K^ris- li.in .lol.ii L lor, Clerk. >*iio6 ?4r. *? do? Sib Y\ve D A\ws Sr H VKl) tiom liit subscriber, living in | ttie town ol Grecnsbciougti two or three J w?- kudule marks on his back. \ reward of fivi- dollars w'll be given to nn) peroo'i who will deliver him to me, mid all reasonable ex ALkXAMDKR 4* HARUISON, HA VK un liand ?h?: following articles, w hich thrx vk .11 sell at very reduced pr.Cts lo Hint the tuiu 8. H it ^addles, cut back trees, at g 1 0 00 cash rl.?t? d Carnage llarncs*, elegant, 85 00 a??d ail other articles m proportion. They v ill also c.'edit their work tux and twelve u.i.ntis, a a moderate advav.ee on the above pi ires, I or receive in payment any ind of produce. Tueir shop is on tyieen >ir?*etover l>r V ebb's | medical si>op. January 9, tti'2'2. 100 ? tf penst h Haul Plated (?ig Harness, Common ditto. -tO u0 'J.i u0 < Nimniuii d o, Hr? ? ch iiands, by the pair, Itlnd I' rullcs, 55 00 8 50 2 J5 D. 11 t:\KIT Proposes publi-lun;;, m tMUhorough, N. C* a religious paper, 10 be entitled 1 HK NCTUjrii CAROLINA KvangeUeul hi ' tliigencer , In which vk-.it t'- j?i ven the rros. impuriant in formation rel'H%e to the sprrad 01 tl?c jins pel, ami Hit- c>jus<.i|ueiit melioration ot the c Hiil u ion of tin- Imp jit tanuly, wiUisi>ch otli- r i.i ?-ll jiriice its ma\ be interesting to the christ an reader; ccasiunallv i nlvmed Willi r<'h^iii?ik and ix fal mid li^liitr hi t cl? ? tending t?? promote christian cha nt) and heavenly -mindednesa. PKOSFLl TUS. TO a cnn'emplatite n?ml itrno ranee and en or. o! stip? i s it on ami tana' icurti, gradually ?ast iij; and tin horizon gil ded w ?tn a hi .glnntss indicating the approach of a innrnin< glorious to humanity ami rich \?ilh blessings to the ch Idrenot men. I liese l he?rtid > ? Iij.i?)?i> duties. arc a "ended With a surf C , l/tring to tile heart ni die i philanthropist. I s under such circumstances thfct we pre sent to the It lent s> of Christianity m this anil the ni ighbni >ig - 4ti>. |irniiii?l nlofieiii Mould not he aim-lie the I' ast ci he i ? t ii'i of | --otnoting n he.mij. informa tion. lly he nniUipi Cation of pol ' iCal papers tie n. mi- ! t lie | t . pie in tins laboured Coun ' r\ hi?e l>een en?i. i:Mieil in the sc.e.>ce of g.'\? i n ni 1. 1 aln>\e a i the natiifns <>1 'he t artv. Ti r ni^h the same nitons >s it m t reasonable | to ex; c ilia moral tlarkiic?s may he dosi paw d, '.lie lot e o leh^tun In ?nctdcab J, and a warm I. he infused into the heart sot believ il. g flil ist. an? wi (h woi.ld ur^e tin m to *t.|i j. ii ate t exert H nu' Fur tho'i^ h v? e are pl> ..s? ?l n co;- input ng the general advance ment til elms' laii knowledge, and the imliti i at t il Coi tl ton oi mankind; yet we find much to lament win n ?? e iook around us and per (Citeliow iiiant ai e s' ill cut eloped ni slothful i^noranct, ? .e \ ci 'nis ot v ice and nn moral, ty. Timngli livi! k ui s chr ?' an lautl there are '> nit', alas mum, wliii never int' r a church, who iicvi r opt ii a bible, who ntver reflect on tin cause or tlit- put post oi iheir existence. May not tin il llti ?> n ot religious intelligence li re, ii n mo e 'i, s lisilt ssress' Mat it not t x ite to i in | > i r \ Mn it noi it ad 'o c -nt 'c tin-. o reim ii.ati mi? fin con uuial droppings of watt i ite.?r? t;.e hadt st st iocs; ti ay not ( we k v ??in not oils a'.d iepcai<-il examples n-t ii ffails '-t sto. e.' Suri'1% t.iere sa r'H?n lo hope that tin come . pived woik, il properly incoi|t? ed. mat co 'ihute in some small dt giee. i ? w arils hasit" 'tg t '.a' glorious pen on, w'ii " lit miiltli'a'i - I tin land's house ' -hall ot i a t > I si 'fti ,r the ?< p ?? the moun lains. ami .ah be Xa ? d it the lulls; and all liat.ons . i.ili II w oil ? ii " In pri eiit ^ tins | r , ecuis to'hi public, it is miit'Ci s?n _t f.ii'iii i to ? xpiMin t he nature III tin pi (t, -os' U ptibl'CM oil III its conduct, all p"Ssibi c.m Will *n- I'ik ii ti. select such m. ti r .11 ma In nio?i ii ere.st mg ..nil ins'ruc titi ainl toe pr in net I a.ssistaire !? t *evi ral en- n. lit div it'es, it is i x; i c- 1 d, wdl add use t ?i lie as a ti respeciaiiihiy to tiie work. ? ( > N I .? I I I ( t N *> . I lie Kvmij*? l.cal Int. II 41 nc< r v ill be pub 1 1 lira I i. ti ? r . ne .t prmw d if'i (-outi p?pei. I lie prut vi I bi iliivr tlur? a \ e.?r, if |iuin nnii' ol i lie siiimcriptiont, ? lit |m|>er will li. >ci . t gratia. Tin- pu.iliCalioii wtli r.miimenre an sonn m nnllicieiii fiiroiii a^cnit lit in obtained ti tie lrn> i lie t *ji. n*e t'rr?ini* fiohlinif mliavriptton* n'r ' cil to fintviirtl thi offic ? i'h ? ?wr* of thr *? ttrribeft tluy amy mire nlituiiittl ? rtuunt'ig the I firttfiombliffj'iirt/ir' 'it'll i 1.1. \ N K* r?R SALE A 1 llllb OlllCli. ViUTttl ViCOttUlU). W\vv% " An?l jodr rich *otl? Exuberant, nature's beiier blcst>ing? pour O'er every land.'