lien. Jack-on anil Col. llurr. \?! ?>*:r teaJrra know, that our preference '?a -I : !?> ml} ln'cn fur .loht* H. Adam* a* prc *u!? ? the l im. it Slato*, am! that this pre i- >\..s trcuiuli d mi the belief that, from J. - ? ?!? ant! h.s opportunities. and from the ? it i ;;ents with ? 'ik.1i I:.' ha* [icen uiftcd, 1 \*a-? !?' tier f|tialiR? <1 than either of his i ora f?r t!ut i x.ii'i'ti and responsible sta ?v-ii. I*.:t if wo l.ive been uniform in our at tit, x\ ?? have \ i ?-ri moderate in it* cxer ? we !i.?\ r not c'amuV for our favorite a ? ? \rttt|>Uon frni.i en or, nor have wc rc :-i(.?4-iil< d lus opponents as personifying all . tt i? evil. While many of the opposition writs J;a\ f t>ern fil !? 1 to overflow in p with niu ? i extracts from litters, mangled scraps ? . .versat.ons, conjeeturea, surmises, unjus ?? K' e inf? rollers and anonymous communi cation-*, t ' r>ro\c hase intriirue and corruption i t.!? ii ;.i ' ! proflipaey o:i the part of Mr. _A ni> a tj?l Mr. Clnv; *ve ha>c contented our s? with p'lhliiiiin^ a few articles df-signed ? ? \e tin false nature of these charges, and rh u "rrnptiblc int( ijrity of these accomplish r -? it> sinen. We huvc not onrf carried the v ? ' the rncuay s tamp, hy throwing back ? ? which has been so lavishly heaped - But though we can never descend to .. . ami though we would not lightly pub ai y thing to the prejudice of Gen. Jaok yo.i winch e did iv t believe to be true: there ar> vrt futnr c1 arues brought PL'ainst liitn \?bi" wefrrlotir? ! v i s nut at libn tv to w itli ii. i l f*?>in our n ailers. One of these is tJen. Jackson's c >nncxi.?.i with Col. Burr in h < con template ! cut r>>rise ill 1S07. forbearing any remains ..f t..i:r own, we shall leave our r>-A?i . ?? tt . lemtmc what weight should be atta. h ? i to fie following evidence. 1 vat t '1* a l? tt' r f oiii Jtvi-je Nat'iauu-l \V. . - fTei - . . t ? Satham l\V, t\, Iv rr, ? ??(. ?lat?-tl 1 5th I't-n mha, 1*27. ?? M\ n ;n Sir ? t i- mijuIm- ss to think uf J . k-un for Piwid.-m ??!' tin' Vi iletl S : ;*'?*?.. Thi- Riirr maUer t cannot h< misiakcp about ? my evs and III} ears HIV my \\ilw* ses. ? Hi* { f .1 m) offered mo a commission uf r.? train in H'irr's army ? or told mr i vi.nlil get one if I would accept \".l ?'til ing t li iv. aff-ir lie said to mo, in i.e presmce of Judge . (who though now s,i\m he dors not remem ber it.) ? depend upon it, gentlemen, tlir division of tin' Lnit?-(i States has tak m deep ro??t. Vou will find a incnib<-r of the senate ami a number <>! lite numbers of the house of re pr - natives deeply involved in the si heme. * " Jickson to William?.) frmita^'C, February 2 3, 1328. Sir ? 'I a\ i-;g i ec u ed i letter from a I: v.i'fil (I. honorahlr gemirinait ? ?I \ .rgiJii'i. ho truth itid k i<ncs lioic to ajtpreriate character , i 10 > no ti.< i' in i*v ing 'fl??rr jou the j;r ?- * i ript of his letter ?' hit h is in the following words, to wit: ?? It m*y be v ??ll tij sa\ that Irtft r w f.s handt'd aii ? at the . hiatus Convention. I hit. arriving vou ot hemg i onrern e in I i u r '?