I. - 0 V ml VI. XVII. tnsiO.V, T"TjTgTia.V.,AXD TUB LAWSTHE GUARDIAN OF OUR LIBERTY. ., . PniD.1V, IS37. f srCECII OF MR. MEMUISnER. ivwt rioji soi-m cARouNi. , if,', rle Senate c.Vorf CuroK.im.on t i -' f!tJ eMru... m r-t j fr. ' I tWMMli CkmrUm tri ?.-' 0''" 4 IH fa Mas.aehumu--a plr which nature has a it were started out t lis eat f Manufacture. A mountain a waui Uie river, tad behind its btoad b-r-rirr pmteet the eon o in below; a f to til vHy on mi side i left, m if to tempt Ut! formal ion wf eanal la eouduei ibc water, while around the other aide th nrr rushes down, a precipitous chanutl. until after tumbling and chafing along a dracent ( nmm 3D fei. it return near I J :'v -en.ihie of lh hoimr yoi . th pouiNi from lnwr It -Urled 1V- e tirr.-l ii a-ijmg rue a at in . every side around. exu-iu a country frr , "... W!v. and 1 1 nivting mo now mail the peodiieu ! the oil, and ,, ,!r -t I fit 4iiSH(l that tti ih mer iwetf. ung.br foe a c-utidera ,i .,. m no merit on mv piri. b .i ha I bh dil.ne above and teiW. fornihe 1 J . . - ...it ..uirlMd. AM A ... ? A Hullir .1 MAt tuilfl f..P JlKlttluil'ni . '... l I .... ..'. ,.f .i. - r... r ,i if tH rr "'' wn. 'wrjn 4 ir intiiiuiarMiririi. ana til Ultra bf ! auu fjf its aiterttkfu! ar. co.i.Miiiorot. Ilah fat!fii.'iih a aagaeity brjood ail pr., dvrlopcd Ue efferta which mmU thua be puxlue ed the aute at lret. and bruuLt to ur aurtty and fort inade.bj a eniopi'tent and jTciir J Enmrer. In ibis rr(Mi, the natural , uniua betwera N'riii aitd South Catu'iaa in inch awrka' la alluded to. and it 4 stated Uai tbe Htugr.':eA (fctianNi't ibe Svili Ca r4tua iue batamUv fl!a in iUt the ya trna wf latrrual iiairirttieut cutilraii(al 4 by North CanJiua, iie wmirrit Cruniier im-luJn the bead watera wf tba 'Vrnnewntt. It thr pruuaea a Rail Rad frnot Nebera.by ay f Favrtte itte and Charlmie, in the 6mh U ahe ba f.i o t1tu!eUHi Crm Uk lower aeeuoiujMfihc R..ad, and fruai Tcaara re, will tkeitce ileair t ft on ut the Nurih. aa they bow dti. Of cwune, bring MuarcuUMiied ti Uie eea, they will lake Uie ehurtrai and tract dagrruus aaig tiuo. A mm. tliertture, aa tuur Wil ini'ijUiH auU Rrtuoke lUll Ruad i rwu .trtfl. and ilie Sirain Buat line eubiiU ed lo ('liarlravm, ywn wi:l am act u tbia rHiie ail Uteae lraelrra. Tbe trmpu )ou will vft'-T theM ia a fuyate uf a amgt day briwrrn auuri and unt. an.i ;! at .iJaura uf i night voyage around Cajr lAMikout and Caiie HaiUrraf . j twouf the u Ml dangeroua pumu vpwn ' Thua th-n. you will pereeire that 'aYo.'85-l. ifcwni.V.V CSS j ., m. .d rf niw-i ia he i.jta b'g"g fd K tlwir cn.a.i.jitioti. On i Blue RiJjse, and aaja. it aeews rlear Nnh Carolina i vitally euoeerned in av i."u. Irj '" s"'ri, i ii unci mi mar aiiu wiBitrr w paa projwt uw in ciiniemuuiuii; ana I rctdv aeppliryiMi wiUi tiia raw male tog tbe blue RiJe ia decided m. ihe at . ml here eou.iuiaaioii-d bv S..uih C'rn. Mth tjriinniit uui . rial, nil mwkm uiurr ixift niikkiifftr naitn rMi . M.iMmMMiM ... . ...i. I . .. . . fi.. K. . ... . tl,.Ht:i pi - . " - ....... . . , .... . vvmuirHiini wn ui. .Mir iiu. ri iiuri yiui iitiiuii in lit mriQii t ed la no anecruimy ia .delivery, eithcg from ice or delay. More titan all. it is Uit leai diataure la the eea. mild otTna -Market which nerda the very product which thr Itoad wi!l rney. Is the Roal practicable phvaictltvl Tbia qiwaiitiii tun. hat beea anawrred aaia and Uut the opinio, of M.j. M'Nn.l. Uiau wtiom a moievi' att fiiengiueercauu4 be fitiitd.weHiHui ou thia point. 11 eapreaace Lis JerU Jed cuntidioit. uui only of tl.e kstim riucncaBiLiTY or the rata fct. but of u tosraaaTivLLV r rxtciTioH. But uoihiug ran be more cot.c!u.ie of the faith of Sooth Carolina in ile acheme than the fact that ahe bae auhM-nhed lowarda it one million of dollar front hrr aliare ol the Surplu Retenue. And thia furmahra, too. an additional rraeft why Vortli Carioina ahould emhnce the chrtne. By the eaiiiuatea -f the Engi ii.-r which wr a.Sviice thia h rial, on i lie vilier tha coHaomer. Ixith real is easy, In eommeaune on the ub- s.iuu.iii h lut gin tnta o.