it w ta w.ui tjrpaieet tfMt (kit aotabJ ebt t.t ib reccp-a wr .ue am ta foU aad lHf' 1 .ttpratkte ae aw mtr.r fcwt av ootiret!, -el th it we-11. a offset, eon J oar expoo-ed ul mmrtn eJw be dma qir Mrc put" ---- r, aad eawsoq-eatly the ttN erf. mm me$ie ffdwtUMr, redee the deaewd ee.-eeoaeqacatlv a, labor. deaeeae tfe ad rwUce, to o eaaraaoa a4 ri-o- rf tcwt, the vWe vf rpeTt. TNf"' of pradact art) eJwey regulated br Cart if market fad foeeig eVasoi. d . the aela f pccpery 7 byJ? qaaaliif of circulating medi" Tb .prtMti eetiauted aoeal epeeie ia tbe wi-aire. ia about KSS.0f9.fOO; a araooat woiaC aedeqaie to all th- parpoeee of mf.reiga ad iaasraie oeeieeue iraoe, Ilea ia thia avaoMl to ba lacre-eeil la the deaead of trade tad bas'iaeae? Can it ba Jew froa the miataT These eoetly raiablitbaraia add bat aboat ftp mJ m jUndltaa year to Ua epepje cif-le. tU, aa eaoai eg wet ia ceaswmca ia .late aad aihar article. Their iocreaae rill ant keep pace wuh aa aooe ia cm of out rcrular trade. Will it ba oupplieJ froat fWeig e-ntriet? If it ia. we matt re rare oar whole Tataau by . wxpoetrng more saJimporUpgleae; which, tea extent necessary, aa tha advantages of trade bet weea aauoa, Iik individuals, aoit bo reciprocal, may haxtrd aeariy , ar whole foreign trade. I will taat tbe gwbtbiliuee of this forelf a aupptr. by fhat itiadard hiel ia not fftorab! to y opposanta. (a iba iq porta and ax porta i4 fold and ailtcr fot tha yaata 1833- 3334-33-'3S-37 anJ '33. Ja , ibeto acvao Tt r. ibo laipord of fold aad ail tar araro 3S5.683.383. and tha export bat 330.631.203. laavinf an i- f of fapqrttovnirporift 53.031, 150. lim b (tU benefiiad lia eoun arj! . During tha aaaio tfceit ycar$. tha iaiporla of oaarehandiM aseeedad tba g fMru 311780.313, and ihoa thia rieea f oiparuiiwo of aprcio over tbo ciporia ataa, adtt to tha cseeta of important a. tiia oatiiileij tha eonniry with a foraign bt of tl73.43l.l69. bicb ia to ba paid. Frara 1821 to 1831. incluie, aahao tba purraiey aod trada of iha court try til aaact) ipra regular aad aicady, tba asporia of apacia atat?ded iha impnru . M97,00I. Yet Iha condition of all ; flattaaof thoroanuy waa f enarally aaora ; proaparou-. If ihia ba tha rctult of in rcaaing iho peeia circulation of tht coun try bjr f rf if a irftpqrtatirntno nan in bit acBMf arovld dtaira to aeo it rontinuei; fr oltimalalv it oauld overvhalm n. Tha ouly altamaiift, then, for iho ei cluflvf gold and ailiar aytttm, ia toredaca vaila. bor, and eommerro, to tba ptcarnt aprcia fan.da.rd. tad tha alow operation fif fa wirjta. $ucb ayaterp my wnrl wall ht iho Shxlocka of tha day, by baildiiig op Anarican Qothaebijda and rin;. but will work ruin to tho pro- JMrTV holding and iSrhtat eltms. i hae b,f en urged or tno auinore oi ine oub-treaaary cbewe, that ita opnaiioa i to ba aoofined aalely to Iho keeping aafely f tha public rooney, apt) that ha Federal Govenm,f nt, it hae no pqwer over the wnaiaeae aad commerce of thf country. aboald pav oo retard to lie lafluence. wm4 or baJ. opto theee; but when the ebema ia preaemad to tha peopte'a ac- wepMtiee, wo find it uniformly aerora panied with reeorn aendatione nf ita ealu ta'ry influence opoa iha trade of iha eoun try; and tboa we havt the admtoainn. jaJirecily, that the mar)agement of the giublic revenue, ia to be made eubaervienl to lb ntae of trade, and the preservation of ! f currency, It if contended by Ojhace higH ia jiooer, that thia echeme, fjy reducing tbe amount of banking, will wave tentienry to bring aa nea,r a rre tallie currency; which laat, it ie eaid. if in ute, would nr-vent epeculation and ra. otraia cradib If tliie hypothetie were t'oe, then it.would follow that failuree in 4uvei(, and fluciuiione in pricee. never occurred in oountriee, where the currency waa purely metallic. I thia made good fjy liiatory f 3a far from it. that tho moii euinooe fluctuatmn in prioee havt occur oed, in tiinee a,ui plaeee, where paper currency was unknown., f Take, for an eiampl. tha follaoing , from Jacoba'a Inquiry into th prduciion and contump aion of the precinua meiala." In Er- tand, in the. I2ib century, the price of wneai varied Irom Zr. a qoarter (money f that lime) to I8r. and 8i. In th 13ih ntnry h varied from Ie. and rlf : in 9213. to It. in 1257, 1253. ii rote M ia it rnao to 4L 18e., and ometimee cold at 67. 