iv, ? ovular, \ ,?;?!?? r? -u !>, r.~ ? , ? - nicrss ( i .n. Cj !'? . tin ; , I, nmah, if. ?, 1 land, i .1 i ?trv. \t s .it i "iiirt*1!! 0|?-, . . I ' t . \ n-Tira'i, 4 > i . i . a. ? V ?? I ? I n. N w K :i7?a*i'f II'. 1 ?vi r ?<?ol, - <tV? t* and, P.' iW i, - .if. I -at and < ? 11% ? - .n<j ;vson, Mi ll in, T?.|. 'r * i l : % . Port, - M?f*- i K.?v. tl. vill.:, 1 Nowbfrn . In v. -H\ Hi ? > - ' III. hiik'i ; hl?!. . . /' i*. 20 r t ??. i ' . ; 27 i.; _H 3 2 1, j Jinr7. rt*. els. ? t ! 5 I I ;> > o i }0-> i l ?> i ; 14 8J !<> 16 :,7 50 I . 23 2(. I 7 4. 9' lb. ? -- j -i ?' 4:5 ct.?. els. lii ? 1/5 4 ? bu r?'teri?hiirg, iJmj. 15. igail. | 10<> : 10 9o ;>r -* vj | 4.: |k-3. ?' *i -h i r i ' .7 i 8 - y i > . 5'. 4 I 0 0 j O 25 .. . ? 8 ,' i : s l ? 70 8 4 3 5 * f) j 0 O 7 5 80 6 7 28 1 8 25 IS 35 4" 8 9 15 70 8 ' fiOO "OO 35 4(1 ItiO 125 4 5 5' 7 8 29 3 ) cts. ct?. ? 25 2 O 34 75 45 75 6 20 11 8 2 5 25 12j 17 35 40 9 14 10 17 8 > n i ' i j 0 325 -_l _ ? ' | 7-i 1 >"<? { 8 ? I % r.? I -? ' 17 1 '?> rt. ' I ?i ? :? f i 5 i, ? 8 ' ; , fi t fj 5 ! ? 2 5 ! __ 25') A >n ' f,r?o 37 j 1 25 1 V ) 1 1 . -i t 1 ,;t? . * 1 ; , o .) 2 M? : M. _ _ 7 5 I 2 ? 500 700 9-1 100 3 i 1 1000 1-2000 6 7 15.) 2 O 37} it 8 55f? 6 V) ! ^ 2 ?' ! 1 (I ! S ? ? - 4 5 } 4 > 5 - ' j *25 8 ' : JD I 8 2 5 125 15 . 1 0 ? : 5 0 ;> ? 1 S(0 ? L i l l .? o :io i: g 11. N. c. I' IBLI-II T. D WUtU lit !?? \ ?l> il *\K I T, AT T HHCK DOLLARS A II *k, O* 1 W II I'd 1 ?I.S T ?v ?? I<? i<ti 41 vr nt>ti< ol t 11 .r wi*li f 1 1 \ n ' 1 -c ili-n ontinu'- 1 ni 1 'i' ? v (-i r .1 t. ?.! of t 1 v i', wi ! h?? pr -11 ic I .i . i!< ? onii 1 1 ? ????? mill. ? u li' t ia" ^ ml J ? :>< >c. 41 to*' .!i<< ? ? 1 ? 1 i' ?! ti ??i il .? I i am si ?I ? ?' | Mil i. J it ?? .It till' <>|>tl<lll ol I til' pul? li- 1 r ? . . r will proem ?? ?i\ s'iS'cribcr*. mi-1 fiv ??? t ie pay .1 it*, s.'n'l receive the - Tenth eratit. \!. ??ti?,mcntn 11 . ejreeding auteen line* ?.:? ? ? . M- rt. .i t!irr ? ti nes f>r o'i?* ((??liar, and t * mh i /?? Ct-ntf for rtch 1 ontinna iec. on* r ? Mvod bt llic printer, an l n if t lie post- nisters 111 tin* state. \ *r* dpo 1 hus;n*a relati* <' to t<;e pjprr r.; |?I to" post-Iiai.l. CAMP MKK I ING8. f\ MKT1IODIST Camp Meeting will roni ^ iieiit e at Salem mealing lious- in Ora*ir? 1 ly, fourteen inilra vrcst ol" llillsboroo. . nr I 1 ? a\ tn?* "I'J'.h of August no\', and enoon Tu. .ay following. \ *1' I'l'i.Ual Camp Meeting will also com* jti at |'roap.?et meeting liou*e, in Caswell ?"???inly, at vcmeen miler north west ?.f Hiltftbo loui i, no Triday th?' 5th ?>t Sept mtocr next, ar ! t ltd ?>? Tuesday following. The meetings w lie un ler the auperinleriutnei of lh? ll?v, f ? r Duub, presiding old 01 of the Yadkin dn tiietj The fnonds of holt ?re respectfully iu* vited ta attend. Julv il). 40? Merchant* Miller *. nnd Traders of Orange. T\KK NiHl'K. I? V* !?n ??