?.vi th? whole people. Railroads pre sently biacrh "ft* fr?m the main artery, givxtg a quick sod energetic circulation of *. r?c|c and w?al h tu ihr utmoti ex trenitie*. In such a st iic of things, all t)l>l|tiC'.i ??? arc instantly ab d. v - r y prolusion ol hts wn indus v ot i hat ol hi* fa oily, pack, th.. m :?e illy .->g liier, an-' in a few miles, in tif ?v -* '..er, and with a li d i?>ou^h he tia-l all the me e:?cs of * numrr >ut fiinily, and tth'i is Mile to cul'ivjtr a frw iciei oi . ground, ran p|ac. r orpnan b<>v i|>Od the bark ol a hor->e wi n even wo or | I >.re? bushed o! g'ai- ? or* whatever she hu> lo spar/:. anJ in a fr-i h-mrs ne i? in as go ?il a ma- kit t-?r p'icrs. or pay men in C'?sh ??r gju^s as 'he richest m -n in the co .o'iy N ? e up n th?i i? scants, the differ r ncc tor carriage is altogether trflin*. Now th? re is no longer need for these vast and expcnuve wagons and power ful teams, the rar himself* while he car ric> r neighbor's toil, purchased upor t*c most pitching priics n a home irt rkc , that he may enr?ch himself twr.h ht:r profit* in the market of >hc world. Now a sirjj.r h .rse, a car1, or ? wi ,:on Signt ennu.' ? for ?>ne ^rtwoani sis i.? ufn ?eti ,ljp. i'ii ?>? e tao?? with ht? -pui ? ' ni l ui ci iii of a brothe' >y hc;-?'dc, i?e ?> < he and i.*xom d&u -h ? r of : ie '? ,mi.y. thv ro?r in h i cheek, tbr chtrry <>n c-r lip. ?nd the b tm o? briRtv f:rwsp?cis, in n*' *?- c??., r m,y h .p.. to . ffect. ;^hon "in his a few she p -..oi?i?a ?**..| * In jptrt from '? - can m kc ' th- ;r own c??-ric.r0t ???'Mi r exjc ns? ?j trans ia:i*?n, and ha** all ?bc s^n ?lm ? m t if opi"?' aJ.inarkri ^rii ,h?- Sibf c,n ?.f '; -?Vufh * litrTi %? t on i '' "u&rr, ,rt'"? !h* 8 COm,n<' H prctl .ik .ia* 01 a C< ? ot the poor, jary a? ,;,t p, .jdu . | \ * .?o ,-u??TOtCi the ? rmr*e> ?>1 ihc { III. i, ? I n* I f|j1i -0 "bvatt.s p 1 u.iu-!y 'or th? ,?cr' l> ?' a,'? *'* t e?p> ? ialy i is -a- 1 ?tntia! to thai laig- jm iiiipt r?div por tio o *h' p.-oj ) , t?no-e in igc-nce and ? rci;ri< trd ciKymnani e< arr nuc that j the) are wholly shut out fr?.m the op- > pm tunnies ? n joyed by n.e n n. I CARLTON. r ?" ? ?-? ' 'iii ? ? u ii j GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. To the Honorable the General Asttmbly oj JS'orlh Carolini. Gentlemen, i, ? mong us, is hu h 0 into s-leice, ani yl and . ? lit te to tvrte all their tnrrgit-* to ihc improtr ment ur s-ca! omtji I?, Liriig '.he p?st year, ?,on<. ?. .yd. Ii<*?c g. th red ?r? ou> p ? ? ! ic ? I jtmov p.tir yet w. ha* <. vh?n an' i- j-cn. m b< i^-a- t "I 'o t-.al A -nig: y Ii i- . ;? m .tr hiifil* arc hv.' ? rb i tire i o' '?*. in a> " in ivi' uals for the mu y i#;. iu t vkl-.t lit has vourh*a -u to ?>es> T u<: la o?r s ot tlie lit* >a< m.n? h.? h<; ii ?. ?? rJe'' wii i an ? X'ii cv u c ; cdu'-a io i an i nt )i*ei.c hivo . )'> 'Hoc ! lo he 'fF?.?-od o>i' z -i the ilend J r ol n r <. uri? j rx >< i' t>i|! lew Hen ? o an atrori ih y are louiide * . B. ?rt'v ? ngagr your a ? I* 1 " . 'ii" i.r ? a i* i r ? ? a rfi u iawitn gr- at reluc tance I ? that 1 address you on any art of rar< nidstf(t taxes, little less than ? million ?>t t'oliars. i'he*e things we iuve done not because *c were in ? ei stole o the omthen, but Oca use we bciie?*d he welf-tre of tne union re- , qui. e i ??ur ex- nions. Bu' now a new. j q n is pre?entc to u-? Comrre?s j m?e ?^?u'Ilel^ the principle, thai they j have power to mo. Id and -tree' the in | dus ry of the nation* o any po'suit i ??tin.h thev -ay thmk most * 'visablr, anc tu make ail other br?.