prof to I WW rl Be J ! care h m !; r'f ''-N i . ... I. f.w a 4 ..h.. wait fer 4 N-rt ti4i date "' tl ,,'',u, bari.ew ; isf the ps-v. MW,MI "U1""! with the ' e4 atopfd. Te rs.,.y e4is4t.d 'be of ih- aJ " i.zjo.w r. p.. 1 1 i Jl, ia II,. .ff4.r. 1 .w yrt L.,.L.ij,.uVil;ua!tf.'Li L i r . 9ju.iwu- - , j p!.e i.. I I rrr- ih bl Kpubl r. A'Mi urh ; - -i " - dit m n r. ...a . if "i'y fin. f.4!rt,? j., flr,. ; ,,, '"J. hut' ?"f',r", V'4' Itiir 6 J i .ir 3 ii SHW JoU-r. tt-r-... A , pM . ,Vr anJ in- j ," f"""4 ,r,,m'B,,lrr' He at la,' r. th ra , i j , e l Hiw,t , frP m4 .,ilT M h, frre. j f",B'OM'J Pr,",' M jci I-. r --4f. ... i.,.mi m , ( .,!,;. vrl ; Mhr Pfnf . ",0" lhe.r l-ri ' ;'-" r VMM-" nA w p,,,,,, ,. prri.,Ji.t s " Uf th.ia. t44 -laiac. r, ,rqu.rri!,9 m4wi twiraiiflVPfrf,,rr,, 7. Tin rw-it " ; f !. We .-ii Ilt mob rM " ,r,,V "'JB Ua reH course M V c M - UnX hiwni lha rmamnm.j i.hut i h'9 ",J,,J hj,,.lht '".- lhe pU.a cantiir.i-e. " ,.. bimc h Jr l, I'.el tM,,rJ U,rf c"uU ""lh,n " ,,0P ijiporuut in.rai i. eiur uv. .h ....n,.),,,,! tlM .iwrt. PWie ,! a..h etir.r. I ' !..,. f,Hf ,.U!,.. h kti 1.x. kd U r" ,h "r ru" iraih o. iy arri-iw. . rrr..r: .nl iht w.IJra ,J , emral.iy u he rfecie,!. mf.uie I.L li milbe J M CMipaar. ami .1 "n.. h n pr, i,wJ L. r. u. w,Ml!J , "f f""'1'" 5,r e.i !tui f..!!iili m e:i t' b..n a .1'. of ir J.. p.ny u. cmapirary. I cmm,. W it 11 r i.UU li ff. t mk lf I-wu uj.ii he tpruug ji in ! iirfrui: nJ iht r'1, miU Vim trnts J on Iojij rifdil fee i rur imj i rT, by !iie!i ron' rri,i ,vi l,v iv Ti1lirO beMu it will ink uw ih (-r..;fr ..r rair J tre ?ttt J in a hiulihT e.imli. KC u7 1 1 i V the wjJ.nJir..b.blvfiiurrnr...u,.!c- imii. im. ..f.en thI.U i.i !.... .rq-iil Aa amv! ai ew Urln. Mm "a .,J U .v .nJ ery ra .rhirr pin,o. Htm h1 P,?, "" " w' Ls Wr ai iW ih- pr.;,,..,!, .If kn ..lw.u-m,a.u,,,i,!S-'"n'7' 5.- .h,.r U .re.t. ..i..m.'.rlr:'il pT.pul,r f,0r. ! 'Pi-" ' - C !( of lk",Wr ,,M i ali...un .. lii.Uf Ilia , br:wn l!.e e' b-tnilt n I ilitt . 15.0 JO dollar per year auppoaa t'tat the road will, u jrr a-iy U'lV H14II aft ea.aaf aafteal At flKaw aa Item a aa.&t atf lial a.m a. woulj b tUMO r vear. Uily lj ... . ' ua her giiaransv and a a.le r the road ouid never be f.Kr,de,ee(.ial of the at, for ,he bold.. , ,.,e w, I be .....6e4 a. Inng a. i .tere., paid and the nne.p.t aland .reared by .,. f ' m( the penj.!e. flu .n n hy the I .1 .a.aa . . . .a . . ? U.l precedi t rt niti. I tie at ja. lom preeau toi.. m.v ! takn ag.uiai any default of the co,n,a ,y-a d,ee,, (nol a .UKkhoMer .nu'.i he , atf L.... ... ...... . D) i:ie ivv, 11 11 i I'lo.ij'ii iiP, anil ha mij'it be emaerd to lake cre of he iaiereit nf the ;a'e and prevent any diver.ion of the tunm nf the r md fron the purp'e of firm pay mi up t.e ime re.t on ihu debt a 11 fa!.' .Jje. A uk ing fai l might be fo m-l out of $ irp!u$ projut in .atitiy the principal aa the in fell J ,e. l;,;, .;;, .ondnmn. ght be a-a-hed aramr which will Mi tt ,.lf? aialiueota led u aeeesary o the guaranty cvrporatora t inreae their aoha.-r.ptiona in a earn that .ll he aulTieieut t . c in p!te the MaJ. when aueh ad litmn.l auh a?tip..on are a J led to t!ie Ion. Tlio'igh ca a 00 'n to be taken to pn'ret the U'e, the form of that pr .teen m huld n o be auch aa will deleal the (.radical bcn'.fil that ia int-'ii led to the eni,inv. In eome wav, howerer, uin.ii thia rd-n of t!,e mu-i b laid a reatrie. no;, tipn. the e..p.v. agai i. c n M- t- ing any (ur.her de'.t w ihoo. the c.naent .4 the g,.lai..r.; oiherwiaa the, q ience m Ut be to the .tate a an e.i ' irr or gnra itor ol tn-irr, debt. 111. (.ruvriho,. on thepiriol the eute. ....ght .4 m be preceded hy a earefi.1 arrn'.iiiy iu t r.e nu4 condi. " ,h ''o;'i"v. B.