*?\ \x. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1828. Xo. 446. I, . , ? \ .1. I', -v fi, fc- 'i, ? * i; < ii. ? - H ? ? ' <?"?'? ? * (' .11, ( ' ??. - !, I I a. - I - i. - - (? i. : : ?'?**?' t'<l . it v, I' 'IV - I a* I. ? - - r <? j; ^l Si r-j . < 'it ! . \ n-rir I. ?! ???!! I, W - I ? I-: V vv M I. ? T if |. . H >? ?? I ii i ? n ' t ?! . . . ? 111* v?n I T . TJ' \v W . Ut . it. - - ik.-v ?. M ? ?? i-i, T ... ' tf S't-rrv. r..r< - Mi ra. PRIC CJJRRT3JJT. 'ip 'A d<M 1 fa!!. I L fin h. . ih. \\ ilifiin *t'in, Fuvvtti'viilc, ; Newbern, .S p' 3. Srpt. 4. | June 7. rls I 27 .. 1 3 > 28 3 j ,rU- , ????? els. | cts. ct8. I', 1 3 7 2 t ! 5 I t 5 ) <> 1 15 16 tvuS. ? - j liM. ' 60') . H?. | ? ? Call. 10O MO t : >7 40 to;,. I l>,. i<*u?k. 15' 175 I'?!!. ' ' k< I J - ? 16 37 4 > 7 2 2 14 I I j J 8 16 5 J 1 ' 23 2 i 17 4 > 9 1 3 ?hi - 1 k.n :m -. j i < >0 i r.o Ht l I'll 4 2 hu-'i ? > 4 O 425 2 j 2 8 9.) 125 4 J 45 8 1<. 2 <0 -J v 35 4 y o ^ H i i 8 J1 } 7 1) ; ' ? f>0 | J.i J 000 ? { : o -o ? 7', i 5 i 4 ' 75 6 28 18 I 8 35 8 15 70 1 75 5u 80 7 25 4' 9 80 Petersburg, . 29. CIS. CtS. 125 2 0 34 45 6 20 12 12} 35 9 I 4 75 75 8 25 25 17 40 lo 17 -to . I ^ , l?. i IOOJ ! | , 5 . , " ' I'-' 2 2 j J I 5 i 175 j j ? I ! J ) r?oo 7oo 35 40 1 0 |>s 45 5<> 7 P 2'J 3 ) ) i ' o 8 5 y< i I ' 4 5 ? o r: 5 i' 5 .*? 5 0 i j or?' i 1 s ? : ? '> 4~5 j so j; Ih. I Ki I K '"isll.l I fi I f trail. I <<?<> 30 j 2 5 ? - i ;5-, 4. ? i - i 2 - | 2 J ? =i I 500 700 90 100 IS |I 1000 1-2000 6 7 1 50 2 0 37 J 41 1 8 550 6 5") I 5 ? 2 O I >0 1 j-? 4: 15 1 O 500 b2 j 7 ? 3-0 1 00 18 Zi US 1 -? 1 10 1 25 2 *?0 7 U 1 ) ? ? ."75 125 I r". > H I 2 i 9d J.i 5v O i? ; !, i. s u o u o l i. u. N. i. I'VRLIiHCt) MKKIiLf II V lir.NMH ll . \l< ? T, *r t ? *. ?' ? n'?i.i.\?s * rr.**. ??* two dollars It H i VVTi tr P aid IS tuvisct. r who lo imi ijivc *ioli? - ??! liu'tr *vi?h t ir jia,?>T liwo tl nuc 1 a' ilf ?-xpin t i ??' t.i V'*ar. w:ll In* pr* *u n I a* <i',?iri:ii; i' < co ti iittn 'o un'il iianl,?1. ? Yu<l n ? it;, -r ?? i" '?? <)i-. .? it in mil ? i ii 1 1 1 i 1 urn .ir ?"?m ..r ? j?u I, 'Inl' Hit .it llur option ul t4<' pu!' hvKT. ?\ : ? I p* ?i\ Mihrn'rihT', and Cu , <? -o i i? pay oonn. snail rcct ivi- fie sv Ve-.t'i jr ili?!. Vlvr'M' ?j"rt'-< not hn?? .??itli'i'n linen w 1 1 'i ? . t-irrt-1! I ti ii h I >" ii !?? lullar, tutil t ?. .* ? fi-tita fur ??*? i iti iiu n o. 1 1 > i <? 'H ?? I l?y I ? j?r i :t t r. anil r.i >t t ?> |Kiiit-.nji?ti,r<i hi I'tf Matr. A. oti? rs upon relative to ttic paper nti ' p.?nt- p.inl. NKW HOOKS. \.c. N' \ I II INIfcl. I. PAI.MHIHiMju-tT.rri/. ?? i (ro-n P'nil%l?,lp?iia, and ?J" ? ???d f'r *=;???* * ; 11. ! -VirrMiL"! B>mK s?? oj>;> ?"it" t ie P si O , n< w .?vi ? !?!'?> ? iai ly of* !{???? <? .nil >i i?i<?n ?r\ . in i iv oi wi-.ii i navo it > ?? Ui to i .1 i it ?t" I lur *&l? ;ii 'In* |>lacc* I A i i n? ! i" ??