HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. \o\. VI. * WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1825. J*o. ?m ? M B?i3i??iB3 ?uri&a&srir. Braiuiy. Cuptimc, Apyle, * k'eacb, - Bacon, tleciwix, - - - flutter, - ? . Co^ee, - - - - 0brn, - - - - tjuitoiii ? - ? Candies, moukl,* FUx?e??t, rough. Flour, - - - - Am, Holland, - Country, - Iron, Urd, Lime, Moists, ... Powder, A.mer. ? ?uru, I unaica, - West India, New England, Eice, - - - - Shot, Salt, Liverpool, ? - Turfc'a Island, Sugar. Ilrown, - . L >af, - ? Tea, Imperial h. Ounpo lly?on, - Young llyson To'iac co, ... Tallow, Wheat, Wli .*-v. Wine, adeira,* . Tfneriffe, - Sherry, - - Pol, - . Malaga, ? vV it .it* ? u ?.?>? Jlffr-it 5. Cl?. Cls, 125 a I 3'J 37 40 bay. u. ? *|, ? 1pril 27. ci?. c. k. I0U a 125 42 45 50 H 32 15 18 70 22 12 8 J 425 yo 43 55 6 33 2o 23 75 23 14 85 5<>0 12 .S 45 llJOO ISO ^ 7 250 3 i 500 80 7 O 421 .15 ' 8 30o 35 80o 100 8,^ 45 4u 1100 IJOw 75 80 65 75 8?)0 1050 17 I.V) 1 2'J 4 ") 7 8 ) -?I 2 5 ? 125 2 JO 19 I 7 j i :o 5 50 ri 85 35 4 <0 15' 325 8 Ne vbcrii. Jipril 23 CIS. 150 40 75 6 32 15 23 35 20 15 65 700 iOU 40 7 30 C 14. 175 45 80 35 16 25 40 22 16 75 800 125 50 8 90 100 75 85 40 350 375 4 1 1 4 ?? 65 75 6' J >u t 1250 18 20 12 35 160 175 2< <0 2 2:> retv7>T?iTg Jipril 29. CU. CIS. 1 30 200 45 60 6o 75 6 23 35 18 25 40 24 450 700 90 125 I 15UO1200O 150 175 35 38 6wu 650 1 5o 175 75 lOvi 40 45 95) 75 lw50 900 1300 15 23 1 5<> 2 -o I 'JO 5l>0 ?>0 35 25'.' 130 1250 87 400 H ILI * ' ?? U:i r t. U, N. C. PL' n L! SHP.I) W kKKLT U\ IM. vNi.i Hl.AllTT, AT THRKK DOI.LAHS A YKMl, PAY \ HLR HALF YKVtILT IN ADVANCE. Tho?- who d?? no* kWc no'iee of their with In hive the paper d:e??n'inued at ?h? lion oltbe yar, wilt ?>?? n^uivd ft* deair.ny* its continuance until co intei nn ded ? And ni pip~r -? i I b?- d sont'.nued u i .1 m!' *ri?*r are paid, unless at d?e option ol the pub lisher. WflOfW will pr .cur*- seven luHtcnbrrt and v'uarantee the payments, shall receive the ?ighth gratis. Advertisements not e*ce ding ? xteen lines will be .n*eru-.d three 1 1 for one dollar, and twenty -five cents for each continuance. Subscriptions received by the printer, and ?tost of the postmasters tn the atate. All letter* upon business relative to the pa. per must l?e post-paid. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? i .i ? -m. To fir\&ge Contractor a. ?B undersigned having been appointed commissioner* to superintend the build* ?ng of s bridge across Haw river, at or near the shallow lord, " ill, on the 1-lth day of May R^xt, at the place for building. pPnceed to let the building of the same to the lowest bidder. The builder will be rtquired to give borul with approved security, for opholding the bridge lor seven years alter it m complete I. A plan and specification of the work will be exhibited on the day of letting. Ail those who m?y feel interested wdl d > well to attend, mm ?n all probability a tfreat bargain m?y We hat! in the can rsct. I heft* is ? good *?w noil within let* than two miles, and another build ing within three iru'.e*; a*id .>ak tiniberof the bt *t (|ual t\ can l>e li.d quite corvenient in ?re*t ..bundaice and on 1 1??- he?t terms, pro visions and lab. nircr* cot *i?o he had very t >w in the iteiKl'tx'UrhiHid 4 1 ?-??? y llmVln, ? AndlvW Huchos, H illmto Unit, V|" Chesln |< . Ktiirrlt, | I T ~ ? # t ?MI * Mi | r \v in. M iiit i^'iiiii'i v , I 2 April 4. R 40 Dollar* Hrwimt. W *wav f??m -V? s tb.rrtb??, n IV ??son County. N C ??i * d.v, * * : jjfj man Sum and Scott. 