-rrau .n. a'aion that you abouM aa theoi the ten. the Convention sv. that br wav of . With our mined atrennh. we can . neera. it aDDeara thai at ieaai three mil. ,..-,fu. ihefirtlerl"Mrecrritrdby,ii. j ein-ee of tranaportaiion front the sea Ulu.Uatioo thev will fanider Uie eflVcl areonptii.b tbe undertaking and arouoe lione ! doCart. or aboat one four'h of .r ,. . t.. gire lone t.i a new (wriod "f eoaat ia irkt Thew advantagea art nK k be produced on but a single item. Salt, our country from her pros-rate condition J the eaptulol the company, will be requir V ... i .1 ....... I. ... a V... - .1. . I t. gi .1 1.1- il . I -i . .li. . . . . ifwriT, m. wm mi uie tiuii .ui . iiu. i mm wir oaiiaa , wi una inaiienaaDie amcie, ii ia aiateu t e can nrmg to uie omira or our pruple : ea to oiake we Koatl thniugh iortn I . . . ...a I . .a ... .... . .. I I, A . . II 1 .. AM.. Ilka 1 . . . . 1 . . I . II ..... (y.,,1. lute yi,nra m-r iiriiv ft' - mnv iiii.jjhhu uir- r- - mat ileum rMIIHV CIMIiUtnea OH an an t wn li-r a oew aynuin. are mm em eouuuea. they riiat withoul stint. nual average 9.000 buheU, The orli a Mrili' r ih am, ile d'Hnun en , "r aa the beat gil's of llt-avcn to roan. a tuarkei for their product, and liierehv i Carolina. Thia State will therefore ac . : . i ...... procure or them at home those suv-tnta I lually receive one lottrth of ouih i aro V . J in tour care aUail t....!i'iue in ua .1 H-tual ciiiilrnw. or whether by . ... .r III ai l enrrgy through ul s, ,n. yon mV nut adranre lh hap an I proaperny if your eimntry W mi then ia thia aetuiil condition, and , it ijanui;iiua aa to indue- you la t -I it c.Hiiinua iff! Uif riuntcly for i. ul, drk pu'iuie is but I.mi true i . .it b-ith our atatee- Their roadt i- mJeeil Ihroiiged with Iravellets, but . i,i n't are J. in one direriiou. It .. mi ti wh;-h there a no return, on .:'! i .!firiiig the wcihh ami piiui : , i i "-ir Ciiuuttv. , Benin J tl daaola i atJ i'iU;ern the very ves u , ..I c ili i h-a 1 1 rioma of your r.e iief.- it w u'-. ?en that nature til U-'-j Ittiah oi hT hhiunuiw whef a ; if toil aur-'inly h'ddt not rufuf 4i ii ' it t i ihe I if nr. th tame des ruv i ifltie r actively at mvk. Pnxn lh- lt- e iiTf i'i ! uer )wol aea Coaat. a i the my f f do m-iuntaiua. the i u et are el i .tJ. aud Uie plant st -, ! Ca - IVar ahend:a hia .! ht i'iuehoid 'U, atid in a .irmpitoc e.nir u the Weai, j.nn lh r i)( .'r4j .lurrvmg thither from t'. VjJk-it and ih" ,,tvb. Turn f iu lil, eerled ti-IJ. diiapi Jai iJ hi'Niabono, ai I a dii Micuted peop c imi v mr ve; a i I in si'ii p-KUoii of the Uie. tl.s i-:eit l r ia n ,m re riBinf ita J i ui i a" in ovr the ftii.-.l W'rka nf m4n. lh it the.- are o n m-re p tV i ii a of the uoiji'lin I I , l li i.':" xatfm wiiii urr i i iJ me. I a," i ti the Ji-eUra'iot aia le by y ur i i Irn4 na iftiiucnt eonvaation. whic!l I - lu-f ire ine. . W'i.I any mad un.ltfrtaka la aMgn a tui'f'iit ream forthia tat uf liun. I'ltt eq-iitly atfuetiug the d tfreiH e Ui.n ,, ymire mntry! If Uie p puMiim r unhejt'iiiieii of the lownr country be utiMed aa a ciue. 1 will Mint la the ferule and helt!iy legion of the upjier wtry, where lte aane scene are e. ts Whv i it that lerklMt.tarii nary coat in the Eastern markets is 40 to fee, lo seek w huh they are abandoning lina's ahare of the Si.rplua Revenue, and 50 rente per bnahel. It now eoats when us. Ve can infuae new spirit iiiUi our ' her citizens will have iiiuhuted tuog il rcachea the Iredell planter 1 50 cents eouairveuen, and direct their united euer them uie tonienae um ol three million per buahel. making from 100 to 110 eeiits giea. U'e can create a anghty river, of dollar. Aud this loo, for the purpoaa per bushel for transportation. Itiesuo. which will earrr through our land a i ol making a nature which cannot be deaolate and wate. ', Upon the banks of ioed that this, by Rail R.iad. may be stream of fertilizing prorperity. Th'i ia i removed, which will constitute a part of your