|>>|iiv I ' ?? <? ?' |ol|n?? tlltf. < . i iii Il.iv, or ln? l .i i r .Maul nt P-'i i W ti'i r s . ? t ' * l.i*t novel, Mil ^l1 i it, I vii_ > Ml'Ch'tJt.iiH'cr Coltiiiibn*, a in vi ne ? III I vd? ?I'M - . . x;n>- il lo'i ol* til New |Y<?l.i'il<-ilt, i ii * ."il v i . ii .1 1 > 1 ? work, in *2 voln ? lit ?? Umary i>f l.'itfluiil, witli III .?< ?*-? I i ' I ?!! >-t * ??0'ltl ?"! Vol** ?I I Mor-kl II' l 'II ? .v l Vel, P \ ii u .i i ?"ni-?i rti' M, i valuable w-ifk *'f V III . Jj ,11 II i ; < I'rnvi'U, vol* I .?! < 'i; i * ? ? ;? n? 1 ' ? t i rr, l?? *\ uller S "ui;, ? ^ i "J ??;? 1 1 'Ml- ! H'.le, II !l(;i.ii|? II mi| iv '\ .iltrr St'uli| S,?.? k -? l.ife ot' !..? Iy?"l, ? Hit lit ui l.ii'r a til Ii, K.i ni.y lliii'i'*, T o: i? ? v 1 1 oil ?wo >|n k"?, H i '?? I'ln oloyi iii liiriionary, I|i-'m, v ol vl (ii * new ?vor!.. in 'i vm'm. { !> v,V"< Mit K ? iiiik?, f>i'??i| ? mi.i'iv i''|i r? too tivliml:! to "V .tiMti. i Al-i >, v xv '-I n, :.ir I r I'cin i, 11. h n ?*? ? m iii ^ ll'UMH, (* i s* M -ii nil ll.Jrti'ilx, ?'iii i ! #* . v *. j [I i itv:n ? I'.ijio , >\ ri.ru;, l,i t ' < i , I'll ? li i' iii I ' II it< 'if'- ^(ii'r, ntiil il i niev. y irt < '? lit !?' ?t?l| tiuiy Smi'j all of tv i ii w ill It* ??ilil low *ii <?!!?'. i or M!i ii *lnrl cf 'ilit ' i I'M tnii' i iim* to i' r< \|| orilef* t'ltitil. Ill i V . ? v ? i! iukI I |>n ii ii <liy attended to. \ddtlioiiul ttii|>|'li( s ?ho.' v exported i Allgll.M It. II ? LOST OH MiSLMI), A NO I K -?f 'ih'i'I draw i l?y l>r II o'Kiitr i\ hili in f?vor nf t i ? ??'ilnori'iT, vvitli .Vd liani ?' '* i icy i?? tw-jnr >? l'-f h v it. -en dol lar* ?? >r* % f* ?'<??(?, v.?M a crit'i ol twodoU hi* h^V' i' -fiv?- ren| i " |i?'r> i ii iri iS'Te- . for. 'ie?o / "iititlMfii' i "it-'l ir i 1 1 ?? *.? lot cirl fl it. ? r ? wild *)r. 't'P" ''11 'i |iiviiik the idinr I ? uiiy pcrnfi.i !?.?? ? t ?til?s? i It. r. \V illlaili i ?ln\ August 1 > 4i? j# j c v<ii nut (iiioii til*: \T. UI.IVi IIF.I) .it '.lit mill <.i >v tiliain Miller V 4*o. t'ir e in. i- * H? low liilSsittiruu^ii. ( VMI lor FLAX ... , , .1. ?* I ?t>. June "2 1. <?'v Stat ? (? !' < ?i*l 1 1 - ,1 rolma, Hake Cmintif . Supciiur ('.nut <?l I.ua ? Spring IVnii. IS^S. /'riff J ?-?. Petition fur Ditorcr. Su??iiiii<i'i I'ri. r. j I!' !,<;> in ii; to ih<- ?.it isf^rtion of the Court, t 1 ti t!?<- ?1. I.'uilifii is it* it an iMtiuliilatit of tin" ??t.itc it i~ tli?-r<*f <r?- ord-T'-il, iliat publica tion !??? made for t * ? r? ? iiioiit!i!? in tin1 Mar ami Niniii-Ciiro imi stnl? (iaz>-tf'\ printed i.i II" I> i'? 1, ?;i<1 tin* Hill* loroug'i H- colder, l<>r tin' defendant lu appear ut t ic in*Xi t. rni ut IIi.h Court, to held on the ti"?t \| 1 ? t lav at\er I In* fourth Monday of S>'ptrmticr nixt, then ami tlo-ro to p'"a , iimw -r or demur to tli?: plain t,ir? petition utiii'iwiv judu mut |>ro ? >nlei ho a^aiiHt li"r \. ill lie entered, ami the causc heard ex parte. T i?t<" 1J. tlilitUll, Ci''rL Pr 1 c a lv. $7 00 ? 3in REMOVAL. 'pi IK subocri'MT^ linviiij; r cmovcd tin ir ^u<l M. li'-l* to llli- lillll !|||^ ? o| I'llo*. flu i* y \ Co. t in: v take I (? i ?? ? ??*- 1 Ihm I ot nitm -ii i?ii? t'i"ir lYic nil" ritnl cnotniii' r.