RECORDER. \o\- IV. . * . r . . WEDNESDAY, MAY 21,^823. ?fo ill. HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. PUBLI SRK1) WEEKLY BY DENNIS HEART!*,* \T THRBK DOl.LAKS A YEAIt, PAYABLE HALK YKAHLY IS ADVAMCB. Those who do not give notice of their wish to have the paper discontinued at the expira tion <?f the year, will be presumed as desiring it, continuance until countermanded. ? \nd no paper will be discontinued until all arrear age are paid, unlcaa at the option of the pub hshcr. . Whoever will procure aeven subscribers and j^u^rantee the payments, ahali receive the j eighth grans. Advertisements not exceeding fourteen lines ? will be inserted three times for on- dollar, anil twenty-five cents tor eacli continuance. Subscriptions received bj the printer, and I aunt of tlie postmasters in the state. All letters upon husim s* relative to the pa pr must be post-paid. *.* Gentlemen of le sure, who possess a ! ta? e for literary pursuits, are invited to fa i votir hi with communications Tlir Semi-annual Kxamina- 1 t ,un of the suidents under the care of the Kev. \Vm. Bingham will be on tiie 5'b a.ul ? 6in of next month. The exercises of the ' Academy will be resumed on tbe 1st of July. Board may t>e had in respectable tauulics. Mount Kepose, May 12. ?o -4* ?7? The Ninth Annual Meet n.^ of tin North -Cup. lin* llapi ist .Sncte'\, for Mission, Foreign and lh>nies?:c, w ll com n?e'ice on Sa urdav, the 24tn ol .Vlay next, :.t Soulherland'j Meeting tlou?e, IH miles north ut Kaleigh, in W akecounty Mt-nibtts ol tlie ync.etv, and brethren in the ministry, in gene ral, are repec'lully invited to a* i .id. \t m. Liglitfoot, H? .v?., April 30. WUWam \\. TViU'ip* H\VK jusi received fr no \V iliiingmn, their spring nupply uf bMccnet, which makes their assortment co.nplete. Among t.'.em are Porter, Newark <*?der, Phtladt Ipliu Ale, ami Lime Juice by the quart or gallon. May 6. 69? J V. Snew\ & Co. HWK ju?t received a general assortment ul (>ooris suitable tor the present and ap pnachin..' season, thev are disposed Jo ?eli <>n acco-nmodatin); tf-rtns Their ru-i''mi ri a id the public, arc inv.tcd to cal; on them. May 6. 69? jw STILLS FOR SALE. JOKL REYNOLDS h. ? n. have j'<?l receiv ed a supply ot the but materials, and arp r???vv prepared to make STILUS <>t every de scription; also all kinds ol I IN \Y A KL; u hicli v;il lie ? ild on Cataonablc urins lor cash, or on a short credit. Mb) 6. f,') ? L.i.Y!) VUR S.ILE. 10PKKH fur ?ale t wo hundred tcrei (if land on the head waters ol ll\Co and Kno, ail jou in ? lie laud* of Nsaht l Moore ftnd others, ami am u-i||.ii< to 'ake a lair price lor it. Mr. Muore will tliow the land. Application may b- made to Jonathan 1* Sn.ed, esq. of lliilt bun ?ugh, or to me in Ut(<nd< Win. M. Snerd. May 6. 69? 2m WII.L I1K SOLI), VT the residence of the late Mrs. Mary W tn ted, in tie town ot Hillsborough, on Saturday tl?<- Jlst of May n? *t,ad tlie pro pen > o? t lie drCci.^d, consisting of Negroes, Horses, C * ria<e, Wa^on, Cattle, and House hold and K tcoen Furniture, on a Credit until tne first iIaji ot .la?tury next. Itoiul and secu rity rctju.nd before the property is Chai fctd. Jiiiiieft \Velil?, Executor April 18 6?? 5w THE H.iCE HORSE sta'jpbiiJi-o ii? ONKnt the Imndvmi- I r*t and finest sons of I I that ?i ?k-c| <i m I It-tl horsr j ' Sir Vir.liyi w.ll stand | i II .H?tH>rwMKli cvry J 5 liiiradft) and t r.dav, I a< < . I .c .. pr<e,e (if ten d?