evV iiv m, sf. A jk. j. ""--I k A ON 10 If. THE CONSTITUTION. AND THE LAW8-THE GUARDIAN S OF OUR LIBERTY. VI. XVI 1 1. TUrnsDAY, XOYEHnER 22, 1838. rvo.oio. AMl'SlX" STORY OF JUDGE CIUNE. rJ many f -Vrt lieJ in Pit'Ct'rt ewy. N VhI, gentle- .. at- tit h t.ranr. ue waa .,rr wealth?, and Itickljr respected f. l, pi.Mir and rriu virtues, especially i kit charitleta to the poor; but he : crusty cdd fudge.' "'?rJfff cr. tha. I d- tor Jr. sad tthu gut ie bete late, I'.al r w w coma at , -r j.. j. vauM be mote lAelv t . ... .1.. ." J?"' r ii dinner time, or I nuw tomt'hing about the old codger. I ly . aod some people ssy Ls it a m,,- rutr nv ..j . "J Plflf bit left elbow 00 tha uWa. and ua Lea J sear the p!,. .tn r, according ia hit enttom, which was terr (U although La was not a grail caiar. Some of the gentlemen neat tha Judge, followed hit example, as to partaking ol ilia pudding before the meal A large. ,taiff l"f . wuy ui.iBCrea:-aa.d the IsndUdy.! wasoearlyempiied WaUaW.J.h l..i.!k eei wait, abate err f " abimi the supreme iadee N'.. U 1 "Tk 7 P, T- BM,Jr PParh- ,..Mjil.'"c'd.a.iygodhmara. Oa fnd if i a e-, ha ia bo mora fit u, b a JaJw. U .,r.l ? :,! " ! ',! , , , J, .V U,f .r,, no"y" ' The bf Hi manner h t.irb It ad 1). mrniKf .f lU dr in winch hr. nihr. -I ith (n k. j 1 7 r " . . ut M ,.ir r. l '. J "Jie Un Huf d Lara, and la kno l.er ha ia.- i gi,. Ut d.j B(J tol b If d-hrah. 5hiig gen ly j" He w lha hgh l.rr.J , il,e rouniyJr granting the Ja!f h i'.r.wh h.. r.i. and annw, .i the ap- d ii'i ba huwa till night; if ha ere ! i.ud Jiar. nnr did aha k pMil-J p . lining "! j j wmiu nui nuj long. Wall, L-vi. r,i'' an, w, lt nlaBMedha.Mfiaaa aenpufcidrr i4rrr.i, l.ere ha f wind !. I .!jr and aert- el my eiciuala. if you won't gita ana , rf ki g prjaraiina lf an!k.M Net drop,, iiyt her lady nnrruiouiriii of tha judgra, Uwyrra. ' el.ip. .iihrr c niViiien, !i.iim they riprcl-j l ha Judge, who had got prelir well rl a l'-nl !! nrruit c-urt. i warmeii, anU wiahad for hia break foil. Brfort the had time to reply, tost geotleiBM, with whoa aha waa acquaint ed. aatured die landlady thai aha waa Ulkiag with iht prea'tding Judge. Aa loniahed tad confounded, aha surtnpted one esevae, and haatily aikeJ hie par ! uun tor oer ruuearta. The Jadga had, by ihia lime, unWrt ed. lakes the ahaarl froui his pocket, and with eubdued atnile, adtaared few steps lowarda the landlady, sayiag, It is awl my prosioce to pardon, but it la say business to judge; 1 therefore derree of a laborer, aavl eaotLer of i e a Ltd by e, felt herself attacked by later ia the t ight; i the asorniag il gready iiM-reaaed. aad ia the evening the fatal tumor appeared. This was during iba aUeara if her biMbaad, who went to work at adiMatw. sod only returned on Saturday aighu. bringing hwse the auniT aneana 4 subaisunca die family for the week. Terrified by the eismple of the neighbor ing family, moved by the fondeti love for her children, and determined aot to communicate the diaeaae to theia. aha TV Ju'g" letrr!tiiiied lo lnr put an a stern counieii.nre, and plra.ant tone ad pisitively declared he ' I lute no mn-' tie rooia and fire till he pleated. Hut.' iit ir', am! in a i!rced ihe 4ii!1m!v. ti ami cunie to court, ant aiieq ne," 11 you will gr.nl my reqoevt. I !i.e j.lnl Hir xii'i tin dremilul nrin - eat ana be nH. trinity un'r ,1 hunrv. nrr, uiacoacertea ihe poor ubverve thai any one had partaken of the now what he meant by aalad; but aha observed that tha large pudding pan was empty, and then batten ed bark with ihe utruoit speed to her mis treat, and ad.lre.ted her thua: " Oh. ma'am, lha old fellow's there ret. and ha ia certainly eraiy or drank, for he ia down al the table and hat eaten nil I more than a akinula tJt iV tic nuililin i Auut . t.i.i. -..it ..... i t.. . . . 