-i that 1 1 n* \ air l>rt |?arcil to ?? ? i |?|>l v lliuni wit.i nil mln It < n iii- ir line a? ciit-ap a* nin lie l?oii_lit hi tin* an?l tli'-v n iro In -av, it not *.i|?cri nr. at I' a-M . ?? ;j'..?.| ih ran l? Sail any wli- ro. * I* . i ? ? i r work 'i.h til1* -r.o i>rov?*i| pnnl: and lm. ii, ?> |l|.- i) i, I w ? ? . k i ; ? ii .in I ll'irtlirril tn.ilc ri ils t'l v ('<?? I i.4-4iir< .1 tliat tin y can [i>r ??? i . 1 1 *a!i^r.i< ii'in t<> all wlio may call iijmii thorn for woi k. It M-iladr St Co. fin. 1?. 1.1? II" ? V rchanfa, Idlers , anil Traders of j (trim ze. r \ k i; not i CM. It V an *? I nl' a- -m. nl>i\ \>.\ <si-il in v hi 1 W ii. r .jut ? .| n,i. r in -vcrv two \i :i?s, to Im\ yoiii ">\ ijj'iIn, Nl .-ii "ii i s nnd * t<-< arils r\ i'n. .!>?. I u< I ad|u?iiril Ii.' t'lr Ktnu.inril K ? . jut .f * .ill count v. Jin. 'i nl* yon n* l*.i 1 1 to colli- i ]?' \ with ilir t.iM, l?v III" lirM Momlay ol'Si p. ? ?!?? . ni'xt, may .? x ,???? I to |?ny t In* lorfi itme iiii in n'il l?y virt if ol j?.i i?l net ol a-4-ann'ily. H III. 1 *? Ol'f 'HI. ' Shvi'l'ii tl K'ryrr fui Or.ingr fount;/. Anuii"! j 41 ? Ivv II KsKS ami LO TS in IlillslMi roii^h fur Bv H VUN VB \s? O'KMRHII.I., on a credit of out year. I \S nv nlijri't h lo |ir?vont the ;noi?l mfa ? n im i itri 'Oiir-oiol adult* ry tluil |>orlia|>n evi?- 'iiio*vii, aiH Hf.-iiinirfi y permitted in ? < nr.>;in.i ??"u ii'v, I ?ill se'l all, liciinnriif nl t i ? i >?!?? ? ?> ?!? ri* Nimci liawlv now I ? \ ???? ntn' i? ii ' ?' infamous dcbauclicrie* with her ! ,'iiii|H y tiumpcy. l-vtuuary li 1.7? tf 'Qj*Ten Dollars l!ewnrtl.??2) I ) \N AWAY from tl??s subscriber on the I % IGth inst. a negro man naiucil KV, yel low complexion, stout built, wilt weigh at?out 170 or ISO, has a blue coat ami blue panta loons, anil walnut coloured coat and walnut colorci! pantaloons, white lur hat, and booted. Five dollars reward will be given lor Uis ap I>rchension >1' taken in the county, or ten do! ars it taken out of the county, and secured iu any jail so that I get hiin a nam. Hugh Currio. August 26. 41? 3w T N C) T I C E. IK firm of S. S CLAY TOR fc Co is this , day dis" I'v-d by*nutual consent All per- I sons having claims against tlicin w ill present [ th??m to J. Webb for settlenv nt, an?l those in- | debled will make payment to the same. J nine* \\ ehb, S. 8. (?lav f:?r. August 1 1. 4' ? 4w -VOTIVE. n WIN'S purchased of Mi. WM, III'N TINliTON, his maienals, iu;., and rent ed i'i>' shop, I would inform the public that I wi'l 'M'rv oa the business in a!l its branches. All work in my line will be promptly attended to and well ??terutcd. I hope, by close apph- 1 ration, to uteri', a continuance of the tu*i-*in which h.ts been so libcrall> given to this shop. I, cm nut- 1 Lynch, j / cm safely recommend Mr. L'jnch to my ' rusto't'rs. as a t try attentive industrious yuung mil, and a gcuU uorkman. . Win. Huntington. ! July 2?. 