*?? i i.ii*;iirai \ . npon the mu j'i : i , \ ?d a .Jti?lge Nathaniel Wil 1 i .. M ? -. ? if votii slate. The report is, ti. 1 1 ii- J <t ig"1 Williams w rites, w hen a voung man lie applied to you. then a ju !.*.?. 'o sign hi- license as a law j t*r, t.iat w?u did so, hut recommend e i ??> Mm. a* v?m conceived him to he u Tn.tii ?f, to push his fortune |>> joining Hurt', ir/io urns thru in voir 'i nisr promising it lie would do J so. (o plot iii" f'#r loin a commissi n as a <apf:nti m Burr's army. This *.'.or\ i- gom:, the rounds Ir m th ' \ i ! ..ns </'? legates, v ho have returned J 11 in not w ithstaudi'ig tliej ought to In' * tli.M vou was the first person t< ;.nt < io\ ernor Claiborne on iiis g.j- '?! against the schemes ot Hurr. \ i.UIH M S VT." 1,1* in inis ij< the country rontra <1; t t/.i-. -trt cni?,iit,as it is \v< I' U n< > v\ n ( ti (? I h-uim-iI my ajipoiin merit of in !)??!'. 1 1- i ol. n.itr ewr was in tli? ??fit< ol I't-Min bmci* I cannot, then, f')l (MM* III. Ml. cut. I>P| nilt III > Sf'lt 1 f ? lj?- - lif\i- tiiat y?u. charted .is win hit, to \ s?-.i* on th- jnriit ihI Ii? fh'I oi IV?. in svr. hiii'iI gitr }otn hiiiImm iH to sin li a'i ii'ifoo'iilr'l l<tis*'iMM>(|. Duty t'< f'l - '.I .11 *A II to Vol!. tti?*i*? !?/' ?\ r 'piir that sImmiWI. with Oil ?! I*, .i wse umi of t Ills IiIm'I i|i). on in in ?? |'?m*I ?'!*. s you Hid > at oil' r <!??? i>iM' wi#' !ii r ) on h rr or an* not ti#- a:.tli?M m tliH i alu<tiii\ . before I I rijioiP it as - ii < li. i a'li. <? ii'l have h' fn. ? II a'1* is??l s ? ? f i o iiliinatloii i>f ,i bus? U' ll v lit ! f ii io r? niH-ssifo. u liosr <i h j> < i I ' I- to si t ? i* i ? I me I ? ? l ' ijiitll i. i v , I h ? > ii'-vrr liranl, or ha I Mm' ? ? . - 1 i it tin i i i 'i that . on h err o? tliat yr , tp. \ . I now hrlit-vr \ ? ??j . m !mi mi ??' be o >\rll sail Jf of ? I* t't -I ill) I<l < 1 1| t |M|i ?l III ?(' piltlv I I |?l o' tlM*!" t i i? t n fil " rtliin:', as t it 1 ' |C ITf ti'll ''I O |\ C IO III' I ??! . r > o i. ri | i hi' <to< i* -a it ii inr. **o'jl I br H ??? I ?? ?ll"l? nf'll to .null III |i s* % r o ii;i i;.iii". ?? m ' | Ml' hi r < i 1||| O .? .1 ?>) llll . " ? ' II til .?? nnj?r ssi'iii, I scii?i J. . i). b. Don- , i elson to you with this communication. ' having no doubt, as an honorable I man, that you will send mc a frank I am! prompt reply. (A copy. Signed) ANDKKW JACKSON. j Tl ic hon. Nathaniel Williams, Juiijc of tbe Circuit Courts of T?nno*ace. I Judge W illiams'? reply to Gen. Jackson. ; i Sparta, February S7, 1829. , After cop\ ing. from General Jack son's letter to me, the report us sta ted in his letter. I wrote as follows: I can very frankly deny ever hav ing written the letter spoken of by the gentleman who wrote >o u from Washington. hut I did write a letter t?? a relation of mine, at that time in liiehmond. The letter, if seen, would show that it was designed as a confi dential one. I do iii?i s?t this nine, re collect accurately *hat ihe letter did contain; 1 h<-licve. though, lean re , member ? part, it not tin whole, oi what ? intended at the time, and I . will state it. as it is but just, that what has been, by my means, private ly circulated, should tie publicly