r ? i ? ? y -?-* LatcsC^rom England. v Petersburg, May 24. The f tst sailing ship Ann thyst, Capt. Bustej, in 23 <Uys from Liverpool, ar rive I at Bo-.tot> 'on Tuesday. By this arrival, the editors have received from their Boston correspondents, slips con taining letter fronr, Liverpool, to the 23d tilt. It will be seen that another great advance has taken place in colton; and tho letters state, that the sales of the week up to the 23 J were larger than they had been in the -?anie period at any type within the recollection of the oldest raerch fits; the sales amounting to cne hundred arid otie thousand hags, wonh tv>o? million* of fiounda sterling. Ot these, S7,29o bales were Uplands, j from 14j vo On toe 19 n, there was a debate in; the house commons on the reading of the Catholic relief bill. Sir Francis Burden opened ihc debate, and he was followed by Mr. Banks, who moved that ii te read again that day six months. Thi"> motion was seconded by Mr. Peel. At 1 oV lock, alter six or eight mem bers had spoken, thrViebate was adjourn ed to 2 1 si. Mr. Scarlet presenteda peti- 1 * tior. in favor of the Catholic claims, from the sergeants at law of the En glish bar. A great number of pe titions against the claims were alio presented. There seems to be but little doubt that it will be rejected again. On the 21st, a general respite for Mr. Savary, who was to have been ex ecuted on the 224 tor forgery, was sent to Bristol, by express. Letters lrom Gibraltar, of the 1st of April state, that the ports of Andula aia had been opened (or the admission of foieign grain, tlour and pulse; that all the wheat at Gibraltar, 45,000 tan eges, had been bought up at high prices, and that generally, a great impulse had been given to the trade. The king of Prussia has appointed Mr. Niedcrstetter to the post ol charge d'affaires to the United States, in the place of Mr. Greuhm, the l-ite minis ter, dee'd. A Berlin paper, in anounc ing the appointment says " lie is es pecially ct.joined to pay attention to the interest of the mercantile world." [This gentleman has arrived in Flori da.] We have cheering intelligence from Gieece. Accounts from Napoli di Ro mania of March i2 Cepha'onia March | II, and Zante March 24, all confirm j the sia'.etnent (of which we have here- I tolore published a rumor,) that the I Egyptians who landed at Moden, had been completely beaten? -The Cepha lonia account adds, " thai Ibrahim Pa cha him-elf is blocked op in the for tress ?>f Moden. 1 1 1? troops only landed in Greece to meet l lie ir death. ? Among those wlio have been taken pri son's are many Kuiopeans, especially Frenchmen ?rnong whom there is a [ gei-ut'ttl. What a teirible stigma foi their countrj I" We learn lrom Constantinople Match II. that four Ortas of the Janissaries have la ely been aries'.cd, accused of having been concerned in the late con spiracy. Ii appears that a refractory spun st. II remained in that corps. THE MARKETS. Liverpool, April 20. Wc have to advise the most exten sive stlc* of cotton t hit week i hat arc on record ? amounting 101,000, worth about two millions ol pounds. The be lie! that our supplies will be short from c-ciy qi. aitcr, ind the Mill increasing consumption t>f this article has induced great speculation. The trade buy free ly at different pnzes, and our market has every appearance of continuing j high. ? Uplands have avanced this week ; about 2d. Egyptian and Iliazil abnut 3d. We kinccrcty hope that you may have been induced to s>lup. Such a yrar may not occur again in a ccniury.? Toba? co > continues at steady price*. The sales '.a^t week amounted to 4' JO hhd. C? <od Vitginia is m<>st sought alter ? Tur pentine is Heady in pi.ee. Our expec tations that the duties wn) be low cud, prevents the trade from buwg more than ?l?eir immediate wants icq. ire. Flour goes off slowly at our quota- i tif. os. ?Some shipments of Phadclphia fl or have been mode to (iibral'.ar, Wc ?hall soon know whether any altr ration w.ll be tvtarir in our corn laws. It is a question of great importance to the U. Stu'cs, and we shall keep you regu larly advised on the euhjccl. A company in London had contrac* ted with the