I WtmJt 4"RETlO n RF.DSMPnOX. ai I'M word. rft' I, 1 " o, Tsu h-i TV re.!- - f . - let ft b. Utr-T0 Gr.t Spiih do. 1 Al i V4 o " J'k-C karfVpS i Tbtr-, h vT ' a". .-- 4 B l1" 'i,J r,,e Wept, - m IM iter 4 ..fM!-- f''U mmi lh' aar, Eesed 11 wli b ow4..Mdl ay; Tbers wa c I1 lker " ia lh. i . f wed f i jA f" U y, -L .a- i.si :"- - J of niaia Bm'J j 'J ,htt Trw '.y-u:! la Crpi inu tbs avr-wss beard -and otxd. Lei the b li-'Ul words of Ml. vatioa. Wbco ma iJ defeated We abject and end. 11.4 waned - bi jtorious oad ' tioa, s " ASand .V UxJ eonlorm'd la fiend "t-i tbr- be litflu! '-The m Spirit auper oal That lii'ileJ ." tortb when creation bf; Laid t.!e t (' t b -a n f the titruuea.i 4ol rMs!l trnt. "J 'P MM. Let there b lijdl from Gclheeraen Froii U Jtft S:kn, f'0 CaUerjf lomH, ' TJ,e SUiloh t trmu'l,'i,l end dlb con". LtiUTelIouT$.n ht ay fen out leieur door be 61 I'd up en ee o lum lb rMr tccnunt Hien in pr(iufle rrJ tnjf V"u men, vou know lut mucb u lcenUin on the mannrr in which you epenJ your leiiurt hour Aek the cuiifirrneJ inebriate when lie firat turned Mitle Irum the path of eobrt ety, aodt f memory be nut gone with he reason, he will dwell with painful re en!leum upon the hur of tenure he wnee enjnyeJ. Ak the victim of crime when he Viok the firtt step in hie reck' leet career, and you will probably remind him of tbe leisure hours enjoyed in hie youth. Un she other hnd, Jo you aee a) man k!ki w once ia the humble walks of life, now ra-iriaf in a sphere of ex tended UJeTuIneos he husbanded his leisure hours. Multitudes, whoe name look bright in the consielUtiun of wor itttes, owe their eieatiun to the assiduity with which they improved the interval of leisure they enjoyed fro n the pursuit f the plough, the awl. or the aovil. They aubsiauie ihe study of useful boks for those ir:6i'i amusemepts which iueid i..uly Ira I Lie unwary into the tib of prfligr.r 'ld ANNIHILATION IS IMPOSSIBLE. It is n 1 a.cenai.i. d. and ia cjnbi l the rlerri im 'I. iImi tfir i'ile elf enrols of hitti oil u'tiirei i cnio t,i, I--. U I') ii rtiirih!e iiieii, b-.Ir.u u nl. I iiey iihv Mi.leed be mi ehanjnl t (irsriit not the least re r 11 ' nte their j.rci-u f nn-; they mt - e mi ituiig e l wiih other botlie iImi their "ii-iii 1) cannot br iri:ed they may be i:tsi!iieJ into ufiibie vapors, and be ai'.ren lv amohitstrd; but we Irani from the scu-nfe ..f chemistry , that in et. crv a)i-tpe i'ie .u.e rlfineTi'.s remaiii jo extin;uihable and unaltered. The phe nowena nl solution aff-irde some of the ojott ubious illustrations of enmpleie change produced in bodies without caus ing their annihilation. U a piece ol silver be immersed in tli lubvl nunc acid, in a short time the silver will be emirely dissolved. Its hardness, its lustre, its tenacity, its specific gravity, ait the characieiislics which distinguish it as a mial are gone, lis very form has vanished, and the haid, splendid, ponder out ami opaque metal, winch a few min ute before was immersed in the mix ture. is apparently annihilated. The li quid, butt ever, remains a limped as be tore, it presents no difference in appear ance tu indiraie a change. What, then, lias becuie of the solid piece of silvei Inch pl.ced m the liquid! muil we conclude that it is annihilated! I'ut S"rae piece of copper into the solution, wad the silver will reappear, and fall to the boiton of the (lass in small brilliant meialic crytj',. TUough solution is one 01 ihe snn;ile.i processes ol nature, the lnniieJ fai-uiuta ol man will not permit him to comprehend the mode in which it operate. There u not one phenome non of nature lim the r&ind ol man can Jplly comprelien 1, and flf jjurauing the inquiry far a tue menul