a vowed under the necessities of this , case. ? I Some time after ^lurr had passed ' } Nashville once or twice to the lower J ? country, before Mr. J.fTerson*s pro- i clamation, in riding from (?em ral Jackson's bouse to Nashville Men. 1 Ja kson, in reference to th;?t con spiracy, or what was aft rwanls called by others a conspiracy, sanl to me. ?? that I could, if 1 would ac- . cept it. obtain a commission of cap- j i tain." ! Afterwards, during tlio sitting of the couniy coiut of Suinurr. .?t a time iVi'-ll I* \t 'Oil VlldersoM told III*' til'.it ritii.-r Burr or \dair. or both of 'hrtn, w ir nt lien. Jui konn's hou-e, in a r?vun ..f a tavern then k? |?t hv Kd ' Crutcher, (ion. J ickxim said ? t ?? itH* ? I think Judge Stiurt was .thru in the room T.?k?* notice, gentlemen. you will find that a divis- i j ion of the I nited States lias tak<n ! , deep root: \ou will find that a mem- | ! ber oi t li<* Senate. and a number of ? . the nii'inl) i s of the Il<>use of Kepre- I I sentatiies, are deeph involved in the ' Si In-Ill' I I am not certain that the above was contained in n?> private letter to Nathaniel Kerr: but as I have made these statements privately, it i- but just that I should now avow them. j I am in hopes sir. that this letter | \\ i S I he altogether satisfactory tovou; i for. Gen. Jackson may be assured. , (the Presidential question a*id*-l no man r mi feel more hound to Gen. ! Jackson than myself, for the great honor conferred hv him on in* coun try. NATII \V. WILL i A MS. j litv. A\i?ur.w Jvckso.v. I Judce Williams" a Statement. i X tuler. the belief that it i^ iny du ty to make the lollow ing stat. men I , make it. I inovt-d to Nashvilh-. I en nessi n, from the count* nf I'ittsylia nia. \ irginia. in the lull ol the year 1^04, :?t the age ??f tv\ enty -live, that is, I moved Iroin Virginia in 1803, to Hawkins court house, Has' Tennes see, and from there. I mo \ oil to Nash ville. In ISOd or *7. these Burr inat J t. rs transpired. I, before protesting gain-! th?* proceedings of Burr, had ( been lei rjii'-iitly employed in (i? neral [Jackson's Collecting business, and : other sutN of his I think in the ! Spring <<r Fall of 1 SO'}, in ri'ling from 1 the (i iit-ril's house to Nashville near the ( I ?ver Bottom, he spoke to me in relation to a commission in Burr's army. And in the same year, at Gallatin, he made the declaration in re I at ion t i the di vi -ion of the I in I on, as Mated ill onr < oi*r cp ?iu!? in not only tln-n lUt'-rminrd that I I would o ?< a'"** t?> what I Indirvrd j to l?e Burr's schemcs. but, that I would o ?ji?isr i.i i. vi- ks I could. Kithcr hemre or al'l< ?' Mr. rion'i 1 proi lama1 ion. it w ,ts. as I thought, I intrndt'd to ini|n-rH<4 the public mind ! with a bHtrl that a hall, thru on hand at N?inIi\ ill* , \* as in'?'iidrd as mark , o I !*? -jn ? t to Cnl??n?d llurr. \ nuui hrr 'i| ^rn'li inn in Nashville, to (lis. , t|<?> this iiii|ii? N-i<ui. and to sh<?>\ ? tin i?- dis ipjnoha'i'Mi ol IJiiit. d'-trr iiniird t * il nirl (inn- should not . .itt'-nd tin' h ill, and sm ii< iinni d ( ol. Bin r tin ou^fi .1'io^f John tKri 'un, who rciiii'iifd a pii i inl'iiiii it >oti, as h> told inr IV ?'