| The bill to cede to the U. S. thai part of Chowan river between Sandy Point and the inouth of Bennett'* creek, was read and referred to the representa tives from Chowan, Gale*, Bei tie and Hertford. Mr. Hcllen, from the balloting com mittee for councillors ol state, reported that the following g? ntlermn were du lv elected, vii: Theophilua Lacey, \Vn?. Davidson. 1 h?>s. Wynus, Gideon AUton, William Black ledge, David Gillespie and Edmund Jones. Mr. Adam*, trom the balloting com mittee tor brigadier general uf ,|lt 1 2th brigade, reported that Daniel Boon #as duly elected. The following bill* passed their j' ird leading, via: Tl e hill to pro- j vide lor the sale ol* the lands lately ac quired by treaty ftoni the Cherokee In- | dim*, which have been surveyed and i ^ remain uphold? the bill to continue in j force an act passed in 1820, appointing commissioner* lor fixing upon a suita ble place lor the public building* in H*?:e county and fur other purpose* ? the bill to prescribe the time at uhu h ; the office ol shei iff shall expire? the i I, ill to authorise the county court of ' II ly wood to appoint an entry taku and ' surveyor for the lands l?>ely a< quired |,y treaty Mom the Cherokee Ind.ans, which lia\e not oeili suiteyed ? the bul to a itnori^e tin reading ol depositions in leriain cases ? trie bill lo pmvide ad ilitionai commissioners for tne town ol NiXbiiion, in Pasquotank conn ) ? me bid to amend an act passed in lil-u, let the better regulation ?,f the county courts ol Ri'lhi i foir', B irke, and Lin coln ? l l.c till > to establish Mc|ion^\ lite Academy in Anson, and to incorpoiate the trustees t ereoi? t In ihill to r? gill te die couniy courts ol O .slow? : he hill giving Haywood superior couit concur* rent jurisdiction witn the county coimi, ovet the i oa?l hading fr.in J ism IJ i- I It a 's old place to lue liontueili b<>uu- I rfary line ? the bill to establish H>>pe- ] well Aca .emy, in U.dgtc>mite county, j ?n.l lu in> orpoiale the iit.s'cet ihi n ol ? he hill lo alter the place of honbn^ I regimental and battalion musters inNcu ' Hanover count) ? .he hill Mipplt i in. lit a- I ry to an act passed in 18 18 to appjint j comn issioncrs to extend li<- Fayctic- I vil.e road from M n^aii'im to tl>e j Tennessee line ? the bill i v i ? excln- 1 sivc jurisdiction to the su|>? rn.i court ol : Blaiteti, ol pleas and pro->ccnuons ?>l :h. ! stau ? 'nc bill authorising ihe court ?.| ptoba e lor (. umheriand count) .o till { tacancies which may o< < ui in the- of- | fiies of special just.ee the hill to in- I corporate Du'nam's C' eek A ademv, in B. aulort count) ? e bill supple mentary to an aCt pas-ed in 178 V, to ap point commissi ners to establish lie town of Mur galiloii, in liuike County ?the bill to authorise the cou' t) < ourt ol Wake to have copied an I r hound < such hooks it. tne iv^ist.i's office as are w<>rn out? the tub to aim nc' an act f to Mnniii( i s a i ut lo mt >t ?r - ?t< 'he town i,f llun'iMik'i in Sin i v ccunty ? the bill t<. appoint it usees h r the Riiiiion A? ad< my . in Lcii ir ? ounty, and tn r? gulatc tlu- same ? me bill gi Mug further time to I'tnlcnik ( ?-x ?>l Lt tmir, to build a bridge across Nfii^c ? ? 