Mil. X. W I'.! IKS DAY, NOWOJBEtt it, 1829. rniCi^S CURRFOT. w I 4U I *'? ' ?* v -?i i, 11 ILLS I* O U O t; (. II. N. c. I'DULMILII A tl.KL! It\ ?? i:\ \ I ?* ll'ivitTT, I A 1 T"h?' l"U I *!.?< \ I i. tk, ul. T ? ?) 1)1) LI. A I. ; Mil* <1 \ T - ir !' A 1 II I ? t; V \ N K . T i ? ? ?ihi I > ii ul _?iv- im!.< - (if t !? ? ? r wiaii > in i n'ir ,?.!{>? r >lt ?*??*? I iii !? ! :i ! . \|>iru ?:i .>1 t li?- v ? r , i i !?? 4 ? r su u?- 1 ,!o-iin^ - r > it. m i i? -? a till r '? i iu-rm jimJ? ? Ami i in ?? r -vill t? '? iIm o.ititiuol wiit.! .* I " artcar ;? . ir?- ji^i I, Ufll''P5 al lii'1 ojillou o I lilt: pii! - * i ?' vt?r will pr ?turt' ei\ vi'i ?< riln rc , n ? <1 |{ i i- . it? ?? the j ? .i y .ii'Mt.i, shall rt tviVL- tii j-f 't .,in gratis. \ !*? ,thn irnl< not < \c< ^ilin'j siitt ? :t li.M ? ? i netted three tiiin * fur nn?* d liar, ami |1 * ?> j: \ *i v r>Mi t ?. i i?r ? ir ? i < > i . irnvn ? . S'i'i > ri 'lio i" rccrivi'il liv liie ;n intc r, and -t ?' t p >-? i i'ie "titi-. \V ".-r? ij-o | tin mi; ? rciativi to die |i.i|>? r 3i i.". he ? paid. JIISKI'll M \liSlt \ I.I.. C 1BI N GT-M K ca, If I ; SS his thanks ? i i! it II ,?jtrii'i i^'1 tic lid" :nl r t ? r ? ? > i i I "i 1 lufiirni t 1 it: i ii ('lit li>: 'i.t* it i ii.i i-l i < J'l .*n ilv of W <tl ii til .iu?l StaiM.'-l t'ur riilurf, ami r\ < i el unit n?orlniriil ut UttOS I'K \!)S. I k lt| 1 J III N| l | I l I .1.1 I 0'. '|er 1 I' lilt I'. , r tic *U4 in to >ir U : r, in thf ir ?i:-l t-iain ? i j ? I ii t'i liegt in i i ut, at ?''rirt iml't All | ? ii ii w.M he ili?|ii>4ei| ul at |ui< ? t low< r than .1,1,. t '?f. q J) ".,ll e i| ?* t ill i iliry I I I.IM Ji'.lt <? j ''??m, iieal, Flt?iir, <?r Pork. will ?? i ? ' iviii at ut t lie maiket pre it .i|?;?" 1 1 J III It I ? ? MMIll. "*?' J?l ? mher |;?. I!*?. - | WOOL t* AKDKI). 'IV IK W ???I f!ar lin<? Marhine ni Kmn , at ! I'ie til. | |'ilt II, mi net, hiivilll* I lilteK ' fJ'Ur. I, an*l h t ryini'lrri uewlvt I ?t Ii I witli I f ''N it t ie li"4l ii.ialtt v, iJ now re. nly Inr 'mi- j ' i' m, (><t i | work will Ii * u irr.t it e?l l<?r ci|?lil ' ????'lit a p inn l, or tile nHli p.irl .il t i w ??,?!, |o ' ' " who will I?ri u j? llieir wool hi h u ii we tth *?'. W || picked ill I w l-t)|i'il, Wit I i"*'' JMill'nl | " ? in lanl or ml, to every t< n poiin I ol winl. | S.iiiil. S. i)Livt'ir. j Jnn? 0. Jin ? rtC ,vo cHRurr. 8CAHLKTT \ Ii \( ON WOri.D inform tlio public, thai Ihry ft ill p intiiint: their B(M>T oiitl SIIOF. Ma * "l-t'tre m their old ntntid, thrfi doors went it I i ".lorn of N|et?rit. Kirkland i* Son, where ?i)?y W1;j knfip con.-ita.itly on hand, a general ?M'irttncnt of Hoots ami ;!k?cs, ?i t if ti ?. i matrrialn ami workmanship, which Will hn . .Id low lor ca*h. Thorn' wishing lo ^?r< It He will do well to call and examine 'f thcmanlrcs J .i n. r,. f.i ? '^TtVNKb fmr at tlii# OUiuq# 1 > .HU UMA MKN TAM.OKS. ' ' | ""HI m.'iv - r v. s ? ?ti. *>!???. inure ? Ji? 1 ?l. .1 . : I J ? j?. \ lu>.i<r?'0 v.l. m j_.