? IJiiit. Ilia t'olo in l Hnri .ad d?'f loti'd ? nniMitC to tin* hat*. \\ till 'in-* w<- weir satisfied. \'imit thr inni'-iiir ImII was n.iil o\ - rr. I \san -i.iimIui.. ? .? i list tin* wall. <>|i| . w 1 1 for ?l. i?n- ?il fM'iali'T t > tlnr roMfn nn<; >a? (? mTil.lf'k onload ll'ir?* ? y ih?* i' in .'t i ' i?' r nm. vtnd in ii?<>u< ' ' 1 1 it v | T 1 1 rut. ? ih r i.jh* f?ir:ti, io t In I. Mil' tin' ii * t m? ?? <h' ii jiri' v!t. ?l . ii . I r?< nl 1 1 1 1 s 'mio tb??tMi .1 . ft ??-?hi' |iim liimat ion 'iad Hit) II <? mi IliP pi r?n?j- then .'bout N lliv ' p. \nI|M SIT' !tllfll til' it* Oil fin* I i 'iv Ii tlif* !?i oil' -nspi ions. s astii 1 think I look some pains to in quire into that circumstance. Some time afterwards, our party* to show their further indignation, burnt Burr publicly in etligy. I have always be lieved that during this Burr matter, that Major t imon Dixon inlormed me by letter, that General Coffee had ? been engaged in procuring boats and provisions tor Burr on Cumberland i river, though the letter, if there was . one, 1 cannot now find, and I have examined for it. it was my under standing at the time, that Col. Stoke- * ly 1). Hays went off as one of Burr's ' men in his boats, and I ha\e never | heard it disputed sinre. Col. llays ; is a nephew of Mrs. Ja< kson. Al- f though 1 never whs at lien. Jackson's house with Burr, yet I am tolerably I well satisfied according to my recol- j lection at this time ol occurrences ? then, that in the fall of ISOtiamI win ter ol 1807 Burr ami lien. Jaakson were vi t> intimate, and tliat Burr . was frequently at the General's house. The above is a statement of the most prominent farts as to ey are lixed on my recol lection If I am mistaken about any thing, it is about dates, anil about the-n 1 do not pretend to accuracy. N A I'll. >V. WILLIAM S. A history of the two follow .ne letters i- thin j given by Col. Anilrew ilrwiti, of Na.-!i>il!<*. in , a etter to Col. Bimitf of Pu.'a. i'|>hia, many ot th?* gentlemen to whom Col. Kiwiii refers in | Philadelphia hi- know to be men ot 'iigh .stand- . ini? ami respectability ? ?Tlir gentleman to w limn these j letters were written, was. at that J t i mo. im ureil t?> heliev riser's j? 1 1 was 1 iic mines Mexito. and laut their raising lrun}b and other pro- , ! ceedings, were t ? ? sair-tiuiifi by , t !ie go\ crmm-nt. His brother. wit?. '< | whom I shortly afterwards bet-aim* I well acquainted. was to have lnv?. h | Captain in tlu* e\pe !i?ion. .ni?l ? ' ai tii J*, draw a sum o| inonev from the recruiting fund, of ab.or >, which moue\ w >?s aftei-w ,ri!s | ? > ? fl bai k to Cii'ii. Jackso-.i. *s a lorr* ponlence in my possession, bem-ii g date Jamturv l^*. l^s. wtll *? ? w [I lie ill lit wa* p. ml to A ml re* .In- k. son. the If'.p. ? f January 1S0R I !. .\il | this information from this C tp'ain. myself, in his life tinn-. I h'?ar.l-i! at his house two or three weeks. \\ ! ? i I ?? attending to the re survev mg ol Nor ton l'ryor's lai.tls in 1S0T.'* ? ?Many gentleman mi \oiir city know my ham!