[ rtlLLSBOROUGH RECORDER. Jk WEDMKSTIAY, JUI.Y 27, 1825. J<o. <2*4). I Brandy, Cogmac, A.ipte, - Pucb| - Bacon, - - - Beeswax, - - - BuUtr, ? - - Coil'ee , - - ? - Corn, - - - * Onion, ? ? Candles, mould, Flaxseed, rough, Flour, - - - - Sin, Holland, Country, - ron, - - - - Lard, - - ? - Lime, - Molasses, - - Powder, Amer. ? Hum, Jamaica, ? West India, New KnjjUnd, Rice, - - - Shot, ..... Salt, Liverpool, - - Turk's Island, Sugar. Brown, - - Loaf, ... Tea, Imperial Jt (;?inpo**der flysnn, - - Young Mvson, Tobacco, - . - Tal'ow, - Wheat, ... Whiskey, ... Wine, 'adeira, - Teneriffe, Sherry, - Port, ? Malajr*, - gall. lb. ?v ami j>i JutV ** ? :un i lb. ! cask I K k I ' ? I gall cut hush. cut. lb. CIS- ct>. 120 a 125 37 40 bual lb.. bush . ' bbl. 1 g*ll.| t I CiVt. lb. '>?ish vail 10 S3 '-'5 18 bj 30 20 loo 12 14 562 80 36 57, 9) 4v? lOO.Xi 1 . ! 50 2 >0 36 4 > 9 > 70 330 50 9u0 00 7 5 4-) 5 5 50 I O.J 0 r 5 0 1 *) 3 J V . | .1 July 21. CIS. 125 42 50 6 34 13 18 90 17 12 8:> 6 ?> ? 90 43 15 |i looo i3<; i 8 2 5 ? ; 40 7 50 1<J0 80 c s 1 (it) 45 5 3 7 35 1 5 1 p 1 I 85 7 ; ? 1 2.i 7 2:5 37 500 8) 70 42] 3 50 1 100 80 70 800 1 7 150 1 20 4'->0 1200 90 7 5 1050 19 175 i 20 130 4i'0 J 15.) ? 2 5 8 ? N . h c 1 n . June 4 ct?. 150 40 75 6 )2 15 23 45 ?i3 1 5 65 30 0 I'J'J 40 JO 90 1 5 15 5 10 65 6<) 90 < 18 cis 175 45 bo 6] 3 5 ?0 24 50 25 16 75 7 5o 123 50 I VI 2t>0 1*?*1 V I I S July 22 100 85 12 50 20 13 40 cu c a. 1 30 2ow 50 6 ? 7 33 12 17 55 18 12J 75 7u 25 <*2 60 55 ?/ 7 5' > 90 125 35 4.i I 12i. M 25 'v.. 10 20 t 4 ) 65 ) 175 lU 1 45 15) 1 t>3U 36 550 15<> 7 5 4 ? 4- '?> 95') 900 1 300 I 5 23 13<) 163 lii. > 5UO 75 Jl) 2 j O 120 1250 1 ' )0 32 4 (J' ? 11 ILLS U O Itu L it 11, N . C PIWII.I SH r.l> v. i-.j.ki.y by miNNis ncAurr, AT THRF.K D"LL VH> \ NKVH, I'AVARI.F. * ?I.\?.K YbkHI.Y IN Those who di? not ^'i?e notice ol"'l f?it u i*h 1 to have the pap?*r dicinMntied ?? tbe rx *ia- | lion of<h* \?*.?rt will be |irfnitn''il a*? .iesir^ijf its r -.ittmianC'- tar til cu n'tiinmniul ? A ?1 no pHp-r v i I be d >conlinufd mi; ?;) ?r!?.?r wire pVtd, unless at the opuonol the (??>(>? lislier. Whoever wilt pr >eure seven subscriber* and ^oarantee the p^jmeuts, hi. all rece.ve t!.> Otolith gratis. Advf-r sements not exec dn ; ^xtee'i !'..)<? will he inserted three unus fur one d<;ll.?r, and tweniy-five cer.is t irncli rontnnia:i?*?-. Subscription*. received by the pnut? r, and most of the postmasters in the All letter* upoii business relative lothe ja per must be po-?t-paid. Cash for Flax Seed. Q d | KN I'S w.ll be fjiven t"< ?r Kl.it Seed, c5vJ lelivered at the 'HI I 1 llamn.cr, or at ilie store of I i'. S< ed tx. (J ?. S. S. ( la>t<rt* <S* Co. j July 19. ' 83? it" j N <> 1 i <? Vs. I RY Hiuit of i '? c ! ' : : ???' | lexectilrtl to ill- ,til>sr.ril>< r. ..<? I j hc*n<.? i!i?tr tS<- 19 'i .1 \> ... IB*", kl ill ? i ?< II li?r c i-.li, ii I u< 1 1\ ? i' court, at Hie Market llnllit: i.? Wu* towu ?'t" I ill- tv?r.*if;h. Two Tracts t>J Lii'd. One ?. lie ia.nl nt llfnry Cm c ifr-lii ami o'ln rs, containing lh'n*-i?o ? cr ?? ?r Of lf<S; ! 1 1?- 1 ? "I'K Oil ! x.ull) Mi.v (?! the awne Tact, a?lj 'iiiin^ He ot i./ ? Durban, containing fi'tv ?c: ?? ? ?.???? It -*, ami formerly the |>roj>erty 01 Jotm i>.>;h.?ni ot sub*. ma. Win. Durham, jr. Julv Mill. 1 82-? ? SJ? 4v $ 25 REWARD K \ \ A W V V from tlf' icribcr, on th" 2(>'h of Jure laxt a ne^ro mnn n:?mr.l lib about five feet ?ij;ht or nine inches high. complexion, thin visa;?e, :m<l fin<- vo'?cc. I'lie *hovc rcu:?r?l will br if.v i n if delivered lo n?c in thr J iuit end ol Oraiipc roltnty. or routined mi HiHshurungli 10 that I g?