*l llir I ?eaaoo. |{ ma) be had to In* hand { bilit, where ad particulars may be seen rela- ; tue jo liia uu? quailed performance* on the I ?nrl, hi* Stood, and In* ijrt-at reputation ?? * K*"* . - - Lewis hlierley. April 67 ? State of North-Carolina, H.iA'itowH r. Court ill I'll a-, rfi. (^' int. i- Sessions, I*' hrtiity T?im, 18 2.1. IVWiam tttlT , AVr? j Qf -Mac,,mrnt S'nthrl Gamer w V l^ied on re.l ?nd pcf. , . e, 1 aoiiat eaUte. Jo An fJunier. J 1 ' *l>prann? <n tlic coert, that the defend ?nt* hi tbi* ca%e arc r si jent* of a< other *'a?e, It i ? ordered, tliat publication be made l<?r *i* week* in he lldl<>b'H'oo)fb K< enrder, fur the ta.d defendant* to appear at the next court to lie held fit- ilie county of K*ndolph# ??n tb<* fir?t Mond i\ of May n at, then and tliert t<? replevy ami pl< *d lo ia-ue, otherwise j-M|( rient by de.auli Will be entered against them. \ Copy. ?Ir**e Harper, c. c. c. Pricr tdr. fc 2 62) 61? 6w IP'iilt&SlS ?ir?TRTaCTfl>. Brabdy, C >gniac, Apple, - Peach, - Bacon, ... HctrfWaX, - - - Butter, - - - Coffee, - - - - Corn, - - - - Cotton, - ? ? Candles, mould, - FUxteed, rough, Flour. .... Giii, Holland, Country, Iron, - - - Lird, .... Lime, - Mnlinfj, ... Por er, I'll it. - - Powder, Amer. - Hum, Jamaica, - West India, New England Kice, - - Siiot, .... Salt, Live i pool, * Turk'* U'.an \, Sugar. Brown, - L<">uf, - l ea, Imperial 8t Ciunpowder, -v? Hysou, - - Young llyson Tobacco, ? I'allow, * - - Wlnakry, ... Wine, ttadeira, - True rifle, Sherry, - Port, - - Malaga, - gall. lb. bush, lb. bush, bid. gall. VVtlmi gun Mag 10. CU?. Cts. 130 * 140 40 ton lb. cask gall. dux. gall. 8 33 12* 25 60 s 9 10 100 750 9 J 38 i9250 10 I 50 27 bush. cwt. lb. cut lb. gall. 10 35 15 26 -65 10 107 900 100 40 9500 28 82 85 60 65 37 J 4'; 300 55 45 75) 100 9 38 [Fay. l&yiUcI May 15 . v 850 425 10 40 cts. Ct&. 100 a 150 45 55 50 30 15 28 8 13 Newbeni. 'May 10. 75 9i| 32 25 29 70 10 16 ? 700 723 90 110 43 45 10080 1 120CI 9 l<fc 200 300 29 33 250 3 0 750 80 70 40 350 400 llOO 1200 75 80 60 65 7 50 100O 17 20 150 175 100 120 \ 30 i 90 8ufc 75 45 I 110 275 8 4 ) 125 125 350 , 9 45 4i-0 150 65 85 Cta. 175 40 75 8 32 18 27-J 50 9 121 70 900 125 45 8 cts. 200 ' 45 8 i > Pclci Miui g. M?f9 . cta cis. 130 175 38 40 50 ? 60 A| 8 9 3*| ? 2 2 1 } 15 50 9J 45 1000 18 10 40 160 160 100 85 400 1 100 20 175 2'.<0 650 750 95 100 9500 10000 28 80 8 30 11 I 5U 200 33 225 37 J 250 550 7O0 115 80 38 120 90 40 1000 1050 75 87 750 1214 1 5 20 112* 150 100 112$ 350 1000 35 40 250 400 fcO* l*uc Draw injis be^in N?.xi Mninh. Cthen'i O^icr, Baltimore, . Ifnil 3?'A, 182J Wo have tin plt-a-nrr to announce, that ouinij to 'he flattering ??ncour:?>:en.eiit alrea dy it i.rt-d b the p .hhc uittardi lite new Sclu n. <, the toflinHtmunrrt ami Managers li?c 4lic?(h iirt n enabled to fix early p< ri nds lor cornrot nchiff tl.eii , as staled below. Wlnle iri.dfnns; our acknowledgements to Hie public lor ihc Very extensive and Conti* r.ucil patronage we receive, we beg perm.s iinii on this orcasn n, to remark the expedi tion ot ?l hw iiig , as ? ? ll as I 1 1 K I' It* > M I'T NfcsS \ Mi PUXCTU VUTY IN rut. PAY MENI' OF PKIZKn, WHICH IIaVK Ah U \VS CI I K IT.IilZBil THE I1ALTI MOKv I. O l" I F. U'LS, hint winch has deserv edly rendered ti.eni so popular not only at , home, but in ever* section of the Union.? | In the 'wo l>?tteri?*s herewith prtsemed, the CASlI, a? hcrtrtofire, can Ite hint Jor alt prize* ?o'd ut Cohen' ? OJJice, the moment they are lll'il WM . Grand State Lottery OF MARYLAND, No. II. Ono iluii'lred TuouHaud 1) ?llars HIGHIST PHIIC. ttf^int ill a nun? in the City of Ha 'it more on /Fr dnehiny the ~6th nf ?)