NORTH CAROLINA PORTFOLIO * L ur I mm? \oV X\1I \\K>r .v. ocromiu to, uoj ?Vu. (VV5. 11 ILLS B O K () 1 C, II. N. C. CriLHHEl) WtKlir RY DI'.NMS hi: art % AT T1U Kf l'OII.At'8 A TKAR, UK T * ' HOLIAIU nrri cints ir paid iv ad\akcc. Those who i!o not jrive notice of their wish to have their paper discontinued at th?' expira tion of the yea', will br presumed as desiring its contiu'tauce until countermanded. ? AihS no paper will li - discontinued until all arrearages ar<* paid, ouies* at the option ot itic publisher. Persons procuring six subscribers, shall re ceive the seventh gratis. Advertisement* not exceedinc sixteen lines will he inserted three times for one dollar, and twe*i'\ live rents for each continuance. Subscriptions received by the printer, and most of lilts post-masters in the state. must li" post - paid All letters upon business relative to tho paper must be post paid. A Camp-Meeting will be held b\ In Mt? Grcent bor u. b, ? n the r?ad Irom TroMm^er'a Urid^e, (o commence on Friday the 26 h day of Oc >ber. Chr itinn ministers, ol all denominations, are rspecifully invit.?l ?o gi\e i s their c< ? oierat'on. Bv order of WILLIS llAKKl*, President. October 2- 4~ ? The Rev. M illis Harris is expected to preach a' ?l e C|.nsta;r Chapel in this place, on I liursdny cvuinig the ldUi mat. at csndle h i" lit. October 2. 42 ? iS'ew ftv.d l\\ea\i S\ove. subscribers having cmr'iienrnl the Mere*. idle Bntiinetis under ? ie hr-n of S. &c \V , MOOHE hep l?\?ve lo inform their acquaintances aid others ' rau>n|; to i his place, that i lie v are now opening their stuck of U'HhIi, (one ?loor west of \V Kirkia d's cor ner,) c ?.i.;,ri-inp a peneeal nssort mt-nt ?f BKI I IMI, FRKNt.ll, GERMAN, INDIA AND DOMESTIC imrx OsO?"i)30 Hardware f'ntleru ? Groceries Drugs and Medicines I hitlers ?Materials, SHOES eve*"- deicr ptmn, HA TS, and La dies and Mt*s> ?> L--,'h rn and Dunstable BONNF.TS Thcv wil1 k ef> constantly on bond a sup ply ol LEATHER, both countrv a id norh ern tanned c?nsi- ng ol sole Leather, Sulv, Upper, Kse w s.V ing1 to purchase, to rail A'ld examine their Stephen Moore, William Moore, N. B The suhscr her hj s 'or sale a laijje quantity of B ACON and LARD. !5i<-|i!i(-n Moon*. May 4. 21? CAIN KIKKLAND ARB now receiving, ?rum New York and Philadelphia. their Sonne supply of STAPLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS Hardware, Cutlery Groceries fie. which ihey will d.spose of at very low prices Jor cash Determined to di*al on liberal terms they invite their friends, and the pub lic generally, to call andexamioe their arti cles, April 13. 1?? W NEW EINDEHV. 1TII a view to the more ? flir ent prose - cution of their business tlir Vuh?eri. bers have established a BOOKRINDl RY. Ifavingpro cured the b at Material* irom the North, and emploved a Walkman who c mrs well recommended, they are prepared to exe cute on moderate terms, all orders in t! m line Account Rook?, Records, i^c. ruled and made to order; and evciy kiml ol Binding promptly executed in the beat and neatest manner ? / < i v. u ,1. Oales oj boii. Reing Publishers of the Reports ol ilie Supreme Court, such of the Subscribers io that Work as choose to send their Nos io him to bind, will have them carefully attended io, and the Indexes and all deficient Numbers supplied. Raleigh, August 2. 