capacity .i admit, he is i,ll obi grd to conies A at Ifiere 1 an operating power beyond i e reach of his Cumprthousion. liukewill. SPRING GOODS, O. V. aLO.AG & Co. T Mt iftmri. - tGet f- Mk -LA mtmm.A ISM St aWrT, CMMte feve. n-e'l -a wl y , B-rfX srit parrrkaal l is - r a A Iriw sua Crtl Aatwe Dry Goods, &c. rosjrtft CLOTHS, CASSDIEUESf Satinet, rESCM, CXOLISH AX ttC PKI.TS, PRINTED 'LAWNS & MU5UNS, Black V Coloured silk, Lc. die c. 4e. also IlarJware and Ctttlerjr, Shot Guns, II at, an J Shoes, Bonnets, " Crockerr. Crtum Yarn, Sctool Books, Sutionary, te. AM f wbicll tfcey will e!l at the fewest ptKf fcr Cssa, or a abwrt ereUii to pcii-i orat- r waly. Matri. 18- .re , if.. j itu m Kiiriiieuwurc, vll,, ac U tfca ar--eJwt - (jjsi,- lrird.i, SWMS.) W Mr-fcC-I ! KMltil-i I -M; Jmmvtmwtmt; mm 1 lf. sH mm M ratal a4 Mtsd foi-Af. Ua 0I tmrf - i. ,iiwi.. - SwW M CMtrMH1-" Sf-aa prw mm r-. mUim turn n-aarwe wf tsw rd-at UmumU wsil m-M --t.nl ka t-aavd tc -. 1 . ,rm tUrcet t wwtk w-i fc JmtiiiJSm W: tmt mm r-Mmi a-rt aa " -. mmt a .a f m risw-t m,mmpf :-, Uiim Lad mi t4M !, . r him mm Umt-rntwrn. mi pmm laai nrj fi4 m aa tajtraa-t-4 l-y wa-rw la safc.ri ami Glass. TI10JIAS J. BAIUIOW, IMrOatTEaT. jV IS .Vwmw airmtt, .tw a or ink llillaliorough Iteeortler jllaldwin, Kviil&Cu I IIS ...... ovirinir fJfftlert List of Letters, Uemaming in the Tost Office t Uil!bn ! rough, N.C.w-tth liiyfOcioUr,tSW. tuch if not takea aul it threw wtaali.. will be sent t. lb Geaeral Fut CSce as immi Mien. Nsnry Jeas K JtnJrew Kokland tcv. . U. Kane L tsderton A'mlrong B Robert Berry II M. Bulli'd Mary Ba lard Thomas Burtoa Brrjimix irowni"; riH.m.s B'riaehs o Mr. iMbella Traig tain, ava Can-ptMell im. t'rabtree, men. Lraham II CraMrea 1'iumii Cat i-f Jiba iiliam C t'rumj) ti"iamCliney Vi llain V Clarke '. I'liam riarke 4ary CuiSina K!i tli Com h D Dr JiSn Z Davia tCJward lai tohn be Grli". i'rii Rev. II. C. Uigb M Frederick M lis E!isareih M'Kera'l J.Jia K Minnia Audit w C Ma drk Me.r.Ui b MX loo. h, llendriean Jjtk a, k Barnabas Lasu!) jr N Rtlry Ni al P Lofiin K- Pratt t Mais, fMkrtl Uilliam r.'ikrum Lwreiis H li Pender J.nir N. Paiert3l U iiliam Patiers.11 K riiomas De Ur.flT oieiJ Op. Isnd Ritey R'ibarl L Hmond inhn Ffrl Viriaiiuei F-rreal G P. O KK-h Hubert ti'iMom U tl'en Ilukey Dvi J Heart uchiba'd W. Horner i.mt II. Ilulcomb Jamra Hawloq K.wba Ho'der I Bishop lra EJwin B. I 'er J Mai JoL Kay t iiiiam Ritbrrta Jsnie U o Jusrih i llutiell s Slate of Noith Carolio HiHia Smith Jolin a arletl, or torn Conorsioft T William Trice, jr. Abel Timnison IJrnry Trite N. 8. Thon.ss Harriet Teianc AlfndM tiuffrtiomann Kebrccs Tajh r Bartict Thoiuas W ho im-a ,4 tcrict tr! mm, aa Uwm m 0 mmmdm at nc-w-lak.li!-. sad taaral ok- IftlMa A fJeiol ljl ol (KofWMtoo a Mr fgrm a it xm bum kw. Tie U-1 Mrera Iks tntit (J KmUtUm w 4 lot -14 mm IK jrjt of Ika kwonat; 4 mmt onear w lrpmluJ'y ouiwti Ihoiawiiea ao4 olut. Sw4 ol c "!. bat ol m Italy caoua', aoj Ike (MKirUBO ty tVarfoi. eotrfwi!oi wo UH al- wy welcae so mm fttrm, aod they will el aa bo Srroied with kwoi ea ; . alto, will iMraeol a ad rv-fwctlut al jlor lo ftireaol T. Bat Ik raftwa ad caviller will roart arowlvea owr ai'eai coauo.pt; aod Ik igo rant fwrSeoc'ff, oko ereks lo ovttlkraw a mti rare al.H k k Bill ! k al Ik fata la M vestiate, aaay er a mrtiied iibblr. Aa ooe oeri a the tblikii.t of Tsr ra. o aolicit ike cootoiuiiHo-kua ol fat la wkick are Mpoe4 to R.d.tte fainrt PfcrtsoUfyj a-d w pMg ore! lo poblik Ibeea. to all ea 01 a ia wkirk at Have aliffarlor vwwLrrtfur Iktir f-ovarar; and m whah alt Ike fl ia lb eeveral eaea aie futai.krd lo a. a w ran,i lona oar owa i nlcmei.1 it lit eerebral d. vtlcprmeat ia all satea