1 ' -' ' tllrart frf. -T V' j ...mt lvPllTCErWC"iHi! A1UKJUI.I " ..- ! at tMWC III Every u ha it r to V.e Jh inw .d.ire 5 - atone. Coih Put ifi bv ih "J P"1 temper anJ f .. .he maket the avwt iW;ipM. These are modifying fel ch,mtlr and Lor!j; ftwaetiaiee even when ah- Wt. . . r v It ha beta 3U oi ine mi.r w ,tra thn CJarJf. that by enaMinf kirn to rerf.rm hi powert onembtrrtma, ene , than al Uie fcms'e efcaranrra tnai ui ever lle. A tirailar nraai iKignt oe J applied to t!ie ra.vJirr cf eter treat and eJ "man Cntatnien5i..o,0.,B'.,a renderin other nf-I. n'n 1 ia" ""s tifeffl hrre'.f. Or. in ol ser mort. it ia , her office less to be seen ana Known in . CM tttmr ta esaeily decribed. not tociety, thsa to mile ot.cra eeca andunJfr ,ny parlifu4r heij, but tere knon n and iheir influence ftt. . raj B t0!Ue .insular fre l.nja in tht I roijr' t ie namennt il.asUaUmt or; rpgjo of ,hl rtnncht ,j .bdominal eit the nrinrip'r I tm cn !eav.iuif to t -; Cf XJ ,.f aJ f, ,fftcted. not ex- tain. b..t'i in U.t e.ii.n.rr ana ei-enrre. , 1 OiUni pru - "' - , x kind ol ineteribaue ni oi icrMnj. r( 3! :nrt n. of t?.! mlhcr of yr$hl. iirf som, tvn,ri.r., of Tnen- FracUm. W ilSrf : ice. U l.uSe.d. I tmo- m,M,Ut (i4,Ui,;, Hydriliri.s. but can tliv, and hamlrpJ -f o'herf; (or it wa nflt eiaPl!r determine to I by" t'-c ricn i-e if t!e dtie not only of, f (;j t r(ftQ -j, .me plU of a ne the mother, but of U.e wife. Mat ? kiinl. Appefue ttU fluciuaiing; not that i!Iu-tri ui eharacwra were br..u4ht forth m c,n,. j;ej t., UuniuUh tlie quantity to the or:d. 1 1 iJ! cnane mraclf : ir q,Ja(,v 0f ,y f0j, fcU I (Cem to take to a he iitm-!?. and thar.e m which a wlJ c".,mra,are relnh. the iaihfnec upa the husbanJ waa Ci-i -otljl iur j,ner (a dar, roaat reel. . ' T! e cae to hi h I rcfrr. w that of SirJ tnic M-Iauwh. wh.e f.i:uc a a jurist, a t(nan and writer it known. ns:-n'yia Europe and America. ! bul in I uii: nd wh-se cir.ru ia the ; rsrue of science and In nnnity hare rare- ly been CJU died. Few raen i have o.ine more thrmjh the pro?rea of a lc? Lie; than le; tn few ha'C at any rate, been more ditiitfji!ie:l for estenive Ivarn-! i-ig. Urf e nef . and liberal principle, in law. politiet and philosophy; but espe- c-ally in l is favorite department of a'" , law. It wes he of wl.om Sir XV, Scott end, on a certain cceas:oi. ihnt be made ; Ue nioit briuiant tpeech cer heara at ,i!C,e. H4V9 ,ome notion of attaining t-.e bar or in the forum." Yet ihi great fro,n ttjne anj portcr, the Crl it rat!;cr r.-n. i;" e nny ItHeve hi own story,; cxcj.jrg la roT pUe, the latter poplec owed n"! -WW hnre of his grenlr.rw to 1 lic j j, fr tCaIih. the ritance and influence of hu w ife. 'I'l.-day to w retched that I deter- Of this the following extrici 'rstn a letter nijneij ,0 h?.,jy to )r, p. Have a n- ofhisioatru-nl.d(en!mghereliaraetfr, after her (!e."'3e, will most ahundanilv prove. The l .t chnse includes, it will te rtc:j, a pasi'i tribute 10 another per son prohaVy mother, wh'eh doubt les the ev.ru-t I have ma'le in rxhi' it ing the inftVcm-e of two females ia the fjr niatiouof character, instead of but one. All me, in juv.itc to hr r memory, Tt,iCPt (t J an) perma h d' tlut mv tyt teil whst she was. and wh.,t 1 owed ,f(I, t;CCj- nowcrlul iiiedicinrd. I'cltrx- to her. I . nii!e ! in mv r?;o-ce orlv bv the Min i afiVf.i m of youth. 1 found an intelligent c itnpnr.iea and a tender friei d, a prm'.cnt n; - the m ;st f dthful of witt. ar.1 a ni ;:.er a tender cl;il ilreii evrr had t' e n isfor.unc to loe. I n"-a woman who. hy t!ie ten ier rr.an sat litem of my weukr.e, ha gradually c r.irti ,! t!ic rao-t pernicious of them. Jii' l.r.