(CMtic4 from rst rUt Jvt ia draft ea the rteeirer jeeswere J to York. The Secretary it as specJily coct retfulatieas requinie da not, the ta preseat them, aa&ta to bo psii at Secretary oar or York, they rosy b St. Loots. AVW five per cent; oa St. worth a preny bo liablo to a discoual Loots, threat. Now, in a frr gorera of fire jo would crer think of oubject- . . t . , i-exercisi of audi a power by toy So-1 .reury of h. Treasory! What oPPor. I tunity does it eot aBord to reward a par-1 liiaa or Danish aa opponent! Will V , impossible to tnainuio auch aa odious and useless rettrirtioa (or any lengih of time. Why should the debtor ( tho Soremment would be ia the rait of auch rafu aa I bave toppoced) require bis creditor (aa the bolder of the draft would be) to apply wiihia a prescribed time for liii payment! No, sir, the system would control you; you could not io control the system. Bot if such a ridiculous reatrio tioo would be so continued, the drafts would, neterthelets, whilst they were out, be tho time loo j or short, perioral the office of circulation and money. Let as trace a little further the opera tion of this government bank, and fol low it out to its final siplosion. I have opposed the appropriation of some thir ty millions of dollars annually by the go vernment, to be dibured in the form of drifts, issued at Washington by the Trea sury Department, upon the depositaries. Of that amount, some ten or fifteen mil lions would remain, the first year, in cir culation at the end of another year, a similar amount would continue in cir culation; and so on, from year to year, until at the end of a series of some fire or six years there would be in circulation to supply the indispensable wants of com merce and of a general median of uniform value, not less than aome sixty or eighty millions of drifts issued by the govern ment. These drifts would be generally upon the Receiver Generals at New York, because, on that point, they would be pre ferre I over all others, as they would com DinJ a premium, or be at par, through out the w hole extent of the United Slates; and we have seen that the Secretary of the Treasury is invested with ample au thority to concentrate at that point the whole revenue of the United States. . All experience bis demonstrated that in banking operations a much larger amount of piper can be kept ont in cir culation than the specie which it is ne cessary to retain in the vaults to meet it when presented for payment. The pro portions which the same exerience has ascertained to be entirely safe are one of specie to three of paper. If, therefore, the executive government had sixty in it lions of dollars accumulated at the port of New lork, in the hands of the receiver general, reprtsi uted by sixty millions of government oralis in circulation, u wouia be known that twenty ol that sixty mil lions would bo sufficient to retain to meet . j i i i i any amount oi oralis which, in oruwary times, would be presented for payment There would then remain forty millions in the aults, idle and unproductive, and of which no practical use could be made. Well: a great election is at hand in the state of New York, the result of which will seal the fate of an existing adminis tration. If the application of ten millions of that dormant capital could save, at some future day, a corrupt executive from overthrow, can it be doubted that the ten millions would be applied to preserve it in power? Again: let us suppose some great exigency to arise, a season of war, creating severe financial pressure and em barrassment. Would not an issue of pa per. founded upon and exceeding the spe cie in the vaults, in some such proportions sa ovncrienri. had i!imnnatral(t miohl ho eafelv emitted, be authorized? Finallr. the whole amount of specie might be ex- thn. aa it i. na.inr in erave and issue bank notes than to per- form the onpopular ofEce of imposing S . .