ftf AA?. ITfcD fALU Y, \u!fi iTR CSS CURRENT. WiUniugtoa, Fivrtlcville, V? ?" l" Newhrrn, ?V?*. 15. P< tori-hurif, Aor. H. of t'leir wixh ! at the i.xpua ???u ne.l an demruig * .?j,rtOl countermanded. ? And it < iisco:iti iiicl until nil arrinr >11 I 'i il 'as ut liie option of the pub pr.vtre hx subseribers, and jj i ir lit ?? i iu niy ii'-nt* * > ill receive the ??? V *-it'i l.T:?tlS. . , n ? its 'iot i ?5 sixteen lines rv" in jr. I I ire ? ti no* for n i*: dollar, und , u ? f n's for rat- i continuance. ii'iim r :eciv9;l by tlf?? prnt.r, and rn >-i ?f l m jiodi- nnsteri in t h- -t .1 1 ?*. Ml ' itt i,?o i ??.isi.f:3 ri'lalivi to t lie paper . ;<'? he po3' ?? tu Imi-u.h-a* in 1 ' I it-" tint nt n^. S r* 111 il v 1 1 j ?? ivill lie promptly . itti-ii'l' d t ' ill wll - ii"rit a continuance of tin r>i?r.r;i v ici .1 is been so lib'-rj'l)' civeu to t 'd . ? ioji. .on 1 1 >* i i licit / can ntf ly rteoinwii I .Vr. I.ynch to my > '< 1 r?, ./1 a rerif t ft'if't" iiiJ-iitrinut ijm, 14 1 i, a i I a co rul work num. \V ill. Hinititi?*ou. I Jo'v 20 Ut? If NOll I'll c: \ltOIJ N \ I'llKiv FOR S A L K. ?1 . i V. u'^ci . >er * i-i ' i 1 v II tilt'. Ii" .? tb o!' ifc'i-r'nbi riu I'; a 1^ ii ??> t-4C 1 Un% f?i t'Ji) .?? 17 >; ?? i.air ! 1 I^.'h per Unndred, 1 net entire*) u|i ^ra>n. lose pi rs?i- w'io "til to purcbixe I'orlc e a'wfe de.?or pMon, will ie.? e their 1. :???.;i who cd, u.'li : > , , ?' >?t \|*?'ei', ?\ N >ve noer c mri , tiring court wei k. tlii-liHcl ilolt. jfc county. Nvivemner 4. Al? -3w N O t ic K. firm of ' MAHi.es t, Coolev ?<. Co [an tbii day been tii??o!v.-d by inotrul \il p- r?o.i* md'-b ;d o 'lie fin. rki, who . n ? > in au o ?(!*? ri-ceipm. Iihiis. Ii. 00 lev 8c (%>. ibtr 1. * J4 >.^w llACON FOIl SALE. kurri'x-r* hart i <| Htotitf of prims l?S i"i AU| ? ii bii perfectly ?i"i 1. Turucr ^ Phillips. ?*K ^rflnation will Oitnir^nct on Mon I d*y the 1st 01 l>ec? ml?er, and conclude on tbe evening 01 tbe tallowing da>. The t.x tre ses will be resumed on the er * November 13. 56 ? ?f I ;>e cvl.tors of die ItaVi^h Register and st.?r, Newbern Spqc'a'.ur, Carolina Obser ve r and I arbtirou^h Kree Pr ?s, arc request cd to ins- rt the above three ? mes, ai.il loi ward their accounts to ?his> cflice. THUS r SALE. 1") Y v'rtue o* a drcl ol trosi to me p vr iii. AJ 1 l.uii-l a.ij/ house and all oecesss ry out lr?i < ? 1 r ol s.de irude known at the d .?) a ?? < > ti (I, on 'he premises. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tnutrr. Xn?i' nli c M. $ ?His \\ stlrliev .Ji'wrll r v , fyc. II *s r ri'< '??vnil ;i frufli Kittip'v I.f WATCH F *. Jfr.H M.Sioa'i firkl>*\ . ?li ee ?>c?l. not r.e is 'liei-e foil K>v ii ?o i# ' I ??Hiios m?li b'l-d lo s^itl fh* ta'e 1. 1 ink- urn- ill.. tc |?s\ mi tt, a.id ihose ha* .ig r.Ui im ?.-?iin f'teesi1 ?n briog them for w.i fit pr * i' air lieu < it'll within the 'une (ire -f.r.'ieil In liw, t nr>\i?? tin# iiotiCr will be pi- w>a n t? ? r ol tli-ir t Cov< iiriir^' Kuiict'tt. ,nm'r. Nevem'* r 1 H. 56-- 3w V N n i'ii; i;. NV j>"r?o i . 'nvinif B'l'lKS in their pos ? > ? r i , h ?!?< i"i 'j lo t'ie Frniikltn Libra iv SiM'i' i *, or i ii?v knnwh ?Itfe where thejr are, are inpii at " I to make the samn known lo tin- l.ibr.iri'iu. The fulluwiniz is a catalogue of tlic B'loks inissiui!. tit: Th'rtii|?aoii'a ilt?lory of tlic I. ate W nr, Tale* of My l.nndlord, Slorii'ii An Its, Orulor's (toide, Goldsmith's tlistory of Fnulamt, MinuH Jc Philip Uracia'* Confession, 2il & 5th Vo's. ot lc!