HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. , _* ? Jil ? A. . ? 4 ^ \'o\. \\.t WKDVKSIMY, MAT 25, 1825. <* >?*?. 2"l&. (1 ILLS BO ItOUt.il, N. C. PCULISHKD WKkKLT UY I ? K N N 18 IIBAHTT, *T TH HKK D )(.UHi K VKAH, PAYABLE HALF VK.AIILY IN AUV4NCE. Tiiom* who do not ^tTe rtoiice oftheirwiah to have the paper dtconnnoed ai lite expira tion o? il?e year,. w . I ix- presumed asdeainnjj its continuance u ilil countermanded ? And no pap?-r ?? i I h<- d ^continued until all arrrar agiM are paid, utiles* ai t lie opuun ot the pub liam r. 'ioe\er wdl p- >cure a?*ven subscriber* and Maraiitee the [Mymeait, shall receive tlie eirftitli ^rati* A iv T..se iieti'? noi exe-edm^ sirren lines will >e if\a?:rted three tunes f?t one dollar, ?ni' . ten v -five c?*tita fif ? ach continuance Mi ^en|iliu .? rec-ived by the printer, and mo ot Hie pnatnia*tera ui the state. An ftW Upon ?ustOcss relative to the pa pel .uuat i>e puii-paUl. * + * vlt'inbers of the Sunday Sc hii >- d tii vMUcliex o tlran e c nin y uti.? >re u arrvaia, a >d other* having In. nl<< in the -r i>and* tur 'lie u?e ot tn ?e $<>cirtiri, wiil pit iv lor > ard in um; immd ately i i \\ m- Huiitin^'o ? treasurer, as ii haa >ec ?me nr Ci--*?ry to procor ? a i*< w supply ol twwifc* ll i.ih >,i'd I- .ti,? irtaiic ot ?lj. ?c ittautu* Cinr < ?.il he ??> tliceut l\ apparent to induce a pr..inp' oitu.n.a ce with this r. q ie?t. May i. r> fc2? N2W GOODS. \TI7 K .? v. t rk and * ? I'hi P'oa, a ?; ? tr?i ?n.i cuo.ce as lO.n * ' ? Spring and Summer Goods, \c?i.r1 ? .in ne, us we de<-m :t .in't?Cts>ir) to ^ivc a loo,; i i; of a: ucl-? w ill pretty name*. J . I \ ^uced f o. 1'. S T'*o-e hi arr .ars are earitcfctl\ request - ed ? i*ake (laymeni. V.'V 14 7t? Cw S 10 RZSWARD, ? ? V ;i ..ii ?i? c . . r on ih?* 1% 4 ii 'Rhi. a in >u i<1 Iht. .i\ t nuiii' of ,i it jwiturton Me t<-ok iu Ii ii m a mi. ail ba? ?? ??*, t? n or . \?e've t ? ar? old, shmi made, wmIi ? U'td I'aM tai -o a d a w nl liat; e u? a'i ui seventeen je ii s ?i id % 'lit niide, and lias on the r (flit aid' ol in* iiri I a letter n^rm, or sonie li.tnr like u liat I- Caiied ? he scud head, Hill plump ej I'm d liars ill b<* to any pei Min *nw N (> I I C K. nTF, t|,e anhaer nera, bavin,; been ?w<.rn ? n * > i*\ec.n.-'r? "i ii?." Ij*' * ? l! ?v IU \m i I vr-'l, deicis-d, at Sove'idvr term Jji? , ?l > tier i :>v nor ii\ ail tb'c ? .1, wi'bm ti?c iitT>? prescnbt-d li i . . ? >< i> rw ?i* ilit* not c " Mill !??? |ir?'l in bur .1 mii- rjvc"vtrr\: *'id tboae n.debtt d i1 s a'r-, ate r< (|Ut-i'i d lo ibiikr iimnt-d - ?ie (ii ii < >l. John W . C;ilih\ ell, t.nhcrt Caldwell. O-nt'or.!, N . ' ) 72? 3 w a,. ..i i N IIT I C K. K Ml1, i r 1 tt i at . ?]in IH-.I ??? exeen 1 r "o "??* -.?>i ? ill ?nd ;e* n> ?>' ?i| \\ , ,n> il ?\ i ? e , i!> c sr I. ?: hnmarv tii in >? O ni^ r ? ?? ? C" .r hereby ifuea Oil' ?? <> ? I |> J S * i H 1 1 ? \ MJ* riji , /~r'r. March ;'Q 67 ?3m Stutr of N oi l h-( 'nrolimt, ri./iso.\ cor. vi r. Cmr. o l\ .is .??? 1 i t;i. 18 25 T)"teiry III ill* ^ Original siihc.Ii in*' lit ? levied l,? V oil mill*. it,m r.Vi.tn j , ppc.irnik: i ? t' r c??urf. i!m? lie defend* I ? not an nhahiiant n| iliis h t .? i ? , it is '? irf nM' red 'Ii -t i iibLc it .?ii l>e mail* in il ilxiruu^li K roi : , i lor tliree months, I sv if i|ipi ir at III- "??*! term of tlna i ? i in- U ?1? fault will be fd a. illlV l.i ii .Ics^c Dickens, Clprk, Price a-W . 37 J 67? 3m Just I'uliliM ed, and 'or Sale at thin Office, Price 25 certs, A UKVIKVV ? lie Sermon prescind bfforetbe Rible So. ?'e-\ n| \?irth Carolina, bv tlie l( Kev. 'oli i n Kaveimcrolt, O O Itisliop r>t the dm* ?if (H Nortb*i'arolina By the Hev John >\ 1 1 iicrspiton, Pastor of tlie * Pre?b> teri?n '.linreli, M III>orlk !? ?nt* N.-w Orleans, aud 14 flays from Btlixe,ihe editor* of toe B acon have recrirtd New Opean* pap- is and p'iccs current from th- 18th to 23 J inclusive from whi<:h ?ome very impoitam and inte resting extracts, both polmi .he island ol Cuba by the Mexican i>offrnnt>ni with a force ?