streams, where should be eihiiaieu1 . reduce.! lo 25 cent, rhu. showing thai the object we propoae to acrompliah, and ; the fetate, be aubjen, to iu laws, increase the thriving bu.lJe f the aunufaeiory. ' upon the article of salt alone, an annual this ihe prtre lo be secured by makiug , ita revenue, and enhance the talueof laud And yet there they stand unimproved. n.y alinost uuknown. aud lh country ar Mind, whicli should he Iremtng with ail the wral h of an active populatinn. lies tax for want of convenient iraniortaUon U IWIWlt HlblM IIIU .HkHlt ..I 1 llll .t..l. silence has dominion, interru;-e"d only by the boars rush of the river; and if any eye i there in mark what might be done, . lars. Sttppoae upon a moderate calrula it is thst of the sirangee who is wonder- lion, that there are 30 iti-r portion of mg at tn apathy e.hitwiea around rum. : the eta:e in a like atiuati nu am: w show Iei me aak why ia all this! Why is ii Uui Uie .ma of the North have eizd all the treaxares which their country of fer nay. have converted the . rocks of MaMsrhuet!.and the ands of I'onnet it em and Rhode laland into teala l nvili zlinn; into towns and viUgra. dttfti-ing around thent wealth ami jMtieriiy f Why I it thai with advantages which nature ha dniHi lliern aruh every oure of national weal.h withiur reach, we stand tuil nay, kre continually re ceding, while thrwie advancing with all me energy ana vi'ir h j ouui: ir. in by a sunple proces of ariihuietic, exela at.e l what is paid by other pmiious mil meniioned opoo the same article, Iher" i at. annual drawback upon the la hoi il tLe tate.f gl 12,500. Carr out Uie principle and the mind would be over- I etoieil with aaionitbmenl to Ui com pulaKHl. i li mav well be ronctived, Mr. Speak er, thai INorth CiMlmi deemed thia Rail It ivl ol imtnen-e impoltance to her. even lor the developement of her own rennur ees. Bui when it was taken in counex iMi w ith the commerce of Uie Weal, it Uiia Road. 1 ihi prize worthy our united efforts, aud is the road to tl practicable f. 1 was about lo lake it aa conceded, that your gtanl of the charter to the Rail Road Company, last year, had decided these questions in the affirmative. But 1 ohaatrve that tha Senate is deairou of ia all Uie adjoining rountiea Can anf man compute the advantage in re.ull from auch an outlay of capital. ai,d the benefita lo be received both by individual and by the state! Thrse Uitn. are amoug Uie advantage Inch thia Road oSera. Need I ax It tha Senate, whether they are wortht tha further information. 1 will merely pause, : etTorta which are demanded to aecurt lo point out to you Uie efforts making : them? Need 1 now ask whether joa elaewhere fur even a portion of this trade. i will accept the hand of fellowahip which in order to show you iu surpaatipg im j 1 have odered u. and advance w th ua portance. j to the undt rtaking? I see the geuemua From Massachusetts to Georgia, al spirit of the Sou'h ha warmed yout most every Slate ia now, engaged, at im ' In aria I tee thai your judgments ar meuse expense, in endeavours In share ' saified -that you now ak only thai I - .. aaa m rea.on ta nut loo onviima. I rnuan in aunied still more imposing magnitude, confess it. Ii i owing to nuiwelves, to Of the advantages of a Southern outlet, the want of public tnrit anong the peo Uie Comeniion w. re well aware, for they pie of the a luth. tlieir neglect of all partieuliriy bring to view tl.e fact that Uniae niea is upon which is (onudrd na dum.g five month., the Northern Canols tional hapioea, to the refuaal hi deve i are lsed by ice; that of i'en Ivania lope and t open avenues ( the reaour ' four innlhi that of Ihe Potmi.ar lliree res of the eoumry. Sir. t am not mista j nmnilia; and the Ohio is generally fro ken in aignnig these a the caoaee Tell I zen ( some mouths." It wa thetelor ne not that lh? Wire fertile la-idt ol the that the scheme proposed became of an Wert, and the t migration thrrehy prodno ed ii..v. been the eane.. lKik at O -io, tmliaia. Illinot a id