-.r iV.i nacat t tt da.i I .LULU-JIM. bete, ul tuf Mil "b r " w . . ,i .... . i ... rtvpontl frcu U ! ? n7ailltM.UMMKtt4 l.k a Jt- j.a Lin I- altrnU 4'. Ur 96iret is iw ' ef the pre--. bib l-May P- jbalVne bin W I" j nirall l.,ch lh Imii warn --: -, ate Mich wiJkJ f - t'.ll ..m mnm tni4ra K." r. .1.. .. t ll.miJ. nf Cl.it. llilS IJOUfe aee W ! - .j , Ur B. t.tU Biw!y erjr rstra-gar4 e.-rfcu.w. at- m ., ......:.. ,.i !,... mi it .cr-air-Art wiib THE ClCCNSBok H CH COM WIO Wffi f -' u JrfraC fa lie K I. .nJ mm; i! tJf 11"; MUfMtlJ ' H llA ,J fjrt. Uit s iai mirfri ti w v " . . . ; :. , -l . ,l lu al m I.M-h . j .t.. Lj wintrr. ! bru t U . tUea are u-i e-afcif Ol. ' . a. tt ... 1 1.. l .-..liv aurh i cuarte rili'd ! KIM i - - . - ;iiaKii"""' , , I" ; S 4,r rilt .J.r. H I tic i tnvrn-. ; , ;, : ",1 - . . .. .i .1. mnuu la imrnu mtm irini mt irfiii. . i . ii..-.! ii.ii ' i. . it nninof ite nf i iiiiir. . ' .... ...... . Tjlrar rf uuerjrtm m . . ki : I. i. trr idril thai U. w . M mire lf tt WM urjimwir. , - - - - .. . M Tpt 4rlrl mh-'mrxy lull cai'f ronilime u. ' f lti,; t u-wi.i ri.i.tinr: I.... n nrtfK-ll'le l-'llJ. ill i ofiSv-ifal li I.HitoJ fry A4. cf; gMii'tuaa iut liw llial fhi i4inir4ii. H P'wJ in on, came rrr o;Ha his'irr itJ nU:r iiiicij.!r. whicH the jen tlrmaii ur,MMly UritYjvi.irJ mm in tii lie iK'kvie f " rounty r the M il". iw !ut?tn; Cru. t' 1, J J., V. j;iltl:faI. n. .Mtlturi;iia.j; I't arM'ii. M j. HiaiJ. J. II. am! Ir. J W nh. I'iu l'v. t!i auii!irttii m iua... ttiij ? . Whi. I. I i'l. rs. f'a i'i"1 Cwh. u.ii(tn la'u'.ir. nit'r. i rni, , tiy i.i'f t i':jj fff"rt. IicU c l.ojt i.i '..'..!? km earijr ilr . Tl octjtun !jturnci! in T!.u:. , !y K&rruow. tl- itnjitri,t inn. irf iKt .rn.Ur. t!ii if . : ... . 'owate means afnl t unauuinnzru imn-rn iimr, .... , , ' iwu i np i M-iiun. ., I lirrr. il.ren.lw- rrnuvl,P ,.',..... . f....i... 'wj. ..1 1! ..rm.r rt'l rt ! 7ti liWiJro.l.Ir. I www J ,u..i..um .u ....... --. ,!,..... I nfrtaiul e aie Ml-r ti..ier1 i!.m rfUf wiwhw. i ih.J , t . Thr IN'IV lifram mv ifilfM iu..!.r V Mjt:!i. ami Cuiti J. ,('' U li e rfll-rt i f Mr. I!""'! ri.uli.rg es- ', Guilfar,! (Vi'N'w-lln. J. M. Ilirk, , i,M.refrrn.puii.an.lihrr l.aie ml J-.lm M.el.rl. nitm ,,r' iworfi .f i. .mIj f". r. II.i'iv I!iimj.W, J - Ihi A. 1 '" Itvruin fiuHifeU. ami jp,mi, toivw , nn - .i .!. v.. II.... i tr I..1.M A l.i.mrr ru war.) txny kuuui wn-r 'pr- , , u . i( fl; cf f uu itfir di!u will. r.ao.e aoJ fifiiii'' ... i. ... .i... ., i unaie wn n-,-- ; - Ma.i MIM 4l.:-l tarlvc m.tn!if; and S. m. fi iiif4 f tie a.!:.iiri. tin tvrf iU H-jf'it f f'Hi ' p"-i tJi u.,Aruttuiirt; 4; SI ' pjMineu. The irii ibrMiK thih the Rrfubluan pr,.v em """ nnvrr ere ..unilJ on piiuojiV; aiul thai priiifij-le a hnr ip,-iitnui to a mud proniial anJ iaij-raciiraUle yiei a! inw3l isnpr.aiii, ia W..ut t e Jnj ruiJti in i4; jiwy, liy 4mliia al 2iiu t il.e U' mo- Sir, w tt iMrf. iii a auiinical Half. mei.1. ie ut by Jmli;e Sumli. il.m a il i;.4;i.:i!irh Siilr iroin 2H4iu ktihi ., i'.ir fr .f' jrr;a in rniinp!a;on atNHii iib biul i!rf iu.n l "':ri tv nut tvtx t thr ftu"tii:i f .i.ii Imm niilutna l II. r, hi h. if cat nr J mM i-lTert nu.lii ie itn,i .riiUJ il.i lile iiatiitii. ttr, ihi irvSi!re it that v phaxnt anrr.ti.ip, il'.urlie l t:(! h"'y raie cr l.ia Iji.ICuI invia . t.t.t fr.Mii an l!nl1i I'uUir!!,.,,. 