> ?' \ *??? >tl con. 'ai.t t ii.'' 'ynnj'U ^ J o i 1 1 1 C oulcv. J O.i (>J? I JKW KLU-.liY. \c. rMll' r v...'! hi tin,-, way inform ! M It. ~ :.i *i ' .ii '? i ':?? J .*?!:? , II. at lie lius ' ,i I In- shoj?, ui ins own home in t . i - i . ? , v i < li< : . w ? I pr>-yareii to ?v i ?.U w i i It.- '.I'm-, ,r.?i mi!1 t iitiif illy mii>! |iii,u i m!iy lio a:! -mil w?rk as may Iik Ctiin i. . i . ? in- rare. 1 1? mi" on it.: :?! a zo.vl ?- ? >rtinoTit of JCU ) 1 .1. t 1. 1 . V1 1 ^ ! I ? > ? < 1 IJ K, '?*? i> M i I iv - ...I ii n - .i : t _v low ? ;n<li. ( ? \!! r !<.-<?? to tin? snl?-eril?er . ur<- i . :? : v, am! I >t t'n ! i-l time r?*?j?ii #le?l ( I . iv;. ; i. in :il lorlitM >lii. I.u.ijtr iinlitl- j U- . ? ? * . it.. ; !. i.m !.. ^ . \? in. I ' mitiiigtnn. \ ii 1 1-. y j? ; ! W VJVIIKS MA\ KI.LKUY. j ? rill >'i'- . r r 'urns In-, tliftnk* to liis ? In. ?>.!? nri.l ( ,i..|n:tn i ? I .r tin- iiherul . ? j p- ' fort w!:-'i h" Ma - !o-rtloi<>i t . .-i\ <!, ami i In || 1,1 i r.,1 l.t I, III .1 ill -:i|i I mitill- J ii it lii -4 - 1 ? i ? | ? at In.- ??ill - 1 hi I i . i ii ?.!(!? |iio < ?.? irl li'ii'- . \? I -'!.: ki-rj s a Ikaiiitpunir ? ?ortnn-.ll ? >l" \\..'?lii's .?nl lu.litrv, win!i w il l ! i r f * : n ri ? hi !??.? |>'ir< .i ???! el-i> *'? -i? r . IF- i ... a' ?<? ii it-iki'il a n?'.it a-- >rl tin -it ? >! net. i ;?!>?, aii<l ih |i.-i-j?.tri tl t ? ifjitir i w tti in ^ in.! < .in Us ai tiii- s :.i?t- -I notice, anil } w *> ' i 1 1 I' ? |?- ? 1 1* inn w I!. \ '! w .?rl\ iroin i it. ?? I t 'iii i will In' w - i| i ?. i i ut -<| a ui |iri<in;-tly il- i l ui' 1 1<>. \!l kiiuih - l\ i r w ork at I ii ? ? i rW ?t nntir . . . Lemuel I .> urn* A'l^'n-I I !?. :?| I r I J'l iiilit)^ I'vpes, Presses, iSjr. W II. LI AM I I A < i A f { \ C o. OH' Kit l'i>J( S\f,K, ut tiirir I* vi??- ami Strreot yjM* 1'oiihiIi v, No. W. lioM-nlri fi, Ni'?-Vnrl|, a rotii|i|< l?- n- 'irl'iii-iil ol' I'HI.S ? I'l.Vii l'\ I'll n', Iron I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? "4 I'ii itu l>iAiniiml, ut t'n* lollowiiiir |>rn si* in mills rrt'ilil, or |?--i ?-.? it. i|im?vii(,i| |t ir ensh. Tlioy rust tl?? i r II I ?'--?( -j , t r? ? ? ii Kn-rlisl, to Diiiinunil, oil a nn'til ? in Ii tli -v w ill arrant siijii'rior lo any oilier n.?r>l mi tins roimtry. S?\ lines I'li a, ail. I ail lar"er, tier lb. .10 itnln. |)ni|li!e I'i. a. to KlVC l.liifH, <-ii' it I'mntT, II I!i?ii, 3l> I'll u, 1-i Small Pica, I.mifi Primer, 40 Hnr'jeiiis, 4<? lire* i?T, Mnimn, 70 Mnn|inroilf !'?' Ami all oilier in ^r'iiiri. <H?I mrtal ro. reiveil lit e<e'ianl??'. at * i imi?? |? r ll? U . II. mill C!o. nre iil" nn loi i '??? .? ! < "I tne Wasli iugtnfi I'rmtmc I'" ??, invnieil hy Samuel Knsl. w lieli tli" v oir-i I"' Jr'e on n< ? oiiimoea tnnf lefnH. Pr i|irielo?H ol* pn |??jrx, who will niiliti?li I'ii" a'U'i'rtini'iiient iliree Ii lies, wi'l l?r allow i il ^'2 in t'ie tlt*in? nt ol' their account?, in in lrtieleM from tin Ki.u.uln. N'cw-Vuikj Au^. ? The Synotl uf Notilt-i'aroliiia Mill IioM ili? ir next antui il sr.