- ih.. 1 a n tar ir. n dea.m ig I . auy .h.tru.t .4 it inke.r. b it the ag-nw.4 lhe p.i..e are ia du-y boan I lo e. mine m o .he .un- nnn i. any e ....raii.i. Iwf.r they make .he aute ... e,,J,.er, hoaxer p.tnotin ..! lamUb the .,... he. j 4. I have .atJ too 1'i.a .li n .t luter- -r. a, :, ,he,v,lr i .4,inpr..e..,eniaa!. reany ai:ial. I ai4 . a nart i4 mv uhjeenhai leqa-re. more de ail. a. I Know i.eie are o'j-ciion eontif evd with .1. wbioh are mil to be removed a. a word. 1 will en..eavr to meet ihe-n in my neai . c.i4.iaiiv'a wd be met tUe lormer w ill e..r4ig to th we theonea, not only are ...; , , . , I not ba prraaed for pa .ue.itil,e litter !' ri!ita .4 propertr depending Lpon1, (,,,mer fwnor. General JjMt fce j ill a 4-re r..y ekactrj. I the w II wf , annual iS.!.ure. b it all 1 "1 "fvt,tl fM. 'f1 f i 9 !, mv be done wi'b anr ereat' " "l ere taken into eu.ioly and e.nbaiked 2nd. Itoaybedone wi.liout any great ..i-, s ,,04r4 l'' briar Adelaide. Afer i- ;.ir.i ii. iKi. i...n mil k. " eieioriona iicmin. iiiere ta nt itii , , . , n.k. I Je iniereit on tma loan w.i tie , . . rettine to aea. tliete incer were landed s X i. .ma) ean tirevsntfa iff, yie'o 'ea pr-ai . . ., i w.ii. miionarr ewi niu.i oe put uown oy me i , . , ... , i twira ihi un. and by a cnoi;it with . ... ' , inarl ,t ... former governor of the .late i.f Tamauli North Carolina, the whole , myr . ',,le '?!nre wnl'v ,,,e 1 "T'' ; i.,.. ...!. II. u M.u. .nbjectrd under ber direeiion. to the ---v. o, --P-c are aayment oi tma nuereai. oi - - - , ... ' , man. late e'.ief i.f Poebld Vieio. Ther "J MbN I Oil. J a.s'ed them, when c .Hed onfor a .i.nilafj .. n,e ,v(ea., ( Vera Cms are de- K. B. Tn aeo d miarepresnUtiw. I V"? - ' '" ws co npany of mi t termmed 10 be buried iitidcr ita rmnsfoou gjin repithat d i noi mean to aiy.i lai lal " ,p l,Uce 10 i""-,"'re . er i!,.n tive u,. the ci.y. (.real pre,.- and 4jnj!f.U.-iJfe. thit the e'ae ..u4i.1i ,!,e i'""' ll" ' !' f"r rauou re makmg b.r d'e C meral t e.t.Wiih any Female lustiioli .0 ml ' declared that they w.m.J . ,. hjW jie mw., ,rt tn tt, Kt'eti'h. X-at at all! B it 11 ia a puhl.e! " " ilt " ,r " " F,r as o-.g as there is a man al.vC. A spiru vil. where Ihe intercourse am . i.eih-d.f-' ,,,py "a,J lUrTe r,,,,,M f,,r ,,,e,n " ! of enthusi is n and einnl itiou t.rev:,iU th ,1 lerent .:.i,,iis 0f the state t I. ao d.flicnlt.t nd other co-operate with 11. lo! I eater lhe pr.v.'e mean, of establishing? loatit juona of Una km I. It is with this.i m.ny other thing., fe-j. .eire ,,,.,, iut of th. state, t, what -h.. want. 1 'tat pr . lu -e. a drain u;m..i the jrencral wealth nf thesta-e; an I any thiog which pro ntst-s tu remedy the evil, by enabling individual, to pur.ue a d irerent ,dan, i. worthy of publk rearj. a id da arrva. a rank a n v. renin. , !. ' ', I thm't 11 a wi.e policy, to make it the i'ittrtit of .mr tiliin'trt tat ..1 .a I . . ' n,, ' I 'he m'trnt f our , merit tu educne l!,eir chil Iren at h one -aid so long iih uihe.-wi.e, w- s'iall . hj. ete lo an mj ,ri.i, dr, fr. ih wealth and resou Ce, 1t ,,ei ieni prosperity of our st.t,, ,j of , , ..... . .. 11 .1 ine lil'liviu.lai eneriirie a .,1 w.lil. 1 vf merchant.. w,u .M h coi,ee..t.aV.i td a. a ..iirktl, uulcts th m,;iUi 0f coo.! r vijr ....fWr m u ae p.