a lock a eipreai f or cpon:a, w I vnvioa inei raanoi rerene, iu Ihrae loataace, sue 'P' oa X eon Dhreaoletcl of au phreoob cxal writer, aa la the d jiee io aim h th atveial r;aa ar devt bipu 4: otou I" every irn c, ee t hfi mt tatf, v tut tf it, flu l erlv ccriitird la k Uar lo aatote. t'ritiaal Eav on I'l.reiiol. f est or jft will Irnia part ofib J-urr.al; a also. Keiea tl rhreoo:oM'l and auti riireaaiosical aorki oor 'alt ao fail lo present to t-or readei Iwli mallei of interetl and inpriance a may b fouud in fiirrig phreni-'ocual works at aland. ard esrelieorr, and okitb ar not fenrrally atrrraiM la the Aniericaa public Our r.cis a y ouisei.c sliall bm im J turti; ai.d. 1'iea a r tirable, w o'.atl arcoui. pany our drnptbn a ilh illu.traii cut: in deid, we intend and expert that acsrrely a aun.ber will be istotd w al.out lo o or more such cut. To encourage Phrenolngitt of laVnl (and erpetial'y prlcio ca oho are Penu!o Ct,) la erH h the a-.ik with thrir oi inbu lion, we flT. r for mrnpttj mailer, a hbrral a ennipentaiiun m r yrinW f;t. a usually sf forded by Ibe very bri peiaalicals in ourcuun Irv; but the editor d iet not pronnte lo tndatti all ohich l i correpot.diii may communi tste; nr all wliirh l may admit into 'e wrk To error, if arriout, and ecneeia'ly if it affect the interests uf morality and religion, hi claims Ihe g'.t el eorrretMin, in the form of reply, or 1 f Ii. iippreMn of Ihe mbj ct tuna ble vnatier; and ttimnianii aiiona lur aluih rntnp. neat ot ia esprried, mul b ao prrpar ed a lo he fit f r Hie public eye. la ronclntion we may be alo ullowed In y. Ibst Ihe pec umary value of each number will depend much 00 th uleni lo whkb th work i palromted. Il i not with the desire or es pe la'iun of fain l al il i off red to Ihe com muniiy, but from moral consideration? frnraa dt-ire to k now and lo promulgate Iralk Hence doulj a large aubsenpiin) tut ! obtained, enntiderab'e portion (4 lb prcftlt will b d votrd lo tlit! cnla'gement and ioir vement of li work, without an inrrraso of eapente to Hi auhaenber. M. re fiequect illustration and eiiibrlliahment wilt, in that ease, be in. srrtt'd, and the a'.traciiuns of the work be thus multiplied. TERMS t. The American PlirenolooiesI Journal and Miareltany will be iued monthly, comruenr int 00 the SJ of I'ctobrr nrst. S. Each another will contain al fretf 31 oc lata page, mskine a volume of not lr than 38t pace; correaponding in point of iQriham cal eserution lh Id beat perio'licaU cf Ihe d.y 3. The work w ill be furniahed la ubcnl.er at $i per nnm lor a single ropy; $i ( urrenl in p o'aih'lp'.iia or Ke York) for vnact n.p-ea. or f 10 ( nrrent as above) lor aivaa t i.pir eot to o addres. To ( iractatu and Thcolo cicil Siu lenta, ainglecnpir ai l be furniahed at l 50 Hr annum; and to ct.mpar.ir d eigM or trior- of tuch. il aitl he re to ed lo SI 25 per ropy if tent In one addr. and the uhernp inn lorararded to the pqhliaher free of rspi-na. N. B A f'inda are already Hcp-iied ! r aua- , taii(,g ihe a-nrk sir tnr ubi-r.b r odl in TO THE PUOUC. Afier some anex TfVt& delays, wt iYU eek been miUcJ to presettt the . . . .shaaol, MBilora nnon aa rnlarevd ..i.ir. ia is -. 1 .1,, -in,;- La emnldUrallr bet eU- .k, I wmn. M . ' . .... Wk wdt U sid - ""J 'r Z. I ti e see of imrroirmeBt; tut ta au we aa BWOausaa. nimiMt mmmm-mm . . . I . a a a,:t. lm a l.c rriL i- V. ltl wlimcd. watk im I rauluilwHt lorma sw awa mmtn ru" . -! I ;..lf .h.rinr the last tvenlV ia ! ortcala. New Vk,Ja' tl- 31-! tears, pethars ia imne is it sswe jf rcrp. iiM) tl.aa ia the appearance? h urn vuvik ' ' -aa press. TU newspapers 01 uriuaes now. soriwi IO aur ou utiuhh formr-lr ifsued froai lar-eM cities. It lias hrg been our desire that the Kev forder should rt Bert a pomoa w ww spirtttif U.e age; rt " mi cue w was U RubaMMfl- MtkH Snrintr and bummer GOODS JOTBCCElVfSD 'IIIE tibari,hei has jit received Irom New , I v..k . Ccaetal .orimra. nwiau v, ...mv.