HIIXSBOROUGH RECORDER. \o\ VI. 0 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1825. No. ai9. Ur*uc'y,Cogniac, , Apple, - I'each, ? lUcon, - - - Beeswax, - - - iluucr, ... (jotlee, - - - - Corn, - - - ? Ijullull, - - * ?iaiidleg, mould, - f laxseed, rough, Flour, - - ? * tiin, Holland, - Country, - Iron, - - - - ' ard, - -/ ? - L. (!>.-, - - - - " Multmt'i, ... Powder, Amer. - Kuin, Jamaica, - West India, New bngiand, Bice, - - - - Shot, - bait, Liverpool, - - Turk's Island, Sugar. Brown, - ? . - . Tea, Imperial kCJunpou Hyson, Young Hyson Tobacco, . . Tallow, . - Wheat, - . Whi?.kcv, ? - Wine, adeirs, T enerille Sherry, Port, - Malaga, Sun | /': 1: r der, gkll. lb. bush, lb. bush bbl. gall ton lb. cask, gkll. keg gall. cvt. bush. cwt. lb. cwt lb. buill. pall V V I. .Ill t^tuw .May 31. CIS. 120 37 8 :>3 25 70 2 > 12 ci?. 125 40 30 20 75 22 l : 550 80 36 562 9u 40 10000 9 lo 1 50 2'jO 36 37 90 65 375 iOO 70 40 50 55 45 50 1000 400 9 4:?o lo i lit Vllit June 6. cts. 125 u 42 50 6i 34 1 5 18 65 25 14 80 ?450 90 43 c. s. 1 6o 45 55 7i 35 20 23 * 70 .1 27 15 8 ,i 500 125 45 UUOO 120J0 7 250 37 500 80 70 42| 3$0 1 100 80 70 900 I 7 150 120 400 ? r 8.) 3-i 2 3o 125 8 300 40 800 100 8o 45 40o 1200 90 75 1 110 19 175 120 5C0 8 5 35 ?JUO 150 200 325 8 > Nt n. June 4. CIS. 150 40 75 6 32 1 5 23 45 23 15 65 600 100 40 30 CIS. 175 45 80 35 20 24 50 25 16 75 750 125 50 90 100 75 85 45 5U0 65 75 60 900 12 50 18 20 12 13 35 40 1f>0 175 200 22 5 Pli. June 10 Cts I 30 50 6<> 6 J CIS. 2oo 75 70 36 600 1 50 75 40 200 40 650 175 100 45 1000 1050 75 900 1 300 I 5 23 1 50 200 IOO 130 5oO 1250 85 90 CO 3 3 250 4O0 20 22 55 60 24 *8 550 750 90 125 1 120012500 HILLS HO ROt till, N. C. Pl'IILIbllEU WKKK1.Y BY 1ILNNIS Iir.AUTT, AT THItKK DOLLARS \ \ KA.ll, PAY MILK HALF YBAK1.Y IN AOVANCt. Those who do not give notice of their wistli to have the paper dtcon'.tnued al the expira tion ot the jear, wilt be- ptesutned as desiring its continuance until countermanded ? Atid no paper vv i ? t be discontinued until all arrear ages arc paid, unless at the opujti ot the pub liihtr. Wtioever will procure seven subscriber* and guarantee tlie pajments, shall rcccnc Hie eighth grat in. \ Advertisements not exceed ng sixteen I'.nrs will be inserted three tunes tor out dollar, And taeot} -five cents tor each continuance. Subscriptions received by the printer, and most of tlie postmasters in the state. All letter* upon business relative to the pa per must be post-paid. UNION HOTEL. \X annual met ug of lie hu>< *li >!<Vr? of he I'nOM Hotel, is r-(|utsteil at tin- l'<> tel, -n Saturday the "2d ot July next, at tue'v.: o'r.l rk precisely. Punctual atUndincj .? re J. P. Snecd, w*. June 14. 7t> -Sw N O T I C e. ?S the practice of t Icc'ionccrin^ ? f likely to vitiate thr moral* ?>f ? In* c m wmii ?n<l has a tendency to \ throughout tvrry section of the state, ? . ut.ii^ thr people, 1 v?nK"? ?l?od.rin/, ? ? s|>t-ak i false reprr sentations, and in a ?v.. i, b; .til manner of wickedness; winch pracitc ? is kfly to drin out o1 the scrvice of the s'u'c ill our heat cituriii>, mid n.oiai wnrtbt and ileprive tin- Mate of I lie erviccs of her ni^st valuable and intelligent men; I, tlx-n' l?re, request the punctual ailcniUncr ol ...i tin- In ? men of (?..iil rd count \ , e?j?< c.dlv ihe mimbersof t lie I'resbyterian, Q u^tr, Mel'to d ?!, and Haptist churches, to nriei. t. at (iiu'Dv hor ugli on the f.iurth day of loroi and enter upon ?nnu* plan b.dra monster of iniquity in.iv be- put down. A Citizen. 20tli Mav, 1S:5 75? ; i. v l i , iiiri'*' net t. at t ivn*- j July uex?, to I by vvbicu tioa J TvuiVk. \Mos' onttie Kayettev.lle road, bt*twtm 9 t \lrt M I ?ane's and this place, from a ?!? iit-ion^ri^ to I'hoitias Palmer, m 'I rn?Jc of books, dirccte 1 to Mrs Mary t i.