8t.: 1N 1288 it fell to It. and U in 1317 it cold al 2. 4. tjafare harveet. and immediately after har- oeet lit. in thone daya there were either tmkf our banker ia England, oietpi the pereeeaied Jew a. who were eaerely lewder of coto. And now let nt tee ohether failure in leads, pricing from fi.wu.aieu creait. are prevented by ma ...... v.....v. taereiea well Known iampleio thectty of Hamburgh, which, for three year about the do of ift tai ceerury. owing to ho conqueata of Na f oleon, enjoyed a great monopoly in the amporutimi oi oniikh aad American com eaodiiie fr the eonumj4ioa of iha Gtr eaaa uaie. and ather eountriee in iha quarter afrho world. Tbeimu1.igi-en to biwiaeae in that oily during the period wieu aoove, ia ma eaeo of three year. aed pricee to uch a fcaighf, and en aicimaiad ertdtt, that ia the ee of anrea ajanthe, ia the year 1783. eighty lienaee in that eitf failed for an eg regale onm of 313.000.000. Tuie in.Une. ao frequaatly qa Mei. that hliaa abteined the beaetcr of anivereally acercdned hit torf. occorred in a country where an srtier than metallic currency wti known. oid ia an eminent et ample of the truth! tbal ere-Jit indUcraet eeculaueo are W&lelr tW tJ-Uj; Btfmt tfr. fojotawm ptr3el tritJi .--w V!V .wij i. aan po -y-..- , Um tiiurr I? tiea. M ora t Tcwat Jt it waatriet wbcro Mttber kail bak w bat bo liatita f M ftddrm tf o raet aJait of fartbet mbbI oa Aa aobien It baa been wfwa aaaortrd that tb'ia aab- weaaary aebawio cooiaina lb frot of great oatiooal bank, wbkb wiM, ia tiaso. ao the aolo rSepoMtory f tba ceia, aad tbo aaaker wf all tbo baak paper, which ra to cooabiata tht rwrreae a u raaa- trTj and tbie, K ia o4 dfSeuU to eee.'ewry aiata. Frqai I baraJty creaieg will, ia a erUa atiPfercy f pnpf ap j oam Mmvj oo urn nut, aagwaaiea ander tho aU-ooatroIliag law of awra eatiaatly by fmh areeaaieoa. art aiaa ofceaaiiy. Tbo demand for roia. it ia ; dly towarda tho rtcrpuoa moai at the eaid. to teppif thia atbewe, will, ia good . Etw llxoat, where aaatea were regie- tiaiea. not tieeea. ot ear I ire a nenoo, ore tnaa IJ.UVrj.UvU, aiM"aga id w . - . . . i i ... oaat of re venae paid ia cia. ia Vto fours of aav gie year. oUI bo eqeal to about 120.000.000, The firat um. it ie eaid, will be the naftaum withdrawa from eireulatioa eonaiamlr. aa tho die boraement of th reeraae will, ia proejeklary ao awbly arbieeed there frora peroua iirie.when tba baaka are ia good f gallant Rhode lalaad. bar etetrr in glory credit. )nd iie way again into their vaulie, ll will ba eeen nt oaco that ihie cannot be tha caaeia timea of commercial diirea, hea a deajaod tof coia, la pay foreign debie, ia draiaiof tho banke, and thua dirainiehine their credit. When Una lat caae occur, aa it nuat freqaemly, owing to iho anaiabla Drier e ia Europe of cotton. (the great eiport of the Uaited StateeJ then iha raoneT diabureed br tbe fioeera raenf will be hoarded by indiviJual, and aeyer reach tho vaulta l th bank; and hence, ia a time of aueb preecare, w ay aafely calculate that th bank muat tuitaia aa abatraetma from their coin, in a aingle year, of f2Q.000.000. ohich will be hqardrd and withdrawn from buaiaeet; and thia through the ageucy of the tree cury alone, fo what reiult una will conduct aa it ia (aay 19 eee. Tht banka Ihoa oppreael and courted by'the action of the Got ernment, and the foreign de mand for coia, will, ie the end, find the employment ol rapitl'in banking aa profitable, and coe their butineee. ITie fir ign demand for coin, at lucti a eritia. 