- - st a ale T lVrf II Dry ooa i , t - , ,iiroueh rood and through AW I mm.m O . - f IlartllCare, tirOCfncw, leTU ,qwu 1 His rniargement w r sbeet nceessaruy tnvoiica a citi'iocro.e additional expense; fcul are are mistaken ia the peorle ol Urange, u we may not safely throw ourselves poa their gene rosity, and with confidence hope that . . . a - .a a. Ta a tlicy will duly appreciate tne wm BRITISH & AHCniCAX DRY GOODS. BIC1IMONP. ViRUlMi. RATING roeeivod lk-weotker.il Soj'.af -.uaiaaraaii SiBT CUUDx eoooiai.ag of ok. owe twwmt rmttmtal sad eoibia. ig .very ,et, f ao. ai prepared la. ff. r la caoaUy VtrrtlTT. geoarafly great sodaxe-aeat ta parck.) v good ia kttrbvaaaj. Tketr gaad, .,. Z mm turn meat tavowrablc laraa. aad o lit U till iw mk ajiaaiuae aa tai a Ibacaaai,. aod oa a gd trraaa a tky ca be k-atklai ey eny ia Ik Tailed B.alea. oe eiac mi gaoj M Oar cat frar,r t.lirh this drstre. e felt nortiin of our friends whw have conUnulBett. pankec . t. I 1.1. . L. I . 1 roarsisiNO CI)TIIS. SlIJv COOPS. IM TS. SIIOSS, nOXXKIS. t KOCKLH a HH.I.i"-i and all artkVa osasl'y broagbl to tbi esarketi Oil Of whHk ! 0 OuM WW lot ara try pfwluc Ta'low. aod Beraaat, change fur God. nil r. be takia ia lT.7. very lhaakful ft tbe , atr.o.g ero-1 , free and IioitCft press, and cilrad MM lofut received, oM ia-pSiiairitioaaaa i.ucn s poruon Ol pairone;o "11111 puVie oill now give him a eaX I some degree at IcasU compensate the care -- Uin it. It im now more than eighteen years since we commenced our establishment at this place, during which time we hate had manv difficulties to encounter. The storms of political stiife engender many April 47. il. CHEEK. 13- aith their tu.li 01. II lis on band a good atsortmei.1 of lVatchcs, Jewellery, tVC. kich be withe 10 dipue of on reasonable terma Order from a fliatanc for ! hr, or tot Hi eircuiiun of work, a ill b fsiililul'y at tended lo. LEMUEL LYNCH. December 7. 99- Re. Win S.Johnton ftVitliam II. Mood 3 Hubbard Jack.io lleodcrson Wood Thorn O. June Frederick It illiaw C7 Perton calling for any of the above letuia will pirate aay they ar adverticed. THOS. CLANCY, P. M. October I. 33 - Mail Arrangements. Y" ALL Letters 10 go by either of Um the stacr. mu.t be lorlted in Ihe P.. at tiffic hm'.l an hour belure sun down on mail days. THOS. CLANCY, . Srptcmbrr 24 3B Attention!! To Ihe CommUtionrti. noji-Commisjion tj 4)jJrtr$ on I MvtL-lant Itiettim to tht 47 Ik ktivntnt of .Yen k L'trulinm AUitia. U ae hrreii not.li d aod ordrr d lo at- i ed 111 adani e. i.n.l .1 ll.l:.'w,ro..i... on fr.dt ih ee h ' 'one ten! bv mail, if er.iloard in the rre !.f n. i.,V,r o.xi i.ill n-Uk muiihu-.! . ance rf the ton maMer. ai I be at the iik of a. th- Uw dirccia, tor dull raoMrr ai.d tooit . " ' P' dirber; but piaiagr mutt, ia iter tare, martial a: (1 n alo:d iV li e 27ih. earn tin. . or pud. lain will attend, with hi. rrrpr, live ri.ii.r.-aoy. To d tot who wi!l cue thia prr.epectu one 1 1 ..'clock, lawluMr equipped, for rcLlinen-' "r two inteitiop. anu iward a pep-r contain rur no n-k ol lora l v pating in ai'anrr. and ! for tbe tame rraanu, ail! be ir.varlab y nquir Jim, do yoa snnre whtn you are asleep? AVo, never, for I lay swk; cDe night on larpjft ta see I a etxiime E. 0. MAN GUM, Col. Com. Septrrnbir SS. 39 ritOPF.CTLS or THE AMERICAN Phrenological Journal " axo MISCELLANY. f T is a remarkable f.ct, that a ln'e Ibe con. erts to Ihe belief thai Phienolopy ia true, have, within a few year a, most aatonithingty nulliplied, there doe ni fsial on the Amen .