HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. m * * * a?e VoA. VI. ? v.' WKDVKSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1825. =55= tii-Aii Jy* CJogiuac, ,Am>ky. ( i'CACll, - HacuO| ... lict?w a*, - - ? Ituiicr, ... (j' lico, - - - - Corn, * (joitud, ... Caudles, mould, ? Flaueed, rough, Flour, - - * * llin, Holland, - Country, - ron, .... larvl, ? i ? Lime, Motauci, 1'owder, Amer. - Cain, Jamaica, ? Weit India, New England, Mice, - - - - Shot, - - - - Salt, Liverpool, - - Turk'* latand, Sugar. Hrown, - - Loaf, - Imperial StUunpo Uy?.?n, . - 'You*** Hyson, Tobacco, - ? * Tallow, - - " Wheat, - Whiskey, ? - ? Wine, ??adeira, Tcnerifl'e, Sherry, - Port. ? ? Malawi, - I ?\ i. nil glut I July I'J. gsll. lb. c s. ? . c I 9 . 120 a 1 25 40 4J la 33 23 la * 20 . to I 00 txuh.i 80 !,b" < 1 13 Jl f bbhT561 575 gall I idj 90 cwt. 'buih. ilcr, cwt. lb. 40 lOOOl) I" 150 2- O 36 4 90 r.o 70 75 4 1 j 350 50 55 50 900 IOO0 cwt. *?? 4,0 lb. j '?> 1 ' bush gall j 33 o5 i' a> ? lit Villi .1uf. 11. eta. CIS. t *5 a 1 bO 42 45 5w 6 34 i y i? 70 17 14 8 J 45 ) yo 43 55 7 35 1 5 23 8 > lb 1 5 H5 5 5 < > 1 2 5 45 moo laovt 7 2-5 37 500 do 7 > 42} 3 5 O I10U 12 Ou 6> 90 6 5 7 5 900 IU;0 17 19 15') 175 120 I 20 8 2.iw 4<> 8 )i< loo Hi.' 45 4o ? 400 7 10) 32 25 ?? l J > 50o 8 1<>5 35 4' '0 I 5' > I .) i -vhetii. ?Sluj. 6 ClB I 50 40 75 32 JO 18 45 ! 5 ' 15 65 600 100 40 6tl. 175 45 80 6 3 5 25 23 5u 16 16 7 5 70 > 125 50 30 90 100 75 85 4 5 500 65 75 60 9 Of) 1250 18 20 12 35 13 4 J 16') 175 2 i.O 225 FTTrTTtTuTg Aug. 12. cm cia. 1 30 200 50 6>J 6 r% a O J 12 17 55 15 12* 75 70 7 25 23 60 18 16 550 75 / 90 125 35 4j I 1200125U0 10 38 200 40 5 50 650 150 175 75 40 400 loo 45 45 ) 950 1050 75 900 1300 15 23 1 50 163 lOO 120 5.K) 1250 75 10?? 30 J2 2 jO 40J UILLSBOKOtMill, N. C. | PUULI Sll KI> \V K.KKI Y BY DENNIS I1KAUTT, AT TIIRKK DO 1. 1.A Its A YEA II, I'AVAULK i HALF Y K A II L Y IN AHUNCK. J Those who do not ^ivc notice of ?>kh wiali | !?> have the paper diconunnrd at 'he e\;.ir?- ? tion of the year, will i>e piesuiued niiicsir tijj its continuance- until cointei manded ? A'd ' Ho papor ?* ill be discontinued mini all *ri.-?r- i a<?*a are paid, utiles* al tlte option ot tlx- pub- ? Imiier. Whoever will procure kvpii %?ih*cnb. r* j and guarantee the payments, <ii*ll reci tv*. ?;.?? i eighth gratia. Adver laetuent* no. exct ? d.n.t six?*ei? !???*? ? I will be inaerted lhr-"C t'fiu-a f>r oik* <!? I'v, J aiul twenty-five cents for rach rout inuncr Subscript iona received by tii*- pn ????r. <i>.i . moot of the postmasters .n ihf alai< All letters upon t>ns : ?>?;?>? relative to ihv ju per must be po*t-paid The Anniversary Sermon fir the Sunday Sch mi Sur ety ot ?? bounty, will l>e preached to. the U< v. \\ illiam llooptr, in the Presbyterian rhurch in Mil. ? borough, on the first Sunday in September, jt 1 J o'cl lock. A- M and m <:ollsci>oti tut. n uj? m aid of the fund* of the institution !( .s hot 1 the friends of Sundav S< ?!?., ul?j .i.j; lit. 1 it conven eiu to do so, attend Aug 10. The Presbytery of Oranjfi' will meet at the church of Notbii?l>, in < >r*n ville county, on riiursilay the ?5th inst-m, beir.g the Us l hu ^d^> in Au^im'. J. Withcrspoon, Stated Clerk. Aug. lu FLAX SEED TUB ?uhtcr.bci Mill t?tvt Kt^tity liriiu cash p?r buslitd for Fia x ^ecd, ? i :i ? v ? i - cd at Ins null, or at tlie store of Itav l \ u - brough or Wm. Kirklv d St boii. William J'ickrtl. Aug !. KJ ? U NATHANIEL J. I'VI.MKU, Attorney at Law. IlP,sPF(!TFULhY inlorm* Ins friend* ami 1/ thr public, thai lie li:is co;nnitrnc?-i? the pi actiee of tlie law and Will attend 'lie court* of Kindolpli, ('hatha'ii, fiuidnrd /\nd Oiati^e counties. Business entr isted to In* care will l)i* promptly ?nd diligently attended to. l|? way genera ly he found, while ti<>t st'roding the cour t, at the Hillsborough llo.4i More Aug. 1. F5? 