>ches -lihuia rv to hut whi' h th- j rr. iy cho ?se t n ; - bi'ion upon the importation ol coaist woollen and cot oo fabrics, and upmi aoiuc o licr articles, they declare, in j substance, that the consumers of these i manufactures, including the mass of ? our ruaimuni'v ?^?'?cludinir all t be agri culturists, and all employed in com roe ice? -in fact, all engaged ib other pursuits than tho?e of manutnetnres, , sh?li pay an enhanced i>r?cr lor articles I of jifiiiL necf-si'y What in this but s ! tax, .vnet'ier ihi- enhanced pr ce is p id ! lii'o he n, tonal treasury or in the shape j of a O'M.my o he domestic manufaciu" ' ret? A"d whence is derived the pow* j st of the general governmrnt lo levy a ; tax ttpoo *.i?e portion ot the community t .i t.\e exclusive bein fit ol anothn? Dev-niilv Vas the union was desired, write re "ie stale (hat wouid have ?ur< rcn.lei.tl any p-rt of its aoven ignty, if ?t i h be u nd tna' ibe regulation of its int o i>y, -f in: chosen pursuits of its !*'.? ?>, he most valuable portion of Ms ???? ? m >1 economy, was to oe included -o cession? N?i h Carolina, 1 am , OH' nj'.lo'i l.i CArij i?<> an* x cf-d our foreign commer^j T rus Tji fl' system is in destroy it. Our u. kj:? was to protect one state from 'he ufijtiv a. d illiberal commeri lal re^ula* , tioti? ot annthci. This" Amei it ai> Sys? tern" gives to the mrtjori y ir Cong'eas j ?%i hi>ut tcgaro (o he ri??!?l- or intetests i ot p iriicul .r stair*, the power to bestow ; b?>unurs < n one section ol our country, - atio to impose < orresponding burthens ufjonarcf.tr Equality of rights; an < rj'j*i par i u ipation of benefits and bur t. n-'t exemption from taxation, except when i he general jfood 19 !?? be proe arm that c 'Uirry ? e I i ? for ?i* ddeict, ia com* | pellei ?t he unit mjo.cn; to pjy m->re ; tor whv oe C'-mum s, aod to rcieivc ' i ie->s lot int pi'/' uctol his labor. VVha', t posstblr . ap gravd'-'s ' oe injustice of i nt ikc tsurc i s ihflucoce ?* section*!. i I' ne -tates in which, f'nm well k'towu ri.itel an Or mott ad l - ?? !s? j * " >t nr pm l'? ? I M Ci'izuns Nu?, ' a .1 o? wt 'till w In co another uc t i (]?.: B it in ib?- s -u lit.rn st. trvwhotc , ? - .r- css'-oiiuiy ?gucultural i j ? ,tl ' ??d ui no icmtive b!? in: to dwell moie I i i t mi up n 'he odious character of i till- |-*W ?? >1 t ? oppt r Sttlvr cfforls J ( >?tii h i'- ptir-t loll hum produce upon i i he ? triors i ilei sm ol this st tte. Ex- i c.i g ? i h?> ? i. in , a ?ery , ei eral and ( |u* in ion in in minds of our rj. i tcii i I h v i lought ii my ftuty to s M. ni i' to you, a. toe reprt tentative* c of he p ? ? s *?ic M sentinels on the I *4 ? > t>'#t- " 'h* y >?! might, il any < co i i oi o at mean* . rormed t h- in- ' i si It-, 'ii i pise otD bet wren yaur I i continuum and the threatened ntii? | ? hief. I will >Ui> of cffrctu* >t the cute lep heard sugge from insut t tolLlion of t thought o>. I .to on he spirit of the violated. at your cinsc ptotcat solemn! thus adopted b ly ccof to me free lAi^konjecitons. A dia union it not to be believe, however, aa >t occasion, that the I Compact has heei> injustice floor io mend to .you to >t the prii.ripU who admintatei ... ? ^ .-?.^'"fnent; to repreai tu your ientimc?? to them and to your shier states. In the language of mild and fticn^iy re.oonatraneet but wiO the energy ?i|jh the ' ulrage of Con scious rii?ht ilspires, wiih the leiling uf dee;; attarUm^nt tu the unn-ft; iw) aw ful forebo'li'tJ a* to any rpjrture from it" 1< Ritin>?J4^ii.d well utidetatood p?ji poses. 