I time on the right, to the uumb?r of I i2J Hucceeded in scalling the walls, but ;|i-y were all killed except a subaltern ItTuer. who threw himself into the Da nube. On the left the same obstacles appeared, atiJ after a most desperate action, it was necessary to sound a re :rf4*, which was efTected in great ord*?r, but *',fl considerable loss, for the fire of the Ttfk*. which wji equally heaty -- ? well directed, redoubled when they our troops retreat, and desirous of moQiint; by their success to de?iroy our * >r l? s, they made six sallies against the regiment of Cazih", which repulsed ? hem all, and many of the enemy. At naif past seven our troops occupi- 1 C4j the same position as before the at ? 3ik, awl the enemy had not been able o . arrv or damage any of our works. the 16ih the mint. which could not explode the day oefore, was blown up ?,v order of the firand D ike Michael, on the 17tb Turkish Knvoys came ;o a-k a" ar?n:stice 'or ten days, promi- I 5 il.-jt the place should be surrender tJ if ri'it relieved by that time. The r.rand Duke gian ed them only a truce i f ir - i hours, which 'hey acceptcd. The 1) ?ayn our grn-rals and troops rival ( J n o'licr in bravery, but our loss wan ! severe. The Turks defended them* j it'vci with a courage worthy of the lushest praise. Their loss in killed ! wa? however most sensible in the sal ::es which they made. Col. BibikofT, ! f>:d de camp ?o the (irand Duke Mi ciiael, has this moment brought to the c npcror the keys of Brailow, which surrendered at the expiration of the truce At the same time news arrived of t'?e surrender of the lortrcss of Mat clum." 1 Tf.e last Frcnch papers m?n'ion a report 'hat the siege of Brai uv has -?.st th' Russians between 15 and 16,000 nifB. The capitulation having allowed ?.he Turks to retire by the Danube, tbe whole population is said to have follow* fii the garrison, which still consisted of i'.SDU men, ?o that when the Russians * cti'eied the place they did not find in it a single inhabitant. The cannons on the ramparts were spiked* and the cna^a ?-.nes destroyed. i TURKEY ? The last accounts from j the east, are to the 24:h u It. at which , timr the Russians, who had removed ' thnr camp to Karassou, were pr^ce< <1 , ing in an aim >st uninterrupted course ol victory. In addition to the cap'ure of B141I0W, .wo other important tu r - ( tresses had surrendered? Hirsova, on I the Danube, and K-istenjii. on the Black Sea. By the po?-e?sion of ihe^e place* the Russians have ke> ur?.d the rear on tiieir right and left flsnks, whilst that of tbe latter will enable fbevm to recsive, with the greatest facility, supplies of ? r-jvisicns and stores from Octessa. In tnth pla ?-s considerable -]uantities of a ? 1 1*. e r y and am muni ior.,as well a. mili tary stores, fell into the hands of the P. us. i'cor the chair, and John W . Norwood aderi ;i4 s?*-r Bartl-tt Yancey. I Indd in ,i :id ri'rlim resolution* to tiiat cfT?-ct; but '? I lay them before you, I beg to re. * ?i:? y on witli a few remark* It is now, I rtk, twenty yearn or more since my ae^uwiu* | v/itli Mr. Yancey commenced. lie " ? ? t ??*' n j:i?t ontere 1 mtj the profession ? ??I 'c, unknown, and poor; but l?y .i steady ' i'i n'lon to business, and vigorous proii'TU of lii?* profession, fie li.nl built up I*" ' ? i "i ? i * name ami a fortune. \t the tiin?' of 4 1" itii t>e no lonijer unknown or poor ' i ? ig'i ?till a voting man, a* a prof ssional In i i *v?: all have known him; you aii'l I Mif. '"r a ?*ic i" i|>3' e nf time than any otlicr member ot this bar with one exception; and we h.ivo kn^wn bin as a high minded, honorable man. I J ' ? v sum" b<- was e^ecllcd ill the powers r>f t' atoning, and l?v otlwr* in tlie '/rare* of ora tory, by none was he surpassed in tlia' plain practical good sense, which rendered him ''ini n?