* . ON FATTENING HOGS. A> t e*e is su liule economy observed in fattening ho:< -> in this part of the coun try, I hcv: leave to notice that also, and point out a better and cluapt-r mode. The common practice is to put tlicm in 4 lar^e pen, and throw the corn on the gio'ind; in ? wet season th?*y are soon u;> to tneir knees in mire, and not a dry spot to lay on. In this situation (tun must be much com wa*t< cl, and the y famiot thrive but ?eiy slowly. My puic tice has been to make two square pens Adjoining; they are both floored with tails, and one ot them is no covered as to turn the r-iin, and is well litu red witli L-jves or sttaw, and fresh litter added at Irast once a week. In 'he other pen a trough is plared in which tin y are f? d trom twice to thvie times a day. ()? e menl they ^re fed on peas, and the oth et twoon corn; it is some.itnrs boiler! a: d well sa.led and at other times law. This hus been my practLe f-r ihrec winters; and my ho^s have always fattened very last, and eat much less than those ted in the uncomioi table manner above de scribed. Lust \\ inier after killing off half of my falte ring ho^s, thq others wert fed alto gether oi? fine c<>m meal," and although the weather hail not much more severe, t.icy fattened much iasur than they had done before, and eat still less. Last winter, when mj fields were cat out, I commenced feeding my little stork, of out fogs on corn; their allow ance was six quail*; hu' when the wra thei becamv severe, th* y fell away fast <>n this allow aticc. I th n laid thr corn aside, and had lc^ur'cpi? ?>f corn meal boiled rVt.r* day, in ten gallons of wairr. in t.i ii boiltd down to about eii?ht; in t.us a naif point of salt was occasionally hrown while boiling; when hoik it wj* i.iken up in a laige tub and given Jhcm ?hc next day, and in o:?e week liom ihi d.?y i Ins pi jc i? e was adopu d i hey look ?d much i < tter, and Irom that time i ri - cieaseii in flesh. When the spring open id, thty were led only three times a w eik, in the same m ;$. iu art -.of ra* corn, I ain satisfied more v. half would not have seen the spring. I nave also aJopted the practice of grinding all my horse corn into fine meal, and find thai I save a third after paying the i oil. Knoxville iirg. At the Agricultural Festival at Kxeter. N. II. a pair of Morocco sliiirs were exhibited by Mr. Went worth made from t lir? skin of a sheep which was living 10 hours and 15 minutes before ? a neat silk purse via* exhibited, knit by Mrs. Krnwii* who has been blind 77 yearn ? two apples were exhibited of the 1st and 2d i;rnw th of the same tree this season ? and apples of 18-20 by Mr. Nurd ? a cow was exhibited by col. Pierre, which gir'h over 7 feet. ? A pair ol oxen tlrew a load of 63 cwt. ? The premium butter was sold tor 42 to 47 cents per lb. Fr n, nl - Ir.duttry. ? At the cattle show ami tali in I'litstiild on the 2d and 3d nil. tin rc re six compt titors for pre miums to he awarded to iht family who should produce the greatest quantity ot ustml aiti< les, iiianufa* tuicd within it sell, by It males, sii.ee the last annivei sai) ; an<. in estimating t tx- vaiue of tnei< s x lo.s ?d go kIs, it as found that they amounted to moic nan 1 500 dollars. I ne. is the way to bic II K PR ClITI INCiS, ClIlRU, Stc. Vinevanl, near (ifor^c .?wn, I) (J, Sept. 17, J S. Skinnkr. P.sq I) at .Vir ? 