THE ENGLISH PREKAGE. I h? following lb tme of a series of lot- j <?r* from I<oiulon, published in the I'ni- , teil Slates Gazette. It gives snmr tin- j portant views of the decline of the lVcr a?e in thai country and of the power of " the Church." The Peers of Great Britain have hren for some year?, gradually giving h p b? tore the enlightenment of the age. \i one tune they have Mirrendered a point, it rested upon absurdities t?"> great to he defended any longer; it other times they have made concern ?n.?, be cause they ln?;>ed to compromise with the spirit of ilie times, and thus maintain :.i ? r poditi' ii: again, they have yielded to pub lie o? u-m, because thev feared the be gin.* / .if revolutionary violence, which thev ' .'*\v full well must terminate* sit le;t^' i i'ie "X'lneiion of their titles, if not "i ? i* viation of their immense riches. Yet with a blindness which iio thi .* c ? ki engender but tlie absurdities of jnteUeci connee<ed with hereditary pri if , thev have j u ?> * r>j< cied ill* !ii?h tithl oil' . sent up hv t!l?* !I ?i:se of C'om tnuu 'he only parliamentary mea? ure, during i hum p riod, which is ready cal culate i to trail-) nllise. Ireland. They have ben ad.i?ed of the conse queisci-s which would follow their rejec tion o( this *v!l; but thev could not s?-e them, ami a- the session was upon tlie very eve of prorogation, and the llou-e of l omtnous extremely thin, they have vrntur.-il the daring a?*t of throwing it out. ? h> I ?? -i!i tenantry have clearly showi that ihev will not pav, ar.J c*:??ni? ?t l?o forced t-? pn\ , tithes for the support ol il'j ??provided for" members of i?r?vu I'.u idish t ? iiili *s. to whose devout li*r* and ?jov?nvtt<Mit-jl cstah!i*hed dnetrines, poor pa id* jrreatlv ;.rcl? r> ft i s own hum' I ? Hit.'V and ancient faith ? the more mi, per'' : a* his e'er^y and his loth have bee ? it'ier super "dio"siv treated. I.veu ihe I>t ? r-? ?h?'ni"?? i\ e.-? ha*, e \oknowledifed how .dmo!-" imp ?s^iMe ii i> to in:.kc them pay m? 'I'lu-i f :?*t heing sco'ed, nu I the Hrit -'t gnven.ine u a!><t ?iettliu^ that dteir eh njy in lr.*! !?;?! must !?e -upp ?r'ed in Ireland Mr. S? idev carried wine measures whieli <vill ?'i come i it for?*e, hy which the i?.jse ii .'lers. first a' ?ve the tenantrv, should ; ay the tithrs. Hut after mt:<di invest j-i'ion the unni.-try and 'he House of I "o ramp to 'he seu?ih!e conch. i i'i ?i that 'lie leas** h??ld"rs would not peac- dily support t!j -sr* Id iek ro'oed ini mac .'.ates. \\ hereupon th? h?M now mi question was ir?'r??dured. It provides t non^'v other in uu-rs, that tV landlord** pav three fifth* of the title1* to the ? T^*rir v 'hat gmerament will pav one fifth. i .-I 'hi' thp<'h rsj\ ?hdl h?* sati-iied with ih?* li?: of t!i*? o'.h?*r fifth, as <hev ."I collect more 'han tour fifths <?' the .M anv inin*. Wnl, ihi> h;l|. i: is !.'??????.? d lilt* Ireland v* ouhl h;r-i h'C'i 'I a id v Ill" ? ? hi.' ?d I.ei d s!<**d f < the !?.-netit ill" a hri>'i.ui C. . 1J :t 'cii t-ieir !, -rdship-.' *V i . ? let m'? \f. Stauh'v's .u'l. 'f Hn- <? ? rjy ejn i-o'ir'* t iH* whole ii* e lift he ? ?t tie-ir ju?i ? i'i?s. i* i? r-'-taiulv h. f?r < i r r.'- iv l.msiien il-vi hint hut il i*i - hnot !?? dune, th'Mi it will !*? 'true <>?;<? : ? ' to p^s thi- 'nil; uid ?o ftir v i >it the hiii T ii" ??.,usenati\e?, oridtrt tu rf ! >r ?. had ('??it?r uin??d upoa t'i r ?? un-? f'ir < n'ie tun", so lli?! I'y (?o,,..-e <?! ttie VJf "?-<* >?l l'c?*rf v uel! TinJcrst Kid i < ? r ?v'. tV d iv its a 'tion on th" hill. h:i ? 1' u'mIjv i-veuiaj; i he lloor and C ?v "?*e it twd' i all iiohle la^ rs !