Michigan. Ilve ih-v iot for ear been draining from M-ttaachuKlW nd (oiiiieciicul a tide lul lv eijual to that which ha floeed from ua ti Alabamt and ,MiiaipptT And yet i Mivoachtowii or Conueeiieut re ditced ti ihe tu in which we find our MitviK? No sir; there they stand like it. iew loin, not aatixtteu tiQ tier Canal troin Albany In Buffalo, is con structing a Rail Road on the aume mute, and he liud her account in this double communication Massachusetts, not withstanding Uie , competition of the Hudson river, is presaing. lorw aid a Rail Road across the mountains from Boston to Albany, in order to oerttre a mere fraction ol the trade. Pennxliaiiia, with a spirit which does honor lo her ; sagcuy. Ins at the inconceivable ex peuse of 35 million, of dollirs. opened ' her roiuuiMUicaiiou w ith Ihe U ei-t.aud al read i liud the experiment uccesful.uot withklaiidmg the neceasily ahe is under j apathy ol the other sections shnwa of croostiig the mountain on' 14 nu'lmed lunle are all expectations ol further planes Baltimore is urging her Rail , R iad with an energy beyond all praise, and has already advanced witniu the bar rier o the mountains, al an expense and al point in your State. 1 hey propone, with united nua is. lo overcome the bar rier wnich you found too strong for your u gU ioir; a ui when an outlet i thus scented, in the language of your engineer. g'todly m-oroii wuh their tdoo ning chil dren, erect wuh coiiimiw pride, their youiHIiil "igor yet a ifading their ener gies strengthened by lhi advanco of tone; like Cornelia wuh . her children, tliey 'Hi,if.lii and wku and ttuiVrliril - can proudly exclinn these are my jew fv i il thai Itiwari and Iredell and , els. While we. already yielding to de oidon and Hii.ci.no da not rxhthit . sp.iudency, are bending und r Ute decre tif vigivr which ,0-rvailua the real of our punde of a pt. iH.uure old age. ' untrv. aud there at least arre.l the Ude ' Mr. S.teaker. line taust Hut hall nnt iich is eutiiinj out the life hl. id of be. rtuvute! Their Ueaures are-egcrtsded la the resewe; we ill not abandon our ; tiiat should yon construct ht propoM'd ni puimn of the world. They ar cmntry, but are resolved lo seize upon , b your Contention, there wou.d he an w a,icteui to furniih inean of enjoyment the spint ol the age. and amid all ita in- ) abundant harvest both for that and for the d hi;i:nii,.. t.i ...rv r! . of m .i.kiod. 1 veniion. en.tvour to find same one lo I Riad to Charleston. Indeed il may well -r. . . . . . . . . . i . ii . elevate the eUarae'er and couUttlon ot tn oe aouD.eti wneuier yon iu hoi reap S.iih to devehijie i.s resources aud slay ! the most profitable portion of ihe har- ihe wou id through w hich us life ta ebb- : vest ntg. It is a soorce ol rougratulatioti that to this slate is due the honor ol originat ing the plait by wliit h w projWse lo ef fi .it so nn;orianl a Chang Sir, North Oamiina again has the honor of pointing ui the path. In lh daa of ihe Revo- engrossing character, and would have in duce.l the State to make ev ry exertion fi-r its accompliwhmeut. But the ililTi cuhy and expruse of pausing though the mountain exceeded the mean of North Carolina, and on Uiat account the project wa deterred.- Thi UiiritM.lt and expensive part of the route Ui Cincinnati aud Charleston Kail I through a country which would have de Riwid I'ooipauv now propoee to make. ' h rtcd ahnoat any other people Virgi They omlertake to scale the blue ridge - ginis i advancing in the same coutest; . . . I . i C.I . " and even the people of the District uf Columbia, with the Chesapeake and Ohio Cona), have pressed forward, and are enjoying a portion of the harvest Oeorgia too has extended her arms on the other side, and is urging forw ard to the Tennessee river, in order to cut off the rest is easy. I he paih to Ihe nce.ni is open hnth to North aud South Carolina. Yon have already, under the j the portion that is within our grasp. charter, a neht to i tin whatever road vou ! A id fhall the two Carolina alone be The son of the S.mih will sdvsnce : nlease lo construct; and rest assured, ! found aio-enl from this glorious conlen- linn: .Nun we atone, oi an mis gauani hand, ixr found wauling; and thereby ac knowledge our incapacity for manly emu I' I B llie iu uiiliiurimi ii ilm iu. r.i isiie imsguution. Not the far famed -.