? i A \X. WEDNESDAY, NOVKMIIKH 19 1023. ? Xo. 456. PRICES CURRENT. Jrau I/, r ugniae, Apple, - F?-nrh, . Ricn:i, - - - - - - Butter, ... ('??'Iff, - ? ? '"urn. - - - - I. 1 1 lie?, -nould, I" i\>utd, rough, f ? ir. - - - . ii'uri, <> i, I ,1'rtritl, Co mtry, I- vi. - - - ! ?? I. . - - " it, irti-d I* ? r, \Ti*rican, i. i .1 la naid, . V..m lna, \ w l>i1 ? !?>iu, ? ? r nwuffe, S', fry, . - . ?liU?a, . 'inpow der gall. lb. bash lb. hush bbl. lb. gall. ton. lb. cask, gall, keg. bush. k 150 175 35 lOO 8'? 32 125 90 4 J .100 40 4 5 9 '0 1 200 4')0 10 26 Faycltcrille, -V?w. 13. Newbcrn, ?S'ov. 8. 4 5 30 cts. 15 > 40 50 6 2 > 15 14 35 8S 16 90 450 25 125 50 7 2 50 37 9 22 725 125 70 41 35 i I O 0 90 H.? 1 ' ? J 5 2 J 150 12 ) 250 8 1 lJ 3 ) 250 1 50 160 2 .0 7'i cts. 175 60 8 22 2o 16 4 ?* 650 28 150 I - 25 8 i ? 1 ?0 8 50 40O I lOO 120 ! 175 eta. eta. 15 t a 175 40 50 Petersburg, ?Yi/r. 7. eta. eta. >25 2 0 60 7 25 25 17 35 8*1 50 6 20 21 15 .3-1 . 8i 16 70 8) 650 750 35 40 125 ISO 45 8 32$ 7 9 1 JO 8 > 15 3 O >(j > 7 5 50 9 > ) 18 iro 125 28 45 6 22 12 75 75 7 25 25 I2| 17 35 40 8 14 94 15 700 800 10O 125 35 11000 12000 6 7 I 5<> 2' -0 35 40 7\ 8 125 95 | 50 I 325 ' 8 60 I0OO 25 I 8) 1 5 J 275 __ 12 ) 35 4 175 225 380 S ' lo 75 33 3 >0 I 60 200 I ' 9 ' 35 4()'i 200 2 '? 500 1. 1 LLS 1*0 UO UGH. N. C. ri'Hl.ltHKD IdEKLI KNXIH U..UI I T, *r rnnr.r. * ?r.*n, or two dollars m?ti cr.sr* ir paid i> advanck. iV io .f.i nM five notice ?>l tlieir wmh ' '?* in tn?*ir ,?*|?T Jiacontiiiuf I at tho ex pi ra ti >.i ?l th>- y '?r, *i I lit* pr .<11 lie I *?? desiring ? '* < >1 'ill l'*" sinti! ClUtll'T IlltlJl'll. ? \tnl pi -*r viti be Iiii:i) ill mod .i it 1 1 ail arrear ? : ,?.ii 1 a il -s? at the option of I lie puli lu'n f v procure m\ siibjcrili"r*. u-id r 1 1- 1 ?? t?i? pay ncjit ?, *liall rocu?re t ? rit .1 gratia. ? ii tik : i ? it* not i xcetdin? lim-a 'i i ? ?. . I t ire * ti n** for oic dollar, And t?> nv-five for ca<-ii rnnimuancc. > i ??> -ii ??i > ii r-'Cfivi I b\ the printer, ami rri oft io |ioil?inut*ri in the Mate. \ 'ifioi butiaea relative to ttio pnp' r i:i i*t be post -paid. .von 'i:. ?W\V|N'*? pnr< 'ia?f 'I of Nil. \VM III'N I. I '? i ?' IN, in- liiii rili, \f , and rent ' i * i'*p, I wotill nit irni t if public that I ?irrv ??. i I'll- tm -iti? in ii'l ii" liraiicbt*. V ?? .r* i i ii v line will !?'? pi imptly attended ' ill I >?%> cute I. I tiopr, by clone app'i ' i*i? i . to n ril 1 roitl'iaalicn of the COatoin v ii ' i 1 been k j lii> rail; fiivrn to ilm nliop. in il I l<) urh *.* I ? \ ill ililtlti'i^'illl. ?Id tf I i v i"l Mix I II t \ ?(OI.I N \ I'OilK F o It s A I. r.. '1^ ' cribci ??i-tr* ?> v i lilt* ol I llili*, iii.| il a ?al" i* cM c'< ?l t 'in* v ?? >'11111 i r, lie will have ilir i? ??? cni r< '1 ? >r ili>- own o ilills'.mi >??? . Ii o the ? ? '? '??mberne*'; weight oi r.ic l.njj lr?'i Iv'd 17 i, a' lo?r do.lai % per Inmdrt d, I ' ? ? I v . U|*u.i ^rain. I >i |i 'ia ? ?\* io i *ti to (hiic'iim* I'm k "l t'n* a i nr t| ? ci* ;iu i i, will lean* tin >r ""ii , i nl I i in H if ? ?i i i,i villi ''>l| * i'Ii *1 ..i ? , . t 1 4 . ci , i?v N i?p ii'i't c "if i ?m1 v No I'll K. * I ^ I > K firm of i tiAHi.es L. Cooi.cy & '-?? iM*> tips day been ?lia?o vol li^ iihIiijI "Wi? .11 \tl prmoriH ind lu- d o 'In* fimiuie r'<| ei i'iI to come forward anil act it I'irir aeconni. >nth Alien I'irl't, >vlio ?>!??