,' , jNLOW. THE CONSTITUTION. AND THE LAW S T HE GUARDIANS n P fll I R MHPtiTV ... r-. f C El tt "a -aew ' jl . r-Tyt a J ?r BB J 1 santf" Sfcf "I v. .. . . i . . " " i . , 4 .... r ,,,., - , , ... . . r , - - - . . . - UlLll:li:: , . fit H tttrtitt. EXCEHPTa.. ,.:, Brei ia the pourUhmrBt of iht mi v A. but kaovloJt is lh Utod of nto; by lh on? we gow to th vuriJ, by iU Aft i reach U hrirea. ' t . " Cbarii k niton nJ jerfrti j (tjee. . . ., A ene f re'igioi, without hope, U a llite of Ifrnijf in J dilr4cUon, roij of all ialempttta la lovt uai obeJieacr, or any tSitf praiaewanhy. Sherhck. To a-t teaJ7a man mutt think ao There ill come t;mo when 'three vorJt uterJ wiih rhantj tnj rneck ae-a. althll rcceie a far mai t!aeI re a'dtfaa threa -iltAuaau J tolutnea writ lea with (KsJainful harpnesa of it. '" IU iUt haa Jearnad ta ; pray a be ujlit, liaa ot the at ere t of bnly life.' ' '.- t ' i- , ... All iniuiiica, about tU nature of the reaMn4.!a aoul, ruut be luuaJ oer at List to religion; ti-ere t ba !eterniineI ,fanJ ilt fined; for otheVwue they Vtll lift oprn It many errore and ., iliusiont of arjue. 'or .teeing, the aubataaeo of the aoul a not deduced an J extracted ia Iter execution from the man of beaten and earth, but immeJiatelf inspired from Ctxl, and aeeinf the Java of heaven and ' einh are the rmer u'je-tt of pfiilota jhy, low can the koO wlrdge of the aufa . aunee of the auul be fetched from phith iophtf . But it muat be drawn from the aaine intpirathn from whence the aub . aunce thereof fift flowed. 1 llaton. . It ia a trouble t aoroo to commit a ain. 5?hert ad eye may be in he- j te,k it, in aUfle"of perfection, long behtre be aeta hFJtct upon the jnlJcn thie.lioIiU "K. -'J Bp. Tovtor. '! , . if an anal were aent to find the most peifect nan, he would posaibly nt find 'hint c'mjK)ing a body of divinity, but perhapa a cripple in a poor home, whom allodia parish wish tlcaJ, ,aoil huiobled before God uh fr lower thoiighta of jbime!f than othera think of him. I uerer aaw a work aland, well with cut a cho'k. ...';.?.- - " When we fint enter the diine life we, prapoae to jrow rlehf UidV plan ia to athke us feel poor. Atftl leaded Gud; an I yet Cain killed Abel for envy of hi jooJiic. There fore it ia a dangerous thing to pteate Gad, if there be no future elate. JVewton. ' The weaker yon art, the fitter intiru m:at you becums fir the deii jna an I for the glory of tiod. 4 willon. To hi n that knoweth nit the point to which he ia hastening, nt wind cau-be- favurnble; neither can he who Iiae not yet determined at what mark to ahoot, direct hia arrow aright. Lelghlon. All the worke of the Lord an exceed lnt good; at Ins commandment ia (Jono whatsoever ph-ascth him. lie ee h ir.im cverlisting to everlasting; and theie it iioihing wonderful before hitn. Ecclcsiatticus. . - ii 3e- A G mdJokc There are !o houv rt ot entertainment in a village in the Did Dmtlnt.Mi. bet arm the jtroprie- liirnnf which (one a Whig the other , e U'in irrat) tlie best of fecni does i not rxiil. 15 ich indulged iii Ire ; Htnsl liU opp'Hie tit until I woof their; fv..rite negro nervftnte took on the cu ljcU and fought, for which oflViice ;aiii.t th civil law b-itli were Q g gel. Conway, the Whig nrgro and friend , of 11 arri vin, rccei ed fi ve trijiea and hia ntagonist Sim. the l)tn icrat and friend of Van Buren (b ing the apsreor) ,wa ordered tenatripea, ihe lait f whkh being ap iled, he boinled with great agility rid nliiii'edt hurra for' Van he's five aheadr ' . :.. , ' , " .Iienurvis,the l)eposilei The Re ayiMtrr Kiate.. ihattiiree vere aei Mr. 1 trafiall, of Ualeigh, had bit money .ilrawer reti'ateillv robSe'l, wilhtiut biaj5 able to discovrr the rubber, mi til it few dayi ago, in xefitting hia at.,!. l. r.unil 9.ii in bank notes Ii- rtinS- a m vmo neat, besides many atT4i;Ul9 Of IO'. FapltfviUe 05. To the rcop!e of f he fctafc ; v rorlh.CaroIlna.