'ir '" ' aireaoy, ana i loia me. as tl he wss lord that you and I slull hereafter be friend; J formed ihe heroic resolution of leaving sad I judge alto that yoa will, without her home, and going elaewheit to die. hesitation, receive this shawl as a re-j hocking them into a room, and sacrifio . ling to their safely even the laat and aole So saying, ha gendy Uid it over her ! comfort of a parting embrace, off the ran. Faa lie 'm i STATE lFFAlUS-No. . Ma. Loiso:.The Wiloiingtoa and R4Mike v-il rod benf finihJ, aha Sa lef H and Gin road being also corn lleied. and tha road from Fa)ettaville to the Yadkia being al-Srd to them, (all which mar ba aeeomptiahed before tha meeting of ur Att-mbly ia 1840, aaleaa there ia a great lark of spiiit ia our A semhly id 1833.) we shall ibea hate ia operaiina SIS miles of rail way la North Carolina!! The Wilmington road about 160 mtlea. The Raleigh road about 83 miles. The Fyetieviila or Westers toad about 70 miles! These will suffice to show in a snarl lime whether it is wite to go on further. The friends of improvement believe that the retuli will be lavorable; but why el let the eiperimeni work a few years ana I tin et and c.IJ. dry j The eider was immedutt-Iy brought. 1 want m'ihitg to eat and llicjudg aritMk heartily of the eolla- bf f.ire cnul hcgint." The Un.ll-i.ff put tton b-i..re him. lie then Unik ht brood n't a mjttic pture, ati.l with brimmed hat, and quietly walked to the a l-xik of rrtMnnft. aatd t t'.e jidge. court Jioute. where he found good firct Y-ay se et ad enlJ, dry aid end rle.n fSxnrs. and, during the court li.: c.n all thvt he?" 'hours, he proided with dignity and N". roy !ar madam." sat s tlie J.nlee. propriety. I tail that 1 oat wet and I e.dd. ad if H iiro the Judge withdrew, the land tu had been hii as l-ng at I have l een ld)' ariiiiuly ho'.ed after him for some ii t'.e ti-T K, I think you o muIiI hkeie lime, siippoting him to he some poor b ft aid c Id. I said that I os'ited man. summoned up to court st a wilaett, a-imething to drink and eat." or some culprit, nc tcne vagabond, who Cat jnu hae no money, you sat;" " nvgl.t give hei furiher trouble, and iM-trtd the la iHalv. I tl you the pretted to her servsnts a detire that they trutV says ihe Jui!g." the whiile truth. ! oould see that he did not disturb the a idn tihing but the truth; hut, were I ss genlemcn and the judges thai might put rich at Citf su, 1 would b wiUing i.i tip there. work fr aitmeihinc t i eat and drink; and : To this some of the girls answered, acre 1 ss poor ss Job. in his utmoal ca- that, if he did come, they would return htitfi't, and had my health andatrength up" him tame of the eiprettions which at I now have, I could willingly gt to , he uted retpecting JuJjs Crane. !ei work s htile while, if I could only get a me tee," eaye one, rutty, cruiy " gn htte of good vicluals." j ' yea, and fusiy old judge," says another. Well, old daddy." says the, " how ' When ihe court was adjourned, the raurh do you want to drink?" " Half a day being stormy and cold, the judge gill of good brandy, madam," sats he. sad lawyers poured into ihe slienfTa Vary ti ell," said she; will give you t.vrrn. where they ere sure of good b.f s sill, and s.ime cold victuals, il you ores and rnd lare ill go into the hack yard, snd cul and' Judge Crane went to store and apht three armfulla of wood, and bring pure hated a valuable shaol snd put it in il into the kitchen, where the servants his pocket on the intde of his coal; he ant to mike s good fire to dry the gen then walked slowly to the tavern. While t!emns trat coat when they enme; and he wat thus detained, the landlady enter alter you of the manor, to bring him in a clean plate to eat e.l.d on." - Blets me. where can we get salad this lime af year! And the gtntlemen have not done carv ing, and not one has begun to eat meal vet. I dare say. Oh, I'll clear him out," aaid the mitirets, and she stsrted for the dining'toiim. T he Judge wss remarkable for not giving unnecessary trouble to anybody wnere ne put up. ana generally ate what ever was eel brlore him, without m any more shoulders. eddinf.Take it. madam, and down ataira. earrvinar a ith ! ). I do not attempt to return it, for it was pur. sud camlet, that she m ght leave no I chaaed on nurnote fur a nreaant fur vou " : mni nf mm...... c;. i... .i.... .i i i j . ww.ww. ibv .mm. iii i.i uiw r.i n.auij ieureq in comueioa. aeruiy a.r with a sigh, sod wenl away; but the allow tha people to $et for lkemttlct$ anowmg wiut ai.e did, but