\o\. IX. WKDXKSIJAY, JULY 9, 1828. *Jk' -i \ jfo. 4an. PRICES CURRENT Fraii'lv, C?ffniac, A| ;?U-. - P?-acb, - Ha. on, - r.MM-r. - - - r. r . ? - - Corn, - I - " - i . 1 f"US''? I ? .%r?-rs, - - ( i, . I...I ?n.l, I o intry. I I r . - I/:n?\ - M i'.:i Nui'x. <*ut, assorted Hi'j, - F \mrriran, !i .'t, Initaira, - \\V?t ln<ba. N. w fc it'lantl r . - - - ? S.': - r ? i r W *- Is'ilri'l, iu;ar. Ilmwn, - l.iiaf, T ? a. Imperial ar?-l <? H \ ?ni) ? \ u'tiic 'y-ow, T'?i?a?"rcj( - Tj1!"w, ... Will'.lt, ... H -n-k. v - - Win? , - Tt-nrrifT--, Shfrry, Mala?!, - inf>? - ' e*" " t lb. i??i .bush. |lb. b'isli ' bbl. ! IK. : pull. | ton. IS !ra?k. I rail. krj. Ml-Il, c. rati. cwl. buali. r w t. lb. rwt. lb. |bll?.ll. Call. VViliaiiiffton, June 18. Cts. flu. I 20 * 125 CH 3 > 7 ir> 2 5 26 1 5 20 u ;;> 5) 15 16 S'> 0 525 1 00 110 7 40 *9 10 150 175 ?i0 3 5 Fayrtteville, June 12. i ctj. clw. 1 5 2 j 16. 37 Newborn, June 7. Fctor?burjr, June 13. I TO 112 HO 9 ) 40 4 2 V* i 45 7 22 1 4 14 ?U 10 16 7 5 4 '0 2 5 9 > 43 50 h> 23 2', 17 60 1 1 4;,o 28 125 45 8 1 ? 2 <0 251 35 4? 9 25 30 ViO Hi J J 12 5 150 70 8 4') 27 5 .iOO [ "5 > 000 ? IIO *0 ? I 75 AO 4 I 7 i 8 uJ 10( 0 J 110 ! 19 -- i ? I I5.? 175 i i>> t')0 10 cts. I 50 40 75 6 28 18 IB 35 8 1 5 70 '<0i 35 !>;*? 45 29 rls. 175 5u 80 i(. 9 8<? 700 40 125 5' 8 50 ets. 125 35 75 6 25 12 I 5 35 9 14 cti>. 2"0 no I0O . > ! 8 40 I 1 90 lOO 8 5 90 4 ? 4 5 *> 0 325 6 5 5 ?(>" !0??* i -i3 500 7<>0 90 1 OO 3 .? |nut>o u joo 7 8 1 50 200 35 40 7 i 8 600 625 125 IS? 7 5 1 Oil 4: 45 4 )?) 45.? 8 SO IS ? I i- 0 4 5 2 5 ? ;7 5 J , H jli 1 7.. j 1 25 * J 5 i :?.i b.'i j 0 11 I LLSISOltOr<; II N. L\ r ir.iiMirn irtrtLT II V i?s:n MS Hi. A 41 IT. a ; Tit; ? ?. dull 4 h s * * r. 4R, oh r? > rou F 1 "T T cr<r? IF PAID IN APV4NCE. hSo 'S>. :i >t five nolM i' ??! their wii-li t v i i,- napor (liaconLnuot it the e*pir;i i .? : y?ar, wiU b<! pr *uui< 1 as ?!e*ini)^ i * ? i-i'.'ianre unlit e..u.iter.-na:idrd. ? \nd pv i will be diaen-itintied ?intil a'l arrear !"? pn J u?il it the option oi the puh l:?S?*r. "? ? 'vcr wdl procure nix ?tih*rrib<r?. am! _' i ir i i!o? the pajr.nent?, ehatl rcrr;ve tli>* ?< - v tth \ Iv^niunnmti not eieerdin? mt"i>n line* ?* ? n sorted throe tines for one dollar, and ! -live runt* for eaeh coritiii<ia;i< r, ? - ri ti*?n? r?T? ivrd h y the printer, and r.. >f t'if p ???t-'oastert in the Ftafe. \ ' , f??r? ii o , husinrs relative to the p*?rr m i"i he p<tf?t-paid. T VCADKMV. U" wtainimtioi will >Ji?f ' v ? to vl-t ot 'irir, nil I ?:o ??? l?J'i<' i"i tlir ? n_? ? ??" ? ? ? t iM i?vi<? li\. Tin* ? \i'rriM ? will bv iffM n"d , i t'l "-i ivul lhur??lay i i J.iU. I'riurip i /. I' S. A* the commrnri' in J mary, h^mncr* cannot b" r?*r?*iv ? I tho *??? ?. Boy# wht Ssr? -t i l"*d ?!ip l.u'in (train tnir, or who arc in anv hi^iier ftae#1 of a Jva'ice i*v nt, will lm admitted. W. J B. Mi* 28. 