- writing- .?sn is. am! known inc. to wit J .m s I'at'oti. jr. Dr. Isaac fleylin. t ' .h.i.el .J.?ln> M I'rice. John and (Charles W'is. ter. Mr. Cressen and main otners. to whom the public are referred; in addition t-? all ?>f which they are re. fern d to the original lifters n?*\v he. i lore me. whic h shall he exhibited | w he ne\ er demanded to be seen. The gen leinan. t ?? whom these letters were addn ssetl, was so far deceived by this II ro of two wars, as t> he his messenger t*? H'Iit's son-in-law. Col. Alston. th'Mi of South Carolina It was in consequence ? >1 going there that lie found out that their plans were not sanctioned by government. Having found this out he immediate, ly abandoned the project, and. for this diTiitful outrage, attempted io? himself and brother, as well as J titlge Williams, lie viewed Jackson as a dangerous inan to hi exalted to the exercise of discretion.\ry power, win !i fully acrounts for his prudent disi Insure of this plan of treason so boldly denied in the organ of the com bination.'* i Copv of a !? ttrr frmn firri \ii1fw larkson, 1 <! ii? >1 llrnnitagu, S< j>i. . |MW. C * ill. It ti 1*1* is with inc. In* airi\r<l last night ? I would It- happy you i would rail ?? ti ' I see tlii- Col. iit f'irr j \nii return ? say to fli*1 t?>*n. I), that I I shall expert lo see liiin here on to morrow with } o?i ? N\ iit| l?l it nut lie we|| Cor us to do something as a mat k ?, ol a'tciiti<.n t ? tin* Col, 1 1 <? has al- . wa\s ami is still a true ami trusty I Iri' irl t<> IVnnessee ? II (ienrral !*o- J hprt-oii is with you whim \ m receive i litis |j?' good enough to ->ay to him. ' that < ol. Ilurr is in tin- country ? I know the (ien. K. will h<- happy in i joining hi any t hi up; ? that will tend to shfW a mark ol respect to this wor'li> Msitant. \\ 1 1 h ?! It ?* Ksterfn. \N DUKN J WKSON. C'.j - r?f .tif'tli r if'ilir I r* > ? t i tlir i) ? ar I ri'-ml: I send you lite hun dred dollars. It appears to nn: I said I would sen 1 > on SlofiO. Hut when I c.un' to invHrll I loiind that there 1 wer?* appropriai ions made that 1 knew ' nothing ol. I his I learnt at the store, J an ! Two Journeys to pi-rf'orm? and exp? nxi's to he horn that my rerollc - tioodn! not net ve with at the moment ? I omorrow when you rome up. ar rangements shall he made, so as to a< < ominodatr as far as I r an ? My de r ?m , do not fail to toim- up to morrow, at ten oVlo? k I will inert you at ruy house; I ha\c to see (?tn. Smith in the morning at his house ? I Tlic Hunts I think j tin said fi\e in I number ami some l*ork \ ??n would , furnish ? these must he done against the 20th December next but more i of this tomorrow you must set out in a very few days. I will furnish the needful !? The cash now sent is in part for the boats ? t ho hallanre on delivery Kither in hank hills or a Draft on New Orleans the S3000 be ing all tin* cash that can he furnished, tins must lie appropriated in the In st Possible advantage ? and to the last shilling will be put in your way if you ran furnish the Ho.tts and l'ork except so mueh as will meet the en gagements already entered inio. ? I send you twenty SCO bills and ten Sll) hills ? which I w isli sale