35 ? VA I A' AN LK PLANTATION*" FOll SALE Tub subscriber offers for ssle the tract of land on witch lie now resides containing loG7 seres, -K/^imrtoft on one side by II iw River, and ori another by Cane Creek. Ila superior fertility is conceded b< ever) body in the least acquainted with it. It is contiguous to a good out-let, is well wstered and health), has cine of the best Mill ^oats on the River, one nule below WiK?dd\'s Terry ? Cott nfim, Screw *nd Screen, a comfortable Dwelling liou*e, 8tc. It required, ?' shall be div ded into two or more loisj and with bond and g ?'?! >ecuitv, a reannablc indulgence wi)' be . iven f-?r near ly the whole of the purch??e ?> >o? y. ^Samuel S. Jackson. ra ngrCou ty. Aug. 27. 183^. 37? ^m BL\NK.2> lor sale at this Ollicc. CASH FOR W II K AT. SIXTY r< i.ts p? r l will He c iv< n fur \\ llKAT.d li> n'fil ?' (1: klir'.i til. |- adilis Cram*. Oc'ob^r 2. .;S ? NOTI C K. fB^HK snib-criU'r Im? inv c. tisrtl his mercan E ilt* bu?i (>!'?>?, t?<] i*,9's? iltiint-. vim are ii f't'bled to liifr. t r>jki' j .\n>rnt as ?"(>n nn no-sihlf. Tin aCCoit ? ?. ( * JDiN STON &. Cn. a .1 '? K AM>F.KSOv & (Jo. wi I br I ??* 1 ii ??? ??? offirr i S ? a. Oa .?? c ct ion. 1 lie. subscriber l>* il-"|>os?' ii tb?* li'ii Sf .ii vvb oli i<< Wis r - cc t v cX* 'i'-j; b-?? ss.?>u will be ^ i v : n itt thrtfc irwntba at* l tcr -ale Walker \ndersi??n. 0 t'ibrr 2. 42 - t" N O 1 J C E. ^i^riJ.L be sold to 1 1 if lowliest bidder, o'i a I w ? cretin "I* twelve iMmllis, it' n>y plat t.t ( Mon *?\i?n iTitlfk m>r'!i if itiilsboroM^li, on Tursdav tii?- li '? Nov -fn'i?T ii'-xi my s'ock of Slif-ep l!o- s ?i d < a'tie ? set ol 11 ark mi'li's Tools, t lie- cri.p ill Corn. Wliee* j too tf* lioub to ii ent.iHi. I V ISI1 also to H'*ll Tlic I'l.^N i A T I ON , which ccniams j|?1' 89U ac i*cs w il) about 3i0 ich-h cleaicd, now jn good order aid i nridir ixcr.l.nt*, weil waitr d a;id J has all the nece.-sar? IIoo*; s and Sta les w i; Ii and rscclkni I hrenntf Machine Tlu r ? iu a I'cacb Orchard o| JluO trios of f r*i t not Mirpus.-ed in quality Io any orcli .rd in the* s'altf; about 50'J a|>tiU* irrcs m >:>i'at , var'ets part?ctiluri\ S'-ltf-itd. T ?;re re two hist rate mv^iiuMs, sidhoent to \irld 4''?L0'J poi|ii mi i be .?'?.di it, if rn.' d ?p- sed 1 (oi Or fore. .j? I mi) di terniiiied ? reninre Irom the atate; :?tnl ii- m* indebted to nn; will ipicasc iiiaUc pavnicut J. P. Sliced. 1 \v sli to buy a i a l'...\ >. and Aloes, li'nniiat'C : <;r?iu!tf!i;i!c, British')', C..ti^h Limp-, t. uii):l''on's mill Restorative bilier?, W 1 1 it i; it. is, &en:C?> itlld rei'Orilijf the t>. ck in Joint Allen. September 11 39 ? l CASH FOIl NhXiUOES. ^ 1 1 K siihscriber ? f?' i'? to purchase n fi w K Voting Me. i ?.f cliaim t'T.b) lit- 1-t o! October iioxt, I r winch lit will j;i vc ^n tl r 1 5lh of I e.i,mb-.,r, 1 0, i is ' I{(solv(d 1 1 ? ? ? si vrml I ji.ri* S< C elit'N already formed, u < I ihosft whit n tnav hereafter t'e f >nne?l .vihin this S ! .r. ? , * o rrqiit'nifil to I.'"C.?itic anxihaiy to t ? S j'l Society, mid report to its Secretary be r o . Hci-rs u ixl number <>1' uwn.fx r?; mul also to tnrw ..J a co| v o! i J ? ?r const notion > > t . s jonr'V Alsn ihul 'he S' crUary ni thi. s c i etv r? -port the r ior.naiioti to th? I'urent s r.n ty " Ami mhiIm* HiiH.ial meeting ')l t!i N .r'h f .aroint* S a'e Ten?jx rhnte b<>ctu\ v. .1 take p'ar.e t.r? 1 holiday, the litli o' l>*r rahcr next, in K i'.? ii?hf the -.Mention ? f iii\ is politely called to tin- above resolution, A Sptedy compliancc with i's izqintM i.s solicit ed. As frequent ir qniries are made as t'i the terms rrqmivd ol anxd at ics, 't ni iv serve a yood purpose Id atiNWi-rt .em pub! civ 1st. A:iy soceuy * li'W meirb- rs neither m .ke, bu\ , u?" , nor *ell urdrni spii i s ? xc | ' mh medicine, mav hen 'inn auxiliary, by snnl-' inj; a cop* "I their cn sti'iifinn ainl 'In ir n ports to ilv Parci t s c i t\ through ? I .