32? tf rhe editor* of the Raleigh Rem-l- i u i I ^'?tr arc r.-oucp' ?(! to ffivr the ahovr ' t v .n>. r t/oiiM, n r>d forward their account* to tin* ? >tH* i* HKMOV VL. ' |V l ;? viihirrih^rf havinff reinov *d fhrir ? j rri !|hop tollli' bltll-ll'14 Wi'?l <|| I ?!?. ( ?? if v V Co. tlirv ta\o tin* nMh ? I ??!* i n ?r :?? - !'? t'irir frirnda ami cit!?toMir??(i that ? ?? . \ .i.i* 'tarril tit ?<i(i|>lv them with uii ^ r f i ? - ( ? ? m ir line t\s r map II* I'Ail l?f ,?'?lffllt III thl' *' it?\ ??if tltry venture to *ny, it not "'i; *' it ItmM ?? jjivkI i?? '?*!! 'mil "iiy v* Itrrp. T ?? ir work '?a* liith'-rto proved /nod, mid hnv* th?' t?r?#*r nf M irk ii 'ii a ? ' jorthi-rn > ?atc* " * I <?. tb? v fei-l ai-und that thry can givr C ?? mI ?a : ixfartion to ull who may rail upon ?i^n fur work. j n '..iic & r.i. ?fin. 15. v | j. -if YaluuMo Roil Kstuti* FOR SALK. I Ml \IJ.. ???! M?III '.n I''" 'iti dav of ^irift noxt, at the ','onrt llotiao hi IlilUborough, ofljir nt public ?nlr my HOU8K aikI LOTS. Wo. inland 10?, in Hdl?borou({li. <>nc hiin ^r* '1 and lirty dollars iti moriry will ho requir ed. fo i the biilnncn a credit of mx, twelve and "U itci'n month* will he given l*he hmhlmg* *r<' ? ?immodioiis and in good repair. Ctinrle!) ('ox. -Tilly l*t B? till -rrvrrs. *<>u hall . ir this of net:. inu.s'UHioraii ? ;nate .School. ?'Jitli* in th'* of *h?; tin.lor """" ? c- ?! mi tl:< 3<)tri of MaV, .1.. I a. it r.-? i.i|.. ?! on t?n> *2.1 Monday i'i J iU ?>ti or ? iitor j'HjuU t in !>? ri r ? i\ . d hi i'i" ? oin Ki* iii'Oiir-nt <>i t!i#- ?, -sun. Bon'?) a.id tuition ?i\ty?liie iloli.tr j-? r ?c<*ion, j..ii<1 in n?!van?-r. ? J. W It llOIHJXK)!!. ' Jjn- i. :;.i? $ 7* Tin- Ra'^irh R 'ci N^wtwrn C r ti n I ;i. hi Kay?'ttrville <H?s?r*?T, will |il?u*i to iu-'-rt !'<?? nl?"V.? fix Wfiiku, mid forward tlit-:r a< ? o'lnts to tin* o?hce. A T T R NTION! To I' r 0'\c*r*t )i on -ro >nui i s?i ontd Officers, and >a if hf!o. ig I ci the Hew liicer Luttal if i, thiril Or-m^e i| .tto h rri by notifies! ami ordered to at 1 ti'.i i lit ?? 'oik* on Fri In* tin: 2VS nl J-i'v in \i, II o'rlofk, rqnipp?*?l ;i* tho | |;*?.i i?( ?.>r drill mui i-nuri-niarti.il; am! on >.i'urd.iy fit- <?l?t!i. you will nttcii'l Willi vour r ? jicrtivc roiitpariii ?? i<?ady to parade precisely nt 1 1 oV'oi k, r>|ui(ip<5<l a* tlic law dircct*, for battalion eierrnie. Jeremiah llo!t. AUjor. .Inn'1 33? p Til K RLO(M)Kl) HORSE "" Win. one milr **?d a 'tall* went of Hillshn oiigli.on the Hartford road, ??- ' 1~. -t ten dollars antion, pny . M' on i 's'iiikv, If^lS. which may ?0 d.9char?/ !ty t . pitymrnt of eight dollar* acv 1 1 1 ii ? ? during tho season -fifteen dollars will he us?c<l tur r.iaurance ? and five dollar:* f <r i ?i mr! ? I'-up. . IK. I!ll. / V is a beautiful horse, four year* old t'?ro ?j?ri.ii?. upwards of fifteen band* high, and of I he best Mood. Ilia siro is the ci lebruted I. .