>? re-uK S tmc of the il.niy pri.i - : iv "ha* ?!;?? eujiSPrvatives h.?*e h"t-n 'din dv mi . 'riee;) Sy a desire to { ii the NV-i.t. !<??: of i.Tsee, I y the dtf ;*?" ? i ? ? w hji"h t: ? v know will arise in I re. .oid. :n r ' it nid tno.-<t gracious .v! V* li'um o- fourth, mav hriti^ jfi i I" -rv ad i.uii" r i'nui, ? in \riliur, T)* oi Weill j^?o at it.? hear!; hu' tHit k? a d? ^:fe of m^aiii!\ to vhieh t ?? con, rer have not arrived ? neM-r 11:1111 .!i 1. . :id e 111 that l?roo?| ol polri'", ? j'h;li i.'ltr (ho foveruiiieut one mi 'jlr <Ja\ . I r .1 ? in <?i rux jirori'c o' I- m I-. i i*t> was a in ?l ????? fivcn luo alti r, m t ?? Hou.xf ul ( (Miiiiii u'-. liiat :i iiiOt I ? ? ji Would ht* in ??!<? :il lite ur\l vs.-iiei. that 'lit ir v i?l ition *?!???? n? t /?'MX 1 f ? Kill.'! 111. Tins i-i |lji? I . 1 ??: if tli#' i ! j?'ivio:i nf i|,i? lull, oihors will f'.ill >\v. .Now I k. ii ?v. j>?M f?*'*!l y well, tlirit :i sin *1 1' ii' ii'm r <?t' '< II <>l Coinui mm- ? i t ft l -v i ? 1 1 \ in"??r? r?? '?r tho tvfioln liMti.v, ?*lt| 'l<? ll<?!l|lll>i With ?OlhjlM'l f if !|flVll? jfir\ I' lfi-l iInM. ii jt v liai. ihiiik vim, tin- r?r? |'? i lor a minimi * n i .tl'Mii. w li? i| |? i'iIic (iijmr.* ntla^lx i ? i !i .' i 'icn^'i'.irv l? i.'j-laM<>n with mi r?" i'i i ' i aii'i i ' * iri?--? }>.? ' ?*? ?j lh?Ml ?ai ? !? a:> I tlioii"?;t:i'!i? ol hi -ii, ilvoi'iaU'il ' .r < > i??i"? ,? jr;i'i-?*<t <ir !iv ai'ci-h'Mt, ex . ? r ?) i v . .n itu : "-I -i |V| iii?*n<f* iiii ? ?ii i'i -ii >!???? 1 ; aii'l w'i. 'i i xit m'?< r ol p.-r i it- i _? i ? - mm' it ? it .i motion, :'i.?t tl?.' ? .? '| ii i\ a' ii i i ii' ii hi iJm* icr\ . ' i '? i'i" ir l?. I'' :* ? ? -<r win v>i 1 1: j,f i'.- blight upon , ?. Mn'i.< i i' .. i i Ii i ? 2ov? ru ni*ut? ,ii i,. i i ? ?i - ui' t it \ .1! 1 ?i| i|i'.nl s ? i!c- , , M'l. u :>? i m-utiI . i \rrv tli'iuM'U ir I l ie i ? it . j- ;?? ' \% i f ii nr. , hr rhaii '? .i?\ ' : i: f?la?-r lf? mi, i . . . i .1 | \ |ll|| sii". i i . " ? i i?| ?. ?? ') >.i ? l Mii* i. ?V ? . ? f jil -ii I qtieucc * n mIIow ; n?r il.i- iaud is liHen i I w ith humiliated spirits, wlui'li uaturrdh ( I heroine demoniac when niuw'd into I i veigefid re N ??h?l?iv to common alty, xtamls numerirailv. as one to ti * ?* thousand, in Kmjlaud. In times of itfiio | nmo, ti<e greater this disproportion the ? more powerful must he tin* noble, for lu* ! !n?5 the larger number of **d?servients for t ail his pi;rpn?e?: hut in (inifs of iuttlli pence, when many of the live thousand beeoire iru>re distinguished t ii:.r: he i*. i for those infringe fjVialilii's ? Inch inaio man estimate man, then the ?? ' alt?*i . ed, snd the ma le's power ?!i >r ? ti>h?\?. Hut a^in, when a majoritv of to* i.e thousand !:? coilie to under^Mm! huuia'i \ rising and the proper ends of ??overntiieul i better than the noble dues himself. and , are dailv gro\?ing more dis^ns-ted wish > him and Ins \v:?vs; In* power, in spite of ? prejudices, customs, false glare. and ? i I th? t ri? ks of law and law uin!iiuir. in :>t go down. How is it possible 'hat one P iwi r can stand against \ "n? thousand ! equal p'overi. w h?m it iK oidv l?. t ! ? i ??i-. <1 j u;> h\ i'MiifV custom and ill' e. r?' monies. A It w years ui??re. soul a \er\* ! few \ ears ton. will bring form I thin;*-. in thi? ei?untr\ . that wiii I e?t-r\ ;n f-'tirope. I A' '?? o Irelmd nod the -e jee;? 1 titlie 1 .t'li r?'j to be :!??? ? red ii'ii1 ure it I ?e; ? that the pi : 1 1 tniui>tr\ u il! cot <? n^e it tiiat ?ho.?e me? k | minded m"ii. 