11 .1 .L . .1 wui uram in cnuniry 01 in precwu meiala, and thea will coma that inienec uffering of iho people which, in. thia aa .in every other country, louka only to reuri irota preaent oppreeia too intoier ab!4o be borne; ibra the wild era of a whole people will come op to thia Roe ernmeni for relief ; then the ataie banke ill no longer en and much of the eoio of the country will have gone abroad to pay a foreign r!ebU a,nd what remain will be held by (tho Government ; then the Federal Government will be required to use the epecia in tba eafee of it Tree tury aa a oaaia lor a currency iq paper, baed On Iha peoplc'e laxeij bankrupt citixen will inplore, and the paralyied enierpria or in country will opull it trembling hand and ak fur merry; and . 7" r atalk ftirward wtib ila hundred arnte ouupread. and all iu machinery ready. Then yjive but tha power to emit irtantry bank notei and you will hare a currency unlimited in ite amount. a, for a time, it will be in credit- From that moment, (how near to, or re moU .from, ue, a merciful God only anowe.j irom that tated moment. Hie North American Republic cease to be. fhe occupant of the Executive chair ia then ao longer the President known to J our Constitution; he i frorn thene for waru seairu on an imperial 111 rone, covered over with dictatorial power; the right of Ilia alatee, with their powers, are driven before the breath of hi nostril. I.ka I withered leavea before the blast of the tempeat; and, instead of a proud nation of . s lociun, strong in ane pnsesion 01 iheir uoeriie. un.ier a uvernment ol limited powers, a consolidated empire of lvrs will kneel at the footstool of a despot. wWnS ,rom n,n M. thai lihertr which our fathers, at the price wf Mood, bequeathed to u a an unalienable right. LATE FROM FLORIDA. From St. Augustine, by way r-f Charles ton, we have tie following particulars 1 I wo Indiana bad come into Tampa irom tioepaiatae, who. sUietfthat they were lo cqrne in with their fol lowers in consequence of n misunder ttandinf betweea ihem and Sam Jon and ft ild Cat. One Indian waa killed. "and one taken primir. by Captin Holme, of th 7th Infantry, about a week ago, who truck upon their trail. Sixteen horse were also captured. from the Si. Augustine News, t5ih uH. A Court Martial Ids been ordered to assemble at Hue post on Mnilay next, of wuicii nrigadier Ueneral ArmisteaJ is President, and Colonel Walbach, Colonel Uatae, Major Churchill. Parne. M Clin lock. Ashby, Captain Fulton, and Licui. I . I. ICidgeley are member. It ia aaid that overture have been made 10 General Taylor, hy tbe chief In diana who figured in the massacre at CaiMsahstclie. 10 permit them to coma in, and be transported westward. . Bock n.M Gen. Carroll, a can didate upon the Loco Foco F.leetoml Picket of Tenneasee. haa haehad nut from the driee, A few week ago, h mad publicly eerie of charge againat Gan. Harrison, and. ihroueh th New. paper, enalleneed th IVhtea to a nub- ue aisrossion 01 trios chareea. Col. 1- . . . r - Jane, th Whig Elector 'accepted hi challenge, met him, comntetelr eouted him at every point, and put bint to otter! ehame. Thereupon, tit General, alledg. 4ng iha want of document or aomethine elaa, withdraw frqm the canvass, and the! loo foco I14M pal op a Mr. Andrew ' "19 hf Jie. Hal FtiUu Great .tat-snal Ceatestloa Tbo BaluROff iroericaa rirtl fB aad g!a lof dcaer ptioa of Cm Gnat tloaal Wbig Coamaoa wbrdb aaarwUrd Ia BUUaiora on tba 4lb iort. Tba ac cosat ia tno leaf to bo erowilad paper, aaieaa to tbo ejrl-iioa of twy thiag claet wo ataat lhetftra cooteat oraeltta, by f iu(. ia o lew aVtKbad akeicbaa, a faiat tiew of portioaa of thia iaipoaiag pageant Dtleauoaa were ia attraJace from irrea ana Hra(aii ewe rata ia ine aaept- .LI. . lt : L . ... uoie mwti rat n'j innregavat city, new Lagiind aai ia Ioer Irora the baala of Kenaebeck, fioea tba grcea biila of Vtrtawat, from tba valley of tbo Cooneetirvt. obrraeehaeeef uiawpb yet linger, protongiag tha abaa of reecat I