'he bill directing the- nuiinrr ??! ap pointing panol* ill the rcun'y ? - f 1) 1*1 ! ?ii?. lie bill to establish C nip- ppci Academy in Aumiii c-uiity anil to intoi Derate the tm*tccs their- t ? the bill t*> i>ii urpora c ?? Lihiny S ? icty in (*ud f'?H county ? tin bt'l to mcor| or.'te ? I ir 1 tnklin Lihiary Society m tneto^ii'd lliilshornu^h ? the bill to divorce Joim White, ot I' istpiotank count). Iri>m lus *|!c Tamat ? lie bill authorising the pr?.p utoi s of i)i ardV ?*ri- |??* to kn (? a terry in certain cast >? he bill to an dio: isc the securities ol J nncs HaMwood i??le slici ir ul Ciri ctir > ounty to coiie< t arr-rais of taxes f.?r the years therein in ntioiied? >titr bill tuui S'.n Lodwj . No. 7 2. in Wake C' titrv ? md tl e bill to ? x?mpt teiU.n ci'izms of Hyde conn y bum public duty. Mr I'ugh from the spcrial commit Iff t'i *|ioiii was rtUrnd the bi'l to vnii'iid an ail to appoint a bond ot branch pilo s, to exaiiiine all p. rsoiis *ik? now liave or may hereafter wish to obtain a branch to pilot over (lie ()<-r>cotk Bar and the Swashes, rcpoi ? 'cd tliat n ih incxpc client to oass said bill ? whi^h was therefore rejected. Mr Unrgin presented a but to alter l'?c m.?dc of electing the shcrifl in Hurk e Coun'jr, which ?a< read the fust tm?c ?nd indctiniti ly postponed. Wednesday, IVcetnber 25. The committee who superintended the balloting for a i olonel of rifjiry, Reported that Then. Butcher was eltc* M as colonel, arid John Zimmerman niajor. riic bill to extrrd and improve the instate toads leading from VViikesbo f,,'?t;li to the Tennessee line?the bill |? authorise two or more fii*e companies tiic town of Wa?hin*ton? the bill to *'* upon the time of appointing ennnty *r'tstces in the several countics, and the bill to encourage the apprehension of Minaway slaves in the Circat Dismal Swamp, pasted their first reading. Thr bill creating the 8th division of ^ilili# and for other purposes? -the bill pointing out the mode u hereby the mi* litis shall hereafter be called out in ca ?? s of insurrection ? the bid to prevent hogs running at Urge In certain parts of Currituck county ? the bill to alter the names of Tho J. Peel, J. M. Peel, and G. W. peel? the bill directing how the compensation of the p< rt physician tor the town of Ncwbern shall be paid ? the- bill to amend an act passed in 1818, relative to weights and measures ? t.?e ill <*uthurisiiig J. A. Cameron, of FayetU ville, io erect and keep up a 'oil '?lid^e acioss Deep liver, in Chatham (itiiuty ? the bill to amend the fiist sec tion ol a. i act p**sed in 1812, to keep open Ivcy liver in Buncombe county, ' See. ? 'he bill regulating the mode of ta | kii.jf fish with the seine in Salmon j ' creek, and t\e bill to amend an actio empnvttr the several coun'y courts to i oi-ler th?- laying out of public. roads ant though the sum ol 8 I 1 5l> hid been disbursed for thai pur pose, yet iti their opinion no blaine can be atlaclu e better regit j latum ot tio town ol Kdcnton. .Mr. Iloiitir, a bill f? r-.p? al put of ? the tit s' section ol an a< t p j*s<-?1 in ! ?C . t-> I?-\IS^ the Iiillria l-ws relative to ai- j littery companies ol li^ht uilaniry. 