government of Gautunala, t '? cut a ( al from tlie Pacific to the Atlmiic,ai the south side of Luke Ni caragua. It is to be 1 J or IV miles in length* ant' navigable for ships of great hut then. The English arc to rcccive tw<< I hit da of the tolls, and to have the exclusive navigation of the San Juan ri *cr end the lake, fo' forty years. The rc? niaiuder of the lolls to he devo cd hy the gfivti n?r ?it to paying the expense of the undertaking. The manufactories in England are represented as flout ishing beyond all former precedents. Arisans of every inscription wcie in full employment, and so anxious were the manufacturers to have their urdcrs executed, that it was by r.o means an uncommon thing to lock up the doors where the workmen weic, and to supply them with food gra lis, iu uidcr 10 ??? c \iic ii?uc bit. If would otherwise be expended in geiog to th?jr respective lodgings. Order* to immense amounts were daily receiving at the manufacturing towns, many of which could not be fulfilled within the prescribed period. Wages wore every where extremely hi-^h, and mechanics were enabled to fare sumptuously for seven days, out of the proceeds of two days work, liven common labourers , were in such demand as to cause a con* siderable rise in their wages. A Mac clofield paper advertises for 4 to 50C0 persons, from 7 to 20 years of age, to be employed in the silk trade. A fatal pugelisttc combat took plare at Wendover Common, between Heath cote, a sawyer, and Rawlins, a coach man. The match was tor Si. and a ve i ry hard battle of seventy rounds was | fought) at the close of which ileathcota was carried away and died in the night. The city of Gotiertburqh had accen ted the proposals of \he English compa ny to light the city with gas. Greece, Russia and Britain. Paris, Af ril 1 1. Moch excitement has existed lor sr vcral months in consequence of a me morial said to have beeu issued by the Russian government, in which the fu lute lot ot Greece has been regu lated with ait 'he oriental pi Me of (hat cabinet- The authors of this memorial have disposed of the independence ot the Greeks ft r the benefit of the holy ? alliance, represented by the sovereign who is considered as chief. The Mo re a is to receive, by this arrangement, a constitution, and also a prince, agiee able to Russia; and the otlw-r revolted provinces to return under ihe proection of the 1'orte, on the same cond.iiort im posed upon the principalities of Molda via and \Vallachia. This diplomaiir document has pro- ' duced a great sensation in Gteece and Constantinople. M. Radios, secretary ol the provisionary government ot the Morea, addretaed himself to Mi. Can ning on the 24. h of Augu?>l, 18'24,| claiming the protectorship ol England, as well against the protection of Russia as the oppressions ol the Musselmans. On the 1st of December of the same year, Mr. Canning replied to this de mand by a declaration ot neutrality on the part of L<>gland. Mr. Rodios, in his communication, first established the claims of the Greeks to independence by the sacrifi j ccs wii'ch they bad made to conquer. Me then declares, in the name ot his governoient, that his countrymen pre fer death to the late whi h is announced io them by the Russian Cabinet. He formally claims the protection of Eng land to insure ihem independence i against all invasion of every soit, and appears to rely on this protection fiom the course which (treat Britain has ta ked relative to the South American provinces. Mr. Canning, in his reply, says, that he is not aware that tl.e docurncn; which has so muc h alarme-1 the Greeks, is authentic; and under any circum stances is persuaded of the g >od inten tions of i he emperor Alexander. This monarch had pioposed to 'he allic<i cabinets of Europe a projcct ot an ar mistice between (iree< r an I the O to | msn Porte, in order to t;ive the neutral j powers an opportunity of arranging their differences; but England did not believe this plan practicable, as the I Greeks appealed determined to reject all arrangements which were not pje- j ceded by a recognition ol their indc- I pendence, and the lVrir also appear ed to cntefiain similar feelings until her sovereignty wa> recognised. As to the protection, sa ys Mr Can- I ning, which Greccc c'aims Irom Great i Britain, on the groui d of tin policy she has adopted tow.iid* t |,c S >utti Ameti ran states, be rccLres that Etigland ha* ne\cr vi'da'ed Ittr ncu;rality to wards the tntl'licr countries, at>d that slic cannot act otherwise towards hrr old ally the Ottoman t/.vci itinrr.