-.ine pradi nt from aflc-iion: sind V'-uiii'!i of the mo: scnerous uature, she w a t u.jiit trugsuty an J economy ry ner loicforire. D-.nn: t ie mt cri'.ieal period of my hi-, she prewrtcJ order ia my f- fmrs fr. n; ti e rare of which she re- l:cJ :.-,. S'ie Litierrtlly reclaimed me f . in 'i i ;;o;.; she propped my weak n. .'. rr. ! na-.:re; s.o urged my tndo- le::- m u.t the exertion that have been vs'ul er er?-Jitable to me, and she was perpc.utiity at i.and to ;mon my -sr.: and improvidence. To her I oc nUuM-er I am; to her. whatever 1 shall I.e. In l:er solicitude for my in terest, sl.e net-f r for a moment f.rgot my ft elin; or my character. Even in her orcaswfil resf ntmen s, for which I but too ofie t give tier cause, (would to God 1 cot:! 1 n ca'l these moments,) she ha I n sull tiness cr aciimony. Iter feel ing? were warm and impetuous, but she w ss pUic j' i?, sender, end constant. ".Suc'i was lie wl.om I have lust; and 1 Ime !mm her when tier excellent nttu rj' sci.se ripidly imiroving, after eiihtjraro! strti?le an l distress had I oi! us f.st to each other; when aknow-Jed-e of her . nh lnJ refined my youth ! f:"l ! 'vc friendship, before age had le; liu j i; ol much nf it original anlor. 1 I ... . I . .1 - , .1 : ';'' cnoiee oi my youm an t-te partner of my misfortiines,) at a) mi;nc.it : -n 1 li-.J a prospect of her tharin ' ui v ! .ir ,Svi S V : f I svs. XX ho ,. !,,: u i f c efperillv. enn rend thf fe pur-jr vut'.t C-cling onkin- "T U I (-! t b? isunjuisl fli III II.!.' W - so mi!f!i in her own irntie. b ,'.r j.,f,.. iht on her husband Iltld f..ili;lv. .i .i fll. I.!,.-. t. ,:i,i( r,t ,t,e men! ol huui:,a m.-hnrntion, as the mov i:i? ag-L-nt. i Tr .ii, ti p r whvterian. ' . 1 PIARY OF A UVl' K llONDKtAC. If any .,f ..., rr;,-!,.r c..-, ,!raxv a UMirM from tlie l ,iU,, t. .. ;t ,i elr wviWt ; S'",i,,,m" Ut!. Itit my pulse as soon as I a , ,,. ,,ie and was m a state of , M ,, wtUmXy as to it chawer: it ttnn-.l feeble, ihen fluttering and iriPC-,!nr. a ;i,J .ai,v niltt,.. and bouiuJmg. I j, ,r,l(1 al ,-rsN , bae heard ri-rn,-! of lVi-r:d rami's l jilnis lev. r. i'. i .-v j i.nitr.i ti-i diee-s-i ..i.i ... , ... , ,. sl of! tiat I niSt fct lbr'.wf. snJ'r tar ni!iB2aimiio. UJ nopaia. heer. Bd rtsohf d M kt'h rtse.wh.th I dl4 . V IIM,t isLW (Mfttlfd. Mr rrme el toed. btt torettl atytelf SV 14 ukt rap f tiroog tofr. a wwple ol egg, banned toast. a4 tint of trail ed ham. IVlt eensiUe ef w right at y sbxaarb, and resolved to lit tltwa again for aa m tr. . TrouUed tpia at I hi yester day; IsaJ retUrtt wight 4twrbrd drraata. Could it hie beea from iht lilt! hoe which 1 U jtst before I re tired la fced! I ret tainly f tt very oode- ratety, n I ! avtrt that 1 bJ tywp lomt of confirmed dapepi. Remained ia lb houtt nol of the day, pot feetieg an inclination for eiercu. Too the cf ra. of aoiwaal pill ftj . diJ pt Took aUa a Jert finii!ir j u.e la.l balde of the ioltu paBaCf t. which vat to wrongly reejmneiided ia Utt oepptrt fur y tvniptona. To-dav I hare tpent chiefly in 0r r0am, readme. Felt alarmed in ean- Bn 0fr jhe t mtttnmt cf JCaf ; my f.j m - ;t m,S, ,( me wor,e, pi, fried ojater. pie. ice-cream, and ae- vmj ot!ier ;u!e trliele, tut my ttmach jf ju tufh wieiched atate. that I wat troubled til the evening w ith heart-burn, tn( ,OH erujuion,. Heard to-dr of rnr T jj f !ca., w ,uch ,j,otke'd a fif waf farrjej ,ltr w-.oilesy without n,inuSet w,ri?. I have a painM ,ppreheriirtn, that I am threatened with lJje f a.e jlffiSe; I rs accordingly tied, ,nj laij ,nu$$arj apjlied to my feet, ntieed me coniiderably. Cberved