4 Haw em. sir. dan wiH l eia grrate any thin. M. Laticgsion i peiffctly" right when he fare that the cause le supports w. in a general sense. Cuantoa to all free countries, thai ail frtvtraoienu founded on th division (4 bower, and on the publicity of debate, base an interest in repelling mi the part of tWi!i power any interference with the riw.i.uiiiations which the Prince ad mintets i constitutional niiMtar c.' if. atd in republic the magistrate, n :r.. i J with !".e executive power, ar ci.Ird i to male t- the I gtla!iire ; and this i the reason, a M. Livingston viry ju!h u-ly observe, thai in France 3. i Kngla'td. the Unuaa of the royi", ,! i so rertd in t ery tb "g i s i' concern foreijn relation, ami r Me -one motive, a rwi will observe. ihe Cabinet at Washington, thai I s ?irc"teJ the conduct of Froe iu tt!i!! .i to ihe me3 of .'resident Jackson. l! tl-e evipw-snne cen'amed in tbat message hni Wen inserted in a proclama tion, or mhv other an of ihe Executive r of ihe Union, we would at once I. j e ciuled (or an explanation Cut out oi r fr the xety nature of the art. the Fr. ;-h srovernmeni deemed it a dutr lo trtjti !! die sentiments it felt on that or vta-wi. bv instantly recallirgit minister. .:. I -::r.i:;g, in a communication, the n."iisi for that recaJ. Hut it did not a 1 explanations: it wa contented to . them fmin the justice of the gnvrrn m .", : i the Fnised S'.ucs, and from the a- .! i". rndship of the American n,i ti. . umbtins that the government 0i" J ..iit States u.. :1 J appreciate the ii ?!" r i i such ca between answer- v z a v, .". I: J : pdluuon, and preventing, by s nVitsiinathin, hv expla , ... y offered, a misunderstand . w av . !ie rcrted. I ! e a in laimer.l f tde Chamber of .. i foia't's'1.! tn the aiue spirit ri-t :- ti ! fnncii: tti in. " It dot wot h u . July oi t) FrMirh ji-nern- :. : t'.ir n tn'n; it intrely s .. ; !. t'u v w.ii r ewe ihin. . r - ,i-t! mi-taken, ir. in believ i:,at t:.f 2 ''.T:iinent of the F State tiouiJ apj.ie-'iute t1. t dinVrentv, ti'ife M. Ltuisr-t mi. In hnnell obnes. L isU 'Ci!, a early a i.n- "46.h pf January lart. hn iht me nT of Presidtnt J had W ta only kniiwn a ff w days, to .'tier fxpi:uvilion nt jrat length, of eiery passage of thai iite:ge which treated of the relation between the I . Staits anJ France, ami since that :ep and the exjila-tation contained in hi note of tu! 23;h of Januarv have reeiiveJ. as he iuforin us v hi noe oi the 2s;h of A; ri!. the entire approbiti oi of the Pre aidmi. M. Iitinston n as not astonished that thte e x;la at'ons, so long as they were prtseuieJ nniy upon his personal respon si:i!itv, iil not produft upon us the eiTt-ct he iniemh'u; ht he supposes that bHi: now clothed with the approbation ot'vi" r,rcu!"nt. hey tnast satisfy all that nicest sense of national honor cou!d di-ire. II--. Oierr-fire, makes it a point, in his Bote ni 'lie 20.U April, to repeat ami to dvel'V th'iii. in the hope t'ut the French tt'ivernuien?. by exTnmitiij them anew. nnJef th im prei'n that t!,ey hail b"co ne the exprtsin.i "t . -t :iam,,n!s of the President, wouiil : .-,n '.' dn suffi cient, lie is so nvf 'i "i" n-'re .i-ix.o'J" to impart to us ! "v i i:fnvic:io-i 'ti this subject, that h- : ' "i- r. rn.iit'le Ur the g'iv.-r!)-nr'.' 