*. ? Assu rances ac ulso given that ine English cabinet will never act against the mtc tests of the Giccks. Juu ?'mi I ,lu Commote. A letter has been . cceivcd by a gen I let nun of Boston from his correspon dent at Madrid, dated March 10th, sta ting that the king has been ill for about six weeks. Fear# were entertained for his life, and he is said to be extremely mclarv holy himselt. ? Things bccm to go on worse and worse.? The new attempts to get money hare failed, and to day Madrid is full of a report that some ol the officer* of the Asia, which ban been takon by Admiral (iuise, have arrived a' Algcstras. The king has not been well snncc the news of the recog. nition <?l the new states by Lowland was announced; and they havo stretched eve* ry neive to stimulate the holy alliance tu break with hei upon this subject." FROM HAY 1 1. Norfolk, Msy 23. Ily account* from C?pe Hayti to the 8th inst. rc< civcd at this port, it appears that great dissatisfaction tias lately been mamfes<< d among the emigrants from tin' U.S. The cause pei h*|>!L may be tiyrcd to the emigrants ihcrdv'vt^ for \huic acquainted with uur black pLpu* lation in geoeral knew that the greater part of thero are naturally dispo>ed to in dolence, and will never work if they can possibly avoid it. Those of them there fore, (or at least a majority,) who aailed for Haytiwere under the impression that they were going to a land " flowing with milk and honey," and tb?u they were to live in the most sumptuous manner, without labor or any exertions on their part, to acquire it, and tube mace civ il or military officers, without a know ledge of the language ? hut they have been mistaken. They have found out ? hat a living , even in St. Domingo, must bJ earned by manual labor, unless they are endowed with a talent to fill an of fice, ol which fact the acute and intelli gent president (Boyer) is capable of de ciding, and always does decide for him self. It appears, also, that citizen Gran ville rather overstepped hi* instructions l'rom the president in his vim: as agent to the states, inasmuch as he promised, and did pay the passages of emigrants to the island, and had land, Stc. furnished them, whereas the president only authorised him, to say that he would aid those dis ' posed to emigrate in the payment of their passages, ficc. The fact is, that a damper ' has been thrown upon emigration by a late regulation of the president; and af ter the 1 5th of June, no inducements whatever, lurther than a?e held out by any other island, will be offered by the government of Mavti. T'.e president, it is undcrsto d, sery recently signed two hundred p<?*spon* in ot?e <I.ty, of per sons desirous of returning to the Unit ed Stales. Duel. Challenge , C?c- ? Complaint was entered at tne police, by some persons of ?Ji>tinc*.?on, ihat there wa? rca^n ?o believe that a duel was on the tapis between Jtnimy Jessamy, the heir apil hopfsol the family, and a certain Vlon sieur La Illond, de Pari. A warrant was fot lliwivh issued, and (he parties broo pot up. It appears that there was a petticoat in the afT>ir. The y"Ot>g gcntl' man bad a penchant for a pretty ijss in the vicin ity of one of our avenues, and he I inci* ed that Monsieur either lo/'k -nt.fT nt her, or warbkd the la?hion<hle air of 4 CWus love, 'in kivc,' under her cottage window, very much to the ann -yance of the yount* gentleman. With a true chivalrous spirit, he determined to r.dl htm out and put an end at once to this poaching upon his manor ? hut not be trig able to procure a second, and not be ing familiar with the etiquette in such cases marie and provided, he sent the challenge by Will, the gaidrner, * ho I lodged to town in his pepper and salt ' coat, and h<-avy ahoes, and ran>? at the j Huor, and demanding to see Moi^icm La Bond, was ushered ir.to the dining ' parlour, where Monsieur was enj ?ying hia claitt wuh a lar.'C p^r'.y, and pie S'-nted his credentials ? Monsieu', hav ing read the note, looked at the m< ?scn- j ger from head lu foot, ?ook two violent | pinches of snuff, and broke out thus: ? 