- i..,.,iL. a: Ultra iuu uuiucus, itic muvvicij ihuiu be made that the credit ol the government was a sufficient basis whereupon to make emissions of paper money, to be redeem ed when peace and prosperity returned. Then we should have the days of conti nental money, and of assignats, restored! Then we should have that government paper medium which the Senator from ' South Carolina (Mr. Calhoun) consider- ed the most perfect of all currency! Meantime, and during the progress of this vast government machine, the state banks would be all prostrated. Working well, as it may, if honestly administered, in the first period of its existence, it will be utterly impossible for them to main tain the unequal competition. They could not maintain it, even if the govern ment were actuated by no unfriendly feel ings toward them. But when we know the spirit which animates tho present ex ecutive towards them, who ran doubt thai they must fall in the unequal contest? Their issues will be discredited and dis countenanced, and thst system of bank , ruptcy which the President would even Dow put into operation against them, will, in the aeqoel. be passed and enforced without difficulty. Assuming the downfall of the local banks, the inevitable consequence of the operations of this great government bauk; assuming, as I have shown would be the case, that the government would mono polize the paper issues of the country, and obtain the potsession of a great por tion f the specie of the country, we j Louli ifcew UlolJ a combiaei and coo ceatrated money power, equal to in it el all the existing banks of tho United Stater, with that of tho lata Bank of tboUaited power would bo wielded by tho beema j nftV Tmiim. rlina under the iffl- I ...l; ....J. .tl IW1nt nf ilia meuiaic commmiii vi uMimuKuiM U.States. Hero would bo a perfect tmtoa of the a word and the pone: arte; here wroaH I bo bo ioisiaary, bot aa actual, wiaible. tinvih!. rnniahJiUon of the moneyed -r. U bo or what eoold . Tta .tat" J? uri.u-o . : 1 iuI wl VI - - the nower to issue which tbey bad oeea stripped, and which he now exclusively possessed. Mr. President, my observation and ex perience bave satisfied me that the safety of liberty and prosperity consists in the tliviiioa of power, whether political or pecuniary, la our federative syetrm. our security is to be found ia thit happy dis tribution of power which exists between the federal goternment and the state go vernments. In our monetary sys'em, s it lately existed, its excellence resulted from that beautiful arrangement by which the states bad their institutions for local purposes, and the general government its institution lor the more general purposes of the whole Union. There existed the greatest congeniality between all the parts of this admirable system. All was homo geneous. There was no separation of the federal government from the states or from the people. There was no attempt to execute practically that absurdity of (CuntioueJ 00 set-bad pag ) Voliee to Contrarton. ''WILL, be lit to the it-t bidder -a Thr 41 dav ! lilh thv of tpril aes. Uie bi d- 1 i of a Preabvtefian ' hurch ia U.a town f Yney vrtllw. The bunding to be forty tc 1 1 if, aJ thirty feet wide, lateen ftet puii, im tfilicrii-a, and to be a framed bouM. fpN-i?ka' tioni uf !ie plan will he exhibited e-n l.-t day. Contrartors desirous of undertaking rjcb work would do well to aitenrf. GEORGE WILLIAMSON.! s.n THOMAS 1). JOHNSTON, f 5 I PAUL A. HARALSON. J ?' Much 15. 1- To Bridge Builder. THE um?erigutxl coramitMoncrs U let to tLa lowest bidder, at tt.s Store House of Bracken & Co in ttii county, oa Saturday the 3tt inatanf, the buiidinot New Bridge over Haw River, at Ruffi' Mills A plan and eperifi:aiion will be liwn by the Conm Siioncr on the day of letting nut the Bridgr CADWALLADEU JONES," ? 