- Wa h.. m, withTeBinjlfiJ fee!; of rpr.., ,Bd w ll6l.,uoo, a eire.I,, Il.. a,.d,.ed 11, of lrrra,B7ve. A ie, I84P. W. are .VP,eJ lh.; bera f Ofljre., ahm.J fc.j,. cewdtd from their hith eaHa t he made carM M Bf0uttilrd in f4e i. ,d r rifi4 beynnd mettort thai i fc .......... . m , . - m . , . . . . ' ' ' "-WMmMB inoaa ancmo-ra bmi!J hie enwe (run Nrh Cr,l.a. We deem it a dmv i ) o, w !er it dua to ourtel.. xpe the oiitrepretenlatinna of tt.it eiiciiUr, and. in din a hn en. wair to ireat ia- aKihnra with a! due ieprtf, wlule we aril ihrir fxampto, and remeoiber U oaint.ia our owe alf- 'C'pf'Cl.'1 '';, fc..-. t ,, " Mueh of the .buire lnCui?e applied lt Grnertl Hriis,N t,! n) ii. Ki character! beyond il.e reach uf uch atiautia. For a !.ng peritid h baa bren in the tervica of In ruuntrv he ha of ten n.lrd hi lifa f..r ihl' cuumrv h ruled hia iMilitie.l life. nJ earnnVeJ hi arai in Conerr on e.-.Mint of l.ia re. f ard r.ir the rfeMa'uf th Southern Stair. e cii.iienga the moat t:eid extinina tion into lua character. We drfr iha mutt eera exercite uf malieinua criti rUni into hia miliary conduct and into lua eiiil hitory. Thu fr, eery auark !u proetl he wi better tlun ha ap peared btfitre. and, a Aoiefiean, pr4nl of the reputation id our ditluiguitfteJ country ru in, we inie aitaniion it lua In dory. The mierb!e expWed hn dee, thai he i i '"nk, (etlerl, abntiiiun camUdate, ia utterly unworthy uf notice. The potiry f the Van Uuren party ba created and foatered hundred of otate bank. We wid at any lime ooppre note, and will prue hundred of le!er. alitta to belir2 to the ame pary, Nu oierou inalanre ran be fiaen'of tUnr leceitinf high office fr.m Mr. Vnj Uuren. Nuihmg i oioro auaeeptiblo ul prool than the Uet that the adol.tioni u 1 have oominleil candidate of thru own.! and that they are opnoin llariiin. houldrr lo ahuuldvr, with the Van Uu ren ba'rly .'' ."" ' '' Toahow the reopleof out etate who arn.tHo abutitinniaii, who are en laborer with Mettr. Montgomery and Ilawkin in ihtir unwoitliy warfare, we ak that the letter of Duncan, ol Ohio, may ba ex amiiieJ. To give eviJenre of the fi.-nJ-iah utalignity with which the South i aatadrd by Van Uuren men, we hope the declaration, ol lappan away be re actite 15 VI) to buy powder and that fur the nrgtoer, to aid ibem in loiunec tiou! . Tliee oieu ate member of the lam party with our Colleague -ail uni ting in vilifying an old eoUher who ha trrved . hi cuuutry well all uniting in their tfloria to tUct e um PreaiJeul ol the Uuited S w who approve of the proceeding of a Cvurt Martial in w hich negro teauinony waa admitted gtot a talnU toau! , . . .. .. .. ,. . , But we diaoiia thi. Ii ha been loo of ten refuted to claim luitlitr notice at our haud. The aulhora . f thia circular could nut have made any man in hia aene be Iteva ihie cbarce. Lefore thev wrote thia etlraiidinarv circular. .If let auch an ! ti, mil flif ilirraru ol facta aa tin c,rCuar ,ir.Md. mey and il.eir en.lrer niU'l rely jjiun aomeihuig beyond bare atsertion t gain cieutt lr their otato lueiU. Hut what do they aay in thi circulai? General HarriMiu i charged by them, on tha tiri page of their circular, with acta and voiea" in favor of lawa to aell white men and white women lor ehennV