> .? > i!rti I; .1, wnirb was imported ?<nnir yen, a nr i in ih \mcr:cart consul at Tripoli. Iiavinir i? en selected by him from a larc*' number of . liori"'S lie I ir.v'Mi; 1o the Bashaw. Ilisdnin w is i?iit |?y tiie >\ell known horse President, w I. .?<? stock 'S in <1 it*:* f pole. The ? >as->n will ? oiihik ucc on the 10th of clutch *1 terminate ? ?'??\20tli of July. The irnhinn horses, t . not ri,m?r!i.iMe for si/i-, art noted for fb'ctnoss and durability; and if is tito'igiit t (m i crossed with the Sir Ar < b I i ii | i v wiii | < lor Ih'1 .incut lioracs l'i ? . . : . w :i |? ? i ; loll.j'' i am - i ? 'roe: > ' ' in? r. they will h ? .it'"nded and fed at a moderate cliurge; ii' ?? '? ' il * : -r 1 1 ? 1. 1- iit?. 7 .liti'hcil, (?" February J?. 10 ? ?IH* sr."* .tiiit LO TS in llillsli ?- j run :h Sr By Ii NS OTMIMIILL, on n credit of one year. \S niv object is lo prevent the most ? , moils intercourse of adultery that per'w; - ever was known, and see,ninifl% permit!. d t t n christian cuintry, I will sell nil, be 1 1? ? ? ? at the bouse where Nancy <?awl> now liv i. and carries on her i i iinoiis dobauclienes Wil li I her old stnmpcy hutnpey Fcbrnary l.J If? ^ UNION HOTEL. I MRS. FKNNEL. NFORMS her friend* and the public pene rally, that she has* opened a one door north-east of tho K.pi?copal Church, on Green (rtrrci, wh?*rc she i* prepared io re ceive and accommodatc TRAV KLLF.RS and BOARDKIIS in a neat and elecant manner. The dwell rii! if the one formerly occupied hy Dili.ov Jordan', senr. esq. known hy the nutn<- of JMl{|)VN'S HOTKL. Its proximity to the Court Muu>?e as wrll as the liuiincwi part of the 'own. renders it dewerjri.'je of the atten- . tion hot li of t!ie gentlemen of Ja-e bar and others atteudi i<_? tic court*. of tht'Jflaotcrs and coun- I trv rnflfh in??, us wcM an the merchants of this j plaec. S'i<* assures them that no etp?ns? nor J exertion shall !>?? wantine on her part to render her h tu.se unexceptionable in every rrsp'-et, theref ,ro r?-? pe?-tlullv solicits a ?hare of public pa.ro, .ngc-. _ M.|ry J | N. B T'iis House will 1..- conducted and ru porintcnded tor ine bv my brother Mr. Dillon Jordan, aenr. late proprietor ot the Mansion I Intel. There nre verv lr> f ? an-1 r>mmof'ious ?tnhh ? nnj carriage house appertencnt to the above j Boarduyj House. Si*rtN \% i I i l?n | secured at th?* above ! t lot <d for the Charlrs- | ton, Norfolk, and A\ i:??a Singes. IVcttcville. June 4. 3-5 ? 4v/ T llOAItmNG. . I " k ill scr.h'-r would he *\it:::;<? to receive i n - boarders, three or four students. Fe i* ? jllM he pirfcrrcd. \\ t;i. Huntington. mo ii ? TAKE NOTICE. IS1HT.T. \i' >?l lit tli< fn" owing pines to ] ou'lort tin- T;ir due <~?r f)\f Vi ar l*i7, vi z j at 1*. S. I l.i: l> 's r .If i .mI day of Ju.