3 JOHN TKOLINGER, MICHAEL HOLT, JOHN BOON, MICHAEL SHOFFNER. March 15. s a Bridge Notice. AT the last te.m of .iiKe t uuuty Court John Trolinifr. Charles W Ji.hnstnn, John foster, U'ttiUm lurnj, in I rhma Bil bo wre appointed ComiuUaionrr to eaaiiiioe the 0'i lpo b'lilt by Mirnae- Hu t aciota Slink injj Q iarter. and report to nest term whi ttier iai'1 bruise is necesary to t!.e public cme niencr, the materials uf whirti it is built, and th cost of building. No'ire is therefore gicn, mti ine eaia iumniiiion:r .ii .... Bridge on Monday ti.e 16m of p'il nei, f .r the purp.iae ol miking the examination and preptiing their report. March 15. Eartheinvare, China and Glass. TIIOJIAS J, BARROW, IMPORTER, Va. 35 .VaMa-ii Street, .Vrte IVrfr, iFFERS for sale a t'omplete Assort- raenl in.th.e above line comprising myjery choice patterns-repacked to ordcf country trade, or in the original PackaSe- Odera by letter will receive evi a"cnt,on' New rtk Jam luary 9, 1833 06 Pocket Book Found. . 4 POi Kl.i B'HK containing Xintiy Fin i DoUtrt, was found by Jamce R. Montgo mery, near Providence Meeting IIou-e m this county, and lodged in the Pool Office at At blights.. The owner is requested to come for. ward, prove property, pay charges, and receive the earae. D: ALBRIGHT, p. sr. 0n2 ennnlT, March 19 3,a Stop the Runaway! UN away trom the aubenber, ki r r lj te 16tH inslant, a negro boy by the name f GRIFFIN. He was about 81 year of are, fire fret nine or ten inrhee high, aod of a ifark complexion; has a full face and projecting lis, and speaks very quick. No prominent maik recollected except a soar on one of bis legs. He was raised in Virginia, and purcheted of Godwin k Templeman. A liberal compensa tion will be given to any one who will appre hend said boy and de'ivr him to me, or con fine him in any jail so thit I ran get him. JOHN A. FAUCJETT. Ilillfborough, March 83. , 13 3 w Notice. f HAVE thought proper to decline the Mercantile business in this place. Those indebted will please close their accounts by bond or other ise, as no dis cretion with me can be exercised after a few days. W.T. SHIELDS, jjjrvif fur M. Modtrtrtll. January 25. OS - Blanks for tale at this Office. To Fartnlt and Guardian ,mr. iMiWc beving lately t that s fe4 sg take ti liuwhaceaxa r."i;W U9rmt,,t3 iemauo4 to " II.ILtwiMaefcLMui thai kit tMMliM Wtlh tkst laattilotioa ml IK itrawt - -- - ; .- r k. i "'.7. LT-ib. . c,fv. u u left ar. U.f t..ed e.J approved lastrwtireaaet. Thetr peat dd'g sad arret afl-fd tho beet '.eJe lor im ctw cirwtiowa dcbarc at tUr fxtwro kboMrs. k kitM enJraco meti be eivea ei the cor rect aad errtiral aatareof ibeeaodee iatre- l.a pareoed ia I hi arbool, thaa we m.i'm ,nll, Buyahl oiler, aod bieh- y r,e lretreeeeo ia4hef achoula, The M'.emins; uairarnt vi . w aeated for the iaforoiaion f the pb!e. .,.. - TEXSS Or lTmost, poj'OWC l wacanrr. Literary branches, li tVi (per sea) ftT 00 t laad 54 do. M lostrartioa aa Puooaad Coitar (eatk) S 00 i . x m .... in ml Drawing and Paintiaf 1 wu Ornamental Needlework (Utrs!ia) S (Crewel) $00 Frearh Language IS 00 Leseoas ia Miuic and Paintinf are givea by a eomi-eient an J approved Inetrattnsa. Tie frencb Imjtuage ie taf t by a aat.ve of Fr.are a geatemao every way q- atfie4.. Board caT be nbtaiord w rcapectabts fUM Uee at $9 f $10 p" saoata .1 few kM'ier trilt t rtrtittd aie IA V r W.M.GREEN. Mareht. s Boarding House. dated t the ubcr!uer. at tb nil a iu of Jha Faddia defeased. Pefw.ni detHtii il ean a'- aeeommoda ted during Court - THOMAS D. CRAIN. F. b'uay 15 t'loek af II etrlfmtikins litf hhuss. an 'I J- trclUr, The fu''criter thus T4v V '' l'", ' " " "M rAS 1 ,5 o Mi;ul.r ((TyV t,A-l si. -r M' le 'aa aM2SiA, witbrM .viu.is!aboi al v l'it Ji.n:irMe a a !abore by aickaete, and would er . 'ilcem;e of those whose weik baa been t er. by le ajed. Having beea again re'ored t j be he hopea to be enabled to presecate hia bu.u, r t the entire satialaclioa af all wba may Uor bint with ll.eir eujtum. He taa ea hand a good iteortnieM of Watches, Jewellery, Xc. whkh Le wishes to dmpore of oa reasonable terms Orders from a diataece for tVatihea, or for th execution of work, will be tai'hfiHy at tended to. LEMUEL LYNCH. December 7. 