-iiilv nueee?afitl as a j iry lawvr. In a short tim'i after be ha I been in the practiee <>f llio law, the district iii whieh ho resided chose 'um as its representative in the. congress of the I'nited Stales, and liere Mr. Vaneey t?>ok*a hi{?h and distinguished station: his practical talents noon brought bun forward and placed i him at t lie boa I of one of the most important i fomniittces ot tbe houw of representative#. I This station he continued to occupy while a ' member of the house, lint in a few years be Wm aibn inis n-rt, thai however alluring the pat'i ,if polit i al life might be, it did "ot, in *hi? "iint ry. lead to we ill'i. and that I So ti.ne bad not \ct arrived to him, when pint ice to In.* f.vnil\ would permit luru to 'levoto hi ns ekly labour, we shook ? ae'j otle-r bv the hand and hade hs maul v form. It tit it is not That maily form is prostrate hi the dust; that ha .d :s odd and lifeless, and tii<* gene rous heart that animated it n ul ul ti.e vi - lev, arid tiiat voice lost in the s. -in e of Itic tomb. But, sir, t 'i?*re iio lef >???? c t ; i -t ! ;i to S. drawn fro'u tl.i* si i ? \ ? ;i* ' \ s, it?p"aks to us in it v e that will !??? ' ? a. !. I' tells us, thit such ?? we now arc. flushed with health a'id buovant w ith h<>p?\ i f w short lavs -mce was Bartlett Yancey; n,,,| M1 k t"cvv sjiort ne thing we do knor with certainty ? we all must die, when r>r where \v know not. Is fh re among us one who doubts the iriimor t .ill' v -f the soul, and its a. count ability to Uod? who doubts a future state of rewards and pu- . nishincuts' No, there is not one. I.et, then, tin sudden a. id unexpected death of our fiiend cause ? . pause and reflect. If there be a God - and that th?T" i? all nature cries aloud, anil ev v pulsntmn ?'f our luarts teaches us the truth ? he must be .i parted brotiiT; to reflect on the brittle t- nure of !.!? and t,i determine that while it i? yet <' i\ with us, we will prepare for the night of 71 >r i-d and respected in hi* hf-, may h< prv.e useful to us, even < i Ins d a: i. In i nil' lu'ion Mr. Nas!? etf re 1 1 'n to'lowing re- dutions, w itch w< P; tn.iui.'n >u-'\ a I ?pt ii: Tint th ? nietnl) -r* nt'l'ti" h.ii Mu tt ? ? tn I ?!'i t r . i .1 1 1 v - ut' 'mii il it.!"''") friend :n ii mii 1 it? - . nit il>le .!m |.- iMa;k)ii of On in.- Hi?i\ulcnc< MimI cine "re iv do W?* h >|?e. fh'it liiH stroke lli.l \ he t< III prilHl In them iu merit; ti 1 1 1 1 we to i (Mil r ii with tho'e tt |in nr>- iMllo'l t<> iiiuiii ii, on f!i:? >i ?t dut rc4.-'iii2 h ?> i \ ? in 'if. 'I'fi it tne niMuSt r* of tin* liar deplore, in <'??:iini'i i i ? ?? t.ifir ? low i ill/ i*. I i? -?i?. I?1 ;? id t ari> t their lu ill it ? ! ID' nil .i 1 1 ? I lirutlii r I * a t; i ? 1 i t i ^ t\ i ?:* l'lit v n ii-ird fit ili'(i'a?i' .is ;i |iiililn It tnlriii'v aim- t ?' t" I he ImH of hi* Itirl'l. .I.l'l KIICA'I IIS to jefceivo th? I ro ii--' ofjiolit v moil I'oiidtii iv !'. ? o'l" re*?, ill I lie lef i?l. ture of his natite ?i.it . ,i t'iii iiir ?n ite, h t Mi- liar, hi nil t fir walk* of private life, Nlr Yanret t vi r in ?it>*iif tho ut, letr*! mt" i'v t ie lir tiaetita of c-iii?rioi|4 r?? ? it ii.* . the r.i' 'or of t'rieniNliifi, n'id the tender a n' r f ion of i devoted hwdiand and kind parent Mr loir td. That the 'ni-nili- ih of t'iii their rei?|?ert aisd nfl'-i lnui f.ir the niriiiory I their dri'i'itiK'il brother. ftnolrtd. That a ropy of t' or rr?o'ntn>ii< he transmitted to the IV i i v ot,Mr Vancv Kft'flrrJ, I M AS RUFF1N, Chai n. John W. Noiiwoup, Srcr'y. SMUT l\ WIIK \T. Mit. Hi vktt: ? r'i Tt- in murli rotn,i tin' i'? .nasn i? ?n s ??