1( * 7 BOOT AND SHOE la MANLKALTOItY. Charles L. Cooloy ? Co. nWINCi commencnl the IJoo' and sime making business, in the room d r?ctU i nve the lidlsborough Hook-Suiie, de* k? i carrying it on in all its Various br.tnc ???. Having on hand, and intending to ke? j> a cuimtant supply ol the hc.it materials, and t . Iiaie then* work done in the be*t maniM'i- ?i,,( at the shortest notice, they l???p>* th<-y *h*lt o? able to plea*e those who mi\ l.?vour th'-m with their custom. Those disp iS--d to m?kc 'rial of their woik are invited <o call. Aug. 1. 85 Cash for Flux Seed. OA HI'.N l'S will lie jjive'i f>r Heed, w* r delivered at the <M.| I ill llvntiicr, or H Ihc ?torc of J I*. Seed & (jo. S. S. Clay tor Co. J\ily 1 9k * 81? tf SMITH & M'GEE. U' ?. VINO r%> hI>i stird 'lienurlvti in the . "I fiiitboriuuh, inionn their ir>? a*.u p'di c 'hat hf)' intend o*r r> TAYLOHj N(1 m S1NESS, ill all it* urn .in. ? v?: or.iei? will be puncto* all> au?n<lc<l ?<>, ?ru) c-?-Ciiicd in the beat v\le and "a'taf fashion; and e*trv exertion on their par n >11 bi- made u< |?l?."oc ll^-ir cus* i>/iiit'i s, i(ic> h<>pe to n.rc *itli a 'ib?Tal pa tronage Smith ?5 M'GrV. I'lltsbornu^h Jn> 2 J 84 - 3w l on hollar* Reward. IU'I' ?*i t' l1 2l.v 01 J.iy beiuucn llills A k 'a IL.t 1 li, o if prati of itilille 1 , . i' ii!.? ? 1 ? li to 1 :?.< p.(>er?,VK Oic | .. ?. 1 Mjrk Moore 'or >iv iiindrcil and hf. | t? il I . ?. i;iven alio.it six we. at a^o and due ?' iii .1 r 11 .<ii '1 >>r i i- ir Hi llu true it ? as | rn; !<>(>?' H I ( -vi* w 1.. ss t'? -aid n te. One o J > ! . ? ' i cki. * ' < ..<ieia<m llirk* ?tcuri> ' 1 > . ?? ?* ? i:n dr. ?l a>'< 1'iinren doll <n, at [ ii* 1 1' hi ?( 'tic- tu >; 1 a note Wki made 1 |ij\?Ii r i<> U .11 ? 1 1>< 1 No , > (jlurti 9 ' 1 1 r 1 ? - ni_'i, jt 1 liail %r\er.u cr?il 5. on ?t O.ie note I < n I Ii i l( ck? tor t weiin -at ven dollars, with [ .!?>? !l sciMritv, wlrtli note I paid nfl myMdi, ;i"?I <i<* t'fi my nane* One note on 1'ollever L. li e*- t ? ? r < |{\ni ?>!? !?i'i.c dollars Ot.e note I <? ? > stun', i or one hundred dollars, due in ?i\ months atter it wa? giTen. Also several hill* ot <wa!i- tor llitre b its ot sale ot J.. el Y.? cCi, one ot Win. Simpson, one of M""j nnn It t own, and odiers not ncohectrd I mo li "k*. >la*onic Cn?rt, tbe ?. titer the M iao.ias >l.?iutiir Ms 1 t-rr crimson's apron; one ?'.? p s nun . .tk : 1 n (?i ai.v.lle c .nnty, N (J ; <>? I ? 1 r 'a ? '?air .1 ?lii'e pantaloons, two ?<iif,?i, T 1 1 r? ? "T to'ir crr\ a' s, mil ?al>' C' a s, a.>it some nc'ptv I liepby I'-.e^arn ail 1 1 mis irom K a t ng . \ ot ?> j d notes or pm;> r \ . l'i. ? ?? , r ?? . d. 1 i I \t 1 " c saire t 1 S\ t i ail \ ? <| Oia < H'llv N C. \\ illiuiii \ . h irks. Jul) LT 84?3#. V.iluaMr Lauds anil Mills | l'Wl!S\LK. i 1,1 " *' rtl 1 Hrn' i f mnioil.i ine tt'in.s, a valuable I MrW 'ar lit laid, c.niIainu?K tuu liilif .T, (1 till ?l l| J, Ml! wlltCll I* it >i .. . ? ?*? p.. r ? >' m ?, a!t?l a *?w Mill, . <{ hi tli iir;>i r patt ui this oninty. In i i In- .??!??? i.rr <>l flu ...1>>cribcf, the laml will be I *ri- w?i by I bonus Moll, of Marnuilukc ' I'iit iii|moii i Ai? hi!i;,l(l M. Holt. Oianifc c ? ? ? ?*>, ,'u'\ j''i 81 ? tf COTTON GINS <> . i.). Ill \ I". r, cr u <1 Itom M( i k Irubnrg a load ? 1 (Jo. ion t( !?, ni uli by II ??i, .Ilexnn f/cr, v li ?, H a <?'U maker, r.inki arnnngf till* fir? in t lie s''ate. Snmr ot bis (iins arc in ope? ration ii litis rotility, ami arc highly Commcn lltll \ COlltttMlll Ml|?)llV U ill III' kt |)t llli'OOgl). </Ut the jcar. May 2 >. 