-'i.fninjf, Hillsborough, The finder, on delivering saul trunk with n? coiilefitH ai tins oH.cc, Mill to ("i>e liu* dollars reward. >' u .?0. 76? 3w Mcxunrier 1 1 un ison & Co. o ? Q Street* OKFI.H F< ?lt SM.K Saddles, IIii<II>h. Carriage ami t?ig Ilaine-s, W^mi Gccr, liOO I S, S1IOKS, md every article in their line, for cash, or on a !?h?<rt credit; an?l will receive in payment Shoe thread, llomewpun, i?rain, Plank or any kind of I'rxluco. 1'cb. 1 2, JM24. tf~ N O i l CJ K. 'n IE subscriber having qualified a? execu l I r tn the last will and 'estatni nt of Will 1am II Wlolted, deceased, at February b-rn? of Orange county court, hereby gi*ea notice to ail prison* having claims against ?aid deceased, t<? bring th? in forward within I the time prescribed by law, or thia notice will j ?e plead in bar ??f a recovery. J amen \\ ebb, f x*r. Much 29 $7 ? vm COTTON GINS i O I LK. Ill v VE received from Mecklenburg a lo d ? of (Ivitun CJ-ns, made bv fl m. 'J', .ilexan- ' Jvr. who, a <>;n maker, rat.ks amongst the J In*- in the ?tate. Some ol Inn (imii art- in op?. *? t oo in this county, and arc highly commeft dec!. \ constant supply will be kept through D Yarbroiigli. May -3. 75? ^ VO HtVifttA. Ul'N AW \Y trom the suhscr.bcr's planta tion, in O. -nge count), on hie Ulti >ta.cir l:iai, my iic^ro nian liKN. He is about *1 ?<f 22 year old, has a dull look, and is of a yellow compli 'U'-in. his e>elastus curls, and uIrii spoke n to, stammers a little; he has a large war on one of his knees; ih about five I ei e.ght or nine inches high; he was raised near the plantation, in Person county; ins clothing not recollected; lie was supposed to ii.i>e bet n sten near Suncon Coch ran's in I'er - ,n ;?!?(! Slrule's old store in Caswell. 1 will give , the abn\? reward to an\ person who \jill con^l Sit.e h. in in an> jail, and all reasonable expen-J s -i paul it delivered to meat my faiier's, in" I'i rSi.ij cigpt; , near, the orange hnef on Hat * ^ Dudley Sneed. V 75 ? 4w VAuw-j^Mv\K\ Ai ita I Hillsborough. : JtW ? J;K MV if . . Sr^|,1 5 '/A ??v her houses and !o!? oi? Iv >ig nil f - f" in t, a yo'jt .>nc hundred \ards I ot the ?narkfi house m j ii iiiuoi.i . I i.e ?'S are we.l improved, r.n li c d iii--yfr' e*uidi?rtal>le dwelling and oloc r in '? 'U*e*, -ire adjoining each |ffain an lu't trie each I lu re a ?, It. ?H'<ir ling exet!l*-ni water <>| tiie \e.ir. A credit o? one, two i; s, will hi- i;? v**i?; and, if (lie pur s, a ti j^ru ^irl will be takt n in plrt'pavn.eot. I !??. I<N will be sold together <?V m "Mlal. v, ?'? miiI il-r ConVt'lllL'ltCC of por <.liujn.. i. i'< i> mii wishing to purchase town property jijv mv.w 1 ??? view the premises, as the\ Will tlo.it. tic** !>e plcastd will, their situ- i ation. \u\ peison* ic.s>r<iU* ol purchasing the J ttiuvc named I .o ?:?* ?? and I >? s will apply to Thorna* ( lat<c\, ? >?j. ot lldlKboiotixh, or to the subset i! c i I viiij? near tlic Crows liuad meeting house, in OraMge county. Elizabeth Dickey. May .">0 7 b? 3w State ol* Noil It-Carolina, j' r. ft.su. v colwj y. Court n! Pleas .loci Q-ar ? r Sessions, l'cbr .?r> i t i in. 1H25. JJoienrj^ It mle ^ i,ia? at'aHiment ? levied William j ,a,ul*' I T appearing t>> ti>e c??urf, tliat the defend - .1. ant is no* an inhabitant ??l this statt; it is therfi'ove ordered tit at publication be made in the Hillsborough K cort'er t? ?r tiiree months, that unless he uppt .it' at the next term of this court, to be holden on the first Monday in June next, replevy the property levied, antl plead to ssue, judgment by default will be entered a .