>f 12 oi 13 000 mm, under the orders ot (sen. Stn'a Anna, ihui concentra ting at Ci?nipca> hv; 1300 of whom, ?veil equipped, sailed thai day under convuy horn Alvarado, to join the ex- | p?- >ti n, in 6 rii? which i *as 'hi brig Margaret Wright, Capl. Chamberlain, late ol Norli.lk. The let er encloses the proclamation ol Gen. Sjnia Anna, from wMch our readers njy den\e a more correct idea ol Wha ?h contemplated l>y this military enter prise, as it m aiiivl in this country? I | ??op? y .u received those sent you by I the C-cil. \V ? h*vr been all hustle here of late, making av eff ?rt u? wago war with Cu ba, by sending ir.ops 10 C?tt>p?achy, w icri r. -pott say?, 12 or 13,010 men air coitccili atmg t<> invade t'ic Inland o' Cuba, by ;he way u{ checkmating the fa*** tin castle of St. Juan i) L'iloa; 13 0 men, well equipped, w ni out o> litis port ' hi- mortn.it; hi *ix i eiC'iam vessel* taken us iranipoi.s; the orig M?i.;aict Wright, Chamberlain, ot M >rtol*, Vicuna, the others were En g i^fv t'ri nch an.t one of 'his country, ?. d? ? convov it twn heavy gun boats. I h?? i;??vr i ninrnt pays tlietn exirava .?airly well, -lid has '?r| cr credit lor il b rafity man ?ny o'ber. lie g"?eroment armed schooner I?? u . la. and a gun bott succeeded in lapturirig a Spmish government armed fcluC'.a from Cu'ia, winch had tup* plied t lie rattle, and wai returning. \ report is n t irculation htre to day J thi H liivnr will j 'in St Anna with ; t'ooi;*-, ait'i wan sucli forces lor the in- j ?aM >n .is '.?? iciflf r stirre? certain, the soi lifis rnlistf' from this country are | wi ll .? 'a [?t ?? 'i for i i c h an enterprise. I enrfose you tht- pi oclamation of St. An i.i w.mIi may lie wo th publishing. j rnr lodc-p-sii-tence of that I-Jand I fear, will r.iiu i n agriculture, and injure 'he i ? . i ; 1 1 ? : I 0 C wf lli< United St?K'?i I leave , :.j Ivjtui y and rven's as i!iey transpire. 5 I'ftOCL \M ATDN. I'he corniTiHndiftjj <;<-ner"?l of the state of Yu cat H', n? t!i?* d v isi ill de?toied tor the Is la.. it ldici?! Yt?ur aie g''i??g to perform for your country a most important se.r vice, the effecting of wni b will elevate you to the rank of heroes You are snout to aecuro the indept ndence of this republir for? *er, aa well as that of the islano of Cuba. I Soldic.?I ih? nation confides to your valor and virtue, th* destiny of thou ??nds. I cannot rioubt, but that fifiaen hundred rn? n, animate > snfU intensions like yu^is, will ue enough |>* intimidate an t ev-n v*t.q hie handful of . 1 Jk ? won J ? "?1 ?f ?? wmn llr < ?| ci4l o? ihtft l*U??d t ar? count otherwise, w? b?v? of force* in the tingle provime of Yu ea?an, to perform it with activity and ei?thu*ta*m ANTONIO LOPI-'.Z de Santa ANN\. Cam peachy, March 7, 1^25. Havana. ? Di'cct accounts rereived at F ib>cola t>om Cu ji, present a la* mentable pictui e of the siate ot affair* in that island. The ayatcm of prnacnp tion had been extended to females, and ev;ry woman who appeared in the streets with any part of h? r dress of the color calle iMof the constitution," was immediately stripped by the low est of the rabble, " guided by the monk*, who encouraged (he populate in the perpetration of these infamies." All officer* in Havana who five years ago were active in promoting thr con stitution, even though they had s;n; e beta pardoner* for that offence, were uf fo-ir thousand doilart tor disobe dience, whi h was instantly paid.? I " Such (*ay? the Pr?,*acola Gaz tt?) J are toe i<)?es which grow in the ^feriuns ! managed oy kings; irradiated by the fawning, heartless smiles oi their cour tier*, and wartered by the tears of the miserable victims ot tyranr,y." FOREIGN EXTRACTS. S x'jr of the principal banking and commercial hou&eu of Paha had pre- j seived an andress to the king, in which the? rntrei ed his majesty, aticr ihe ex an.p e of England, lo tend consul* to S utli America, and to make commer cial treaties with ?ll the nations where F ci.cn vessel- had liberty to enter. Tht mer'-hauis oi B irdeaux had also signed a similar address, and all the chambers of commerce in the kingdom were art mt: simultaneously fur the aaine ob j?'Ct. A pmject for the suppression of pi ra- v and other a< ts of violence on the hitrh seas, ha'', heen adopted in the ciiamber of deputies by a majority of ^ - y l"ne coronation of ihe king of France had been fix d lor the 29 ? inst. instead i?l the 6<*t June. The D ?