taking the biggeti, hearing the door shut, went to whether it be ao or aot II will be dan shawl with her, of course Waring noma i the window, and seeing her running inigerous to advance funher ia the conairue liee toward ihe Judge. that manner, cried out, Good bye. j iod of raiT roada before we atop to leara And here era three parties who had mother." in a eoice so lender thai she by eipenence their vslue aod their effeCU escb loo good things. The landlady had involuntarily stopped. Upon the nublie protpenty. Butldaaot gMKi anawi, and a good lesson to me Good bye, mother," repeated the , suppose that thee roads are la eorapleta miaia upoa, wbicb Was Uiit, be not too youngest child, stretching his nt!e hand . ur svstem. Nor woul l 1 maintain that hasty iu judging ill af a person from a lout of the window: and thus oat ihe io,.r' Doium. 1 d.t not nh in el.ill tha aoi. rough ouu-i.1-: Uie gentlemen had a good afflicted mother compiled f..r a lime to ; est of enterprise and improvement ia our dinner, and s good joke to talk over; and .endure the dreadful conflict between the state, by cs pressing any doubta of tha success of these mads or any of them. ISoi at all. I el I eat lhal prudence au the Judge had good intentions in the joke, : yearnings which called her back, and ihe nd ability to follow up the lesson given. pity and solicitude which urged her on l Al leneth the latter conauered. and niJ : lalra llie ruihev of mu.in Inne enonod , g0(l 1ntcttole.k gentleman wss , ihe flJ of U art and ihe farewells of tier . lo obaiu the benefita of txperitnet. A invited into one of the towna of Matta . children, ht knew not the fatal cause j wite caution against the creation of a Isrge chusetts to lecture on tempersnce. Set. snd import of thee tear. he reached the ; statenleht, requires th.l our atate ehall aot vrai fuya previous lo me time sppointea nuue ol timte wiio were to bury her. ; launch nut upon everv conjecture into aa general information was riven to all the She recommended her hotband and chil what inhabitama of the town, snd it created dren to them, and in two days she was aking i considerable excitement. The Iriendt of no more! " remarks, and seldom made use of .temperance were glad of il, bnt lite rum j Surely nothing can equal the heart of ' than one tdate at a menl: but at thia seltera anil i1rinLr .iii..iiI maid.f lln n.m.r. .i.. lime he observed near him a beautiful J Al length the time for commencing the of a poor woman on hearing her pariah drah of raw white cabbage, cut up and Tenure came, and ihe house was wall priett relate the etory of Abraham'e offer put into vinegar, which the low Duurh at i filled. Soon after the service comraenc- ing his son lsaae as a sacrifice. " Ah! I'oughkeepsie call cold tlaur, and which ed, the door opened, snd in came one of God would rertainly'never have required he called salad; and he wiahed for a: the principal tavern keepers in the town, such saciifice if a mother!" separate plate to prepare some of il to Jits I accompanied by miserable and squalid own tete. Ilookinar individual, beastlv intoxicated. A for lunate Mulnle. .Tha eeiilnial The carving and serving of ihe meat They marched up the aUle. and look circumstances which Ireqnenily brtng me were not yet finished when he expected j their seats near the pulpit, direct in front Jdical men into extenaive practice, or that a clean plate, and when the landlady arriv of ihe lecturer. The speaker proceeded j notoriety which may lead to it, ia truly ru at mo uoor. ami nxeti ner seen eyes - in i.is discourse, portrayed Hie awful con! carious. It is well known that a most sequences of intemperance, enlarged up eminent English practitioner owed sll his en the iniquity of the trafic, snd appeal success lo his have been in state of in td to the audience to make every exer toxication. Disappointed on his first ti.tn to root out ihe raontter from the land, j arrival in London, he sought comfort' in He grew warm snd snimated, and press j a neighboring tavern, whence the servant eu nome the truth to the hesrta end con sciences of his hesrers. During this time, the tavern keeper est mute, but it