(ey ,if A'l-ta, nor the more clan; vale ' IVnipe, famish retreau more inviting th h!mfal snd seqitetered dells f Utifke sud Ruherford. There too, " Iw funnJ a I'oIumi and an Ossj a;td sf tHe nw clad i) ym.iti be wuu,i to '".iti!-u. iIk iHiuuro, Ui splemlid Carpel the U dd Moiiiitaiii rcnge V-an furnish ;! c;i nin'n4,iou. Wo.il 1 you have toi' rj-h ol water the bounding cataract l'Mhed in u, a i iwy wreaihl Here loo 11 presents ,1,1); MJ ,n a gUu which 'I4 clurm tit- very ny noli of Oilphi. ilm titcMJ are mre seeon lary advaula. which may serve lo allure the Ira J'Her and tow.tract lite curious. Ninth ir-iSiH, cuiiiuand, elements far iniiri P erf.i. Within ihe single t;oUiiiy of lIIICllll tliu.i. I.......... u,l,...li I., ikd -, . u a, v ii.auinij will",. ' " i.i" H"e are invaluable. leiMnn lutiort she first gave, birth to a declaration of Independence, and manfully did she maintain the position to which it led. A .rata she has indicated a remedy, and I trust that again, aa in the days of King's Mountain and of Guilfotd.she will unite with her sutler of ihe South and auike iftihly for the prize. - w 1 hold in my. hand, sir, the proceed ing of a ConventiiNi held at. Raleigh in 1833, on the subject of internal improve ments, over which presided Governor Tiie Iron nil UK of Swatn o:io of your most distinguished citizens, and to whom I due the tribute equal, if tliev do not exceed, I ci 'V in the world. The ores are of so of ever v friend of this greatcan-e. This " " a qu ihty that in their crude state they tv a innat malluahle sl rich that ihey '''t'ty the m ini wasteful and injudicious ' " hiit, and so abundant thai they are iv fiiuuii in ver dirnriion. At hand Convention prnpoted the, identical plan now before us of Constructing a Rail Road across tha Blue Ridge to Tennessee, to cross the Mountaiusai some point with w hich N irth Carolina might join a Rail L""rt has prepared the most abundant ! Road from the east. This plan wa de- r powtr, and a profusion. of .all the I dared perfectly feasible, and an estimate ui-, ,i turmn ,i i,e iw.-.- account. was suhintlted in a report signed by Uun U't tunbankinf the Calawha River alone, ! can Cameron, which advocated and Wtitt, is a sii, evcu W(ir4 iuii'mg tbanj pointed out iho proper measures to be Suppose for instance, that the Road now being constructed from Rtleigh to Gaston be continued through Fayette"- viile. Charlotte or Salisbury, to meet Uie Cincinnati and Charleston Road al the fool of the mountains. l it not obvious that all Uie passengers from the South or Wesl who have gone up to Knoxvuie with the intention of passing on to Bal timore, Richmond, or any point North, will tke the Charleston Road, until ihey gel through the mountains; from w hence your li ud will conduct them directly to their duatinaiion! Will not this he the current during all" the summtr tuontlis; and, will itnot probably draw off even those from the tipper parts of South Ca rolina and Georgia, who iutend going North! , Will not the same result follow with such articles of produce a are wanted in the lower parts of North Carolina, either fioin the West, or from the Western counties of your own State; and will not these communications open a market, and increase the value of land ll along the line? Nav. will tl not open lo I ayette vdle an increase of trade down the river? There is another point of view, in which this Road will atill further benefit yonr Sutc. Many of the passengers l.ninn! Sh ill the statesmen ol the South recreants to their people, and snail exiiiDtt tne means by wnicn int great enterprise is to he aecvinplisl.ed. . Uiiforiuiiatelv. the means' provided by the present charier have proved w hull) in adequate. Mere