from tha boaota of tba Old Dy alau, I where ladepeadeare leana apoa hie epcar ! and looke looarda Fanrail Hall ftora I ancoaquerabla epiril and alrady parpoao whkb aater yet baet ceaeed to charac I tern tho fleeeendante of Utt rilgn Fatbrre. Tbo Empire Suta ge forth her aooa. frora tha ahorca of Erie to tbo waiera of the Hudson, aad the aound of her toiea waa like thunder, aa it mingled ed the blended ewlaim of the congregat 1a boat. From the plaiae of Monmouih and the battle field of Trentonfind Prince ton, and frora the rrgioaa adjoining, came aa earnett crowd bearing the veiled image of New Jercey. and with mule elo quence appealing to frieada and brethren for justice against the violence which bad done outrage to her boo or. The Democracy of Pennsylvania gathered frora every valley of th Kaveionc atate from oar aitter city of Philadelphia, front fnuburg. Lancaster. Uniontowa. irom Carlisle, York, t?bambcrbrg and ther towna of tha interior marching under the. banner til tha Hero 0 Tippe eanoe, whose favorite aame. enundmg through th Alleghany beighu.and along th ealleya or th Suaquebanna, the U laware. and th rocky batUementa of th Vfonongaheta, ha routed an euib'uaiavia which nothing caa auppreaa. ' Ohio waa firat in reaching the city through her 2neille delegation an eviilence of teal which eh will be eager to repeat at (he poll in due time, and one which befitted her well, einca alia claima the Farmer of North Bend aa ber aort and citixen. Indiana, mindful of her owa biatory and of bia aerticea v bo once pro iceieJ her ia th dava of hr infancy. stood forth ia a etronf dele ation of maw ly youth. Michigan held 1 01 back, but with-Illtooia and Stisvnwri. aire 'atom nc.riaantt warm ones to join w Wr fm Wlowshin of th national communion. The piru of Kentucky. noWe and gene roue a it displayed iiaelf at Hsrrieburg, mingieu witrt Hie aggregated alementa ol patriotic ardoor glhered. from all quar ler of the Re publip. from leonessee, Arkansas. Tyuisiana. I Mississippi. Alabama. nor.i.n,ISL,u.!, Carolina deleratiotie came, fewer in number than Irom the more contiguous atate. but all animated by thai feeling of a common enthusiasm which constitutes Ja bond of brotherhood between Whigs in all quarter of the Union and nrenaril lo ioin with their brrthr in ih U.nn pledge about to be entered into before ihe - . eyei ofilie whole country. North Caroli. na, eager to vindicate her claim noee more In the glorv of brine a Whit Slate, and 10 give a token of the spirit with which her name will be redeemed next fall. rour- ed forth a powerful de:achment of Iter sea outh; while th Old Dominion. from the wide eticnrof her leiritoriee Irom ihe highland amllow lane's gave up her noble nn. who came with the aunt of Virginia deliverance on their lipe, to receive in turn congratulatory shout from ine congregation ol their countryman. 1 ne iteirf anon irom Virginia waa esti rosted at fifteen, hundred atrong. I la ware, aa in tha day of the Revolution, marched galantlly to the rendezvous, and once more the peleware and Maryland tinea atood aide by aide, united in a com mon cause. Our neighbora from Ihe Di iriet were with as, top, in treat foree. Krpretenlaiivea wer here from be yond the Mississippi from thebordera of ine great Lakes from the ahorca of the Gulf ol Mxtm. The aons of the Puri tana met with the deurpdantt of th Ca- ralier ihe Western Bucket waa aeen aide by aide with the Palmetto of the South ihe dweller on the aea shore aa. luted the hardr mountaineer. There waa a general commingling of hearta and voices local prepossessions, individual preferences, every thine that mitht with. draw the mind from the one great purpose of th meeting, were et aside, in order that one andiiided. deep felt and oniver. al feeling nf opposition to ihe party in, power migru nave a fteariv, loud aod un ammooa utterance. Thi voic haa tone a a w . lortn: 11 win reach everv corner of ihe land it will roll