--iJ.; "r ill .. r.l.'i ! :' t be CoiuMu.a W ! sear H'tra'u iufi W ibr -!.:! drrw, muUn lhe mhiw jf . tw ibeea are ready I'wf CoJ iheot at 'her ixHuu. Tbte bjei i worthy wf fr eitraled rwtMHii( hot i these c.tsye. mwh a-M a.iiht he MMit red br.ide the mark. Wherrf-we I forbear. - r,, P,,.t.. j 4 .f Jvrv, h lranUlrd h hih ! rwr m m'nm wj or an rnl.-fhl-n-d puHlie e.itime.n. Ac, t nothing an awred that their niee iiuy f - a Ma I . fe.aet riitl.Tta ttitfAlir J aill t!aam aV'titl t " . . , , , " . 1 ..! . ... 1 ' , , J l f P"""" ' P"P'V. j fXr recu oiIh gSy, C ,H IW" "'". "''- e law. in relv upon their wholeaome and regular :,'.:... ..,. ' i - a. w viaiaa a 'aaBi fl " 1 a aii4 a- ., I ....,...,. . f.. ' ... -lt S ' . ht" it... .1.. .s....t.i k. n...r.i i .violate hi. a..etio... m ! balladium of r l.hert.e.. an I conrl .de. ! r-aHnn. n the .c, bv "M,J.T "'""t -"g all etiuen. 10 dtichuje duty f roV,-. I'l.- .......... I... a iiv r r i a ? m iung iuiii to the li Witv of lhe preeenl Kejiresema- live, of New Jersey .11 aave one Sen- at-r-in Congrats in opjoi..g il.e o l.. out .ub-irca,tiry. .V. I'. .'W. i f st.Lw... Oct n h. i r r.. ... . . . ' "WM. i.iaaieTe.teruay received from our esteemed fnen l at V following lener in relation bee difRrultie-. wlu.-h. f,,r tha pres- tnU aeem to bare ended bbwdleaet j Gia-.w, Oct 12. 133?. j Dear Sir: I informed you a lew d.y ,g Mf ,,e then exi-tii.g iliirence be. ieen the eiiizen. .4 Cared and the M ir n,ou re.iding at Dewiti. I no ! ihe pleaure of iufonnin yu th it, on yeatcrdar, I wiine4ed lhe "departure of, e.e.y Mormon in Carroll county for Far We.l, in Caldaell county. Tiie matter at la.l wa. abided am.CaMy. an I .he Mor- hi n. yieldt-d to the propoiiio-i from the. riuien.. that i. that ihey ahoulj he pa d f. their property, and aueh dam .jje a he aer I hy two me... eliown by each e.4. fn the comic .4 li .r- r! n,i l!hiri:nif ml .r,inii. r,..l..l the c .ni wiilee on ilie ground, b silt p.r- lie. took np ihe line .4 manli an I moved. ,r. r,,e rilil,n4 t,f C,rr ,,.4,,; I'le n-elve to assist any county who as- ... .... ... ...... "'" county. . e have not heard j bHher ihey were nterrepe l on the ; ' bul I'f"""" " f'e M .rmon.j we" douhle.the.r numhr. However. I ; m lo o.-lieve Uial tne a lj lining j counne. i.. aaiuweii wi.i never oe rou- tenl-td until they leave the .tale. II id .he Mormons reluscd to sell on the d.y Ihe last proposition was made lo ,hem, il would have been a serious nuiler to both pariies. for there was b it little dif ference in their forces, and lhe citizens had e .me lo a determination to make, if "",,u'e uc:e.sful .anack ou the day . I . . ' . iT . . . a . . J the compromise wa. effected. Fro n t'.a 4 istreal Tran. trip'. Wa ahtamd in our la.l numher from noticing the warlike rumors of lhe day, whieh have .nice been aa generally no- nceil hir the ore a. 1.. reliant ua from 41 .cruj.le or delicacy. Tlie Courier of Tuursday gave an extract from a corret- I - -- -- -- -- - - nnraei a-aai nnnn aiaaaiiar anaa ra nreter.aii - m the faet that the law. regulating and pr.; pr-a-un--r.. ...r teea .g il had been moat aha.neb.Ily dia-i "i w r eder. g er.i .ten , ana ,.,.,.!