-t of aHaa:iilt!y jmnne I m I S J H, \ou J nr<< ro'iirrd oner in cvry l*n year-', lo livt' yiir Wright*, M"i?urc? and Strc! .rd> ' * i'n'n> <1 .in<! adj'istrd S\ ??ir .?? vxlitrd knej.t i "?f \<iiir county. Sir 'i of you a* hi' to coni l?l* ?vil'i llio law, ftv the tir?t Monday ol Siy ?imbrr no*|f may r*|?i rl to pay lav lorf'-iln i .iifurri'tl !?y virtur of paid acl ovnMCitthly. \N II). ' 111! t<Hl. SlanJmrd kteytrjtr Orvxgt reun'y. Aognat 5. . 41- 4w LOHT UU MI8LAI l>. AWOTE of hand, drawn by llr U O'I'air hil! in Otvor of Hie *ul>!*crit?cr, witU Wil liam P Clancy *a ??curity, for ??Vcf tMn dol lar* forty-flvft'rrnl*, with a credit of two doI? Urn aevrnty-fivc rents. All prrnon* n re Ihrrc forr hnrahy cautiunrd agmnit trailing for laid not#, or the Mid Dr. O'Fairhill from paying thf mud* to any perioo but the aub?criber. W ill intti Cube. Aagnat 19. #~J? | ANF.W a^!w^ ftnfabJ^OX - C \ RT. w .tt? a pair of Mron^fcftd wWbroke eighty dollar* -fix fnontlie credit. An pljr to G. M. Johnston. faly 1 ft. 3H? <: \ si i ko;{ tit in 11 w UK \ i. hLl.n F.KK1> .it i : mill <<! i.iuni M.'. r Co. till- ?? inn ?? Ijtt' ltllld!>uruU^!l. CASH tot 1 LAX , . , , . J. St .Iiini 01. 3C ? lift >i;ttc ? >* *? t?i*l ii- * arolliiu. iikr I on til if. Suprriur ('"mi. I ?.| l , ?.? v ? Spring I Vi in. is2ss. Il'aiftiiir'i"! I'm r i ? IVtmon t"?>r I>ivorce. StHMIHlll l'i ? i. 7 IT ?!}?}?' an '!? ' i - iinfm t. m of tin- C ourt, l i it ? ???? ?l?*i .-ii i ? it>it .m inhabitant of t!il* x'atr: ii . i.ii ?? i if unliTi tl, Unit |iiili|iin I urn l?? inuii ? I it I >r< i' ?iitiiit ?? i i tiic Mai am! N,.tMi-' ii. . nil -? ? .i i ? ? ? ? iti?, printml in lit I ?'!. "i;i i t tit* i ! ii I 'i??r iii^'i K< I'oriler, for ii?c ?'? 1 'ii>u it (<? ?> |?l ?? ai ut t h; lii'M trrin <il tul-5 ( ?? 1. 1 , I ? t>c l.< lil oil I n- ii ->l .\|<jiitlajr t.11 or tin? t'. ini i Mu.i ay of Si'jii' iiil??r n?'*l, then nud I i . i tn ii!(*nii, aiuwrr or .lemur to llie |>lnin - l , :T ? ?ot.tio?i; otholni^c jii iiMiont j?ro cvul?"* (to n. un^'. 'i r ill bo cutiied, uud the cause Ik ird < * ]>arte * Ttnte IJ. IlilktOll, Clerk. Price atlv. 5 7 I).) _ 3$ ? 3m All I^MF. dublcAUSi having rumored their So?l . d'.. [? sii^p to the; 'hi.11i.i_' v ?t ??t TIio?4 CUnryjw 0< . ih?y l?!ie this iimWh.J of uifonn iiig lU*-tr fr< u'lt Mini ciMt<Mnr>rn tint they are prepared ti> ?t?{?ply thorn with .ill article* in tiiuir linn ?r c*iiwp * < can be bougjit in the slate, and Uicy venture I ?? -wy, if not hujhti or, at h aft us uuod *3 mu b,? had any where. Their work ha? hithiHtn provnd p.>od; ami hiV* in* the b?vl of U'??rk'u n mid northern mate rials, tli?y;fc-el aafmrtd that t hr-y ?tan ?m fi-ncra' wiwfiictwn !?? nil wli > may i all p ..i 'ficih far work. H \i' *? ?:??!?? & r??. | .t in. IS. 1 I i -if A Viihiahli* ion kou s\i,i<;. . J t?KI'i.K l? ?>* s tit' .1 \ tllialllt* kit ? ^ I'luiitation, 1 \ ihit ??i* I.ntlr ii\rr, in Li 5 'J I ,,rinJt? Coiinl v, rijjlit inn ?> north !' 