8 AM is a v? ry bright mulatto, liRht hair, bis ?vr I'd* verv hid, at.d appear to he polled or swelled n>uct> larger 'han common, he ih ra. tlier alrvt. ??i s| eeeh, about twenty -thro.1 years <>f age, about five fret n ne or ten iiiche* bigh, ?tout buill <nd very active; is a hatter by , tr:?de, and can make s ?rry good hat. Ilis f e\ s ure a tnffi <ent matk to know him by. l8< (> IT is a bright mulatto, but not so white i Sa.n, he is ah' mt tacn y years of age, stout nj strong, about five feet nine or ten incites IfKh; he has two very noted marks, one >>? his ?ig Im b ln*? been cot off in?t above the ntd, I btdie*e there is none of the nad left; and ? large <>car 'in, h>s back, occasioned by a born 1 *ht n am. dl; he is it stout, well set Icllow. They I ?ill, no doubt, attempt to pi??s a* free mrn, [?"?1 perhsps change their names. The above """?j?rd will be given for the apprehension of ttul securing them in ant jail in tlic Uni iRft tliem; or twenty ilol jfhctmon of our ?>t tl?r?n, a.xl Hfed ?o that I pri h m again. Aeon Cochran. | v uxv ia vuvva a v i |1 I.. *.? 'OK hk ? 'III! Ill' tl. '1 t . ?:!?)? ' ' m? iik ??? liiliV'O'tn^n. i' ?? ' 1 h( > a a Conle-.t ii"* v it t!?c ! !? i -?i ???*? 'he <?1 J I* S rnl &. t j O , khcre >.? u li krrp on ? * c is'vit i o' ' <e v?.r r? ,h i< to.* !.n?- I'll* | j follow m/ c mp?'?e a p?ri of pre#? m a? i (oHnient, v 2. j , Jama c. K m., ; Co?tti?c .dy, Applr d t!o, Molllild (im, Wl i%ki*y ? CiCily vf?d?*ira. Country N\ n*, Chi m lloirice. Cordial-., a*?,.r\ed, Xe*urk ChIit, Statist. ton's Biuert, Sp<cc ditto, l>>?! Sugar, Candy. *a*?.-ted. \ ina' mli, Fil >r ' l>, P*t- Ni'ti, *'<>C.>K S'ulf Fur*. C^ei <>i all k nrU, t siu kfii and (ixkle*! SsJ'rtito, Sc't'c'l MrfT'lUfd, Kn^i m VVaix 'in, >p*r.'*li Srjjar*, Lbce+c, 1v cxam'na an 1 wa'er j C rack era Exjjccu in a few .lay*. Codfith. Sound* and Tonjfue*, "icklttl i)\!?'cr?, ??c*iv Ititiks. Mulrira Nutt. Or?nK'ei, 1. 1. Of*. l.rll<(>ll?, lln-u n S'liut, Soda J'.MMltrH. Kr tract ot Lirriiilrr, Lemon, Cinnamon, Lavrnder ?><?*(>, ft -<? ditt". M *k d mo, l> ??.spureni ditto, I ? mqalUon ditto, Stc. with a general a?*or ment of r.?\8. lc<r < ream* will be !unn?h<-d throughout till* SPUiJll. April 1'2. (/) ? V.?A)\>\\rer8 Wa?tti\ On 1 1. r v up. ti v <, i). *ro?i } b'ttviMit** illt* Hiri Wilmington. 11' i* inv intention to rec >mmi .*.?? the . w? rks Inr 'he .mprovefi.cn* of hr | r r * ? lti>or brtwtvi. F?\ettuiil!i *.?d W il ? r. a h n-'y ?s il" scusm *? ill ai'mit. Any iiiwuber n! lab Hirers who choose to w li tintl niimeiliuie et?<i !<>vni< n? . , iimtu ? (n-ifi1 ci v.-?l| do wr|| to embrace j ; t!i ? o-.ju.r' miii" \ oi enftAf r.f th.-tn 10 n\\'>rk j l where Hie wage* arc i.uerai and promptl* ? paid, 'ht pro* ? "Oti4 arc wliol' some .iiul .?t,un. I dan*, mi d t very u'tcntion will be 'aid to their i r.lt aniiit'.kk *n-l lieahh. j Hamilton Fulton, March, 9- 66 ? 6* Stair Kncinetr. It TIIOMAS IMY. ! C A V\ \ .V V.T.M A K V. VV, El I'KNS his thanks to hin trienils and the public for the pa'ronsjfr he has re ! cencl, siul w shea to inform them that he in tends continuing hia business a' his old stand, and i* well prepared to manufacture all kinds of Maliognny. Walnut* and Stained Furnttu it. lie hat on hand * * nail st' ck of Mahnpanr Korniiuic, made of tin hcsi Si. Domingo ma hogany, in the new-s fashion. anil en-cotcd hi the mos1 faiihttd manner; ? and alao some Walnut <n?1 "vancd V'ltrnituie, and high ami low post lb d*ti'ud*i turned according to (he litis' patents; jII w hiCli l.r will sell at reduced prices and on the most accommodating terms Keb. U'2. 6.2? 