< ha' da of'h'-ir Correspond ii Secretary, ILw 7 ho. P. Hunt, Wilmington. 2d, It i< expecrd of auxiliaries that ?? cv report lothe Corresponding Sccn-iam s annu al > (a fe>* weeks at l? a -?t hef?r 'lie ai. mini meeting at Kaleich) t' cir ?>Hic-i s, ? timber or members, at??l .in* oilier ini?Mt-' a mat'er winch in their j'ldc inen' will promote tie canst- of ten pt-raiiCe, an KS\ i r.o t1 * s I ) n.iimi i .?? At' in ?? a1 W we ' Ot mill t<>C, W uriim ? O l, Op uQ, K?s C?*s ? >: Leu >ii and imu . ij <, i)i! ut (,o.i..i: on, < larr e liter's S:ir?'ll|k I'uvdrrt, ?ili l ji.?l r ?' <'?rj>n?ifr'^C n. .nr.d hyrup ul LvriM'-i(l nn'< c n ? is? *?") v'fv c iib t in *|! <(*ca.*ti> o tlie Lungs. For ?*'?.- l? II. Yarbroiigli. Srj>temh? r 5 ^6 S 0 T I C L. i. I ?* rented, on Viiii'U the 15lh ol ; ? T Od"ber n? x , ?? tin pre r ises. tlie Y * m 1 ? it hfl ? ^1. n t<> t' r ? I ? t , clouding to lie 1 Said -s- .tr. f ! i t? Ill |)l* I'll I1CC llili't, Guardian. heptemher 22, 41 ? 3w I N Oil C K. iillE siib?cr !? ? |?1IE <>iil>!?cr li k av n purchased tlie en ^ 1 e Sf'Oi K OF ren nth hrio..^. it";* t? Mi . V\ ,ilk< 1 ' 1 ?li ? ? < m ji a pr c? Cui. Miieraoiy hflntt' lit N< u V r'tf cost, anil Imv- ? HU' ? a ken his si r*- !?? iim , ?e now commtiic j in? the veiCant it- Bus ne??. I'hej If ? *1 ? - I P"S,-d to sell foods Oil fXtrrfl f \ ' h l?? mi* -b.e to sr-il eXCel'ent htrcai. ? or cash, or oil a c.e d't lo punc iial C"? i.mns J. ( illllOI'lill & Co. Sbp'i'iiher l^ ii 'iO I'HiLIC S U.K. ?"pl F. ?? bj' u ? ; wi l sell 11 I'hiiisday tlie ? l.VIt I N.nerlur i> x', m' I.|? r >?ie c?- I si t!,(f I'l-I 1 taiTiiner, s X ir>"i S helou- II 'Isbu- { r. ii" ?.|l U.l !i iilisi-IiU'O ;?ntl ICil'lteri i'lirtn t lire. V? u^oi . (?eer, H s li ( ous, it ? >d o?h c: iii" Civ? A credit ol w ? c ii.'- s v'll i.e nivtr,i { 1 In* jeiichascr o .-???? il rfith sufl.c nt se C^ji ity. iili.iiii l ipiT ; tt-n-l-i r IS 30? LOST Oli M SL v?D V^O ! fj I t i)? I ?!? .V. t| i,, U |> J ( V??, rf. . .v(mr o' i?>i e i 1 1 jiiCis, dated 12* n t rr is there li?i?* to rii'MViiii all | t*rs"iis ? ? oni ??:??! i>n t? ?r Sk'ul i ? t -, hi !!??." stii) \mure iVi/in 11^ i?ay men- l i a..y j i.r-,1. lull '?> nif J(iSta|)!l :V ilisoil. Ju pti :nbi r 1 4*/ ? 3w LOST Oil MISLM1) A KO i I'. of tin.,, I , , .ve' n!?i'ii -be fi a o' w Octob ? ? lust '<> T'l*, I'v I? clu?rd I. i -.ok as f ruicin . 1 ?? d Will **tl II I'ui'l ps ,(nr li tv lirei doi.arna fl !? \ fivi-cein?, or tbcrcuoou s II , t*i s'iis a?i fi.rewar- ed ? nun .rail n : lor li.c a*nn , ?> tiic ?a d ('? ok ind rom p?< tin* b :? s.?ve li.'? r a ii ex- ; pit' le tlte '"iMtwi* ?f tliit -tniij?, will li I : 'lis HI'O o t'lC I li* i SI II >(*' II I II ili ? ? VI" I" " f ? I fi'S'i d tu 'hem Willi tun ln>rs? s th h iti liiirili peifi Cti) C:i ail ll'. Ill L j to 1 50 hiinlii is pi r tli v. I Ik y ?*? ?'?!? Iv, npnn f,luirt notice, F \ N 11.1.