8c< . as I <*? .i"> ? v ' pet 's 1 I,p count \ ii ( , uilt- ? id . ; M . Ciiiciiiiut, a bid to pii#?note mill i tary ardor. ? i Si !l n?"V. a bi'l lo take away the | In ii' tit ol i lei ny lioiii aiders, abet tola j and accessaries betore t.ie fact in cer- , tain felonies ? winch t ills ji.tsscd ll.cir i ti i st i v ailing. Tin- j nir* al of *.!ie t .tu Ik uses is piven in the l(jle>gli Ue/iili r, tor the la>-t dm* ot' this sessiun, in the lo.iowtiijf ?u ninar) maimer. 1luirxla\, December 26. M i . 1'isher, troni the committee oti pubiit build. n^s, reporter' a resolution pioj ostug tlui R I I WC be appropt sa lt <1 1 >i ilic pill p'ise ??( i.omp etilo; tll?* w.?i% i, n the Slate House, 6c . which j js concui red hi. t),i ui'ition, tiie treasurer, comprrol | lei, and secretary of state, wi re appoiil ten 4 boaru io whom all contracts prn po-.dto be entered in'o by the state arcnp.ect, shall be submitted. Tin l< llo a ing ginfUmen were ap | | ointe.l 1 1 1 e board lor internal impiove | mill's lor tne ensuing y ar, via. J >1111 n 1 1 ?. w U i us, Thomas l'uriu 1 , t)>:i in liatrh, Joiin Uiv.ti, Duncan Cameron | and Mont 1 01 1 S'.okes. Kr.djy, December 27. B- -i 'e> iic penciling of bills, the follow i ^ t.tlji era were el rted, viz waid W aul, major ^ lu-ral id I .c f> 'i I division, ;iimI 1) i y, bn^ailM r i?r I iift.ji .>t i ? |.i ini;a?ic. Jot I M'Lme ! < ?ih Nathan \V light as in. jor of < a* a j i \ aii.iC .t (I It) I Ik 8 M bri ; I 1 IIOMi.tS \ . lit' ?4lN, r , lit mi. loloii I. and Hcubili \\ afti-n, | major nl c i\ all \ aita hid to die loth j ot jj.c'i . J ( ub ( i il< iog, n'tji't y lit iry Srawell, e*q. in te v i?e and a??it n ? ibe scvcial aits now in loio it.!, .vi. the militia. Auoii.t r iiistiui ting HiC board foi in : ternal impi ove mints it> inquiie into tbe I Mate of tbt Vl( ncrs. And another dittoing the state arrh i it? ct "? lurnish both boosts *?n ? plain li> at since*, with rushiot.s, instead ot chair-, tor the use ol the members; and ulbu i haiidelu'i s. Tucstla) , Dec. 31 Both hollies me , and af tr ratifying a liuinbt r ol bills, adjoin lit d ?tur dir. It irsfl'Ha Wrclueddiiv, ?Ihiiiihi'v 8. ? T ? The Icgtslallite ot Inis Mate a< jmirn* ed sine die on Tuesday lite 31st ult. In this number of our paper we bavc given the conclusion ot tiitir proceeding*, will*, a list ?-f Jit> passed during the session. Among those of a pnidic nature, will be found some which possess markt'ol liberality; but to the waim hearted phi lanthropist, perhaps none will create greater sensations of pleasure than the for the relict of insolvent debtors. This act, being free from the moat for cible objection which could be urged against the law of 1820, as it goes only to abo ish imprisonment for debts con tracted after the first day of May next, we hope is destined for a more perma nent existence. We shall publish the law as soon us we obtain a copy. Convention. ? The proceedings of the members of the legislature in favour of a convention, at a meeting held in Ra leigh on Thursday evening the 26th ult. we .ire compelled to postpone for w:.nt ol room. Th j will be. given in out ncx:. David Carney, who was adverti sed as having stolen a horse from Mr. Win. l>oylan*s waggon, in the streets of Raleigh, w hile the waggon er was engaged in unloading, has hern arretted by the vigilance of Moses Smith, Esq. of Hali'ax, and was, on 1 uet*da> last, lodged in our county jail for (rial. Mr. II. lias al so recovered his horse. Rul. Star. By a late foreign arrival we learn that the celebrated sculptor Cam.va dud at Venice on the l.Vli ol Octo ber. ? The apptoach of death was announced to him by his phtaician. which he received wilh the greatest c omposure, and made a c odic il to Ins will, ordering his interment at Ins I i>;it;\e plac e of l'e?