through tallica far and near, and reverberate from mountain to mountain, ft will minele with the ruth- ing aound of iha Mississippi waters, and blend with every breese that aweena over the plain of ilia Kouth; New England will echo back the toice w hieh the Em nire Sut ahall prolong, and Penntylvania uke up the flying aound, antit ilia note of remonstrance and indignation shaM a well into one of triumph and victorious joy.' The proceaioa wae (ed b Captaia laaua O- Law.ClWt Vfarabal of the day. aad an aad aa eb aide oa bom back. He baJ 9?piiai v ociwtartit they at IIeara.jHaea ILlle l Ua. Wa- iaetooj Doolts Ckarioe II. aTiaUar, li Faaoeatock, aad J. W. UWxo. at aa batdef aiaaw kamediaiely followed tbe Marshal, playiag crnaen JUttreK a compoaed If Profeaaor D !. Thea ram the) preatJant aad fBcrr of tba Oalumot City 0elegaiia, bearing a large white banaer oa a fraae. with the follow irtr arproprtat inaiipuoa fiom aew and popular aoogt "Th re-a are eeodag beoi alala aad from Tam tha biae band of the aeooat aad (r, Aka grwwaaatheMream Iromth tea. tred (uaU f pread broad aad mate bread till it reacbee tae aaj ft ettaagik caa reetreio M, a fWrc caa retain at. ? n'ateee may reatet. It bretka gaHaatty tkroath, Aad bora by na metba as a atop 00 tba aeaan Spc4i eo 10 fca (lory Olo Tireccaaac! TVe irwo am'd e!diar, tot tree-beat ted ealdier. Tae galUnt old tol4r Or Tirracaaaa!! A aamber of baroocbe followed, caa mining lb invited guest of the Conven tion, ia the firat of whkb w baered the Iloa. Daniel Webster, of the Uaited Stales Senate, and bia Honor Sheppard C. Leak in. Mayor of tbe city of Balii more. Next to lb carriage, and oa foot, came the aub commute of airangementa. th Harritea Convention and th central committee, distinguished by aaahc and appropriate bat'gee, eipreaie of tbeir official poaitioa ia tbe dutie of the Coa vanuoa. Tbe delegitea from the several etaiee thea came ia order, bearing baaneia aad appropriate motloea. The dclegatioa from New Jersey die- played the a lata banner, with the eignifi cant inaeriptiM "The Beit impreeeion of her broad aeal will be reyee led.' a 11 iinrin varuiina ucir.iiun was eom prise .1 ia one body ander a banner displaying the arm of the elate, the mot' to apoa which waa, Oa. Stanly, on!' Tcnnetaee came with the cable weed of aolema mourning oa her flag, for one wf her great and good coca has jual paated-away. Thia token of respect to th memory of th talented and tirteous Hagh I.. White, produced a deep ay patl.y of feeling oa tha beholdee. The motto of Ihe atandard was Not that aba loved Car let, but Roma mora.' The Ohio dclegatioa waa preceded by the banaer of ihe atate. with the well lerted motto: She offer her Cincinna- ua to redeem the republic. One of ihe banncra borne by the delrgatea from ihi state represented a demand of ilia attrren- der of Fort Metga by Proctor, and bear ing Geo. Harriton'a reply: Tell year -General ita capture will do bint more ho ar than a thousand surrender. The delegation from Indiana display ed a flg with the inscription She will cherish ia her manhood the defender of neMnraney. - .The drlegatioaa from ama of the states were very numerous, and display' ed 0ga varioualr ornamented. Band of musie wet placed at inter- van throughout th wbol lino. A th procession aioved on throngh ih city, and atreiched nut it lengthened line. lie array waa most impweing. Such a immense coneourse moving like aa army wttn banner." nasai before on such an occasion thronged our avenues while irom one end of the rrngniy column to the other, loud acclamation ran. renewed from rank to rank, and bespeaking the rong eiunusiam wnicn prevailed in every heart. Il.liimore street waa one long gallery of beauty. Innumerable white Miandkerchiera waved br lair hand ereeid earn auvaneine nennon. and ti.tha 1 . . 1 .11. II.. 1 . a . .. w . . w -..ww ...... 