>ahahlV Fnrccs, 1st volnirt' nfSt. Homo's Well, 1st viiltrne of rhi'sterffl't s Letters, 7th \ 'M'i vols' ?if Swift's Works, 3 self w'.cn he would dc?pv ? i> *m a l Railroad? " Tli re are | ijMt ii'i" he will (ell u%, M ?ocn it is lit no < fre quence to a farmer ?o bt it n?>m . I. it j tie can bc < ki*-". At SU' h a nine he c-ji> load 't|ih 3 -ur, or other ariirl *, put in foujuiGve horset., and gu^fl* n? l'i tMburi Nvbeiii, Fay ci t? villi , Ci-ai leMon, t r ejv v foci t, and c ol l>h ptodbt Ut'QS ?>n the best Jt in.a ?? ? tio-ve In litis matnici Ii. t?o O'j well t ''out Itailroid* or canal-, lie t? a po> t man. ile drive* his own w no notion of being tagcd.ot ha! his * rci^hbouia who are as poor as hn???elf, j bi aii lie taxed, tn gratify the i ih and ^ii?M tr tliii* purposes." Io i his speech, which jT not new in (tic ears of the people, is 4tnbodted as copious a collection of et^T ?a could well be condensed witbioi^o small a com pans. In the first pt?c ired, new lands opened, the timber hauled away, manure eopecisd Irom every quarter that the old grounds may , ro'luce twire or ihricc as ?nu< h, mci dows imp ov-d, the implements ol litis band? letiewcd aori ma'e rear'y, lan?!s put in the bc?t condition for the ensu ing ct ops, U?e people superintended i>o hat tunc and work may not be wasted, beside other nameless and nuru'?crle?? opei attons for which a j?ooii and efficient Isrincr wiil not fat I to provide, il lie can find lime. In vain will that man pre tend :o be an effectual agriculturist, who rb>cs not know the niax>rn, That a (aimer's work is n' ver done. Would a wi e people make such a tanner as this nr.'.n pi otrssi s himself, the model lor tlcir farmc s generally? Arid would it not be an advantage to such a man's b imiii ss and prosperity to employ the ti ne .md laboi o* so many diys or weeks a home, and send his productions to nioi'ktl at a dollar a tori, instead of a r? n?s annually. To this dis. lance add 4(< miles of steamboat navi?. ^a'u n to tht harbour r.| lleaufoM, and io thue >fars we shall have 140 miles of tuhvtyance up< n tiie Hstlwav an'' by sieamOi ais. from the se.? coast ino the 1 met lor. f *> three years mure, the same ;ax, vs.th the lolls upon the finl hed pan, wrn.ld ex'C'id 'he like conveyance f ^ 1 1 y , if n>?t entirely to'he mouniaii s ? I' Ins i? an as ever ?tioti nol without proof. I O d'sb' lifve and contradict without evidence, is to be carried away our 8'lvcs and delude others with nothing but th.oiy atot nnai'ina'ion 3- li is most erroneou?ly implied by our orutor, that in this mode of ma*k in?? wnh wl.ith lie pr< fes?es to be con? teme't, his profits are as ere?t as thry wou d be upon a Kailroad, or at least that the difference is too small to be wor?hy of considerably. The fjil?< y of this becomes conspicuous by a ca*e which all can understand. The p? i ? e ; of earning a hundred weight from tl>e v 1 1 ii>fi y of Halei^h to Newbtm is a dol lar. A trad ni ten hari?l*-of flour at this r?t? * osts 20 doll* - ? lor the trans* * See number XIII, of itua acnes. ponauon. By 'he R >;|road the eon v?jri,n?e woulu ** two dollars a' the otn>oe 'irmni By the annual p?ymt m ol 40 eetus a man, *mooiring in ti.rer y.iis lo a dollar ?i't) m? iyontb, the Rail road cat) he coo p eti u h>< ugt thai ms. tance. Is r tint .vdtiii iha in tin c? n vtyance ot a single !?