-sagtio, and leav I ing his heart to t?e deposited at the ! I. upend Ri\:?l Academy ot' Fine Arts at Venice, of which he hail long been a member, and since chnf president. Tiic memory of this great artUt wsll long be held I in vejieratioo h> the world, and par j tirularly by the citizens of North j j Carolina: for it was his chisel that j I wrought fhes', /tie of Washing' on, ! which now adorn*, our Capitol, and , which is supp'isi'd to In* the most perfect piece of sculplurc in Ameri ca. Ib. A young lady, of respprtablj* con nexions, by the name of M-trtha N. Fields, in a fit of derangement, ! drowned herself in the river at Nor folk. on (he S6ih ultimo. Three men, suspected of being mnccrncd in the late at'empt to rob the mail between Richmond and ! Petersburg, have been taken u p and 1 committed to the jail of the latter place. Two thousand dollars have ben made up by the merchants of Boston or tin- in fit of the late Inut. Al l-it. who was. a short time snne, j slain in an a? 11 111 with the pirates. V'lilal Siutca' A ~avy.-? Among the | (locunt'i)is which a? t ??ii. panics the pre- i sicei.i's message t<> congress the present ] i se v~>i< i t thcie i% an account ol ihc ves- | st- 1- huilt and building un'irthe law for ibe ^lanuul ;iic,ca't ;>i t lie navy. All the | ? vessc-l . liat c rou-s o* ?t them to protei t J ? ?ne?n lioin ttie sun uiul rain. They are j ' thus emnm rate : 1 oliirbus, "4, in nnlinary, at Ronton. lilj <>, 7J, d-i. at New York. N. Carolina, 74, do. at Norfolk. IHjwarc, 7 ?, do. a* do. O.ie 7 ?, nearl* finished * lio? ?n. One 7 5, t ran if raided at It'^ion . (J c 74. itearl) hitt?!ied :?t I'oi isnaoutli. One 74, half finished at Norfolk. ? Out* 74 ktd la d a: 1'lnlnd' Iphia. : I'otoiraC, 44, lawi'Chrd re Washington. ; oi.e 44. hai< finished at Ho 1 One 44 nearl) H i. stud at Philadelphia. I o e <4, (riii"C fi tting out at s. Y->rK. | One 44, in toi wardneas at Portsmouth. The fr.ti nes of tne i ther frigates au thoiizr I lo he !>uil<} ? \c.v pi a few pieces y? l lo lie dcliveteo ny ti e < ont?ai tor*, and licuriv ait the 01 her mate I lals t xeep ! 'in , the lion, are procured and pi red ) in situations Wicre tiny will probabiy I not -ust.iin immedia'c matenal injuiy. i wo sit Min l> utei v 1 1 .tines are set u re ly deposited under cover at the \\ ash in^.on navy yard. One steam battery frame is ?-erureIy dipo?it< d under cover at New Yoik. I'?u engines at e pu up, and in a stale ol p. c.-?c . v^tion at N?w York. The following vessel* ol war are in oidinary, ?? x lusive ol ihosc above enu , r.10 rated: j Independence, 74 guns I Java, 44guns Washington, 74 | Constellation, .