40 -tf N O T ICE. j P 1^1 IF. subscriber being very nnxious to bring t 1 ail his business to a ? lose, has sold his ? >tock ot materia s, and rented his tools and shop, t<> Mr. l.l'.Ml l.i. LYNCH, and hub no interest in the work done hi the shop from and after the 1st duy of Vagus! next. V- t;ns step !ia< tu ? n taken for the purpo-e of atte i ling exclusively to t*ie settlement of all acrnuuis, it is 'iop? <1 aiel earnrstlj desired, tii.it all w iio are ind- hi. d v. iii call and srttle j vvitli t'i' Ka.st posaihi ? ?Il lay. Longer indul- j genre need not be expected. I t| ? has on ha i j, and will continue to keep, j a lwidsonii assortment of A'atclies, Ji-welic.y I a. el Silver- Ware; all of which will be sold on better t ?rui" t't.n sucii articles tiavc ever been , suM for hi tin* nlace; and will be kept for sale at the Mime st!<nd a.*- heretofore. W iii . iluntin^ton. July 20. 40? tf j .V () It T U C . i HOLIA'I J . V >> il l. stswul tin- tall ?**i??on, at my ptablr hi I lill*l><>rough. Tlit- season to commence on the 4tl? of Jcsiiili Turner. July 1. .10? Till S t SALK. ON Thursday the isth September, 1 shall < II tin- personal property of ?V iHiam B. I.iiir iji'ii, at tin* dwelling Iioiisc of the said I miii. nun, to ^uf isfy two ilce-!-! of trust duly pr > veil an I n*ijisti?ied, iniilc ti? wciire certain debts due t?? M .?*? *?1 :i r;:.ir?*t .laineu-on. I'll.- property ?-<? *?? m|'? likely slave nam ej ?a'.lv, iiii) ali i it 7.? *?l:??rp, 50 lines. )(? Cows, 1 lli. (?=? -', ail ! ill t lie Household and KiiiI.en Kurnit :re. Tlie terms Mill be made known on the day of ? ale. ?I (ill it ^COtt, Trvitte. 5. 41 ? 7w rnrsr s.ili:. II V virtue of a ?1 'rust, e\eojtrd by J Colon- 1 1 1 1 v' i Munlwlimt on the 'iiMli of A^t '-'t. I*-"', t<? iJi. liar l Woods, mticc den a #ed, to secure to ,1'ihn Woods. also deceased, i eo taiii ?oiin" nt' ill w v, wiil be wold to the hv'!"*s' bidder, f.>r ready nioiuy, ",i M -nd.iy tin* l ?d da\ of Septeit.l'er n< xt, at the Court . Hon i i the tow ;i ut' III mIhii oujjli, \ \ iiiiiaMc r .Mail. . i!ic |ir<ip' rty of -?ai I Mutihollan. Such title will be oaile a* i< vc?'"l in m". as adminisUu I ti>i i>f'-ai?l Milliard W nods, deceased. .1 anics .Meliune, .w?rr. August 2??. 4-1 ? tiis TlirsT s.iu i. II V virtue "I a of triM i nude m l?y John Stroud. I<j <*r. iMirc th? |? i\ lucitl ol' certain snuia of mini* v I'l'-r* in tn ntionrd. will bo s>?l I t?i the !> ?_' ?? * udder, for ready mo dcv. ?? flir ('"in | non-it m IMI?boroilt.'h, on Monday the 2<!d day of September, a certain Triu- 1 ??!' I ami, wli-ri'on FieMinc Strond now liven, containing ?41 i 5 on tin- w i"'i.< ol rr? rk, adioininc the lands of Frank Barber, Johhc Nnvilw, and oth Juiues WpMi, J .Mm Mehanc ? fn,?uts. Aticu<uS6 41? tdfl i FOR S \LT3 \NF.W and well ti 'imbed "X-CART, witb a |?n?r of strony and well l?roko OXKN. 1'iice eighty dollars? ?n months credit. Ap ia. 31. JolltlStoll. July 15. 1$ LAN KS lor ?wlc at thu Ullicc. , J ? ? ? ? - 1 ? From the Western (Ti n.) Balancc, of Aug. 8. j HORRID M UNDER. We ha?e jusi been niiotmed of ? m??st shocking occurrcm e which took place in f;.