6 w A I cxnmlrr Harrison ^('o. tut Quern Street, OFFRR FOR SAI.F SaiMlm* Brittle*. arria^e and Gig IlKmi'sH, Wr^uji (h'rr, BOOT-, SIIOKS and every article their line, fo cash, or on a short credit; a .1 will r?rene in payment Slioe 1'hrcad, Homeipun, ttrain, Flank or any kind nl Produce* Feb. U, 1834 tf* siarjf a?(Da)3a . i THE subscribers have just received, from the Philadelphia and New -York markets, and are now opening, their spring supply of Goods consisting in part ss follows: Superfine blur snd black broad cloths. Ditto ditto cassimcre?i Blur and pra\ cassinett, l>rab and black s-nped aatteen, Vigom* caosimere, 8trij?e<l florentir.e, Htriped and white janes. Blue and yellow nankeens. Black Circassian, Striked and checked searsucker, White and browa drilling, Black bombazine, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 culicw* and chintz, 9 4 ra^cy printed muslins, 4-4 printed jaconet cambric. Cambric mil jaconct rnu*Iii?a? Can br c dinmy, 3-4 dimity, K'j.u;e?l and plain bonk tnuslin, F?gurt<t bo?(k, jaconet and mull ditto, Ttn b >*ire<( rrult and book dittc, Siitlr-d m l' and jaconet ditto. 1/H>m Milled ditto, Mtisl.n and cambric rob?-a, M j?lin trills., ?lac. net mut.li' cravats. Thread and co*' *n liCc, bobinets. Lad " a thread catnbr'c handkerchief?, L^n, ia?n, Hla.n jnd fi : u-ed crapes. t"r*|? scurf* and shawls, Ka?.C\ ?' Ik d'tto, Levantine ditto, (it-rn.jm dll'O, H- - mkI li .rcel Kia ditto, 7-4 casfimerr sfiauls, Vei\?:?? rn liandkercniefs, Mer bait ItandkTch.efa, Git en i d w'nte gauzt vl?Is, Dani??k i .irderril d.? <?, lli ?ck n-id white liiO u.t'n, hlitck rf?id blue ? r .* de s spiel, Grc? !? and brown d'l'o. Ki^urcii and pia n while nat'm, Figured -*"ii |. a.;, I.'.ack ditto, l'tsiri ?i'd sir p-d lc*fcii?:f.r, Viikt -\a . fl. rrncc, and ?arar.S?, S.ik testings, - A ? 'I ? ic<i? t'.e mid M^eillr* ditto, \V le ?nd 'Muck M.k * o?r, I. v. & fiitlen.ej N c* '.ton 8t worsted do. ' ~ ? ?P^r, ?t an. lo'-.-i. shirti.gs, irk m ?, <;er-,.jn diaper. Cot ton d ?! ?,?? , >1. ? Woods' ck. doK>kin, buck, and bea ver . 1- v.-* L< : til*. kid, braver,, horsehide, snd cast. ? ?l ti;. Lar;.- ? K umbrellas, l-a iir*' Mmbn-iiax and parasols, Line-. 4i, v. C'..?? n rn.ck, 3-4 4-1 5 4 ano 6 4 hroun and bleached don ? s ic htetr.g* and shirt. uys, I !?sn tut striped ? or?h*m homespun, ItHrk 1'itl r>r:.w.i iiV.land, Covmrtd cafTibnck T..ik<* red handkerchiefs, I'd lifO dv ditto, C' t ? -k? d and striped Hitto, v?t<?l>enders and gnrters, M n*? Kip. call, and seal skin shoes snd sh? c? ladies' k d, -.eal skin, morocco, prunell and dan. ask satin dittc, I adica* I unorn and "?traw flats, fie nlemen's i' churn lints, together wi i< an ? xte'?s ve assortment of tla. dwa> e, Cottier , t en s?rf, Groceries, Ha nts and l)ve >ti fi's t^st.ngs, consisting of p'?t*. ??ven?# skdletn, s idt ra, and andimna; all ot wlocb thev are disposed to sell low for cash. .\n additional supply is expi c ed daily April 5. Cain Moore. 68 Just Published, jind tor Side at th.s Oflice, Price 25 cer.ta, A HEVIKW Ol lheSrriP>?r preached before the Bible So. ciety of North Car<.|?ns, bv the Right Rev. John S Rave i.scrolt, 1> I) Bishop ??f the dio cese ot N<?rth-Carolina By the Rev. John \Vnticr?|?o?in, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Hillbor??u({h I he pn-ceeds ot ;hi9 work, after d< fraying thi; expense, will be given to the Bible S?.citty of V< ri It-Carolina. March 16. 65 ? State of North-Carolina, J' en so. v cobwr. C o ? i r t o' I'ieaa and Q 'cru-r Se**it;n?t February l'.m 1825. f)/>v?uy Iftiile "p Qpjgjnaj attachrr.ert? levied ... ... ,. ( on lands. It n ir.m r.n nt. j II' appearing l<> t^e court, that the defend* . .?nt is nm an inhabitant of this state; it is therefore ordered that publication be mad* in the Ili'-Hborough Reorder tar three months, that urir?? he nppear at the next ;erm of thia court, to be holaen on the first .Monday in June next, replevy the property levied, and plead to a?ue, judgment by default will he entered against him. .lesxe Dickens, Clerk. Price ailv. gl 37$ 67? 