>6 d*. United States, 44 I Macedonian, ?6 do. ing the I) ? I at Maracaibn, and like Bonaparte after every successive battle has issued his throat cutting proclamation ? against which cap* lain Speni e, of the Cyane, lias, in an energetic spirited address and protest, pointed out the barbarity of ^uch measures; but* rest assured, from his sanguinary character* lie would not hi sitate to put Ins inma tes into full effect, if be dare, viz: Shooting all foreigners caught un der arms, or aiding or assisting, and, for a peaceable character like me, a' small ornament or bracelet round the leg or legs, and hard la bor for three years. However, lay ing all metaphor or joking aside, go vernment should not for one moment leave the harbor with a less force than the Cyane or a frigate, to pro I tect the lives, liberty, and properly ol the citizens of the (J. Stales. Baltimore, Dec. 28. Defeat of Aforalea. ? Capl. Mason oi tii?- kchr. Cherub, w ho arrived at this port yesterday fiom Curiacoa, si ales that the day pi ev ions to sailing a sch . ; arrived it two days iron. Corn, i#y \vhi< n letter* were received from gov. ? n<>r Tor relies at that place, giving information of two battles having been fought on the 22d ai.d 24ihot Nov. at and near Salina Rica, he ween geneials Mont ilia and M<>t-a|e?, in both ot which the Columbi an fori es proved victorious. l'he loyal troops in consequence were obliged to evaeuate Maracavbo on the 26tb and that place was taken possession of the same oay by Montdia. Thy Spaniaids, it is stated, suffered severely in the last action, having lost tiie entire battalion \ ol N'ariuas, and ma-iy officuis. On the 27th Morales, witti the remnant of ihe ; annr. in all about 60 ) men, landed at ' A la (i-ac?a, and reached Mitari on the 29lh. ? Ueiiiial Torrelles was making j ev< iy preparation to receive the bea eu lort.es of the Spaniaids, and no doubt j would be able to keep them in chcck | until assistance could be procured Irom I li ti quisifrco MAHHIEU, In Onilfoid C'-ui.i), on the 25th ult.. Mr. Brard Higgins, of Randolph cnuu I tv, to Mary .inn Otbon, d .ughter of Joseph Oslon, esq. ol the loi'iuci couii I *>? STATE OF THE THERMOMETER. 9 u'clk. 12 o'clk. 3 o'clk. January 1 32 56 37 2 38 47 53 3 37 47 53 4 46 61 65 5 63 57 52 6 30 35 37 7 27 35 39 *#* The Orange Agricultu ral society will meet on Thursday next, at the court house in Hillsborough, where and when a'l those who feel an interest in the subject are united to attend. J. l a) lor, Secretary. Jan. 6. ' 52? lw EL KG ANT 31a\\ttgan^ Y vxy nilwT e, . 'l^UE subscriber has lately received, on A commission, trom Mr. Julin Uaker's fac tor^ at Fay ttt-ville, the following article* of clt-gant Mahogany furniture, viz. 1 lam y Suh- Hoard, I plain ditto, l litncv Bureau, I plain ditto, I Secretary I k Ca?e, 1 pair twisted log Dining Tables, 1 tainted leg Break last Table, 1 plain ditto 1 un l'tsed Wash Stand, I corner ditto, 1 octagon Candle Stand, 2 double eliplic ditto, 1 brass clasped Portable Desk, 2 I oilettf t ilasses, 1 Camp Bedstead, 2 pair l'oot Stools, &c. I maple Camp liedstead, 1 ban 'some Swinging Cradle. The above furniture is made in the best manner, and will lie sold low lor citsh, or on a short err (Jit. Those who are desirous of purchasing, udl he shown the artich-s n ap plying to the subscriber, at liirdsall St. Co 's ? 11 e.vander. , Harrison tj? Co. A UF. thaiiknil tor the patronage they have XX received since tliev commenced business. They still continue their Saddle and I larness-Making Business, to which they have addfd a Vi ?