on my f.ice to-day, a pimple, which I am fearful may iue in cancer. Took precamioni; applitd a CrtoinJ. lotion, and Unik lomt cooling me- ,:, ,la. i,v?;.::int know hide more than I do myrclf; feel perrnaded now, tiuce 1 hve ieen tht Pr. II; inquired into my tymptmn and hnhite; wlu'! rnu meratiug the former he iinilfd; he es pretfed eurprne that 1 was in w.nre w hen 1 to! J him the amnut:t of nie.lieir.e 1 hJ ukrn. Tl.ta dim lived hi iv''io- pow tremely provoked hen he rote the fol towing prtseriplion, winch he handed t i me a he hft ine "est moderately, ex f rcine vig-irotuly. and throw panneea in to Uie Kteet." It i t!ic last time I ahall rnnult an ignora nu. . HrtJ less time to-;hy to think of my ailuientj. in eonserj'ienee of being un der t!.e litcotity of tximining variou japcr relating to the csta'e wiiUh my f..t!ier b. ijutathcd to me. My cent tells . ,, unex-weied evci.i. it is nro bih'.i I slnil bo f.m.id irinHer.. Thi woujj j.eeii cap ,je ClllHS f lliV mie- r:ed i(, f..P, a c,., j., tnv pretent that- ,,,reJ UIe f j.tahh. :.n blins-.oue is mv 0jv ptwpeeU : For Use at four months I hive m.je r, ttiU1l in ,aV Jutv. Ii ws ton tIU!. lnv p,, ,',a( . ltlUt j;,,,,. ,;,.f- The "men hom I luve eiiin.tt d with their management, haduken ndvau laee of my id firm heiilib, and treated inc. ailly. A mere remnant was left. The pr jpert of an !riis-hiue was terrible at it ws regarded more neatly. 1 exerted myfelf iticrcdibly and purchased a small farm. I wa compelled to work. It was a miracle it did not kill me. To be up at the dawn of day and fullow the plough how could I endure it? Strange us it may appear, I hae survived ii, and wlmt i still more remarkable, not a par tirle f medicine have 1 touched for three months, and yet I have i;0l one bad symp tom. Iiidced I fel so much improved in my health, tint I have serious thoughts uf taking a wile. Reiidous Notice. n,lIjb AP , Isr ASs..riAlMN wiU b held t U ll tl Mn-iin; il-o.w, two "i'ci noitii f lliitSriiii"ii, riiinn mj o SjiurJiy (cf ro liie first SaMiitU m August next. JH!l! SO. 2- English Sehoo i!. T' Z sii'.is. ritjof ha iiprfic! Eoi!i't J , At iiiit i.i.ni.a-i .ii.il. , 1:1 I ll.llsUorouS I, ill fj '" 'J nf.'. i " (;no. xv. nuucG. i June 27. 2i 1 ht To .Tr. II. IS. Harris, nyr, en n.p as'1! July mxt, at slip r sl ' OfTi -a in t.'ic town uf l)nl.uri.'!i, in ill? . state of Ucnrgis, lak" le d.-p..siiior.s nf tt il- ham tllet anl other. In lie read in vnjcnce hi th- Iriil f Hie 'iit if J..hr k O.inf'irih a?ains y , n iw p-?ndin' i i the Cunniy fJnnrt of lrace '"innty. a! whkh limcand place y can iillciid and cross eiiniinc, if you think biopcr. JONES &, DA XFORTM. J ine 10 2j-C Job Printing, r.tr v rx;'i.t t vtrMj'-t.v i xr,crTn jV a i mi ornrs. ,'. Hillsborough Female I ftv.ie r3 $ f tu MMihstiM win nmmJI IJU. Tb Tno f To la (psywM m d) . to kwetufdM, Wlh lwtCUsw, f It WfM J Tur4 CWa, I Ftit r t law. IT (W Ireacfc. I W T rat E ja Stwaad S:UJ i3 FEMALE SCHOOL In IIilIburousb. rnill Fait StMUt ! Mr B SImmJ ail cooiac MuaJjr tbt Cit of Trtxs Eslih SiaJi, t!7 50 French ((acftabj a catirr, 13 uu Mtt.if. 25 CO Drtwin i Pintins. 10 0 RErtEEXCM. Iter. F. Linealn. N. C. Kee. Hn X. Tuintt, Kicl.nion, Va. He. W at. l. AiamMn, rneitiia'C. Va. a7Th Newfcr ielair, Ba'e.ja 11 fixer, nd Sfdfl. fle lUe tlirre ieruoaa and fura aid tacir accouol to tl:i Jaia li. r n3? rj3 T .ilAiiaili ' ur Fa'l Sfi.iua wi.l commerce on ib Oil of .IttgHSt. CUM ! D,.ta(imrit W. J. Bu chan, Tuiti-tn tit pr rion- ) Jo'm , Bing.utn. TuiU loj t r J JuLa Mc.V-icstcr. Thff tu.!i-nts in t'ie c!airal drnartmsnt re- c if reu'sr im-trnrtion in Spl'in, I'ejJnp, WnM.