-an continent a ample penodiral whose ol jrcl t-i advocate its truths, repel the attacks made iipon il, or anawer Ihe inq iiriea which even audid pereon are ditpoted lo make concern ing it. And thia it l-'t more atirvriiting, amce the material already eailmg and dai y aug. nenling, with wiiich lo enrii h such a publica tion, are almost im shauttible. The aticnce of medicine has its appropiiale 'iiedia llirouah which to prrtent to the proie tion and lo atndent all the new UiA9 which occur, and all the new Ihcnric which are ad vocatcd in the various inatiluliun nf mcclo al .'ience throuehool the world; and it is pruper dial it thonld be o. The nine i true I th ill.er leading profrationa, ol law, and i f divi ilty. But nutw.tlittandiiis the iinportant n.-ar-ins which ptirrnlnite know I heir aneore to Have on medicine, ai.d divinity, and law, there ia no pubiiuition Ihrouuh wh ch, aa the appro. iri.le channel, those b'-ariig may be p-dnlt d ml It i true that aime newspapers, and at to one or two works of a Iras ephemeral cha rrter, dy oecationaHy admit ankles tn lawast if phrenobigys but lli-te do not meel the or, iml necrtrily. A periodical which itaVoaed- y phrtnologUal ooe whofe piget shall cunsli t ite a permanent clcpotilory of fact, and wlin-.h ,na 1 be on for the e-prceamn of pinion and i'io record of oriociule connected aitli tboae farS now nceJcdi and a ttsug I jtliiig f trtis n-eei.ilv. tr ertber with a bebiT that inch a wmk is eatet.irly dernaoded, arid will meet lb enrourasemehi and support, has induced f tie puhu'iier to present the prntpovtiis nl The Viutrican Flirenuli gital Journal and Miscella- Th ob;ect of this work will be to prestrve i k -a ivj.'b iht; uctt lutsrstiifg of il very lug it to the publialicr, the work a ill be tent for one tear. Subtcipf ion and letlets r.f I ninrtt, may lr a.l.lr. t'd I.. Ihe puhli.hrr, Ai) tM UAI.UIK 40 Carrirctrr atrcel. I'liilai r'r Lib, and column- icalion fir th' aoik lo tbe F.i IT a -f lli Ameriran Phrerioliigical Joun al, i of A. ahiie Putrmatters thrnuebniit the country a pirate to art a ayenl for this Journal. September. 33 Strays. ?TKEN up by llarromi Parker, at Ited Moontain, and riilernl on ihe Stray B k lor Orange County, on the 21tt day ol bt ptrm ber, 1333, a Gray IICIISF.. three .r four yeata n'd, Innr tcet nine and a lia.l inrl.et high, biatb lect, man. and lad; valued at buy doliara. Alro a Chetnul Sorrel MARK, eifbt or nine year old, four leet eii'bl and thice rjuaricrt mthra lush, two bind let I a bile, ard wl.itc tpnt on Iter riilit thijjh near tbe Hank; talucd at lolly rio'lars. JOHN A. FAUCETT, Ilan?tr r.rtober 3 3 Ladies' Shoes. fllllF. Sobacrilirra have mat received a fresh 1 ortmeiit of Ladies Slmee and Slippers, of Ihe beat rinladelihia mtnnlarlure. 0. I. LONG, L Co. Jn!v 12. 8- O. V. LOU?, V CO.. l ave mU, on Jund, SO Scks of Sail. 20 Boxes Hull's Patent Candles, 3 Roxes Sperm Candles, &c, all of which tiiey will sell on the btat terms Julv U. SI Notice. N OTICE ia hereby given, that ap liration Mil! be maue to the neat Lrgitlatuie of t ) 3 S(aii ol North Carolina fur an ! to incor porate Junto Acad uny, formerly tailed Mount r rat iiii. Sef teiiibtr lu. TJ William Ncal, & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF LOOK I AG (J L AS!i;.S, lVe. 27, Xorth Fifth Strut. PhilmUtphia, larl J Mtrthtntf IIML fhs en'y eniih'ithmenl in the city devoted ei . ciuaiveiy lo IMS bu.inett. COUNTRY Merchani ar tni plird al ma nnUi Inrrrt' piiret, and their O'tottr im tared rtna SreaJ;. I any ywrl Ik I'mio, Itilkaol ifr ckarg 1 he who may have order for large G'at e. would do well to