(" tin* on i try ut Smut in the last crop of r wheat; anil as the time for sowing is approaching, it is a matter of great consequence that the community should be in possession of the knowl edge of any preventive against the recurrence of this malady another year. The following methods have been tried with entire success. i 1st. Steep your seed wheat five or ; six hours in pretty strong lye. 2d. Strep it twenty. four hours in brine, strong enough to bear an eg RJ or. 3d. Wash it thoroughly in several changes of pure spring water, stir ring it thoroughly. Bv carefully attending to either of those rules. th?re will belittle danger in sowing from sinutty grain. B. A serious fir. took place at l'atter- ' son, N. J., ott Sunday afternoon the 24 tli ult. which destroyed about thir ty stores and dwelling houses in the most valuable part of the towu. The Cincinnati Gazette of the 23d ultimo, contains intelligence or the sudden death of Governor Rfy. Ve ry shortly before his death it was as certained tli.it he wa9 re-elected gov ernor of Indiana. The Kentucky Argus of the 27th ult, says: ?? >Ve learn that Judge Robert Trimble died on Mondav last " Full returns have been received of the election Tor governor and lieuten ant governor in the state of Kentuc ky. Gen. Metcalf, the administration candidate for governor, by a majori ty of 709: and Mr. Breathitt, the the J hi kson candidate for lieutenant governor, by a majority of 1087 voles. The votes stand thus: For gov ernor. Metcalf 38,940, Barry 38,321. For Lieutenant g >\ernor Breathitt 37,54 1, Underwood 3G.454. I Raleigh, September 1. On Tuesday last, ff'm L Wolfe, a lawless and desperate fellow, was taken up in this city and ordered to prison as a vagrant. On arming at ilie jail, he was dim ted to enter one ol the lower apartmruts: which he re fused to do, anil immediately ascend ed the stairs, seized a large bar of iron, and threatened to kill any per son who should attempt to bring hi in down. A man by the name of Mer rill Miller then ascended for the pur pose of taking hi?n. On approaching In in. he gave Miller a severe blow on the side of the head with the bar, whiih fractured his sk ill: when Col. W iatt. the jailor, fired it df w ith a pistol, and lodged a ball and two buck shot in his abdomen. Li? lin gered untile o'clock yesterday after noon. when he expired. A coroner's inquest was held over his body, which rendered a verdict, that his death was occasioned by three w ounds received from a pistol fired by John T. C. W iatt w h lie in the discharge of hi*, duty as jailor. Miller lies dan gerously ill. and his recovery is considered somewhat doubt'ul. Star. Another Gtfil Mine Discovered. ? We leai ii from a correspondent hi Granville, that gold has been found in that county, two miles from Le in.i\'s Cross RoaUtb Seas and I' ? rill'' O ( in A ro ninittre of the ?* i - ti/.?'iis of tbr town has been appoin ted to ?id ins inquiries. Mr. Iley nol Is m in >ri.ili/.?'il ? nngress on the mib| t of an exploring expedition in tbr So'iili S??as. an I sin < i?> drd hi ?b tainuig an net. ?mill ?rt/ing on** in d r tbc direction ol tho navy depart* incut. I f Mr. AatUBOn, Ut? agent of th? Amencta Colonintion 8ociety, di?d at New ' nven, Con. on the night of the t5th alt. where he hud re | cently arrived, having sunk under a dtsease I contracted by his long and unbroken ruaidcnce j in Africa. The following brief sketch of the i life and character of that lamented individual | is from the Baltimore Gaxette. ??On the 26th or May. 1823, Mr. Ashmunfaccompanied by his wife and fifty five emigrants. jailed from Aine- i cm* to take charge of the infant colo- j ny of free colored people. th?*n just ! planted at Cape Mesurado. The ho- , liest of motives. ? the amelioration of a people, hail induced him to accept j the .situation of A.^ent for th?