1 w>ald appeal, too, to the pa triotism and 4a t pride ol our fclln* citirro*. tu Unit tUeir aid, in.livu?u*lly, in a*? nini; immediate cvii ? fleet* of this syste^i I would say to thciu? Return to tb^ p'u cut and ?co >oii?i.a hsoit- ot y?Uf athers; discard for luxti'tef; r?* n > Upendem on other | stales (or wlut you < n grow or fabri [ <.atr yi-ur clir?; manufacture yourow I lo'hc* :?y f.?ur household innuMry | make your iwn provisions. You w*l| suff r manv' inconvc. icDcea* ?--d your ' profi'N ttiitjao: b?- j* great as it you had . a tu* you will, at least, not feri the hu?a?l"?i?.>n of paying a tax tm ' posed on yoi lo'i 'he benefit of a greedy capitalist oip the speculative politician. Toe v*faltby manufacture! will not havr you *0i his tributaries; and the I vrre^jy^e wnt?*h urged him to the i en ictmenf CT it s law. will drive him ' to seek for its repeal. It the restrictive system ia mbe ?as??.ned --n ua, we -haw this cons' -I^Woo, that North Carolina is as capable ?a any state in the union of subsisting upon her own reiource*, in dependent of foreign commerce, or of coreroerc* with her sister states W h a soil happily diversified, with a clt.:.a;c Corresponding with 'he lich tsj arid variety ot her soil, with ncariy all the useful mineeela embedded in her moun tain?* wi b inrjchaustible pastures, with (a hardy and tnduvri- us population 1 tbrre is not ao article ;hat necessity dt roanua, scarcey one that comfort re quires. anH few that minister to luxury, which lrcu#rlls, her forests, her rivers, I or her roo?.n;nins cannot produce, or J ffer >n<:uv ry fabricate within Iter own I limits. Bu' I cannot yet abandon my . reliance upon ihe good sense am' jus I tire oft>uf lellow cinz.ni 'hioug-ioui T'?e t?Sjm^?latcs. I tee. ? confidence. J arnmK in the in'cHjpeiice ( ?nd J.. Rcnunate de!usk>o, ? r? an ? jfcal c.u?-s.anij partly by the t.nirtg politicians, had b'-rn TfffF&d ovtc ? great pa'? ol our coin-try A little time, a link lefleuion, 01 tiie part of the great body of the people wiil pro'taoiy dissipate ibis delusu;- . and restore he period when euch on-, unaided by government bounties, ao unuppre-acd by government taxitn>. may pursue the avocation to winch h is directed l>y his talents, his intere* , or his inclination. The subject of opening and nnpr i*- ? ing our ouit jis to the ocean, of remov ing obstructions in our piTcrs, and >f providing, uy canals or ruahe states oi the union Our relative rank cannot he ?national y, nor tan it he maintained without *xertions on our part. Almost cvrry ?iatc is Calling lorth its powers to i imptcve us internal ronliuon. Shall we alone, who have such resources, and who Could bring tnem into action by so small a ? omparative exp nditure, shrink iron* tlv a-'opt on ol the means which arc promoting the prosp r it y of oth?r<> and leading to their superiority? I, - us toi . pre** forward in the career ol infernal impn?. for the wa.ers of the Albrmarlo, mother for t liu waters of tnc ^auip'ico, ind the third for ihe Cape Fear. The Albemarle Sound, in lungth about sev :nty miles, w|tn an uniform depth of ?ot less than w my fe^:, receiving into is bosom, besides other rivers ol no in considerable importance, the Roanoke, he noblest river that traverses our >t?te, finds its communication with '.he >cean uoprded hy a sand bar not eight mndred yards in width. All the pro luce which floats on its waters, after coming within sight of the A lintic, rtust seek tha? o oan by a narrow itraight into the I'amptico Sound, hroupb (b?t soood a distance of eighty I c tr ninety ?