'i t'i- l".S:at- tigo-my further. II-- '-u-i s".-m t -e apprehen sive thi: 'u-if '-vt'!-. It' n"f-'l TOt s---i. b-iji-.!ii? th'-rehy. no doubt. :e '!! : 'V:'l -t f - line-i'ltm-nt ''V the C'ivn'-r ' !;). :ti--. by tr other two fir s ii-iifs -)f it" i t r i!U'it. r.iiV Tiereifter renl-r ropr :-t ili'i-i.n to eXitiai-' ''i ;rfv"-! ii'i'li-r the uitlu e:.--" l !-tf r-nt c-r'-utii,-inc-i. We sin-. r-!v wi-h. -ir, n t t a.M t- th ditfic-iiii!- of lir: siij-it-.oii in wtii'-'i ti tA i roo-i.rics ;ire rr-sp-rtiveiv placed '.i l'..e a -' l il-t to winch I. Liv- insfon se;.ns. i:i tvi case, to attach an importance whi'-h it Moiiis not to us to appreciate, doe iiot. in any way, alter eit.ier ihe nature or the extent of the du ties whicti are prcf-nheil to us. If satis faction hail really been given to the just suscepiihi'.i'.y of the Fr-tjch nation, as earlv as the 'iJih of Jariu-ry, 'tlie date of M. iiivittjjston'fc first no-.-, and therefoie previous l the ailopiion of the amend went under consideration by the (.'liaia ber o! Deputies, or as early as the 27th of April, (the date of V. Livingston's second note.) that is to say before the adoption of the same a rteiidmeiit by the Other two branch o) the Legislature, wii would he siau rdy gratified. The more the government of ttie IJ. States would have shown a w lilmffness to ex jihiu it'-lf. the more we houM be our selves d.tped to find the explanation sati-f-ictory. a:'l to view the solicitude of that (iovtrnwnt as a testimony in favor of th-. intentions which had dictated the m'-ss ize. of the President. We wiil .-imply oh-erve before we pr,,rtf . i Fir-t. That even suntmsing the extda- nations given ny tn: noi- oi inu n ja nuat v. lo h ive been such as we wished them, they wete on th'- 13th uf April, the dav of the pa-- a!e ol the am. ii Imetit tn ihe ("haniher of Ib-pMif . nothing more than the sonpte eX4is..-lou of the per sonal seiitioieots of M. Livingston. Ttii-. U ail obseriaii wh.ch did Dial tacape l Oti i .1 . . C .1. ..I. L. We Hi a! t, enre tl.at It the pub Iieation of M. IJ sioi eorrespouJ- ence, the Hovera ent t ihe taited Sutra had excited. .;atust hint such a feeling of irritation, h-t it would hare been out of r pi r tta supjHisin that we liaJ connJerrt. '.fiat carrespouJ enee a c.nuininj ooih e but what w at rij-ht and proper, to arai ourselves of a dovmiient fH-ann his itare, to repel m one or i!ie o!ier of trie hambers ttie intendment unJt r consider, ion. I w i.l tuw prceed to the examination I' the expl iintions which hat? been oITt-r-td it. M. Fiiin'ston is riht-in tin-Kits that our objections to the message oi the Pre sidcut are eonfined to these two points: It The mcssaee impeaches the good faith of His Majetty Uorrnmew. ii. It contain a thrt-at to secure the execnriin of t!ie treaty, by the ferf of reprisals. It i indeed under this double point of vivr that ihe message of PnsideHt J . son excited in I'ranee the greatest in ttignation. The Cabinet of Vashin?iou will readiiv admit that if I'.e aliecatiou was real, the indignation would bt? jul Xo nation eoti'J f-r one moment In-ar, wiiiiout dc;ra Jinjj t'self. either iht direct or indirect imputation of the want of jmtd faiih. or the idea of another ?v eminent, or another people, endearorini lo obtain ihri!:ih menace