1 rinnri 01 nanuarrciuei and ! tmilee. and bright Iiaocea irom ine window, th Yuune Whig returned loud cheer with unlived hat. Ii may be aafely Calculated thai lor very three round given fir the Whig s t . ... caua generally, one waa especially tie voted to the latltet of Jiuliinore. The extent of the procession cool J not have been leu than two mile, marching platoon six to ten abreast. In entering the enclosed emend annro- priated for the meeting of the Convention. the procession parsed throu-h a Iriuiniih.l arch, decorated with flat. Thia toot. I ... w anown aa the wanton race eourte. ia etea anu trnooili, and covered with a rich, gratty award The Rev.Hcnrr B. Raeonibe.ufKen tiicky, then fervrnly and eloquently ad drosaed the Throne of Divine Grace, alter which the Hon. Henrv A. Wi. ..I Virginia, introduced John B. Thompson. etq. of Ky.. the chairman of the com. miliee of chairmen nf ihe eeveral delega tion represented, by whom the Coneii- lion waa called to older, Mr, T. on be- nan of tit arq committee, thea an nouneed the nominations for President. vie frendent and Secretaries, which nomination wer agreed lo by acclams IIUII. Thefr.llowinereaolutinna r.-nmm.,t ed 10 the adoption of the Convention by the committee of chairmen, were then read by Mr. Thompson of the committee; anu unanimously adopted: t Ruotceil, By the Convention of ihe Whig Young Men. assembled t K.l,,. more, the fourth dav of Mar. ISan. m.J theaorninatioaof WILLIAM HENRY J 1 a al ij uiDn .r . I .iviuou.,,01 uiiio, foe the office of I 1 rc.iucnt 01 in iin ia.l Si.i.. ...i ..e JOHN TYLER. Vire in i. fZ Z A offic-of Vic pVaJdentoV0;;; Cni State, by ih. Tat Whig Conr.nuoo t ... I ' tnuurf, lai.erch rnrili.II- .... 1 and ratified, and earnetily recommended to the a.ipoi pfih people of the luitqd ZuJni. Tbfct to BUa ll eaiJi aomiaation. tie y oag area of tbe L nww teuli aaite their tai, eadaam aod vigor, to tba w irfa, r if enersce i jBtf g a.e4 of their orators, tad to iarar Ita irrompb and aaceesa they aboald imaaa dtaiely adopt tbvroegb aad efficient org. atiaUoa. ... Semlpti, Tbat for that parpoae it b reeomaieaded to Deaaoeraiie Whigs every where, to form Democratic Tippecanoe rUhm ae UtrritOB Attoemiiooe, ia lb retpertivetowaa. rouatiea aad ritiea 4 the atatee. whkb ahall establish aod mata tain aa active political correspondence. and procure and cirttiiai powucai ww maiioa. fittotttJ. That these club or associa lioaa wbea formed, shall aelect aad ap point tbe atieat and most rfSsicat orators to addreaa the people oa all proper e essiotis. aa may be dremcJ adiisable, to proclaim tbe truths of Rrpublirae liberty, and to espoae the abuses aad eorrepiione of a apoila party which would enslave the people by aa odiooi and insufferable Federal despotism ia tha froa ol an aachecked aad anbalapeed Eieeative, arrogsmly atsuming the pane, ejicuting lawa of roena and finance, recommead ing ataading araiie in time af peace, demolishing tba coordinate departments of the federal geveramrnt, proscribing individual citizeaa, and daringly attack ieg tbe righta and aoteteigaiy of the atate. Rtiohtd, That w will not ykld or rrlai until the great work of rtform aad of redreaa of grievance ba finished; and 10 iasare pereeveraace to the end of thia aoble bat arduous atruggle fur civil and political liberty, we will meet ia oar eluba at atated timea, regularly: wa will print and publish useful matter; we address eoreeltee in every reasonable and respectful form la our fellow countrymen; and, finally, we will immediately preced ing the Presidential eleelioa ia the fall, at aueh lime ae the eential eluba of the , elitfJ unf ,nU ,embl. ,u eoBf tnlion, ,oughout the Union 10 consider of preparations for the coming contest. Jttiolctd. That to carry out these te solution, the Republican Committee of feeventv nix. appointed by opponent ol the present administration, at puhlie meeting ia the city of Washington, Feb ruary 13 and 18, 1840. and the Young Men Committee of Forty-one. be and the aame are hereby cwnatitotcd ihe