'he fiery v of the e*t.dd:?hed j church. -h .11 spre.i 1 d<*ath an ! l>'.m I J alntijr the ,.:tlhs <d 'Metr ?ithe e.?Me?" ?r-. . bv emphiyit'tr g-o ??r;s M?mi >ultli'.'r> iu aid j of their h.i'v pastors'iip. ; i' i? t'i'i.iif'jt, '?\ in:i?iv >1 !lte frien .]* I r>! I.einMl. th ?t there '? *i l.i --n* in Sun J i.-v's first hill, In w^r-h i S i?- in v. - ? r? u .!! i-vjili' the la * ? *h? re lirinjj no provn-i-nt whn'h onn fmee the?i i" pr> i!??i*r i*i?m r anil the 'i r ? '*"i ! h?? l" pr?o ?? *??"?? n*' v (!t a l? :i ??? !i??!(lfr. If 'his point fails* tlvMj. it :? iliMtijfhf. tit it inn'tial tiio-tjHgeti \?* 1 1' he ,ve>itff| l< a?p-1>'tl?ler5. in ?'r !? r t ? tH?- 1 i v. Hut \* Hi t?u-r tile KittV ,? :<? h? fou^h* with 'he lej? t! or iiiiltt. v rin nt tf?ivi?rn:neMi. thi-Irs-h jttople iv.n not 'it* forenl t't provide longer t* ?r the ersiahll-h'd rh'-'jv . The gov eminent iii'M mev't:thi\ hi- dele itrd. Then wlnt pi i'\ im;?le. tn the di<sa!? ?? It' ll Knjlish ti'he pavers. wt!i this lr:> t vieturv h. f anil .it a moment h hen t!ie mirmnt i? setting ten times stronger .tCMinst ?? The Clmr-h.** than it own has r i i hefore. When ! s iv iM'.iiiiNt t!ie . u."r<*h. f do n ti mem the -eft ? >) i !j?i-? ? pali in? b^lnrcinp to it; I im an a? am-' crtiin PTPrei?es of certain legitl nmvt r> w h:elt th" ehnr h ?,?t:iMi.?hment acquired, t h?"i men did not ????:? k as nnn ;1?? now ? *Hat religion i? a matter 1 ??.ki-ii man and hi* Owl. ?.!??? '??? Si ii V i > rn t! \ 'vrrti^er. from i hi: i'ak wi:st. r i t .>ti n - . .?*. i - ?! Trii-tiiiif tha; ?? ft w lo?e- from the wes tern frontier, v. ;i' ;t all Huts he aenpta ii\f v.m; and too. that at t'u- tune, mev would he pti-tu-iil.iru *??. 1 lot ? ?? i"nttirei! t-i ? i r : t * ? \o',i :i it n ?.re on the i t o{ the I'.tw .><???,*-' I v rf.'i' i j i *?' ! i. ' i '? r. w hert'iti I jj'i'v a *frv t; ; ?;! .i;,i e:t!ii? [> iijii. aii'! ?* j i iM' \i i;!i 'he < ' i ili 'J V I." .- ? ' w tit ? S II. V i- . . ?V ?. ?v i h' i < r* ' i I i : ? ? ' : i ' i -j > i i ?? n i"i : : , ? ? I i - I I ? .* Tt > -|t Hit? J|| f I/., 1 :?? - lii l ?n-r- i't the ehn > i i;: ' ?* ?? tv ? ? :nii? ir t ?? o| I n<! .ii*- . .. ' i ? !n\ r*ii:'-n "i iiiee! ii:?* I'.iw hi- ????ti'ieil ' thi i'' " - - r- to i.>. ::i t'liai i; * i : ? i >' :!??? ;;r-' t'av "I the ii'<ti!ti . 'a ht'ti i'. ? r i. -ii ??iiMrirne'ctJ; it eon'mnt'il I -f ? : , ? ?r: { ?jav?> th' -enn fi'jiiiif i ? t'te t" e-t :? taif o(ip'trii!Tt\ ii) . i.:.; t' ? Iroio- ??l' litt-ir m iltl an') ?in' t n ? ' it-n 1 ? <! . n nt lh?- VseM, n| tMlthi tU'lliji t"i'. i. ' I'll '! i .? wiih e\ jir? -fcni"s u?" iri *i ' ar.i! ! J Mlioltinir tl'** :ili:net t< T i . ? ? -m j t til It {ill ?Ji?t- nt I l*? llll,' . i .H.'l i. ? mi c s':ii i. Col. V i i ? > r Vi!:~'i 1 \ j ?? u ? . ? .'I *i- I 1 -? I > 'v liijcin (.'??niiiii.--"i?ni? r. ; n ? - : ? * ? ?i ' i*u <*???! I if* 1 1 . Hill I ? ? JI ?I-C ;t ?? :i" n?ir" I ,?????? * ! I J ."I: : (*.!(? r' t ? il lt*f I1! il l' \* l?: i ? !ii r . !' i il'Vi i 11 ? ?* | , riT \ ? 1 1 \. - 1 1 , i t> <<> ? ' : i , j - <?' m- ii I I. : ? 7 ?"<//. // > ' >r I . ? m ??? tl.. in ?????? ?* ?.t im-ii v. I t- fc ? i'n> tnt-ir r> ' '???.r !? '..*?ii?? <*. ! J r ;??? j'! -I? ? j ? ? ??:.(?! i ? ?!. ?. | 'ir \ mi ;:.i j . ci.?.i| 'iful li .l ? < ii? ? - .i ? i > | i , i ? i ? ? w u rii j :?!' i ''tv ? i i ! i loiri'l : 1 1 ? ? . i n i'< ( ? ic 'ii' * i * .tiiii ; irri'i^ i: t : ? t ? i r.? I - i?J t ! .?? ' -A ,'<! ( Ill -I I \ t ??t T . i?* rnwii'il Ii ? ! n<!p??irn'* n I t ? . ? ? lllifl'-w lit ill 1 1? ? I ? ?/ <? ,?> .I'I II I I \ llll?l?l >l :ii\i\. H'l.l < ? I ! ? ? :1 ? ? ! I ) ? . . ? ? Ii i?l in. ill' !'i hi in<ii'i'>ii il i?r? ???'i'-, l!i''V sim.ii hi i'l?