3. iWm* cfc .; Irom lull m.iou^'Ii, auJ mime iliatrdy on the road to ?. m. Curnnylun'a biou . There 4n8 on the pre mine* i A gootl Dwelling 1 1 oust*. Kitchen, Smoke IIoimp, and Flimi, ' with all other nft?#**ary on! hou?r?. all irt pond I rephir. There is also on the plantation a Ttry Vwlti.tble A|?|?lr Orchard. The l.and in of the very l*?at quality, and adap ted tu tlie culture ol cvni, wheat, tobacco, and cotton. Aa it la presumed' thtL any per. son wishing to ptirthane will lirst flfw the premi se*. 1 d.-i'.n it U'lnieeumy to *nv more. The .teim* nf f??le will tie mane ??:???_> , mid nan bo known by i ii< | irmg^ul I'homas I'laney, ?.-tq i n Hillsborough, or of imsr.lt in CtrecnMioro . Rohii (\ \ att.i I Juii'* ''0. Si! ? Gw UhjiA'A*. FOR 8.1 i.E AT Mil OFFICE. N OTIC E. y])l IF.RE will commence a Cimp-Mttline of the Christian Church, at Apple's meeting | hou*e, in Guilford county, on Friday before | the first Sunday in September. The General Meeting of the Chri?tianChurch ' w ill commence at the Union meeting house, in Orange county, twenty miles west of Hills borough, on Thursday betorc the last Sunday iu September. . . ... John Allen. J July 29. 4<?? i NOTICE. HAVING purchased of Ml. WM HUN- ? TING TON, his materials, Sic., and rent ? ed the shop, I would inform the public that I ? will carry on the business in aM it* biancbei. All work in my line will bo promptly attended to and well executed. I hope, by cl<<se appli cation, to merit a continuance of tin custom ' which has been so liberally given to this -:2e<p. Lemuel I yncii. *.* / can safely recommend .Mt . I.unth toimj customers, <w a very attentive mdiutrious yctutig man , and a good workman. \\ in. Hunting!"". Julv 29. 40 if N O T 1 C E. rp'ir. mliii nber l??-i :ii? very anxious In hi rig I all Ins hu.-iniss to a close. has sold his s* ii k <?l materials, and rental Ins tools and fi. up. io Mr. I.I'.MUEL LYNCll. u:i<! has no niti rest in tin work done in the shop iiuui and after the 1st <lay of August n< St. \s tine <t< p has been taken for tiir purpose a' tending exclusively to the settlement ?.f all arciiiiilF, it is hoped and earnestly dessin <?, t iat nil who am in''< ht' d willrr.ll nud >???.!!<? with tin- 1? ast possibi ? ?'"lay. Lunger mil -I- ? gf nee need not b? expected. i Hi- has o i hand, ami will continue to keep, a handsome assortment of v\ atd;? s. Jewellery a :<1 Stiver- W are, all of which wdl be fold on Ni ?ter terms than ?uch arlich - have ever be? n ?? lj i'..r in thi.< place: and will he kept lor sale , at th. rit...c stand as heretofore. V. 111 . liuulin^ton. I July -29. 40? if) ? \ S II V 0 R {( \ r ?!, . i il at my mill, three mfl? s ? ? below i>v ., 40 ?:eut? a bushel ? I I AX SIli. I), dcineud at my housn, 6<? e-*iits ? C i ? 'in p'.f 'I Will U., 'Jj ct ?it !? rt pound. My VVOuL CAItDIMi MACHINK at the* Till I lair.mei is now in good repair at.d ready i fur 'lusmess. 1 l.ttve lor sale strong Run. I W ag^n*. Plar.