3m Valuable I'roprrtt for sa'e in the town ol Hillsborough* rt^V Wll.Lbe told on the premi ses, on .lie 24th of May next, part ot L?.t No 35 in the plan inn, of aid town, whereoo is an excellent dwelling hotine, Containing seven rooms, with 'our fire-places; also a kitchen, smoke-houae, corn-r.rib, and an excellent blurksmitb shop with four forges; being the lot whereon Ca.)t John Younjf, deceased, for merly lived, supposed to contain nearly three fourths of an acre. To be sold on a credit of nine and eighteen months; bond and approved security will be required of the purchaser. Farther particulars ?ill be made known on the day ot sale .loniali Turner, Surviving /'m iner of Y'jUng U 7 umci ? April 2. t <s ? 7w iLt , A St IS. 3s Rjt nlc?( this otUvc Mr. Webster's Speeeh. At a crowded meeting of citixrm of both the former political parties, held iu Fsneud Hall, on, o?i the ?v?niny pj-tceding the late election, the Hon. Dsnvel Web?ter embraced the occas^oa to tdtireu his fei low-citizrns- ?* No address," remarks the Centinel, 44 ever delivered in the cradle of liberty from the day* of Jame? Otis to the preaent day, was ever listened to with more intenseness, or impression, or wai re ceived with more ardent and uii?nimuu? acclamations." We copj the toliuwmg re port of it from the Uoatoo Courier Mr. Wcoster a?id, he t*aa q tit* un accua omed to appear in ihat place; having on no occa?ien, uddresaad hi* f?l low-citizcns there, either to reccmmeoAi or oppose the support of any candfr dates tor public office. He had loD? been of opinion, that to preserve the ui>tin tion, and the hostility, of political p-inio, was not cuokUun with toe high eH decree of public good? At the same tiiac, he did not find fault with the con ru t, nor question the motives, ol those who thought otherwise. But, entertain in>; this opinion, he had abstained fiom attending on tho?c oc? asions, in which the merits of public men, ahd of candi dates lor office, were discussed, necessa rily, wi:h mere or less reference to par ty u'tocnnieiit, and psrty orgsnizstion. The present wasa different occasion. The sentiment which had called this maetin* together, was a sentimont of union ana conciliation; a sentiment, so congenial to his own feelings, and to his opinion ol the puplic interest, that he could not resist the inclination to be present, i?t>d *o express Us entire and hearty approbation. He rhouh? forbear, Mr. W said, from all rcmaiks upon the particular names, wnich nad been recommended by the committee. The had been selected, he must presume, lairly . aud 'With conside tar ion, ly thoae who were appointed for that purpose. In cases of this tort every one cannot expsct to find every thing precisely as he might wish it; but those who concur* ed in the geoeral sentiment would naiuralsy allow that arntimeui to prevail, us lar as possible, over particu lar objections. On the general question he would make a few remarks; begging ;he in dulgence of the rneeiu.g, if h?. shcu-d say any thing which roipM with more propriety proceed Irom oih is. He herdiy ? onceived how v*c.ll-dispo *ed and intelligent mn ds could differ, as to the question, whether party contest, and party strife, organic d, system atic, and continued, were of themselves desi rable ingredients in the composition of society Difference of opinion, on polit ical subjects, honorable- competition, and emulous