'Hit re m r.i il.ti.bt -f i' an'hnuiriij. The Iter. .Mm Ki;-i. ..J tnr4'4 " a ta rail f.ri!i t'.e epil i J " " " . J ' .. . j .I. . . .t. Mr. ,wmii, (-. iwf . ii rr ... iww ; " I, ",-; V "i; Ji 1 1 x Li l ru. ...n.n.wu t. til? atraiiw Tt'itMimr paaemJ y IU ..pinion Df the ai.t- .Wf..p..umlrd f.'f l..m. Bat all om.I j r:b. I)r.b.i.tiC.l sr.i.JeiC I bom, j ,f,lie UcUlr lf ,,,,,, ft ier. .1 in ...e Senate cf .he I nurd State. J J . ' ; ,he dierIrri(l Mr. ,, p,.j ,k? , J..,, . au,l.i.. ...d Be. J .. r, ,rm ,J of .Mr. nuht .., rrpral ,U fi.t tl. ; f M , ,,,e A,I..,ttMm cl Mr. Au'an I.u itTn. jal Alra r (.ray, j . ,,e,,..n. H riie I),po.,,e Ac 833. 1. j u jf of mB f(,r .Ilipll riul fe.,n ua. .n part ae hrper. llri.f3r II. '-"J a",,MVcd at !Jr. Iloir.. and ... ci, been ruUied I , Uwil.. J...e .ppMaee. n able aodemie arsiim n, PII1,Mlce .,1 re! uV. ll.e' l'.e.!e..t by l pbimmg all d.. -bile ..Jtr,enc!..e., j W alker. ,,,d l,uCU Mrtam. ;;,n,tllf,llr f..nd f ebiblrrn. be l.- :h. enbrgemem .f 1 UnS.hoM.... their .ent ti hi. blighiii-f Un.l H.fi.ni:!" fen'( t,r. ' J. 4V. ( ,lPr L.kner. ea.enrd l.rr. .,4 In the Ml... m eonrj,.!,.. ' j; J; lirv bl llial ir ..uiiy .. , r.t The prr.ent and prrredi Ac!,.,,,..-; C!dr j. . IVar.on. J.n. , . -) f 1 0 P j, r ae .e.me,. Th. rhi J . render fiul j.h h U lbn...rraey of, ; . .. . . , iM Ponvi.u d of if-huni 1 ery I.. M. CI.Hur.. Jhn I dh Lu A. Mi.r. . f,,,.,, llf ,Bj. Hi. l.-f i..Miri.liiitl. Iflil 11a fl P IflMI'll. : . .... .( if .... .1.. ....l.i... I I'ltti... cliviMr'Ty rallied .11I1 a ih leriiiiiiaiim. MWC i r. laUv at4 ivi y 4hen I.hiW aiut te,iu co..Pr. hc.ii.e ai d '"-, J , e .j., pi,!lllM etiwi.,re. ai.d money in t!.e mon i.in' h;h.. j mmnrr: . A.','KM-l)r. I' c ' i-arl am.nary ofiuaeM f,ur,i,!irllte ,,im , Ae f;n,fqencr..rfhi!a. ami A hen to .lbrr exirnnatioii c-u 'riibatlra I'-rt.e. f'ol . ICbi rt Man. .nil.IurwWMlrf rin ff..rt n fap H lr a W..l i. . f.wn.l.lhe abi-ed am!bMrard j.r..jV ate ; M 'j. Jol... lleanl. Jr., U u.. I.-.rV, t;.d e4irf n from rurli PWK-ra- .,..1 .t,,:.. rr.n it ba. hei. 'pidimil m inial olfenrea roa.i..iHP.I. r2 , .i'.'o.i-llei r M. IWr A !etn rower in r n irom .ih-Ii )iroorra-. , . '-.., ;,i... k..n .1 ... ..iTme rnn.ii.iiipd l-r! Isflnxtoik llei rs M. Wer.lMir ... i.tlll anu IMIinf. l ! ! 1 . . II. .. . 1" ..rncy wl .rli ronrentraie. . t f . . ((rttfr p;t.f ,, M)(.e ,y :tir One ahue i ei-rd to . Ruler. I . t.r. and Roe.l A. Km if. , ... .. . KA,niia. 111. rirnmmcnui u INe meamrii M tt,e rrv ircih ..f .i r.irnier pUdgc. ami mice liy o:Tiri. une arnc i 'r-i v m m 1 m. b" ... . a wn ' in.wr' ie rermmcnd, d ll.e 11.eaM.ru j..t:fv aiK.ihei! llM.MO.td l7.i?. ; JiilhUroihlltntj K. .b. and .Z'TIT f...'