- j tiit. on ?* aeonf, and '1 .ui-llurie a^oas, | cn> a>> for cajh. ? ? 1*^.1 1 James W eJ>!?. July 40 ? 4 w *V(J UT II C JiR O L IJ\' 1 .1 .V July t. Will st.iwl tl??* lull ^esa*H>n, my stnMe j n & Hillsborough. Tin s.Mson ? to commence on tin: 4:i? ot Josiah Turiiri*. h; ? Sttyte of North- ;vi*oiiiiu. Orange (\>'t uhj. Court of Picas mul (Juarit r Session*. May Term, 1 S ,S. Prif cilia Thompson, w* f I'tlillon for The Heir* and Ex- > l)oi*ir. ecu tors of I Itnry V Th<?ii.p*on, ?r dee. J IT nftyienrtiig to the satistVetion of th^eou.t, that James Thompson, Stephen Ita'drnl^c ai.d Nelly, hi* wil'n, Siui'itl i lenny ami .Marv, i hift wife, and I'li/ihttli Mm .i.>cl?, vu.invv .uui rclict of Hohert \lur<l<>. t , .m il. h?ir? :M t.. w ? of the said llenrv Tlioin; r. -in. H. rd. arc not inhabitant^ ?>t this slate. It IS lilt it loir , ordered M the court, that pnhla alien t ?? - ina.ji in I ho I lillsborouiih Iterorr-T t<?r \\ hkj ' IBtCfJUvely, that mill.- ? t ii< * ,nl las. Tlnmii> son, Sle;<hen Bjldri.l?ie ?nil ,N? liy, In* h , Samuel t'lenuv and Marv, Ii- v. ,i'e, ami LI., a lirlli M imI .i I., a|i|M tr al ? n iii\t t'onrt ? >1 M(iP jihI tjiiarlci S? : r ii n i>? !<'? holden l'<r I ?' i t.i.nlv ill ? ?r:i "?t! tin I mill ll?nr-r in II . !miMi\i: ii, i.ii tin linn ( Ii Mi.iula v til Aiif/u I lit kl, till il .mil I'|? !?# I'll 1*1, answ IT I?r l!e |vi ' 1 1 . .till petition. .lildliUI' lit v\ lil liCCIlltr nl j. a iiim/i o &> to i iir iii. Test, J. I il \ Itir, dirk. I .1 il) J?lir?j |)d>- $ t 351 t'.w IIOL SKS am! 1.0 I .?> hi i*iiii|^li I'm* ->.? Ii*. Hy II \lt.N \B \S O'l-'.MKIill I., <?n a credit of one y? ar. VS my nhji-rt i.-> t ? ? pievcnt the inort infd . mous inlcrcoUMr (li adultery thai peiliaps f e?cr wut known, and ???< .uniuly permuted in a christian country, C will t-'ll all, beginning at the house where Naai y (iawly now liv? s and carries on her intainoiia dcbauelicries w ith her old atampey htunpev. I < lnuary 19 17 ? tf j TRUST SALE. ON Thursday the 18th September, I shall jell the personal property of William B. JiirrlflMit, at the dwelling house of the ftaid Jametson, tr? satisfy two decd? of trust duly trnveff an4 registered, nude to frecur# certain drhts due to Miss Margaret Jamenon. " The pr ipefiy consists of a likely slave nnm ed Sally, and about 75 Sheep, 50 llojjs, it) rows, I Horses, an<l all the Household and Kite In a Furniture. I'Ue ternn will he made know n on the day of ssle. ?lull It Scott, Trrnttf. August J. 41?7tt From 'lie M.-*s*clinsett* Journal. REMARKABLE CASE. A ?asr ?if acceptive circumstaii' ij] evidence ia ?.|y rime to our knowl- d^e, than tv ?ich, we believe, a moi e reinar kahl- i ??e lound on record. Our in urnirfiion wa-> cuminunicatcd to us by fine who was personally engaged in the iuvcsii.; jii .ns attend*' g In .1 country town in the state ol MtiW.r. ^ li? rnoi tiis ?ir?ce, the wile of a l b o 1 1 1? nian, who had lived lor a h.t.? ;ii)n in vt ry iti.MfT i?nt tcims with f r, >u(!d: nly <!itd As she was in .?p pa tn I v peiftct lieaiili on the d?y of her | ? e? li, hfid then- ha 'I bid violent quar rel- b?