could you get your victuals. I shall want ed the dining room, snd earnestly inquir to en away." j ed if Jiidjge Crane hsd come; but ihe an The Judge dnnk is brandy, oent into swer was, Not yet, madam, and per- the woodyard. and soon cut snd laid by hsp he may not come." the kitchen fire, ihe required quant.lv of j Tha landlady, ho was snxious lo psy nod. The landlady placed a cold lun V highest retpeclto the supreme judge, cheon bcf.re him. remarking, that there retired lo the kitchen; not a little ditap it wat "And it i alm-ttt ss cold s pointed. mvtelf.' said lie, hut rl half so wet, In ihe mean time, the JuJje arrived, fr there it neither tea, coffee, nor choc ; snd being al proper limes very soci .rle, n!a lo et it." ! and at all times fond of cheering ihe minds IWir mut not he ehonaert," said f those pretent, he began lo tell some the. 1 am n .t Vje'nf of you. madam, lively anecdotes, which set the whole hm hate paid the lull price demanded, j company into a roar of Uughter. "Ilnldynu." ssid the. 1 would give; At thit instant, one n( the waiting maids yu cold irtual, and there is cold boiled entered the room, to inform the gentle sternly on the Judge, ke turning his eye lhal way end observing her, mildly said. landlady, can 1 hsve a clcsn plate to eat some salad on!" " A clean plate and salad!" retorted the landlady, indignantly, 1 with you would come into the kitchen until the gentlemen have dined; I bad reserved that sest for Judge Crane." The company were struck with stton ishment, and fixed their eyes alternately on the landlady aod on the Judge, and sat or stood in route suspense; when the Judge replied, You reserved this sest for Judge Crane, did you, landlady?" " Indeed I did," say she. It was very kind," he then answered; " but if you will step to the door snd see if he is com ing, or send one of the servants lo call for him, with your permission and the approbation of these gentlemen, with whom 1 have some business to do, 1 will occupy this seal till you have found the Judge'." Find the Judge!" said ahe, with em phaais; " go look for him yourself, not tend me nor mv servants. I rave you your breakfast this morning for chopping ham. rold nork and beef, snd cold pots- men that they might sit down to dinner.1 a little wood, because you said you had !.). and if you ait anv thing hot, there -Sue did her errand, and hastened back to no money; and 1 expected you would go tt muturd and pepper, and there is good her mmtreas with the tidings that the swsy, and now you musl come here to bread, good butter and cheese, and all old fuaty fellow, with his broad-brimmed j diaturb these gentlemen at dinner." g'toj enoitfh, for such an old ragamuffin hat on. was light among the bare-headed ' Here the whole joke burst upon ihe at you Rre." S gentlemen, talking as loud as he could.' minds of the persons present, who fell " It it all verr good," said he, pleas-' end all the judges andlawyers were laugh-j into a loud 111 of laughter. After ihe to sntty. .'but, mada-n, ba too good ss to' ing si him." j mult hsd a little subsided, the Judge mild- let me have some new milk, warm, right I " Then go," says she, and whisper j ly asked, Did I chop wood to pay for ffnuhecow, to weilhis god victuals" ! to the old man, that 1 with hrnt lo comejoiy breakfaat?" "Indeed you did," said The enwa nni m.ik..l '....t aKa ! mm the knehen." The errand was done, t she, and said you had no money." "Then let me hsve a howl of cold milk."! accordingly, and ihe judge, in a lie tone! I told you ihe whole truth." replied ilhe. I would not send the servants of voice, said to tha girl, "Tell yourj the Judge, "but I hsve a shawl here n thit storm to the spring house to skim mittrctt. I have a little business to do worth more than ten dollars, which I just ti for vnu" aaid the. I with some of these lawvers. and when! now bought, and I will leave it with you "Dear madam." said he. wiih a pleas-! that is done, I'll be off in the course of, in pawn, if you will only let me eat my of his lodging wenl lo fetch him one eve ning. after a heavy potation, lo see a cer tain conntess. 