1 have just finished mak ing wine ir'iiu my sin.ill wncyard ? I have fotii-u nih>ot an ai rc planted near rny house. The cut in>;s remained one y?ar in tl.e nu raery? and the year before last they v?cr. planted out win re they now stand. The first year tiny took , in bunches, which made two (juancr cakks of wine, ol 4 It gallons tac'j. One hundred and fifty-eight vines ot Tokay. &c. produced 47$ bushels of grape*. So ihat the whole vintage was 65? bushels, and 1 find that a bushel of liuuclies yield* about three gallons of juice. My vines are planted in rows 12 leet apart, and ate six feel distant in lite tows. I have from th^ whole, made seven barrels and six quarter casks of wine. This is the first year of tneir bearing, and they cover, in all, a<>out one acre of land. 1 have near four acres more, most of which will b?.ar next year, and 1 intend to plant Hvc acres next spring so as to ha^c about ten acres. Tne quality ol the wine is to be de termine; after it has gone through t'h vin.ius fermentation, which will be some lime yet. I shall next season have stveral thou sand cut ngs ol vi:ie? fi.r salt, ul va ious kinds, foreign and domestic. Those from which I made my wine his year, are Che liland Madiera, Tokay, Con~tar.ia, St huylkill Muscadell uid M nui.com moiily railed the Milh r Burgundy, or b.ue fcln^lisn grape. I intend offering ubt whether it is the same Pawiuc.ket 'hat they saw so recently. ? But the thiitt impelled by manuiactures is not confined to 1'awiucket, p.opcrly so cal led; a populous manufacturing village has been created in the vicinity (princi pally by two enterprising individuals) of the existence of which we were ignorant but a short time since; and we believe a large majority of our readers will be surprised 10 learn, that about five miles from Providence, and one and an half from Pawtucket, stands the flour ishing village of Valley Falls (which a few years ago was a swampy wilderness) containing twenty three dwelling houses ? four cotton fa? torits; one of lour sto nes, which has 1083 spindles in opera tion, one of three st< ri-.s, with 2060 spindles, one ditto with 1200; and one of two stories, with 596; hi all, 4936 spindles; and 90 waitt looms; manufac turing >0j0 yaris of cloth p? r week, and employing between 4 ana 500 people ? a thread manufactoiy which employs 30 persous and turns out 300 pounds of thread per week ? a mat hine shop which en. ploys 30 persona. There have been expended in buildings, & . in this vil lage, gsOjOOO? about 20 -.aies of cotton are manulactured here per week ? the cotton carried into the mills in the morn ing is sometimes turned out in cloth at night. The bridge which connects the village is 200 Let in Ictu-lh, and tht road bciw; en it and Providt/ice is one ol the fines', turnpikes in the world. Prov ? Pat. From the Itnltimure Morning Chrouiclc It is the opinion of mnny gentlemen not of theoretic but Ji practical know lcd?e, that an internal commerce may now be carried on in tins country on far better terms, and productive of far great er benefits, than any tiaflic which wc can hold with foreign nations, l'cihaps the unequal t? rms with which our inter course with nations beyond the Atlantic is maintained, when no lung out out spc t ic can be r< ceived in cxi hunge lor their commodities, will serve to impress this idea more generally, to confine our corn met cc to ourselves. When we have no more money to send abroad, wc shall learn the value of the home market. These ideas arc not indeed new; they were introduced at. a time when all Ku rope was on the tip toe lor th produc tions ol America, in the sanguinary pe riod of the French revolution At that period it may well be conccivcd, they I mei with an unwelcomc reception. Ccr tain it was, that when such an extensive and profitable commerce was carried oil in our int?rcourse with other na ions, that we would not voluntarily surrnt'er lor an uncertain hope, the goiden har vests that nodded to the sickle. But times and circumstances have now altered. ? Eur. pe is no longei at war, and docs noc stand in need of American productions. Her sons can cultivate her own soil, and realize the profr. from her own manufac tories. Six: carries on trade with us c>0 terms the most degrading, and1 demands as an indispensable preliminary, '.he sa crifice ol uui precious ineials. Wc sei m averse to looking this calamity fully and distinctly in the Ijc<*.. Altl-ough every one ti win? les ai the alternative which such a Mate ol tilings presents, few have the resolution to speak nui. They mist to a certain undefi ablr hope, ti.at by some decider', some tonui"*ns jumble of ivtriN, we shall be relieved fiom lokiujj fie lata I leap Irotu f.e piecipice toward* which we aie pu hii g with such blind luiy. Hot 10 pla e our hopi s of rcli.f on a nasis so slight nd .n u osum punishment ol iiuo and imprisonment