.lhep: .j.;eei;.rei..g; tW,. ,,,w Aelr deeidrd nop., tmi. in H. fir.t i.e- A rrf fn.!er.l ti U New 'ik hackt.iham ( em'yJ".. A. I. iuji- drinficrarv wbioh mbi,,i ll.e ami aeiioii of r-iiriv folio, ei. in . . r 1 . . - ii 1 1 ... . j.' I'll 11 tic. i.i --------- . ----- 1 -- i.. l y.u:r Ivjeeumef .ra.. Unl.er ilmn b. J and .n bi will liie adeinneraej nfft j,, l;, wn tM. ,v mertthel-; J.nirnal f C...1 m-iee. it4rf .!!-.. xvg Ml. -ate ..onaiia w Una proe.iiaj .yak-ni. miike rtie Mui ik. p:rain iw wj. . ,;.;.. ,t ,t,e Jintf u. aeei.inu of 1 fi, ii bae thine t". would iuvdUna aaeie rues vm.e bo.ne4- .. .. . . . ... .1 ?wisui.iiv. lie iiu. ikm Hii.i.nri 1 j " ' r-- . ..r eeM Mine.,)!- -bh he .reni ' eMino ...ever .rt rt.c i law-eny ; -Ur. I':.- .. ,,,! Ilmdrwrw.it-. 5Mi,"d .,0 7 V7'" . . ... .... I..... it... 1.. ....T.l 1... nollim?. HI'I pirtClirj iiuirrsi a jmiii i.i bear ror.iradieiion( l.e uMi.Ird in tun thirf .1 e .antiiL hi one lime, .km ahe bad b.en eon'radi.i. d. .lie run penAmfe 11 t-i l.rr aim, u ll.e cm al larger -f I tt life. "j wrgnc.-iKi ej.int 1. '"" n 1 . , , liii m Mii . be bail ihe iiaunii u aeei.inu 01 1 114111 i,i-u o..h ii 1 1 h , ... " . ' ki.r,:Ui?J iihr..... . . . r ... . , , , c,t.c ,(i nrcatrr i' . . i.n.riM.iv. mni 11 r it'ni.i h.hv. in the iiaur ea ne iii'.i uu.rr. I . a iu ihfir i p-otiii.iu u. four niliuu . .... ... jiiu M ti.juat lrto .UK-it earjv Irom .he puekrla.4 4e pei.j.le. in i and relyin; iip-m iheir reiii and ih-ir be trravi'nJ 4-r ty br'Il!H2 oli.i ian. . ,a:roui!!n ademnrracy .bteb auenipu in ihw Hie. aai ta be ied awv t.i M et ;p one elirs of the community a the ! .id r-wie aiut olj.r'.' h cainat hc other, a it th.ir i.ttrna'J re .. : n .. il.n 1..1T ili-.i .i..: tfi-i inw il .ml wtt l.Hi'a! a .if .illoecv fni.hhedcin.-fscy4!li Noith.Si.nii., .y wi.irh ile:iw ti every mwi ihe riM tv... .i.ii raUr aau)l the br- Vi Ui.k fc' d art for li.'4" n:i tW it. bv oerheI-; Jmirnal oft 'o.nti-.ee. cnHe . .!.'.. ng Hi. . ",...., r,,r tn,A. darwc are,.,,.., of , f..l huh ok pl- e 1, th.-i VI,c Mftb.r IMrp,,, f";!;! b,. ,r.U..KnHogiteU.e o;l uti.bv, the U t d.v ! jSO- .nteMir ea'ii tle.e.i ea...heb4.ejear,e. f.re. it aj made .Mi.ie: Cue. I..ey ad.Wr.fr! wet ..nteMion f ..ctri'ie is tiul.be! "The !8M .U-h iworr-il i. the at lerr;'h n the ti.lji rl lu'ma! t j . "lt' Ihl.pi Jil ( wid,a, d,, aVre ! U. Mind.y ,nis .a. Ij; j pr.men, ihe re.iH.ree. fi! J , ' , , , ni, w.ti niJ ,ir. 1 i , . . rrpaonii h.hv. o. .lie ... ... . ..-w.-w ... ......... n. - - .a.J.iundrd may be. .w w-ef fr-'W ". f , ..ri.'.ciple. he ha. bef.re bi ' n.e::l of the a.!j ,uri..nr,.t.hel..M u Mcr. ..1 ..... ! ttr a deiuiiefM:v il.at a:i;eaU ln4ef . ' .1 i..n .,. i..... i,.i,..r'IVn .! - - ; ' , v ... .u :.ei..u fcr.uV"ei. recmnciu anv inr.i u ... ......... . - --. .baii.be 1 mi.erets-.paioi.s p,..... . ... V!ih.m. moI il WiiH be a0.ip. re ! lw KiUH'i e.R'cnw on atvarmns u.e r..r.r ...vn. , - .... , , . ,. , " - , . "..v... led. nr anv man. or ei m meiv. r""' '""M 4 V . ' m , oroveineii'. me rr"oiirx o. o.e i.r , . , : , 'irreuon of ,,S r o'e. the .l.tlrt. t re!,, m. 1 1 ' S"i " ' T. '' .L U biiii r.nj; .... r. ,!.....n. . W .S- . , . "7 " , " J ' "A led, or anv man. or et of men. it. dire dUen, are f.hrj.ible, from hi. ele f4tcd feat, it!i corruption; nd are ibn. t be driven int't .iipporl of ai.y fi-hemc .e bf In. a2vHer mty devife In secure pnert fVmMlrc s. And. .traiee. trt let I. thi another o-i i-iose . ; , , . , , . . ... ilnf'trin. rii. lc. oi-jcuimi i;-, i)rf ain'et.orii!ibich tbe rt'.al i.