-i>?eeii litem, the o?ai> was re, ar ?'ed Ki;h ?? eon-nlnable ditfrte ol su? p'cion. A? flic burial ol the wi'c, her relati ' . attended. To thc-c me bus* band had aiwa)s ? hciibhcr* a ??r?-ai bos till \ ; i hi on i ** is occasion lie was par ticular v uigcnt that tiny should rcuin wimi im, j't i the funtrjl, to pattake <?1 a n?. a! at liis tabic. They were ill* disposed to rtw 'his, both on account of tiifir rccollet ti..n ol thr treatment of his wile, n?s ui.iloi.n hostility to them, and j he vr i y ? N|iit i'"! s circumstances of *he j wiit's litj li, lie continued to urg? ttiem to rcurn to hi* house and partake ot the entertainment with so much eai nc?tnes?, that alicr resisting for a whiir, they found that they could tc'idsc no longer The meal wa? pla~ ce i b? l<?ic then), at which a ?iish I ba kkd beans w *s abundantly served, .no ol which they ??re ur^td lo paitake liberally. Mu. r. time hsd not elapsed alter the mea! nr lore every individual I tm parly t.iken si k, some were so violently a (TV? ie-1 mat their lives wire (.'e^paiied ol Tb ?e v? ry suspi 1 1. <;s c ireu mstani cs dc er t.tnc * . h. ncighh-.r> i 'j have the a\Jr> arrtste :,and liii w ?s uc<oid:iig!y done. The bouse wans atcneri and a quantity of arsenic l' i n :t <.l which i was altcrwurds a*r ?id'neii thai be had bought a coi> .dcrai I quantity ot an ai oihecary a *>h ? i 'i Oie in lot t* the de ?? b o? his wife. Ai.Alber coi inborn inj* c rton stance was th<?t tiie ac> u>cd had ?-n 'he d.?y on wbic i i is w lc died, tat ncd ioli' i w iuu at m nr k in the lii Itl a ?ss ul liqu.n ? .in act ot c.ui'i " v w nich, au< h #1 ? *- the i ttois ' ii w! ?ch hey had live , it *.-sj qui f on ? o" hi* ruit.. in (? profit . Th .ia'? ??as placed in i tmtiidy, an p l>j fd'i 'its w<ie made u?r iiis vi al. The piiy^cijn iv ho amridid ih dictated .* a - s.-iisfied that t he dc th was from prison, ai'd would give bis evidence to .hat eflTn t. Public opinion wji j;iea ly excited on the su t je? t, ?m ?l lie ccnvif on of the individual was c mfn'cntiy anticipated ?t tii ? r> |i(i kmc Li i sissi.m ot the court. Things l?f ins; tl.us c ir ? un s'Jl'tv'i:, the p y?ii ijn, ul\. n. h" wr lave I rria cd, w;<s rrn-.e'i on lv po'in i?l ? he ix int; ui a>; u e<! by poison, appened o ot on ciV'-n 10 lie town uf !i 'l'iit ? n cum dames be ir^ tin rally k ii? n. I)i. M. w ho was u personal ? t i ir- o| tin- pt>yi< !.???, Soo^hi <*.n u'ti vie ?v wjih hin , aim inquired ti hint i lie ? Xau. nrd tlx ln?<ly iri'troi llv .'; r t.?;h. i?n-1 on being amwtred in me (? c V at ivr, he p'nctd before him in a % ':>ng i ?- id the si'uaiion m ? hich he would li ii h.msilf when culled on he fore o ? ii < : ar*i ju'y f? r 'vid-nce of his aa - itKii; thai the f,c *t h wjs tiy pi.tsnu. It ?v.is ?? on di it.