>il?e, -ver dangerous -hoals. | s i:>d through the Oi ra? < ck Init.. N . e t cm lis d( the nivi^t'ii'D ol that p?r? ol i' he state (?a i?td???' ol rvrry oiher par) ? ire directed to N?* Yotk ?? the b ?t t market; and, by tnapcett -n ol the ?? #p, t < it will bn seen that, in passing through < Onscock I'tlt. an J ptucteding ?? N w t t York. ? ve?%el descending the Albe- j ' marir a?u-i sail more than oee homJrrd , ] and fitty miU-s to rtach a point on thi ; | roa^ f ?' tivr milr distant trorr tha1, a' whicn it comptllid to pnatioe through i Hat ehatifttl. Tt?e Roan- ke riffcr I- now rendered n-?in?t I tor hatteaux If m iis mouth to ihc B'ue Ri'.ge, in Vucini.., end to Leakavilie, in ttoto a'a'e. In bo.h >t?tes ita branch* ?? ere ?uaccp ible ol improvement to mvcl) big'iei . oin?s. Thcic is, pe chape, i on fiver cast of the Mississippi, which, | to proportion to its ex eui, was: es a ?note unilc soil. The rich productions j ?t its artjaceot territory have become, | both m i hie toute and in Virginia, al most proverbial. Ie this state, alone, at least eleven counties would find il the roost nature! and the most conven ient highway to market. A^t1 to these right counties, throegr. which flow the Chowan, the Cashir,
any ei. terpris to whir h you can engu-f. B *i 'en the universal voice of thus* who live in 'he vionry, you have hid 'lit i- ports <>l Msjur Clark, 6i ih* *b?e VI ? Fulton and ?>f the Untied Sta*'*' E->ei": ers, ?iih General Ber nard a. tn?-ir hcj.5, ail attesting both its ! usefulness. ?KZk.*Cinss- ra?AL'- !e, islature. in*. it .lM?<> opun 1 1. c asscM of congress, ? it <> y instea ' of *>antintf its assent, ? pr.'.ina1 ctl '?fi y thousand dollars 10 y t'ic i-xptr'inufi'! ?? -.fher the Swash h. " moved En^im ?ra nt the U "C1 S'di s. ?. i* u'der od, ar?* now ' ?;ag d i? op? i a .;>r>8 on lha' rk, md ' I ar. en- y n-.|>0 ?h'. irexcr ions tnaf J sutces fu' Th< 'mpiortmem of ihts ! ne I i I . k.d to wiih deep inteiest, s ii aff. ct? * |a?ye p- r ion of our most valuaole commerce. If, owing to na tural and nnaUtrsole causes, this chan nel tannot be made to answer the pur poses of navigation, it is suggested, an an interesting subject of inquiry, whe ther a ship channel of suffici nt depth cannot be constructed (o unite the low er part of Ncuse River with the harbour of Hrauiort, perhaps the most commo dious harbuur in ihe state. In connec lion with this, I would eall your alien* lion to the improvement of the Ncu*e River, at least as high as the point near est in vicinity to our seat of government. There can be no doubt that a safe bat tcau navigation may oe had to the rteigb. borh ?od of Raleigh at least Inr eight or nine months in the year; and not only would the commerce ol Ne*bern, fur. nishing supplies to this city and tiie ad jacert r.ountry, tie promoted, but the interest of the farmer, in acquiring such facilities for the trani.Ttission of his pro- 1 ducts to market, would br greatly ad vented. To the imp ovement of the outlet Irom the Cup* F<-?r, it.c state has not ber n inattcini > i . I* .e ?umi alieady ex pended, it ij b->i ?r ? have p'odui.ed the mov s.ilu'ary > fT cts; and it anv ad ditional apprvpru >?in i? wanting, suih I* the gieai importance of -lie work, thai I am "atisfird :hr legislature will . rhecrbilly grant it. Through thi* clian ' nel the produce of a-? our western couu- i ties, wincn will pass at all through our ) pnr s, . US' vent itsrlt. Fayeiteviilr, i 1 the hi^ht-s' pom. of nic .m hou .imv^a 1 tic n, will b the prm ipal receiving ( town, snd VVilT?ington lb- snipping ? poit for all this produce, if we oniy nn prove our nsiurai ?ul? ai-l r s, and thus prevent the diversio r? he trade load 1 joining states. The Cape-F ar is alrca 1 dy naviga'wr, or ?ieam | .r j, ^st I mne months in the year, and is stitccp ' uble ol being mad- lit loi bateau ravi. I gau n many m'les bibber. Tnr sho?ls 1 below Wilmington, i* not n jr |y r< - I move'', are >nu .h inpr^vcd, and wii| , i soon foim iio u' ?n*ifu^5jMW risers; snd >r ioad? or canal* h*' eien%^j|koni the ?villi the Ruinokt. th? Nti?Jj4^tbera principal rivers, to ibe mo?