what could only be grant ed by it to justice. It must equally be admitted that when lUi impression pro duced by the appearance f d-tcumem is general, wi.cu that impression is f--h not oulv by the whole nation whom the document concerns, but een by foreign ersby disinterested people by jeron the least disposed to take a pari in the contest the rery universaloy of that impression is a sufficient evidence agaia-1 the general tenor of t!i document. If we cimitne in detail ihe message of the President of the FniteJ St't. I mean that part of it whioli concerns the relation between ih F.aiud Suu s a id France) it will pn-stbly hv' uv. i. th..t passinjsiiceessively :Voni pltrjse to jthrase none w ill lie met that cannoi hear an in ier:reuuo more or ie pi-uiie. none i of winch, strictly ejw-aking. n i-auiiot be said that it i a simple expose of such or such a fun true in itif. r the assertion of su-li or such a n ,ht which ho one contests, or the performance of such or such an oblijitioii impo-ed on the Pre sitlent by the very nature of his functions. There will certainly be found aeieral in which the idea of impeaching the g'md faith of the Frenrh government, or of act ing upon it through menace or intimida tion, is more or les disavowed. Yet, when the whole succession ol lacts is taken tnio vn ww'aen we per ceive the care win- h seems to h ive hppi taken to .r tr. tbe-u in an unfavorable I'ht, withiM.t uiiWi.--' a!!oT-mej for cir-ctinis'.anct-s wLi'-li -t -iawi then, without payint; any renard to considerations which the government of United Suites its-lfhal previously admried; when we see at the end of this uninterrupted se ries f :i!ieaU'tis, which have the ap pearance of wrong lor the ole reason they are made to ret on isolated and in complete statement, the unexpected proposiiioti the ( vrt-me propoitHn to say the least lo -eize ty mam force French property, i: is m-pos-ible. at the first apeei n is even liiilieolt alter re flection, to escape me thoujht, thai all that part of the mf'zs had been wrtten for ttie double purpose stated above. I It i. 'i f. so, howe-.t-r ; at least we hope ! it I- ; II i'.. to ' i eii'.irelv such an idea, j , vv-nt wou'.d be ii. i - ir ' otla:io hut 1 wi..:' : v.rv v. ; i. Hf i.So not here i.-.f:;en I j j ;-..s r tn.it phrase, this or a:iej t'i an. t.'i.s or that expression; we ,-:i:eiiii .i'"it tt.e i:itenl.on itself which ' has ,!;(; that p.n! of tiie incsshje. i I; it he true thai the President Ol the I". ! S- res in presenting to Congress a state . mi nl of ttie I acts coiinecied wttit ihi- tre.i ty of the 1th of July liad no iiileniton to cast any doubt on the good i ii'h "l ti.-Fren'-li governineut; if it !: true ih.il tiie President of the United States, in pro posing to Congress to decree the seizure by force of arms of the Frencli property had not the inteutioti Ut is:iu,e. wit i regard in France, a menacing .-.tti'iide. .i -. cannot see how he could find ai.y linii culty in declaring it. Is such a declaration realiv cmjtuin -i! in M. Livingston's note, addressed to the French goveruineiit on ihe 2'Jth Janua ry, or in that which the same minister left at his departure, on the 27th Apul? We would be equally at a loss, to af firm or deny it; and lot this reason it is evident that neither the one nor the other can be considered si.fliaeiit. The note of the U'bti of January is intended to th-,-cuss contradictorily witli the French fi-ivernnieiit, the correctness of facts an- j scried in the message of President Jack ! soil. Ii is intended to prove that the view i taken by hiia of those ficts, is at lea-t plausible. 