-.! II. r... .1.,. .11 ...uri... Ueneral Piedri. who wa in eoiu- h'm .K!.l 1,.. .r....,..l .1.;.' nd here, i going wiih aeveral other of- hm U: an n-Mir pi ft urn. me -.. . - - fcd receited tSti trti rT eertu:i rfcareetrr. The QueKrr PV" die, published vm WeJeeaday, hae the foHwwiag: Seriamt Rumw.k ttwX fir etdate t f i thte etiy eiee yecrday , u99enm a aature MU eoirJru vy toss ha hate it U their oawer ilule--f M SBttoiicei if it b funaJed. . . ... . P-P" "f f -u.U.t Pb- lie mtmi. Ii i lUa ! U-f J Uai- II. . I,. il P.m. ,l Si. Jai.i, 'Ilia re.nlulioniata, it i I. count on , bae I8JJ nieu under arm, an I are ni eoinfnu,.icatto.i with Ueneral Ufrea. who bee .n I.i revuhitton in the Vel. and i one f lhe ablet ceaerala in lhe .MeiiCaa 1" rV IM e- o' Oe-Aer. - ' '--. "n 1 'n Meneaa gener-l at that place oucru '?c . , , 1 l.naa and Ta.n;.:eo. j No inauli ha I been offered t the - N in.itt h French in Tampico. during the eoinmu Uona which h,d t.ken tdicl Tarn co. tn Jtr date of . irom i ain, co. uu waje ... 7h O.-t thfr, ay: "We hae la inform yn t!ia. Il night J . ...... ..L. n,;" f ' Y Aaa. . I . . . I. ..... a I. 1 . . . . . ta W I I. , viii" ii', iiaviiij uce.i um en uo vj I !, ' , f , iT hi t revolti.i .ii hat it ramin.-aiioon in in ui-en ir ni it n . w. a !M,'' " '" '' ,r,"P ,,rr re "c.nde.l by other, the Prefl ovcro.neni ..f Meswit mai fall. ,r,J we ,hal1 ,,,ve M trance. fc " c'efy ,hi" ha ra9SeJ off !'"e ln the greatet order. ..... ha bI(,ft,,u ,,.,, . ...,.. .... .....i.., i(!em u ,e, lhe Um kuw .,Mt lhfy h4fe j, tuJ , ,0 e,ri f-.rU Ci(M (n w; re mw jf , uie f hellion the general go- vernmoin." received hr the eoVecmr of .e. (j.leant .tale that !), movement , Tainpic. would be aecondeJ by a troug pirtv i i lhe interior. I f,.rr"(ice ,u ,,e anticipated Freneli i.,.,,ol of ihrt rot. it wo.d I ap.o-ar bv ,(, MH;.l letter that t'.e g .'.rumenl .4 Mane h .ve ad..p:ed C.crgct.c measure jt ..Order, have been d..te.hed !." mwh , re4ll,i. ff(, ,,e interior . . Vt9 CiMsU where a con.iderahle force u( Me;lUf t ,,rjr b.M c,. . .... . ..... .u ... ... i i in. ir. rn ill. uite , fra n.ecap.ld. and , 4Ue rile4 Tnere are besides me , m l 3JJJ ii other the ca- cs , , ,,e m,i bnlba.a epochs of MMr ,4r of independence. .. ereal ,n4.;J. ,)f our fe,e make comui'in cau.e wuh tl will the eovero. n,e,a a?al4l l!ie aMwpl ni invasion. j however they dissent from 11. internal however ll.ev 111 po.iry. I hey feel. a. patriots, thai ihe Mexican g over t nent has a right t ex pect the aid of all it citizen, to ward off the pent menacing all " At eveit'ful Jay! Under this he id. the C.luniiiu. ((.eo.) Seuiinel enume rale, crimes enough a having been per petrated in lint town within 'ii hours, lo aerve, one would iliink. for a twelve mot, til, Tlie following is Hie catalogue: l)n Sdn4.y night, one lorgery, andlhiee horse, stolen. Monday in .rung before day. the Court llou-e, ami .(Ihces of the Clerks of ihe Conns, alt three buildings il lated on lhe sane lot, et fire to and burnt do an, wit't all i!u;r cjn'.enti, prob- ally iy w P',rtB Im J nt- li e turt i b$4 tii.t Jjv. brralf.i i tU jr",,f rra rowrrJ U H. we el a re4.-el qui. !. W'Ae 'A l.rf iSwr- r. be ,! d ',b acJ ravia( iWaa l-r Va4. t44r4 ku. aad lit arpi-"J. I.uarrr. betaf the eIy mi mt (adfrt ba ajfara la bare brea (d. : L : f i .uJ 1 .t !b,ak. lhe SM..b b.a .nu-wd a,nr!C-bl l-.ip.r,,iNk.-.reI.e. i V " :. .v.