-if. Afthnrtir. Lit I ah Oianinur, uro rap1-y. CotuiuitiiiU auJ Utc'a.iiatiun, witiiuul eii'i charee. f. $. TUt Ha s2'i pipers will insert five Inns. IlETiniOXT Female Acadcmv. 'IIIE a ii'.srntiiTi fp-cfu!!jr infnm L puti'ie ti.at t in ririt-ies wf IM i-islilu tinn enii'ne viitvr Ihe ear uf Mr. r.LIZt J. MUKUOtV; anl att ic $e hvt vainti n in iht winter, tlie !inir will ennlinue, wit!i i.ut ifiUrinifsnni, anil! Novvu.ber. Yuunj; la d i l be charged unly fiom lUe tune ul'J miin. The manner in mhirh tlii School babpn hreif"fe ciil'ictJ i tugh.jajiisfactnry.and we tak trcal p'ea.ute i i ic i-miusn lmj it to the J)atr.ie f parents and cn irrfurs, who iitotid iviiii! tUnr !mp! trrt and ward the advantaj!i of a li'isrt rd n atimi. Tl.e price i.f ttiitin is eight dollars per rtion. liiaw ine an-i Fainting rive rfcIUr extra. Board ran bo t.titaincd rri u-itctabte fimi be, at a Wt distance from the Academy, at fire dol ars a m nis. THOMAS n.OLnil.XM, JAMES TIIOXIPSON, ELIJAH riCKAUD. May S9. 81- Not ice Taxes. f SllW.f. .'tid at i!i f :lwii. li-iK ard p'afca f.,r the p p.se i f rol ec'l g the Tat 'uf fur t'.ir y.R- J 7 tu u-t n Mjndv li,i. j:id i.l' july, ut Jesse Dur-ha-n. Tu'";!iy I'ii? 1r,, at Jn'it Np!a.i,t's. U in, -iday I'm 4tii, at Knl"i i Mills, TH'ir.y iie at'i, at ln li.! t fjri!il'. FruUv t-i. 6-.h, at Mr. Mary L t.a'. Sulur ! .y the 7:li. at M ri-l 1 1 , !t M-r.dy lic tlt't, at Ji.itrt i. Tiinc.ti'ii;'. Tu 1 y ti-.e I at tiu-i.r': I'nr.-tfa U(,!ni'(,hy trie 1 1 1 it, at Cdrs't-y F Finct t'.'s Tliiirdav tfie lit'i. at Jimr ll.:t " in.'-u.'s. Friday l')5 UlH. at A'. Jr .M- C.ni'n'a Sjtur-Uy t' Ut'i, at i-r; A. Milia.ic'i. M iohy'tV is !i, at tli!!b .rmiiH Tn-'!y Hit; I7t!i. at t in N . i J xa say I'.i; at Mri t.jd.i MKee's Tiinf-!ay tin 13 h, at Khwt I'arfesr's. Fmlay t i- JO-.H, at i'ii-m !.',' .n.ti. Satur lay l!i? lilst, at It , ri . -i V i k tso .'s. M.tid.ty ,le 'Uni. at Tree's in I lr ill's. Tiicsljy the 2-tlh, at Muiii:;'. (iormcc j 7. Ilcrr. Jm's ) WeJ.i hy 2i.h, at V. m, TfU c's. ThirsJay t!is SCtti, at Ciiapt! Ujli Friday l"ns 7:ii, at Um II. UuihIs's. ,-jf -p j,e ia!;lrt'- apl r.u.tcd ti rrcrif ine i n: oi i an pf ill', w in t. it. nil in II r.r rssj'ei tise it-atrirts at Ihc limes and places lovc iiioiili'iiu d. JXS. C. TLRCNTLE. Sh'jff. Juai; 7. China, Glass, and (atueensware. -ooo-J.1TIKS A. TAYLOR, .Vo. 7, ll'atcr Street, .V. 5. (Fomcly otHrfinn of T. J. Barrr-w Cm ) TftCGi repsctfiilJy t i inform liis f-i.-iids aid Mon-h.i!it i?''m:'.i,ly in Vtr-'inu an l N. ''arolini, that tin is mw rec.-innj an sntir n- ST !"K IF G rilH, i' t'.e aUms Imip, rxirn'y adipted In Siiultiern Iralp. I'.vtry d.:crip:i.n .t rich ("liina, in scltsj Cut , , I'lfcllitr with ciimplelp a-.aortiiii.-iit i.f IJuiit inon ami (i'lfii'iuH-jrc and Mine W aro, cmi s'a.nt.y on haul, and will bp olT red mi a ckhI i-mh as lljpy can be prm-iirpd in I'm L'hiIimI St iles. I.i'ttrul crtdii xcl'l !i; liictit tfirii rripiir ii. U'li.li witi Ii'1 f-i.r?-t" i:'y packed by .-..! ri-ncrd hand. Orders, nv Ii tier, prcii'j t'y at Icii-'i-d ti a id f,ii!'ifui v XTiiti.ii. TU- patroti.i2: nf bis nl ! I', lend and the Mt iriiilc irKiicijiiiiiiy j.i 'pia 'V, in tirL.ia ai.d .'iflli (.'arolinu, is ri (pite I. Near OiJ S ip, .New V,k, June G. 21 - Advcrtiscn.cnt. f I I K iuiioi,;j ;,:y ..f tairy iiijj i,n ilic Watch " man as it i.ujr'.t In tu- conducted n hi'e ab sent nn coibrtin.; i-Xfiedili.tDs, and tin' i!iii.is sibiiity i.f li.ni.r d'uni! without tiie lar a ni'innt doe uie I'.r sis cars of latior, have rfe-tertmn-d ine t s.-H tlie rsiabhsl i:i;-t al Hip ti.d ..I liie in-se:it yr.