'It U in the midst of this long j disipiisitiuii, that two or three phrases I aie incidentally thrown out, on the just ! coii!niTice whicti the g ivernnieiil ol the I I. . Stales has ulwavs iniertaiiied in the iiicen'.v of the r rench tiovtrunieiit, con iidencc whi'-h M Livingston had always made it a diry to foter. and which, :k -cordniij to hioi. is not in contradiction with mi; U the nleas or allegations ex jressi oi tlie ioes-:i.o . The note oj the 'i'J'At of Ajml is tyiielK intended to inane an i.i'i'i) el an I autii-ioaied exaiiiuialioti Chamber of Deputies. W hue ipoa tins ei-.uiaatioa and with a riew to prote that any demand f explaualioo would ia future bt escles in fact and irtadaus sihle in principle, M I-iii8ton refers lo tlie tcfUmonr siceobv him in hi first ! nyje to the good faith of ific 1'rench :.- teroruenu he refer to the subsequent sanction given by ihe ln'ident to the content of that notf: lie dwell on the paragraph of tlie message id the Presi dent in which all idea ofttsreat is, lit says, expressly disavowed. Vm will easily eotiecive. sir, ao-1 the cbiiw-t of Washington will, we siui.k. idt r-taud it also, tiiat such pbr in rldeutally inserted in document, liie par port and teiior of which are pan-ly iwdc- ruieal. urrMinded, in kmw dieaurc, by details tf s controversy which i beside not alw ays free from bitterness.cannoi dis pel sufficiently ih impression prwlu-td by the perusal of the message, or strike the utii.d a would the ame idea n pressed i;i lerui simple, positive, direct snd una. ceiapaiik'dby any recr'uuiuaiion eoiict-riitug f..cs ir inculenU na longer of any importance. 1 Such i-the motive which, anion ma rt others, has placed tW French govern- u.ent in ihe im: ossibilnv of act dmir t lie wish expiewsed by M. !.-vm-io lou ro ihe eoi',c'iisi...i of fil- i u--l ihe 2i). i of April, by il.-el.inng ;t. ihet"i.?iu ber f Ver pnbhly) that prcv ious ex plaiu'iuns given by the minister 4 ti " Unite States and sub-cqu -uttv aj jvel by ihe Pvsident haj .-Ui'.d it. The nj-res-ion pntlucd by toe peru sal of ih nossijc was deep, it so so in France, i l'fr.pe, ai:J even io too I n. ted Stales, the debates in f. tir a;d public note ity s. ffi.-i- iitiy prove Uw f id. Under ihe v eijj't! this ifiipreson, llie French GoVniio-u; did t btsiute tsi place iiarlf tX t itual'-'i t.i meet the f n sriieoienU tVu-acted iii Uie name of France., (yt-awrtoiig ibeiiT'-e the present, a-el waiting iht tuiiibneni of those en-Caot-menU t- be timed, and exiH cting dio-e to be cla.in d i.i lerms oiisisttni with the regard dt to it, it i not af.aid of being accused, tor France wliich it represent, of In-ing accused of appreci ating naUoual honor by any .mini ber uf millions, which it ctald withhold i a c-onpensatii'ti forany iiury olft-red to n, M. Iivinston is ti e rirt to repel su. li an I luea rarlrom it, Ihe I rencfi jjovern-tnei-t will consider as a fortunate day the ore ia which il will