- -f 'eauUrd la bJf a elaa. .4 fut paper U...a .4 bk lbi .bH be ..MUy' .,sid..thib .ki" ihem pava. hUi..l-..rinati. N. OrS-a. aad ,rr - I ht Mt place.. Bak aotea lib ibe oneii.a le rei-eJed e.rry -W ..d .iuld rj.i .v i-r'e-l -. ' dime. The irattll.ii Ciiiumunitr ai.M be i il.e mat h makea lure ha. bten earned rrater pr.f,e. be ace..m:n .!!.!. and efry ia4i.ida4 ' "f ' M,,f rtH" u"n' fT""" '"! ahc'i i.iiii M baaJred J-4;r bid re brUe! i.ia.mur!, aa graa f. eda il.e ; t may i .;...! fr...B ikeae in a : r,.. ...T- ... l ..i t rmiHtrr in i!.e cii'.er. I.nrr . a id cru t!.e Witi Hat ! cne -ulaciured alaie. Mr. UdUtin. a ronld di a pifm s.eur.ty ml.lMl" point ai oure. aithoul ji. Tba uen-e ' puW.C W. lbeery jreai. and t.e a.1- t.utrt would n jav a nrvuUu-m pr.dubiv ereatrr than at ay pcri4 -.nee i a t- Ul4.aheiil un ler t'.e .14 elia'trr. .No bank ia an wa'l fi'iu rJ to aal ir 4 l Una !u4ble eirru!aiion, a the U. SJufa i w..nby U end a ponton i.f .aid eorn. It ! aimple ojo'ra i.ina, and aa auie a rr p Unik. Tliey hae tlirir brai.cue. a id ew larteiy. S. 1 gave it the name jaa fl.s or ei.tutn. Ilia pndittiou imut arn t already r.uWi.lied. and al-'f C'liina'a failpr.d.. or tree ern; aa it coming true, at lea.t to a errtain .alent; ao a credit ma le that cannot be !iafc-u. n'.e o(t in t.i. tl.rre, and fre-ju-iiil ! an I iemg ibe aubjeet ihe pro, Nonsw Bmk can co.iijHte with them mjfoiir bram-lua, in afpe-ranee I ke a tree. an4 ro Unly and impartially, wr cm. ll.ia panicular f r year. K t'n (dan 'and prod i'C an ear at il.e bead i.f ' bnt think bia eiputi..n will, era liou!4 b earned ut. aa we bae no j hrau.b; wberert il.e f.mni.oi corn a'.ooia many year, piaaaway. be fnlly reaWJ. tl.HiM it will be in abort tioe. tUrre out t!.e ear Iron, the aide 4 the t!k. Ii;lf . ih.e wlm are eneliued lo em?iik will not btf ihu iKrca.ion for a National II .ilk, winch hitherto entir.L' The Cincinnati Pool tay: It it j rr r turn t?n ti fourtern inchta led. on appatently .rreet data, thatjl 'ng. I eoi.nud ait km drd an aiiy ; a fl .. . I I.. I., f a,.a..a a..t ...a aif ll aav tea I.I ..awl m'leti. on :; nl'iern hmtdrt'd emigrant arrive daily HI , ihe va!Ky of the .Miii,pi." In Scott county. Iowa, alter a reidenee I of four day a, the Ut aing'e lady found a i market on the lihh ulu A corrrapond , eat write. our tingle gfrtteneu are three to one. and an auiinu are our ei ? tier for wive., that they never ask a ain Ule ladv her aje. All they requite i TKET11." C'ucvga .lincricuii. ; UMIiani I.. .Miainger, a den'itt. ba jboen eii:enced to ten year. impriaon- iiieni in (.ainnetia roumy. (leoria, for enticing away a a!ave. I Under he.U, f.KeJ with lhe inner hunk i'.f com. afe .aid to laet a iifriime, while thoae ii tid wiih airiw require r-plenUh-j iug once or tw ice a J ear. Sne etnrimni lure reeent'e hen ; mid- in Ungland on the proper. iea ol jCitk. which have given Ihe nvi advan j tugcoua reiuli. Not only have lhe ut it i lrrr and pillow, made of th. m.ti rul t reduced to powder ehiht d all the el j licit y and .ofine.t of ha.r and wmd. but j it hat been atf eriaiord that one nf ihre I inatlrettff, weighing iweiity-five poamU (only, em upporlon the water .even men. Sailor, and persons i!'ie! lo lake long jtea voyag's will not neglect in future lo intake ue f ihe eo.k. for their bi-d well becante it form, a very comb.rtahle bed, a. from the help ihey may derive from ii la case .4 .h.pwreck. I I.Mtera hive h?en received in London. fmm M"jrs. (Jrev and l.tuhin .t-.n, who! nl Ihe r.a.iver. J,e party .ii.Teed-.l null- in ir.f.!!,n. il. . ii mi.. inn..,l nni m .raeiing aiiout ,(l mte mwafti. no ere men lorcro. in rett.rii. Having . i .i . . llavi.ij h-e., .r.eke.1 hy n superior force. Mr. fUrvy ws wouti led vit!i a .pear ...I..I f... .1.. a'. - ..( . II .... I paai, nie .prctca i . , ' , . ' i-4i il Morua lu ura.ilia. and ihe no r?