fee, cleik' fee, and lawyer' fre, and line imposed b) court, who, from Iheir poverty, were ao poor as to ' be unable to pay these coats in inn ncy." .We submit whether the taie- 1 mm l doea not bear lie own reduction on it face. The act related lo "cnmea and punishment." It applied only in those wu. eta sentenced n conviction of any . i I . e.k crime or breach ul any penai . vy ..." .;.!.. ikm'. a hii ur hn. 111111 Or irinuin im, toil of proteeulion.' Tha reading of lha law cxixiaes the f roundloe sharer; because il ) 'M- or.uunotu inc costs of prosecution mm T ' Messrs. M. ci II. would have von beliee thai. t en. . a a I . ... o.a aeitng thia law, me .cieras , ia , and ahenfts' fee were alone coiisuiwu. I waa imiidd aa a punishment lor crimes, audi aa horse stealing, hog ateal- in., burglary, arson, &e.j which ate ex pressly mentioned in ihe Isw, when the criminals wero on conviction" aentenc ed to pay a fine, "soiAer without costs of prose'cution.n . ; ' Messrs. M. & H- eeem to ihmk ih.a law would ooerate only on those who. Irom their poverty, were ao pool as to Kit linahl tn nav these cor is in money! If it 4iad beu inmnded lo affecl those only who, "from their poverty were so poor.'-' we aiippoae those wtm "from I ..it. ansa were "so poor .would never have been ald.dor thia law I Vlri M. Us aee m lo think there r iwo classea ol poor torH fi'U Mh M,.r" eimply. and thun, tacoodiy, iliose . ... .m. wr.ir' lio "liuui UJiiir porfiy;if p 1 t- !.t:3V " uai we ere wiHinj to give theae aa mora the. full Uaefii of iLrir extract from ibia Jaw. and wo qeot.tlt Jaw of tauiaaa, aa coaUmed in the circular: lt Eiirarl frxai lk Law Idaaa Ttritary, , T.uiUJ t Versace, at Mcaara. lUal la auawrf, m Igor, ,d M j, ,hf ijb,,,, f 111 an klkl BTV . . , 'V':vWUPTEttVI...;( . Aa act rMii.1 CHaa ad NaUKate.ta 3ll, When any peraoa orperaona bill, on coavtrtinn of ay crime or breach l anv penal lw. be eateoreJ lo pay e fio or fiaca. with or wi.hom the etu uf. prnwcutiea. m ta!t and way b: lawful for ilia court before whom ueh conaiciinn ahall be bad 10 order the ahenfl" to aelt or Lire the pernrj or pcrnna ao contirted in aemre lo any peron or prrarne who will pay the, eaid fiie and ceta, ..r auch term of lime aa ihe (aid court ehall ju.ljja reaaoa b'e. i .Aad if auch prraun or perona, ao lenieneeu and lured or auld, ahall ab eond fiom the aerviro of hia or Iier matfr or miairr befir the term of a-irh aervitudo ahal be expired, he or he ao ateMi!it.f, ahall. on e-intictinn bef.re a jutiee u die peareb whipped with Ihiiiy-Miiealripee.auit ill. nor. ert acrae iwa daya fr eeiy one ao t'lat. '-..t. - . . .. ., bee. 31, The jidje of the.aeveral conrta o lecud in, ilna Terrilwy ,bl give ihia act in charge jo.the grand jury i each and every court in which e eiand jary ahall b mm. . t . . , . . . JKSSC IK T1I01S. , Speaker of.tb lltie t R pr..,i,!,c. . , , w'tt. CIIAMBGK3, FrrtKlrnl iTlli teuacil. 'Apjravcfl rrmlrr IT, I90T WILUAM If. IIARU1S0.V. 1 Indiana, aiihia time, waa a Terriioryj tha had wot become a Stale; ah had no peitiientiary pr..bbly ehe had few jail in her bordar. If tarrant had robbed a man of hia hore. or atnlen hia hfcr, although tha vagrant might have owned property to t'i0 amount of a ihouaand dollar, anil, under thie law, he miht have been -hired tt aerviee.' Tha ob- Jrr 01 in wa tt numah anil to leiurot tlnlra. Under i!na la no. toriou offender could be hired ouf.'lor ix or twelve mHith, and made to wmk inaieaj'tif being eon fined in jail, and fed at public exene out of the lasca paid by boncvt "good neighbor men." "j