-iu-re t . '"" ' J -t,... nief l iwHSiftraii.., .rf .hidi it hn iora- tn. .e,:h.r f.H K W.r!,..tu vr si .j. ci.in.ry are r eep.y aH P,inil!ere,j, w , nrihv !,e head. Ve.. air. lU. H.. re..r.., denou-ra, y wl.;c . atte,,.;. t. by party dn.l ' ; a f , fii, .it Ibe !.. aey .ent br, ami tin anil p.r.v liicipiuic, iis,iiicii uie er crrai .oel.0r 1;. li.rii M.e latere., ; - f w Prf M. : M, rij.,.t. aji e.H.r.iry ere deeply wed--, ' ' Wered. b our -nr,hy A', r . - ... . ..( nioiT.kHra at ,li:it .;li-t lUblr and til. reasonable h:r. Mr. Maury i. to he lutlly buit. He Mra ric?r !oinjj l.ia Iv bei:' knocked thnM.-h ,Se wir low; bin bi adver.ry, 11 i t:.id, .'eil him hv i l.i'HiimMlielmrof hi bead wi'.h hi. left bful, .bile be str.uk Juui l lrU- on i:.e in.:inrt..llV of O.K?.in2 lb' - ir.de ol i!.e Wert . i rimn jort. l a K ill K ud ... asr.ke the r. i-.l le .er at the b.ilii-M irl. lie !r w I'l.tap irifwn bel.r. n she t; ei.e i f a i .a a go, in. ahe 4,d t. I i.i. W bat a-e ; niiij t. d.. ..ih n.y C'Md old jemlmii ;n the baU!" 'I li!. 1.0 -i.uij; .' t.l In: g't ah'.nl onr bu.rir." UutI a.'ii'i." ail !:.: "be t Ua wr .Mn.poitaiM.n. .here A a, .n, ... !.,'!'' ."! ' J; 1 ... ..: . . ... 1. . ...il . ...... .I.i .a. ul I? t 11. bad. atwl say 4iit.fr qi.? ; -ml Ut.ct U kn of the Kni'iirer, a. riht and pro per: a, all .4-eh., a tin, worthy l' he ur,.. J the fite.eiiiiiiii , iifixif ir-ll' l of a Road from the Writ u. F-ijet't nl!i , tt.e tu-ad of uaviffalion. We iss..!et ai:n d lht t;4 iuc , " . , . . . - t,pr. H, all tvehic, a tin, wortnv w lh.e.1.r..r.and,h...heyKrt audlhe rpr.t cf , .e Unit,,,. to aubat.iuK J ; rot-y b.ixlu.dtiinLtiie-.alici. l-..ifo, .e2,.Ut,vePoHtr.to.uh. ! n .V . .,,, p An4.ie. ih'-f.i'y. I.i a.e Ml ihe fni. deai.ti. t!.: il ai iin-i an estrav tm fv.i of fort-, fiirnjir.jios and list.: f.'.ue, tiat ii preeeiil party weni in ci the i I of the W' t nii Ht.'uc 1.1 the j .... t will of U.e Kseeinmt to eiiinjel bun ui .I e itAmrv t I j ow n iiH'a airtol 1 14 m n ji1jnie,i in im4'i"i. tit. own 1 ;iiieie,ire. ami 111 4. ,t..i:. " ny.imb-f ,U lel ol cspre-rd w.'.l and wu.be. oi biac.iiaa t .. . ... .. . . . .......... I.Ii.K t viNiiil. .t Hi ..'. P...iti.et deaerve. ihe .fr.rb.i;iK! . t ....... I. ........ ...tr. l.nj ll. la :... ... run .T.-ii- .".. .... - - - - - - iepeei br hi. country and ur acrc ,he .peeeb atHiuriitcd w i,!i ut I iiuUtutio;... inul iiif-riiMtmn. ad aotitol and pairin , ii: ifn, and 3 Irj'ilv gia'.ilu.tj t. a Th TVKir ''!.' S:re ll'lb' l.r;-r!e i:i'i: a liiU i!e of rojde. n-a rna.iift..U'.l at ,he r?'" f .' ol Rub. On motion ol Dr. rrnh itrk J. II ill. ... r . . .i .J l 'i. ...it. n.ii n Sur.i-n.r : 'fi.v'i'f.. 