t- able u den ver honorably, llie tru-is il l now lie in its hands; but each State V duties to perform towards iteil", each fuati-m hi its fif licit-. M. Lmniou ohifi't to the idea of seeing the Presid t of ihe t ej States me a new tests onv i the g - id Mitii of ihe Freneh 2ove iin.eut. lest t.:'h a s-j-p. reasonaWe and i-t in il-i-H. should not ppearlo u rxcim-vtiy dictated by justice and by reason. He will not ie astonished :l t'.r French v eminent, im its side, alt o-he an e pd importance b slio-.v ilt.n tn acknowled. iu opci.ly a Icgu.nta'" d-ii, it - i deelar mt; itself readv to iheti irse it. il has ex clusively consulted reason and jun-e. You are authorised, sir. to lead the present despatch to M. I oryth, and, if be desire. Iu lei htm take a copy uf it. Aect j-t. Ate. .'Siiueti,! v. iiuti'iLi::. Ymr t' e Hi!'i!. rough Kerotilrr ClCINTl AM) CIUIM.F.STUN ISail floatl. Mr Kt'tr-Kt Permit me. sir. ihrot'2': thr meoiutn ol" your paper, to oiler a (lan br the lo cation of this road through Cast Tenm s s.s. North -and South Carolina, and as sin oieh reasons as in my npinion -hotial induce tie stockholders tn adopt my plan. First, then. I will by down the riittte, with a detail of its advantages; and finally contrast its probable cost with other routes th;t have been s;oken of. It :s contemplated that the road shall enter Tennessee, passing it or near Mean's ta 'i .-i, t-iVe thence the best route from that t the North Carolina line; my plan is. ihal the road should take the he-t and nearest route to llie Watauga Valley; tins would lead near f Ireensvilk-, Junes horouub lo Kliabethtown. tbr-net eouti tiitin n; that valley lo tits- foot ol the Ir :i Mountain on th road to 'he bepp (i-.ru where they will de-end 'in: l'.loe Rt lire; then t.ikiug the Inch land beyond fhe Yadkin, pas by YVilUi'-boroiiah, Niite villi- -itid rhiflotte, thenep to the Sooth b irolina hue. cross the Catawba near the Old Nation Ford. pj through Y'ork. Chester and Fairfield lo Columbia. Now the indiK-einents to this mule are llie facilities which the fo e of the coun trv and its productions offer for the eon Mruclion of the ro nl, the iiimi' rise ininnnt of tirodure which would find lis wav lo i market on t!o- mad from that country, if it were mi loeati-o; and the suhncnj Hon that could he obtained in Tennessee and North Carolina n that cae would form an item no' to he disregarded. From the tune that tin- road reached tin- viilev of the W a m i no ili.listilties n its construction would be encountered until it came t the foot of the Stone Mi.ioit mi. It is stt ui :e, but not the b-ss true. th:u front the nme you enter the mountains at K'uzabi thlown to the foot of the aseint :.l the Stone Moun tains, upward nl thirty miles, you trave almost the wl-.ob vtiv with ttnieiidoii iiiouiilnns on eio ii sn'.e, yet the road is a be threiide at as Imie expense au part ot IV route, wt imi'ar leiigtli, Iroia t mcii.n ti ti that place. In tscf idinj and descendin the Alle ghany. I believe it may be crossed with a much facility at this place as any oili er in tot jmnis uf Nrili Carotiua; and whrn t ir allowance is made fr the great larLty with which you approach ihe l.n.t " tV gap, and thus? baie tut a s.nfib lliue.t.uii lo go OVet. 1 eliocld think tldj was dcidrd'y t'us cheaptst riie f ar pa ieg 'hat ranee. From U-at olaif oi.a, :-r. ii !i the Hide b h gh tab'. J . r;d. and are i Use lp of t'-t n'untaii. L . Ioh: r- e; tag thai jou an iiii-f 'ha ia a 1 .Ji !et I countrj ; aiul are ! ill t'.c w m J.s ai.ee i iet n llie two raii't-s. tjp tilaii any aad I Hue Kale. there is lt a .!:- fn!l i-l ifruch I7. The ac ..! i!i- I'lwe luO.