HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. Fl iiTCSHKU WEEKLY by dennis oeartt, II* TMIIER DOLLARS A YEAH, PAYABLE MALK YKAltLY IN ADVANCE. Those who Jo not give notice of tlieir wiali to have the paper discontinued at the exp.ra .on ?f the year, will be presumed as desiring ,, continuance until countermanded.? And pa|>er will be discontinued until all arrear are paid, unless st the option of the pub lisher. Whoever will procure seven subscribers an<l iru?rantee the payments, shall receive the gratis. \,\ ? <-rtiMeoients not exceeding fourteen linea ' will I*: inserted three tunes for oiw dolla-, and tari?ty*five cents lor each continuance. Subscriptions received by the pr?nier, and m >h( ot the postmasters in Uie state. ? All letters upon hustnesa relative to the pa :vr mu?i be post-paid. j Gentlemen of le sure. who possess a ?a?'e lor literary purauits, arc invited to f* j vtir us with coin munical ions p()R sale b,. the sub>cr bcr, a few barrels Superfine FLOUR. Apply at Cain !c Moorr'a store. AY ill. Cain. ir. M April 16. 0t> ? -t w S\vri\\g lioo&s. ' OIIF. Dubicnbrn hart j ?i??t receivi d a hand X some a?aortiiM?nt of Spring <. <??*>?. a?:ee t d tr JiT> the latest importation*,* hieh will ee ? >i(l lo * tor cash} among wbicii arc, 4 4 and 0-4 Cambric Muslins, 4 4 .i iiintured il.?. ?i? ditto, 4--? and 6-4 plain ditto, 4 4 and # 4 pta u and figured I?ono M.m'ins, 4-4 ?nd 6-4 mull m .11 and jaconet Mutlms, J*cone U.itlin K jUcj, figured, ha r coit!, and satun striped Canibr.c Muslins, F- am ami figured S*iss Muslins, 0-t Scotch Lawn, 4-4 Jaconet Cravat*, very fine, 1 i>eri.ng? and Flounccs, K'Cii Thread LaCrs and It ?binett. Fruited and co.ton dantask &hu?ls, Pm.ted pocket Handkerchief, 5 Irani loorti Shirtings, "?d and 4-4 Irah Linens, lr*sh, brown and black ditto, * 4 \pron Checks, X tnfcio and Canton Crapes, black aud colored, Italian ditto, '-4 Crap<- Shawls, Cr^ftr Heart's, UUck Smsliawa and Sarsoett, Z-'1 a and pla^d silk Handkerchiefs, Black Barcelona, Women's black and white silk Hote, Men's do. do do 3 boxes assorted Rihb >ns, Ca nhrtC and common Dimity, Wmghamt and Callicoes, Furniture calicoes. Linen Cambncka and I. awns, I. men and cotteQ Diapers, Irish and Russia Sheetings, S.ik and cotton Velvets, 1-a lies' black and white silk Cloves, Men's ditto, V wing Silk and Tui*', all colours. White ami colour* d Thread, Holt's wire cotton Thread: cotton Halls, Turkey red Cotton Yarn, Needles, silver and gold eyed ditto, >-4 blue Cotton Cassimeres, Hiam, black and white battins and Florence Hvh Galloons, M ilinett, Bonnet Wlrf( T4pesand Kibbons. 1 .a 1 ea* and gen' lemon's Beaver Gloves, Silk and Florentine Veat . Striped ditto, ?tral shell tuck and side Combs, luitation Horn do. nodding C'uitbs, Ivory do. lV>mestic Shirting* Flaids, Kw>s a Duck, Jtc Sec. At.SO. * 2 casf-s gentlemen'* frae ?? a'er proof lists, Ladies' Morocco Shoes, a?aoitcd. Men's fine leather ditto, Ditto H >ots, AND ?J general assortment nf Grwcries. Hiidsall Co. P S An additional supply shortly expected. Apr. I 15. 66? tf LIST OK LKTTKU8 Aemaininj at the. in Chtipel- fit!!, - J< C April 1, la 23 A K Chrittopher Allen. Bryan Kit trill. H M KliUhW .ok.-r. Jv U"u T. ?'m01'"* William M Dullard, }\n " *???".?*>? <ir4v Harbee, J-.l n M ^ W H am Rarbee, K"berl * V;u,e>'* Cliri?inphrr ll.trbee, 4, Simon Pearson, ^ Julia W. IV.tti, R v Ji>t<>ph Cn'dwcli, Biddy J 'net. J >??