- r- -year agn. with the d-igi f eXidonng;. ' ' ",p ! W,.e e e are at lihcriv to u.e.iu.n .lie interior of New Holland, from .he j ( ' ' "" f n ' 'h n,!' ,f .1. ha. Il id llie (eralioil of el- I N-'rth Wesieoa.t. annonm-ing il.e failure ' . . ' L c.t iei.a l.ave , MC( , M , mu Urbw fj j (, ! of .he.r eacedifon. through .he l-li.y j 1 ' ";a " 1 m "... wav ..,....t pain, and so grai.nrd waa wounded with . .pear. I n ; ; , 's ! related, lie , a -it.,., not lo he ..n- ' epti!ig an oiler which wou.d have put ... . . . i ... ' ,.. , ,,r,.,Tv , jnl, j,,. U l,i'""hil, who with miny vlhers lia M.r..VeV.eraud Ynnng.lwoofl'.e;,,,.,,,, ;pi 4'oAett ,,e '., ! ' ,v h"n " 1" '.V this great .da tn .he fat, dni l a. Wimbledon. : ,..(:,r rl,vtntt. !., , ,k ,,, """"-I ,en ( a,.ia... Ldiot at.d Mr. (ll,. r fi(f! , r,111,,! j been tried at.d found g-uhy of r- j j-.. ,e(; , , lvf .(.rM ; s- ,Q, a,ruimlunct ! digging 1 ' seen ' heiwff n ; lime 1 . ' urr. 1 ne 111 ire. in tU'Sini sentence N, , , , , "stl. In.' ihe jirisniiers ill it their ive ! ... ' , , , wotiM he . .red. but thai thev won laet . tm l. ro a lonjj ter.11 of imprison ment. I lie verdict iroilo.-rd Ml Iiul e.m..ernam. amon .he yotuij laahimi - aides of Intl. j I hj .id u tied. fr ex.itii n'e h.. tci- The kiugdo-n of Satnny is perhap ; I the f..ct, in it the nl l ch-u t- ! ;'' coiiniry. 111 a'l Oermmy, where, inl.tcarly eveiy p-.ruon ..f ,!. t'.n cd Si 1 cs. , proportion to it. inhabitants, ihe gre.te-t . al.pel i. i!,e rn.iii ..I Mlk. It will j I''!1" ,,( distilled apirils is e.msumed. ; 4i hi d.inititd, that I h. i an urml.- f, i and i'.iemricraiiee prevail. 1 . ihe greate,i : . is miptiou nf wiiirlt is v mcrea. . extent. I he eoverinnent has int tmh. linhcd a account of th.; d. suite nea now in operattnu in Sx my." Tins report a'aics that their number is 3.4U4. This, romp-and will, the population, which, according lo the odicial census ol 1847. amounts ta 1.GJ7.017 persons, gircsnne ilutillery of spirits in every 4M persuiis. Of t!K.e ueiiis. 1.49. are in ruics, and 2.0UJ in the country C7! tin kit spirit, o.dy from com, and I.- UJj Iroui potatoes alone. I t 1S47 the distilleries of SiRowv usel 13S 8J7 bu4i- els of com, 478,337 bushel of potal ie. an 1 1,978 buhel of iua:erial. which were nut faniiaceoja. Dics.lcn paper, Xediud Science in VunrC. TllC ntiuiher of ho lie anniiillv ili..i-ciil ,. Pari, is csiim .n-4 at from 011c ihou-and 10 fou.lcJll hundred.' important Tcmiuir.ns, LiJriuMiti m a'J eunr.r f 5ir aud bUiiC bt (mtlf INfrlo Vf i4ay arurf.Mie mMaiMl ne ta tn. Itjdiaa fildSria. a.4 ft drer. Ie rleiAaat aad atiea. (Br te Uy. C Vck,Uyrr Hay, aad II J let a Cr. (bat if al tlMe Atm brr err lowd l Mi Wert. fk up ita bmb aid bi r.r, are aroul-l nred in import ie ml aad rye-flr fra .4 a-ebi .fir. J k. U,a IkmIj cor,M. ra. f Mr. JrOeraaaaajra. lh mn aUmake. we grew - jbe frien l .4 wan be M, eawqaria ttnC4ma. I ,l!r, iltil.i. pro;.i.ui'i aln.i lihe gr. ia a elfi.!rut fact, !at tMiih vm . 