75? I). Yarbrougli. N O T I C K. ' fll ?K nul>?crihrr hating qualified a? exccu 1 i r to iliv I m At will and li'ntiBlent of \\ il'iatn II Wliiti(il| ?lt ?e<l, ut February t? rin ot Orange ciiuiit) cour', hereby gives iiotic*- to all persons ha\mg claims against mm til <le#r iK'd, to l?ri'?n th< m forward within Kir tun. prescribed In law, or tins notice will j be i?le?J in b*r m r e??veiy .lame* Webb, r.**r. Ma?rli '^9 W ? J m HILLSBOROUGH WZKUIiT* TiiK exrrcises ut this ifenljiutton w t c >*?? mcnce on the first day of AuguMt rex ui.der the immediate care of Miss Lavini Bkainci d, and under the inspection ;.mi >i perintende?ce of the Reverend William M Green. The course of instruction m ti.ia m m.nary will be carried on in a tvgular conn lined system of academic stud.es, embiacinj all the scientific and ornamental branches ne I ctssary to complete the female education, i Pupils from abroad Can be accommodatei ? with board in the most respectable families it I the place, at the rate ol ten dollars per month { Arrangements, however, are now being made by which it is intended to instruct the more , advanced pupils in housewifery, and in theva | riuus branches of domestic economy. Whilst all dm attention will be paid to the orramen ; tal and the ordinary branches of education, I the ns'tuctors will deem it their imperious | duty V> pay especial regard to the morals aiul ntanueia of the joung ladies Committed to their care - | Tin* v* ill he a select committee of literary ladittt and gentlemen to attend the semi-annu al elimination*, to decide on the merits of the pupils, and to place them in the several classes. Those pupils who shall have completed thcircouroe of studies mill acceptance, will receae a diploma with the signatuies ol their instructors, and of the examining commituc, and tnder the seal 01 the semu ary. Tit? studies of the several clashes will be arraiged in the following order: FirsUClass ? Heading, Writing, Orthography, * inthmetic, English Grammar, Modern feograph}, Clements ot Composition. Sicotu Class. ? Ancient, Modern and Sacred geography, use ot the Globes, Map Rawing, Natural History, History ot the United Slates. t hird Class.? -Algebra, Ele nents of Euclid, lytler's History, Rhetoric, Elements ol Oiticism, Astronomy , l hr<ir.oh>g\ , Natu ril Philosophy Fourt| Class. ? Moral Philosophy 9 Evidences o( Christianity, Natural Theology, Che i^atrv, lioian\, Mineralogy, Logic. In ^hlition to the above, !e*sons will be given n .Music, Drawing ami Fainting in alt its stjes. in plain and ornamental Net-die workjiwl in making fruit and flowers in wax. Tli^e ?ill be two vacations in die year. One u, s x weeks in the winter season, aud anothQ oi a fortnight during the summer Thefit st svssu*? will end about the middle of Noitmber, and a proportionate deduction in the frice of tuition, be made on accoont of the nc^ssary shortness of die session. PKICES of TUITION. FiBt Class, g 10 per session, Sound do. 12$ do. Ttrd and Fourth do. 15 do. All te ornamental branches taught at the usual p.cea. Hillsbiougb, July 11th, 1825. 82? SADDLERY. JA1ES 11. M-DAUE & CO. 1N?-'?;j*l the pubi c that '.hey ti?v? now on haiu}% large and splendid assortment oi bajdlrS Undies, il iryciQcu'd Caps, &c. which t^y will sei! very 1 w for Cssh, or will take in ixchange, Uc^l Catile, Com, Wheal, Flour, iw Linf-i<, Flax filler, Sewing Thread, S'ioi 'Iread I'iat.k, Shingles, llces Wax, and otfk- saleable produce. They will also take got note s or judgments in payment, or give a a-dit ?>l three or six mor.ijis to those whose [? duality can be relied on. "I hey arc detcrmiMl that their work shall be tvell exe cu ed, ?( he imst fashionable and substantial m.?Mitir#'it of the best materials, which t!?{*v hope wilsecure t ? them a liberal portion ot puV:C ^ronoge. 1 III tliose indebted to them are i <?