to hand, and b< g of you not to f ? i I coming np (??morrow ? I wish to start a messen ger on inomlay next ? Health \ respect, AN DUE W JACKSON. Col. F.rwin o?ld?: ? ? Now. Sir, Burr did remain on the firs' visit from I lit* -2 3 ? *?' of Sep tember t<? tin* titli ol October. as ap !?? a> s in pi'int, Mini again ft' urneil tin* 14th of December an-' remained un der t lit- 22d; In* iliil lake two nl these bouts. tin* pork ?Vc. ami was escorted hv General .Ia< kson*n favor ite nephew bv marriage, Col. Stuke I v 1). Ha) s." Dr B"vd M'Nsrv of N.v*hville. m an indig nant ami intuit at ? inpt t<i ri'j'i ! ? ni?- w -? itnii ' a'ltbc wlnrh 'ia I Seen tl-novn upon I mi in v??ral M'lonvmonM ation*, 'ia? r nbii.-iifil j all t .>? for? li'iuii* l.-tt.-f ??. Tlte "f ilic lv* I | .M, ? '?* at' in I.I- r-l'HI. "ill tii?' !ia-l ?'i"i ig i it* ti< ral 'a' W* an- may In i'H|m i I (i\ ariv ?? ;itl' m i n i tr?r par ty w'lt. will rail ?tjn.fl li.lll ti.f ttlt pnrjt. ???? Dr M N . v ? ' - ? ln? a l?ir? -* w till tin f.?l. 1. ?*? in i; i i i i : ?-? I !i.i\r n<? intention or <! i - 1?? ?- i 1 1 ? ?ri to on uient upon 1 !ft t ? r> I he\ li ? \ ?? '?. ? II lIl'ilHfl *ro!l> III)' nv t'n* per iio,i?. in i?. i.. I n il- rat?-d abuse fit lien. J .% i. t.i'* pu'isaiis. and I li-?.vc t hi in i:i rnum \ioii with nth* I- c ir i nmstuuc vs. to hi* i onsidered ami I iil^t'il ?.f ':j> 'In Amrrir.tii people. L' t i: .1" i ' in- ... o-ivtl. however. thai thi* friends ol General .l.n k-nn have In v rhenient in their < unilnn n at tuns ol Mr. \datus ami Mr ( lav. on the* ground un-relv ?*f i mi p*rture am! sus picion: Kar In* it from m?> to loflow or to rcmnmrml their illiberal r\. ample. 1 5 -t t while doitiliu nts 1 1 k ? tip ?e w ei ?* in e\i-.tem e. t alt ulated at least to throw a shade u| awlnl doubt ami (earful appn-h* nsion arouml the character ol tin ir favorite, how ill dnl it become them to raise a rry of bargain .on] < orruption against sin h lo> g tii'-d a 1 1 ? I (.mil public servants, on the strength ol ?? v idem e rrrtaml v not inoi'i' derisive, to sav the least, against t 'if"? ! \ s a friend to the able an I distinguished patriots, now at the head ol our g >\ ei nmei.t . I may. without iinpropint > . appeal to the A in man people in their be half. The hraviest (barge that has ever been<' against them by theji bitterest opponents, is that of a mu tual understanding to promote, bv their iiilhi' in e. the elevation of ea? h other. \oil how does this t h.trge. de grading a? it certainh v\ould he, if siisf, lined, sink into insignificance. in c onpirisou with that of the ronnex ion with traitors, in a conspiracy to sever our Union, and destroy the li berties of nur country !! Let it then l?e distinctly borne in mind, that the w ho|i ( nam of testimony. brought to gether link bv link, with surli perse vering indu-dry, in the support of the oTt-repfateil i barge of liargiiin ami rorroptim.. is al least as feeble as the (omhinati'in ol cir^uinstam es now arravid ag.iinsi their rompi'titor. in , support of .i charge so ttnu Ii more se l ioos and alarming ' ii is irur, .1 'diii (Juinry Adams dors r.ot 1 1 \ ?? w i1 Ii us in Ti niit sm-c,' lint l??