- j ????? j i:?r.i n . .i 1 1 .r tiicir *r j I'll"'-. :hmI '?n 'If 1 1 * ?!. V MJiifnl \v t * i .im ' I'M-'lfl '?! I'lfl-J: |<M|*. I ' ? r ill* if KM II I* l!i!| Tf\ . !*;?):? ill') .? Hi ? i ? i? III I'll t'l ll?' ?.'ri'"r I; In.- . < ? ii I Ii p r ? .mi rvrci'ii i i^l? Ji r i iy; t" jii'Mjiii- i?| me ? i-t lit 'i 'Ii; J-I * ( ; | -il Willi .1 j.?'i! 1,1. IiljlJ ll \% ? ill ii 1 1 .i " ? ? ? ii ??? ,'i'? r *>' i .!? ?' l*> i' i ? i : i t., !: . ? i W i - : iiii^ i? iii : :i j'isii Hi- .? 1 1ll Mi ?! , V ill.' I til' \ I'i'*, I |l<>i ? |?H"'I' ?*? I lljlOll t'l ||'. '1. '. \\ I" Iii III ;? I ' Will ? ? t ? I 1 V I j'hl'*". lllf ?' of t ' i? ,m , i' ..i! l i. l !? n| ti, I* i vi ?>?*?? . Ilf'r I" i'.? . \ '. <i ? > 1 1 (' it;1. i ,< ??? . :i'iii n i? W ,<??? ???ii#:. i In j.t??!ii? ;i* n ?? ?! ml cw.\ i t I' e ih>i?i iin.rtj?W!ig i i ? . r. ?. i" ? r t?kir tfont tr; 1 t -U?'n *he inmost pains in painting the of all of them. as well seven ' ('amanclic chief*, who came part ? of the way n ilii us am) turned bark. 1 These portraits. toythcr with otlirr pain ' tings which 1 lin\ o made* descriptive < f 1 tli?*ir manners and I'listoms ? views of , their village* ? landscape* of the comitrv, | will soon !??? laidihclore the ainatnrcs | of the east, ami. I tulst, will he found to ' |?e verv interesting. i \lrtough the iiciievcmtmi ha* be*-n a i h )nd<ome on '. of bringing these tin \ known ip'.r to la aiVjitai'ilJiurp and a | g. :i?*r.i! jieai'e, at first sight would j a;?(M r to he of grr?t hem-lit to them. Vet i I h ive my strong |l??uht$ whether it vvil! ' hotter their cond'/iou: mde<s. vv itfi the i ex envied aid of lie sii??mj? :;rtn of gov ? ; ?? tin flit, th 'v rh i he protected in die J rights vvhieh l?y Qature they are entitled to. I There i;{ alre:ilv in this plan* a rom ? pn;:v i?i ? ? 1 1 i \ poll titled out, who are ; t?? s* in :o-iJii?mi'. to ouTlakf thesr ln | di m- '? ? :?ni* j I'roiil tii:< plaee, ami hc I foi.';- .'\ Oo- n lomr. \\ ith i large >tn.*k I ?.( "?.U. Ai'h '|<}>^ tor i:.-iU>iiini> l?euv?*r. ' A.*-. ?-i,',til;?:inj; | i huth! .? (lading hou?? l ??:iii?ii'.;<l lltrui. i\ !i**r? they w iTl iini;i<>'. j :.t ot ? <?. :iti imi?'ti.s?- tnr' tiii', hring the j I lirvi t-;i i??r- aid ir.<;ipers t !?:? t Irave ?*vt-r j j h%? 'ii in that p d o| dir. r??n?lti v. j I h'tvc travt-lrrl ton inueh among I!? j <li;tii t; ('????. atji n too nn.oi, n?" u> I!vii>o\ ;he rvtlro .M- i ? * n s ?-| hih*!i a - :i. Uoof :nv ??. i! hi. Ii fX'.iio, i tfa ; ri?*?>. j ! Indian g-*is a iiirri' i oiwuiovv lor 'ii -j ??- i l? :rs. \ i'. The trap | pers. ami t?h. . iih-ii in the <-tnnlo\ i:if ni o|'tln-e ti-"'' ri 'tie Menfi.ili\ i.?weM ' and in.isi d.- jvd rit>-? of sorn'tv. e. ho i e?rnr<t the mf.ii? ? ? I tin- .?ava<.?* \MiUoui j M-tnng them t.e ivx-fl evu.iple. 1 ho ' I i ...i .. . . . - ? ? ? of ?? m :>* it ?? people }>ut these, '?tir.-l i lj" lis .ill by them. eoiise.pJuK hoM tis, anil always wri, i ii coiitelpi, as inferior to llnm as iiH'Jlrtv:* reason to dt?: ai.rt ?hev :n-ul. r 'jr n->r re?p*?*t us. When, .i i tlic roiitia'j l the covcrnmeut w onid pr 'iiiptlv pp-pil >uch establishments, .m?l i n \ i i?* ili*' Indian* to ??nr tV. ?iiijt?r they \|nl.! I iriu kT in their f.r?. their robes. jrse.s. mules. ?v?*. ::m nlaee. w here |? re is a yood ui i r \ ? t lor the.n ail ? wiile thev would t?; ih?- lull value t' ?r th J propem ? w here then nre several s'<ps < t n < ?? ?