-e nny btsra si'y eiTcCf,', hold I. u tliv oaiureoflh t nl and l face of Ihtf cootf.rr, passing down the tahev if llie adkm oiild vu ft n.ti ti ticiji where it !S Ue i Cjjiiiy of Vdkrb..rHj!i, eee ry to p noi.e In Is III n-ter I l a-itll! a hljih lidge. leading ibfl.-- v .i.th t! refsn toe rotai-lit-s of U'Ae-. lied. I at d Me. kleflt urjT. This loth fi . 1 tlividea l ie wairit of the .i.tb 0 rtr!i ihe rw Cittwbt i. the Yalkn, afd is in the wh du r.ui o.ie f the f rnost, most le vel -ud 'lt r ado ihe same d'-tawce it the st 0.4 and t utirely free in iW whole course lfi iti'erruption by xtieam f any sie, ialced H s .iu. ult for the wa tier la tq , atf wu r tar their hotses on that ro j- Xear ih4 S Mith t in ,i a lute, ana uc twecu ta tt the cou i r lj t!ie .'aaba. ihe fic ol rteiiradv ijir.ble l r tiie co'.;riun of a l id oad as t uh al in t'nt rti.jje of the -ta'.. In this there :n.; i-,. creeks cf ssn e -l-e to pa: Sctjir t'r sl. shoi.t ten I south tf Chari 'te. Meet Cne's, sie six ' ihri'iib, l n itdti.' Kntbt rf.rd. Kowai .T ... I. . . i .d.i if !;ub turl.lr on; bi l as lie l ank arc bold to ttie fatct's c!i , -i il.e bottom lirm, it is Itio-vcJ they o.rr no strums obsucb- to t;e cr-iistruc 101. -f H-rOianeM and safe l r.- for tie p .-je if the road. 'I I el' 4 iw In, n is u e, is a i.re stiearu; vi tit nuT be a-il pasvd l y a i bridge ij ute b !w !. Hid Nat.u F id; w hen al ii o l -.1 v r t a nn i vtu.-i-e juirry f lh bnest i if q i.ti-.ir j a iu.irj.et in lt-f ciy, ihrotib ti e sro, ol tn.l'et col far tf. at d i .so t ci t U 't a ''r- 'jc may b ibr w n .cres tl. lef .( e -, ,tn t e i . l' . o b- m e!e 1 1 ' Yi-ilv, would l. f beyond t.h .rh ? I a. - roa -h t t , . r mil m..ie t -ilttv t ! if the c-u'd uppi.ed t' eu on ;.' fon;t. I tvnt i sfi.tf! !o:W i'.e ftrnts. i r i f tan iot. i noimicns'i Catawba tf -- c. . !.- no .h:i .i.ltv i.i J (Ni to in ;. fcale atut constat-! n m seleciio a , ".t iicii finite io t'.ili.iidna, I taneis in priVf, while the rapillrar. where it in y lw ei-.iv .- o ?eeted Willi ihe I'ir.irbstrtn an! Hi it' iifh rul f".l. Ilete ! t -,S r qu- ,., ! i t t X some ! iaip of t -t I S. n. , o ice the r..e a- iieirih they .11 led that from the point wf ere it - v !; i t'.h lit) the iliUit YalleV lo V - r-'i!t, it is almost straight: " -1 ' T.Ues!or.no-H thev mm due south l- I ? !- m hailswtfin a pirt of V.-rk 1 strict. Chester and F ir- I i '! m.o-- re Hem tbe sea board f.- ld to Col i. I tin. You will at J.o :i.e ': ...: ..i uld enable them tn,. aich work I rum the to Carohna lo ' a iare .pn l.ty of any unc artirb iv . I- ' l.,. ! miles bie md I su-peil ' truly :eere the n hi ! if the enrleuieii won i ; 't !',! I'.' and s2i tbeiiisrlvi iiiauon of ihe nartii hcit i..: t'.ere, ti.e r out- now pas-fj, good i luipron-d Appm.