!./}', unit mil f>rogret? under the *n fx 'intent tuner i if the Loniiimtioneit > nfifHitnteii by the Liovernor untl Council. ShHKMB 1 Pr ze of JfclOO.OuO i* 100,000 Dollars. ' 1 PriZ'* ot? 2i>,000 is 2o,Oi>0 Dollars. J 2 pm< ? of lO.tXyO >s ?.0,<A<0 Dollars i 2 Prili'iol? ? 3.0(H) ii 10,000 l>oliars. 20 P zr? ot 1.000 is 2o.<K>*' Dollars 50 HriZ'? of 100 is 5,0^0 Dollars. 60 Prizes "* --50 is 3.'/00 Dillars. Prixi sot -12 is 72 OM) DoUars. I he whoie Scheme will be completed in TWKNI Y DU/VWINGS ONLY. H'hnlf Tickets , Si 2 lit liven , 6 Quarters, Si 00 Kig/ithSf .. 1 50 SIXTH CLASH OF THE WASHINGTON XMOIJ M KNT LOTTERY Cummences Itrmcing 14//1 ,1/JT. THl KHFMt CON I A I N? I priz- ol &2o,iH>0 ? 2 &10.000 ? 2 of fcj/H.O? 3 ??! ?2 0.)O ? 8 ol fc 1,000? 50 ol ft 100- 100 -tg:?0? 200 ?? 1 g2v),?c 50(>0 o' Si 10 ? I'hc wiiotc to be t umplet' d in SIXIKKN DRAWINGS ONLY. H'lmle Tickets, gin Hulves, 5 quarters. 552 50 Eighths, ....I 25 Tickets and Scares in both Schemes to he had in the ifreaiest variety of Number* at (e? aiiasf 33 Lottery and Exchange- Office, 114, Market -itrert II \LI IMOUK: Where the Great Capital Prises in HOI II I UK LA?T LOITER IRS were told to I?|S I \NT AllVKNTUKEWS, and vhere m?r* CiifHfal /'rite* have been told than at any olfter Office in .it/wriea Ujr*OmiEi?s from any part of the United State*, either by mail (pott pa>d) or by pri? vate conveyance, enclosing (he C??h lor Pri irt in any of ihe Haltimere Lotteries, will meet ihe lame pmmpt and punctual attention as if on personal application, addressed to J. I COHEN, Jr. SrcVy? Baltimore 66? 3 w JOB PRINTING, Executed at this office with neatness and despatch. l#1h?\'tTKt3 OF YAklwUS KINDS, for sale at this office. State of North-Carolina, oitA.\cn covjvir. Court of Ph as and Q-iartt r Sessions, February Term, 1823. Pleaaunt I/emlc>. on~) vi. C. Original attachment. Kilivard Jtobton j % IT appearing to ti>e satisfaction of the court, that Edward Kob-on, the detendant in this ciute, is i >ot an inhabitant of this state: It is therefore ordered, that publication he made in the Hillsborough llecorder lor three months, that unlets tlie said Eilward Uobson appears before said court, on the tourth Monday in May next, and then and there re plevy or plead to issue, that judgment will be rendered against him according to plaintiff's demand. itst' John Taylor, Clerk. Price adv. g 5 25 61 ? 3m State of North-Carolina, o it. ixu t: c o twrr. Court uf PI- as anu Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1823. J a me* Currington vs. ( Petition for distribu Johtt J. Carritttrfon f tive share. udtnr and other*. J II' appearingto the satisfaction of the court, that (.eorge Moore and wife, and John Knight, defendants in this cause, are not in habitants oith>s state: It is therefore ordered, l ha publication be made in the HTUborough Kecorder for three month*, that uniess they appear at the next court of said county, on the fourth Monday in May next, and then and 'here file their answer in this cause, that judgment pro Confesso will be entered against them, and suit set tor hearing ex parte. 1 C!"' John 1 ay lor, Clerk . Price adv. 5 '25 61 ? 3m State of North-Carolina, oraxqe l'ou.