-.tir.st hen Jcs*c Dickens, Cl^rk. Price adv. gl 373 67? 3m 1200 Hit. Huron, 3 firkins 14 bands S!?ad antl Ilrrring, For sale by lhui. Clancy Co. April 19 -r? Whsve juai received from New .York an elegunt assortment of Leghorn Bonnet,. j p ^ Cq June 7. 77?2** ~wi5iToIioi5r O \MUKL S CLAYTOK & Co , six miles ij below Hillsborough, at the old tilt hum imc# on Kno, have their machine for carding wool in good order, arid will card for ten cents a pound, and break for hatters at nix and a quarter cents. I hose who intend to have their wool card, ed, must p ck it open and twist off with their tinkers every '?g or curl, and clean out all the trash I'he sooner it is brought to be picked, the better it can Ik- done If it lies long the wax gets hard and gummy, and in jure* the staple, and in cold weather it is ve ry diflicult to do good w >rk. CASH given fop FL *X SEED, delivered at the mill, or at the store of J. P. Sneed &- Co. in Hillsborough. FOR SA1.E, Oil, IJoes, Axes, I'lows, &c. Wagons and Carryalls. They will have in operation by the middle of October m-x?, * "rs? rate COTTON GOT, and will give C?sli lor ? onor \ S. S. Clay tor I5 Co. June 7- 77 ? lm TAKE NOTICE. I SHALL attend at the following pines to collect the Tax for 1824, viz. at William Geen's on the 4th ol July next ? at John New lin's c.n the 5th ? at Mtjrphey's Milt on tlieb'h ? at George Albright's qn the 7th ? at John Long's on the Sth ? at Michael llolt's on the 9th---at Ephraim Cook's on the lltli ? at James Cook's on the 12th ? at Chesley F Faucett's on the 13th ? at James Hutchinson's on the 14tto? at at Andrew M'l'aulcy's on thelitli ? at Geo. A. Mebane's on thetQth ? at Itankin M'Kee's on the 18th ? at Kicherson NickoU's on ne 19th--a! the Court House in Hiilsbo rougli on the 20th ? at Carrington's store on tht 2 1st? at II. Sims's mill on the 22d ? at U. N k Z. Herndon's store\>n the 2.3d ? at Samp son Moore's on the 25i|>? at Geo Johnston's on ttu 26th? at Chapel Hill on the 27th? and at llrown's mill on the 28th. All persons arc requested to attend and pay their respective dues, as 1 shall force collections from all per sons who ma} be delinquents, without dtscri* initiation- r_ , _ . *ir . . 1 . D. \\ atts, sheriff. N. D. The Magistrates who were appointed by the last Count > Court of Pleas and Quarter 'Sessions, will attend in their respective dis tricts at the times and piaces of collection, to take the list ot taxable* and taxable property for the vear 1825. T. U. W. Sheriff June 2. 77- 4w State ol* North-Carolina, Oli.ijVGE COUA'TV. Court ot Pi as andw^uac er Sessions, Nht Ttrm, 1825. . Jy i'ji Aicko t levied on land 2tc. v ' Si. fa. to the heirs at Barnabat O' Farril, flaw of Baldwin XickuU', I adminiilrutor. J de?< ased. fXT api>eartng to the court, that George J Nickols. oiie of the children and heirs at law ot Kaldwin Nickole, decease d, is no* an inhabitant ot this sia'e; therefore ordered, that publication be made in the HdUborough Recorder lor six weeks, tor the sa d George Nickols to be arid appear at the neit i* rm of | said cour. , to tie h iiden at the court house tn Hillsborough, on the fourth Mndas of An gus'. nei', t!ien and there to ?h<>w Couse. if any lie hath, why the said land snould not be sold to satisfy the debt aforesaid, wi?li Cas ? ot suit. Fest' John Taylor, Clerk. Price adv S ? 50. 