< p!? Collier, 4 |f l"U" M J?'** William F. U.tfTin. ?> iiiiam J (-raijr, o Herbert (Joller. , , , f r!ic Senior Class, '* Anna Sinnp, George B. Ihid'cy, N.?nc> Sears. F * F.r.xalicth Finn. )l*r> !T.,ce' James TI?<?n?aon. " \v P?ehy Grimes. ,1ohn W,1.nn, II B.?az Whi'field. ?'smrs l|ni;if, Y "enry Haiinon. Jarratt Ycargain. IliMiry Thompson, P. Jf. GliapeMHl, April 1, 5J? 3? = Hrandv, Cogniac, Apple, - Peecti, - Bacon, ... Hetmx, - - - Butter, - - ? Coffee, - ? - - Com, .... Cotton, ... Candle*, mould, ? Flaxseed, rough. Flour Gin, Holland, Country, Iron, .... Li"H, - - t.inici .... Molasses,* - ? Porter, I'liil. - - IVnvder, A hut. - Ituai, Jamaica, - West liidia. New England ir.ee, - . . - Shot, .... Salt, L?*i i pf<:'.. . Turk'* Island, Sugar. Brown, - l^af. - lea, ImpctialJiOunp llyson, . ? Young Hyson, ToV?:?cc?, - Tallow, Winsk"\, > ? \V?ne, Madeira, - Tt-ncrillr, Sherry, - F??n, - - - owd hu lb bosh. lb. ' bust), bbl gdl. keg gall. cut. lb. c-.vt lb. gall. Wmiii.igto. April 13. CIS. Cts. 140 a 150 40 42 I 1 35 18 25 65 10 14 107 725 4 40 9500 C a ik Ck'I. 9 33 1 2* 24 60 9 12 100 700 100 38 9250 10 ! 30 ?-'6 82 05 60 6.5 37 J 4o 275 300 55 45 7 b) 85 0 400 4:5 9 10 JJ J ? FtyettcVllk1 . Ipril 17. cu. Cvi. 120 a 150 42 45 50 75 8| 10 GO 15 25 70 8 13 ?33 25 28 10 16 700 750 90 I lu 40 45 10080 112 JO aoo 28 250 50J 8 J 70 40 3 jO 1200 70 60 r wvi 1 s 137J 10 ) 27. ? 8 4 > 123 100 3 OO 30 3O0 7 50 110 80 45* 400 7 5 65 10 >0 19 162 350 9 42 40.1 1 -5 60 85 Newborn. ?'**' 12' ctt. 175 40 75 8 33 18 27| 51 9 9* 124 15 7o 900 1000 125 45 50 cia. 2O0 45 85 9 35 25 29 52 8 30 r* 61* 1 >l)t,i g. Jlpil U. ctk . CIS. 130 175 36 38 50 60 9 10 28 70 8 ?f\A 30 75 12 650 750 95 100 ? 93 00 10000 90 100 75' 85 45 350 40O < 5' J 33 200 40 225 250 5 50 700 115 120 80 90 38 . 50 10C0 1050 t)00 1.00 1 750 1214 18 20 40 160 17 3 160 200 15 20 112* 150 100 350 1 12$ IOjO 35 40 250 400 Laud for Sale for Taxes. \ If 11.1. be sold for cash, to the highest bidder, on Monday the 28lb ol April next, th?foi \ V lo?r n< lr^cs n*' I. or ?;> much tb?-n*>( ?<? will au-fy the tax due on ?aid iaud 1'cr tlie years 1819 and 1820, with the oat of advertising, & c. Sic. Party's >" un*s. | U) whom given hi. .No.ol acre^l i or >? it Ai line. Jame* Has*. hz-.-k t I He-xrr, W-n. ?lr-td?oaw, sen. S.mucl Itradihuw, VV Uiam llr^.ks, Kranri* Cuil 1, lie. ja<nin fJni'difielJ, II nry C.-.uchfe! !, Wiisinan Conr-u, M ark (. us^n, la-nes Hamlet, r-ioma* Howard, jr. Iuhn MManiel, ten. MexamUr M'llaniel, lamra Minnis, Vrchibald Nicholson, Samuel U'Daoiel, Margaret Pickard, Michael Pickard, ?a<nuel 9te\?ar , sen. IV.ll.ain i kes tV.lliani rurner, Pu'.cr Williams, John Workman, jr. i'liomas Workman, February 36. self, ?elf, self, ael\ aelf, self, self, a-lf, sell", t ?elf, 18 JO not liuts.:',' self, self, self. ? ?e'f, J 'hn M'Daniel, ??? a. 11, aelf, Jaim-s O' Daniel an<l stlfj aelf, aelf, ?olf, ?elf, aelf, self, ?elf, aelf, fJeor Price adv. ? 13 00 ?4 -J 701 \ 23 a J 10 llj ?44) 3 51 1 6\j 117 174 t>7 ?2,i 1 55 4. 1 72 185 iy5 105 .166 2+8 310 96 V>3 16 7 90 150 Situai ii>n. 2 pis 1 1 <20 J.Mary's creek. 18-0 JCaiii creek. 19 "???'! 1820H^w creek. ls.O 1 19 lh *0 hi.) 1 k :?? 