<e ! ?1i* ni>. i n< ni and ?! examination i I th?- i>..r*v -? o-ih: he iiiuict'UKly ni'j'ic, <?ot 5/ M ?\ 1 1 1 1 n ? > - ? lifi ut (In at !i lend, <>ci iUip?o e*n t nc h<>t named | y sit m:i 1 'heplii' ' l?e ? cmhi'i d mutdi r. "i lir p?'?tplt o' i.r iu:.n } ixptibMO ^ i at i. a*. ?n i ? . ii ^ ut t ?' b l> ? ? i ii' i it, ai'.'i ./ C 1 1. < l< a-:. 'I ll< I'll ' |N|lll? IlliCt.' t.! ih ? w old i.i l; add colif 10 ' ? t to i ??? ir hi.li! | in ii, ? ? in t n| tin ?< ' v* d. The boi.y ^.s fj .. kly C?o i ? vt d front the c a i ill. A <? ?< stnm 'h a n ? it;' where the fyjii.n aii .ii bh. t k place- ? 'oi :i:i l' ha been b<jrii<: 'h v?c? ks no one v/.ts w Uling tiiai r ? m,' he bio pht into hit d* llim? is ? : netghboui in# barn was lir-i i>< ;.on-clf but to i hi* iho physicians ? ' d n account o' the wan- of light. Tin mc< inp house wiit then named. an?i thither the body w-is carried I' was pLct'i on n tithle in ?he c.nirr m*l , and t h? e*n? rpmaiion rrmraiftcrt m ibt p*< * the tMimblcd . nd **#t (u^d.???ho filled the prws and ^alle r ie*.? |>r. M prepare) to oprn the attd<>roerM?ir<! h? v.'cnilem?n who acromp?tMed?hint uti idc'*o< k m the m<-an whi c the xaa<l na icn ?! the head. To t? e lurnur of coutsc the attention ot all nui chiefly > directed. The opi ration of opening i 'he head, howev.-t, advanced more ra pidly tnan <h?t ul tf.e ab 'omen, and ihe ? >eruuval ol the cranium discovered to 'lie Mir prist of me opt. rotors an ire ; sp. t ta'ors, a Suff' sion ol blood in the . or an an>l all the unequivocal mark apop> I x?, whiit; he stomach at.'1 o:hrr Ji^is'ive o?nans ???? f? un l to exmoit not the slimmest indican.ns o' iuf j iviciiCf o any poisonous aubfctancc 1 ,iv. sni p. it e, <rd proba'dy in ill n ? r i .trvl v i t* !>f nim i against Ui: supposed Cfimiiia', ? the 'iiappoinimem, of 'he spectators ?* ti i- i-reme. Tlie icsuh of tl?e ?*v ,in>in> i ?t? v. a* how vtr irrcsisti I bie in nrar,' u.a: litis dca li was oc a Moned by ap< ph*xy. and not by potion, and the mutt'* hie was saved,? lor 11 is scarce to He d'>uhied that a jury would have convicted htm upou the evidence ol the r ircutu?tai.ces whicn we li&vc tnuiicri'c 1 . ? .1 . ii win v asK<". , now l* the circum 8ia;icc' ol I it >kknessol 'he wite s rc? j laiv s, vrhicn wai evidently . aus?d oy the m*. al which tht man urged turn. so earnestly 10 iak>-, tn be a< counte.' It is explained by a singular *ir , of which one or two other insane > aro Afiown to h?ve occurred. The bt jn*, ol which the meai was principally c >m i posed, had been baked in earthen vu. stls, and Merc allowed to ^>o? c <d. they had been kepi long enough to r,.tvc turned acid to a alight degree, and I when ihey were placcd in the oven to i?e r-heaieii, the action of the arid n* ?'