- | qu? ale -p call and settle their respective ac c- u' -s, alter by cash or note. Ilihstfou};!), I2ih July. 82? * I ? Stir of North-Carolina, y.uu.nnth cou.\ty. C ? vj r i ? r ? <? Quarter Sessions, M let m, '825. Jume ? /'??on* ntnl oth (Jc ? to i John Wiley and Wm. V Uobert I ) I Gauabee sumnion ? >'*? t'tc uti ed as garnishees. Garnishment tiled. v 11/7 m Thorn. 1 l appiriog to the satisfac'ion of the court _M. that e defendant in tins ca?e is nol tn inhabit* ol tins state: It is ordered, that tor peo? it) of ilu> hu t be published in the ttillsboi gh Kt-corder for three months, that unless t defendant appear at our nut court, t<i e Ik Id on the tl;ri^ Monday ol Au gust ii rough, i lie court liou.?c in Greensbo. ph *d ??r replevy, that judgment final w I It entered against him. A tru< 1 i py from ti e nnnutt s *ohn 1 f annul*, Clerk. I'ricc I 6 ') 77? Sta Court of North-Carolina, (nt. i.vr;* county. )f Pleas and (Quarter Sessions, May l inn, IH25. itko i levied on land, &c. . Si. la. to tire heir# at linvtmf.(\Y Fariif, flaw of Haldwin Niekuls, admin rutvr. J deceased* IT ap irmg to the court, that George Nick . one ot the children and heirs at law of H twin Xickols, deceased, is not an inhabit"! of this state; therefore ordered, that puliation he made in the llilUborough Kecordc jr sn weeks, tor the said George Lie and appear at the next term of to be holdeti at the court house in ;h, on the fourth Monday of Au then and there to show couse, if i, why the said land sliould nut be *fy the debt aforesaid, with Cos<s Nick<ils ?aid cou Hillsbor gust nel any he h ?old to s of suit. Tcsl John Taylor, Clerk. Pricr adf* ? 5f?. * 77~ ** . f West Florida seems to possess roor cav rm, subterranean river*, natuta bridges, and springs, than any othei part ?.f i h>. United States. This, it ap p< bi s. is owing to the strata of liinc Stonr wMth (.overs the whole Country arid iw passing over and through whicl the waiei a ti?#e caused thtsr reaarka< lc ar.d intcrrstin^L formation!*. ? A. wriici in tlic Pensaco.a Gazette, has given a variety ol ukcicliraot W?bt Florida, in which he particularly nonets these cav erns, Sec. In a late number of tha: pa per, we find the following <'??'-? ipw n. ^V. Y Evemrtg- P*tt. 11EMARKABL.E CWFttN. * it Tlw U , * lit. urv.11 cove, suua f lit JuCKSOn > county, about a mile south ot the public mail leading to, ami about tVee miles distant Irom the terries on Chipoia rivtr. opens to ihc east by an aprrture oi thi. ty Icet wide and louroi five n, height. ' ? The passage dcsccn..*, foi hree ot f?mi rods, a', an a;gle of thirty five ?cgrecs, and tne cuvein gradually opens to an iiundred icet wide end fifty tcei A deep cliar.nci filled w:th trans parent water, skirts the south side from? some distance, then breaks olF in wells and finally disappears. The course ot the cave is about N. \V. and resemolcs an arch ol the Gothic order. In a out * ix ty yards it is ciossed by a stream twenty fee1 wide and five (cei deep, which contains abun ante ol ciuw fi>n. Alter croasingthe stream, the atcli turns rather east ot noith and pa&cnis a hal. one hundred yarcs in length, pretty sHai^hi, hut with an oo?. ven Hour, form ing bills and valley;*, the base a red clay to.cred with dust, decomposed ?rtom the rock abjve. A tango of beautiful columns fills the ccniie of the hall, wlnie thousa/uis ot stalactite* stretch down their long tubes, towaids the white bases which are growing up to men them from the fi >or. Many largo holes in the arch are filled with tuts, who on the approach of light flit off in* to daik iecess?sol the rock vvitli a noise I ke thunder. Alter leaving the hall the passage btc^ti.es low, crooked and intiicatc tor a lew rods, but ai length emerges in o another lot'.y apartment. lr<m