inform ua by l Iter, previ- hi lo their coming on, ol Ihe ua ol th plate, and the kind of frame lin y mav want, (aha itier of Uilt, Mahogany or Marble.) that the ar tola may b manufactured tiprittly fr Ibe occasion , Merekanls ahoold gir their rrdr for Look- ng C!te the fi at t' ing oa ibtir arnval, to insure tbem will pot op JCT" Any eJ.w.r f a aeek'v paper, alio nil! puhbtk thi adverliaement In the amount f tit liar, al hi naual rate, thall be duly pud in Utaatrt at the man irarluiei't price, whkb of rourae mutt be a low at they can be bonchi in the city "provided he a ill rend on hi bill by a merchant who a ill pure hate i.la.r. with ahich w cat pack and forward thim al our risk of breaka-e. September 1. Si IU akakva iotwkrre. Wa tk m(; of Cooalr WWickai.1 taaai aMortottat. Our teroa are, wi taaaib. tttm dit. to goa4 Oaucloal awa: ar C. . cent. eWaaat for tstk. AoeoaltS ll-lt. deck mVmttek'inaUitg Du slncss and Jitretlrr. Tut subscriber ibus 1 prt judtces winch it is somcnn.es ain to teader In inrt re tbaoka I attempt to i and the teal of popular ).. B Ka.akaa o I.. a I Skko aal t.lk I . -S , Ma..!. .aaaaaaWot ttt-l.awk tav XT A iw.Mwrt -H-..-" prill Ufiawm CIL'ILI riVHIkU'tt wos.aa-ae C 1 .w llilbb. roh. tor a TLm things tend greatly to depress 3 short ! . la be. tillage newspaper, lit prosperity of am - i -" a ll.Uiaanlromnitiaiorti ai.ipi. ,l,.wnii almost SOUIV on U.e pa- by .icknrt. and wo.ild era the indulg. ore h , j, a j. f,ub. ofthow hoaeoork la be. a Iher. by dea j d. v " v r,!,-,.. .lev. lla.ingHeeoaM.re. ...dt..be.l.lul.el.. e. W'cd; end we otipM not. pe rhaps. to - obenbiediopro..catehil.uin to tbe pert entirely ! escape tlitir influence. entire tantV tmii of a'l who may fetor b o I tut we (,ae tjl3j nu,re potent adt ma rie than the-e. It is said nf the church of Koiiie, that slie withlttdds the UiMe from the cotntnon people, that Uicy may not. through i? otance of the true mean- ins, be led into heresies; the piicsts only ar tr read and interpret for thrm. o it is with some of our self-tUd ItcpiiuH can: tfiey are afrai J to trust the people, and if it was in their power, tney wouiu ensirelv proliihit the circulation of all pa pers which do not perfectly square w ith llieir notion. Not able to contend open ly for their doctrines, they would sup press all inquiry. And this is the spirit which has been operating, for several years lo undermine the circulation of the Recorder, and if possible to break up the establishment. Al one time this w as e ry nigh being accomplished; we were re duced almost to the last eurcniity; the star of our hope had sunk Mmost to the very horizon. Uut amid ait this cars ness, w e w ere sustained by a conscious ness of the integrity of our purpose and the justness of our cause; snd pertrter ance has etiaMd us t w iiness the rt turn of a brighter day. Our star of hope is now again in the ascendan't and we trust that under its enlivening influonce we shall be permit led long to battle for truth and sund principles, w ith our flag nailed to ihe mast" Ixiox, the t onstitvtios, axo the Laws." Our enlarged sheet w ill cnahlu us to embrace a greater variety of matter than heretofore; and we shall endcatur lo gra tify tho various tastrs if cur readers, by placing before tliem every good thing we can select from our exchange papers and other periodicals, whether of Morality, Literature, or Politics. In all our selec tions our object will be, to blend ins'.ruc lion with amusement, to inform the judg menl, elevate ti e tiiitsJ. and mend the heart. In political matters, we shs.ll no thiug cxtemnite through favor, nor set doun 0113I1I in malioe, but on till mvu ir.n endeavor ti gie " the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the iruih." Hating fewer advertisement, our pa per in its enlarrid form w ill perheps eon- tain a murlt rcadiii- mutter as anv other pnper in the state. We shall cudeatoi always to prortire good paper, and to make the impression fair and lethle. When these things arc considered, with the fact that the whole couunta of the paper will bs Delected cxprcrrly for the people of this set tion i-f ceunty, w e hope those who have been in the habit of send- I ir.g abroad for their papers, may be in. tluced to botjw their pairottage upon their ow n press, and thereby build up an c.-tnhlishmciil respectable in its appear anre and useful in its operation. 'J'o those of our ftittids who coinrioi: with us in opinion, wc might make an appeal, urging upon them the expediency ol exerting their influence to extend the circulation of our paper; but we deem ii uniK ccsH;iry. They surely have discern ment enough lo know, that befote tin ir principles can triumph, light must be spread bmong ti c people. We would also remind lliose of oppo site polities, that the columns of the Re corder are always open to respectful and decent communications, as well from their party aa nut own; and that we shall endeavor b.i all occasions to give en im partial and faithful account of the trans actions of the day. And further, when any important measure shall tome before ('oiicrt'i-, upon which we may think the public mind requites to be enlightened, we shall consider it a duty alvia) to gic speeches on both sides of the question. With these brief remarks we submit STATE OF .UU 1 11 CAKULLU Ihmngt County. Ia Equity -Sepien.ber Term. 1838. tTMt V. BUiiU and otirrs Original till. ' fT appearing lo lb salittartioa of lb Teort that Jaaie Meed, aue.f tho defradaat in tLi cautc, aot aa lalulotaat bf tbia i.i ( It ia then lor ordered H al pobla alio, k aw, in th -tiileboioagk Kecoider lt ia oeek orcctsivcty, ibat unlet th (aid drldat appear al the neat term of ihi Can. t k held lr the county ol Urange, l 11 1 r.i. bun in Hill. broach, en th secvo ktoodav of March neat, and plead, anaaer r dinar, the caute wiJ be art down f- r bearing, ud beard t farlr a lo bint. JAMES WEDB.C. J- J. E. Srpltniber 19. S7C FAIWIEIl'S HOTEL I '-'diXii ! .TIr. llirliioii IN ic bolt n.4S taken charge uf Im wed kauaa ti. blMbroeol, and I prt pared to aicaimo dat fra.cllcra w ni oiiable oaanri. ICT SU-e paatengri will find it vrr) tsr.. venitnl, as it i directly pit lb f tt Uf. (ic. RegnUr Board! will b received on screw modating lerirt. Aogitt IS. 3iv I'ortrardltig 1gtncy. ryy-" Thk subscribers inform the Mer- lirV chant ol lh ineri.r, that iitj an alill tngtfrd iolb Fwrwardiag a ay, ai.4 tiatt bat with lb facilities and ttperii ikry a., pottrit in h t natai lion of Iki bvsina to merit the patronage beretolor eoafrrr. They bat largo Hai lloote at th river in toon, foe tho reepion ol fowidin bott. part from ether bu.ldi(. and compatitittit af fiom fir. W1LKINGS ii BELDEX, faytllrtii: lli fcr to Mettr. I'ai k UoiLaae, llil!borb Afiil 5. ti ll E T II n o . T Female Academy. 'V1IF. ruliH nto-rs naiittiiliy infuru. the K pub ic it at tiie extrcitrs of this ih.iiiii lion ci iitinue under the tare of Mia. II.!. I MOhKUA; and at the (itet I rr varnli n n Ibe aiiitc-r. the fvbmd will cfiiilinur, anli- niit in t, rii:'t;,ui, ui.ti. 'Vi tuber loiit-g m du e ai l be tharyed only from Ihe tin.e of ad mittion. The mannrr in biilit! i Sibil lunl.vrn hrietiT'irrt .n dm lil i- lugblv itit'aclm j , and ae take ;real p'ca?tirf ir. rc .i..oeniinj it to Ihr patruuae t parrnlt and giuidian. who lutein) .otiii liwir dangl let end aaiiN Use advauiiy. of a liberal rduration. Ihr prut of tuition it right dollari. per truicii. l)iai. in? and Fainln.fi iiie rut rt extra. Board can be btainrd in rttprctabte f.mi bet, nl a thnrt Uitlance from the Araden.y, at five U-jI art a no-nth THOMAS P. OLDHAM, JAMES THOMPSON, ELIJAH riCKAKI). May J9. 