-ie von ; south of tin-, an .s. niay fit- tre , t ...a rai.i?e at aiiV y t t will have to milt in a mou an! at leat seieiitv tniHis country, w hi r 'numerous large Ion. you must encour at a correspond!! ro;. or me sinuc uld so lengthen 'l ties of the mute road as nearlv to i bie she distance, ii.I ... I .-.I.. maue u rrauy icm-t r in3n me UllC SUJ- gesieu oy me. It is important l.e road should nasi through a country 4,t has sometliinr to send on it. Now i Is true thai III -i ns. ral hat lennessce 1 but few products lK.,1 i.'f.t.til r Wm nil K:l I . os "u mii roao. i..r stock usually travel , tn market; ,( HI J,ii,iil up the Waul-a Valley v ,u l iM iur.Hiii tnc very senii ol I ne; county, where they base iilostu nue' hanks ol ihe n i.e-t imn ore, , whi. h, if the M'iii uric tone lijv.ue Dlhll llll'Oll. A i i .. i ... nine of wealth lo ihe V ate. Fiom the rn huess of the ore a.l the mulity of tlieir iron, w ilh the fertluy of ihetr river lands and ihe conse-jnlnl cheapness of ( ii vinrr. il tney tia i ttie i vantage oi a ran road for transportation, they would fair ly -compete with ihejforeian iron at j ('barlestou, or assist in supplying Cin cinnati, that birminirliiii uf the west. Ahe county in North Carolina, in which a part of the iron region lies, would also benefit from the same s,ource, opi-niii to them new avenues of profit and Iresh mo tives of enterprise and industry. Wilkei county is throughout a emu growing and provision country, and would in the course of the season send lnre qu intt lius of produce to Soulh Carolina, w here they would always find a fair market. At this time they have no mode of car rying off large quantities of surplus pro duce; hence lliere is little inducement to make more than they use. Almost lbs same ntav be. said of Iredell county; it is iu general a line raiii growing country ef k.aV.t. d-ev ir t..itU N Ct r i ers I33B inoH in iikrs. Let ii,rre i ( were inrrtae, t! products of U try wot Id sit, increase io aioolar pft portioa. ThiLas ever been t!atffr under sech rifcumkurtees, and there little rcm u question that eawe at tF eject would f4!o in the old way. MecLlcnliui. the next county oa ti nm'e. is in maey Uangone of ihe riche I in i!.e state. It it a tine t-in and totto ri'ur.ir ; i is rouon anv, ir,e sr j -rid iufl" iiht co off by it rail Hi. r if the '.uiMC-tiB- gold mine Vre. ,X, i'm- i.utidn i tf eir laborer, shoti c f sumc all the ,rfviion u! t .e CM nir u .1. ft,.,, i!l iric. idem Hv iIj- way. J r!ee BSiies rfjuire tn m,,i it eai much tnttUiuery, which iv t,rotif(.t lrini a ;sta-e at al eapcn tin Ctoild pass .y the ril road 't a -voig lo ti.r unn-f at d a profit lo the n. and a fuel is rn.suoied in loge .j i ,. I' tit-, tt will he a matter of cron.-n v X iI.etM M ti-- eoai, if io be had on at.y r I finable trifos. This Would in a It f Jat fvKiii a laife Im. of freight. t The cstablisiioent of a I. S. Mm Charlotte. i,ow w progre i.f lud.hi wituld no doubt in various ways add s.'ie (roths of t e road. Aitrr enteiil4 South Carolina, the roi fleets iliioneli. at lore bid down, ihr' of il.e lust citum growing district the ttatr; all f which would e lv t tad mad tn ( 4 imbia and CiWestrn fr that whirl lies along the CaUw wotdd , Id,. in ;i bv the way of tie ni which is always tedious and exjt ni nil some Lines iJafieerou iiavttfaiior white il.e comoton road of the fount oe sliiiost impstsMblein the winter. In .rih I'arnm. beside- tho-ei oit !.t wbub ir e mad p;'se initio i!u'. HaviusiMi. r"ufl rnc I n-ijiftj-. aliHia the r- u:e. Tlit e nrc aiiiof jj lar-'e-l snd Ii! f t ferf.le ai d J o( u.i eouli'les iu lie sine, iual'l piii'ib' of produce tat tiaike', both bread :a" aiul eottntl. All ! U,i would I the .