\ ab\UVviYve nt . All orders addressed to them shall be execu ted with strength, neatness and dispatch. January 1. 52 ? tf State of North-Carolina, on. hvuh: cou.vrr. Jfark IHckett 1 |n Kqility. IViUiam JWktlt el alia* } 11,11 to ??"*clo?e. IT appearing to the court thst John Rice and hit wile , twool the defendants, are not inhabitants of this st ?te: It is ordered, that publication lie made in the Hillsborough Recorder for three weeks successively, for the said John Rice and his wife to ap pear here at the next term of this court to be held for Orange county, at the court house in Hillsborough, on the third Monday in March next, to answer the complainant's bill, other wise the same will be taken pro contesso against there, heard ex parte, and decreed accordingly. A I, SO stoic. Anthony W. lloiton. 52? tf Jan. 6. Pricc adv. ? 1 30 LiaY OF L.KTTKRS Remaimng at the P**t-Ojfire in Hilltbvrvujh, A'. C , January I, lbJ3. JtiPfi Armstrong, Sarah Armstrong, Frederick 1. Avery, James Atkinson, Wm. And is, Garrison Anderson, Janie> Allison, Joseph Allison. B Wm. S. Baker, Wm. .1/. Ballad, J lin H. K Iturguin, M "? Nancy Boy an, JosiiUa B riy, Catherine S. Bonner. Kichsrd Breeze, Louisa I. Bruce, John Brucc, Wm Boyles, Joseph Booth, sen Joshua Buckingham, Wm. Bowls. c Miss Eliza Chapman, Jais. W . Ilnlt Irit, ' James lltitchemn, Ricnard times, H.iwcl r. Hicks, i Win Harris, M ildred I". Hall, James Hamlet, Miss *ally It Hinten, M>rgan llart, i Win. Ilickn. Lucy H Hicks Jan. 3. I?aac Jackson, James Jackson, Naihaaiel JrflVa, Thomoson Johnston, 3 Iven JeflVy. K Amanda D K>np, Wm. Kirkland. L Eli*. II. Leigh, W in. L. Longf, Archiblc l^igh, Jesse Lindsie. M Wilie I*. Mangum, 4 James Moore, James Mehane, Lemuel Morgan, John M'Katroll, Col. II Mulhollan, 2 Richard Mayn.rd, Alston Mordon, Ja MDa.le, Anderson M'Cullock? l? N. Palmer, 2 Samuel Paisley, John Poi*?i>n, Casy Picketi, feainnel F. J'aicrsa . R Wm. R ckett, JaC ib Itiley, Mary Ram*\ , Win Rial, Rev. \\ litis Heaves., s Joseph Stubbing, 'J C. H Shipp, Sheriff ot Orange coiiim tv, 2 J. Srni'.h, Robt. Stamper St Co. 3 E. II Shepherd, Martha Sirudwick, James H. Shepperd, Robert Shankhn. 1 James D. Turner, S.iinue! Tuompson, Margaret I.Taylor, W It. Tilli'.ston, Tli. m..s I hompson, 2 Joseph Terry, John L Turner, Mar> Thomas, Eduar.l Turner, Hiram Turin r, 2 l>av d Thompson, fcamuel TiMin^hursl* \v Ldley Weeks, la; Veil Woods, Samuel W oo??s, 2 Wm. Wint ed, jr. Wm. Whitticar, John Walker, James tVuson, 4 Edmund Waddle, yvter Willis.ni-,, '* Tnomas Wilson, lbaac Watson. Y Samuel Yarbrou;;h, Dai id Yaibrnjgh. It. L. Cock, I'. ,(/. 52? LIST Oh' LKTTKRS Remaining ut the J'ost- Office in C/ki/vI-WU, ?V. V , January 1, A L CharLs E. Alexander. John l.amb< rt. " M John I Hack wood, W.lliam JlfcCaulev, N>-' George well, tlenry E.Colt man, Eumund /*iu. Mia. Cold well, 1 1 It '?* Cornelius Roberson, I ? W illiam U.niel. Thomas R.ddlc. K s John Ellio t , James Strain, '' Alt xander Strain, John Fitts, oseph //. Sanders. Richard I. Fearn, Allen Stone, Mary Flmti.H', John Smith, The Freshman CUsS Samuel Shctfon, (i The Senior Cla?s. William H. Gray. \V II C.rorsje IFin, Samuel S. Hiinon, Allen William*, Zacanali tleriidoii, John Wii*??n, William G. It