* ! ? ? ? - ?! is a:t lumora ;'>e\ for theip art ??' jm*! from a trii uipiMiti and ? i * re ill tfoi:r or live times -is in ?it of trad**. i> t:i? ?? \v ? . i Iti |" in tin* \d*atje. ot.t n| 'In' re i< ii of ooiii |ition. aiui out of the M^ht of til* t'l vili/?i w oi l<l. \t the sail time, a- tbrv would he roiiiiRi! a!lv epmtr ? In re r ev wuiiid pfiliolii'd fin it'tv, they : iliy adopting <?ur mode? oduetnjj to trn ir t'-iuiiirv our domestic anim.l>, 1 at I#*n ft our .tr'> and hev \\ mild m ?? :eid esti* |rv strength and a<K una 'i? led to tear and re |hori <t u mild undoubtedly and -urest wa\ to a j/e see o.muI "Ji x* < n . t ? I be i.r of Irving, i Mir * ? c?'tal p- Mi! trx . ?V' uemtil (Mir mate fi.r t;< . and vs spi ? t I '??' ll e ?Jllli'n II'M \ an '? .i i ? ? ii ? ?! ll l piafcii'*e ? to Iriemt-hip and ' ' last ti? cil lil/jlioti. It i existence fir mm b p'.i Indian tribes, which ni.iv )C i v i"f<l in the rase ot those " iiion? witl'hvh vie ln\e long ir.ided, y that it-*hou;d not be ri in ih.iin.u it ad important l bi-'li we li.tve pi?t made .wentv thousand sirangers world, v*t (:??* \\f e < iru. d froiieir unatVi ? led hosptuinv !.? ii in llu iil'-igesi* w i'ii Ii* .iri* ?d lin i! in MionM.^vp'ible ol all llif iioliie '???I. pf?Mr ti?n\:lized man. 'i i ? :n <;it i ire h i- th?* LUitfd <: r - 'i v ??!?.'!! of ni<eip\, us w * I i as Iti- i ?f r# i''?il? i-:iti?r< "?'I i tini m?' h nil tiftei a till* i'IV ill ? I il ?.d i.iMe ami fslet'iil .if i?-:i.?t silty (,r M v . i id l? >r ifir honor of ")<? I think we ouii hi, m ? '?n* ii ??!? wuh th* mi #' ? ? * \ c ' ? ? V '"i i '<(/ urt I snipe li fr*"n tua' w hu h |.ii<w !!-*''l *j;; .ih] bi-vrmi| '?t'.fnrc '??< r ? # \\ ; , ? i "t ii: t ?l.l\ . t??: t 1 " r U r?: ir ' -!. 1 1 - \ .,i ri ?? 4 i >'i' ? 1 1 | )? ( sim'I :ii t :xm \v 'Vhp i i i - f , . ?".r r? ? it ri: i ?,y 'J. /. ,}. ' i ? , . I r i tllr i< I VI n;n f. *-? ? * I ?" lf? J, t U < Ml. ?'??Ml i ||? \! i r i \ W I|< l> <?' | 'l?l| ?'\ |.r. I. !'"? ;il? f. f*l? fi ? . ? t? ii' it! <! ; Jl<J /???'I" li -s ^ ( kv ?f|t|*f* I )|?- \ V'" I |M ? <? ini;> i"n. i - urn \ mi iirv. ami 'I Iiim ?*? t lift' i! ? *i irl; .1 from ill* j>! ?;????. I* I .? ?.??,!? Ictl* A H.I' ?? r?l i iiriii-fci!: :i?nl r - ITS i f '! ? ? 5 \ lll'llllll-li* li I*" ?t| 'J' '() M| {)??. | .hi i > 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 w h i ? ? r . ? ? m t 1 1 ! : ? i < ? Imf Vj ."?!> p. i n J 1 1 ? wi-rc m I'll ? ! i i<*l? littlv \> " ?!. ?? {?????-? ! -? *i\i\ nr ??, \v?* J'H-Im 'I oil :im<! 1 thai \v:is liuui1. Sit,' r i'U h.ivi In ? r '????? i v> I ? | hi <.Ci?r*'* I.IMII t III* JliMII'H i ?ri'ii !H i . .iii'l ??' ? Ii m w m?-I I imi'iml'I' '>? rr i i| I'll Ifi'iil t1 i- J"i?t, ?iii:!i. ill i < ?'oiii |> ?ii!"" ' ' 1 1 ? mi I In* , mil i|ir? ?? > I h < \| ?iu?*. m i i||f? ? i ir \ ?. ? 1 1 ? * ? r i ? t ?? ) t ? '? . i - j nr | fo ?ir ;">?) r\ ii. g i ?? :n. -I i!iri ?- I'm! 'ii-ir i ?n 'iili# r*. \ p mmI fiiHiiv i ii* ?r< itii'ir >? i'il v ?ink 'mo tlii ir ? i ?; rl ? III* to l>?* I'Pttri'. .'?I i . i in i rinnr:i?"??i| ')\ . i .?? <1 ill*- iiripmity nl i hi : : ? i ? \ i?t i- ??l ?-i,r I' i^i #1 u> V". ' < '? ? ? II IM III Ml It ? I f I <?\ J I'M l? I V ' I 1 . Mil 1*1 I r-M 1 1,, iMf fin tali of V. * ii ulul :un'l pictured scenes which Wf pa#? ed nvfi had an alluring charm on their surface, but (as it would heftu" a lurkinjr . poison within, th.?t spread a |? loom about , our encampment wheue\er we pile bed it. We sometimes rode from day u> day, '? without a ttee to shade us from tin* biirn ? ing ra\?? nf a vertical sun, or a bre;iih ol ; wind to re?;ale tw, or cheer our hearts ? aud with mouths continually parch* d . with thir>t, we dipped our drink from ? st'i'Mant pools ihrt were heated by the s?.n a'i ! kept in IV r*ti?