winch there are various avtnucs, all ol which are yet ui i xplored, as are also the touises oi one or two large streams, ono ot thoe bounds the pi iiu ipai course o: t e last inemionod apartment. This c.vnn has been explored about four hundred yards. Tic congelations in the aich cave, when formed on the sn'es of tho rock, are the color of ice, nut they often project into curls and folds in imitation of mouldings, di ape ries and other inimitable forms; these projections on bass rcliel are generally white, with a spaikling chiystaline ap pearance. l'he regular atalactiies arc uniformly hollow, the cutsi-.c a suit de composition, tiu inside irregular, span) chi ystals ol a yellowish hue. io the neighbourhood of this cave, J Col. Stone attempted in three several pbcts to tig wvlh, hut in each instance ? * a 1 1 1 e upon h' ik'W spaces whnh pie rented succe<s, and the well digger, IrgMcncd with the danger ol imombing iiim .'iH in some unknown cavern, desis ted troi\i .'iggii g. I he soil o' the ntigh >o-,rhooiis among the richest ot the Chipole laMd*; ti<e Ii?cc4>f the country is formed of w u.c valley > in r? dishing loi m, with narrow r\lges, through which the limestone often pr< jects, crowned with no n ? woo*!, grape vi.its and hydiotisia shtubs; the eaves w\ich nave been ix I auiined ate utr cr :ht*e ridge-." | K !?: M A HK. ABLE V HI N G . ?? At twelve n?ii?s distant from ihc Tallahasse, is the R g Spring, the source of the Wakulla river. Tins cel ebrated fountain i> one of the greatest natural cuiosities iw the United S.a'es. Ascending the river about one mile he low ilk source, it bucomes so inurli obstructed ny ftags and river weeds, t fiat it is v?iih yrcat difficulty thai a boat can be propellc d up the sareaui; tuitdcnly this immense spring breaks upon tnc eye. It is nearly one mile in breadth, and of a circular lorm. The waur is almost as tiansparent as air itself. It is an unfathomable depth, which gi*e"> llio water a deep blue tint, similar in ap pearance to the water in tho gulf stream ? It it suid that * plumb hus drawn down 250 fathoms of line #ithoui finding any bottom. After arriving in tho centie of the spring in a small boat upon a cleat- day, the appearance of the afcuie vault above, and the blue depth below us, gives rise to a succes sion of the most singulai ideas. It ap peared aliei abstracting tho surround ing foliage irom the mind, tha wc were suspended in he i ?iu?nse regions of space. The water i?> highly improgna i ?-d with discomposed lirncttone, which gives it that extremely r<?P8paient ap pearance, whit n can only he accounted lor hy HuppoMHy iha< ?a ci mp equa ted wiih Cal a'oui suh?t4U?v.t, nas much Jess refractive powen Ijr light, c than ?atq| jo a ststenf punt jr. The tcno p* rature vl'bz water i? *ery'l??*?, tivrQ j in tiic warmest weather it ai? icy _ coldness. It ha* huwovtr a auseout r tuste.by bei^g highly imp* <-gnated with the ??lphuret o>' lime. O.^ tMenonhvra sire of this spring, a <>raut*fo> h<*n??n?>cli ' ri*es g nt.y 1rom the wate?; this ih tin* 8' iie ol tne (uriptr English factory for t??t Indian t fade, while this country aa* under thr British cro%o, and afterwards the resilience ol the celebrated Ambris tor, wno .va*.executed during the Se minole campaign. This fountain is fed from subterraneous *outces which g^tl trum the huwcla of ihe earth ?itb in oreiii?bU lorce, rising io the centro with the velocity of boiling water; some idea may be formed or the power with which it j?usr>es fiotn the earth, by its display in^ a i ol*i>nn of water of more 'ban two hundred and fif y fathoms in height, an d rt moving with violence the water on ihe hurft.ee. This spring is aOout twelve mile* from fort Si. Marks, and abo^( twenty fioni the ocean." PULMONARY