-ir. Tlie sulieripiimi list if a'loot riil hunlrrt. and M fit increase, ;md l'ie j i!i p intinj an l advertisui! (.mod lor ut h as . ire hnnjrti &Alnr i yea. A TPnth'mat of 1. r.t. and a soood VVhif, sliall Uav; t!tc PipTfin tht motl lib rtl teimi, I would nut wiilma'y let ii c into any ntUcr aarvi. e. An early nppin: itiuu is rfiieted. II. C. JONES, E 'it'jr ami I'ropritlor June S7. 2li lilV;.. fn Hth at ll.is ($,f. SPRING GOODS. o. r. LOXG & Co. alTE iut MceiteJ, aal 2r t ta?e I ta !4 M4. Iheir SjnU SefT . NMiaai at vJ ? twial Jf kef t? tt of lbi f'tee. i A in rwl Atrteat f Dry Goods ccc. roxritiiKO CLOTHS, CASSIIEHES, Satinets, rttscH. tXCLlSH S 4EtC4S rni.TS PRINTED I.AXX XS & MUSMXS. Illark Si Coloured silLs, ie. iit. ie. &e. to Hardware and Cudery,- Shot Gunt, Iht, and Shoet, D'Hinetf, CriHrkerr. Cotton Yarn, School Book, Stationary, &e. I'l will '.! tt ltr IbWCft r'. far Ch, tr a buit credit tu pui.na. mi , . J - - ..... Marl 13- Spring and Summer GOODS jtst ::i:i :;xvi:d. f I'SIK scHsrriber has j il received from N a. vt a lieneral Assvilment w Staiile .V fancy ISrj; Ucotis ILtrtltntrc, Groceries, fi'e. COMrRlMNO CLOTHS. SI1.K GOODS, HATS. SHOES, HON N IMS. (WOCKKKY QUEENSXYAIJE, and a'l atlich uua!'y hnmcM tu this nuikct ail id Whltii l l be si lft lew Ii r t Krll tie it very thankful i.'r the i aiiunaee Inrs- lofnre rereivrd, anu b pi his lncr.i.' an.; ti e 'if ilt now C' Li m a ra I. iV.ontiT pini'ui-e. such s 1'ht'i. Frstt rr, Ta'-ow, anl IW-swax, will be taken ia ta chin 2 fur Good. 15. CHEEK. April 57. M- CfofiV A" ntlehmaking tttf slness, mid Jitrelhr. tt I. t .1 i he t'uutt ww jfcj irniiVia fait i it ine its ! sS. ! ihnse m ha I ave so l.be f' G ' 'j I rll r nlr.iiij.il l.lin s.t.i t- II ! jv 'f.'-I hi c-mnn niins ti:iins atlVa'l ' in Uiilsborutifh. IVr a .tr5vf 'li"- I Short t are he has bnn -i withdraw n fin in Ins ll ors by sickness, and wnuhl crave the indui-i tt of l!ioe hue work hat Let ii II in lv iVnnl, lla' inphrrn again restored t hrtl'b. hr I cprt to be enabled In prrtcru'e l is turiiuss to the enlirt- s.i'is'ai tmn of a!l Uu li.ay fcr h.ui w ith their custom, lie has on hand a find sssnrtn t M r. lValchcs, Jewellery, Ac. nhi.-U he wishes tu d.spose nf on i't:cr.il!t teric iltd 'rs f'nrn a ilitarre f.r Watihis. rr fi.i the r.ciriun of wuri,, sa til he Uithi'u'. y at l. n ltd to. I.EMl'EI. LYNCH. December 7. '- Military. N'OTfrr. i hon-'y ;i.n to th ro-nrij fifi...t t ' :Ti crs i.f tlie Seciin.1 (lra-.k'r K iiuienl. f.at t'.e election f,c Itrijadu.-i (,-iii! H-i'l Itke place at I).ii I Mi tia-ic's mi the fi ' S;t.irday ti Jo'.?, where uu are les,.-.-t tin ',y ir.tuci! to attriid. By order of Nh.j .r G-iefaJ V,. Tr.tt. n. 1H.NJ. TROLINGER, CW. Ju' r C St - Attention!! 70 the Cniit.u! linf ! ftjjtttrx tind .1 '." ri m fcr .. T f tht It'r tieginuttt of Xorth Carolina MM,'ii. YiiU :i? ript:r.-'l and coiiiniar.di d to sit. r.ii at li.'l-'i ir .i.i'i, i,n t:ii- fir.t ;'ttini!ay . f li!v in St. rq i.;in d a I ;i law i!irrl, I r . ' nil and co irt martial, and for the election id ISng aditr t.i.ai ral. E. G. MAN GEM, Cl. V '') ii STATF. OF NOKTH-CAUOLINA. Orange Count . Court of I'le : and (J i uK r Sessions, Muy Tirni, 1828. Ji.hn Kitig, t 'ri?:nnMti.n hei-r l hi in I e ! r.ri't JJ. f v ed on Svtt s. IT aprtirin;; to I Us sa'isfaeij.iii nf the rmir t:i. tiii. 'if tut Hi. Ill !' i I-Jg" lire lll.l 1:. . . . . . naieii ,i, i H.M ,t ,t.;! li t l ,erel..r.. mil red, ii-ai p-i i i. a'io.i in: in jili il( t' c Iliiis!.irti.ii'!i lli.