'I'hi.i a eiii.Tiiil'ii-im ,he,n- . , I as w.-ll a t',p rr.A 01 ii", mi wrwi... ... . ... , ' n...4 ..m4l. .... , il.rm.vrt the prlv' .mw ' C.Vneral of !". Imli m i. M-hicm a..,t li-t..-. ol .he Sia-e be p,.o,i.,.d. 1,. 1 1 O rn ... innrt 1 ur . . ,., .,.,.w.i,,., 1,, Wi.rnrwm; !nit theremitl ol tile cti: it, ll'ee . ,.M,,r,iM ! ol for.jooth, .hey inv.dte ni qiieam.n of c.intlbili'.nainy;" lii.'y an were mas ter, of es;ic!ie!icv," and sl:lni'-ic he. as w.-l a. t'te rf.A 01 u, m"i ateacmi ipjirnvpn ii.rm, mi if i i i " , . ' , ... he 1 reserve I bv a lime iu'J.Hsuri to u ienn:n; iiiUiierep..io. iiiei-.ito.T.iiTri-. mMiipoM-i, 01 vne i- g.o- hum. v.... exnreaeed W.H and wibe l bi.cn.ea.. w V" L ". . . .' . . ... , 1 ti 1 ................. 1 1 . , t. . i..patirf 3. a liriii;i!e iie a'.., perni nnc;;iiuiii iiiumt, mwc ,ue,.t.-.a m.,n.M..3..y . ... h .X.en.U " "S concv.V. ,e:,t!,M4 .ml Jrlv M JuneT.li. Cive a pernuen, rea... f..r ,!... j TheacM rddilerasion.,, ,nflnc. frnm ,1 0 aeat nf the l.enml of mmuC Sub-Trenttrcr'. tiven ,p of-1 W.liiam C. l.or!, Clmrlr. ;..en.me, t ,., ,!,c re.re,i.e btre... P ' j h. ,rt . fir .... . ,,,, ,in, ... be a A. London. en. (.r,y. .o..,J.rr ffitfii H2rf4Lt:!)Ut Ufa ! I Siaw I4.k alun wa flue ! utfhawc? ,fbe4tbKf....hieU,!,...lMr.;..er,,m ,,c """'JlZrf ,hP eUmunitv. b,. .0 a ' fire. Tb,t report .!... bin. 1 .r j . ..I.. -1. i.u,. ,1 ... ..r uliiili kvrjlinwa 119 toe rrrvrxi ri;iw ) .. - ... . .?. i.r ..H'. w -o.'. - r - - riireen'ratinn of ihe mnncv nnwer ol the pul'in ii I oirer in in 01 unr 4be.n !.., . -wefa .f.J .uMainerl them un- ul .be .lale. l:t rl.e conMi'i-hm.ij of ,!,e " . ,,,, ,,,.. xt, ;,,-,. nn.relecieilMea.ra, f. Ilawb. II Iiiit.l' Ui i i!. and f V" d eml i' t l;i d,.i 11 mj ai If lu t' e p.. d a ...on thrv ..ie gi)tn:l i'l unhid." W hen beaaw the ahihl t!i rfr'n' lory, it .book bt ien -l.iti.in, ml t" '1" ri d b.1,1 In ahjiidon bi.de.ejn. I'r? ihr uiiiiin.n it. ai band be .ent tl-.ai llf.l .'.e I. ail. ami ihu. addie.ar.1 t'r't tjurd nut: "I bid hue m n!e on, )i-r n.m.ti.u ,0 rend )oii all ! job JnJ .hver'.e, I i.i al my pramlrhild. H'i, !,"! I drop the priMi.ito.il ami i t !1; 1 Umumv." I I'.i-V all bowed and ibaiikeiH.!' ...... Inn. Y.ia Mr. R.i!cr. cM'C " ' rfi.ld, UJ I.i b:J 4ip..i br brad, " . . . . . .. 1 1. i.i (...IK"...'. :. . , . liiiimi nn 1,1a r la, I.ea.lMI. r 11.., i.rnv. x-oi. i.-wroii,; 4 . - - ... ,, .. .1 ... .1 f,...n.-r ami ivrtw-l adilllllUlra I Cen'tal Pvff 1 de M'f. V. 4U .butt. .i i:i. Sir. ii .a i4i d.a exuaaa- ' wbleh tibUhes in the beaitof iUt cuum eve tA 1'iat inalitti'wn, 1u-4.1e11.erf ihe try .be itiu't jierfne, drapi-b-m under lUe fr-tan uol tUjocrat. Jhroiijhoni the jji-lnsite f..r of frep inMhutinm. , .i.ntr, ; lJl ihe jr iitkn.a.i doe. no. feel i Yr. .Mr. JVesiden. snrh i the demne. fry ai.ai.ju. th-i iki. truth .lioiW be ' racy f i!iif Jejd tolminifraiioii .lba km'.Jin. i.ueer anaioii. be maybe in j ail.pted the ultra (edvrMtaui of "the rciau i ut linn an ot'.er .nljeet. Kir, ihe ..rurror," a.