> | tii'i*. - V. ??vlia . - ? ? ? ? : i ? ? Ith ? at Stephc* | 4 ? I ? -? - * ? on tie* ">l ? - at ' H .11 j'-.trgv VlSrtijrit > i on tin* 7th ? -as ? .i mm tin- .-"t : i ? ? t Mi- ' ?? ?el !!??!. *?? i- ? i<- r.-t. r I.. K.tiV tin t :i- ? lMfli ? at w .'.><* I'.xilk'f on thr 1 ltli ? at C. r IV.'.l ?! I-'': t Juints llulcitC* 'in t ie I ii ? ? nt Andrew M'Cauley's on ttie 11th ? af (Irorijf M. MebaneN nn t ie lGtli ? lit iSwhi r-oii Nickol* ? on t'ie litli ? ut I.jii km M'K on tlie ? at the const bouse i i Ui 'j'.(.;-.ii-?1i ?n liii 1 :ith ? at Cioii. J. J. Car r i.;i ..j * i,m i'ic M*t - it IMward Davis's on t?i<? *i *i ? i n? XV ? !. i ii 1*. U'iiithead'a on the .3.1 ? a! / l!crniK,it''< on t'i?* 24th - at Sampson Moore'* ?in the -..itti -*t Chapel Hilt on the .'-'?tii at iJ-or^e Johnston's on the 2rlh ? ut IS irr' n - CIh-' k'? on the *<iiHh. Tii** 'at SettiC very light, it is hnpnl a!l con rii"d \\ ill In- [hi ietual in attending and pay im? t.i'-ir ilui'Sf so as to enable the sheriff to meet lu? payment* with pimeiualitv. I lins l>. W ilffs Sit riff. N. H The masjistratec appointed hy tlie l?st County Court of Pirn.- an I Quarter Session* to tik- tiie list of taxatdea an<! taxable property, ?V?r the prrsint y ar, will attend iit tloir re vtire ili itricts ut the tiuies and plae.e* above mentioned. T. I'. W. June 3. j^p 3:1? # A TT K NTH) N! To thr O^if'rs, no>i*roii ni*UQiiid Gfjirrrs, and .t/mriri In ton fin r to IheMUmance liollolion, tktril Orange H'v iiiif.J. Y>?li arc hereby no'.ifi d ami ordered to at tend at Ucorgfe ??right'*, on Friday the l?t of August next. at 1 1 o'clock, equipped as the lanf directs, for drill md court martial; an<l on Saturday the 2<l, \>> i will att<>nd with your respective eompaii i U'l* t- pa rude precise ly at 1 1 <> ? 'oik, ? ? ; : t ? i J i d '.tie law directs, for It itl.ti .? "iK H. Kit M* I hmirl, Lieut, coi. *?? ?? 1. 33 ? p \ TT KM I (IV t'n f 'i ? Ojlirr n> n iv intfwivntif Officers, in*' | .*'n titii. lo fie /.'iii/. ( fak li it '"bin/ "(??? j/i fit'i'.ienl ;-.r< h? r< ?!?>* i.ui. a.i l ordered t < > nt 1 t< il l .it Vt.diiii II. ill, on the 15th of .lulv next, at 1 1 o'clock, rqtiippe.l n? thr law din ct?, jT?r drill imittrr a:i<l court martial, and on tho mill, you will attend, with your respective companion, ready to parade at 1 1 o'clock, equipped ua the law dirccu, for battalion ex J. Allison, Colon ti, June 24. 3G ? A Valuable Plantation FOK sSALK. ?r?->a I uKKt.it fop *;tlf a Valuable >T* * J Plantation, lying on Little rive r, iii * ?" J I county, eipht miles north east Iro.u Hillsborough, and ttnmr d itdv on tho road to Cirn. Carrin^ton'sstoro. There are on the brcmifcs V g<nnl Dwelling House. Kitchen, Smoke 1 1 mi nr. ami Ham, with all other necessary out houses, all in good ' rfuuir. There i? also on tho plantation a very Valuable Apple Orchard. The l.and is of the very hi si quality, and adap ted to the culture of corn, w heat, tobacco, and roMnn, A* it is presumed that any person wi-? ii''U to purchase will first view the preini s?g, ' leem it unnecessary to say more. The terms of ?alo will bp made euny, and can he Known by inquiring of Thomas Clancy, esq. hi Hillsborough, or of myself in Greensboro'. Joliu C. Lattu. I t ?' '0. 