The lav reached not only ihoae who from their poverty were ao poor" a to be unable to pay eni. but lhoe who might be able to pay coat, and who dtaerved to hired out and made Jo work. Ii ia perfectly plain, therefore: that ihit law wamai tnfy4 person confided of crime, and It euld only be carried into efoctjafier indict inent by a grand jury, and after eon vieiion by twelve free men, who heard leaiimony oa oath. , And yet Aler. M. and II., in iheir circular, aay, that under tin law,, pour white men and white women could be "aoM by tha lietiif. at pnlilie auction. n atire Are Malaa" aold for eueti term of time a Court deem reitonable," on eon vie. lion for rriuief Aa well anight It be aaid apprentice are add aa lavee. ' 1 it out an inauli to you, doe it not evince a coutewit for your understanding, when a-ut'li atatemrnte are-published for your examination! But we will not mis re)ieent we quota lha word from the third page of the circulai: - We deem eoinment uel, and will therefiire only aay thai, on the 17h of Septeiuber, 1807, CJeneral , William II.' Harrison, the then (Joternnr of the Ter ritory ol Indiana, and holding lha ol control of all the lawa in his own hands, utluallif $igntd the above Ml tchich provides that poor white mm and trn men. who are from their poverty unable lo pay sheriff Jets, tlerks ftei, law icra' c, und rourt fines, sltould.be '(( by the sherijf at public ancwm as uluvet. How woid you feel to fee one of your p:or till rrnptctable and good n'igbor t:i' n told at auction by lite ade nir of your county as a slaee. under tins lliirnsun law, in oineVee negro? And only think of what would be your . fi-elines to sea one of voor poor but tea- .i.i.... i, ...... t.l ..IT iwc h iic nriiiiur women rikx m u mi under llie alierifl,' haninier to a free ne gro, as his slave, l be under his com- mtnus9 nti couipei.ea m nurj uinn, .1 . I. I . I A.l.a..ka.l.aal. am whatever they nielli be; and should she resist and disobey and leato .her black oiaster'e service, and he should appre hend her, and drair her before, a emgle justice of the peace, and. under thia liar nsonlaw, have tlnrty-nine issues inmci. edupon hia white lenwlealave, and then coin net her to aerve two lUya lor every Olie kilo lias IOSI irom net oi niasici . i . i... r i... li ..l. service, would you be willing, lo tote far. such a man aa President! And this ia the bank, federal, .W big .candidate' a former opinions and act in winch he re far u. and adopta aa hia present opin ion and principle! and jhia man, with theae nriiicinles, ia the nominee of the great Harrisburg and Baltimore bank, lederal, abolition Contentions for l'iei- dent of these United -Butter; and ihey strongly aolicit your votes for htm, and particularly demand the oe of poor man, woo -i h.Iiiim aai iita b ma s iwa aw aiaa air-aii.iLi w . .. ... - . .....ll r luie to be aesn by. or even apoken to . a. pour man: ud you are aaked by the .federal Whig ta iU Lira upon u former, expressed opibioaa and acta, and lhav a aboro atatcd. We , take tt fur gran led that any in- leii'geai man witl ace alone thi ki autrmtnt, and, will, a eHa Uialao ia read, ba btirtly aa'itfied Uat acllmg s hone thief, or a hog thicf, or one ho had committed forgery or pf'jury afief ha bad teen eontuteiT. by liele irn..canuut proilyor tub truth be aaid,o ba (eiitat resjiert.bJe and gooJ Bctgu or euen lor lawyers' fres, tic know the IVopli, "the respectable ana good neif f.br, wen, of ZWih Ca rolina) too weiti believe, for nt moment fiat "b:y . w iii puoe ihe elertiun of taerw Jtarin because be stiahed