1 1 Vai de diable in dis, en? a chalk n e, en? i begar voire maitre, send rne von chal lenge vis de drrn jardiniet? Pour quoi, dtable mem porte, vat you mean, to ireat von gentiman in rfis manner, ch?' Will said * as how hd?knew nn. thing about this ere matter, his young master had ordered him to carry the note, and so ho did it." Monsieur wa^ ? xcessivcly enraged at the indignity, and very fairly kickcd Will th?; .garde-mr, I out of the parlour, lor a dcrn jickan I ap's, e villain e ??oquin.' I Will went home and told the whole Moiy .othe family? the ladies laintcd ? Jemmy was locked up, and Mjuifc S'ickall's cletk. was ordered to po with 1'apa to the p dir.o, and get out the iu cesstry mittimus. The patties appeared, sod were ?ev erally bound over in small reco^ni/.jn. t-cs. [.Vc/fl/l'i Towanda, (!*??) April "8. Singular hmr fight ? A short time bin- e, two young men were taking n Sun day's walk in the back woods of S.iCjIk: f|um, when tlv.y chanced to meot an old inrar and her cub. The yoonp licrnt ?? In Id a council of ?>r and detei mined to give chasr to and ;ittack them. Accordingly I tt?cy stripped themselves for t lie affray, ' and each armed with a club, started ? lor the hears tbey soon overtook tli? yonng one and despatched it, but i<? hideous cries called the old one to its av?i>tance, and the young men were obliged (o pi t pare for the aUack. The old bear, when within a couple ol rod*, raised upon her hind feet, and with her mouth wide open, nothing and loaining, continued to advance. They ?.c| nared themselves, and ? severe and doubtful strugg'.i- of \s or 20 minytes ensued, during the whole of which they were unable to touch her head with their clubs, so completely did she parry eve ry olow with her fore feet, and it was not until she wheeled to retreat that they were able to level a blow across her nose which brought her down, when they were enabled to despatch her. This singular and courageous act will do the young men honor: had the deceased Putnam been present, he could not have done more; and his famed wnK hunt scarccly surpasses the Shethequin bear-Tight. Accident. ? A short time since, a boy about 12 years old, who lived with a titan iu the feu. Alq'* iubv.it, \%as oi.ec ted to drive a cow tone distance? he procured a cord, one eod of which he tied round the cow'i neik, ?nd the other imprudently fastened round his own body, bjr a slip knot; the cow by some means was frightened, and turning round, ran withj violence towards the place whence she'bad been driven, drag ging the unfortuna'e boy after. When the cow was stopped, ' the child was found dreadfully bruised, his back lace rated by the sharp stones over which he had been d'awn, and on the part of the body where the rope was fastened, there was a wound all round. The nead was much hart, and other parts of his frame greatly damaged. He was carried to the gmeral hospial, and hut little ex pectations arc entertain' d of his recove ry. Canadian Courant. Richmond, May 16. Yesterday a curious contest was de cided in this city. Latt year, e.even far mers from the counties of Amelia am! Puwhauan, determined to raise n puist; each contiihu'or to put in R20; the whole to he tpken by the one, who should producc a hogshead of tobacco to market on a certain day, wnich should sell for more than the tobacco of hit competitors. Vcsteiday was the day for deciding this singular contc.it. Nine gentlemen appeared upon the tnrl, most ot them with one hogshead only three with two and one with tour hogs head*. The tobacco wa* put up at pub lic auct'on .at Slmckte warehouse and Mr. B nj. L. Mca.'o, ol I'mvhat'an, o' t. tine*! the premium ? hin hogshead I selling for j^l4 7 3 per hundred; one ol I Mr. Charles lit; el ston's lot 1 -t 70; one of Mr. Wrn. li^g?estot.