1 19 1820 is 19 1-ly is 20 Meadow creek. [Cam rie' k. a:n cr^tk. |' aio r? tk . C*iti il'n k. Uu.n crctk. Varnel's creek |1819 ?nd 1820 Varnel's creek. Ihly uitrl 1820 Collin's creek. 1 820 1819 h.uI 182oi 1 >20 1 5'20 1819 and 1S2.I 1 2 j 1819 1812 and 132o 1820 1819 Cain crefk. Cain creck. Cain crcek. lendenin's creek. Meadow Creek. [Collin's creek Haw ri\er. go Clancy, Deputy Sheriff. 60? 8w Statu of North-Carolina, n.nvnoLr/i coL'A'j y. l*:#urt i'f iV a** an 1 Q?iarif r S Asions, February Term, '.a.v'!. William tiiir. Ex' i ? ?* Vi I Original altr.c!.m<*nt SAnM G timer o?,/ f Uv,e in,,1ri-'i uul P?r* 1 ./?Am Gamer. J ^0,>a, C8t?le if appearing t?? the court, that the defend- j ?n!s in tin* ca*e are resident* of another fciate, It is ordered, that publication he made < for six weeks in 'lie lldUhnmitgh Itrcorder, for tlic Mid defendant* to appear at the next court to he !i< ??! fir the county of HunJolph, on the first Mund ?% of .\lay it x.t, tlu-n and there to rrplevy ai..i :?!?nd t?? is?ue, otherwise judgment hy dc.autl w.ll he entered against them. A copy. 'Jesse Harper, c. e. c. Price adv. %2 62 J 63 ? 6w State of N'ortli-Carolina, OU.hV gb coujviy. Court of Picas m?cl Q.i??ner Sessions, February 1 crni, 1823. ,l/ot<rt ,M'f 'owi 1 va. ? Original attachment. Jt-r/t'i JW'M array J I T appearing to the ?a'i*f;irlior. of^he court, I t'in* .i M'M 'rrni , ? lie defendant in tills ri'isr, > rt ?l :u? iiili.ili'Hul of tins state: It i? theft I r< cr'eied, that publication he made in the tlill?b.i.-?m;<l? lUcorder lor three months that uiiles* ill*.* an d Joseph M' Mur ray appears hel'ore *aid court, on the fourth Monday of May next, and then and there re plevy or plead to issue, that judgment will he rendered against hnn according to plaintiff's demand. John Tnjlor, Clerk. Pi ice adv % 5 25 61 ?3m M* Don ell's Bible Questions lor *ale at this office. The Shorter Cateehisin, for sale at this office. State of North -Carolina, Olt.lA'GE COUA'TT. Court of 1*! -a* an?' Quarter c>ec?'ior.s, February i'trui, 1823. I'leaiunt Ikmkrton' 1 vs. C Original attachment. F.thxxrd Hohton. j 1 I T appearing to t lie sa'.isf.iction of the court, 1- that Edward I(ob>on, the defendant in this cause, in nut an inhabitant of this state: j It is therefore ordered, that publication he j made in the !lilh>t>orou^h Itecordcr for three j months, that unless the -.aid Edward llob'son * apjK-ait before said court, on the lourth J Mnndnv in M iy next. and then and 'here re , plevy or plead to issue, that judgment will be rendered gainst him according to plaintiff's demand. I, ,t' .1 oli n Taylor, Clerk. Price adv. $5 25 61? 3m State of North-Carolina, ORAJtGE COUSfTY Court of Picas and Qu^tcr Sessions, February Tom, 1823. James Carritiglon vs. I Petition for distribu John J. Carritiglon, r tire share. atlmr anil oM#n. J t I' r'nr t*i ? * ?< isfaction of the court, 1 ^ M.i -re and wife, and John Kit ? ii , ?!k l id ...Is m t is cause, are not in liai> t an 1 1 ii> ihts state: li is therefore ordered, lit at publication be made in the HHI?l>orough Recorder for three months, that unless they appear at the next court of said county, on the fourth Monday in May next, and then and ihere file their answer hi this cause, that judgment pro confesso will be entered against them, and suit set for hearing ex parte. ' eB<' -John 1 aylor, Clerk. Price ad? ^ 5 '25 61 ? 