-.d now Hi.je iipoiiit. b.r er.len. iu;ated etery lac,, in bi.j mer friend the ,ie of u nn c.mini im d.:b.. in relaiiun tnwbieli tbieiyn. Sir. ti e people nf ,ke l.n:ed ttJ ,,mtr:1t..i.i e uhc int.poer. and mi State, eanrol be d. rotted by iheae win ,1. foi'e r,n ,h- a urn of ihhl-l'nre C.. Maenamara. U. A. Kit g. IKt.rv K. '''' ",,,,,d- ? "1 eonstrv in R.ecuti, binds and .. .he .WW r. Mr Ilaiirs I... W : N,.h, an ! J. A. T. ttel.ell. I " V . ZlZX. h-m id.i-inte overtl.MW f bbertv i.aelf. All' ih-'-a t-I :ir. sn l one of Mr. I.yt! aenu II.. . nlii-i. J,,,... 'ISO- lm!e.l. t':0 !. J-tl HI . this mul be br.rnn. btca,, th principal ntic. hi, received the appoint.,.. :... .... ! I'cso.e.. I ha, a C.enrral (. ......i.u.. e . br tywt w I. . a m.. , , mraaiire ine.ieed in it nl a!b.. the r,iciple r.nbiWy ihnt ,.. the la.mly be apponited. ... c,.,,, of one ..eleC ,e -'- ' . "...,.. vrtr!. afe-r of a ..erniafittWMar di.put.iinrr Tba. , - Won, i.e;p,:U!" Ano.her rr.-al fr. .n, , eaeU c,,,,y n ih,, a.. ,;cr l titti'll 1" -aillil 1 1 ei . a ra. . n hmmatr:....... e uhc int..poer. an i mt maica ranrm . nu ,..-. , . , IriMty ea.r. , ah.Tt the r,.e i.aue .ml b..!3 - prince.. l).,,ncrJt-y. !,ke . " ' jt ol a cnn.lrtttiin.iai UKjMnaiinir. o;o t " ornnijf ine ,i .sis. j.u.....c. (. . i, we will willfully retini anv encroach- i!i!iMr.,tin of .he of eratiun of the N.n- ... . .A i ! .. !,.... ..I l'1ri.1,,-i. t'mil . inen, l.pn'l ine iiiierninai on-, iih is .'i .mr j i.c.i-i.i. ;iuriur, v.. ...... .-. ('iiHiiwimn a a ma'.icr of , henry. bd. 1 ie are ready .ubtnil Jf.ir "partj'' t' f'mr h thin? Since (. lrch U.-t-practical dc:ruciion. Icntie-.ted In run for the (ubemat..ml ..I ni.iu. ii.c.p. i.o'Lir.1 r .on fine1 fhi-lrwC nati.. we a?e F,iniried t't litid t .... r. ...... i I.. ..,!.. ...... ......,...J ... .! 'P., fi'imolV Cl4iaf. mi aniii mr .c f p.t ;. .i . . " fr.m e'ffHt principle.. mere petty and innnarchj , wdl be known by it fruit. l .:u; 4 UiirlliaXf. .liiUI wni ami I lie nrr ..u.. ... . n ... ........ i.,..v u.tlia-e iireaiv rioencd .nlacicnil v ,n imli- erninen, from it. erv iiaiatce. !a,e the tree on wli;c!i ihey fi.-w and reit rn'i, 'ai.frni whnt qa-rtcr it irnv, atid in wh.nnver gaihj whether in vi.Uin a c.iriati'JitloB A obstruction, or the more hnn.elv. breau.e ni ne pnctical it m.e enwinerd i;i im T;.'rih iif Fl.iri.hni of the 7'h. a a canil:d.ite f ... ihe (-'.ii.vcn'ion In he if 4 in Kbru! i to c.is'jtj.h a S:at" fjo-ermr. n'. Tb-t pa vrr a'. We are a;.ttt;.rie. In am tiottint: ihe f.dhiwinr gi t.t!ei:.c:i a; c;.t. !i- and nine : tvf eviravairancc rx folly. Yet lie bad never br-n girt forward any .peci ft: charge sty tangible jirnpn.ilion. It ill .ecmed t ht; fr efeel atirvt'L If the 4' titloat. iw.1.1 jtre h.-inj fitrw.rd any jir.pi..KH;. be would gn with great ple uie with bin i t eucttei any indiviJunl aihu.e. S'hy al not .he gentleman ! an. if be kne in .o in.nr abuse? Str, tic was .b'ih lHa.i'f a-.d the cuuntrv II nrni.iikitiiiiia in rl il on In l:ir!l:it iotl I I (.o l. In.prot c nents which my be ai.hiiii'i. i!. a:.d rcpoi! therein In tliia ('niiieiitii.n, a anon a. may be puetieahlr. Mar. N4'h:in .Mi'ti'lenhall. ('hu!i- . M .r.eit. Dr. l J. :!l, J. II. Il.