^n .1 m FayHltvillc, UU ill'' I "Til ot Nov. Illln'f. S'-pti-in'x r ? l'OH SALK Oil UKXT, .1 lie I,nf 55 in the < I t^n 'it Mills iomiivI', Comer of , I nan a:?tl ?.!?? ri>>r. streets, tlic | ? proper v i i Sa ?. ,<-j Nin>t>?m, j. !' has (ill it i.i'W IM'o s''T* i I. <?..?(., c-n'H.niri; k r r?t w, h'hIi j i!?o v liule Icnptli >>i thr ?:? r.'i t ??? ; ? va?>!?. ' I; Iclit'ii, noil hot *?:?. I" >t krinitfill be iiccoiiin>o?lat> ?;r. \;:>'> tn .1 oliii L . Ki:*!vlumh Scpipnihfr '."J. 9(J ? TliLST SALE. li\ \ i it tie ')i u in k 'nisi eXiT'tleil ! ?, * a- l.jr lliilcc !o tin* siiS- ?rilit." lor c? r:tm ;>m;> k " ? i ? * "i t !. I i lill nr ii- e?l ' - - - -- I lo sell I -I' Ci !', i< 1 .?? M -I M l*\ ?if \ >? *v*iil??*rt .1 io;x ')i c i'v O'Uii, the | trjet nl l.*ml wltrr.: 1 ?? ' >r I) :\.c row livrs, | tin- \\utertti>f i l i> r i * ? ?i. I r v>!ot in 'lie ] V. >< ri wl liillkOITO'l^l., IM'*r ? ll? UVC. j Is. Suceil. Trv*t+e. I ()cti?'?CT 1J. u~ ? fur I N o t i i On the fun tli Moml.ty of * N ?vt?ii.Scr ?.?_ \ ? ?>'?.. I r i'<r hj'r, oil <t i. U U!>ti two ? < 'lit I. on CJa ? citfi", ww* r t" t ,1:11 I, j\ii*K lltiW i>- ,kiu?|l is Kiri's -.lil ( lar- t herj are atmu' C s o ac- < s in <ln> tract, a ^ "'J ?pp'?? ntltAr*-, and will i?f w? ?nh tlic .if. '.ti ..?? i>| c?y man !ariri? r w..o w ibiies .? y cl I. a. *>411. J. \Vol?!?. Oct .brp 13 l'- ? C.v LIST Ol? LI TTI- US, li: llU'.il.i 4,1 t I1 r I the l?t A Jain- \v!;r ?y?l 'J ('apt. Jos. , i, \ r "ist^ri W illiai.i I . A 'i?l< >i>!i Juiuc.< Alii ion , Brnv iinrj II- irv If ?iat:i<*> B?nre Jam- Uor'.iiL-'S Siiiunt ! 11. -upa?* 2 W mi. i? vii !u in I5.i!>prt linrti.-id : .'.iiili Ilovlt* 1 . \\. 2 I.. I>n I i j ???. 4i. II. Itryant lliomas Marlon \r- Inhald lln'mg Mu< "ii MI'visi ?? John V. Denton J ? 'j/i, c.? tirer^c Copley J ?m? * II. Car i injton V. illiam Campbell Nathan^;! Carrui jtou 1(11^11 i'ar<k*:i Samuel Chilil* Wil'iain Chambers W illiam Cumminy J.lhlC.s IJ. Cole John C.irr James Child >usan>iah Crabtrce lolii) i t wtrlitield *2 Jrnif o < lintoii John .1. Cam .igton I) \Vil?'v Dilaid \n^U9t'iir D's-hontdi Nancy HiinniiMii J Jin Dish? n Taomas Durham L lr i I'.lli-* 2 li ? ? I ? ? ? ? i r.itnn Will lam Kllisa K \- ' tl'l Kimlloy Wi-iiiMM- Ale; MusCharloti l tit!' r in '' s!?or October, 1>2). S ?J. ki.'u W m. kiirJand l I. I! -!mt' G. l.imlsey J ?ttll"a I.I .i'Sjy ?? 111 ll'WH Barni ?!. udev .t Jam. s or \ aluiti >u .viocie ? i Duncan Mi llie I'attor.-'j'i M'Dailn Mr-. N :?(;<? v Moore Saiiinc! M"? lack mi \ \|-j^ey W il-n VrKiirnil .Mo- -i M'i'hw ii W il l- P. ?? attain l.has M iy<;r Janice Moore N Win. Ne, I l?'"h' ri Nntt ? > M isp S?ra!i O'Dauii 1 I' Wiley <? Parks K Mi"* Virginia Ua?9dale Jacob liil-.y 'J Sa-um i H ? Jatiic> Kntliii Mis> C. I*. Kl< ining Th<?n?:is Forrc.*t A 1 i'ii I'. 