1 he high sounding title extravagant and too hasty extension of the rail roa l policy. Don't tell me thai the policy hat bea tested elsewhere, and that it ie timidity or a want of patriotic Zdal to ball a mo ment. Without debating the point whether this policy his in fa-t Vet fully leeted, I am content in nwcr lhal North Caroti ns ha- not ve fated it ior profile have nn yet had a change to see and to feel iie benefit. Wliv not wi t awinlc and let them do ? Tnere nd ho no fesr af their determination. If tho fruits of the ystem are good, they will not reject it,' If we are destined lo meet with disss pointment we shall be comforted in tho recollection that our plana were etorioae and prudent. Betides it is too eoramoa a f nilt to overdo every thing, and weeer- ' tamly rlook the gifis of heavea wkiefc we might successfully improve. For ef ample, there is danger that under the ma nia for rail roads we shall overlook oar rivers and other nseful mode and chan nels of trade and intereet. Why not try one and yet no neglect the others? A rail mad emnoi be built to trery man's farm, ami there are eorae lines of Turnpike indip!isi'de to our system af improvement, nlirsper and belter for some sections than rail road are ind a part of one of our rivers (if no other) which the state ought to notice, ard if possible improve. It t. As to the river Nente. In tha lime f a pi-t rage for navigation all our rivers were given soar to corporations be seen by his countenance that he did! of this unexpected patient tended not ol relish what was said. Not so his a little lo increase his excitement. lie companion, for w hen the speaker said j followed the liveried footman as well as sny thing thst was cutting or severe, he : he conld, and was ushered in silence into would mutter out, It's false," that's j a noble mansion, where her ladyship's wo a lie," there's no truth in it," am) such : man waited to conduct him most directly kindred expressions, till finally he lell j to her mistress room; her agitation most asleep, and gave good evidence by his 1 probably preventing her from perceiving snoring that he was lost to all lhal was ' the doctor s state. He was led into a splen pasting around him. I did bed-chamber, and went through the Very toon the inkeeper arose, and routine practice cf pulse feeling, &c. and said that he wished to say a few words '.proceeded to the table to write a prescrip in reply to the genlleman. He had been , ion, which in all probability would have an inhabitant of that town for manv Year: been mechanically correct; but here lilt had endeavored lo get an honest liveli . powers failed him. In vain he strove to' why thill thev n it he isken back again hood; had minded his own business; had trace the salutary characters, until wea- J from those companies which have ceased never wronged his neighbor thst he knew i ried in his attempt, he threw down the! to exercise their power, except to inti of; and he could not sit still and hear pen. and exclaimed, " Drunk by G ."! mtdal-the oiers of fi-h trapa and bri.lg such tile and wicked slanders, without mau'e the besl of his way out of the house1 Especially why 'not dive-t the old endeavoring to counteract them. If such I two days after he was not a little sur-; Neuse nutation romp my of it nominal doctrines as had been propoeated bv ihe ! priaed by'rreeivinit s letter fron the lady f xme ie-! They ueer attempted much, speaker aliould become universal, "there ' and a check for jC108, and the promise and they never perform--! any tiling on would be an end to all society; he hoped ! of her family and friends' patronage, if he iht stream lowarJs unprovm? its navifa and trusted that the good sense of his ' would observe the strictest secresy on ihe tiii. Not evi iuve they furnished us townsmen would not permit them to be J stale he found her in. The faci was. with anv sati-ft ry survey of it! Ow led astry by the delusions of temperance J that the countess had been indulging in ."g to this tout ns:im of their ohligt people. The temperance reform was all j brandy snd laudanum, which her Abigail lions we have no tnf innu in t'it i as a humbug it was priestcraft, and all had procured for her, and