-t him. Henry Forrest. July 14. h-> ? .'Uv MW&aJ M *?" AYKHOYif, ProfeMor of Mmic, New ?I ? imtii, rcsp *e? fully inform* the iiihahi tains 'i| Hillsborough an<l it* vicinity, thut lit; intends to open Ins school for Vocil ?nd In Htrumrntal Music, about the? 13tli of July. attJ will feel gratelul lor the patronage lie may ir on ve. Philadelphia, June 29. mi ? For Sale in Hillsborough. rHE 'iti. ? ..u <! , by A. II. Mruce, mq together rwith (he buil<li?it!* ?ml improve* (menu thereon, will l>?* sold to the hijjheat bidder, (in the 4th Monday nt thin month, at the market home. The purchaaer will hr required to ^ive a note therefor, ne^o tiahln ami payable at the bank in Hillsbo r?uRb, ami will have the usual hank accom modation by renewal every ninety daya. July $th, 1??J, , 81? 3v? ? C *:?!-?- 1 it s and C>uar<li?n9. ; ril ? ? \| >S J). HI liVJll ha- if c* r.'ly pen uvcd ! J. i a? J ?\eiir\ lit* to 1 1 1 b plucc ('li Ubrt- j ? ? n J ,) to i?-re lir I a* t iKeii a ?"<' f'TTl- j n ?kIiuiih noi st* *',r 'In cc ?mmodalinn of .mmcIi J *' jdeiit- as '?> l?im lur b'ianl; nod a* every atteri' xin u.il '??? paid to rrorals, Stc. h?- llit'ttrs linwlt' that l.ii fru-nds and ac qn?.itt.?iiCe?, at leant, will encourage lam. July -}ih, 18J5 bl ? Valuable I. amis and Milts rou s ^ i,k. I H 1 . u > ?* c? ?0' ni l s I!, or I if cmmo.la mif ten :? valuable I t.?c: o' '.mil, cool ailing tun hut.- | ,am! Jilt* <cr? H. <?i| wfnclt i* a <;r.s?' I M .. t . tw paT "t ?tw rw.'s, hIxi a -im, ? ?"iiuHi'il ir? Iti iip;?jr par! of' ttus c-?u >*v. 1 < ? iti :? i flK'ir I. r tile tfUbsCFibtT, the ill >?c st.o'.m in riiuma* Holt, or Matm.diiKr rhempsun. Archibald M. i I i?l t. Orange county, July Jill. 81? (I | NOTICE. ! f mpirnti i' ip heretofore existing it r. i A <ier Tl.v tiroi oi -liihttird& l)>cki?s ?* (hi* I <!?? . u-!?' 1 ? <:?' !>> unitii.il c<>iis?*nt. All deb'* Jm" ? ? li' in a' ?? f?l ?c >t in 1 1??- hxnds ui V m I I) t % v. ,o ,s ali?"t authorised to collect I .i* i; pi r ou-i li.ivinij cl 4 m-? .".khi'V thr c ?i? I cci <i y\ I ,> ? i ?? -i? hi tiicni tor ;?t ?j -.tn.i n1. a "1 i is i'.\|H-c <??! iliu" ?li inil?-'? ? cl Wiii pay ti:vir r< s, cc :v< ' >t 'i Jan>f> ! f uWiinl, V- hi . } -ickiiis. Of ft'shorou^li, N 'J June ~d. ill YK t>! .r-?! tie bn:ul<, a counts, ti ? i'ie In fi'vn ? ? i * ' ? <1k ii iiids i* Or. v\ ai ?(>'?, .f t" 1 1 ' i? >r? n ? l? , 'or rollfctinn, ?vln> is pMp.llv !???' !???*' it'll to riciic t *??: Sine atid . t<? ^ratit ilitchnrgi**, awl to whom those in J litisl .ii t- e.trr.?:i;iy pressed to ?? immc pu> itt.Mil. Win. I ?ickins. C;roonib'>r m^li, \ ('.JunrCO SO ? ;?\vp i-cwiire of Hwimllors ! ; ! Os tlie CMtb of .I.imi irj la?', mv black wo. man * >t ?i ??*' 1 I'V lt(tV, win c> ttCrd <w:iv f:?.fu mc !"/ ? < mm 1 I'a'.rirk M ,n ? i oi*. .fo?epti <>, -(in. wul other*; w w haibnurrd I and ''or.c i .?!< ,1 t>? ;lu* "<aid Towmend, . ami '..km into his ?oMe.vsion under |?r ? once ' ol oM her tie?-d ?m; and on the 17"? ?