>e si tcs ot the jar, which was coat' and ot which the ulphuiei o' lea<t i> he ! thief icgredicn ; i pois n?u> nu*> < e i was 'bus drviicji n, and in ti*c n'.o the content* o1 th- j sr. a"rt *hos- \ ati ig Wee- ? were atia k'- i with lymptom- ? f "lln :s .nure oi less a. vne, s?c< <.' ' >g to t'ie p-iri ot the jjr from wi?i< h iho lv an* were taken ot w'nch "li-y a e. Att'-r i'ms, it wjs nut difli' u it ?? admit* that thr- ..is. nic lounrt in the m in*> p ?<. sessior, might have hecn purchase'' lor the destruction ;>i ra'?>, as l?e hail con-> stantly avitreii was the c.S(. We leave rhi* s'a em?-n , (he authen licit y ot which may ?>e (.ntififlc nt*v ?? ii* cd cn( to tht efl c-ion ol '?r ??-adcis. They rin lit v Utile doubt, n ! had tl.ia i< <!iv i 'ua' i.e? n br<>ug>it i i l, (as i> w?uli: h.,vc een but ior (tc inuipo. iitii" ot i he Li. pity ^ic i. ? ,) with-. in iho ex tinina'ion t I ihe b< i'v, hi* ite ?ojM lii*'' 'een ?.u i ifi cd? *e.v j-imc- njjld have- he?itaii d to ( i nvi' t him I' vs. old h .? v * ti- tn diit instance aitde the nui-y it recou', ot ti.s* danger ;-i a reli. an c ? mci? c:rculiv>t n ial r> deuce ? i.virvfi stt<-ii^, and 'he in?pt.i tan. ? of I hot oo ^ n tr s? tn t?t ti'vctiira lot ?! all ' quts iof.s ?>i :iie *s< ai |u:' my itce From fix* New Yi>r!t F.vonirig City liazette. (^ic4t < xi iicn.ent sien? to .<?? . ? to 0 c.-i ?'?c in f* >sun. by the Jair .od? <lci *r?>' unexpected marriage of Johv \N inslow \Y in i man. esq. e< i-or ..J we Iljch- !?>!*? J . r I. As we bav the honor i f brlon^T. t hat ??:p? ' table ? I..**, CJ led Old Uachel r*.? oot |ton> i oi e, by b ye. b.i I o >? pure n ctssi y, ? ?c tr^m, ex> ecdin^ly, that ait <)? cmrcnre ??t tt.c kind should have taken pla <; but wt < annot bclirve, u i ? many oi our brother editor*, that it.c t q > n>e oi Major Noah nuld have in utcd (bis unfortunate young (nan to p?o< ced o such an vet <>! tit t jH' ration. Tbc following paro.iaph ? e. *pectint? hi >n i* Irons ch<* ? of T 't ?? Ircrary peri??dr a! p?n I ? - Iter# 1 H >> on. and etiiiert t?y M r* K. . n^t ine A Waic, ol wh <s0 n puia*i'H- >>.< rca* . ci s r?. ;-r > .?> y ttillacq>iu a d* . ?' // h.n-r the twghly We i?ai? .lit.* Ki(n< i?Markmi<h baa i imi y been t-rcft d in d?hrn*e M \ t. ),l>.isbv Provn.'fnre" ?le j. ik i ol one ol i a ?%?o*t ornanieui-ii i ci - ioii :e-> Fillers. LjI S??mp?on? :!(. , ' 'i i|l?l 1 : c-? Jic >po.< ?hre! I'hy airi ly -iui !?? v k me sin in, <nd i> oo na%'. 1 'c ' <jn? i? nk ? another man!" In .i m . in; "liuuoi" ( the ? Ha Mr. : j-s J ' ?|L;T';V?ARin>0!?<Oi I nk ?t' ilis', I- i !? * ? D ?-t h?tn yui e?I to t?e ?p> II ol ?? Po?#r!" K.ron f.?, ?ho whilom fl unshed lu? g<ro?? qU'lt ?o mantuliy in d? tcncc of "stogie iilcsscdntsk." We hope be *|U for ward ua some ot bit cake lo# bt? no nce. ??. Nihil tan firfnum <r em p- ricule* Noe ait ?|iae< ?.?' >**| It l? an boti ??? u. - heir (the Span iard**) la* % that a man tone* hit tfi ?\.ni<ny *hn c*n be proved once tn have been drunk*

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