-??tati**ii by ihb wal lowing herd* of li'ifTJn th:;t resort to 1 theai. In t'l S a\ x\c JraiMfcd on/ : sometimes ? assti:^ picturesque and bro ken rontifv. vv itli fine springs and i s'rc.i us. a!lordiii? u* the luxury of a r?; t"i. *hiny mukIc and a Cool draught of w a ter. The s^rki.ies* distress ?? miinna!! v about us, "i read a uloofti oier she ramp, ind mar^u cv?rv , pleasure v\Lich we otherwise hav?.? enjoyed, for the eoiintrv abounds, 111051 of th?* wax, with hiili'Vo. deer, turkies., ?fcc. IJ.u)d?. too. i?f the '??nirtintf wild hordes were *il ui'Kt hourlv praneiuif before u*. aud 1 fou-?d ihi'Mi t>- he ill-* v\ it !<?>' and tJ??eieM inhabitant ol 1 1 ? ?- pcriirit s ? ? I tin' The Pawner- and t J jtn:mc:lt > t * i-' Miimhcrs <it tliriu, '*nt the finest ami riee le>t ol lit* :<i they cannot eateli. 1 up I prouched several tin e*, wry near to these herd-* ? ithwiit bei'.j; di-entered. .t mi with * ?ood spy yi ?s? t ,\ iiiiite ?i tht-ui wi:h Kivat pleasure; some of tliein wire very handsome, their iimmo falli.t<; :d nU??t ?o the ^?r ijti.d. hut w hea we \ site i I ?he ( 'aurmchr \ : 1 I looked through 1 th?*:r i ns iii<*rt<ihhi<' herds ol lnn f< i that wi r? k'i izin>; <d) ml Itieni , pi r'.ap* 1 ? ? r,.,. |i|ou?..-n?i or :otlr i!) f <r d splen- ' di !." ?' Vribian." \e. fio-?.??. ot whteS J ? have heaid so unieii at the east, as be louioro to th it CiMitttrv, but I rotiid .-ee j in>r 'i- tr no hitiij ot it; a:ul I .;?!> >tron? r ; to think that it is, in a .m-at me. : a horse <]f *>:>!. Th?? horse* of the f'amanrhes ue pnr ctpallv the wild horse, and a nr?*u nnnv | from the Spanish country. I "I* ? \ ??;?* .ill ? ?4aia'l. ami i.\ihi ,f ?? e'li nil-? r ih.e ii ! itiean. >'<. ^eral ?>!' . n?- best ul i it hi were \ i?'iri*ha>?d by our ,?lTierrs. and lia\tne ? hr iusf'il them in. can fell tSn in 'or ?.\J\ or ?rvi-i \-tive dollars o'tlv. In :??:??. the present, ulieii. \ trieud and <erv t tt. i ?;*:?? ? \ r II X I' UAOi<i?I.\ Ali\ \:;:ii\'AL. I rilK V'OIVI f'UlNr.tK I.M'V. li i' with no ordinary emotion that ?c announce the safe arrival at th . ? | *? ?r ? \*t terd i\ . in t!if ?hi[> Wasiiietfto-j, Caj?t. ? ? ' ir. of iht* Seantiful and ucr?ni|di>hcd. the ! ?na looked for and anxiously e\pe<*t d Miph Julia Fb.che cfiing-chii.t z-ki nj, laughter ?<t / lu.i ung twang tit f king, i (iuiiii^iiihhcd citizen of the cele?u.d Mnpire. residing in thcsnhurha of Canton. ; I'm- is no A/ ?igatunt Spor+tier huhhle. ! ?f i'int!. Imi i a hona rtdt* !l? :* .?! i< .>.1 j .,(? r*.tt'<ni nj a living \ M ills* lad\ . V C Il iH' gU-aned ?on?e ;iar'i<-iilir.i ofihi* invrrslini; per lofrage. which we ? out uill prove icccpiahlr to our readers. W e could ?l?i;nn the correct orthography of l.t r ['hristrin name. but we learn it corn ? i?i'id? to Julia, in Kiii;iisli. In nnderta ?ii <j tin* a>ionishin>f enierprifp. ;?!<? i-> the irnt without doubt of her sex as far ;is iisti rv ti ache- li?. who ha> ever quitted l.e stinnv skn? and perlu;iid z?,divrs i >t die Indian t let an, to vjhi tin.- rude . t! >arl iTijn dime of the new world. \el ' d ?a> .she not attained ihe U t der id a ig'tlttm f? that it u i- h It i*..r i h i - chi* ci ;d. ?if*4. and dauntless y:rl, a:i 1 the no i *? h.ijd and dannp i'< rtu- of on ol our n aldv iiavit'aloi*. to foiiceive ;n.d exeer.te j h ? - > ? t untried ^nd ha/ardui.s proj,et. a 'rilirtjis it was her filial hoe that indn- i r? ? d hi r. lor a valuable consideration to J er pir? iits. lo violate a fundamental law ? u I t'n''. and to i oioeitt t?> he - ill a| !? i! out 1. 