- i-i a i i I of tin* <n,iin ? m'l iit |{<'l>ii!ilic \% till iMii'Sfh rs, \\ 1 1 1 < 1 1 wr !n?|?e is ilc * 1 1 in* ? ? Ion;.; to ronltnur mir tuition. m?t >\ itlislant|in;4 1l?r rllot'ts ol ^ traitors. i lii* t in is ol i x itrd par tis, mi?, ;* n ? I tlir loiifli Hut; llitrri'sts ol iltllrrriit sn lions. Mr sti? re^si * r l\ rii|o\ r'l tlir i ??nli*t>*ti( c ? ? I a*?li? lll.^ton. Jrflrl soM Nl mils- 1||, ami Moii- i ro?\ Mr ta .is ili?|il..\ I |ire-rininrnt ability n if I iiml nlit' il patriotism, tlirotii^fiout a I ili: ??l sira'lv ?!?? votion to Ins i oiiriM %'* in'? irsis: ami In* lias nrv? r ????? 1 1 simni'lul nl f.ivor in? a rott-|iira? \ to dissolve tlir I ni on, JSli iil In* tm ii, .* I tins iati* | it* i loil, be <1i?misM I Iroin tlir pulili* sr|-\ irr, morel) lirrausr In* lias appoint* il to [ tlir most inipor ant st tion m Ins rati , inrt a distinguished ? omprtiior, rrsi- j il'-ut in tin- went? Shall In* In* Miiprr srilnl, at tliin rt ilu al |m*i i ?d. wlirn i Ii** seeds ol (| i mni<>n ,?rr -o rxt< nsi\ v I) srait tmI mil Hi" MttmUiil of ri vil dissi-nsinn is,Mi?a<l\ it a rdiiilhc Aoiltli, l? v o n- wi "s pi ? iniii in r s allo^i tli. r military. ami lio ? former period i>l Uaiig?*r to our I uioii, was found in the closest intiann with Aaron Uuri\ introducing hin with every mark of respect t?. | , friends ai the Hermitage, procuring for him boats and pro\ isions, antj furnishing ?* thr netdj'ul" to fit (tut hi* expedition' 1 w ish lu re to ho district, ly understood. I do not charge Q,.n Jackson with any traitorous design*. I leave the documents precisely as I 1 find them. Hut I do say. and I am | surely justified in sating, tliatjfsurli * men as Adams and I lay are to be condemned, as guilty of corrupt in trigue. on the \ ague evidence of loose ami ill remembered ronvcrsati iin. doubtful inufudocs. and unexhihitcd private letters, a competitor slioultj at least he found, against whom no I simila:* testimony can he produc t1. 1 would willingly abandon this pet ty warfare against the pure ami ele vated charai UTs of our most distin guished public men. Hut Mireh i[ our politician" t?? ? 1 . course of suspicion ? if they will re i sort to con\c?satioiis an*. . f | doubtlul import, as o\ idecie ,.g , (l>t ? our best and ablest statesman. n |S ' hut justice to meet them on their own ground. 1 surely cannot be accused of il I iboralit \ or unfairm when | am referred to the cou\ ersatious ot Marklet and Hiichanan. :is rout hi ! si\e against Mr. Clay ? il I ritr m reply the derlai ati-ms ol Judge N\ i! liauis in relation to t icneral J <u kson. And when I a^i told <d supposed ii . terliiM-atioiis by Mr. Adams m a let ter o* Mr. W ebster. or ol the '.u?j>i. ? ious chara* tcr of the correspondent c ln tAcen Mr. ? I ?> and I'r.neis |'. lllair I hiii bound by every pritniplu nt justice and fa r d? alllig, to silence t?n -ever th?'se slanderous i ill | iiit <t t !oiicf h\ p* 'lilting to the aliov e lett? rs ir i!ie, h.iiid w ritting of t .en. Jackson. 