3m A few copies of the Natural Hiatory of Quadrupeds ,llirds, Fishes, *5C- ^ for sale at thu office. Ori >l cotton raised on of 'idf potjLes IkCTr 1 9 dollar!. > dollars. range Agricultural Socie*- v AMbKTlNG of the O in^c Africultut^ Society *? hv d at the V ??<>? Huiel in the tuwn of Hilisb. on t|?e ll>th 1 Jth, 1823, when the vng resolution* Were td(>|)ii dt v x Re?h/td, That for i..e V -'eat quantity of coi-n raised on one acre ???" i ,-v simed worn out laud, in the present _ a premium of 10 dollars be awarded. Kor the largest yuaau'ifr of cotton raised on one :?cre uf land, 10 dollars For the largest qiaj.'itv raised on one quarter ot an For the brat bull calf, 10 For the best milch cow, 10 dollars. For the best yoke of oxen, 10 dollars. For the largest and faM?-at ox, 10 doll art. For the best boar, 5 dollars. For the best sow, 5 dollars. For the best piece w->ollen fulled cloth, not less thar. ien yards, 10 dollars. For tiie best piece mixed cotton and wool cloth, not less than ten yards, 10 dollars, * For the best piece ot flannel, nut lea* than ten yard-, 10 dollars. For the best piece of blanketing, not less th:m ten yards, 10 dollars. l*j r (lie best piece ol flar linen, not less than ten yards, 10 dollars. For the best piece of flax table linen, not lesH than ten yard', 10 dollar*. , for the best vesi pattern, 2 dollars For tY. best pair woollen stockings, 2 dolls. For the best pair c ?tton stockings, 2 dolls. For the best two horse plow, 10 dollars F>r the best one horse plow, 5 dollars. Hetolxxil, I hat the candidates tor premiums f<>r r*4.s.ng corn, cot on or potatoes, produce veil authenticated certificates ot the admea surement of the ground ai d the quantity rais ed thereon, and a written account of tne mode ot manuring, planting and cultivating the g-oun;t on which the crop i?s raised. Revived, That a Cat;l?* Show and exhibi tion of Domestic .Manu'actur*-s, and a flow ing Match, be held in Hillsborough on the first Tharsdax in November next, to be con ducted b\ a committee of arrangements con sating of five members, and that the premi ums he awarded by a coin.nitiee ot nine members. Retohrd, That si! articles exhibited for premiums and to which premiums are ad judged, be offered for sale to the highest bidder, under the direction ot the committee of arrangements. He tulred. That the premiums be paid in silver plate, wi ll suitable inscriptions. Jtcso'ved, That the foregoing be publish ed ni the Hillsborough Recorder lor three mouth*. , ? p|s s John 1 ay lor, ^c'ry April 2. 54? om AN adjourned meeting of the society will take place in the tow not Hillsborough, at the Union Hotel, on the 29'h of May next; when mil where all the members of the society, and all others who wish t.? encourage agriculture and agricultural improvement*, are particu larly requested to attend. April 2. 64 ? tm ? ilearaiuler , Harrison ?5? Co. A HE thankful for the patronage they have received since thevcommei.ced business. They still Continue their Saddle and Harness-Making lousiness, to which they have added a SY\oe ?i s\ ab\\ s\vmt nt . All orders addressed to them shall be execu ted with strength, neatness and dispatch January 1. 52? tf State of North-Carolina, orajvge cou.y-rr. Superior Court of Law, March Term, 1823. Dicey Man gum -) Pe(ltlon for ptrtltlon oT , . . I8 . , V the land of John Car J |T appearing to the satisfaction of the court I that the defendants, Cicorge Moore and Klinhtth his wife, Carnngton Knight, Wil liam Knight, John Knight, Nancy Knight, Kli. z:ih"t!