was in the con- accnrite as it ought to h. Such infoe aimers to the nledee viere hvnocritet. ! dition which the doctor ao frank! V appli-; 'nation is particularly df-sirb'e as to cer- r M ra - ----a i - . - Xilliztn. dinner with these gentlemen." Here the gentlemen were biting their lips to keep Irom laughter. How did you buy a shawl worth ""th. at hit request; or bring the milk 'm ihe spring house, cieain and all. !l ""' skimming, to feed the most ab J'rt i the human rsce." ant smile, I have a good wife at home, two r three days.' older than you are, oho would go out in Thegirl returned. and faithfully rehears a -:( (llirin ,,n ,j,j,t jnjid ,he rnWi!ed the message, and added, that ahe be and hrwi the milk to ihe nonreal msn nn ' lieved ihe old fellow was drunk, or he would not have said, at soon as my more man len uouart wiwiom money; business is done, I'll be off in Iwo or three' " I bought il on credit," says he. " And Jay t." J where did you find credit to that amount?" Well. Betty." savs the mistress, go said she. " I brought it from home," said ''Yon have rv ram. I ,r.i b.rk ml aluwt hw ihe hear! of ihe table.1 ho. " That's a likely story, and some she. 'Indeed I have," said hejand when the gentlemen begin to sii thing likejour abuse or Judge Lrane this "nd he keeps my clothing clean and down, do you whisper to some one of morning." taid she. "How could I a l"'l-; and. notwithstanding vou called ' them, that I wish a vacant place leh at the buse the Judge if he was not present? "e an old ragamuffin. I am not ashamed! htaii of ihe table for Judge Crane, and asked he. W hy, replied she, you "'ppear abroad in the clothes I wear,' then do you hasten back and see thai! called him rusty, fusty, fudge, rind old -ny eond company." Well, I mml John has the cider snd other things in' codger, and said you did n l care a rye r""f"s" aiya ,,e. "that v hen you have ; good order." straw more for him than you did for yn;r broad-brimmed hat off. ynu look ! Betty again repaired to her post, at the ; yourself." ""Idling well; hut I wish ynu to be off. head o'r the table, snd sofily informed a Here the whole company were in an ,l,r e want ihe fire to dry the gentle' genllemm or ihe request of her mistress.' uproar of laughter sgain. But as soon wn'a great coats snd umbrellas bv; and 1 " Certainly," said the gentleman; and as it had subsided s little, one ir the gen--"""'B he ret, we expect Judge Crane " , Betty hastened back- to sssitt John. The tlemen asked the landlady how she knew - ig- Ciane." aava he. "who ia gentlemen now tat down to an excellent that the gentleman nn wu uurc K . II . . I I r..n.T II II, lixl.i repast, and alter a snort auuresa to ineiwas noi .uu - --t- Throne of Grace delivered by Judge 1 Crane? he looks more like timpe than a Crane, the company carved and aerved crane." round in the usual fotin. Here the loud laughter burst forth a But as the Judge was of a singular! third lime. Alter a little pause, the Judge turn in almost every fling, and had taken ! said, I must confess I sm not a bird of a fancv, that, if a person eals light food, j very fine leathers, but I am a crane, and and that which is more solid, at the same ; a crane is often a very useful instrument; i .1.1 !...!. .1.. .1.1,1 h oaten first: 1 1 waa a verv tfood one ill Your ktichen the tlioulor tilled his plate with some j this inouting." 'ige Crane!" The circuit Judge." S'ie; 0f f ,h -,.. j,.,!,,... . .. v. oi, simpleton." Well." savs he. ' w" "n goose that Judge Crane has "' had. and will not have, a great cot i Wk. or an umbrella oier Ins head ...TV " 1 ri,re """""i tor your !