91 To Builders. 7PUE Lui ding of a B.nk Conrt House in Car iliace, Mouie count, is ffcrcd tocontrac lore, wb... alter tzanuning tbo su1iind plan and desciptmn, will send in sealed rr P"a'a the Committioners at Caithage, by the lit dayot May ensuing, when the conttact must be cloied - to wit: Tie time nuons of the house, 5C by 42 feet, two storica rho foundation to be of hewn rock, 3 feet above Hie surface with a aiifTicienl projection t prevent any itijjry irom the tailing ol wa ter off the eve with sa much of the founds tion Uid in lime rnrtar as ef.all be tkeajed neeeaiary. TI.e pitch of the fi-at atory !o be 10 Icet in the clear, the external emirae of whiih i" tile laid in lime mortar, and the wall to be S f et thick, the lower atory to be divided by cross paaages into I'oiir rooms, with brick Wilis, each room It itr. furnuhert with a tire plare. The cro's passage to be ti feel in tlie clear, the paante lengtbwUe to be 10 fret The Vil uf the upper Story to be 16 inches thick, totally laid in lime mortar, the pitch v.f which t b 13 fret in the clear, to be divided into t1 ree apartmrntf; tao jury rooms 9 tcct in the clear Icnethwise. with lathed snd p'aa tered partition!, a firtplai-e in each; and one or two fireplaces to the Court room. til the rooms to be c-ihd up to the chair board, and finished with plastering and white wash, cic-ni the room a in the lower stoiy. to be ceilrd over head. The jury rooms to be furniahed with bench acat, and the court room to be furnished with bar, bo ith and tab'es, in such manner and atvle as the comminsionera ahall direct. F.ach parage door to be furniihr d with fold ing aiiuttera '.-f " The house to have 33 window i. '4 li his, 10 by li with sasb and glass oven ach parsae dor. " ' .. The cap siRs and sills of each pauaee door and ah the windows, to be of hewn rock All the dnrxa to befurt tshed with panncl a'lultera, and the windows uf tl.e lower story with folding, lined, pannclled adulter, with the ar-erisary lot ka and fastening." One flight of stairs to be S feet in width The boxing and outside corumliing to be fire pr "f, and all the necessary corniiU ia the inside furr.inhrd. i the doors to be furnished with best knob locks. - t . . - . . All the rooms Lck w to Be furuiahed with suitable deek and tablet. The ileeperk and joiata to he 10 by 4, 3 feet from centre to centre , The flooring of tiar j ter plank, 1 inch. The roof to be hipped, well supported and Covered with sine. . , The external of lbs building to Le painted red and pencilled. Steps of hew a rock to be furoialied each outside door. All the wood work lelongin; to the build ing to be neatly painted. The contractor to furnish ail the materia! an-l complete the building by the lit day of Aueu.t 1339, in a faithful and wutkmaniike manoer. TUe payments to be made in suitable in. stalment a the work progrtsses CORNF.LlUS D')WI), Sr XV M. MURCIIISON, I I J. li. KELLY, g H. C. BRLCE, a JOHN MOIUSO.V, J ; N. B, Lumber can be had in the.neipl.h, r hood at moderate prices, sad rock can b 1 v. conveniently in great abundance. March 16. t? 19 Tailoring Business. - JtlUOlML. MR. aU-Yin Carmirliacl Us removed bis establishm ent to lite budding ace occupied by David Yar t rough. c. as a Dry Goods store, and rerrntlr br Dr. Norwood, aa a Doctor's bop. He would tale this occasion to return Lis thaaks to the ran y friends who bave bestoacd their patronage upon hiut, and earnestly solicits them ui give turn a call at bis new stand. The I.atr! Tachion! win be regularly received from New York, 111 limore, aod Philadelphia; and be has ex cellent Northern workmen to execute his work. Every attention w ill be paid to 1 bis work, and no effort will be spared to mm . a a .,eiSe fa patrons. He fatten himself hJ generajiy ,0CCeeded in mak- ing bis work fit; and be thirls he can in- ..