> lor 14 6.5; rm of Mr. Hooijuh Mtauc's h?r 13 95, Sic. See. The whole scene was lea ol atu.i ^na ion, interest, and pleasure. Soon alter The content vt as ter min tied, Mr. Austin Wright had C b!?d?. put up, which sold lor ?l-t 65. Comfnier. A new mode of taking a criminal in fln^unte dehrtc ha? been piactistd in Nr%* Y >rk with Micre?v A gentleman, on rnteri?>K on'* ?' l*,c boxes in the ?'?e a're, was robbed of hii pocket hook. He mentioned the fait to the dof.r krrpcr, left the tUrairr to 'top ihr pay ment of some lottery tickets which the pocket h v>k contained, and returned to the theatre apparently in a state of in toxication. Ho stat>i;tr?d into the pit, and taking out ol his bi Cast pocket a morocco pocket b<ok, ostentatiously transferred it to his coat pi ckrt. Hjv | ing cnu^nt the eye ol a man whom he | suipo tc<1| he wtn# to thr lonoy, railed I for a plass of hranrlv and wjier, and in I f]uired ol' ?he bar-k'rper If i,c could chsupc a i.atik bill rf twenty dollars. On receiving ati answer in the nrpative, he pud tor the dri? k in silver, ?hovert into the pt*, wlvn feeling a hard m his puckci, he seized the eiiminal, who was delivered up 'o justice; and on whom forty-two dohars ol stolen proper ly were found, for which the ni.itt.lc fingered son ol Mercury is now doing tread mill du:y. But thi b? ?? of the -.to ry remains yef to be K I.I: thn dtu k cnncn w.ss feigned on the pa*, ol Mr. JickMin, for the purpose ol atrcsiing | the robber ol i.is pf>t kci book HkiU . ,1mer. From the New York Evening IVnJ. .1 li")tfue ( 'uughf ? I n January lust, we published an account of ' lie detec tion ?>f an imposition, p ariistd by an Irishman, named ThunuN K::n?n, wno had for sometime cart i*rJ on a eistille ty at New Brun>wi?k, from which place he eloped, alu r defrauding the inhabitants f?l about ?bOOO. It will he 1 ecollected that Itt sailed (iomi this port in the Coitus for Liverpool, under the assumed name ol NVnalcn, and in order to divcit public attention from tlic mute he had taken, he forged a let' tcr signed John Mullagan, and sent it to thi*> paper, an. I we published i<; in \% Igch he Man d that Tltom.-s l\i rnnn (iiimsell,) had been drowned a few 1 nights preceding, in cmn^in^j in a boat 1 Ironi this city to lliooklyu. \Vc now karn, by a letter received heir, ironi Leitrim county, Iicland, that K. ernan had artivrd there, and that in conscquencc ol what wc stated re specting him, he had hern apprehend ed and committed to piison, where he would rrmain until affidavits were re* reived Irom this counti y by which he could be indcmilicd, and the t ru uc! ? 1 lent transactions in wnich he had been enga ged, established against him. From the Albany Duily advertiser, of Nky 17*. .1 good txamfilc.? An aet wys parsed al the late session ol the If gislaiuro of Maine, directing that 10,000 copies of the constitution ol that state, together with the conduction of the United States, should be printed and bound up in the spelling book (jrin, to be gratuitously distributed for the use or common schools. They ore to be sent to the sclect?men of the towns, whose duty it is to deliver them over to the several instructors of scholars, to be read by them, and when practica ble, to be committed to memory. How could ? portion of the school luud of New-York* he better applied than to such an object? The rising generation cannot too early be taught to know their ligtws, or loo iHt^rciiea hu?> the importance ot supporting lbcro. It would tend to toake more statesmen and fewer politician*? characters which by some a*e considered synonymous, but which in fact are as opposite as i fie antipodes: the one studies to benefit the gieat whole, the other to benefit him self. Il'fio could have thought it? ? It is tru ly astonishing to see with ?hai avidity our men ol entcrpiise push 'otwatd in improvements. It is bot a lew short years since the spot on which thr now Urge and nourishing village ol Uiica stand%, was a wilderness; a:?d wnrn it be gan to be settled, wan considered a Iron uer vctilenreht,ut a greater distai.ee fiom the Hudson river, than we are now in the habit of thinking the city;of Detroit. Tweniy-fire years ago, a man thought he did well to make a trip from this to Ut'n a, and back again in ten days, with a