* ^v^tber point* on tbo?e rivers. I? n^vnt fluui.s to dwell upon the hspp,^ on our prosperity, which would \ in the train of a judiciou? system o\% proTrmf'i, faitniul.y executed. Ai lite would be iulused into every braocv of industry; oor igrirulture would be telieved Irom a heavy burthen, which now oppresses it; our commerce would increase tenlold; the tide of emigration would be checked; and our population and wealth w< uld advance with a rapid* ity hed ?iy our credit. Every other state has resorted to loan; lor a similar purpose. The usual objection to loans, that it burthens posterity with a debt which we have contracted for our own advantage, does not here ap<* ply. The benefit will descend to 01 " posterity with 'he burtheo, end will i more than a compensation. \V<-. *>ru bl tenants (or life; the e?tatt will ??? ?nei| forever; and it is bu? just ih-t t'i< should pay the greater part of wi 1 . ^ may expend in its permanent irr., soti mem. Another object of interi at irnpr vt merit, per'n,-. ps in its consequent. hul ' inferior to the o'hera, or rattier offrrilJ resources ircul^^^^^ ,w ' t om ol mi al?ie and /e ^ft? lar wri It n>ay be > I that ? ven *n Englan^ (of popui*iion, 'produci*j ^Ol\cf of\>Kia n)e b.twecn djJiiiL|>0 E;?<;?SaK t- ?;;? J by an.ncorpJMv^^^^, 5C?le> ^ 1 j?ct is to ccnncc 'wr.oi' * 14 *ofa0b wi'h iho city of intern might be made in i smtll expense, ai.J at a mo?t ta\"V.%t. a tile, by the construction ol a rail .vffy from F.yette?ille to CampbclUon. From this, an opinion mijjht bs formed botb ot the cost and of the uility of euch works. Tho regulation of the currency or circulating medium has been esteemed, in every country, among the mon oiffi cult as well as the most important branches of legislation. From some pro. visions in the Federal Constitution, it might be interred that it was the inten* lion of t lie frair.crs of (hat instrument to give to the general government cxclu sivc powers 011 '.his subject. I: would be useless now to inquire whether the establishment of bjnks, by the several ' states, within iliuir local limits, com* ported with that intention or with th precial s ins'ap "??y every state, from the occurrence of dt ses incident to such establishments, tf ha?e ?t some periods, to the p ry ??f ihc community, *ecn d? in value. 'Co the numcious which attest this truth# I deeply reft to add that ?lnch has been t x pen ool iri t"is state, more Csperially <) utilise pAsi year Thr- notk?fo been rrea'ly be < w par, and the #? plaints ot our cr iz ns who r ave s? cd from thi (It'precialion, have#! loud, anil in general, just anr- well ded. The 'Cgre1 I hi?ve giejtly iiceated by the ci that ihU mmc, m its c?rp?ra ? owns more f ? > a o o"C iil'h od ' uf ?'s I) i ks? - in f.t .t, that tf 1 avaiUblc ?unds roti*,ist ol Upon ihi? -? u Sj - rt, so inte| c it z-tty generally, and so taut to t tic l>>n. 'I he result of ml bcii.tt-ai the banks havj lly the mca s of dischi tebts, and i hit thejr w f>r dei-t management i.g -mi ii dividends, toj nock- holders the who^ *hols ot their capital. j !a