|. 9 county in this fate, a 'e? day> ?>iiicr. The circumstances as t ey have been de'atled to us on (Ik au? thoit'y hi a gentleman oi unquestiona ble vir<?c*?y, who hat) throi from a very r spt- riabir peisuH direct Ir-nn the neigh ho ho->il ol i he ?1?m* kn-g see n-', are as lol low*; A man (w ose nuite our inform, ont has f<?rc<?it<*it) *?.??. kiC| s a public house * hoc in G'llts Cuumy, left l. nine w in <n> v?ilc w??l? the in:eni on ol >tb>iiiw- ??? Mgnt. H. Ir.fl the hou e in'hecaieof h?N two daughters, with cirti nous lo re- eive no travellers in his absence. L i e in toe evening, an old penile man Called and Ocsircd to stay all nigtu. Tiie puis reused to entertain him, alU^Dig as d? excuse their fa ther's commands. II. insisted, and they fi.??ily agreed io let him slay. Some shut lime a tier, a young man called wioa> they also re; used to entertain; but upon if.V.?iiug. backed by the request of the old gi>i.t!emjnt *ho pledgee' himself for hi* p ?od bi haviour, they consented tluit he &h <uld siav also. Some short tunc afier 'hey had reti re.! lo bed, the two travellers were awbkrned by a loud and unusual noise in the chamber of the sisters, who slept above them. Thty instantly arose and went up 'ijir^ rhc younger taking his phtnl* with hi it. At ht. door of t tie girls' rutin they encountered a man parsing out. Ho \>a? hai' d by the younger traveller, who demanded his natnr ard eirand, an * the cauac of the ?.oise which had awakened them, and who threatened to snoot him if he re mained ?t<nt, or per?i*trd in his at tempt io i>-apt. He made no aoswci, and on cnd? ?>vnrin< to pa*?>, the travel ler chot him dead on the spo'. They then w.-nt into the loom, where a ino?t bloody and appalling spectacle inet their vi. w. The t*u t>i>i< r? wiih their threats cut, and wel:erit?g in iheir oh.od. Thejr n.jw sauted louh lor.th* pur pott ol aLrming the n.ighbors. The first house lh' y came to, and the n-:ar. e?>t this scene of t>l<>od, they <nhirmed i h< Itn tidy w a1 had happened, wi-o imirt <;tauiy txi'lairred Mi is u>y lius* i.?a?d you hii?e ?hoi!' 5 .e ptotcd i > b? correct ? itwjs inritcl then mignhor wh" p rpeirated the crime. It seem* the murderer and thr lather of the 1 1 1 ? f*?e;i girls were engaged in a law ?ui' ? ;h y were the most material witnesses in ihc ca?e, and ihc monster to get rid ol their testimony, formed, in "lie ab ?en?"?* of their lather, ti>e diabolical re* oitition, mi w .irh he snccredcd but too well, of depriving tiiem ol life. From the Mobile Itegiater, July 'i.'Ul. A c< f un>Mai>ce o: ^reai o> xtviy oc* cut red a few days ago at Spring Hill, hi hss vi' umy. A man named L.mg 'miI bren employed by ano'her to re* pair a vt ty oct p wen at the H 1 1, and at -biMi 9 o'clo< k A. M. oi l'ii<4ay, he was If ''d*n ii, ti.e well but kit to the bottom, when he discovered that then vvu? un it danger ol the well caving ili. lie imurudia e.y gave unlets to be hois cu up, but having tome aboiit t w . i?: y let i to a point at whuli then, -ppeared 10 be no risk, he commenced liis ? x 'mmati'Mi of ibe curb, and the "i If-i ol ! h^ v jil instantly cuverj in up<-n htm, I aving hi* wiiol<* ho'ly f'om four ?o six ket voder ground. Bin ar< in vjm . lapsed b*. lore lie gave indications M.ai iic ?ai ii t 'ufTocat< (i, and with as toi ishinr coolne?s ind precision dt sen sed his 'i tia'iuii o be in a <niwll cavit> tormed ?