lt nun- iah thtcs, f rrs, end perjured wretch ea. , th wt. did am know emr peoiJa would supp.ita. that North Caroliaa waa a den f thievea. Iroin readme ihia eireo Ur. IIuw cinuid hooesi iieoido suff r bv aucb ft hwt No honest man could com. ; plain of iu It. wa pasted to protect houei nen againat lh.a who violated the lawa Ci Uod and man. and . relieve honeai men fmiu ixe. . And aarely no North Carwlmtaa, residing in thai date, remarkable lor the general good charae. r, tha ordrily and corrcet deportinrm of it people, can be influenced by uch appeal Wo pronounce thia altewpi an unworthy artifice, unbecoming member of t Counts, representing honest men. aa.the authora. of ibi circular do. and insuhiiig ta the people of North t'arulina, bo would suffer a little by such laws as any other peopla in the world. , - B"! ihere i aviother miarepresentsiion ia tue extract laat quoted, which either bctraya an unpardonable ignorance in those who pro'esa to bold ihemsrNea ready to answer aoy inquiriee which may be asked," or abow wilful depar-; luie (rom the truth. . Messrs. M. and II. as.il ihey were electioneering among convicts Jrom a peuiicntury, ask "How wuuUl you fvftl to aee oue of your poor but resH i ufle and good neighbor men ulJ at uct;on by the sheritf of your! foauiy, as a since, under thia Harrison law, to soma free itegror If Gen. liar; rtsou bad ever aanetioued a law by which a free nrgro waa autliouzed to buy a poor and respocubl Blanche would deserve, aud wwutd receive (ruin ua, nothing but the isverest ceure. laaicad of frtlme justly proud, as Americans, of his glorious Victoria iu tit iitrlj over the Urtiisli and ludun force. w should blush lo bear tha Bameol ll.nisoo. . Instead of reflect-' tng, with fetlnig of exuluiion, on the! evema of a ho.g aud well epea life, on l'JVrcLnif;7n' raeier aa ay ha dctr-ed U,e cu?.. "S. i,0if.,Ji iip cubic good neighbor man." But wbat ia ike irl atato of the case? In many of the States of the Un.oo there are aiimlar laws, and the flea ol a whim man being auld lo a free negro aceiua over ui bate been thought ol by any on but Messrs. Montgomery aud IUkins. The law ol; North Carolina, which many ul ihe umuibers of Assembly in hoi ill Carolina voted for, does not contain any clause lorbiJding a free negro tw hire a convict. Like parricide finong ilia Atheuians, there ws no law to prevent il, lor uo uian, it waa thought, could be wicked euough lo com nut lha crime Will lib said ihallhe members of ihe Legislature of Nurth Carolina ever voted I or a law to aell poor " but respecmbl- neighbor lueu" alavea in Iree llegroe' We hope not, yet the assertion may be inula with a lut.c truth of Ihu Uw aa ol the lodt.na law. - Examine for your selea ilia law of North Carolina, By Una law of our on State, which we qoute from memory, not having the book btlure us, it is uotded that eertam xrions who are idle and disorderly in their conduct (not e inuued to thoe ho are convicted vj crimes, aa tl.e Indiana law i) aliuuid be lured out," " but'il such persona weie of ill fume, so lht lie or they could nt be hired out lor tiie costs, nor gire suificienl security for the same. and Ins ur ilistr future good beliauor, in thai case, it ahall and may be la(u; lor said couil in cause the otlender or olfciid- ei to mccciie tliirlii-iiiue lathes on his or their Luie back, alter which he or thev shatl be set at libeity, and the costs arising thereon aitaii otcuine a cuumv citHigr; which punishment may bo inflicted as olien aa the person may be guilty, allow mg leiiy da) a between lha puuuhmenl