3' X-ar Yoik. wbiSe emptting a b-u i4 tea. C'.ii. l4ii Juate. rn from :iuna inul be ' oie bi new undrr cur arm. be bad litem Une4. Uey grew ait.l mulu - pJied. pMig 1 rrrir4 ironi i gr from egbt to leu fet bigb, p.o ' i ... ..I I ..... ..r r.. I L. . I.... - i white flint tle row corn, and the grama on one ear. It wa. pianicu m ? ;H,portailt fJUcottru. WaMiaaf the lOth .4 May. and h.d ear fit to b.ol hludrlph... noiiee. a of . on He .4 Joly. lu prmluce i(r)HHUlir, lo ,uc, M tr, iluMti much cursa led by the long drought; but Wt! UJ Ueb , I counted two tiiousand 1 one hundred and twcair grain., ihe Pr.J S,'n' ,,me "n"' IW,tr CUwrH .4 duct of .talk, beinf' ,4 pr.c.t.tng denli.u .lNa. two thou.aiid from one. The I)...t f bou,,h ,S,,",I ""' 'VtM, (whHhi. an e.c. licit corn.) ,la,,..d.n,,,,r." Ulch ,,,d nit meapuV af the a, ...e day. on the field. a:.d r..;"un ," "4 on , rr.i.. ih. aaana ooant ttf ,4 manure ero.a and hoinJ. Jul ... rr... dure one half. The patch, about two r v. a ... hundred bill, was esammed by many re.peclahle fanner i, who all pronounced il aoiopih.ii new and omri!ihg aiip. rmr. Tlie corn may L had of C. ('. Thor bum, Ne Yoik, and at t!.e l re f il ba n Tlinr juiii. in A.b nn ; price 23 c. nt iei e.r. In ii-tt pr.JiU to be given; " ' , me ch.r.iable inM.iut.....a ,o lte. , fl. r would vutl diaait York and A'dnnv. Now. if there i. . ,w p""- 1 """f - fumer between' Mime and the Bk l' "'I raretwlly . lhe d.Mrtor Mouulaina woo aouid ra-Her pn 23 ce...' ' l,prr"cd a ligament at the lieek of . .. for i.. -i.i. ..f k,,...!-. .h, . ..." h.. ..... i ' "d without much lliinkiiif f h of il... P..r... -,.11 !..:. I iWl .illI ;iy, 4 th. re ia .uch a man, he ought t.hrf.dou lii'thmg but sop.uu and buiierm U, a long as little soul ai d big cirem will bai'g together. A ti dk. iioiiig i e ear. n. lo ahn ih manner 4 groaih, may l e seiu at lhe above tore. OR A. NT TIIUUHIUN. lla lc ;la Cv..-. .v,.i ilt't. J1 Tm n I'u; I'.. u.J !! tv. KAisi.No Mt:i.m:itnY tiikks. AM) OUOWINC SII.K. !"!. i .. .... i . i . I liecxiMonlitlirViV n ui'l w'.irli eii I.,. ...... ., ii . . i, IH9 mo iii'iil, h tsekl.trd li.r milif at t I. nf muiherrv ' -' .".. ... i : our fi.'iiiitor.tly , and ?ct mc'i lo thinking, , .... "."ii . ir .11 ic'l il .t k ifni!ii ill..! I . ... , , , . - ' , ., . ... j " 1 ' " "7 . ,'7 ?'M w iti. r ill tin, i t one ol iho-e he waul . 1 . : I --.. .0 c o.o next stl i:.r inij'i ' .,.,..i. ,... ... , . , irn e wium t ley no.f co mil md, lor ,...... ....-a .. . I'l r 11.1. 1 I1I..-.V ft. !... .1111.. s. .1! r .nniry, an l w.e !i,-f Ihmi r- i. O.ln-r Il:iri.ui4 l.ri. .11 , I'...... ..... ; 4.( , . ntn. ,,,r, ,tk..h. . , a .'. i ttir.f ol tiik to ihrir mlit-r cmiw. : inni. this eou-.irv. (5r..i It.u .i.i t-V,...... i. . ... . . e . u.l Ni i.ii , in nr ., ex,iitnsivn as ih- and so f .r Iron, lhe tin r, 00 me m (V". I.i'.iics maiiulailtircd lion it are. Ii ia anion that the eh huh I M'f,,'Pi 1 al.o a (act. lint 11 c.o brf (irolnrr I with w..s once in that .,..'1 liial he riH'; much Sc. 1 il, c ;,,(.,.. 4. uinvit.iniy, dropped aud sunk in the eireaui '"' that, h imp .. H .x; i,nd furilii rouire, that j a change in the bed ol the ricr filled 'P 11 w ill call into requisition 111 my .4 il,o-e the cliamiel aud imbedded ibe nlle m who are 11 . v co uparativi-ly idle, foi Uh .re. The only difficulty m this "l" wan of stui;i'iie emp!o)iiie il. ua nelv, ' ti mi i lo account h.r tie length ol int. fen. Ira and children; WioCiu i'k the neccssaty lo ell. CI s" greal a yliange, ' Ic.ves. lend the sillt worm., r.el the r-Ik.! wliai te.r was the (ei.iMU role invent A T ' . W I...1III Vi.; lor It is well k-iovn tint in.41 ol t'ie.e .v,:ralio-i. are enn aid a Know.! p .,.ihle for ao Imliao or a French bun , iudn of ihen cm he a.rtinred in a aliortUr 10 have Ind audi a r.a'lu '('" ",0 tt Hill-, an I by a very Irllc nrartcd. lit- alius, lint (irico of dk is sued is 1 1 tu ike ti rat4iu of 11 a very nf i'a'ile b isine.4. ' an I II w n il.l hit .11. rm! 1 in-r.. Hi. . ,tJ . 