1 tru^t tl.e partisan** of Uie will now be coiix inred that no bene fit call result to them Ol to their r.iusc from ahi.siog me. II they wish me t<j tie silent, let them cease to assail mc. I,et 1 1t** lit turn their at'entioii to o'.li M itior important matters, and they will find ample employment tur oil theic pens, uuiil the next presiih election, without again provtikiin,* me to furnish them additional nn'er; als. HOYII M'N \ I H Y | A't^if*! 1 lt!i, 1 Kornjjn I nf?-lli^rnrp. N Vi>r k, \ u(ju?i j i. Hy the arrival ' n Saturday, of the I.i? 4 *n;x>ol parker ship William Th->mp? ' C-jp'. Maxwell, cf the If *? ult mo, d William Ilv?nc?, Capt. Ila<ksaff( 9 1 h ult v* e ha?c re< eived our t egti 1 a r file* ??' London and Liverpool paprrs to t ?? c latest date* We annex a sura ma-y of the most important of the cur rents. AMERICAN TARII-T. On the m > ?>?? lor the house of com* j mo^s on tt.e I 1 1 li , to into a commit tre of way* and m-ani, Mr S'uart railed t'ie attention of the house ?o the duties, jlfll'til amounting to p'ohihmon, imp 's' (I by the Vneri can tariff on thr impora ion ? I Ilr n sli : manufactures anrl pr< dure. It was 'oa 1 la'e to oriyina'c a> y measure on the suhje< t in the pres? r?t ?e*?iut ; hut ne ill" ^h' the eoun'rv OUu'ht '?> ' av? the satisfaction "f Known ^ 1 S - 1 the *?i je <" t attracted the attention of his majesty's Rnv^rnmert. The Cha* cellor of the F.xr he in answer, said, that he ha<1 00 doubt t haf his Hon l'riend, the PrraiiJcnt of 'he I J ? r <* of TraJe, who wa? not at pre?err io < ir? unis'ances to rommunt* c.?tr to the In'ise his opinions on the ?uhjert. would take the earlier! oppor tuni v of attt ndi ^ to it. In the hou*e ?f rommons rn the I t'.ii Mr. IIa*ki<t<on t^ave noti re that he woiil'l m ve or) Thursday, 17 'hat a huro'le a'fdicss he prist r.ted to n?s fnajestv, for the purpose nl ln*ir? fa '! on tl.e table any communira-ion* *? hie : * h?d pa??cd with this j?ovcmaicnf 'r,i the L'oitfd Siates of America, and < I ies of instructions sent to his majfs') s m nistf r. in that country, rela'nc it the I >T tariff. ML SSI \ AM) TURKI'.Y. | An ? flu bull* 'in of (fir !{us?:an ?' 1 rny, dated born t he ramparts of I H/T9' I 2 Ml? f June, contain* the details of tho j >'? of Mrailow, which surrrnrfcrf ? ? '? r a> ass>ul:; hut i l>c nucccii of the Hu ? arm. artorHini* to their ov?n ;taic? 4 men' '.I il.r afTiir, appears to l.jvc hern dejrly purchased. The bridges having b-t n ')? c n i r (J pi Hdi' it ?ii rev b cil to u't' in pt i i.?kc t fir pl.j? c ' y o ? f? 0 t I ? r I eh. All 'he n?mcs vr re be * ruru' at once, and iinmcdiat 'y after 'tic explosion 1 1 ? c troops were to mount thehea'hiv ( )nc of the mines how* ' ?cr, lib vv up too anon; its cx ,'>Iosi?n 1 urn (I the ? iricct w ho was 'o fire 'l|<5 c i (f tn in , which did not blow ?i r? but amidst the cl<iudt of duti ?oil smoke *h|i h gro r on ail sidi* it was i m |>i>*,*i? ble to distinguish the state o the bread. ? '? The '.iillctin says, The c??lunr?r>* rus'icd loi wm i' to the <?ss'?ult. A1' 'ho oflu t r* mil pciirr jIs wer' a' then hc?; < ** Ih the V'. tiii'Ci t fc who had < fl> rd 10 be the iiibt to stale the tnttn) '? ran?^:

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