36? -^I" ' *- "? ? - ? ? - ? ? ? OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. The Documents transmitted to the House Representatives, by the Sfcn-tsry of War, in answer to the r< solution of the House of the t lGt!? January, on the subject of tho Court Marti.il held at Mobile; which were, on the 1st of February, referred to the Com mittee on Military Affairs, and ordered to bo piintud; and on the 11th of February, order ed when printed to be appended to the re port of the eaid committee. ( Continued,) Report of the Adjutant General . Adjutant General's Office, ) lVaikington, Jan. 24, 18&3. ) Sir: Agreeably to you? n?str ? ? ' s. I r- ?>prctfully submit a i opy ins* p. c clings to the (jcncral Court Marti.t wh?r h ? nnvencri a? Mobile on the 5fno December, 1814, ar.d of which Lieut. Colooe; J'' rktm, of nvlitis, was prcsi dent; a cr py of iI-.b oi drri for tl.e orga n>z*ti'?n of the cot;P: alio n copy of the -?Hcr? subsequently usued in relation to i-n Heci>iona. 1 Tb?- ulc? of this office furnish no oth er fj?n? rni ??r special order, or letter. ' ? uuchi y t l???s sublet. or, re atingloth* ! I* f'H'h o* scvice, oi Tennessee militia. I a.n. *?r. vt r> r? ?; e;. !u Iv. your uOC'ii ' ent servant, K JONES, Jidj't. Crn'l. To the Secretary of War. < Jlecoril oi the Court Martial. Mobile, 3?h December, 1814. 1 Proceedings of a (Several Court Mar tini , held nt Mobile, by virtue of the I ( following orders: ( AiljntiiDt General's Office, ) | I .Vorcmltr 21il, 1814. J lir.AD QfARTEiit 7th Military District. Jjter Geturul Orders* A General Court Ma'tul, io consist of five mrmbtri, ano two hupernumer aties, will c;*i vrnc at Mob.le. at au'Ji ' time a* Lint. Colonel ArUucklf shu'l duvet, lot the trial of such militia pn ?opt rs as ?rtay b?- broui'.ht before ti Colonel iJ 1* rk'os is heteby appointed p e-idirt o! t:.r court v ao Lieut. VV L. K.-lir!-r>p, f if ?be dd rcgtmoil of in '?? tty. w til act as judge ? 'vicatc. Col. P>i kin, :<l the i tt re>,itn? nt VV. T. ml ? li la, wjil t.ctuii the (iiiaihcr*, from the i at i mm |>? nt -<nd near Fort Montgo ?v; .idt-r <>n all - he witnesses nccessary .i thf ma! <>l ihc prisoners of his rc ir?mcrt at < hi> pi.icet also, furni-h sp>' < ? tic t harden against them; and lastly, *tli i.?h?U L.coi. l.oloncl Arhuckle of he probable Hint ihey will r<t?th this j'oin , io ? nablc bun to rr^ulate the huui ol sitting. Bv c .'i ?'? uM'l. HOB. Bl'TLER, jhTt. Cen. Membrrt. Orders , Tht get er*l court mjrtial, of which Col. Prrkm* has been appointed p>?:S? cici f, ?ili t ontent at clr v?n o'clock, on the .Vh !????'