*e of Nor thumberland, accompanied by a island r inue of the English n biluv, ha<> ar rived in Patts to as?isf at the ceremony. A nutnoer ot promotions were r ?' Thr Recorder ?? Wait a short lime." T prisoner was then removed; and On being brought hack, and saying that he persisted in his pica, the ju (ge put ting on his black cap, addressed him in a veiy solemn manner, and after urging him not to indulge the hope ol a par don, proceeded to pronounce 'he ?en tente of death. The pnsoner seemed to lot- all power of bnathmg, and dropped down his head. Mr. Smith, one ol the prosecutors, who fy^^before at tempted to address the through the cr<>wd, by ^?no very lord. he shown. The consequence* of hi* omit were limited, th?. public have suffered nothing? haidly any :hing.** L rd Giflord leaned back in hi* scat greatly affected; but made no reply. Tne p' isomr was > hen removed from the dork, amidst the deathly silence of a crowded court, many of the person* present well knowing the prisoner and his father the banker, LUDICROUS PARODY Topars, d: u<>kar s ai.d swaggerers! hear ote for your own sakes, a*?d lay aside y??ur tankards, that you may hem: b?lie?e me for your wel'arv, an?1 hav?* respect 10 your welfare, that you may hr'icve; censure me in your sober niw m< nts, and be vther that y< u may lie betttr ju 'ge. It there be any around this tabic, any dear lover of ardeni spirits, to him I *ay, that Stingo's love o! a.dent spiiiih whs nut les* thai- his. (f then thai lover dumand* why Stingo rose against ardent spirits, this i? my answer ? nm that I love ardent apirits le?s. but that I loved health and sound constitution more. Had you rather that ardent spirit* were ruling, and die all rum burnt knaves, than that ardent spirits were contemned, to live atout, hardy yeomen? As ardent spirits were 1 pleasant, I tasted them; as they were ' exlulirating, I sipped them; as they recruited my spirits, I <'rank ihtm; but as they wnc ruinous, I -pi.rneit them. There are tast for ihrir pleasantness, sips fur their ex i ili ration, drams f??i their recruiting powtr*; but banish ment and detestation for their ruinuu tendency. Who is here, so brutal at would be a drunkard? IT any, gulp, hiccup, reel; , fur him have I offended. Who ib h- rt so foolish a? to be a *w?gg' rer? It any, brawl; for him have 1 offended. W no is here so mad that will not mind hib health? If any, let lover apeak hi* burp ing rage; tor hirn h.*ve I offended. I pause for a reply. None. Then none have I offended. I have done no more to ardent spirits than you shoulo do to Stingo The act ot their oanishment is re? ordrd in the private pages of Stingo'* journal; their usefulness not extenuated wherein they were worthy; nor th?M? injurious tendency eufurced tor which th< y were banished. Mere comes the dealer in ardent spirit*, motirmng over a broken junk bottle, who though he had no hand tn its destruction, shall reap advantage from the los?; a piece of silver in its ste-id; and .- hich of you will not? With thio I depart, that as I banished ardent -pint* tor the goo custom ers were so liberal, I should soon get t ich. In a few days, he calls again at the shop, gets shaved, and tells the barber he has no change. Never mind, sir, it makes not the least dif ference; a day or two afterwards, rails again and gets shaved, in g ? , ing out he throws the barber a dol lar ? your change, sir; never mind it, keep it. He must be rich! Oh, what a liberal gentleman, Ate. all hands exclaim. A short time after wards calls again; while ho is get ting shaved, a servant girl calls at the door, ia Mr. ? , in? Yes, come in; Mrs. desired me to ask you for twenty dollars. Why did not your mistress ask for it before 1 left home? I don't know, sir! It is impossible for ?