private subscription l a been unable to raise mure than one lourth ol the. sum required by the estimate. Tha books were opened under the clurter, and by some evil coincidence. tue ,() srriptioi.s at ihe West wholly failed, aud Notith Carolina aluioct alone had to undertake the task ! subscribing the lout million necessary to secure the charier. In doing this, her citizeus have laJed their strength to ihe utmost; and tha howr peciatioits ol luriher sub ! scnplioi.s, witliiiiii some addinoual to ! duceuienta. Eight millions inure are necesary. and iluse cau only be procur ed by the offer of ndvaulages sutlicieot lo attract the tuvektment of capital, tlvea those who have already subscribed, dis heartened by the lukewarmness of other Stales, and seeing that the means now at command are iioi.fni:ient to effect tha object, have come to the determination lo abandon the present charter, unlesa measures are devised for procuring addU tional funds. We are thus brought to the issue there is no mode of evading it. Additional subscriptions can only be pro cured by a grant of banking privileges. Ingenuity can devise no other method, unless the Slates al their own expense undertake the work an undertaking, which il would be vain to apeak of. There is no middle ground left, and the prove rccrt anis to tneir people, anu i question now to Be utcuieu is oetweea abandon the means which Heaven offers : the grant or Banking privileges and iha to lead prosperity back to iheir country abandonment of an enterprise, Uie most and if I may so express myself, lo bind fortune in her service -aye, sir, to make fortuuo her slave; for every thing com bines to favor the project of carrying on this commerce through our Stales. Consider for a moment the difficulties encountered in the various changes which goods must undergo between New lork and Cincinnati. First a Sloop must as cend the North "iter to Albany then a Canal Boat must take iu place to Buffa lo then another Sloop to Cleaveland then a Canal Boat to Portsmouth, and then a Steam Boat to Cincinnati. Throughout all these changes, separate agents must be employed, and additional risk and etpense must be incurred. The same ihfli uliies exist at Philadelphia, and yet they carry on a trade with ad vantage lo both parlies. But when it is considered that even this communication is obstructed by ice for great part of the year, the disadvantages ar greatly in creased. Upon a computation made las. year, it was ascertained that al one time at least two millions of dollars worth of goods bound te the Wesl, were frozen tip in these Canals. Now the Southern Route avoids all these difficulties, it re quires no ctia.iges ol conveyance no louluplicaiioa ol agents and is subject magnificent which the South has ever conceived, and which involves the destiny of our country for many succeeding year. Mr. Speaker, let us not deceive our selves in this matter. We have now reached a crisis. Around us on every side, our countrymeu are advancing wiih au energy, beyond example. Inwards prospery and power. We atone are sta tionary; a strong effort has been made lo arotue our people, and they are now awakened to the necessity of exertion. They are ready with but slight encoorag mcnt to advance in this glorious race, to urge their every power in behalf of the Slate, and to turn back the tide of com merce to our shores. If we lend them our sympathies if we grant the aid which they require all is aafe, and our country must prosper and improve. But if we repress their ardour and now reject their advances, their spirits will be broken. Their last hope will have fled. The more generous hearts w hich had offered you their aid. will have been frozen by your apathy. They will ; have turned a wav in disgust, aud have sought mora geniil chines in which to expand; aud loiii' ei.. you will be able to arouse your people for another effort, other cl)aiucja: if 3 : , t i i -. 1 1 1 1 it' in f .1 T i I st L. I i 4! i ill'. I: a 1. 1 if' 5- e r i v it 4 Al : - . . 1 1 1