. n?. at such quar'.rrs as the a -sisirfpt deputy quat 'ci ruasier general uiay assign lo" ? uipo*?. M. AR BUCKLE, Lt. Col. Coir. . The ecu It,e , ?_ gai> ihc pn - ceding o d . , Present. Lieu*. Col. P. P.* kin?, Pretident Mnj. VV'm. C. Smart, ^ (. apt. Ja*. Bl>? kutor*. Capt. Wrn. McKay, Ltcul. Jn. lloyd, L'eut. Daniel Mitel ell, > Suprrnu Kuslgn Tho*. II. Wi>iuu?*, $ mtraritt. The court having been rtgi.la ? on ?tit uteri, and no |>cr.?on? appearing be* lore them fur trial, #ijuunic(J until to ?norriw, 10 o'clock. The coutt met, put?w?ht to adjourn ment Pieseo',t|>e prr?idfm ami mur ber?; an* having been q"?lificd, in pn sence of the accused, wlo be * g p?evi tj?ly a*kcd if they had any o jcciion t any of i tic members, an. I having answ ? ed in 1 1. e negative t pioreeded to the tri n of Cap:. Jonn S'.rotner, 1M. regiinei 1 W. T. militia, airaigneO on the follow lug rhaiye' and sp?; ficjiirtn?j Charge 1st ? Exciting to Mutiny. SPF.CIFIC A'l'lON. I - ? ????* 'h ?, ? r the ?' atth 0* Wtei. F ? !? H? posit ? ??<' F? r? J ck*un, be-wctn the 4<h of July and 31 t of the ?ame, he stated in present* ?i some of the ?ro >ps. there was no l*?% to compel them to si rve longer that three month*; ami unless he wasthown % better law than he had aeen, he would >arch his company home at the anil of hat time. Charge 2d-*- -Conniving at Mutiny. bpec MOATIok: la (hit, offering tho;c uodtr hi- command to re ported to 4 be com * ending office^ con* Crarjr to the role* and snide? of war, in sucb case made and provioc ; ?nd in using word* icodog to\c*d mm 10 tl?o act c( mutiny; stating, thai, it nc was the Li< u.enanta be woaid n>?nb the tompai.y on icr his command home, on the 20 . September, I814i Charge 3i\?Di$obediena of UrdeiT ? bpfcc ification: K? hi-; i u- cu . piy mg w> t? rcb lucii al '? >4t-? L? -nng date (be 32.' August, 1814 winch re quite itie 'ffiiis of a J ?>ad?, and to u?t ibeir bes. endeavour to .*uppress ai'jr mutiny, or intended inuti under ti.o pars and penalties of ? ? i 'la ionul the !?* <<f the UnnrJ S;?te?. 1 ?? w ate h cnarga aod spccific?uo> , no ,?.? Dx' gutt'.jr. L - jf. I homat If , rue, a witness in OvOjit oi the piuttiuit it. beuif4 s#ornt >tatc?: Ttiat he accused ovservc ! to hio>, but * ie? ?:<cys jetorc the mutiny broke at For Jjifcoon, that he wcmJ oe angry enuu^n tu itiuoi ?i y ot hi- u -*n w h ? woulo prcicnl t go ho'tie p ??? i-u? o the 29in a! D Cttubr., a?.d ; ad p cviousiy dirceie< ni? mer. -o :s?.a(d ???. i(ka of going >ouii| uim: iic ma t# *ntch would be althe expiration <<1 ilia. V ? e?uoo by the Prosecutor- A wnal ?lit- uid you' first hear Capt biro-.ii-> tr dissuade his met iiom *,010^ J.cmef Atiswei- 1 disrtrn<mbtr: out i btlievo it ?as in Scp um ef. Ensign 1 lion. a iiropson, a witness in behalf ot the proaccuion, being iwoi- , -ute?: Tiiathe frequently hwaid the* Cap.. S roihct slio'jid nav- c said; that, T he was a (ieitenant fr ensign, lie wr '??