>t i Mm c li UM, was canted .ft' by the anove na med Joseph Orstni , win. goes in the capacity if a put Ifr. Sji.l I'eg, \ i* n-?n m tlic? ITtii yrar ol Ik r a -r, ? t middle ?i/e, about 5 feet 4 or ?? infix's high, handsomely ''u.lt.of ?r| low con p i \<o?i, verv likely, linnli ir, and ve ry fr? r spoken >!ic somcM ..fs cat's herstlt I'eggy llugm, ami has ol laie pictended tosay tliat -lie w.t* lr? c- bom. IV(;n) may be known bv any oie wlio coitver ? s witlt Iter, by lier It Hint; u'io '",s fused h* r. nml of her leaving hf?r child behind, whose name i.t El. /.a It is supposed that she is sold, or concealed in some part ol the country. Any person finding where she i% and giving information by let ter, directed to the subscriber, living in llarn well district, or to ,\lr. Isaac Frazu r, in 'Co lumbia. S. (J. aliall receive a re ard oft enty five dollars, and it tl.e said Or<ttot. and Peggy be foii'd together, and apprehended, so that the villains can be brought to justice, any per? son ??r |h rsons, so apprehend og them, shall I receive a reward of fiftv d.tllars June 17. 1825. S. W . Kearsey. HI? 3w For talc at tfiii oftioj. HILLSlSOIiOlr.il I 75SLLL2 S.WXSJSW. ' Tt'K * iticiira " tin. msti.ut ion w ill com- ' 'n?nce on tl.c first day ot" August -ext, ?. ..I . M.e mi" ediaft cart* of Miss Lavi.su ' , Hkainehd, and in d>*r the inspect tin ?nd *u , piTM.t* ndei cf of the Reverend William M. Grep. x I lie course of instruction it tins >e "niurj v l; be c.trrit d on in > regular conti nued syat en of academe s> .idies: m bracing all 'lie scientific anil oru?n>enitfi 1'iaucbes ne cessity to Complete the female education. Pnpi's frt;iv aiiroad Cui. be aec< rr iroda'ed with boanl in be u.o ? rcspt Cable larmiies :n the place, at tiie < ate ol Ic i; dollars per mom I. Arrao^emen's, ho?e\ er, art- nou being irmle, j bv wloch it is iniei-dfl '?? in*nuct t'ie more i advanced pupds in housr w cry. and in tfu va- ! rums bn.nci'es of dot est ic economy Whilst j all due ?tti-nl.on will be paid ;o the ornann iw ' 'si mid i be ordnier. branches til education, ; the us rnciors u .<1 diem it tlieir imperious du'y t.- p<\ csp ci.il regard to tl.c morals and manor's (if i lie young ladies committed to llit* ii care T' v will ?)e a seb ct c mnot'ee of literary lad" s -n>d gentleim n to auend the semi-annu al exacn.u.ttion<>, to decide on the men's ot the pupils, and to pl-ct 'hem in ? be several classes. Tho*e pupils win shall have completed their course ?>( studies i iili acce..:? ce, will rio-ive a diploma with 'he signatures of their instructors snd ol ibt* examining c< mmittee, and tinder the seal ol the seminary. The studies of the sevnal clashes will be arranged in t' e following orucr: Fust Class ? Reviling, V rn mg, Orthography, Ar.thmeix, English Grammar, Modern Geugraph', Clements ot Composition. Second Class.? Ancit nt, Modern and Sacred Geographv, use of toe Globes, Map* draw ing. Natural History, Malory ot the United Spates. Third Class ? Mgehra, Elenents of Kuclid, Tyiler's History, Rhetoric, Flemeiits o* Ciit.cism, Astronomy, i limnology, Natu ral Philosophy. Fourth Class ? Moral Philosophy, Evtdenc.es of Christianity, N'mnal I heol.igy, Che mistry, Itotany, Mineralogy, Logic. In addition to the above, lessons will be given in Miinie, Drawing and Ps.nting m all its styles, in plain and ornamental Needle work, and in making truit and flowers in wax. Tht re will be iuo vacations in du *.ear. O i i ot six we*.ks in the u inter sr asrn, aud i another ol a lortmght dur.ng the sun.nier 'I lie first session wd> end about die middle ! of November, and a proportional e deduction in the price ot'tuiiioi , be mad< on account ol the necessa'y shortness 01 .be session. PRICES Of TUITION. First Class, g 10 per sess.on, Second do. 12$ do. Third and Fourth do. 1-5 do. All the ?mamemal branches taught at the usual prices. j Hdlsliu ough, July ll .h, 1K25. 