77 ? bw Slate of North -Carolina, GUILFORD COUJVTY. C >urt Ui l'l? a id ?rter Sessions, M iV T?'t ?n, 182 5. J amen Partont nnd oth ert, nsticr *. tfc- to ' John Wiley and Wm. the n*e of Hubc> t 1) i Catisbee summon lAiidmy, j ed as garnishees, v ; Garnishment filed. William 'thorn. J 11" appear. n^ to the satisfaction of the court L fiat the defendant jui tins case is not an inhabitant of tins stat^ It is ordered, that the pendency ot this suit be published n thr Hillsborough Recorder for three nouths, that unless the defendant appear at our next court, to be held on the third Monday of Au gust next, at the court house in Greensbo rou^lif and plead or replevy, that judgment filial will be entered against him. A true copy from the minutes Te"; John Ilanncr, Clerk. I'r'.cc adv 8 1 65 77 ? 3m pi.KN1 Y of excellent HACON and I.ARl) 1 lor sale low for cash or on a short credit. John Roberts. May 30. 76? 3 w STIlAXfcD, From the subscriber, on th? 2d instant, a likely Filly, about filteen months old, of a roanish colour, has a small white spot on her lurct ead, and had on when she went away a small hell I expect she has followed some waggon. Any information of said filly w ill be thankfully received by me, by letter or otherwise, the letter directed to Col. II. Sims's, or to the widow lhlliardV A liberal reward will be given for her delivery to me, in the lower part of Orange county, near the road leading from Hillsborough to Haleigh. William ltoan. By the pretidmt of thr United Statct of ma rt ca. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a general convention ol peace, ami:yt navigation, and comniercr, between the United Siates ot A-ncrica and the republic o( Colombia, was con cluded and signed, at ll"gota, on th? ibird ?'ay of October, in the vear ot our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-foui; which convention is wold for word as follows: General convention of peace, amity, navigation, un< i commerce , betveen the United btatct of America and the republic of Colombia. IN THE NAME OF GOD AUTHOR AND LE GISLATOR ? F THE UNIVERSE. Tl?c United States of America, and the republic of Colombia, desiring to make lasting and firm the friendship and good understanding which happily' prevails between both nations, have re solved to fix, in a manner dear, distinct, and po-itive, the rules which shall in luturc be religiously observed between tl.e one and the other, by means ot a treaty or general convention of peace, friendship, commerce and navigation For this most desirable object the president of the United States ot Amer ica has conferred full powers on Rn h ard Clough Anderson, junior, a citiz< n of the said states, and their minister ple nipotentiary to the said republic; and the vice p>esidcnt of the republic of Colombia, charged with the executive power, on Pedro Gual, secretary of the state and of foreign relations, w ho, alter , haviog exchanged their said full powers in due and proper /otm, have agreed .o the tollowiug articles: Article 1st. Tnere stiall be a perfect, fn m, and inviolablr peace sincere friend ship between tne Unued Slniesof Ainti ica and the repoblic oi Columbia, in all the extent ot their possessions and ter litorics, and between their people and citizens respectively without distinction of their persons or places. Art. 21. The United States oi Amer ica and the republic of Colombia desir ing to live in pcace and harmony with all the other nations of the earth, by means of a polity frank and t-qually friendly with ail, en^ago mutually not to grant cny particular lavour to other , nations in respect of commerce and na vigation, which shall not immediately become common to the other party, who shall enjoy the same fieely, if the con cession was freely made, or on allowing the same computation, if the concession was conditional. An. 31. The citizens tf the United S dits may tnqucnt nil the costs and j cow nines ot tt.e icpubiic ot Colombia, anu