rivaliy, may, indeed, be uselul. But thete are vtry diff^reot things frcm organised and systematic party combinations. He admitted, even that party associations wer? sometimes unavoidable, and perhaps ne< estary, to other ends and put poses But this did not prove that, of tbemselscs, tliry wee g->od; or that they should be continued and preserved lor their ewn iakc, when | there had tsassd to be any ouject to be < effected oy tbem. But < here m rere those who supposed, thai whether political party Jis'ioc tloos *eri-,or were nul, useful, u wot impos sible to slvdish them N'<>w he thought, on the country, that under present circumstances, ii was quite impossible to continue them. New panic* indeed 1 might aline, growing out of new events, or new questions; but as to thoae old | parties, which hud sprung fromcontro- I versics n?w no longer pending, or from feelings which timo and other reuses had now ch.Higcd, or greatly allayed, he did not b*liev* that ihey could long re main. Efforts, indeed, made to that cod, with ?ral and pcrscverance, might de luy their extinction, but, he thought, could not prevent it. There was nothing to keep alive those distinctions, in the interests and objects which now engage society. New questions and new objocts arise, having no connexion with the sub jects of past controversies, and present interest overcomes or absorbs the re collection of lormer controversies. All that are united on theje existing ques tions, and present interests, are not likely to weaken their elTorts :o promote them by angry reflections on past differences. If there were nothing, in things, to di vide about, ho thought the people not likely to maintain systematic controver sica about men. They have oo interest in so doing. Associations former to sup port firincif)lc?t may be called fiartiet ; but if they have no bond ol union but adherence to particular ment tbey be come faction*. The people, in his opinion, were at present grateful to all parties, for what ever good tb?y ha** accomplished, uni' indulgent to all for whatever ol error they had committed; and, with \brse feelings, were now inainly intent on the great objects whi- h aflVc'ed their pie sent interest* There n ighi '-e excep lions to this remark, he Hasaliai 'ji.fcj^ were, but nevertheless) such ..Wed 1 urfl to biro to be the general f> eung in the count* y. It was natural thai bom- e pre judidi es, should remain .ot>tt*r tivn their cause*, as the wavea lash the shore, for a lime, after the ste. n? t as subsided; but the tendency of <ht ? ><? m<-i>ls was (? repose. Monopolies ?>f all aorta were getting out < f la.-bioi., they were yeildint to liberal ideas, ant. 10 'ha obvious justice ar d cxproiemy of lair competition. An administration of the geccral go vernment, which had been, ?r- ?!? highly aatisfaury to the country, had oow closed He was not ?sm .n/v it cou*?> with propriety be *au' thai that administration had been c-uh^r sup ported, or oppos?d. by sny party asso ciation*, or on any pariy principles. Cenain it was. >'(181 as far as there had been an organized opposition to the ad ruinisi ration, it bad nothing to do wr.h torra^r parties. A new adminUt'a ion had now reaDmeec*"*, an* he ne? o hard ly -?<?y that he ot^at iibirai and c*i?' ili atory principles had betn atowio. It cuuld not be douoted, *nat it would con lorm to those principles. Tbus In, he believed, it ? course had given general -a* liafsctlon. After w'-a :h?.y all had teen, in relation to the gentleman hoidir -g tho highest appointment 10 the cxe. u??ve de partment, under the presidt n<? re would take this opportuni y to s*y, that living been a member of tbe ht use rcpic-?en istivos for six years, during 'h^ tar n' eat er par; of which time Mr. I lay had pre sided 10 that house, he was most happy in being able, in a manner leas formal tahn by concurring in the utuai *'.te? of thanks, to express his own epm.or of bis liberality, independence, and h >nor able fading. II?