Cen tral Democratic Tippecanoe Club of tbe Union; and the Central Whir Committee el the Sialee respectively be and they are hereby constituted ihe 'Democratic Tip peeanoe Cluba or Harrison Association, wboec duly it aball b to correspond immediately for lb formation of city, Iowa and county cluba, and to anpertn trod all tha oilier interests of tbe crest and glorioea cause to whkb we here pledge our dearest dtvotioa and most patriotic exertion. s : Jieiofced. That it ba recommended to each delegation to raise a free eoRtributio of one dollar from each of it member. to tup port ih opposition nreie at the ciiv of Washington, and generally to oppose. me tyrannicl lax upon the officeholder of the 'residential nartr. . ixesoired, iiiat ihe fund thus raised w m . . . ahall be placed ia the handa of tha Ex ecutive Committee of Seventvie t Washington. ' I hese Resolutions were nnanimno.l adopted by the Convention, and tho fol lowing wa then offered and adapted also; Jttioleed, That ihe President of thia Convention be requested to ell on the several slate, tbroueh their Viee-Preai. dent, for brief atatementa of thrir prevent pviiucai conumon and prospects. In pursuance of ihia resolution, th rresiuent of Ida Convention severally r,,,ew C,",'"neB. who addreased the convention m ...! n .1.- - . a-" " " -rcna i,l.. n ... n ;.. ! - 1 ,...( V,.MI , l)ICir particular atate. me ruin ol business and destruction of iraue growing out of the measures of Ihe administration, the neressitr that waa Mi for a change, and the conviction e.,-n- eneed that nothing but the election of urncrai uarrison could arrest the tlisaa tera that threatened to oierwhelm ihem. Upon bem called tinon. atenl.a were delivered br Mr. Clav. Mr. v.t. ster. Mr. John Sergeant of Pa., Mr. Wm. Preaton of S. C Me. S,uuii ril nt rV - ami mr. Urave of Ky. - - - wp,MB.a,i WFO V Th Convention adiourned at r... o clock, lo meet again at the Monuraeut Square On Tuiaday at 9 o'cloik. Ccn. narrison Abolition. From the New Ortrana Bee. The foiiwin Iritrr a rirt.. fcy Urn. U an W.,n lo a eentlm.n ell known lo the people f ttty. h i-: .... vinniii.xbin noveinber. 183., . A. . W- w. a m 9 uear Air: I antwer ih o. tinna vnn nm.....! .. wuh great pleasure. " let. I do not brlieva thai r..n..... on W..k VI : .. w... ..rry in me tiaies, nr in ot manner tnterlrra vrnh ).. . of the eitiaen, jn , ,,fif bu, J th application of the stair-, in hiclt case, and in no other. iheT mieht .,,o,. pnate money to aid the sta'tec ao appli ire get f,d of their .Ute. The.. Li on. I hav alw.y. held, ,J ,hi, w,',, ..-.... .,,or, whim l voted again! ihe 1 rrainctmn m the I3ih C ongres in opinion eien aho.. thrte which wera r precisely Z. , ZTX."!" b ---.-,.. and Mr. Madionn. i. a an not believ that Conor... .... t .. . . ' - 'oai vontre tZw wnuni"I .l.a.rict C irt Zr"" ?- .b. . , o Marl land ...1 .1.- . 1. i.. th. district. ' ,,eu,,r "- eiarj tand. and ih. I received a lute -. ... r,. r 1, 1. . mi vine from John M. Bern. n. e.q. ,,f (Je,,..,,. preposing .jBj, , (hflif you, and I amwered ibno more at ler jib thia 1 L. a3a tlcse, bat to tie ttat tpu ..... . I baa'.a year Iralr. - VT. II. HARRISON. To TbnraM Siena, it. of New Orlan. aad . aew ib Ciaciaaati. Tbrtf arre lb rHtient of Ca. Harriaoa Iea tba four jrara aea. Tbry wrr wrlttraeIrTlbe latt Pre. Idratial tIcctio. and refer lo aimi. iaropinloaa writtra lo Je Orrric UJurt that Elrclioa. Gea. IIarrieoae epinloao have aa. drrgoat no cbaage amre the dale of tboebote teller. Ilia wbol rearaa coacrrais war dotaratie iaatitaiiwt bat bera decided, firm, aad w itbuat Ike tbadu if change. rroaa iba Charetoo Cawiae. ' Wrgireplare with tbe folleaing Idler, frara a diMinguithrd Gcurgiari, ia aaaarr l war rrcrat call oa bin, adding another to the at ready multiplied proof of Geo. liar riann'e touBdaeii aa tht tlata que, lioa; . Savaaaah. April 11, 1819 GmUmtnt Yoa call apoa ma ia your psper of the 8th insL, lo make pub lie