- lj. M .r.rnvJ a in in ure it to be as well execu'xd as any in the Southern country. J.auarv f i. - tf 03 IsOOK.lTTIIiS! LATIN Eli V JUKIIAIMK, IT V f. jt revvited from New Fork and Fbi- adriphia, and au our for sale, tba tar get im url iMorlmrat vl .Itich and rasMonalle Dry Goods ever cfrreu ia this market; amoogat wLith are lmo. vcy ruc e of STAl'LE 4- FANCY DKV GOODS, ALSO t:roctrlc ilardicarti. Quern ware, Hats & Skoev, bcauiea lujnt u'her artuliiU.teditui t.mco- lion The Urtde were principally purthaKd with cash, auJ wul be law tut ibe lama. LAT1MEK 4; MEIHNE. Septembers. 35 it 2iL2.2Aa it aaj IntaluaUc Oi.lliiUT iOU THE CIKR OF Eiternal I)icac, 7 White Swellinrs, Scrofula and other Tu mours. Sore Lrs and Ulcers. Old and i lean w ounds, pralns and Uruises Swellings snd Inflamalions, Scalds and Burns, Women's Sore Breasts, Scald Head. Rheumatic Tains, Chilblains, Tetters. Eruptions, Biles, W billows and a most rllcctual remedy lor the rc moval uf Corns, .iho. Beck wilh's Anti-Dispeptic Till, 10U SVLF. BV ALLEN TAKES. September f. 3i Notice. IT is hoped that a I tdnte i .1. hted to the firm of UV.S'I I.VOT.V tF.Vt l p to the lat wf October 1.-37, will rail and settle their account with the a iWriber immediately, as such a settlement is abaotuicly nreiy to the adjM.linenl f their atfairs I heps this no net win not oe oifret'n'ti LEMUEL LYNCH. October 56. 93- NEW SERIES OF THE LITERARY OMNIHUS; riRXisHiNo aotiks bv xail! at NEv?rA- rca POSTAGE 1 ! ! U'ALDIF.'S Liteisry Umnibua has now bren in caiatenre twilve mnth, afcd l.ss erjoyed during that period a verj exten sive share of public favour II has forma'.ed lor Irs diAlart and a Aa. reprints of Ltdon book wl icb c at there ovtr nfly men doiturt! in addition to a large amount oi dlrrary matter, reviews of new books, tales, and domestic and foreign news. Ti.e original proprietor, intending to devote bis limo and etleMma to b.s other period. i a WMks, has disposed of hia interest in the Otn nihua to the prrnl publisher, who will n.ake no farther change in its general chararicr than I'Sun t it from another oHire,a"d changing its name from ' WaldieV' t- 'Croane " Brown's Literary tlmnihua wilt le iued eve ry Friday morning, p-in ted on excellent paper ol a large s:xe. It wi'i coi.'ain, I. B'wks the newtat and bett that can be procured equal vi iy wetk lo a London duo decimo volume, embracing Novels, Travels, Meiuoirs, Uc, and only ciiaigesblcwitb news paper pos'eg.-. S. Literary lieviews, Talea, Sketcbea, Noli eea of Booka, and information from the world ol letters of every description 3. The news of the week, foreign and do meaiic. The price will be two dollars per sr.nom to club of five iutiivsdual. To clubs of two in dividuals, two dollars and a half, or five dol lars for t!ie tw o. Single mail suburrihcrs, three dollars. Mail remittances tu be post paid. . ' Aa the arrangements for this undertaking are all completed, the propiietor a,kv from a eenr roua public that cvnsideratinn to w hu h ao difl'iHire a scheme tf i nculutin; knowledge and Snicsenient is eulillrd ; ''The- first number of the New Series coin menre.l on the fifth of January, 1834, frrn wJih.Ii period or from any future date new sub scribers may commence. , i., . ICJ P tmaa'ere and asents for periodicals throughout the Union and Canada are r quest- cd to act as sgents for the Omnibus, and coin immirate with the proprietor. (LP Editor of nc tpaper ho receive this nun her, by inserting the prorprctua fr.urtimes conpicnnuly; and forwarding a copy to this fiii , will be entitled to a fiee exchange fr twelvemonths. Addreri post p.iid, WILLIAM BROWN. No 50 North F. nrth street, FhiladclJiia. January IS 01 NOTICE. To the Isfgatrcs of Thomas Bird, d;eeeirrf, (tefc. hart ol remt functrd for thtir distibutin ihtrt eJtaW ( ) eTltllR Executor t.f Tbnn.ka Biid, dnreaved, " having cloaed the es'ate, ia pri pared to p iy over to tbone Leg jleet tit- amount willed lo liomj ihey are requested In apply for the same without delay, cither in pervnn, or by lawful at ttrncy. THOMAS REEVES, LVr. Fchruarv26., 1 Fall and Winter GOODaS. O. P.IOXU & Co. Tf VCt ja received sad aar rr U t& . - iKrir LI aland Iheit FaU aJ U . at'y kept by the SMrrkaata .fll a , I large ana gmrrai amth meut of Ury Vocd f. coarstsuLO . Clotbf C'aImeret Halinel", Prrnch &, Luclbh !tleriiiev I'ieTiireil t'ircaiati, CalicQs, Blark &. Coloured HLa, Lc Le. 4c Lt. ALSO Hardware and Cuttlery, Shottaons, ' , Hats, andbhoes, " Bonnets, CrockcrT. Cotton Ysrn, School Uools, Statiocary, 4C. Afl which they will at tl at the k.rt r i lor Cash, or oa a short credit ta paattKa. i.. crsociy. 