^K<iieht, Jeptha Knight, James Knight, Jiflerson Knight, Me< kins Knight, Raleigh Knight, and Mar* Knight, children and heirs at law'of 'heir mot her. Mary Knight, deceased, (which said Mar* was one of the children and heirs at law of John Carrington, late of Orange county, deceased, preside beyond the limits of this state, the e>ftht last mentioned of whom aic inf.nts under the age of twenty -one years: It is ordered by the court that publication be made in the Hillsborough Recorder for three month* susccssiTely, that the sairir defendants who are of full age, and those under the age of twenty-one years, by their guardians, ap pear at the next term of this court, on the third Monday in September next and put in their answers to the said petition, otherwise the came will be taken pro confesso against them, heard ex parte, and decreed according ly. Test, A. B. Bruce, c. s. c. Price ad*, g 8 20. 66? 3m State of North-Carolina, ORJ!v\'ti E COUjSTY. Court of Equity, March Term, 1823. Jarret Tearjainf |f, fcquity. vs. > ? ? Eihmtrd Kobnn > Injunction Vtill. T appearing to the satisfaction of the court tli At blwanl Kobson, the defendant in this cause, resides beyond the limits of this state: It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Hillsborough Kecorder for six weeks successively, for the said Edward Hob son to appear here at the next term of this court, on the third Monday in September next* and put in hisanswer to the complainant's bill, orherwise the same will be taken pro confes s<> against him, heard ex parti-, and decxecd accordingly. Test, James Webb, c. m. e. Price adv. ft 2 73 66?6 w a ON IMPRISON \ir NT CUR DKBT. We 'lo nut know thai we ever read any tbtng stronger on this subject than lhe following extract from the message ot governor Robertson to ihi legislature o{ Louisiana, at the commencement of U?4n?>ual session. A'at. Intel. ** At the Lst session ot the legislature, 1 pto|H>?ed lor ns onsidtiation the pro priety of abolishing imprisonment lor debt; or, in other words, of rescuing the individuals of society irom the meanest of ail slasery and the most insulting of all tyranny, that or confinement in a jail by one ul the i.seivcs. It is the boast of | the institutions of America to have se cured the liberty of ni3t> against public oppression; whi.st they have left it the victim of individual tyranny. The state, the United States cannot con 'uct even criminals to a ptison, without a public trial before le.rned judges and impartial juries, whilst a creditor, by means uf an oath in the first instance, and subsequent ly by the fial ot a single obscure justice ot tne peace, may indge l>y the side of I the convict, in the same nunsion of vice and misery, an unturiunaie and less ta vo'cd debtor. Barrier after barrier is elected between lhe murderer and his cell, whilst the way is clcar fioin ob structions and the doors of the dungeon stand optu wide (or the reception ol the debtor. But it would seem that the in | justice and inhumanity of the practice are objections not sufficiently strung to ' produce its abolition; will it be yielded up if it '? e shewn to be contrary to the constitution? Is it nut a violation of con tract? Docs it not