1 < rrsli (i William (tat lis W III I., (iu VII II Miss Martha Strudw n.k Mrs Mary Jonn S'i.iitrrly, Mi-- A -mi lain Stallintjs \ r simtii Ahaalo'ii I'.Soarbrough in. >?'arlct 1>iivi<1 > until .lam'-? ^ . Smith Jo .. pit StnMnns rr? ?lrrirk r.Sninerville Ji.lni*- ykn, urn. or I'ho?. Uri'H rr rranklm I.ihrary Sor. Mis< I'aotilriia J. Shaw Nl'isrs Srarh'tt Kiotham Misa Sarah .1 Smith I lennny Col. .loli'i Stockard Kdwani Stanly I" Thoinpran C. Tiiomjisoii J. TuriH'r Sarah Thompson \\ Miss Mary K. I!a:niltuu j\|r?. \tlilia Wlnttcd l?iihar.l I |o?* aid Win. Iltitclicnf Nailiiuiicl llick.s, acn. Moisjan Mart W in. I lorlon ?lolin \ Mali '2 in. 1 1 ii n 1 1 ii o ton U mnilord Harden R-'iiainiu Hurdle Thomas Hallnwriy^cti. Win. I lays P.dnuiiid llorndon l(cv. Win. Iloopcr .1 Col. Cud. .Icip.pi I I llrs s. 1 1 \ in 2 I ,'ihu Wood C. Walkrr llcndc^on Wood-i Hamurl M ilaon Joseph H urd, .?? n. I.i'vi Wlnt tod '2 Mrs. Marv Wayne or I I#*n ry Klaud Mary W oods or Henry \\ oihIm .Sampson Woods .! iseph imds John H nlkrr il'm. N. iriiiited David irdih Hur on If'liitikrr Miss kiitli. M. Jackson Carlton Walker John T. Jones .lain-s H'rhh *2 K Y Joseph Kirkpalritk '2 David Yaibmuch It. li. C?ok. M. (>? tolier 1 . 01 ? 3w i uAc r DKi'osrniviY. 7 J^l! \CTS t'rnm die Anierimn Tract Society? I also t'riiin the Union J'ract Society, may In- ? ad in any quantity, at the Society'* price*, lij totwardinj> ortler.s, with ca-h to I*. \V. lto>?(l, or T. V. Hunt. Raleigh, Aug 9 RLU VL KCONOMY. W\ . v x ?' And >our ri?li soil, r. \ti!icrnnt, n.i'jirt 's bri it r bit swings |>our ? ? ?.r every Iain!-*' Frcm '?'u? Sju'bern \grlcullurist. SF.CKKTS IS (JOT I ON HF/V E\I.El>. I I, IS ct'liitrM ?'?? the ii.anner of cui t'?re, him ?h rcvealnl in 1 1) single \\ (>i*?| i:\rly. Noihwg m more pre p isioious, than t '??? pre tensions or i xjn,cl.itior.s ?>f the IMar.ier, w ho pays iki ivgaril t ? this. Though u cuin t>:nn(i?iu "1 n?t\ii?ar circuit).* tances in k > remler him pticcejisful. nt ill he doe* nut deserve, and inay not claim, tl;:? rr*-ilit <?f heme; a good Planter. This rests entirely oil the skzllul tnann^'aieiit <?! a crop, am] not un | l he so ain- d > flf<?r a of nature to pro I dure it. Hut 1 have nothing to do with the merits el' I'ianU-rs ? ihero | lorr. to my object. ! Listing shonM be done early. This] ) in no more imr Us* th<tn manuring; I | ami ihe s-n^ier I lie surface uf the ' e;>.! 1 1; ant I (he vt'cKai)!* substance I I ? ? u | i?ii* \f arc ttirowu togc bei # ilic i nearer ft will apjjmnrh the (juality ??f 1 o her manures, ami ttic greater will 1 In; i's Uii1. 1' wouM be. better if I i! ire in the tail, wtiile vegetation is j ll'V**. jtrHimng snoum do done early. A j :?r:-a ;?'? o?eiioit of lends, unless drai?!o.t, 4;.e. roosf of t!ie. >e?r, c?.in p'efdy satur.i ? ?!. an. I ufien fl.wid Willi uMvi ? than which nothing is more injurious lei the growth of Cot ton. bu'*h lauds should be well ursined Ircng b.