re-iiie an<i trade tberi , in all sorts ol piodo-e, n..inuf?ict ui es, and mt-rchun ?'tax:, and bl.all pay no oilier or greater du'ies, charges, or Ices, v\ haisoevct ,1 Inn the most lavuuicd nation is or snail be oi-.iged lopay; and tin y snail tnj-.y all the right s pruikges, and exemptions n> na vigattoo a?.d (.on. nu rce, winch the most Lvourcd nation ?'ots or sht.ll e< joy, sub iviitn.g ihemM Ives, ncvei theless, to the laws, ucnt es, and usages, there estab lishecl, and 10 which ate submitted the st bjccis and citizens ol ihe most favour ed nations. In like manner the citizens of the re public of Colombia may frequent all the coasts and count ies of i he United State-, and reside and trade thcte, in all sorts ol pto(!u'.c,manulaiinica, and n>?. tchan dise, and shall pay no other or gi cater duties, charges, or lees, whatsoever, than the most favoured nation is or shad be obliged to pay*, and they shall cnj'jy all the i i his, pri\ ileges, and exemptions in navigation and commerce, which tlie most lavuuicd nation does or shall onjr.y, submitting themselves, nevertheless, to the laws, and dccress, and usages, there established, and to which are submitted | the subjects and citizens of the most fa vouied nations. Art. 4th. It is likewise agreed that it shall he wholly free lor all merchants, commanders of ships, and other ci:i?.r ns ol botn countries, to manage themselves their own business in all the ports and plat es subject to the jurisdiction of esu.h other, as well with respect to the con hignmint ind sale ol their goods and merchandise by wholc.-ule or retail, as with respect to the loading, unloading, and sending off tluir ship* they being in all these cases to be treated as citiztiis ot the country in which they tesii e, or at least to he placed on a looting with the subjects or citizens of the moit fa voured nation. Art. 5th. The citizens of neither of the contra' ting paru s shall be liable to any ambargo, nor be detained with thsir vessels, eat goes, merchandises, or ef fects, for any military expedition, nor lor any public or private puiposc whatever, without allowing to athose interested a sufficient indemnification. .\rt. v b. Whenever ibt ciji??n> of ? either of the contracting parlies shall ne forced lo seek, refuge or asylum in the river*, bajs, po> 's, or dominions, of the oihtr, *ith their vessels, whether merchant or of wat, pub.ic or prirate, through stress c.f weather, pursuit of pi rate or enemies, they shall be received and treated with humanity, giving to them all lavour and protection for re pairing their ships, procuring provisions, and placing t( emselves in a situation iq continue their vo)age without obstacle or hindrance of any kind. Art. 7th. All the ships, otetcbandise, and effects belonging to tho citizens of one of the contracting parties, which may be captured' by pirates, whether within the limits of its jurisdiction or on the high seas, and may be carried or found in (he rivers, roads, bays, ports or dominions, of the oiher, shall be deliver ed up to the owners, they proving in due and proper form their rights before the competent tribunals; it being well understood that the claim should be made wiihin the term of one year by the pari ties themselves, their alttorneys, or agents of the respective governments. Art. 8ih. When my vcsssel belonging; to thecitiaensof either of the contracting parties shall be wrecked, foundered, or sha^l suffer any damage on the coasts or within the dominions of the other, there shall be given to them all assis tance and protection in the same man ner which is usual and customary wilL .he vessels of the naiion where the dam^ a^c happens, permitting ihem to unload die said vessel, it necessary, of its mer? chandi>es and effects, without exacting lor n in any duty, impost, or contribu tion w hatever, until they may De expois; ted. Art. 9ih. The citizens of each of the contracting pat tics --hall have power to di^pi se'?f ;hcir personal goods within th? jurisdiction uf the other, by sale, donation* testament, or othttu isc.and their repre sentatives, being citizens of the other par y. shall succeed totneir said personal goods, wnether by testament or ab intc?