$, ?i|' . t'v I: r i ' it II li?t?,. b.mjli, bv SA.dLLL CHILD, .'igoil. .lui.e 1 'J- '17 ? ! I? \( ON POU SaLK. (? ? i ?r i i? \( ors, t ( for s de by .1 usi :t ii Punier \ Co. June 1 -J- 20? II* i \->t| i,? \ i w si.r.n. , J w niii il ."lit Ini ? r i ? ? -1* ' OK N. I miii > liu-lirl? ttHKAl ? Hcvi;nty cents for ^ nile, ti.i lor Ki il W in at. , . . , . J. I'lH). July 17 -H ? vL> ii ;?) n ^II.L f?- |?iv fur a lew likely young ne- I gl I S ?ppl to Tin lor. II lUnr iugb , July > U'J ? JO It P KIN 'I'l.NG, Lxttuted ut tliis OtFn ?? with ni iitucss, accu racy and dci .? s'i miii carriage on a rum tllon mad. W 1 1 i t 1 1 It stales wns sue- ? r\j.sfu*. a hope that it. a sho\j linii* 1 1?* use of horse- power. | v lien* < eSerify of mot ? uient is requir- ? ril, will lie entirely oui of dale. The inventor ol lite lieu engine is a Mr. ^ alter Hancock of Stratford, wli't wan attended hv several scien tili gentlemen (roto l.onilnn. sixteen of w It ? - in toi?k -eats in therars in front. The carriage, guided by Mr. llaii cnck in fiont. was put ill {notion hy his turning a 5e?n\ connected with tin* steam rock of the boiler and pro ceeded through Stratford, up tin inli. to iln- C?ie?*n Man. on li e Forest, at the s'??a t\ pace nft?ij?ht miles an hour, lie then turned -hurt, and relurtied t?? tlio factory wifhiu fory uii< uits alt< r running ahi'iit kco'ii miles in tlx pleasanlest manner, ami with h perfect sense of security to every one in < lie r;u riage. In f.ti f. the experiment was sue- ' cessful, nc! we m.-.y heiici'lurw ard look to the r.ipid intrndueiit u of h kale e domestic eenn- . oiny of nations. The carriage in I qu? sliou has two boll us lor sixteeu i |'iigri s. and t w o seats lor outside j ones. Tli'.s double bndy o< cupies a ' length ol ti n feet, and the engine I house a-nt apparatu- ah i o|)mi (j n'litial. I his carriage is built for tin (ai'rcuwirh road, and it will prrfori!! that jourin y in ball an hour, f In* facility of slopping is perfect* ml i*s ir .? i rses on a ?rowded rnau ii'i efT-c it'll wnh a lar greater sm et y t!i,.u in any carriages di aw u e\ en by the best trained horses, ft turns in the shortest compass, and, in lad, pos*rs?es all I lie best qualities ol a modern Ituit carriage. Other car riages, w if h omnibus bodies, to carry fourteen passengers, are now build ing, ol somewhat lighter cuiisti no tion, which are intended to travel about twelve miles an hour. As the engine is placed in the i ear of the car riage. and the boiler anil (ire at the atietiitti, mi inconvenience is expe rienced In the passengers Irmn noise, heat, or smoke, and 1 lie sensation is precisely that ol travelling ill any oilier Can i.ige. IJr.A ru of IJkant. ? The Western Mercury mutants the following brief* notice; ' | ? ? Died, hi Hie M.iliauk village, near nremlord, John IJiiant, K?q. (Jnielof the Mi'linw k tribe oi Indians, Mull son ??l i j i ? ? tr ?ll uit lliielfain, who 1 distinguished himscll ho nobly in the revolutionary and late wars. Air. Brant was .in accomplished gentle man, anil ?1 it*(l sincerely regretted by a num?Tous circle ol' ai '(Uainlances ] of the (i i*^t respectability." The cause ol the death ol' this Chiel is not mentioned. lie was very gen- j entity know n as meriting the charac ter abo\e given him; and his 1 *?s w ill he |elt h) malty. He was educated in Knglaiid. Most readers will re member his correspondence with the poet