82? SADDLERY JAMJLts ii. >l i)Ai)r; .V CO. I N*-OU\I hi p'liM -Jim ihev have now on J. hand a l;?rc' and i?pli ndid assortment ot Saddles, Bridles* H is'Muen's Daps, inc. which tliey itl sell \ery 1 w for Cash, or w ill take in exchange, Iie>'' < .aide. Corn, Wheal, Pl-?u?, ? "U Lnti-ii, Hnx Linen, Sewmp l*lir? ?l, Stioe 1 lirea-1 Plai.k, >l?in^lcs, ilurt Wax, and other saleable pr oduce. They \* i ?I also . take ?;<?od noi s or judgments in payment; or 1 jfi'e m credi >f tnrie nr six monilis io those Mmise p i.-c'ualii\ ran he relied on. They arc deur-r. i>e?l thai iheir ?<;rk shall be well exe. ewed, >n he c-'b', ???si -iinable anil substantia? ?i.ai.iv r, r>? t ..} ii,e be-t materials; which they h? pr v* ill sccnro ti them a liheial portion of iHi' r at i onage r/~ vli tli<??e indebed ,o them are re- ( q isi- I 'o rjii :rul settle iheir respective ac Ci>ui 's.er.ii' r h\ c.?s'- <?r 'n?ie. UiPsliorrtit h, lJih .Inly. H2? State of North Carolina, GL i/.Fo/tn cousri'Y. C uii '#i l'i ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? Sessions, *?:.<? T . "i. 1825. Jit mm P ',??! oih *\ em, unit "*. </c i', ' J..hn Wiley an 1 Wm. the we "J U j ot 11 I Causlx-e *ommor> Jjina?*io. I ed aw garnishee*. a ; Garnishment tiled. II Wium Thum. J II appearing i.? Hie satisfaction of thr court . thai the deter.. lant in this cu?r is not an ?n:iahit*iiit ??f tins state: It is ordered, t' at the pcndeiK\ of this sirt he published n the Hillsborough Uecnrder lor ti.r<*e wont.'.*, that i j n t r? ?? s t ip defendant apiear at ??i,r next court, to !ip held on the third Mon?la\ of Au gust next, j' 'ne Coui t house in Greensbo. rough, and |>leid or replevy, thai juJgment final w?ll hi* entered against lum. V true copy from the minutes. John Manner, Clerk. Trice adv. 4 65 77-? 3m State of North-Carolina, oH.ivtth cot wry. Court ol I'loas mil (Quarter Sessions, Mav Tt rm, 1 825. ,1moi JSickot Levied on land, &c. \ I Si. fa. to the heirs at Hamahat O'Farril , f Ian- of llaldwin Nickols, mlminiitrolo >?. J dectased? I' appearing to ?he court, that George I Kickols, oiie of the children and heirs at law ol Maid wm Nickols, deceased, is not an inhabitant of this state; therefore ordered, that publication be made in the Hillsborough Kecorder fnr six weeks, lor the said George Nickols to be and appear al the next term of said court, to he holden at the court house in Hillsborough, on the fourth Monday flf Au gust next, t'jen and there to show couse. if soy he hath, why the aaid land should not be sold to satisfy tbc debt aforesaid, with cos a of auit. Te"' John Taylor, Clerk. Prict adv. 2 2 50. 77- 6w COTTON GINS tO( SaLK Til VE received from Mecklenburg u lev d if Couon Cit.is, mj?ir by It m. .Ilexan Uer who, a- a (<in n akir, r;uiks air.un^' the hrs in the ?t?ie Some ot his tints are in opt ? ration n this county, and are h ghlv conin'f ti ded. \ const. nit supply vi ili bt kept ihi-ougb' out the year. IV ? . D. larbrougn. May 23. 75? N O 1 I C K. TK subscriber having qualified as execu i< r to the last * ill and testanv nt ot* \\ iluam H. Wlutted, deceased, at February term ot Orange county cour , hereby g'nes notice to Mil persons having claims against said deceased, to brinp tin m forward within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar ot a recovery James Webb, /xv. March 29 67 ? .?m Alexander Harrison & Co. on Queen Street, OFFER FOU SALE Saddle#, lirulles. Carriage and Giq H arne-s, Wagon Geer, HOOTS, SIJOES, and every article in 'heir liny, for caah, or on a sh'.rt credit; and will receive in payment Shoe Thread. Home?