> i? an* Uioruvd to give rcceif.ta. Ij. i ooley & I/O. No* ember I. ? '?*t 1* . mm m ? ? ? ^ ?? ? ? ? ?? I Ii ?? ?? II VCON FOK SALK. 'Slip, aulmcribora linve a i|nnntity nf print" M U ACO^j for Hale, *v!ir:li m perfectly aoiiud. Turner tV LMnilijis. J NEGROES FUR SALE. Til!" ?ults'riher lian u f.uuily of NEGROES roiiHi.itiii2 of live or ?ix, winch hp will we'l on a< cuuiinodatint; terms, either together or "?ng'y- ?? . i ill. \ tluilis. Oct. 21. 62 ? 3w W A wvrcu KUIM). i/r found ? .11 the ml. of \ti2'i-?t, near the F Villi ?f J .V t"n i ??? ? ? it . i V\ vrril. wltii h the owner can mv<- on :i ijilieution to the suli H'-rit?<.T, livtnj; le-ar t'atlell Campbell, cs?|. three miles west of Hillsborough. Y* 111. Fuiicrtt Oriole r '21 . 52 ? N II T I C K I' ! J". UP. IV ??ve notie- in ail ?h im may eonrn i>( tliitt ni\ v>?K .(?) Jao e?, lias ??i il?-?i < |-?id iut? io transact fvr itim ?t f, ril u? k'ritif !>??*}?? us i? . ?* f ?: In* c- >n MiC ?, >ti a? mil ?n>l c<>m il>'U* * in.i ner .w KAM) S \I,E. MJl I?Sl* \ N i tu a . !??? ire of thet'oiirt of I'.qui 1 ty for 'ra-nie eounty, mad'' at September term ln?l. I s'ia'1 ? xpo?e tu |iuhlie sale, at the e mrt iioiisu in I lillshiiroiiL'li, on t te ?2ltii day ? .f Nove.u'i r tn xl. a tiaet of land containing 3 OS icaas, Mi>r< or I* ?? .i c'ii* ii, d'-e u?ed, I Vina? m t >?? 1 ? ?un it .it.ir. ?ai i, and ailj'?i'im j t li?* '.im l? of llobert bitted, illiam Nlebnue and oibers A < re i!it ol ol", two, three, tour, and five year* will !>? I'll 'i, io e | lal ?? i - 1 -i 1 1 1 1 - ? ?!?>. I> in I and ??u!l?eient necuril) ?vdi Ii ? ri cjinr-rt! for the pur cliuie money. .1 niiirs i\ m. r.. October 7. .">0 ? ,vo it r ii r j it o /, / .v/.i.v i ' * ??' I lllUl?iir>'ll?;ll. The rtearinn ?- i, w _ ' }* ? ? ? ?? .ihoii, at in% stable in *'/< v u -f ?? 'it J ill v ?losiith Turner. , July I. 36 ? Mi ri < k. VNV person having HOOKS in tlieir pon . ?"??Mum, l? ;loni>iii|! in t ic Franklin l.lbra rv Soetety ?- niiv ? .i i t.iowludae where they are, no i ijucnted t ? ? n iKe the same known to t ie l.ihr irun T5i?* ftillowiim ih a catalogue of the i?. ik? nii!?sin?*, tit: Tli npsn i a iliKtory of t'ie I. ate War, rnt' - of >lv I a idlonl, ' iteiii'* torka, O .% 1 ? ? e'n iiiiid (i'-Mn nit li> Ii jlnry of I'.iijlaiid, M inn' s. P'.iti|i tl' ae. !'?? r??nf?Mion, 2 I \ '?ih void, of Ii anaM' ; I'areei, |?t volume of Hi. Hont'ii ?Vcil, lit vein no of ( !n ?* H' Id's Letters, 7 1 Ii \ '?t voU < f Swut'n >\ in-Ill, 3d vol i in if i!iu II ' nbler. ? ?l.|iie? il. 1>0X, Librarian, Novvnihcr I. Bti tuiioh, in the highest dcgn ? ?, ben* >ici.\l to t ??<* interests of female i^lttctiinii, themj-clves called upon to present to the public a nionj t i tended notice of course ot insi u< ti.. j, re. gulatioue, Stc. This is thought to I ? ' r/.uy pro)>er, and specially due to their p.?ir? n?, at I the present time, on necount of the [ which is being made in tlie vacations vz. from tbe summer and m inter, to tlie spring tun! fall. 1'be present session, w liicli commenced tlie 15th of July, will be extended to the mid dle of March 2829, making a term of eight months. Thw? patents or guardians who en tered their children or wards at the commence ment of the present sess'on for five months, will, of course, have the privilege of with- ) drawing them at tin* end ot tive months from th? iollt of July, if they think