and the uileucu. Jt : v Uouault lha journals of the Legislature, when the revised siatutea were adopted, and learn liow many upporler ol the Adiniuislralioit voted for this law.. . ! .But lo ahow how caieful General liar riaon was, aa ha haa alwaya been, of the ngba of Uie poor, we call your attention to ihe tollowiiig section ol a law ol the Territory ol Indiana: , , - .. s - - Exiracl from the lawa of the Indiana territoy, printed al Vincei.nes, by Messrs. Stout aud Smoot, in 1807. and now in the library ol the State Department, Wash inton city." s Vcs, extract from tlte very same book from which Messrs. Montgomery; and Ukins copied their extract. , . We copy the following from page 34 J, I , .-- -. . -,. ... - cuspws o.aecnon r.n,wi m ayw voov. I a. O -uai M .... .....I SB.. .aa acuonV Jo -negro, uiulalio or lav'iae, shall at any lima pnrchW aav se-rvsnt other than of Ihtir eirn complex, ion. and if any of the pervnie afora ssid shall neserthtlesa preno to pur. rhe a white aervaat. anrh sertsol shall immediately Lteome FREE. 4 hj be ao held, deemed, and tkeo ,;;. Signed a follows; ' . , . ; JESSE B. THOMAS, tfktr etkt IIwu t f rarrtraiaiUMS . .. B.CHAUUEKS,, J ir . . PltUti aUs CssouiL - Approved, September 17. Ibt'J - - WM HEN UV HARRISON: Now,' fillow-cit'zen. w can repeal the worda of ihe circular, and aay M wa deem comment usi-less." and will there fore nnly asy that on the I7ih day of September, 1807. Gen. Wm. Henry liar- riaon, the then Coveruor of the Territory ol Indiana, (the 'aa me man who. ia ihe en of Uerj. llarneon. a aignrr of ike Ui ciaratioti ol Indrpendenee; the ate man oho waa appointed Governor of tie I errtlory of Indiana by Thomaa JefFr aon, the author of the Hcclaraiinn of In dependence, in the yeae 1803 and in 180U, atterward1 by Mr. Madison in 1309. after thia law had been passed: lle aaine man who fought and Cui:querrt at Tipjiecanoe and the Thames; the ane man whom cut-throat abolitionists, ind all lioiae thieves,' hog thieve, hoie breakeis. aud forgeia, who do 'nut wish to be made to work, hate ao buierlyj his same man who lost hia acat in Confess oecause tie oriended Southern rteht:l hia same Win. Henry Harrison)' actdlly aigned the abote bill' winch fuibS s negro to purchase a white servant al though that whie servant had beeafcon vicied by ajurjl Now. feliow citieus. iow would yoa fecr if one ovou were the lepreseuutiv of revocable. food neighbor men, and pnbliahedsuch a cireulaif "And only to thii.k ofwhst wouu be jour lechngs," ifono d yuo .... ....i.i .i .. . T. .' hu iuunsiicu sucu cusrges agaiat an honest old aoldier, and aaid " ihbove i a iroe taU inent of fact on retm'fV We appeal to every hnnnrabl man among you, not totally blnided b'psrtv pnjudice.) who loea his frien, hi libciiy, and hi country, to pause.l fleet, and examine' well the principles lid re Corded acts' of those men who tl thus grossly insult ynur understanding We least Ihe Indiana law her. .' Messrs. Montgomery and Tawkina also give an extract from ihe jjrnal ol the Senaie of Ohio in 18'!I. CtA which wt lake the following: 4 .'. . , . " Mr. f nhtaa then moved strike out the 19;h section of the bill aspUows: , Ci.'