|>unt Grain, Plank or any kind ot Produce* Feb. 12, 1?24? tf? State of North Carolina, OH.i.VCF. LOU. VI y. Superior Court o L??vv, \larih Term 18 25 IT is ordered by the court that at the n< x? t?-rm of this court, an', thereaxer, the stag's docket will be takrn up on Fr:d.?v Witnesses and alt ottutrs concerned wM t:.ke notice and be goveit ed accord. lurly , exc< .>t tliose .there the hills have not been founds they wilt attend and up pv a r before die grand jury- as usual. 1 est, A. B. Bruce, c. s. c. Jiine 28. 8U? 3w LIST OF LIT T I b US. Remaining at th- f'oM Office in IlilUborouqh, .V C. Ju!y 1, lo2o. A V I.) B At*.. b ii. k, 2 Will' >m K-rop. W A tnis, 2 1., Sjrnuei A soUtook, John I .or* hart, John A'"i???n. S-nii.-*! L wry, B George Laws, Wi liam B< yle. .Via y I/.n^, Jonah Balcridge, 2Jas. Latta. A. B. Bruce, M Basil Brown, JdincsMvbane, Jo? n Bai'.on, Phillips Moore, Robert Brrry, Alexander Morphis, J .ne B^ez?, Willie P. Mangum, William Bowles, Mr. M. E. Manly, Too*. B wles, Kite M4 Daniel, llcnry Buuch. William Morrovr, ? C John Mathews, Da* if' Clark, Samuel Madden, Jesse Ciark, Asahel Moore, 2 J *jc Corn, Victor M. Murphy Enoch C< utchfield, N Ezckic! B Currv, 2James Nutt. Junes Childs, 5. P I{ ? uben Car. ten, James Palmer, 2 John Campbell, William I'illiford, SnJomM) Cates, Thomas Pitteison. Ephraim C>iok, H Thos. Cliinry, i John Ray, 3 ('.hailr* C-'X, Ko'.irt Ricliardbcn, J >hn Cock, Thos. Reeves, ThonittH C ucb, John Roberts, \\ in. Cates, (). Xogers, J scph Clark. (ic. r~e Reeves, R' h tr ' ('. Clayton, J jro*> Riley, Christian. J?n. Rnbeison, J 'nn J. Ca -nngton, Green Rxlinrds, 1*? inr.is Childs, Frederick Reeves, iddiu Cbwan, Mr. F R'imcII, 1) J.hn Rasheriy. Joseph Di-kson S Mr*- Ehm D.ivis 2 J P. Snted, N.incy Do a^an, 1'crry Sotton, M;ss l'oly DcbrulerWillmm Smith, J jtiii s Daughiry, Godfrey Stephens, ili:am Di^v?s, J S. Smith, 2 f hos. A.T. Dubose. James Strayhorn, E Mrs. S. Strudwick. J.-ines L. Eaton, Rev. I. Skidmoie, William Kvana. Ja/nes Standlord, i.' Joseph Slubhins, llrnry Forrest, Jo3' Smith, of Win. J dm I'lintoui, Edmor.d Stephens, Alexander l'orrest. ^',eT,d ,, Willie Shaw. 1 J' 1 latinah Gragson. . .... ? Widow I hompson, " Susan Turner, John I fall* Thos. Thompson, William Harris, Hicliard Tip, Alfred Manner, 2 Hubert Tinnin. Winnifred Hardee, U l?eorge Hall, John Uoistead. Winnifred B. 1 1 ill, *yy John Hart, jolin Walls, Jesse Hargravcs, Mary Wortham, Robed Hall. John Workman, J Sarah Watson, \V. B. Jamison, James Williams, John H. Ingharot Thos. D. Watts, 2 Robe l J' nes, Jamrs Wilkrrs-.n, lsra< Jackson, 2 Samuel Wortham, James W Jackson, Su.nuel Woods, Drury Johnston. B?")ci Wooen. K. L. Cook, P. M. Jul, m m? :* Ir-'t 'fi?- Hillsborough Recorder It is natural for tlie travel lor ad vancing in a long ami dangerous jour ney, to look back u|>on tin* part whirl* he lias already accomplished, and note the incidents that have occurred, to enable lain to point out the difticul tirs and dangers through which ho has passed to others destined to tra vel the same road, ami to fortify him self against those which still lie be fore liiui. If perchance lie meet with a fellow traveller, he will detail to him minutely the particulars of tho I way he has passed, and anxiously in 1 quire what are the dangers which he must yet encounter; and agreeable to the information thus obtained will be his anxiety, caution and circumspec tion. Hut the number of those destined at any time to endure the hardships of wayfaring, is comparatively small; there is, however, one journey w hich must he performed by every individu al of the human family. It is the journey of life. Existence Is the point lYom w liich we set out. and the grave the goal that ends the way. To some, ii is a short and quiet journey, to others, a long and dangerous way. Whilst some walk peacefully and calmly through a path strewed with Mowers, there are others that tiud it trul\ ? a dark and thorny road.