pioper. But those who do not withdraw their "liiMren or wards at that time, u e. who continue them in school till after the 15th December, will be re garded as having engaged for tlie whole tenn of eight months, and obligated themselves for the tuition fees accordingly. April and October therefore, in future, will be vacation months, for relaxation and recre ation; the summer session of live months com mencing tbe first of .May, and tbe winter ses sion the first of November. A full course of instruction, in this institu tion, will embrace the following subjects, t he first live or six of which will run through the ( whole Course, viz. Spelling and Defining, Reading, Writing. 1 Arithmetic, and Uraminar;Geography, Antier.t, i Modern, and Sacred; Astronomy; use oi the ; UIo'ojs, and projection of Maps; History of the Tinted States; Philosophy, Natural and ? Moral; Mncinoics; Cronolngy; Mythology; ? History, Valient and Modem, Profane and J Ecclesiastical; Rhetoric; Logic; Chemistry; Composition. Kfter this, should there be time, attention will be paid to Mineralogy, Botany, Algebra, in Colburn's Introduclio ?, and Geometry. The languages wi II be taught if desired. Plain and fancy needle wo k, and vocal mu sic, are taught as far as possible, to all the stu dents. Instrumental music, painting, and or namental work, to any who may desire it. A a. nail, but growing Library, of nearly 200 volumes of wel selected books is kept in the Academy, and arces<;Iile to all the stuar img in the host families may be had for $VI,00. A de luction is tnade to tti .se wlio enter after the opening of the ses sion. \\ ii'?t the above prices are considerably lower th.m those at manv similar instiiulions it is confidently expected that few will be found to yield more Huh. I advantage*. Ii is only necessary to add, that Milton is a very pleasant an-1 healthy place. In proof of this it ought to be known, that within three years |>a*t, no scholar has been detained from > ?liool three day? at a time, or n week in all during a session. The moral aspect of our t im n is now good, and is gradually improving Indeed, therfe is no doubt that the mnnm rs a-iil moial feelinas, as well as ihe intellectual charnct ?; of young 1 idies are likely to Ik: im proved by residing in Milton. P S According to tins new arrangement in relation to the vacations, it will be seen that n new session of five months to the middle in irch nest is now commencing. Parents and guai lians would do well to embrace the pre ?ent favorable opportunity, without delay, to enter their children for the ensuing winter ses sion. Octobcr 15. 51? 4w 'V w v n\>5 UoWwra VWwwrA. I WILL itfve the ihnvr reward to any pe? *o?i who will apprehco I s-i 1 * ?our'- in the nils .l'On?iier or Peisoii coniity, in the Slate ol' No.th Carolina, mv r?<>j:ro m.in SAWMny. who rnn away from my plant<:til i rvin, of Chapel Hill, at wimsu sale I p irrli ned lniii a'xjut the l^tli of.lulv last, find I have n i doubt but tl-;it i.-1 now birkmji hi that m,iL"'l??ir!ni.? il. II i- is neither of luc dark est \l'iii-a i til.?< k. nor is In- \ellow, hut rather krlw -tn tin; two roUiirt, rather upwards ol* twenty years old, straight ionhed, spute made, about five !"????? mir? or ten ni' lics Inch, with a hijjh firi''ienil, linjc nose, thick Hps, speak* qui k when Kj'oken to, and if quite a sensible m mo. x ? i L nomas M'tjHipe. (>vioher2|. 