>y the J<*llii i> ol som< pieces of hoaids. w:?u h had bceu used lor turb ine, diagonally a< 'o>? the will, imm ? <l:ati I) ubo?e hi*> be?>o? ? <poii ' h ?i it j seeimd the dirt wi h w.>i. h he wa? c ?? I uu i h id rcs'ed- Hi- complained that { the cor lit ed jir Which he wat brratlutig woultf soon suftoca e lum, and a reed iuhe punched at ihe j mm was in->cr te?i, which lie fortunately got his mouth 'o. and which elievc-* hiru vety much; iii-Jeei'# so extatagani ?eto his rx pressions ol pha^uia at bteathtng the iresh air, that he appeart d to have lor gotteu in* prril of his situation. Tin piople of 'he neighborhood as sembled* t?nd measurt s w re soon a''"p ted to temove (he dtt'j a thousand dtfti ? ulties, however, presented themselves; th?* man 'or y or fiity feet below the Mirtace, covered up in a narrow well which at firs' had been but badlv > urb- ! ed, and wh?ch now seemed at ivtiy point to b? about to cave in. Two men | were induccd alternately to descend, | and remaining in the backet, bjr slow decrees and great caution the dirt was removed from the centre of the pile un> ill his head was trued, and the taml ptocess was continued until his arms were extricated. Efforts were now made to lasten a ??heet under hi? arms, by which his body might be forced < ut, but <h acure conic form ol 'he hoi? which it w ?s reevs^ary ?o ?n-ike lest tne sides ot the well might cave in, maor it impossible that either ol the . 'wo wtir h:> a 1 1 v mate!) descended c?ul<' as?ist hi?r and his own arms v?cro I ntc?.is iriiy ihruwn up, S'? 'bjt h- c< uld | niakf no .i?e!u' eff.u hims?H ? ? J^ht came <.n, an'i n ??. * thvanding i :.e ??xer ? ioi s were ct.ri un al, anc assurances held f? rrh tr htiu thai .ie shook not pe nsh if h could te ?a?td, he hec me the VIC im to III J- 1 >apm U al:SIt>C<l? ol in. pe and despair; now t> Id.r.g 'ortht ?t nmst confident <xprea%ioi-? itwt he wool J be Iree in a few minuu s, ??no ti? ai? instant making |,j5 ptac- with bin God. aMung forgiveness of his neighbours, in 1 im pkring that hi-* wife* and lit * I . chiM-en ( hen within twei.ty steps of the well) might he taken r?ir uf. The people remain- 1' with him all nigh', but at three o'clock A- M. of Saturday morning, having ma 'e an x periratnt of every possible u^eestion, a sheet was fastened under his arms, and with blocks and tackles an effort made '.o pull him out? he was ra^ed eit;hi or nine inches, v?nh ^reai pair, nnd sudi-nlv complained that his leet were fjst brtw en two en.!s ot confined sc-untliug. Effort after effort was .ade to ioice him up, but