Cainht II, in vindication ol Ins lather s nit mory, Irom the charge ot cruelly attached to it in Gertrude of \Vy? ming An attempt was made, hut abandoned, to implicate Captain llrant as being consulted during the Morgan transaction, by the abduct ors. Hut it was found that he had nothing whatever to do with it. lie has kit behind him an unsullied and j enviable reputation. ,y. v. C\m. >lt< ry nl ihe enui m<>us h|>|ic? ito ol tl. e deceased, is likewise solved. Hon apa ktk. ? What a vain th?ng was ii.s auilil ion! Who ran b"pe to attain to hnlf wliai Napo'eon vun? Yet mLii d d even he *in? llr en ? nhied hit lau tly ? hut it has sunk batk into obscurity, lie. heaped up 'ffwui ? ? b ti Ins t neimes have ?iral ? i ed?t. 11 a>hed hioiNrll' to a U ul family ? tint liit* wiie soon (nto ? ? b i i v i ? < 1 1 ! I lie i?'nj*>riM "I his ambition vvero diHicii't ut attainoien'. unsatisfying m 'heir nature, and brief in tbeir du ration. II ? audi nobler is thai ambition which seeks the distinction i f be-up just, mere Inl, peaceable and u*? Iiii ! flow much rather w< n tn? ie enviable i* the ?.kill itnd ' i d usi i y ?? w Inch uiuk> s t wo M'.iies of gra?6 grow where but one git-w belole," tli a r* ihe ta'eniH ol ibo warrior, which spread misery all ur< nnd, ami add no happiness to bis t.wn 1 "t. Yei the ??bubble repu's tioii" in H'Uight ?? at the cannon's In ?nth." b> men who cJanu to lit) great ? wluli the suie and cer'ain . it it i# to'ioess, (juiet industry, wiii? (oi I e ii ' nit n ( and a good con science, is piiRSi d by untrodden and wliuool unset' ii. I'orlimcuth Jcumul. From the Georgia Courier. Is it not matter ot special wonder, that now, w lien there is rompai ati\ e!y nothing to in ii k ?- a luss about, wo I > a v ? jumped up. clem t?e?l our teeth anil lists, h ml are tor fighting? our own shadows! They are entirely our own as wc have made there. Tho in o mint the tariiris reduced to some thing near what it ought to he in amount, wo swear we will not sub f ii 1 1 to it? will '? wake up liom tho tool honey dews ot our dreamless rest," and resist ti i ? t o blood?- and it w? cannot ward oft* the horrible curse. Ir<>m our posterity ? before tho little. gristle arm* ot our children shall bo manacled with the let Urs ol sli.\rry, we wi!l cut llii i r throats. Are wi hi out senses or not? Here is a reduc tion of duties to the amount ol up wards ol live milli on and a quart* r, mi compliance, certainly io part, with our wishes and urgent remonstrances ? the amount approximating the re venue sUndard, lor which we con tend, witli the tallest piospect that the same pcacelul and rational means which have procured us so much, will to- finally aod 1 1 iiilliphantly allC ccmsIuI ? and still we solemnly re solve Hint the present hill is a ?? thou - sand Cold worse," than the one who.^u bo dens it bus lessened nearly ? fourth. and that it is our ? bounden and pai amount duty* to resist it, even it |t?e cuiisi (pieocvs should drench our beloved country in blood, and whelm its tree institutions in the anari by of dissolution. Heavens, do we ad. dress rational beings ? lr?*? ancti who have the intelligence of men? The aim of Lducation shou'd bo to teach us rathi r how to think. 1 ho ti what to think ? rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think lor ourselves, than to load ll?u mem ory with the thoughts of other men Uta tiff.