5tt--3w N o r I ( K. N Monday the 13th instant, in the absence ol' the subscriber, her house was entered by some person or persons nnknown, arid n chert taken therefrom, earned a small dis tance broken open, and n small trunk taken t herefrom, containHpo dcedfor a tract ofland, mid sundry other deeds and papers, together with a note of hand for four hundred and tlur ty nine dollars, dated m May, If'iti, and sign ed bv Caleb Lmdsev, Win. I>urbnm, Thom as Roberson, John Snipes and *Vin Durham, aen with a small credit npon it, the sum not recollected Ml peraoii" are therefore hereby fnrwarned from trading for said note or land, as the papers were feloniously taken Klizalii'lli Brewer. October 21. ;iw | Case of Spkctuai, luusios. ? The fn||u? iiig vert ('ikt.nci anti tmert snog i narrative re????. ??In Drcrmber, 1823. A. w*s confi m-d to l.b '?ed by itiH.imu.at ion nn the c.^est, nr.! wos supposed bv the mecka! a'lcnii.mi to b?- in considerable danger. Ore in * lit, while unable to sleep from pain and fever, he saw sitting in a chair, on the lelt side of hi* bed, a female bguie, which he immediately rei o>? t ?t 7. d to be thai ol a young la?.'y who died about ;to years before. His first feel ing was ftirpiise, and petbaps a little alarm; hissicond that he wfc* suffering from delirium. With this impression he put hi? ead under the bed clothes, and alter trying in vain to sleep, a* a U-st , ol the sounduesi of b>a mind he went ?hrough a long and complicated process of metaphysical reasoning. He then peeped out, and saw ihe figure in the sam<- position, lie had ? fi?e, but would not allow a nurse or candle in tbe room. A stick was kept by his side, to kuock for the nuise when he required her at tendance. Being too weak to move hi* tody, he endeavored to touch th: figure with the stick; bui, ou a real object be ing put upon the chaii,tb< imaginary one disappcaredt and was not visible that niyht. The nixt day he thought of little but the vision, and expected its return with out alarm, and with some pleasure. He was not disappointed. li took the same place, as belore, and he employed him self in observations. Which lie shut his eyes or turned his hi ad, be ceased to bee the figure; by interposing his hand he could bid< part of it, and it was shown like any mere material sub sunce, by the ?avs ?>l ihe fire which fell upon and were eflected Irom it. As ihe fire declined it becamc less percep* i iblf i and as it went e patient iec<>veied from the U ver ? ?' llr savs tha; the impre?ston? on his mind weie always pi* a sing, as the spec tr< lo ked at him with < almness and icgaid. lie never supposed it real; bu. Mas ui able to account lor it on any phi iosophital principles within his knowl edge. " in the au'.un-n of 1825, A.'s health was pert ctly ieMo?ed, and he had been I r ? e Ituro any making vision tor nearly 18 m ?n:h?s Some circumstances oc curred winch pioduccd in him great mental excitement. One morning he i rireunud <1 ihe figure, which stood by Ins side >n an ai.giy posture, and asked f t a W'Ckei which he usually woie. ? He awoke, Hid .'aw it at tne toilet with he lo< kct hi its hand. lit' rushed out <>f bed and it instantly disappeared. Du ring ilic nix* six weeks its visits w* ie incessant, am' the sensation- which tney produced w* re invariably horrible Some year* before he had attended the dissection