he couid not again be moved. Like a hero he bore the pain with fortitude, and over ant' over at>ain he tepeatcd hu willingness to leave hi* lower rxtiemi'ies behind, but was opposed to having his bark bioke. All efforts proving unsuccess i<l, it was now determin ed iu alarm th?. city, and have a trench dug at such an art fie as would ?e satV? Utters were according ly written and despatch* d at day-light, and, to M>e honor of nunian'ry, hund' e>ts ol people cjiue crowdiug on', provided wi'?' siir?-h implcmcn s as they thought necessary, ready to omhark in any ??er. vi e 'or hi? salty. At about sunrise, hnwtver, a curb wus rn.tcie ani se?t d i*n, over w'.noh a qua* tity of dirt was thrown, and a* about 1 (>'? luck P. ?\i . of Sa urd y, u *.e .*y I ??c *a- put to the bucket ?r p^ ? i. s-att.l and cinie ab?v,t a foo<? n , tec wee in ih? bucket? he bj-rk-t ri>pe b'0*? ? tie hallowed ?? I'm Irce. I'm free," c ? ?i a moment wssdrawi u ^ ?i hm.i inj<irv, de claring that he co>.ld run a hunt.. . o yards ?aster than any man pre^mt; sr.-* alter oeing thus ronfinvJ tw?.n-y eight hours, was condurtrd to hn anxious lamdy. I Conwi. ? D . Brcwn, one ofthc physi rians of "In N Y. Hospital, in a practical di sc'tation on .he u**?. oi lunar c<*ucuc, ! has given the following directions for I removing corns, which he ?ays he has Jound muie -.uctrssful -han ?ny plan I iliat has seen recommendeJ:-- Af cr I bathing the foo' in warm watc (a? bed tunc) nil the corn becomes considera bly iotiened, fhavc ihe substance down with a knife, or sc.?lpel, bu' not <>0 < lose a* to occasion bleeding; then moisten the "-virfacc with sM'n, and tuo ovc it 1 ihe lunar caustic. The a;?pli an n nf hi? an? le snoulc1 be xtrnded a little bt yond the copes of the corn, arid con tinue ti'l such a quan'i-y a iheres as in s shoii ti ne, wi I chauge it to a daik gr<.y, and eventual y, completely bia k. Thee is no hanui in applying o*> much, especially on .he c?rn u*elf. A little r ,1 w cotton "r lint should he then app.i d over thr par , so a- to prevent us coming in c- n-act with the stocking. In a'joui lour i?r s x .'ays 'he par a. led up.#M by the caus.ic w,H prgi ofF. inclu ding cvti v vtsi'te of corn, leaviii** 'he put <j .tie sinoo'o, and of ? natural ap* pcata.ice. ?? 1 ? this manner," ?a\ ? Dr. Br.iwn, '? 1 have often ra urai.y < .J | pt rman< ntly removed corn*." Tu c* cuwg au*e, naim ly tip hi ?h< e* , should he avoi-'ed. S <me surgeons preler ihe ! gradual ri muval ol a torn by *li;htly iuhbn<g 'he mnai < austic ovei the part evciy third day aftir r? luosmp the ? l> tuancc by a knt'c, in thr inanne* al ovc direvUd- Wlun-ha- used it txtit-js neither uniaw n 1 1 pain, an f the part on which 11 has actei' ts m four c!,?y*re i moved To tvs toy :ht ?'ijpo?moi m the p*H to j rccori ,bc ot ihe disease, a di-i u imt plaster {composed oi s ap t.e< jic. cam . hor, and 1 >u>inrl) ?p ead on leailier, should be w .? . * .? If4* cl(c ij UiMtS,

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