1. ...... I ... ,:,.. ! it-r ce n. a cir:tnn-tinee mil unlikely i'n! -ike oli;e in 1 verv f-w vea-s. in w .d...J tf, a enrretrn,,!!,!, ft.-.e,,, , w UU-r ltt. iw ..f I.V ait. j. j, n-f'lf rrttaia, Lmih( . j. lrf'nit rbarMt U eminiir,. bat i!m aK-U f 4k .ill iwn B LT !ir auplea of iti. e.Mt itrtt N.n fear, a bnhM ia fie teat., h, n lb rwutry e4 Kr" ;td.r, , urea and . M il.i k a, we may aBi-j4. Whal prreafl t '. eiptiin( .ilk atea m Cuma, y,PJW brn-a we nap fir d Urge quanitr, f ManufeiurrJ rtMtMi fu.( and fa akiek are eead. anxuallr. ..f an iufiuiely bei er libie al a lr, I he e f ak and aft , --.da io, j .My e..U..try .n-u.Hr i. tvtnfjf .. lu-eutyiee oJ,,, wr imt ami or iw l nanulM-lurv tfte arurle f r many vearayri in utt tv tthirll laale ad lusurr require, tcl ;an mNufeiuie all our mh arini!k a aa a a ai many 4 I'.e e..4r.,r e ean a! h;mih if,,. ,4W .nu'eri.i m rioe rouhiin, .4y V., . mai anu r ne Die tuv.uU. ,- .-.r-.,.. a.,u . n .waf r .. ' '". 'ati immy yrara ih ibia cunry rriM.t una ( 'ld lMe berri a.i ihen. I ut thai the A . mem-ane enirriaiaed ibr f4le notion tint . mere w,. a myiury or grana aerwt ia rimj h i, wnrieaa ii wa ame i it - tn "e tume., ran run aery nine ha. ' mil. iml iiiiiii i.iSrn Iiiik i.f.iAi. f.. . rar ir taw to cvuir. No b'rtct tiToi. u.iucui.y m P'bably. from tooth ache Ei- 'raeiioi. wa. the remedy of cmrie; il. KMr hre wa. tripped op by lying hi. feel together a culoin prescribe, it ia f ii in wa. lanced a. we poor humanutr hae ton often wiirieel, and a pair nf ("Hirer were ap4o'd, a. we have a!. e(ei ieiired; hut even a mallei and rltirtl t-.t . . . I .1 iC... . . ...... . ' r'r' c, h r 'i l" '"" nmicit.a.r ly frit out. or wa extracted with si 'a eli .tl .4 the ihumh and linger. Tin. led the operator lo reflection, arid lhe bint was oduiord w ho h cuiffi ujiii btimamty a hio tit wl ich nuy herieem -d by the nTerer .rcond only to the discoveries l JViiu-r, or lhe circu l.liou ol the blood! Soh.rqueul eHjii-ri-menu have li.liv proved that the Inoiim leeth are aIo leui.ied so pownlu'l in .heir oeket. bu a liganttnf, an I it i il.e ..fill.. lncti reiires so nui'll manual I' tree; and tins, when rut. aliiflt ii!'c. u.l so inuin pain a lauring . i ifiims, loosen. lie to .'ll, mil H ll.V Hi'ltf- i . . . i , it. ma'Pi ijc ex 13' irtl u li.tini' limn wmi . . . , ' ... Mt,Ht .ted l! , , , ,. , ai.ttoiuv nl the nar .. and esirarieil all Hie 1 .i!. ..! it ..I .ii .icl in ltn line aV, ! teth ol a dei.I sn'nert in il.e s line av, ! .ml ! na ...,.' d lH -..Uv ihau .We ' , . , '.. . . .. 1. ..1 a Wi-.l 111 a 1 1.11,1,1111.11 III inn pa:!? ,. , ' v . .1 . . nas ( . iinroidia. oiioxte Natchez, a lille . ' ... 1 I Mt.i . . I . .... 1 I. .-III .. Ilir .111"'" ' I .-I ihe ground. ..ige im 'r .1... .,...1 iImiCiii I, lift'1' i ,,t .: ,,.,. -, ulV, ,h m- r w.. si-M f 'l null' w... aci rd iinli s. The nock l if r ll:! 14 . walnut, has an atiiltpir aj'r ' so. e. an I I .e h.rr.-l lirars ill iii-iii.' t lei tiT. fie .ia ne of Ihe probable uiAer, (. K;i .e. Tii. r.- v is no ho-k lound I ? gun. Tne Free I r .d.-r f N "ei" t- c' its for lhe li-iiliiij; '! lhe ttll; " b-iicath ihe eurlare ..I ihe bsid pr.'"" edf II iw lo -nf . coul l It l',e icisol the Mi.ioui! How man) 1 would hue been leipiired in schi"1' ui lie ul iw iiv-iwo feel ii ' I" ' I u 1 1 . .in n i.mi i.l micll sie ' r ..... ,....ii.,,t lor the i nniu as'. well .1 the geologit ' ' 4, r. iV. O. '" - j - . r

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