\~j v. - Court ol I'leas and Quarter Sessions, February Tciiu, 1823. .Mote* Jf'Ctwi 1 vs. > Original attachment. Jo?rph V.Murray J IT ap;>rsring to the satisfaction ofthc court, that J one >h M'Mnrray, the defendant in this cause, is not an inhabitant of th>s state: It u therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Hillsborough Kecordc;- lor three months that unless the said Joseph M'Mnr ray appears before said court, on the fourth I Monday of May next, and then and there re plevy or plead lo issue, that judgment will be rendered against htm according i?> plaintiff's demand. 4 1 C81' John Taylor, Clerk. Price adv g 5 25 t>l ? 3m Land lor Sale for Taxes. Wit. I. be sold for cash to the higbeft bid der, at the Court tlouae in Hillsbo rough, on Saturday the 24th day of .May next, the following tracts of lan,i, or so much there of as Will satisfy the tax due on said lands for the year 18*9, with the c >st of advertising, Ilq. *ir 340 acre* adjoining Joseph Allison, give i in by William McCluakry. 150 acres adjoining John McDade, given in by Thomas McCluskoy. Thos. Clancy, April 9. Price adv. g 1 75 The Shorter Catechism, for tale at this offi?c Orange Agricultural Socicty. A MEETING ot the Ortn^r Agricultural bocict) was held at the Union Hotel in llit town of Hillsborough, on the 19th March, 1823, when the following resolution* were adopted, v.* That for the greatest quantify of com raised on one acre ol worn out land if claimed in the present year, a premium of 10 dollars be awarded. I 'or the largest quantity of cotton raised on : one acre of land, 10 dollars. For the largest quantity of Irish potatoes raised on one quarter ot an acre, 5 dollars. For the best bull calf, 10 dollars. For the beat m.lch cow, 10 dollars. For the beat yoke of oxen, 10 dollar*. For the largest and fattest ox, 10 dollars. For the best boar, 5 dollars. For the best sow, 5 dollars. For the beat piece woollen fulled cloth, not., - less than ten yards, 10 dollars. For the best piece mixed cotton and wool cloth, not less than ten yards, 10 dollars, For thf best piece of flannel, not less than ten yardi, 10 dollars. For the best piece of blanketing, not leas than ten yard*, 10 dollars. For the best piece ol ttar linen, not less,, than ten yard*, 10 dollars For the best piece of flax table linen, not less than ten yard-, 10 dollar-. For the best vest pattern, 2 dollars F>>r tti?- best pair woollen stockings, 2 dolls. For llie best pair cotton slocking*, 2 dolls. For the best two hor-.e plow, 10 dollars For the best one horse plow, 5 dollars. /fc*ofoe<A I hat the candidate* tor premiums for r.o sing corn, coti on or potatoes, produce well authenticated certificate* o! the admea surement of the ground and thr qo-intity rais ed thefeon, and a written account of the mode ot manuring, plaining and cultivating the groun i on which the crop i* raised. Hetolvtd, That a Cattle Show and exhibi tion ot Domestic Manuiacturea, and a flow ing Match, he held in Hillsborough on the first Thursday in November next, to be con ducted b\ a committee ot arrangements con sisting of five members, and that the premi ums be awarded by a committee ot nine members Jietolred, That all articles exhibited for prem.ums and to which premiuu.s are ad judged, be offered for ssle to the highest bidder, under the direction of the committee of arrangements. Jietoived, That tbe premiums be paid in silver plate, wi h suitable inscriptions. Hesolved, That the foregoing be publish ed in the Hillsborough Recorder f?.r three months. ^ | ra* i Jo llll 1 ay lor, Scc'ry April 2. 54 ? 