a letter adJresed to m by Gen. liar ritoa. oa th uhjee el Abolition. I have already replied to a eimilar requra, mad by th editor al tbe Daily Teh-, graph, a paper published i thierityi but aa I kaew aot ii that paper, (which baa been rrceatly established.) ia oa your list of exchange, aad (rel that the liberality of your conduct, towards a political op poaeat, give yoa aa aadoubted'claim ts th respect and coanesy of bia friend, I repeal th substance of that aaswer. Th letter ia qwrsiioa waa writtra ia 1838, ia anticipation of a atate of thinga which did aot occur. It wae. therefore, aot made public, aad I fer. ha aotbeea preserved. Al least, after a diligent srareb. amoag my papers, 1 hate bees enable to find it. It eonteatf, however, are per fecily within my recollection, and I da all that ia ia my power to comply with your request, by euting ihem; aa I have done to tha editor of the Telegraph. Tht letter embraced three point: w r, 1. Gea. Harrison denied tha riht f Congress to abolish eiavery ia lb atate, or the district of Columbia. f . II expreaeed the opinio that tht fa riff eompromie ought to remain aodia tutbad. vv- , .... , 3. He repadiated the practice of mak. ing appoioimeota to office, the reward of part'XtB aervrce. Thia waa thf purport of the letter. I did not ak Gea. IlarrUea'a opinioa be cause I doubted it. ' Having bees ininti mate intercourse with bin for atvtral year. 1 knew that hi view on ihtta object wer accordant wih my ow. 1 am, very reapectfatly.feaueaea.toBr obedient tervant. J. MACPHERSOtt BERRIEN. SELLIXQ W niTE HEX FOB DEBT, W enderstand that ibis thousand time refuted slander waa trumped ap anew at a Van Burea meeting, a week or tw since, by a ehamrlese demagogue. Tba eaatigaiioa given below waa administered sorpa yeara ainee lo persona of aimitar character to himself with excellent effect, and c.amtod it lo hit aoecial Jdttft. lion. Ohiipaptr. We say again and again, (or the in formation of distant reat'rrr, that the law on which General Harriaoa toted had nothing to do with debit or ddtori. wa ao part of our eivit code. It related only to the punishment of tcoundrtlt aad r?"" (" M'tharacttr with ihon irA, tiiculatt f At eatumny,) aucb at break into iheir neighbora house at night to teal and Plunder such aa burn bar atsckt, kill Imraea and cattle, remove land mark, obtain mnner under false Pre tence. destroy bii.lgc,biek down tomb alone, rob the grate of their dead, lit in a state of fornication, " atrial prttonen to escape Irom justice, die. It had ao connexion with the ilebteor buainesa of an horn si man. Ftlont and tillaint alone came within it fngnixance and none but aronj't or a villain's bean could be an base aa l attribute to a valiant and faiihful poor aid soldier, like llarriaon. a design in sell hi neighbor for debt! I hav no charily for tucb men. I mean such a hav seen th law, or are acquaint ed w i b the trut fads nf the caie." Truth ,$ poirtrfut.On ihe evening or the day on which Mr. Morehead ad- iw ,"0', he,e f en,ln, the Van Buren party, who had thought leaaly indulged in the disparaging irmarL published in the Administration nanera respecting Gen. Harrison, asanred a that he fet deeply ashamed of having done q. Hi remark are worth record ing, a a csson 10 others. So fully.' eaid he. haa M,r. Morehead vindicated Gen. llarriaon from the alanders 0 hie opponents, ihal 1 feel guilt? of ingrati tude to ihe brave old man, in'having sane toned, even j.Krularly, the base charge of cowardice made against him. No A me ncan citizen should f.-rget the noble ter icee of Harrison, nr mention hi name but ith the respect due in a n.iin...l h.i.. facior. I never trill apain. a ..,!;. -eir6rrit Spectator. Weekly Almanac. MAY. Sun un sals. a e c o S 8 use u. e It Thursdar. 0 67i,9 m E 15 Friday, ' 18 Saturday, 8 88j'x g 09 c s ca to " ao - 8 88 1 17 Sunday, 18 Monday. 6 fiOii-, as as -a 0 I ""WTO 19 Ttieatlav 3 r - b 20 Wednead. 'So v 3 2kk,;S