CONSUMPTION". The Boston Mcdit ai Inteil'gencer contains an account ol a new mudc oi treatment (or consumption aua ether diseases ef the hmgs, invented by Dr. Miuvil cton, a distinguished l^ngiish phy sician. Being himself affected % I'.b a ijisordei ot the lungs and having lost two pi?mising cuildten by pulmonary consumption, he directed Lis whole at tention and studies to those d seascs. All nis other professional business was given up, and his investigations gave use to the mode ul treatment, which he is no.v communicating to the world gra tuitously. ll;i theory is founded upon the absor bing power of the lungs, which is to great, that he states the lungs of a sheep will take up four ounces of water, in jected by an aperture m the windpipe, in the course of a few hours witnout oc casioning -my appaient suffering. Me dicines, in substance or io a fluid state, as Dr. Middleton has proved by a vari ety oi txpt rimcnts, are carried into the ciri ulaiion mur h oouner when thrown into in. lungs than into the stomach. Dr. Midak'oi 's plan thtn is, instead of li>a*Mf?p t lie stomach with drugs and de o lit* ing the w .olc sysl in for the cure ot a locai disease, 10 administer it directly upon th? lungs, and supply the stomach with a gener -us 'though < ot too stimula ting uict. The- rue 'Hemes to Reemployed arc calcined spai^e, dandelion or stra monium for tubercles on the lungs, and myrrh and bark in moi e advanced stages of disease. These are administered by m ans of an instrument called an inha ler , which is a block tin ra?e, in whict* is a cylindrical wheel having briitles in serted i.. it5 sidea, and turned by a crank, on the outside. At the top is a mouth piece whicn conveys the preparation to the lungs. Th- substance to be inhaled is first reduced to an impalpable powder, and being put mio the inhaler, is act afloat by the wheel. When the air of thr. box is sufficiently loaded, the patient closes the nostrils, while he makes a full mspira.ion from the moQth-piece of tho inhaler, ? >y which the powder is conveyed to the seat of tho disease.?? This ts repeatod three or four tigies a day ? The success that has attended l)f. M.'s own praciicu has domonatra ted the superiority of his system to any other heretofore practised upon. He considers consumption a contagious dis ease, and cauti <ns persons against in hating ; h?- breath of th'ise who are la bouimg under infections of <li? lut?i:s. The extraordinary <*a*e which occur red in tne Western Ouniry, i? 1823, of i he oozing of clot* ot hlot>d [oone?l fiom the*face of a girl, has been confir med in a letter to professor Chapman, from a respectaMc gantleman wiio was an rye witness and a sciei tific observer of the phenomenon. The letter is pub lished in the num'oer !hat has just ap peared of the Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physicrl Sciences. An establishment for printing calico i* nb >ut to he established in Troy, New Yv)ik. U is supposed the buildings and machinery will cost about ore million ol dollar*. A largo manufacturing house in Manchester, England, is said to be deep'y interested in this establishment. Requited Love. ? What words c?n be more dtlighitol to the humao ear, than the unexpected effusions of generosity and affection from a beloved woman. A gentleman, after great misfortunes, oaftie to a lady he had long courted, and told hur his circumstances were so reduccd, that lie was actually in want of five gui nea*. " I am very glad to hear it," said she ? " Is this your affection for me!'' ' he replied, in a tone ol despondency; *? v?hy are you glai ?" 44 Bccause," an swered she, 14 it you want five guineas,! can put you in oosacssion of tve thou "

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