>!?) march tne men home; ujioa whii^ be applied b him :o knu? whe? tber or not he bad <std suci? an expies. si?.o; when the Canbin mforxi>co .ina he had not, and ad'iscd him f> >tay and do his f'uty until he, the Cap.ain, *ouid ^nf which would bt at the txpu jU At uf s'x morith?. Ar.d.at another nine, r?c haaru the C*pta ncll some ot his men, lh-'? it they went, u wou.d te ui iha rivk of (heir lives. ?ein^ >ho , an. , per haps, have rau*e t?. regret. auth au act ion^ as liey lint. Quomii.c, by 'he <ourt Did y.u ever hec' Cap-. S rotbcr ust an> ihrej.s to wards the men who wee talk u.r * out going hoa>e, lay thai lie wouici put ihein ut der pu^ni, ui icport .it in to the cnmrandaig ofl\ ? Answer. 1 do not ktow tkat 1 uiu, iuriticr than sta ted here ofore. Que>*ion by the Prosecutor. How n.dtiy lays bcturc the tntn actually went of, did you heai this i( quiry of Captan Su thei? Answer 1 o i ot rcc*li?< t the prrcnc tin>c? bm t^ i tve it have teen six or eight dfcys p-?.v ous. JoLn S. Smnh, (Filt ?- wit ness to behalf < i (t e pi ? secutio .? v ng swotft, state*: That he n^vc? be* > ny langja^e used by the Captain ??.? his met, but to continue in service untu >he expiation o1 tner six months; ant. '.bat it vat 'tighly imp'oper to be orcakuig off and that thev would be puoisoeu if thty went sooner. Serjeant Jol?: D ST?>ib, a witness in bi'.iatf of the pr'-secuti'jr, f?eing swotn, *t?te?-? That he formerly belonged to Capt. SiuithN, an<i wa- a taehed in Capt. Sirothe.'s company ?. For \V ilium*; marches node his command to Fort Jccksor , ond noet i>tard his (Japtaia ??>>? one word on ihe ujret me?uon< d ii the charges, bu< ur' ? ? VV hen "it Fort Jackson, at toe uni' tlx* meeting a?-u? mrd a pretty high he obsnvtil, " IJoys, hjsh mutini?tn^< suy until 1 <o home, which will be at tlic expiration of six months. L).?vid Morrow, servant of C?p>atn StrotherN compunv, a witness in oelulf o1 the pn^tcutior, beir.|; jwo n* si <?'??*. That, on the march between Foit Jjvk son and D |io?i , h:s Captain a>ke?i htm ?i>w long In cx,-ecitd oai?yins ??tcer to wnicn he icpUe-', -six nv nths? -as hey wrre mustered in lor < jt time when hi> (Jjp atn observed ?ha . v? *?l ? ie wjs thov?n n better law than ht Nad v* ?<eer, he should not berve I iigee th.-n three a?onthr. snd.onthe 19 p. i mber icld vim ' ha', ?t lie u ? t e e? nant or ensign, he w<-old m <r? h r. ? m pa*>y home at ihe end ol thr e ?? vinhs, as there was no law lo keep them any longer. (Question 1st. by thr ?c< U"?e< ? Do y >ti k'n w whether or t ot I < ai ed lor a t;U4rd one rventog, '? prevent h?. b ko ah'<p being ? titled 'own and d< y a kiiuw th ? h t ? , t. jI ' r ii ? rot be bad? Ao?wer. Yes; you callcu for

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