of a woman in a slate of ra pid ''ecomposi'ion. Though much dis gustt d at the time, the subject had been lon< forgotten; but it was recalled by i lie uiiton of i s pu rescent liody with ihe specie's leaturrs. The visits were not coiihm d to he mght, but frequently oc oii'ci while sevey moving or sitting in an elect position. Though well, his pu se was haid and generally trom 90 n 100. ?? A. 1* a person of goo'l education and literary habits 1 hate not the sli^'hifst doubt ol his veracity, lie nev ei supposed the appearances above mentioned o'lier than tllusio; s, lit- has ikway> had a pro(>enst?y io?>aid- the su pernatural, wtihou any belie! in it. and he asciibts these i fleets ol ima^in >n to the perusal ol ihe " Talcs of \V Her" ant! other ghost s'ories when# hoy He will not al.' \v me to lay be'OiC tlie society an jcrouti' of h s head, as ton meed with this ma cmeni, as hi would not like to be called a J? *l< r n> the mar vellous. I may, however, s.y, that I Ualliy is l?i e, ,nd thi r- fir ive la. culttc* vcv (' " F.Jinburf I'hrtnolo^iraU Journal Roman Ruins nf.aii tiik iiaguk ? At- I'.Ogllsh ge-M t fllall, wi>o tS ti a vcd tbe (?hole buildings. Iq ooe of tbe cellars I perfect skeleton has been found, which further strengthens ?oe opinion; it it the most remarkable object that has yet been discovered. The right irm is placed on tbe heart, end tho whole figure exhibits an attitude of tho rwost pcrfact agony, as if death bad been 1 produced by tba heavy pressure of a great weight of stones. There is ? dit i crence of opinizima, which, he says, ha* not per? (taps us equal. It was brought Iroo the Emm Indies, an-J is k pt in a rich laskrt. It weigh- 27 7 8 carats, almost a qu.ir er of an cunce; it is perfec.ly sph rical, and oi a brilliancy so' passing tnat of the m-jst highly polished silver; it is transparent and so smooth that I when placed on a level surface, it con tinues rolling about like quicksilver. Doling the war with France, in 1780, i?Ir. Fox, a merchant of Falmouth, had a share in a ship, which tbe other own ers determined to fit out is a letter of ma. Fox, who was a Quaker. Tbe ship had the fortune '.otake two French merchantmen, and the share of the prize money, which fell to Mr. Fox, was I50C7. At the close of ihe war, Mr. Fox sent his son to Farts, with the 1 51)0/. winch l>e laithfully refunded to the owners of the vessels capture '. The Comet may now He seen without the ?* ul ol a telescope. It is now on the rm-ril an a little after one A Nl. It ?nay be discovered betwien me hours o| eight an J eleven in the cv<-n n^, in the ca-tt, at an elevation of 30 degrees at R, 4ud 60 degrees at I I o'cfoik. The eye will he directed to it l>y tr* ing a e upwards, Iro?o the bright s.ar 10 trie head of Ar e-t, to that in the giri'O of \ortr ?nir<'a. ard tbcnce hroi^b tbe ?wo vna lcr s;ars of the gi die, near the higiici ot winch the Cwiie i* s tuated. punier. Vermont State I'ntso v.? The pri* s ?t?cr* m this tii'titu' i'Mi on the l?t Oc? I tuber, wt rt 122. All the cxi'I^ ks of ihr pv? year haJ been pai.J, except &800, lor which ii ere was on hand a [ 'ary;? qu> n'ity of m-ioufactuted articles. Tne oitiv c ? ate enpl-yed chiefly m weaving. 1 80, POO yards of cloth stri ! w ven the vear, I0,t)00 of t* hich | wcie deuble or twilled gooJa. The Macon (fico ) Rank, has Jeclt. red a dividend of twelve per cent.