>e to go home again before three o'clock, and >our mistress knew I did not bring tnoro than sufficient to pay my carriage hire with me this morning, liarber, have you twenty dollars that you can spare till eve ning? Yes. sir! here it is at your ser vice ? cads again the next day, I am sorry I was detained by company at dinner, that I could not call yea'ar daj evening as I promised. N^ver mind sir, I was not afraid of it. Have you any blank checks on the United S ates* bank? No, air, but I'll step next door and get on?* ? while writing the check. Oh! barber, have you tliiry dollars b? y ?u? Y-s sir, ^ell then I'll write the che< k lor fif ^^s I do not want to draw such a ^y^^y dollars, i'bo poor uu suspecting barber gives him the thir ty dollar-; un [jrfwn'itin thr clircki thr teller lookft MN'onmbril. fir-*' At thr check and thru a' 'he barb r ? is i> not good sir? Y?s. 'he cb*?k is good enough but the drawer bad uaade no deposits. The p..??r barber tries in vain to get sig'?t the ??g'm* tleman;** iie is never ? . have ihe hon our itguiri avmg bun. It is sai?' (bu? I '?? n??i guy i?)tbat the above actually t'? -k plsce m the good- city of New Orleans not many year* ago. SH vVKR. From the NevMUven Hi ^n't-r. NEWSHvl'hB HORHOWKRS. We hi**#- heard hundreds ?#f com plaints from our subscribers, respec ting 'hen troublesome neighbors; <>ut have never been ahle to hit upwti a p an to remove ihe cause of Ihe evil ?which is nothing imirf nor less in niue cases out ot ten, than ihe sin of corvetousness. There are thou sands of -persons possessed of hou ses and lands and much g ods. who are so poor in spirit, that :hejr depeud on their neighbours, who are in moderate circumstances, to furnish them with nrwspapera. We have rvm had some of our subscri bers discontin?ie their p ipers or a time, because they could not obtain them; and in many cases they suf fered a total loss. A subscriber * ho has tieen muih hat raised aod v?Xfd by new-paper borrowers, iias sent us the following note, which shows that he is resolved to afford bin neighbors still greater accommodations: Mr. Barber ? Please send me un til further order*, six papers weekly, so that f may be able to serve five of m \ rich ??? ighboiirs at once, and have one paper for myself and family, friend to (ke Pi inter. From the Charlotte (N C ) Journal, May 3. Bounty for Murder! ? W e noiiie in the HjuUx. F?ec Fto, an adveinse mem ??>r two run* by negroes, a man and hi* wife, in which th?- o.?ner offer? fifty dtiluri for th?- fellow alive, and one hundred dollars! 'or t?i? 44 h? atl atone, #rul no q . it.oiii askc.! !" The ne^ro is ahooi nixty yeai s of age, < an rea a, and is represented ??< possessing 44 greai npi rit and sound judgment;" and the only crime specifier*, is absconding from his mastei! For toil the law* of the coun try are to be insult'd. the character of the state scandal)*' d, ihe morals of so ciety ou; 'aged, by - he offer of a rr w ard for bis murder! There cao be no ques tion, that if any one shall b? icmp e I cause it is creditable to bi n, loin as a | man and as the conductor of a public [ print: 44 The editor of H ilifax 4 Fr?.e Pi ess* will do us a ktndmss by wit Iwir..* n.g the name of triia paper from ihe ? nil i be entitled to demand five dodsrs for its | insertion; out no consideration could induce us to publish so grca'. a liocl up on the morals of the age wc live to." A letter of thr 7th Vtirch, from Al giers, published in the London papers, gives a detailed account of the earth quake at Bcllda. Of I 5.000 inhsb.tantl, only 300. and some uf then wounded, sre saui o have csvtped. 280 children w r?. crushed in the ruin* t>l one school. 7000 bodies hortikly mutilated, had i been extricated fr mi the ruin*. The troops whom the l)e4 had ?.ent to super inten l and a>si* in lne. work of re irf, nad been auack'd aid put to fl gh> '>y i-ie Cobalt descend in is ot Ihe an- it at Numtdiaus. ]