-'Ji it further enacted. ( hat .when oH'ne'xecuiion"orftoteJ',fi un,r' non-payment ol a fine or ca,? j'.r-.V' a,.. a s a w . . snail t ia wiui lor the uri(vr the county io tell out auch person es urvnt to any person; within thi suiwUo will pay the whole amount due f-rbVahoi test period of service; of which fle public notice shall be given at leiat ta days; and upon such sale being elfecte the sheriff shall give to Ihe purchaser! certificate thereof, and dHiver over therioner to hiin, from which time the relaiin between such purchaser and ihe prisoer ahall le that of master and servant, uul the time of service expirea. and for iturics done by either remed u shall be had in Ihe sume manner a is or mayfe provided ly law in case of master an apprentice, fiul nothing herein cunuifu shall be construed tn preteut persmj being dis charged from imprisonnienuccoriling io ihe provision ol the 37th spian of th' act to wliirh this is ruppleieniary, if il sli ill be considered expcilrnl to grant such discharge; Provided, 'list the court, in pronouncing upon any lron or per sons convicted under this af, or the act lo which, Una is sup.I neiuary, may direct sui h person or prrsfii lo be tie lamed in prison until ihe ftie be paid, or the person or persons other ite disposed ol sgreeahly to lheproiiois of this act. Wlncii iiiuiion waa voided in the afTirniatic: Yeas 20, nays 12." Anioiii the 12 nays, it sends, the name of Harrison is found. . Tlfs I tw eeetned in us terms lo piesrnhe ihit the relation i beueen the partir ill mid be thai ol i " master and npprrn ticeJ. It only re lated lo those w ho were f imttrUoned." Messrs. Mmiieniiierv iidllkin hare tint ventured to aay thai neighbor men and neighbor womenV intler thia law, could he so d as lm. Thi ia oult charged as lo the Imluni law. But lei us exsuime ilna Ohio liw, which has heretofore been vry otu:h misVepreseni The first charire airiiat Genernl liar rison was, that he voted for a law to aell men for debt. In 1821. when thia alan der waa bnni.hl ailaiusi (Jen. Harrison, he wroie.a letter io tie -Editor . of the Cincinnati Advertiser, from w bicli we copy the following: i f - I would appeal to die candor of your correspondent to any whether, if there were an individual confined under the a . a r circumstancea 1 have .- memioneti. tor whoas fxte he waa interested, he would iiot gladly ace him .transferred Irom the filthy enclosure of a jit, and the still mora filthy inhabitant, to lha comfortable manaion of eorae vtriuuus citixen, whose admonitions avimld check l.ia vicious pro perities, and hnW authority over hm wiHild ba no wore than 1 exercised over il-ouaand of apprtntieea i cor ei entry, and thnst bound rervanta - wl.lcb ar tolerated In oar aa well aa ia every 'her State in tbe Union.' - Far frnm dvoraiii'f the abominable prineip'p atuibuifd to mo by ynar eorresonden. think jhat iaw yrisnnoient fr lUbt. ocdrr any circom nca luf that where tjraud ia eflerrd, ie J; V ' he best ptineiplee of our J'U'J'tulion, and oofht to la abolished. " air. Voor bumble servant. t imT wf 11 iaRRIson.- as "63fftI.,, Harriaon wiota a letter air. lick,,,,,, ftlwnf to thia t. jcet, fiom which wT q.NM the foilowi-: fck fr front b,in(. ,J1 ng to sell men for debta which the are unit la In ilia. ehsrge, lam. and rr have ben.ennAseJ to all imprisonment for debt. Fortunaiely, I liavsj it ia my power to ah'ow thai urH haa been my established opinion; an I that, in a pubhe rapacity, I avoaed and acted pon it,'' Will those who hav preferred ihe. unfounded and malieioua accusation refer lo the j .urnsls of lha Senate of the United Suiee, 2J Session, 19 h Cmigre; p- 2334 it w ill there be een that I a nna t ihm ammrit.. which reported a bill to abolish inmri.nn. merit for tleb. When the bill wa before the Senate, I advocated it adoption, and on it paeiase voted in it faar l"K Senate journal; lt Session, 20i!i Con gieas. psgp lol and 1021 -'' Il ia not a ludo remarkable, that if the