8i Trust Sale. TJV virtuo of a deed in Inur, eii-eutrd In me ' b Charlrt M Latimer for purpoaea there in named, I ahall proceed lo sell, lor rath, al the Store House nf Latimer & Mehane. in llt'l. borou.Ii, on Ihe lih of Octoher nexl, all Ibe in. trreat r.f Charle M. Latimer in Ihe STOCK 01' GOODS nf every drtciiption, (it brirgnne half Ihcreid.) now on hanii; sir one hail r.f ihe Store lluute and Lot,' ar d alto one half of C'lucie trd Harnrtt. Thote who a oh to pur ciiaae are invited lo call at the Store llouae arid examine an inventory ol Ibe Goods previ o j to Ihe talc, a the whole undivided ahare of laid Latimer will be auld loselher. JAMES LEATHERS, Truitte. October 84 3d I Inratuable 0.1ToTI:.lT, tun thk tt nr. or External Iiraci, viz: While Swellings, Scrofula and other Tu mours, Sore Irgs and Ulcers, Old a.l Fiesli Wounds, Sprains and Urutset, Swellings and Inflamaiions, ScaUssnd Hums, Womeu's Sore Ureasts, ScalJ Head, Kheuiualic Tains, 1'hilblaias. Tellers. Eruptions, Biles, Whitlow and a mosi effectual remedy fur the ie moval of Corns, .ilo, Beck wilh's Anli-Dispeptic Tills, roil SALF. BY ALLEN PARKS. September 8. Public Sale. THf. tub&rrib-r will tell, tn the highest bid I'lrr, on Thttraday the Hth of October next, on a credit cf nine montha, Horses. Cattle, Hogs, Shrep. and Gce.e; Corn, Fodder. Oats snd Hay; One Wagon and Gcer; One Wheat Fan of a superior quality; Farming Utensils; Household and Kitchen Furniture ; !.... '......,....- r ti. ...i with many other article, to., tedious lo men.:"'" ,K '"c.";"l'"; " "'. ' .,on. trust that ihey w ill mete out to ua a due J AS. MEBANE, Jr. ! portion of liberality. U.4 li!J. 0.t..ber 24 Ss - tr ; I hi ,k,-..gh,'jv. t , May IM. Boarding House, V FF..V regular BnaiUrr en beac.omi dalrd by Ihe atilmcr ber, at tbe ol. ttaud of J ihn Fd'di. dctcated. Fcraont Jetirinf it ran alto be arc omnici'a led during t'oi-rt a.ih THOMAS I). ('RAIN. February 15. - Adyertisemeut. 'I IK iir.pos-.bil.ry i f cairyine on lb W ai'1 ' man aa I m-gM In tic rondui trd ah. e ! tent on collecting i ipeilumnt, and the i..v tlhility of lonct r doing witboi l Ibe larf ' mouni due tnc for ti jrara id labor, bate de Irrininrd me l a- II ihe , !h mt.ment al end ol Ibe nreeeiil jear. 'I be .ba-i iplion ia atioul rivt Atin.rrJ, and en I'ie iwniM ank Ibe job printing and !verntin enrd for lrai lirt kttuUitd d.lltrt a vrar. A genlle-n. of tali nl and a aomid VMi f. shall lav u Papi rnn IS meW libtral Urms. I aimld i' wiiling'y let it g . into an oihrr sv.r- A'-' early apidication it rtnorMrd. II. U. JONES. EJilor and I'repr'utr. June 27. Leiuay's Almanacks,. 'FOR l3N Calciihlcd for the Meridian of Rnleijh, FOU SALK AT THIS OFFICE. ttur ciii ai'. recembrr 52 01 Job Printing, NCATLV i; F.XPKIITiOlLY I.XF.CUTP Id" AT THIS tfrilSK m&H IIILLSIJOKOUfJ H. N- c-rrai.i-nr.D orrai v nv iunm iir.Am'T, T THea Mutt., tra. en twoBt-" rirri csatn ir i-aio in at "sr; Those V.I10 i!o not five notire of ''' ... .i" ..,...rdat iheexpns- ,I n.ir . iicii I u.r. - - ,i.,,ji- r .1.. . - M .ii ......iiiiii tool lit. win wv indn'. it. i ontiio a in e until rnunHm-ai"1''" paper will l e ili'inntiiiiird until all arnar i are aid. ni.lera al ibei plum i f ihr I"1'1 Jtvi rl.reo.i nr ... t . x rt .lmtf rix"1-" ore dollar tor H e firtl, sr.d Iwentt lor eoh ub.iqi.e.il inai tto'.'i Im U" . in- Million . ,iun o').-i '''- , r.l .i:t I t!i I l.ighrr. A d dt" ' J, ' i;rr s-aC ..tai'i'ar.