~ into, and they may take possession there of, either by themselves or others acting; for them, and dispose ot the same at j their will, paying such dues only as tho I inhabitants ot the country, wnercin the said said goods arc, shall be subject to pay in like eases: And ii, in ca^eof the real estate, the said heirs would be prevented from entering into the possession of the inheritance, on account of their charac ter ol aliens, there shall be granted to lheu> the term of three years to dispose of the same, as they may think proper* and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation, and exempt from all rights ot deti action, on the part of the govern** ment of the respective states. Art. 10th. Both the contracting pae tics promise and engage, tormally to give their special protection to the per sunn and pi (.'petty oi the citizens of each othi r, ol all occupations, who may be in the lerritoiics subject to the jurisdiction ot the one or the other, transient or dwelling therein, leaving open and free to then* the tribunals ot justice lor their J judicial recourse, on the same term* I which are usual and customary with the natives oi citizens of the country in which vhey may be; for which they may employ in dclcnce of their rights such advocates, solicitors, notaries, agents, and factors, as they may judge proper, in all their trials at law; and such citi zens or agents shall have free opportu nity to be ptocnt at the decisions and sentences of the tribunals, in all cases which may concern them, and likewise at the tak ng ot all examinations and ev idence which may be exhibited in the Sato trials. Ari. 1 1. It is likewise agreed that the most perfect and entire security of con science shall be enjoyed by the citizens of both the contracting parties in tho countries subject to the jurisdiction of the one and the other, without their be ing liable to be disturbed or molested on accouht ol their religious belief, so long as they respect the laws and estab lished usa/csol the country. Moreover, the bodies ot the citizens ol ono of the contracting parties, woo may dio in the territories ol the other, shall be buried in the usual burying ^rounds, or in other* decent and suitable plat es, and si>all bo protected from violation or disturbance. Art. liih It shall be lawful for tho citizens o( the United States of A ? eri ca and ot the republic ot Colombia to sail wiih theii ships, with all manner or liberty ana seiuniy, no distinction beiii|* made, who are tho proprietors of tho merchandise* laden thereon, from acy pott to the places ot those who now are or hereafter shall be at enmity witb ei ther ot the contacting partus. It shall likewise be lawlul tor the citizens afore said to sail wiih the ships and meichatl dins be lore mentioned, and to trade with the same liberty and security from tho places, ports, and hurens, of those who are enemies of both or either party, without any opposition or disturbance whatsoever, nut only directly from tho places of the enemy, beforemcntioned, to ntutrtri places, bm /lit) frum

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