** .\s the tra\ oiler stores his iniml w ith knowledge from the observation of the scenes through w liich he passes, ami acquires a laste for a wayfaring life and the views of varied nature; so does our moral and intellectual character take a tinge from the com-, pany with which we are conversant, and the pursuits in which we are en gaged. As the traveller journey* on securely ami pleasantly in proportion to the accuracy of the directions w hiclt lie receives, and the entertainment afforded at the different stages of the way; so agreeably to the directions given to our youth, and the circum stances under w hich we arrive at cer tain stages, do we spend, in its course, our life pleasantly to ourselves and profitably to others, or unhappi ly and uselessly. 'J lie subject, then, of the proper culture of the infant mind, ami the most important steps of our life, may well he the subject of a few seriou* reflections, llappy would the writer be to dwell upon the four great sta ges of life: infancy, admission into the active scenes of the world, choice of a profession, and marriage; and offer a lew considerations on each, did hi# present avocation afford Icasure, and supply the information requisite for such essays. To the first, however, he has determined to bestow a few of the otherwise unoccupied n.oraentsof the present week, and will, in accor dance with his view, state it in the following terms. The period spent immediate be neath the parental eye, previously to entering any avocation for life. As this will embrace a stage of life in which the infant mind is incapable of directing itself, the following re marks will of course he directed to those whom Providence has made the natural guardians of this earl} part of our existence. i he infant nund when it enters upon the stage of art ion. may well be likened to the j>a per beneath my p? n, fair and clean, upon which any tiling may he written but once imprinted can never he entirely effaced. This is the period in which impres sion* are made that become the sub ject of future reasoning, and subse quent conduct in life. A blot here is fatal. The fair page may be sulliefl, and misfortune or infamy he the con sequence. Nor should it he considered a mat ter of choice what characters the pa rents will imprint upon the > oung im mortal. The infant has claims ojmu them which the> are not at libe rty to waive or neglect. Soon as its open ing lips ( an articulate, it may sa> to 'hem. you are the parents of my ex istence. guard my tottering steps, anil direct my fccblr reason; show me the path that leads safely through this dark and bewildered world; impart to nir the rudiments of sound and pure principles, which may guide my expanding mind to truth and happi ness: tell me of the dangers that Ita before me. and the course that I must pursue iu order to avoid the many ill' that attend upon life from the ci tu die to the grave; tcach ine how t may know the path of tirtue; iufornj nw

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