>?i) ?S flour, the tarmii, hy tht R ?iiojd &ivt? ibe tiiin ol 1G d? tl. it a> d e uMy cen*t? Ii it nn* irue tlun, that cn as the road is finish cdt i he difference in his lavor is 18 do| Ims upon every load ol fl um the ora'.or holds op be hire hi* ovn in agination and thai ol the people, as pioper < b jeitsof odium and reproach, because they are charitable hi h being weahhy. W ha' panitular interest ot ti.cn ?-f v. ?t fortune can have in throwing "pen the market of the wt.ild to all the peop'e ol the state, ii would it quire the penetra. tn>n of a Daniel to divine. W i h the faoc oighest ? opportuniuea caft ?oU will in<]1rti< le*cs, bu? to i. one IS> it wo to ihe poorest part ol tocicy. 5. \Vc nn^ht enl-i^e n-urh upon thr errors ol (his sddtess, fm not or t o* its asscrions will hear i>-?, tv ; hot we hbsien 10 one oih? r and it n? i.?c la.-i we > hi: 1 1 notice. I' is open-y it sisted t?y the spcuk< r thai himself in poor, and thai in this ie?pcct tie sir. mis uj^on a looting with Ihe poor !urmci*> ol the j country. In it not M>mew hat strange I hfiwrvri, Mist ? ln? dcriaration should '>?- I instaiitaiu ???.>??> ? on* sad r?? 1 h> t speaker himself, and is it not sr.il mint : so that he shculd continue 10 be crcdi. j 'ed upon his first assertion no;* ithstand- ! mg ihe contradiction? Tb.s tiann to , be ranked in the class of the poor is l disproved by ?hc very la ts which he I adduces to show the useltssncss ol a J Railroad. li is ihe farmer o' la'r* J?r ? " p.ily only v h*> can talk wiiii so ??.k- ii ? i use of his ability to choose times at his own 1 with fi'mi or other articles, an J >-,o < < tl to i'< Iti jburg, N?wbirof Fayelicvtlle, (,liai lesion, or elsewhere, and dispose ol tin in on the best terms ol those na'kets." It is no treat wonder to heat one who tun do all this, boa^t s'iil foilher, that for his |>ait he ?? '"an do well enough wrii out either Railroads or l'ni.*.l U m f>* - t less the man who is able to no a I ? ?> . can get along without the aid of a Rail. I ?j) Not only *o, but he can g on : . > { become ? icher than he is; bt,! ct htm ; remember itia? he is not ? js' nor with ihe p'ope the tilings -?? ?? his power, who is really t t pot i man, on'! it is only a fl.l iin?? seif poor, and then lo assert, lot It c scrnon s evidently implied, thai u I o lies can do as well a? he ran II ie i* a it)' st in pot ant di?li? < tioli be wr? n the ra < h ano tfn poor, when 'in- sn'ij ct of u Centi ?l Rail way Is u'-dcr f m.s>d r anon. VV bat is thr great <>bje< I ??? ? Railway? It is to th'ow open the m??? kei of iht worid ?: k' to oe-y b (!v It is to nrevent ,t Pom beiuf any longer said. " Here is a ta'n.tr *?? w 1 1 ?.H ai h? re in a poor I n t bp Wli< l)> vtl can pr. i(>l< > thai ttiniket 1 a all " 11 re i? 0 niilr nics* stri - ; king <1 f! ? nee 01 pmilegt* It is such a divine '/ion ih?t wl-M'Tcr *h?li cut sid | er u, w ill linn il><* ? it :i???.i? f lh? gieat j ? fct const qut net s. I in pliea a?? u?ueh 1 bo>h as 'o pies^nt possessor s, an** lu | fure opporim utet ?