-t r : r, Crfit w J. f s n ees-ivi ly . I'.i.t in.. Ie tin. sai l il. l, ml kiIi n; ,rar at I'n- c. -t term ol ti e Cunt i,t pleaa ai d (jonror Si ioii. to lo- ,t Id f.r Ibe CoiMtly ol Oriini'i.., ut Ihe court !i n:. m Iti'Uloirinioii, l.n lite li.iuili Monday in ngn-t iu tt. and p'c.i l ansueroi d-ii.-ir. ji !j-,iciil by defjoit will be eiiten d ajjj.i i-i ilic.n. JOHN TAYLOR, Ctch. Pur e adv. S I jl). STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Orange Ca n'y. Court of Pleas and ( urier Session. May Term. lb:J3. Mi't Jiel -si.il mid icife. nJJ t.'.'i.-u, va- ! Fctilion o Sell Win li-AiiiijH mut t.iity hi r b.aves. teii, mi, .Vitiatl liny an t Juiti y Lit nf.:. J IT apjiei.inf. to i Up mtifi, tinn of the Cmiri, liidt tin; ! r-ii Jaiit t in t!i; case are not m UaiiiUi!t4 of tint ata'c: It it tm-ref.ue idi;n: I, 1'ial pa'iieition l.;mid.- in the I til'stiiirooi, , Itecnrdcr, for n tveelis nieecivcl, I'i.iI no- : itss liio said ih ti-ndaiils app ar at III ; it. xt . lerni of fie (loin I of Meat and Quiler S 3. j sio :S, to he held foi liie eonti'y id Orant'e, lit i 'In: court lion"; m 1 1 . U -bur-jii.i. cn the l.n.rili ! iloiidur in August in tl, and liien and 1'iitc ' ansu' r or ileinnr, lli'tt liie p-'tition vih In- ta ken rr, rtii'tjK ami heard ix ),nile. J. TAYLOR, ( r.ne of .iv : ;o. ti PBOiPCCTVf cr ma IlilUIjoroush Recorder, CMaKt-IJJ. TO THE PUBLIC. A f er come uncxpecttd delays, we hate thit wet hetn ewabled to present the irW to iu readers upon an ewargru sheeu TbU hat eraphaurally been cll--.1 ihn of "unprovemeiit; but is all the niur.irUed toroit in wiucn w manifested itelt curing me ai.rwj vear. perhapt in none it it more percep tible than in the appearance f the public press. The rewtpapert ol or tuiagct now, trpa in . formerly issued from our largest cities. i in Ion been our desire that the He- eordcr should reflect a portion of tbit snir.tof tlie age; and an ttiurt to aerom- plih tin desire, we U it wat cue to mat ... . t r.:,....l u t.n mitinll poriiotl oi our tnvui. - , rd to sustain t through good and through evil report. TLw rnlargetuent I our ! cet r.em-n:y icvotvct aconMuerao c additional espense; but we are mistaken m the people ol urange, u we may not safidy throw ourttlvet tpoii their gene rositv. and with coufidrnrw hope that itiey'wi'.l duly appreciate the benttu of a free and honest press, ana cxwnu io n such a portion of patroiwce at w ill, in some tVgne at least, compensate the r are and tod and expense isectssary to us uin it. It is now more than tiahteen year since wc commenced our establishment at this place, during which lime we have had laanv dilReultif to esieoitnter. Tl.e storms of political stiilt; enjrender many riKiudicts which it is romrtiine tain to Utempt to .Hay; nd tlie leal cf popular enthusiasm freaxa prtiercnrfs which ivld nothing to boi.fty of purpose. These thing ten! greatly to depress a tilljge newspaper, tie frospeitty of which dipcnd almost solely on the pa trons je of the county in which it is pub lished; and we ought not, p rl.ap. to ex pect tuiirdy to tsenjc their inlluence. I.ut we have l.ud more n- tent aJversa- ries than the? e. It U s .id of the rhiireh of Koine, that hhe wiill.. l.!s the U.Uc from the cotnmon people, that tliey may not, through ignorance of the true mean ing, le led into heresies; the piiests only arc to read and it.b rrret for tht m. So il is with some e.f our t lf-tj fed Kit ubli can: they are ifri I to trust the people, and if it was in their rower, they would en'irt ly prohibit ti c circulation of all p i per which do not p-rfvei!v square wiih the ir notions. Not a' le to contend open ly f.ir their doctrines, they would rup- prtss all in jury. Ai d t1 S t the t int which lias been operating for sevvr.il vc irs to undermine the rirculitimi of the Keeorder, atid if possible to !irtk up the establishment. At one time this was tc ry nigh being accomplished; we were re duced sdainrt to the J:it cxtn mity; the tr .f our hope hud stin'i ;dmo-t to the very hori.:ou. lait amid ill this dark ncis, wc were hi h ii.td by a eonsciot.s nes f the integrity of cur p:r ou at; I the jii-.