3m AN adjourned meeting of the society will take place in the townof Hillsborough, at the Union Hotel, on the 29th of May next; when and where' all the member* of the society, and all others who wish to encourage agriculture and agricultural improvements, are particu larly requested to attend. April 2. 64 ? tm Alexander, Harrison Co. A HE thankful for the patronage they have received since they commenced business. They still Continue their Saildle and Harness-Making Business, to which they have added a Y?sta\A\s\\ment. All orders addressed to them shal be execu ted with strength, neatness and dispatch. January 1. 52 ? tf State of North-Carolina, ohj.vge cou.wr Superior Court of Law, March Terra, 1823. I)icry Mangvm i pclj^jon for partition of w l w t *' ? . > the land of John Car John J. Lnrrington f ri t dece?cd. untl othrrt J , |T appearing to the satisfaction of the court 1 that the defendants, George Moore and Elizabeth his wife, Carringlon Knight, Wil liam Knight, John Knight, Nancy Knight, Eli z;ibfh Knight, Jeptha Knight, James Knight, Jefferson Knight, Met-kins Knight, K.dfigh Knight, and Mar) Knight, children and heirs at law of ?heir mother Mai) Knight, deceased, (which said Mar> wan one of the children Slid heirs at law of John Carrmgton, late of Orange county, deceased, )reside Se>ond the limits of this state, the eipht last mentioned of whom are inftnts under the age of twenty-one years: It is ordered by the court that publication be made in the Hillsborough Recorder for three months suscessively, that (lie said defendants who are of full age, and those under the age of twenty-one years, by their guardians, ap pear at the next term of this court, on the third Monday in September next ami put in their answers to the said petition, otherwise the same will be taken pro contesso against them, heardex parte, and decreed according ly. Test, A. B. Bruce, c. s. c. Price sdv R 8 20. 66? 3m State of JVorth -Carolina, () H.I auk voujsir. Court of Equity, Match I'ertr, 1823. J arret Year gain p |? KqUitV. F. (hoard Unburn > Injunction Bill. ? T appearing to the satisfaction of the court .M. thai Edward Kobson, the defendant in tlna cause, reaides beyond the limit* of this state: It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Hillsborough Recorder for aix weeka aucceasively, for the aaid Kdward Hob a<?n to appear here at the next term of this court, on the third Monday in September next, and put in hiranawer to the complainant'a bill, orherwiae the aame will be taken pro confea ?o against him, heard ex parte, and decreed accordingly. . Teat, Jaines Webb, c. m. b. Price a4r. ?2 75 ??-tw kkurul tcuuoiuy v\? " And jour rich soil, Exuberant, nature's better bleumgt pout O'er every l?nd " ^ From the Bait- igh Register. Agriculture of JS'orth-Curolina, Lf.YTKR 111. Ci Y Pil'U To CUrlrt Fisher, esq Secretary ot the Row an Agricultural Society. Sir ? li> enumerating those substan ces which the mtneial kingdom afloids to agriculture and the ars, the substance w .uh d< serves our at c< i> n next to iron, is G vpslm or Plasteu of fa his. So surprising have been its eff< els as a manures in certain parts of our country, that whole districts have been feuilized and greatly cnriched by it; and the in trinsic value of estates have been great ly enhanced by the discovery of a ht j oi jt in '.he virini'y New K<rk is so lortu naie a3 to have great quantities of this arti< k within its own limits; and, since much of it lus near the grea- ta may be easily distributed over that state, or sent to