* Ameri I can Colonization Society* and made j him regard as naught the dangers and death which had heen the lot of his predecessors in Africa. On the 8th of August, he reached his desti nation This w as the middle of the rainy season. The agents of the Col ony had left it; a distressing fire had consumed the public property and stores; the houses of the emigrants ; were not completed on the high laud ' of the Cape; fortific ations there were none; and the natives, although per fectly quiet were evidently watching the sure progress of dftease and death, to rid them of t lie intruders on their soil. lTnder the superintending care of Mr. Ash mil n, the houses were com pleted; a Maitcllo Tower was com- ' inenced; the clearings around the town were extended; the militaiy strength of the Colony examined and put iu the lu st state for action, and the spirits ol (Iu* emigrants gradual ly raised from the state of desponden- ' cy in which the new agent ha t found them Of the American co'onists, twenty -sevru were able to hear arms, and, for the use of these, there were forty niisket.s fi t for service, anil two ! mounted cannon. Four other pieces of artillery were subsequently moun ted, ami placed at the points most li- 1 able to att.M k. During ttiis period. I Mrs. Ashiiiuu died. Un flu- llth of November, the set- : tlement was attacked by nine hun dred (if the natives, who drove in a picket of ten ni?*n, and captured a ? cannon, and had they not been delay- 1 ed by the plunder of a few houses in their (Mtli. must have undoubtedly carried the town at one rapid charge with their spears. A field piece, how ever, was soon brought to bear upon them; the musketry , galled their flanks, and the whole mass of savages j rolled backwards with immense loss! to the deep recesses of the forest. The * loss of the colonists was four killed, four wounded, and seven children ta ken prisoners. On the 29th of No vember, the attark was renewed by twice the number of natives, and, at this tim?\ at two opposite points of ? the town. The conflict was long and j severe; but again the Almighty gave , victory to the Colonists; and the sa i vages, defeated at both points, re treated across the Mesurado. This was their last attack. Since then, under the care of Mr. Ashmun, the colony has ad\ anced with one steady pace, to a condition of prosperity, un paralled in the annals of colonization, lie reconciled the discordant materi I als which were yearly arriving from } America; he encouraged the down I cast; he ministered to the sick; he I consoled the bereaved in the hour of their deep affliction; he taught all that their shield was the Almighty Arm. and lie imprinted on each bo som the sentiments of heart-felt piety towards their Omnipotent Protector. Toil was pleasure in the cause lie had espoused, and death has been the consequence o? his unrt mining la bor-.. W itli an uncommon judgment, and a most feeling heart, quirk to di e i ie. and still quicker, ha\mg de rided. tocxciutc, lie. was one whose loss is almost irreparable. In A li ra. we know lie will long lie tiny m turned. The colonists looktd up I to liiut with reverential lo\e. and ihe , nuth'-s deep in the interior regarded | tlie ? white man* ol (he ? far country* j as a superior b*'ing. 1 1 ? ? aimed not at the rank, the wealth or the power of this world; hut when the nam s of the politii ians and i ulers of this da), like i!?e highest spray on the summit J of the wa?c, shall have sunk forever > iu ohliiioii, the memory ilizin<;. shall ' endure." , DIED A* the Smin I ut'iir WiltiPiiclon, on tho 1?t ] instant, Mr*. Lliznhrth ll ioptr I) art*, w ifo of Thomas V. Uavix, e*q . >? the 11th y< ar of her age N o r i c k. * l.f, powm i nH ?? *?t ?*? I !?> tni will i!o well to "*? cr*l I o i .1i> i ?1)i ?rt I*. S i| an'l (???ttli' their or account*, for imluifcnce will iot b* trial i JeflYrt h SJi'teinbor 9. 46? in \ NOTICE. I WPILL BE LEASED on the 20th mv . " the premises, for live )tai?, the Plantation, on Little River, known as William D. Kj? \ and the NEGKOES hir* d at the same t Also two old NEGK?