--ttics tf -,r cause: mi 1 per.etcr M'.ot" lis n d !c 1 f.s t wi't.c tlie rtt'.ni of a l-rightvr ! iv. Our st ir ef I.i.,ni i s t now ;gi a in '.he a'crn.l sn'; mi l we tru-t that under its t ti'.ivctutig infiuoiiee tt e shall be pertni ted long to tattle for truth a;i 1 t'.uiid principles, wit! our flag ntuted to the iius'.- I mcv, jiik CoNsiniTiov, ami thi: Lws." lur enlarged -hret will eu.i'l-.: ut to rmhr:-ce a grct-T inrsety cf tiiifer th.m ! i r-lo!' irt ; an ! wc sh-,'! e-nleaor to gra tify the tarious t .sf i f onr rcadrrs, bv fi lacing be-f-re them evrrv 'o:n thing wi in select from our xe!.::tig o.-iirrs and other pciii)Jir;ds, whither of Mor.d.ty, Literature, or I'oiitict. la ;.ll icr si li e tiotis our object wtil be, to blend iiiTiH' tion w i;h amtif-f-men'. to itiform the indg. mi tit. cl nat 1 ii c l.i ia I, tiicin I the heart. In tm'it.c .1 matters. e sliull n.i- thiiig i .ti'itii;i!c thr.mgh f.evor, nor set tio tu ought in m.dice, but m ill ocea sions shall endeavor to give the truth. the, whole truth, and nothing bt.t the iru:h." Haiing fewer advertisement, enir pa per in its enlarged form wdi perhaps ctn t tin as much tiMuing matter s any other paper in t' c state. XX' e ehatl rnilcavot nlways to procure good paper, and t make the i-iipresiou f:,ir rnd h-iMe. When these things .ire eeiiisidi-re. I, with the fact that the whole renter' of the piper will he setee'.ed exjire-sly fur tl.e people ol this MM-lnui id enuu v, we I. opt tiii.-s'C who !i:ne been in the lial.it o m nd- I : . i i r .i i : io anrnati lor meir papers, muv oe m- iloceu to heto-v tlie-.r p.i ronae upon ttieirown press, iiu-l ilu-rt-bv .. .ii-i . ... r.t auiisniiietii respeeiatiie in its appear ance anil t:eli:l in rs operation. To those of our liietid who eoineide w ith us in opinion, we mi-ilit nmke ait appeal, nrgintr np.,;i t! m the exju-dio icv of exerting t'lc-ir inlluence to i .tcn I th circulation of o-.ir j.npc rj but we ihrio ii unnecessary. They surely hive diserrn ment enough to kno w, that In fuse thi jr principles erm tiiuniph, Ii'it must )(. spread among t'.e people. ' Wc would idso riii.ind t!io-.e of oppo site, polities. t!i.-.t the e-luml.s of the 5,'. eonler are .dways open to it-pectfnl tin ! dcetit eo.i innnicati inn, :fi well hi.ni thi-ir party out own. muthsit we shall endeavor on all ncc.isious jrive :m iui pani.il and faithful aeeouijk of the tr.ms fceiions of t!ic div. Aii.lI'iiiili'r, when any toiporthiit mc.imro ntijill tome hff.ir: Congress, upon w hich ij may think ti.e jmhlic mind r t: ii r-t to f.e? i idinhicne !, we shall consider it a ilut tdwnvs toiw spt-eehes on both sides if t!tn ejuetinn. Xt ith these brief reurk we suhmit our e:iis-e to thn people if Oiaiice, Mini trust that they will incieiout to nit a due portion of Iiln-rality. j llilh-i.o-n.ijb, N. r: , M..vjl. ts?9. vvMVtjw rcei.w tnm Kc w Vk a.4 Udtliitua. tad as mStt Cat aal, ti, t gest 4 aaaerlsMat t4 Rich ana raxMcnallc Dry Goods a....vmI 1. I Li m.m rt 4 . m mi..i I aias.st every articio aw STAPLE 4- FANCY DUY GOOD? ALSO Groceries, Ilardteare, Qtieenswarc, Hats ic Mior, beside aT Hfcet arlielft fdi.t.JJ iin. Tbetitd wett swMrtpatly ftrUi-a with -ttli, and wilt be y la fwt ik MaMt LATIMER Si JtEBANE. Seplssnber (. jj I tonrardlng Igettct. fi Pjt M,UMCnwr,,n,a",be Jler. tAjf chant t.1 IHe itnrri..r. that t!..y ti'l it lb Fwrwardwf way, and trw that .lb lite facilili and 1 1 j-rtcn, e iVy a pyaaeaa i to. uiaMnna M tola au. ! merit eh. ptlr.aa. k.rrtolor. c.a(rrrr Thsy ha. la'f Wai. IIwwsp at tl sitsta 4 tk , fu I ' ra.