(V -f if e rail r-ad, sdd.fi to ; jr'!;", atid tf.eveal h a id iniptr at.c " Cfiaiiestun; for i a.! their p odnee si cfijiins mm : vtr J p'it ifa- h tt.ei nd t i. d'stsfjt tnl many me-eh-v. river ah. -illvio miies aUve. iteiiaview who now alwM-buv tr.eir ! al L j j-ortjtiim w.mIiI ! ir.siin tin iiainst 3iV i-l ti'ii los by rlucttatio I io price. :;.! ! J f-j w';ieh they W-uld a'i't to Jo bt..i:- wi'li one bait the pit-1 oi thce wbo rfcme ibvir taippb lit .New here tbev u-ujM h i ..I ni'i-i' r;ir al u.if in iri. ir en isi i--ei;i t sre reer.'dv I o, I m l . I mn :o.er i i. Si..tesvi'.te o tCh .rhitie. !.aniiriho..t, j i r . ! i- i- rpi-r-tmn, the etinuiit a J 'I ii.ii t.. te im !i Jirs.fl linn trtl 1.' t n.'i . t 'tir run t i s n uiti - ot oi.lv ihe i rarest but best locatwoi :ir ! ':: fht: o wav the ticrroy id l.sf, " " 7 ' . at II eni'.essre. n -n-.. It the wh.il- extent f ti. r-t rme f ' "1 1,. s a i- w nf !h subiecl that i f ..... f ii'oii-:ttits w'u-h lie along tt.e western tidtd to so! eimsidi ration. It wot. bordei ef the two t'l.ro'.inai. there i jo til(. rtls t ol en nth oic-ea a v ce wire lb y ca-i be .aM-d with a population, urabh ami eoti-.nirrce ii -ie rea, iiion.oaiii roiil. Al this iM. al Cb irhsUin and thus tnifrove tlirl nv the Ibet (;;. 5 t' lre is not more th.o tor all t Dmthirts of the cotinti t - . - : i i.f . . . : . i add lo tbc rf nemi mip"rt.ince nn-i mi Cure ol tbi-imth. while it would lfti nay, riiinihil e. our dependence or. ' North; for K that could not be prrcut at Charlestip w ould reach us by the i road from '"ito. I rade most ule I course as sin as ti e road is in opt I turn; ihe infest uf the merchant, w h ,'ic is usual not slow lo perceive, v insure sucl.l slate of thing. There is ligh up on ihe Cumatru ithin the iliit of Kentucky andiuir lately in hi route of the contcmplj il road.jfinnieuse and ineanausu dsof lliiincsl coal. It is tl.nel road should be so loca W cotifP " eoai io wr.crr h old pr. mt onlv for its tranprta . f. ..I ... ...... H . . i . & ... .. IIS '' "e nunc. in Carw I Jtuity would consumf la inmiJ'hus creating a steady dims rv 1 f 1 ol bich would be isnt on I rail road; and by the st -e liive no doubt many th-""-.hel Would annually reach th f. ituif ft trici in North Carolina, vrh tr us command a highj r ,1 y,i! m a little lime supcrcrtle 4 M tale the ronle here 'I . -.1 .A,ls tis to me that wim stisthe pmfu of the road k rfdianced by the prwioc-T tl.fihc route. Suppose utc ' jf out Cincinnati, deposing f I .4 i...- Paris. UichmmA ' helots along the wute. the be loaded at the coal ,J .Kv would again pul out 'r-jas; . . .t. ..oner counties " - - .,-vcrv empty - " i : ..i k !. aoricuimn i i oriupiiu "j . .('0iu: ..cS. i find a goou iu ubia. . fi-.totiibii ' t rf turning 'f ' , ... 1 1 ldombeawa..V"-- : n. Id sc I lls i j of the li(i.-i. 'iti'.iu intnv!uced by thi tni st i xt ellen! one. and a rail road may where.0,, they bavo been suuiev hat Ota Votk ta ll t.