1 liei lather s p:i|"id i imi hoaid tf n \ ;ii?ne;in >111;'. and thu*. alone and ft 1 jM'ou '-ii d h\ Unt'ired ' t eniiuir ? man, to t|j id a iieu to h< r 1 1 : i ve 01 an ye (? roves, and i-'t .??? i? and i !.d- 1 1 ihi* <! i**t mt and re- (? ,ii iM? r ol tin* L'lohM. 1 1 e r hcl arv ;ii I ? x | ? i . - 1 ? ? * h?"i 1 ; ' v a d dmom.tiv tief>, S' nt eser.-'lirij t!ir > in lerj?:h. ar ,V. J . .s tor. ; Ill .fii-i I ii I.. IIw* ? Till# atMivr r nil mV.I.m'a ??ii Saturday, at I" l it!' I I* ii;i, is MippitHril n| . II'1 w ; i ?* ? l?J ! 1 1 - 1 it ?? i i i v ? ? Im ?' I 'it Utt'l . ' :i> 1 * ' J?: ?_<li < i ?! i ?> f :il?|t ? irriiM'd. Hint w ?? i ni% ' In 1 1 If i ttiiirk?'r|nT "I 'In- I'l'v; Ii ! t? i !??< ? j liintiirss. af)<l It'll drills :it tlril linn* ' P' i|.:m! to tllf aiMUllHt of fcl.lUU. II'' ? n i \\ .inU u ;io In (In1 I *? ?| i< ?? | *'ti III''#*. \vti?rr In; ilnl in "nil In* | bn '.ii honk," as i? in UTiiH'iI? t(i:it is, ii?' u|il?>\ <?(] f??w or ii ii " stonl J?i;'i'ini*." nnutf the Irn v?*;n ?? h?* wan si jioln <? ? ? 1 1 i ? r, In* 18 s ?? I < I In !i;ivr mmIi/.i-iI in .n |\ JU.OlW, and in ln> i'r"? 1 1 1 lir n *.n'J, in* .*! nil Iiis nl?l ih-bts i .?? v i r\ liist y?"if rr In* Im'imiiio an nlfii'iT, Hi* ii ft tin* ?l ??"!? OHll" ;l t' 'V *1 IM ** I ' H ' ' ? . ,IP'J al Iiitfli hi- still In- 1*1 1 1 1 ~ M ir-ii if? w,ir il, iiml ? ?tli ? intrcl ii Nit. in'* ( ?. tril? ti. \?*t ? ;is pr i ti?* i j ?:iil V noninuil i* hi atfinl tin' In ni ol ! |i ik!i i jiics tV < o. ami ni \ my :i 1 1 < 1 Innisrs a ! 1 1 1 i tnili il ? s. i .s. Hi: ti:i- n it |>rnj? r r \ In llir .i 1 1?? ? 1 1 ? ? * Jy.JII.Mnu. lit- \V ; i s ii 1 1 \ ?? :ii|i.i will IM Nor*. 'it t*.-.; ??. i ? i ? ? r * > 1 1 if i n in' 1 In J'W*k?:it v* im i we wi ri' i'- ii i i hi ii ?? n. i li |?n*k 1*+ lln |V>i?*c Wlki.n? uhnlt iti j I ol \ ii h\ l"i W i ni ? if M/J choliTH in VlntaiU'Spliia. \\h'ikf-?-i goine: he 1*?) hi* I*' trs :h:.? nii>.'hi t ill i victim to it. *?id ?>ii sk., day noon he \ta? a corpu*. A". 1". WiTNAr - 1WRTY riMTIIKTS. Wc di>hke c.\?Ti-ili?.jj|y the wm nf,Y * itl:^Ls ri'inPxins ?n ??|?pr??l?i ;?ms ? cation. la KitflunJ the nanie v ( T?f bear* it iiiithii.t! iI'MTeiiniihlc, iv J \ olid ill#' S i.ipli- t.iet it i* j?it;iia'? * jiartv .u t:t*or of high (hit... . tivc> i. t' '" li<>' ? i ti'i *>n t in tin- . ir\ c w :?* ;?!?; .ir'l <liuiti^ thr ??< ? 1:> ti* ?>*. l?? tr Minis v\ ???? cither limbic. I \ wide of the ?etteink"* ?.c them aid at;d condor; i ?s other re^.. v ha* coii.vjii^iitl \ heroine a h\ i rti'i-.1 . teproach, ii?ij?l\ I'l;* that >? whom ?t ?h applied t*? ? ! i - ll ? >i gnrrrmiicttt o| Sun coutr.Tv I' - {? r , lenson ihjt v\ e Ii3\c hc? i rim?T ti, , , clutle ii iroin our pa>ii?r. Tti.? t op, Mlloti have a good t<> ?[ , ty cognomen o| ?'? ??[. <<?i:;m?1 Ik < - li?; aiiii it'll. e I*'nnh#h xiKiiitu i?i< i. ... i of /'i.'v tt*r?'P)tflnsin"!i Jin * :? ii:i_r ; , rj i u mid In; a* little uiij?ro^?rnt\ *? p. 1 time, III .-.i.l 'lii'iT H >-p"i> their opp,,,,. , ? nj- \vi mn not il? -ii v thai in t'?i imio-h.. at p'aiion of the term ?m i!ks ruinirx ; ii- .iji|?hr ?ti'?n to m* portion ? ?t <Mtr V . ! plr 'A ou Id he highly t.njusi and ti!:!?cr.i. -V rf tk t'J'.rlJ. Pofi' irnf :?n. "J"!ir Alt'Vniilrin (i* ziMtr has the " . .n>*iikj5 tn'oilili! paragraph. It :i ^ - ?* ? ii ?if that :<n ?'?Si(or w ho <1 ? tit* ratcli lies, H' <1 u his \V lint I p. sit- :>? t?? it !?(* ! a?! a j;o?id Oj>i>ort'.i nil* : ?' Wr aro with t|i?* ' arts p' ?'??ii'l<' ol pnlitir.l parii/atis with r *. i he late Ac i ?;o?ji % :?ri<?us ??! .,j not o|H<n, ?tnl routining hi- ? ?'