other countries. Gypsum is abundantly used in most ot the eustern states. It is chiefly obtained from Nova Scotia, no extensive bed of it having yet been discoveied in New England. So usetul has it proved on some of the lands in the interior of those states, that the farmers have found their interest in transporting it thiny or forty miles, and frequently to a still greatt^ distance over land. In Virginia, it is said to have been us ed with most admirable t fleet; and it ij reported, that some < t the upper coun ties have b< en greatly benefited by the discovery ot a bed of it near the Abing don Salt Works.? In the western slates, gypsum is found in such abundance, as to constitute no small part of the native riches ot that seeti-m of the Unicn. The loudest encomiums have reach ed us trom the north, respecting its utit ? ity there, and the opinion of its talue as a manure, seems to be the same in Vir ginia. The following testimony to this effect, is given in Taylor's Arator, ua authority generally respected among our farmers. " The immediate benefit of gypsum to Indian corn (says this wri ter) is vastly greater than to any other ciop, except clover, whilst its btntfu to the land is equally great. Unplasttred spaces left at russ large fields of rlover, have, in sundry instances, produced a ihild or fourth only of the adjoining plastered clover. Unplastercd spaces across large fields of coin, have been frequently visible during the whole crop, producing, not an equal, but a considera ble difTcience. Gypsum, clover, and in closing, in conjunction, have, within my own knowledge, doubled, trebled, ai.d, in a veiy favorable soil, quadrupled the value of land, in the space of twelve or fifteen years, whilst the land regularly produced two exhausting crops, those of corn and wheat, in every four years of the period; and these crops w ere contin ually increasing." manures, no doubt, are the Food of land, a* the productions of the land itself are the food ot animals. Both alike Ian* guish without their respective aliments. To restore to laud under cultivation, an equivalent for the amount of exhaustion which each crop occasions, is the way to preserve it from wearing out forever; and if the food thus supplied, exceeds the loss ot strength induced by cropping from year to year, land will obviously giow more and more fertile the longer it is cultivated. Hence, the economy of manurr? and their judicious application, are probably to be regarded as the most important subjects that can be present* ej before the farmer. Every particle of manure saved, ? elps to form a sinking fund to cancel those la'ge drafts, which he is continually making on his land. Hence the inestimable advantage of tir ing near a bed ol gypsum. 1 have bclore alluded to. the extensive and profitable use t hat is said to be made ot gypsum in the New-England states. Hut theie are reasons why it ?? still more important to us than to them. The peculiar fitne a of their climate for gr?z? ing, induces them to keep a much larg er stock of cattle than we do, in propor tion to their farms; and the length and severity of their winters, compel them to keep this large stock inclosed in yards, or even in stables, at least twice as long as we are accustomed to do in the coldcr parts of this state. By these means, they acquire large beds of stable manure, which, in the spring, is carried out to enrich their lands. Although (heir

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