-ii.sl . t..n, nr. J. ivort.u ... I.. i o-k. jii, , . - - : , :tl .. .., i. i i Mit.iit ..r , i i-iin-:.i.t . ii Ii'. n "l H.,.1 J. A. Twieeheil. wer. Mhcd. the l . ly -n,.. Are; On ,.,-4;o., of atban .Me..d.-..b .11, 'r,h:, Vr- a,,,V, ., .VWcr. That .t be r -h rn d m ,,e ; She r.-.li.'J, I am thai lsl" Su (.ent r .l (.I'tliinitlee rpnrl In the l .ii . . . ... .t.. Aii niblitmiM U'l way i:i.a inf. r. m of tv.in ancrdoif. A son of K-I.'o-i is w li.i w s j car i.ftcr ibw. Pr:i' patL'ff the p:diic!'. ami Im, itablV ' i.i.i .i I .lv, r. i .u I i-t ibiincr the !' im iilcnyef bii UhT, !r llf r;:"'' rnmrnt in.in it. rv BU!re. ' . wcb n .... .. b- - . , . r .......,.; ..... j . ..... ..: ........ i aim inmm.a'n inirn-a i .i .-..i....... i. .ur i .114 ....v. V. hi... ......I . I Iiin. . .1 Milli liaw l.llllF Mil' T l-.il'H . il'.U'. . . . .... . . - - - - . iVpjtmt bale.ben In. emiiml,. nVc. b.r the Slate t; nvcuun!., iron. t... ir ..eoi r.i ...nunmee renin in ine i ..... ; - , ,,,..., d .,14 t tia. E-ecnt.ve nr... ... enable .be. Ue our hr . ... '. ' ,,. r4Hl U tumble, reapecme ennntie I, then give, a ten.., on ,b mlv,,,,,,.,.. and .b.a.lva,,. ' v. ladnn. .;... ; " U..UK. .... " V ; . f ' : frin uadrr dim. a, be ill .oon find it li-t nf cadij.f. f..r the ennntica ol l.eon. : i,Sea ol .he K,.! rn.tc f,..n, 1 ,ye, v,l!e , rv nc ,,e r ,he-ro.l". wbarh uvr wan .? ,,, m . J,ff,.r.m,i and a,,,..,,. il...,e v. the We,eri. par. l N-olh Carol... .. ':,;v, !..! hS ""TLet. drtermme cHeuanrecirsr ertero. our v.-.v. - - , -. ... ...,.,;.. , f J..I... determine 'l. "11 .,.-li,,n tn hi a....!." to be dra.n from ' am, , meed b.r the , uan.-l c,,..,v. .e On n.nti,.,, ernent. L,,on re.u'.tde .e n.Uiheq .e ,w,i- in V,r- iini ,1... f f: J,.h ll.antb. : Kn.. (to bra . IT . ..i..i ,luii.nil. I nl OH HIM. 1.15 PHI!, i ....... nipii-.Tnni:i nil nil. imji .mm- -. iTient. Usion itiTe.u'.tuepenii u.e -.e " ... ( i-. . . . . i.u i ..f .,e imlepcmlenee of t!,e Iri.I-l.e ";.; f the late election in ir- ( lind .be r.vue nf (..if. Jnh.i IS, and, ...rl.. and .1... iht of the .opremaey ! " . l!ie' ""'''l a " " , " " . . ' .u'lfLMmimtl Knr im" ' .Vut,rr0 .7.7.ii..-.I.r thai! ... in ...ir.imi i. I ..- ..... v , ,i;.i'l II. aHh..,...,u-r. T.oofthcl,!..rc M;(, uran. , sun .. iii - ! j;. , . .. of .he pnpuUr over rbe Executive x,,L '( hiia next nn? . thee .hall be e.ierHineeu, .i wi.i me " . .... . tin fit a ... ...t.r ..f ..r C.veraiueiit be. 1 In WH. v.i.Ai. i",,r .r- - - ... o ,l will fur.., a new cpnch in our an- j A moU unpribeipled attempt k been ent bighcat ymy -f the ..n-l, ... 1 1- .lit Convent,,,,, BW.flMf f ...."- I Vj... i,. t M. ... il... Mfkmr.e.rttll lllflt 111 I lat ' I 11 1114. It. Ill ail . apr:i'e:lyallK:-H-:t,fiCi... UwlvnU Tb .l the adr ,r.i;ir g a,.d on a hn.-:k, when one ol "ii. A'..