?scnaM; ? ? <i a in r i *? par \ pri'it i ? ? i l>-?:h thf <i'i 'rii^n. would be i!t> riv >\ < t.> ktii'W th?* irsith o|" thf fai'ts. !. ji: . - roi r rt fee it " fau'iol he m t? i ? x rr.-o '!i?-t proper c; ? iifrC. wc w i.-ild .?>i\ w 'i?,iV !> '.he *i Ot I ! i?S .T t?"ll!lt .it dt i'. ptiM.if l> ? ha?c ti tuti.ftv-ii iii .nn n: r .ii. \ rmmtx . wnv imi m\ ???' lithe J. win p.irv hi* h? hl I.#: ^r^unj iv .?.v ? i : : irUT, w 'n !i>>t -??- W ?;? t v n c^? the n? I'liniMain't See the a^Mirii i<\- t'. > ? hli'h p.;r:ir> run hv 1 1 ??- o>m?c iii% \ j.urMn*. K^?v,.t-k\ is t!.c ?>nl\ i .ili- jt uht<*'i 'hev d?? n ?t t?-ii f.\n iliti :? mm '.ire*. ( .? ntl?*ui? 'i. aid.! wc pr v \on, mend thi- tn tit* r ? ' 5,'t jii ti - irutlu ai:d shame the ti?- \ ;1. * " SPAIN. priv \te coit2?t >r n;>? ntr. To tl.t I t'.lnr t?l I l.t .*? . \ < l lli : Ck l i ? ?? ?? r \? 'i >i |>i ? r As the citizen* ol the I'nitfd Sv> ire interesu d in tfi? quest. on of Spur..?* "iliatice. to t'lr* t-XU'tit ol 12,0t>0.000 o ?< uls. ih?t M?>jt ri ??l thi *reat\ h?tel\ roe ?ludi >! ht r?* t?_\ M. \ :?n Nrm, I ihmk it y iliny lo make yon arqumritoi ? piedily as possible, with the *i Mfa/vr ?! tin two report* a In > ut to be pn ?? t: n tin- ' i ? r 1 1 ? .h by the n> ?j? ?rit\ atul mr. > - 1 1 \ <?! 'lie tinanee ?u?niintttee. The nsumc ol the report of the unj'iT t\ . the number being live a^ mist four, i? ?> IoIIou'm: l.?t. i he whole ??f the loans known h. 'if name I lit* C'or;es I,oan?. ootitri'M ? I in lor> ign countries ill the name * ? I e nation, m l*?2o, til, 22 and 2?t, ;? ? ?'i*!;iP-d to be ley:d, and sir#1 reeoyni/ ? dibts of Hie state, the neeessar\ 1 ? > "t - a'.lon having previously taken 2d. The minister ct finance wi!l ut a bill <>r prniirrto if* It if, to ?!???? ? ?r'? r< posing th< h'i?is ?>1 thi> Inji .di ? . n<! the means ol paving the loans r? ;? ' ?d to in the foiT|oiiu?? article. ,'ld. The nation doe* not aeknow 'et'iit sell debtor for the loan* railed the lt?>' or (jiirbhai'd loan, the roita jnrprtv:. ie three p? r lit. Spanish, and me i red debt rontracled between ? ie prerent date. 1th. Th? si\tv millions of reals iluc r? il Britain lnr elaiins on the natio ;il the t \eel\i* millions due to the I t'l ' lulls, ar?- e\ecpted from tlie^j i< ?'? (i1 , ticle. ' ??ui. I 1 1?- rrrogmiion o| the <J?bl en* id rcl in |n\nr o| th? Kn'ii?'h 'riaMi^v r'tic ??| ili?' of i|i#? ,'lOih ??l I ?? ''.i*. i v ri until M lir i a.miii" , tiii- < ? ? r l? ??; hut in the inc. hi tuti* !l ? \ 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 <?( 1 1 uitrrt'Kl iimI lti? mum C ml \? ill !?? attrn?|< i| :<? ;i?. ||?t< i? ?|. "r**. I In* r? jiori <1 i|>?- minority i* :il"" ,ri ailinc?*. |i is it i, rli t ? fiinj ? mpn In hm\** in nr nature. Min t' 11 '' il!in/r> t\rt\ limit' Mi llir ftillcM ? >'?? :'' ' l<>r t li :il very ira?on. it nlnuM'* ? ti ll f.ji 1 ? v tin- ('mir.-, the - ?' '?nipt p:i\nieiii !<>r Hir tr:iii- \?l.?n i tli i? ?r?- .in* |irn|.or<it*>l\ iliniii'i*' " ) <?nr>. iV r, X. \ . '/? V motion or petition lor a hn l ir.iu K i l'h wan |ir? iM nt?-d on tin * . t<? 1 lii* < 'It.nnh* r mI I'rm'iiriii!" ? Aliti-m.i (>r<>ii/.ali'? :?;?<! 1 olll' f I' lir*. I Itr Mii|>tmrti rf> ot tli?' " "ii \l it ii|'iiti tin- nit | rc.M't i |?l i*'t?" "? luiiiciniiv. and tin- t?- \ t <?l ancient ' tin* S|? iiiir-li iim mart l?y. li i* ? \j :i> lull) t\ ??: " I in I'rur. r.ilnri >? ?>f the Km : \ ? >? ; i \l n , \ (1) * ivi'tioll . * ?" i' .il r i V-.. iur .M iii ,-n i ?| *?: i.? " f iVri. i I; '^v.'IimJ iib,,rij

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