-epiiow f Prw-ardiac CW,, apart irons wet twtuuag, a a ctsparatittl Wm . . .awn. " XVJLKlNCScVDELDEN. Crfer I !ert, t'att & I Ii lain, llil'boiei;(ti Noticc. IT i honed that a'l iSoae i- drhted to Iht Cm uf IIL'XI I.VH TOX tr.Vflf tip la ft, 1 ,1 of Oct ib-r Is 17, will call and ten! t',t r acevunta attli lh obftibpr immedi.uiy, M tn a a s. tlle ruetit it abitulr'y nerrstait i. the a 'j ii.n-ni cf ibeir atTnis. I ht.pt thiai.ip lice will out lit tJisrrrar.Itd. LEMUEL LYNCH. cl b'r ti. ,)-. lacahutble OiAT.lIllAT, FOU Tlll;"c t ltt OF Internal I)iweae, White Swelling, Scrofula and ott er Tu mour. Sore Lega and Ulcers, Old ii i I'lrsti XX'ouuds, SpiattiS and Uruitrs, Swe'Iing and Inflamations, Scald at J I'uris, XX'omen't Sore Brrast. ScalJ Head, Rheumatic lVui, t'ltilblaius, Tetters. Eruptions, I'desXYhidows and a most cilVciual tewed) for the te moral of Corn. .Ilto, Ueckwiili't Anti-Dispeptie Til!, "roit stir, by ALLEN PARKS. Septembers. li-. Boarding House. FE'V fP.-n'ar B .a:drra tin be arrbmrra. A d,, by te soL-rr-bcr, at !! oldtt. 4 of Jihn FadJ a tlt'ti atid. Pi-rtons rtpiiiioe it ran a'so bs ac( n n cc'i led ilufiiij; l inn' "i THOMAS ( RAIN. February IS. tri- Daeon and Lard. ij .nuir.y oi li.a A, Fn; si'c I y ALI EN PARR. a?m; u. i; Pocket Book Found. P'H K T It O'K rtir.lainiee Aor'iiat ...a. i, was IouimI I.) Jarr.rs It. Vn Ijo-m- ry, ti. r I n'ein e Merntit llno-r hi u. cimo'v, ae-l toti-e.: in Ihe post f'fiee al ! bright. The um ner i - e-li i! to i n s d r. wan!, j.mve j.rop. ily pty tiafg. iiifin: the MJlIe . D. ALIIRIGIIT. r . Otarge erin!, Ma nil 111. I Ji Lemav's Almauaclis Voir Cah uluted for tl.e Meridian i f K.tlitg'i. FOR SAM AT THIS OFFICE. tl'RV tlll'Ar. rtecnt ber ?2 "I Not i ce. fleeting vf the IVardenn cl the iBwr Uir, tVtrdeiis ol Ibn poor, f. r Otanc " " ly. wiil iticei l Ibe Pour lloutc vn tSt iltst Monday in l ptrmbrt m Xt A Soperintt mli nl ill be apfiiirited n ilty; 'ir-0!is i!iMiiiir Ibe apj.nti.tni. i.t t"11 l!nri..ie lo ik. ppli(atioii. At! r'tn hi. vine liitii mli admit t I'nt ton- and all aopUraii..n lr adntii'ii ; l ...i. tliou'd I1 en lie land.- ED. Sl RFDXXICX. Junefi. iJ- Notice. t7THE XVOOL CARDING MA CHINE at Ficebin.r. Mills, is in.w ia rendu. c-s for the despatch of woik. al d usual prices. J. J. FREELAND. Jane e '-' lour and Corn. sntiPerf .. r c otti.ti ca In a.rp a' I " t ..i I I.ut I! Jt nits vr.th. d. i.i .-.Hi it ipji mo. xv. hoi.d;:n. Mav 2H. II 1 LLS HO Rtl U (i II. N. C. rcr.i.i-iir:!! nt.im.r it v dcn'ms i! ::urT, AT TIIHT k li.l l r. . :.a, in 1n n n.ni.. Mill CK t- ir I- till IS JIOMI. Tl-o'-e w'iii it. i n.,f ive m.liee of lii. ir w uh 'i lia.- I'l ir ( "in r i'i-i ttniin n il til liicexpi' lii.n i f On-ji ir, .. In p 'iiiin d ns iVsioii.' il - i c.i ti . am ... ti! t ..oi! It no ni'a-il Anl l ,!., r will Le di-. ... il ei. Id a I ar;.a-f."'J are t : I il . ll'i'c.-4 lit I he i plo.'i . t . f u ' .'n--.--' V lv -itioneni ii- t .-xt tdeitf i-.x' n uni: .I ill ir I ,i i: e ti , lod I v . ni -liv e ! I n t ii h sn'i tjiiniil mo rl..-.; In-iijet "" ' 111 in I .i tion il t a lvi'rlisi!iii""t Mr.-nl; l:! I i (.rr i rut io'u -, V i!i Cut It ut t.l i ", I'''- t',u -'ill he nalj to ii'iMi'.fi.Ta (n ti.e t cat.