team catrying perhaps ten. hun dred weight. Intercoms? between the two points was greatly facilitated by the improvement of roads; and when th? Mohawk turnpike was completed, no man thought ol being from home mote than fix dajrs on the same journey, nor of carrying less, tlian twenty hundred weight with his teunj oi JLwo hotscs. Ntjw that the canal is Completed, it is not unJrequeniiy that we see one liorsu diawing thirty tons from one point to the other, at the rate of from 2i to 3j miles per day. Dut notw ithstauding all this, we see discussed in the Ulica paper; with much animation and ability, the best method ol facilitating the transpor tation of produce from that place to the Hudson rivet! It is stated that in a vr ry It.w years the c^nal will be utterly incomp* tent to afford the means ol cor viypn^e f >r all that will be required io pass up and down, and to remedy ihc tvil, a writer there proposes the con stitution o! a tail way. A meeting nf the ? i izen* of the village h?s been hrld, and ?< committee 1ms been appoin ed to de. vise aod report the J. est method of pro ceed.og to obtain relief in the preifci* ? Wlwthei any thing will be done, xc kno.v not; hut the a^?itaii?>n of the su ? ject at this early day. will impress our lellow citizens ahtoad with the vasiiic?s 01 the riches ol the west, as Well >*s with the spiii: of liberality and entei prise which animate our citizens to actu-r. Again \\c ask. wi?o is rot proud ol bi nig a tiiizun ol New York:' - /'ii ? l.xfi' riment.-? .Sling a slifl ling i)i -:\pence at the end of a piece d( tin end ?.y tufiir s ol a loop; tiim res ting your elbow on a laMc, hold the other end ol the th'ruJ betwixt your ? fore ? K ?" r and ihtimo, observing l? let it pa->s ..cross tltc ball of the thumb, an<? thus suspend ilic shilling in an cn>p* ty jjo'jlrt, pi csumu.jj, however, that die shilling is ptoperlv suspended, you witl observe that when it has rtco*e*ed its tfpilibrium, it will for a moment be sta tionary: ii will then of its own accord, anil without the lea-t agency from the peison holding i:, a-sume the action o( a pendu lum, vibrating from sidi to sice of the gla*S and alter a few seconds will strike the hour nearest to the time ol t'ay; fc r instsnce< if the time be 25 tr.inuus pis: ?*x, it will stride six; il 35 minute* pa-', six it will strike seven; and if you fiw! u difficult to keep it in an immovat l. p - turr, it is useless to- attempt 'he c*|>!-n I meni. Ii is neces-aty to rimsik, ttot I the thread should lie over the. pu!>e I of the thumb, and this may ?r socm E measure account for the %ibra?tw? ?>f I the sliillting; but ?o what cause it ? - < ? ? king the precise hou? is to be tiac H Mmilii mi* x |>laint( ; lor it is no l< - - I tonishiiig tli.it true, that when i " ? struck the pi ope r number i s tihrai B r.en>cs, it at (|uires a rotaiy mote B at la^i becomes stationary as bef? r? H .W ir-Yorl. .Wi n "- ? | ? VY K 1 1 A V K D O N 1. T A KING !? V 1. We are told tha?, oikc poor family having l:ccii burnt oii'i'1, reived much kindness a; the ban'* 1 iheir neighbor*, v\ ho continued to ?rlir,,)( ister to their want* until tiny hi t ? f compilative!) wiap.hy. Amount)' who cm me ii| on an enai<d u\ ch. ?a^ a benevolent farmer with a h>a) r yr% hut on making known the s?! ol lib visit, he \%.?s chilli (I with tl ply which stands the heady parngraph. I hi* story wn* br?' fiiind hy the follow ing anecd"tCr ly communicated to us hy a (ii' nan.es and rircumatances, a' wc publish chiefly with th showing how extensive anil/ the habit ul hori owing nr/ the incalculable wrong ?* the trade." A per ?" 1 i in the county oi had the mitdortune hy hit only cow, and being ii stances, it was proposed b (Ii? q) to have the citizens to h;m to make up his loss. Ti.- f lion was adopted, and they gave hin? ono dollar; and in , the dollar, the printer sent hin> that he would send him his paper ^ or aix months. The ptrv>n d,fCC' called on him, and told him. wculd not make v.uch difference . would like to hove him fiay the | | for enr oj hi* neighbor* took the /?'< and he could noRKow it!" ,V T. O" ' : ne/ i

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