effort I am accused of having msiV, to auhject men" to aalo for the nun-pay. menl of their debta, had been aueeeaiful, I might, from the itate of my pecuniary circumaiancea at. ihe time, have been the first victim. ' I reneat. the eharsa i. . ita calumny.' Atno period of my life would I have consented in autj-et tha poor end unfortunate Id such a degrsdation, nor have omiited lo exert mti" i it..;. k half, against aucb an et.empt to oppress them. . vs ...v.. r . t ,...,,. , I am. dear air. with treat eesnsei. , your humble servant, -a. I i vt , W f, URR,S0Jf .-" ' " J. II. I'txaJAKTt. Eq. Alihougri tl.ia charge ia not made in the cirenlar.it haa bean made in many newspapers, and we feel h.tuml ia I.i iha whtde truth b known to von. Ivka all tho other ihnussnd slandt-ra against Gen. sarnaon, toe examinaiinn redounda lo ia credit. , He waa influenced be feel ing of humanity in wishing to relieve prionera from the loathsome vsnois of a tlungcon, that ihey might, aa kpprrniice, " w vrk oui iheir fine. -.- Mr, Mason, of Ohio, whn la well ae nTTda ov him. very aatia. 'oriI expldina Una vole, Mr. Naaoa esvv: "Sir. I wish now to call ynur ailefl' tion to the tote of Gen. Harrison, and the circumstances under which it wa given.' The attention of ihe Ieislatnre of Ohio, during it session of 1820-21, waa anxiously-directed to .the considers lion of some plan for the relief of the people, then uflVring under a degree of distress and embsrtasiiieit unexampled io the history of that Vale. With a cur tency depreciated and deranged, the finan cial resource uf the auta crippled, and a treasury exhausted, the people loudly complained of ihe almost intolerable bur den of taxation; they demanded retrench ment and reform in ihe expense incident to ihe administration of the criminsl lawa of the country. In thia posture of public aflairs, with a gradually increasing ex pendilure for the prosecution and punish mint of oflVnders, and a penitentiary crowded with convicts, that had become an annual charge on the Treasury, the Legislature assembled, and undertook to provide a remedy for the grievances com plained of, by instituting a revision ol the entire criminal code of the slate. The tk 'as one of great difficulty and Ub iri but it wa accomplished with aa much success aa waa attainable in the then con dition of ihe country. The great orjeel in view was lo diminish the public ex pendtture. in criminal cases, by reducing ihcin lo the lowest point consistent with the ends proposed to be secured by th due and propel administration oi punitive . ... . jtistice. To t Beet line, ti.e tiouse it - .at Ueprescntatitea passed a Dill entiweu " An act anpplementary to an act for the punishment uf certain cflence therein ninied;' and aent it .to the Senate (ol conourrence. Se-veral new provisions were tmrodueed into thia bill. , By it cer tain ofTcncea which had before been pu nished by linpo'uo ment in the peniien ttary aeta made punishable by; fine. and iiiipiisonineni in county jail.' , ?f. v. It was this bdl ' fof the puiiishmeut of ceiiani otrences therein named," which eonUined the 19. h section. to which we have just referred, la tlisl.lQih section it will be seen a follows: " But nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent person, being discharged from imprisonment according lo ihe provision of tlio 37th section off the -act tu which this is eiipplemeniary," & vt r i v. In the . art for the punishment of cer tain offi'iicca -therein 8petofial,,rS'', February Hi 1815. (See Chusa'a eta tmcs, 2d to', page 893, 4, 5, 6, 7.) yoa