0 November t3. Y NEW GOUDS. rpiIE Subscriber having apeaed a Mare aett aloor west ol 0. F. Loag k C. is ec ,t. ccivmg , ( a wgtt sclectcp assoett er Dry Goods and Gro ceries, recently parrtisied by bim ia Vtm Voile, ki cash; which aa is deterroiaed ta sell ubumi,- , low lor Cash, er Cneutry Froduce, aiick a c.antry Cioth, Feathers, Tallow, sad Imiu for the latter ba ill give eaab, should h rt have goods ta suit, lie tope thst Li fiienst and thoi wUhiag ta p ore base, will gnt kiK can. D. CHEEK. September t. e Land for Sale. yOTj. Some person may jet a bit WkSt r'n 1RACT ti LANH, Uifing 4'H Acres IS mi'es ?.!,, 4W. West from HilUborflega, and on. lumtii ol a tmle from Mount riesaot AtsOt my, on the main road to U gh Rock THOMAS REEVES, March I 10- Land for Sale. Tit ati!itftriliB an flora , J .- as m mwm-m a vhiw ivi wsj.t V. tUS 1 It.XCT Ut .AD wt.trtos It Yw bow live, four mibs south cl Z2, lllllaborouph, roatsiiiirg 3' 0 trrrt. It i,tu i it a good Dwelling lloaie, kmher. Sad Smoke llouee, a gaud Kara, and .ihereat bouses. The risntatM.a is hsndaemely niuiu ed; is well watered, bavirg two steni mt. ninj through it. and several good i'irf trA hss an it a good Apple snd Feach Orchard, vi a quantrtv of first rate Meadow. Person disposed lo porcltsve srs invited Is view the premises. Term will bs made Unas on application to the snbx-ribcr AARON STItAYIIORX. Febri-jty 8. C?- roruartllng iiry. rjy3w Tok subscribers inlorra the M- Vf chants .f the tnicri- r. that ti y are atill enparrd in the luraaiding sy, ird'irn; thst with the facilities and spent rice 'lr possess ia the trsnsat tion of thia buf'iof. to merit the patronage heretofore tonunrii. They bave large Vtaie House at the tivrr 'i in town, for tlie reception tfforwsrdmg& i part from other buildings, and eon f irtt.til sale troe fire. WILKINGS&BELDEN, yrrfcr. Refer to Mesr. ave k Hot ui, l!i!litotco(h- Annl $ f, - YEMEN, Jfjv WILL staml at the s-ublc -v.. of Ihe sulcriber, in Orat fc xfyj eonnty, and perhaps nt ow 2. or two nthrr i laces a tartoi 1 J , , the cool season, the place no: nanictl; I wait for information from tho w ho eipect to ptit to him, that I may br alio to seltYt ihc best stands before I ii' vertise him. The terms will be lo. much more so tl;nn any borec of hi j lue to wit, 30 dollars to iosure, an-! 25 dollars the season, which m.iy be dischar ged by 20 dollars in the seni-on. 'Hie sea son has now commenced, and will end ti lOtlt of July. I toque st all tliose h intend to fvor him with their custom, to put early; the advantages nre many aoJ creat in raisin early colts. Eor b! and pcrformaticcs, rec bill.. JAMES MOORE. January 85. f-1" Lcmay's 'Alnianaeks - Von i was. Calculated for the Meridian of Raleig'i. FOR SALE AT THIS CFFICB. vrRvcinAr. Deeember it M I HILLSBOROUGH. N. C rcBLirnr-D wtraiv BY lr.'MM IIKAfiTT, av thsee ntntass a trait, ta ic rcii" titvi cekts ir fAio in at vastr- paprr will be dincnntinucil until all arres'i.,(J are paid, miles at the nptioit of the puUlifi r Advcrtiseirient tint exceeding fix'ern h1' one dollar for tho first, and twenty-five rer forearh luhmqueiil insi rlioii; lorgrr ." proportion Court advertieeinert twenty tf percent t-ighrr. A ilrdutlun i f 33j pert! wtll be made to idvci'ims by tbc ? Thnsc who Ho not rive rtotuc f tl"''r ' to hsve thetr paper dtstoniinner? at thf tiiin uf the year, ill bn ptemmrd s? em1 it mi mil ini:a nre unlit ruiihlrrm.ndi'd Ai;l' '

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