>l n V ng m< . ncy j an- getting ?hn ugh ftflirt h'ts, that j mi* alone l? though in &i.rl? a n unity I as ours, and in < ?>? aimst on, u mnk off the ptioi man, and isj>f u?'n?iy to show hi* ? eridt o itilc t i?>i ? \ 11 p>? per* ty and power to ihr r>? h. Ann with glaring a truth as this stating us in the lai t? shall on< ??' iIicm larnn r> ot the richer (lut eon e lcrih( and be h*ar?. with paticnre and riemi hy the p> o?, aluii he alii" st it -1 ns t in with ? he palpable c?>ni ? ar'ict ion, that it is no poor, h? mg a Wagoner arc no gentle roan, but thai hf r.?n do veiy II with out a Rdilr< ad, bscauae with bis w?.jroii an<* hoitcs he un trav?l wjtli a load at any time io ihf he?t roarlu ? in ihe c? un try, and gel 'be b?st prices ha art go ing. Let ihe poor ti.n a-U, YVoa. h? n- 61 or con?o a. ion thi? 1 fftr* n ' im, who enj< jr? nc. rot h iid*aits,'?-, atd wc presume it w?ulo pozz-e th< otator o tind a aaMalaCtory repU. No sir. i.e n i>.- ht say, when you teil roe that you a-e a poor rr.an as well a." myscll, *? t <1 wno-o haT( nir infer il.at hte.-itse " Hciliraii la unit* c? sfary to y? u, it ta t tp?ai v to me, I cjn ate ihe wflereMt beiwten ua. I' is this vei v oifTeien? ? which tn .k rs ihe poveity ?.# rny cirturna .nces. 1 is (his who h make* it so ?tr> h?r;w*^ ***** impossible lor me ? ^ "*? " "? - 1 ' ? CCill ?? p??s< i'ia roMraat m fTic?en !> . icy to be C<>tnparal..e y rlth toin .11 pcsacasions and reaourre*, w title ! ;ncon>pasied lv nctesai y B, g bc?.in ? *uu heartily pucn to an tbpet i?. ? ? ich me hound up not or.lv niy ? w?. p -o# c ??, .. It ?? i>C II ' f oil lie Cm I ? ? y ? Tnat i his is a cm i ect conclusion. w ill still more fully appear irom a bin I < x >OMtion %thipti ?c > h ?* 1 1 givt beloie ? lo sior this iitmhcr. Let us then supp. >c ll.eC'irral Hallway actually 10 exist, and let us ste h w the poor are espe* r a'iv nfTec'Cfl I >y it. The whole di"?* :jr cc tiioi.^h the length of the s'a'r. Iron* the sea to the mountains, is lut!e Jens i hurt annihilated. As 10 the < o-t of transportation, it or ,n viH;?f;rs and towns, whtft u r hi p? oj lo ol t..? i untc% are lik i? ?o be nciotr n.odatiJ wnh tta''e, a< d the latme? ? an sc I or huy nrarly on the ?ern. Norf. Ik, or Chant -I i>, ,r f> vi-fi on'y the slight difference ot the i ?? sport i>V si ?, troni the pficr-s of Nt v Y-.ik o I'luladt Iphia. Thi?e mir tat >ie tftiabliahmcnls are nut km lined f'. iliC Kalhuart ?tMlf. I I it y ii'tin out ?u?d bfcumt s atlcied through hi coun* lit i.n both side ?? i > ? t r* ? distant e ol i wen i V, ? t i n y . or ?< r % mile*, to the nun h and to In* ?oi.fn. lo ?n;s :e uc pi'OCs to lh? lo?tst pos sible, tn attract ?rsde to iiv?l o1 i svo. i her, art* to pie*e< l the f?itm,r, i' he nvt s oil Irnm ? h? U t road, ft on* ih ne. rtsii y f?iit ol ko'CH: *o it w h his mo? duct. ! his places hu-ii.?s? upon its pioper looting N I he ldr>i cr i an now dn 1 1 1 u I hi^ time jt i: a lii y * x- I us ?e? it up n I'is own pri l v?i ?r; tht ?? cr< chant t im '< 3' ( ? rr mui at< tht t??f* , n t't ? I In1 a'?t>, and he ? ?r> ler w i>l ? on? < y . ?? ry i hii??? ?? ith ihe i/ieaM si av.ntai-* o bo h I hit it opening tbc whole inaikei ol the woild / I ? it as I Ij ? ?t, tlie iM-is^ti is ain pros<.