add an engagement to thai agreed on by the parties? The pro mise is to pay money simply ? the taw I ad If, or render the body to prison. ?? it may be, as it has been said, that the laws are known, that they are in the contemplation uf the partus, mat their provisions torm a part uf the agrtement. But this, to the exient o! the proposition as stated, is a lanacy; ttie parlies con tract with a view to none hut constitu tional law?. Laws viola ing a contract arc unconstitutional, and any change whatever of the express agr ement be tween the pat ties, is a violation ot the instrument, and cons qoently void. What v>ou!d be ihr effect of an agree ment on the fiart qf an individual to un dergo imflrinonnient Jor a certain time in discharge oj a dcbr? Wou.d the courts cnfoice i?? It i> believed that they could not ? because the right of liberty is una lienable ? becau->e the person is secured against unreasonable seizure* ? b< ? a?j.?e cruel punishment cannot be inflicted* I But if imprisonment be not found in the contract, ur, if lound, be nugatoiy, can it be superadded by the laws, and cu. ? sidcred binding on the partii s? although all these principles ate violated as well as the sacrcdnessof the conn act itself?" Important Machinrry , For removing obstruction* to the navigation of Rivera, &c. Mr. Joseph G(Mlicy, <?f tins county, has iDvvD ed and pa enter! two machtnra , one tor breaking up rocks at th? fall* ot' rivers, See and the oilier for removing stones, gravel and soil, from their bed-, which, so far as we can judge from his drafts and specifications, promise to bo of immense importance to the couj-try in improving the navigation ol its streams, ant) thus (activating internal communi cation and commerce, 'l'he machine for breaking rocks can only operate at a depth ot three or four ftct under water; that for rtmoving sand, gravel. Sec. can be employed at tne depth of 20 or 30 feet. Mr. Godlt-y has no doubt he could open a ship channel lor vessels drawing 25 feet water, from Philadt lp ia to n e ocean, provided no rocks interfered. We understand he is willing to dispose of the right to use his machines for a state or tor a particular river, or any part therof; and will furnish am inf< r mation desired on the subject, on appli* cation to him at Mtlford post-oftice, Hunterdon county, N. J. These inven tions we thin'i likely to prove extreme* ly useful to those states which have em* barked, or may hereafter embark, in the widening and deepening of the beds of their navigable rivers. Trtntin True .imrr. Professor Lindsly, of Princeton Col lege* in an excellent discourse lately puolithed, stales the following exuaor* dinary facts: ? u For more than thirty years past, certainly, not a single death has occurred among the students of this institution (the college of New Jersey.) nor have 1 been able to ascertain that such an event has ever been witnessed in Nassau Hall." ? Hud auch an event ever occurred, it could acarcely have es caped the enquiries and researches of professor Lindsly, and it is therefore ?air to presume that it never did occur; and yet, it would seein almost miraculoua that in more than seventy years not a death should have taken place among so large a number of atudents as have generally attended that seminary. [American.

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