*l'?re the Cot'on is planted, that t!te ?*ar'li mav bee. .mo warm;? iu a' b<-mg abaoluiirly neces sary ?r. ^urrf-s. Manuring ? This is all in p rtunt; liiiM-i.t s an an pie Mihj.-c' fi?r a dis tinct paper. litre. I will only ob serve, ;ha< if m taken tor granted, 'hate%ery 1'lnnter utakea use. of some kt'ni of manure. And, as n general rule, whatever it may be, it ought to h?- placed fi ti the listing, or in the h'lls. according to the quantity. If .1 ?<nat quantif) be ihtd, ?t is belter ;m, ..1 on tlie listing; hut, if small, piaccd o;? lli.* h:?ls, that the Cotton may ? i !y vei ik inllnei't e. When place J und?r tnu Siting, r.,.s i#i not j t: It i. til 1 1 irt'e in the so.?soii; and. it 1 \\ h.ij p?*ns to be wet, it generally gives ? I . , Cotton a second growth. litnliin^ should be d -ne just be ? ore <?.'? I'oltm is planted, that it f,!--.; < ??)?- u|i eari>. The beds should \)f ra'lnr t-m.iP, that the seed may immediately rome in contract with the manure, that tht're may be an op p(?r c ii i: i y to enlarge them by hoeing, and that the principal root of the Cotton inny reach i|)3 soiled earth below > he hating. l'lantinz should b<? early. This might lobe enforced with an etupha si". Cotton should be planted from .he tenth to tho fifteenth, or, per haps, the twentieth of March. And, though ii sh.xjM he injured. or par ?inllv destroyed by Ainds or frosts; still, what remains, will be worth enough moie, to pay for planting over. Should the scarcity of seed be an objection, it may bs removed, by planting less. Indeed tliTe is generally iv*i?'e as uiim.1i seed used in planting as is necessary, or ? veil desirable. Six or eiglj' seeds an? as many as aver ought to be put in a hill; and tVse should Ik1 s < placed, that the plants "!,ay n-jt touch each ? Iher. Where they 4\ e a't throw n ? ;? to gether, the Cotton ;s much injured r? thinning ? the roots of the plants pol led up, loosen the roots ol too oili er*. and barken their grot. th. I facing should bo commenced ear ly ? soon as the grass appears. And it sh ?uW he stopped curly ? snon as I the CoIIju is so tar adraniedj that it | will sustain itu Injury from gruss, which olttu docs Irss hurt than bot itig. liesiden, lb? bods should never be hoed down, (if ai all.) more thau once. This mode of hoeing is very injurious; ? it desirous many of the ro its (if I he Cotton. The grata nhnuld be picked From around the Cotton, and the earth hauled op to th:* bed. In thi? waj, it bccumes larger, an required. Thinning cannot be too early , pro vided two nlutks to a hill can be se cured. Ai d generally it is better lo ribk looking one of these, than to omit thinning until too late? which is almost certain ruin to. the crop. If a number of plants are left in the hill, until they grow to any consider able sire, they injure each other by their constant motion; and, when part are taken away, the rest are nearly destroyed by the injury