-a .1!n..n, I.f than tw.i tJ.eadv.iitai'f .if .he. .ewral roii.ea f,.r a r.er lalUbW a.'d p ! , . ' yenr, aince, the (VrieM f th Smrth. ' IVntr.! Rail R.nd be rei.rrod in the l.V. "ir or wH criMled bv the .tea 1 ... .. . . :. i :.. : . i' :.... i ! reaehiior t!. almre. lilted up tin j ,. Ill en'.i.jj l.ia onicrnc.a ajjiini'. nv j... - . . ..mhhihu . , .11 j. jjipii inriroii - tt - . oii 1 ... ... . . . ' .1 .1 .. ..... ..l- ........ 1 il.n' .:ii..i .. .- compared him U. ' ... . . ...... 1 all the annual ui tuc ix- thev hrieke. aj:d lh- i-Mcat If !(i..i,' iti t. Uieir iMt, the whole mu were w..s!nd aivav. .chuaeu. (Mr. Adn.a ha. corrcr'dv in-! "l"r f,,1,v aJ '-'jy of "'!' i Innnefi ike gentleman l4.m Oi.in, Jiai the 1 TUB FINANCIAL PROJECTS OF are e.iIlicieirtJy mauifct rn. ii the Tart that j v i. ... i.i. ! 'iMii. . it til v iv 11 i I'll I V. 1 Air. (lav ia. and alwav. has been, a Ct-I iic.iiii.t ..nii'M uc I'lnrnj' ijiiiuic i .11. auj.i.ii. -- - for JU'we act. of die g.nermne.rt. which ' Ay one woulj greasy dceite bim-i tizen cf a sUvchnlJing .late, and l. kiui te h.4 Announce extravagsi,'. He! self wU .hnubl eup.H.ae iliit, in the late ' elf a .laveln.lder. And mnrenver. wa. 4nnot appriwiatc a .! .dlar. with- aneeeratve vme in ihe lI ueol Reprasen- the author of the .cliente which an fully mi the a...! nJ shia and the other body ' ut.ve. .tjaiii! .he aub-tiaaatirv .clie.M.J .alislieU the boutli when Mr. Van uurnn. j m- i ri-t,r, ej.,.,r. .! ihi. Cwijrru. , ihen, ,here i. ex-'. ,be pubUe aentiment ha. been faithfully thmugli Mr. Ruftis Kinj. wa uaia? ec ( H.. bm will it be, be nre U Vaeaganrr, it ia l,.- re, i ,hi. 1 reft-f;c J. IV from ii. Had .Hi been try-elbirl to .K-atrny ihe Union by the ce- j be aeims ibe pan .f the l.nm tin. Let tV g' ;Vs,r f.n nTPf i. -'earc, af iU- Iprndr-d ail c!:-.';j: v.te ' lebr.'.ej m-.yri of MiTiri rcatri U)X j '- 'H - u; .n; br lb p;j :. -It ..f On motion nf fJi-n. Jas. Cmk, .'r.i. . rii:.l ilia Hi nrjl (j..iii:iit.lp : Im UiHtriirlpd I., iitmnra iiitn anil latinr. - . .1.. . . . . . .mil Mr. .. .... I... ...u.... f . . ., i ......... ... " 1 ( II. V I.F. .- .' ii.'.. ..i.i.i. ii. urpi Hit.iia mi ,,wnv .nil..-, iu .... i.fl.r ni llio I.T.IIlo. I 1. ..tt.in ml .... ..I.. nr.! .1 lnl.ninl I .... I SHI. 4. 1 '' . ' ' . . vn in .1. ...iv. ..-..i. ... ,.v ... . ... . .. , . .... miilll'Cr i!ie innsl r:.etiou. and fftt'cdv of ail the t.rn.ement: and further, that .aid (oi.i- 1 ' cri..if imic u m mi. auiut d of the fnrc.'. ihe wolf.) mittce be inirucied lo inquire int.. and 1 l,r' k buildup, m.w ... r .pm p A .tra.tife a. it mav eem. ll.e iwn in- ren'irl upon me cx.xiiiirni v ol tnc Man- "",r" ' ; . ? . A..'. . ' .. . ....... .......i.u. I. Il 1 It: divid'Ml, ilnn emnpared, are now travel-1 emo itkini in a gem ral aysiem ul Interna! linn side by side beating tip the bmi.e? fur Imprnveineut. Si.h-Treaaury game. On nmtiun of John II. Iljiighiou, icy will e.n. and I n.- Htwhrnl. That ihe (him iiitteeain'"i'.t- vJ ..oi iti.' S a-.i'tn: .jf ihe Sij'.e ul N n;h ,c,,.. in . ceni nnrt pinmiar. i Ii 1 11' " " , ahe in reimvaH-rt beauty, ami. t '' ;he Irlrh law, iih added .lurabibtt I rWrMi IW"1' A i.illiujr a:. gather. U' ",?S

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