- would take ibis occa sion also to acid, if' bis opinion could bo ef any value in such a case, that he thought nothing more unfounded than that that gentleman cwed hi- p>e>ent situation to any uoworthy compromise or arrangement, whatever. He ow d it 10 bis talent, to his promiacm s anding in tha community, ti> his corns'- of pub | lie service, not now a short on*, and to : the high eatimation in which be stands with that part of the country to wrnclt ha belongs. Remarks, M> . Webster proceeded to say, had bean taadc from the chau.v* ry kind and partial, as to the manner in which he bad discharge. '? thednliea wmcn ho owed to hn constituents, in the bouse of repre?entativ t. He wished to say that 11 he had baen able to render any, ho humulcst services, either to thr p>m|ic or his c>>ns' itucnis, in iha> place, i. was owing wholly to the liberal manner in which his efforts ihere had oeen receiv ed Hsving alluded to the inaugural ad dress, h did n?* mean in the ^lighu st degree to detva t Irr-m its mcrds, when he now sait', that in bis opinion, it ' nhcP of the other candidates had sucrcrdwd in the election. He alao woulr tiave ad' p tad a liberal ronrse of policy. He bud no reason to believe tha the sentiments ot either ot those gentlemen were, in this rc^ect, narrow or conti actcn. Ho i lully believed the contrary, in regard tQ . both of them; but if ttiey had been oth erwise, be t nougat still, that expediency or necess ty would have controlled their inclinations. 1 forbear, ?aid Mr W from pur?um? those remark* farther. I r?-p, at, that I do not complain o* those who havo hitherto thought, or who still think, that party orgtnixt tion is necessary to 'ho publi< good. I do nor question their motives; and I wish to be tolerant ovcr> to those who think that toleration ought not to be indulged. It is said, sir, that prosperity some times harden the heart. Perhaps, ?l?o, it may jIso sometimes have a contrary effect, and elevate and liberalize iho feelings. If this can ever be the result of such a cause, there is certainly in tho present condition of the country cnongfy to inspire the most grateful and tho kiodest feeling*. We have a common stock both of happincssai?dof distinction, of w hich we are all entitled as citizen* of the country to partake. We may all rejoice in the general prosptrity, in iho peace and security which we enj y, anj in the brilliant surest which his thus far attended our republican institutions. These are circumstances which may well excite in us all a noble pride. Our civil and political infttitutions, wi.ilc they answer for us all the great ends designed by them, furnish at tho same time an example to others, and diffuse blossings beyond our own limit* in whatever part oi the globe men are found contending for political libetty, they look to tho Unitod States with a tooling of brotherhood, and put lorth a claim of kindrod. Tho South American states, especially, exhibit a most m cr eating spectacle. Let the great m. ? who formed our constitutions of govemnn , who still survive, and let the utvlorru ol those who i?u%e gone to their graves, .on sole themselves with the r.fl'cuon, that whether they havo risen 01 (tllco, in ihr little contests of party they h.vo not Ml/ esublithed tho liberty aid hap

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