-ls." .. -nr. -en and be off; I tell you Judge .' n ' 0 be here, altltl U A till rtitfuAilt )lil.' igners lo the pledge were hypo He said he would close w hat he had to ed lo himself. say by asking one question of the lertur er. Say a he, Mr. , U ihe teeto j StIJ made .cn. I ou may taae tne tal plan succeeds, what are we going to' whole population ol Maryland, and select An ith onrannlpa. nnr rre. nur nat. mnA , from it the fiftv men who are most dis! our barley? Yes, I say, what are we go-j linguished for talents, or any description j practicable on Neuse river half the year. lain parts ol t ie nn r. if it we are not without some gnenl knowledge of im portant fact on this subject. Any way we know this That Irom Waynetbo rough to Neoben, b-at navigation it ing to do with our barley, our oats, our j or public usefulness, and I will answer; pmtruuny in me winter aeason. the rye. and our apples? Ye's. Mr. Speaker, i for it they are all. every one of them, j opinion is general among intelligent men that's the question to be settled, what are i men who began the world without a dol-: ol thai section ol the state, that by judi wa going to do with our om. our barley. ! lar. Look into the public councils ol cious means a navigation for email aieam our apples, and our rye?" He became ' the nation, who are they that take the b ats it attainable over lhal section of the hiKt ..eii.J .ml after rrneatin ihe ' lead there? Thev are men who made: river. Why not have it surveyed and ex- question several times, with more ear- j their own fortunes self-made men. who amined? Why not make an appropria- . . ! . . . . .... i : ' ..... ... l. AHaM.lAl .M l : . . I began with nothing, i ne ruie ia uni-!" i- w tipruntu .innn nut ana neatness than before, he at the top of his voice fsnd giving his hat, which he held in his hand, a twirl through the air, hit his sleeping companion across the face) reiterated the question for the twentieth time, What, say I, are we going to do with our apples, our rye, our barley, and nur oats?" and sat down. The old fel low who had been asleep awoke from the blow he received, and, thinking it came from the lecturer, grumbled out, " Why, fat your hogs with them, you old foul!" The audience were convuls ed with laughter, and the tavern keeper rushed from the house, chagrined and mortified. Pawtucket Gaitlte. AFFECTING STORY OF MATER NAL LOVE. In the village of Carreggi, whether it was that due precaution had not been l iken or that the disease was of a particular malignant nature, one after another, first the young and then the old. of a whole family dropped off. A woman who lived on the opposite aide of the way, the wift ia uni versal; it pervades our courts. State and otherwise improving this river, ir upon Federal, from the highest to the lowest. such examination it is certain to do good? It is true of all the professions. It is so I knew there sre prejudices against river now; it has been so at any time since I improvements, but ihey proceed from pre have known the public men of this state vious vain attempts to do every thing at or the naiion: and it will be so while our one. and deceptions about the expense, present institutions continue. You must which were practised at one time to gain throw a man upon his own resources to over a inj-iiiy of votes. That prejudice bring him out. The struggle which is has been insured by other causes which to result in eminence is too arduous, snd cannot V stated without launching forth must be continued loo long to be encouo-; into a sea ol politics country politics tred and maintained voluntarily, or unless party politics and all aorta of politics! as a matter of life and death.' He who Bat what is a public man worth if he will has fortune to fall back upon, will slacken not venture upon the causa of the public from his efforts, snd finally retire from aiod, Vreutt it may chance to rouae up the competition. With me it ia a qnes- so.ire old eaeitement? What ia a man'e ti.m whether it is desirable that a parent profession of republicanism worth, if ha should be able to leave his son any pro- has no eonfideace in the people's capaei perty at all. You will have a large for- ty i see their best good, although at a tune, and I am sorry for it, as il will be, former lime il may hava been hidden by spoiling of a good lwyer. These are my J a cloud of prejudice! How is he quali. deliberate sentiments," and I shall be re-. fied to serve ilia republic who withholds joiced to find, in your instance, I shall : his advocacy of truth for fear it might era have been mistaken. ie some danger to his popularity t To ClemttU Fulcon. I wite tsally labors (qt the miareat af v a.