>ES belonging to l(a>'s estate, will be let to the lowest bidder. Pro posal will be received puvately until the day of luring, by Jaiues Webb. Sept. 9. 46? 2w noti c; E. ?*T*UE subscribers haying qualified at August ^tcnn of Orange county court, aocucutora of the last will and testament ot Hardy Hur dle, deceased, late of said county, hereby yive notice to all persons indebted to paid decedent to coiue forward and settle their accounts; and those havine claims again -t the estat-, are requested to preitent thein within the time li mited by law, or it will be plead iu bar of their recovery. On Thursday the 25th day ??? Sep tember will be sold, on a credit of tw? months, at the residence of Hardy liurdle, deceased, several likely I\cgr??rs. 2 Horse*}. Cat tic. Hogs. Sllf l?. K *c. Bond and approved security will be itqui rcd ol" purchasers. In'iiry Hurdle, j George Hurdle. jx" September 2 46 ? tda Caswell Court IIou*e liaees. ^l^HE Race* over this Course, w ill commence 1 on V\ edno?dav the 17th day of September, 1&23. First day ? A Race for three year old Colt*, mile heats, fifty dollars entrance. Subscrip tion to remain open until the evening before the race. Second day ? The Proprietor's purse, 150 dollars, mile heats, best three in five Third day ? For tin* Jocky Club purse, 200 dollars, two luile h ats, free for any horse. HsHll V. lluialsoll, Ste r'y. September 9. <46? ? ? ra iKQ 4 ? ? ,v w & ORIGINAL HIGHLY \PPROVED VALUA BLE M KUr INES. TWEiNTY TTEA? S. Lee's E?ix?t lias, t* i 20 jr; i s. been A most successful medicine for the cure of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, asthma, indi cative consumption, and oti.tr cot. pli.int* of the lungs and breast, aa mu .y of our citizens have certified. To Mr. Noah Ridgoly, Baltimore. Dear Sir: ? 1 was attacked with a most vio let cold, and severe cough, and | ams in the breast which continu?d to grow worse, du ring which my a; petite failed, and my voi? e al tered so much, that it was with the eti -.ost ex ertion I could pronounce a single sentence louder than breath, i bought, tuiU used on* phial of your valuable Elixir, which restored me to perfect health. Yours with respect, J. A. SMITH, Market street, Fell's Point. Lee's Famous Anti li" ion5- Pills. ? LEE'S unparalleled Anti Bilious Pilis ? price 25 iind 50 cents per box ? famous for th? cum of bilious and tin- destructive fevers, obsti nate obstructions of the stomach ami bowels, giddiness, costivencss, sickness at stomach, ri> moving colds, 4cc. <$?<". (None are genuine without the the signature of Noah Ridcely Pear Sir: ? Having made use of the \arioug. thigh, and hip, indeed it extended to my shoulder. B v the u-e of the bottle I purchased ??f you, I am perfectly cur?*d. TIIOS WOOTFN, 1 wo miles on the Washington road, life's worm Mr^trnviriK Ij?>zriigrst a most powerful Medicine, removes and de stroys all kinds of worms. 1 j i ? % Mitrrrign Ointment f.?r the Itch.- -W arrantod to cure by one application, free from Mercury or any pi rnuiou- ingredi ents. Lrr*^ ( J?m'i ilio lVr-?ian L'>ti'?li The I'er?ian l.otion operates mildly, rendering the skin d"'uately s?>tt ami smooth, improving the complexion. I ,?? Tooth Arhe limps ? which give immediate reli< f. L '? K)?- \V iter ? a certain euro for sore ? yes. I,r ? *s \ n?*fl v tie Klixir ? for tho cure of head aclio. I, ('? r? Plaster ? for rrmoT ini and destroying corns. I, e*s I,iJ? S |\l. The above highly approved M< domes are sold by \N III. ? U'ltlll^fOll, llil|sboroiii> I, who h.?s pist re?-ei\c' a ip-sh supM\. ( \I TI )N. N'i'it arc renuir ? without ?hw maker'? n um t ? ? t .em, Noah Hi ^ ato Mic I I c .* ?? ) P' Hun ! e; t?c? i rcorc* |tpp?. r| bv t ?p il?. \ ?? I rtdy \ aln i ? ?? im ? ' v , (.!. J h t?i v ? i did t ie liuuta wl" a iitMspai u ''iut ut it September 4G? l3toow