which their roots bustain. ricking, if the quality of the Cot tou >s any object, must be early. It should be dono as soon as the pod is sufficiently opened. The colour and quality of Cotton is seriously injured by the dew, rain, frost, and bud; ? it should feel ihcir influence as little aa possible. Nothing is more absurd man the opinion, that it must re main in the field until a hand is able to pick a certain quantity a-day; ? bi tter if 'he whole field were picked every lew days, though but a ?tnall quantity he obtained by each baud. Perhaps tue appearance of Cotton depends 33 much, or more on this than anv thing else. Drying should be as early as possi ble after picking. Cotton is not to be put. up without being dried ? il beats, aud sometimes is nearly spoi led. Neither is it to be dried in tho sun ? '.bin change* ru colour and in jures its staple. iiu< it shouid be dried in the shade; ? a convenient house perhaps, with open doors aud windows. ? Cotton thus dried, is pre pared for cleaning, respecting which, t bee is another seem. I have here designedly omitted the subject of Plough in?, which Planters generally ti .nu preju dice , ?'?proscribed; prejudice, I say? because reason, coir - nor facts, have ever enl tesi against it. This n?. made i<> appear. ? and ra.?_ with y??ur indulgence, in some ture number of the ?? Agriculturist.'4 The paper, Mr. Editor, is submit ted to j our better judgement. Sh tulil it meet your approbation, and obtain a place in your J urnai, you will confer a ucw favour on every Flau trr, whom it may induce to do, what he d ies, f.akly. ? Your friend, an Enemy of Seckets. Cotton. ? The uses of cotton are multiplying astonishingly. Cotton sails are getting into common use; several Georgetown coasters usq them. At the Union Factory, Soci ety II ill, the enterprise of Gen. Wil liams has ilready supplied In* neigh hours with cotton Osnaburgs a ?d a planter on Pee Dee, wh<? h*?* clothed his negroes w i ? b it this season, is quite satisfied never to buv any oth er. Hale rope. Cotton tiagg'ng, and winter clothing for negroes, are daily manufactured and distributed, and application has been made to the se sreiary of the navy, accompanied by a sample of co'ton rope for rigging, manufactured at the Union Factory, Society Hi!!-? to which the secretary will give a fair trial; and a few short in? nuts muy bring an orihr for ' cot ton ropo for tli o United States navy/ to be supplied fn in Carolina cotton* ruanul.ictiired at home; so that tho raw material, interest of capital anil labor, will all be retained. Charlfttot i Couritr. F acting a day or so instead of swat* lowing physic at five dollars a bottle, is Coming into fashion, to core all disorders Great nanties are give n in favor of ibe practice, such as liow urd, Frankliu, and Napoleon, \ moderate dram drinker in youtb is apt to be a Jrunknrd in old age.

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