71'.JK kuh It 4C J Itt I4'r4 CmV sad we assy so 0 acta.. CL R. I i4 1 bf yea ? iho, f 1 mi ewre ef foot epposiuoa te thi wuw of lie peesc&l JLJoiaiiu Capiat. Wkatwf r Mkr measures easy support, I shall, M the tarn of say bJijr, oppose U.IS, OS I CaSr H sag Um Am dodnng the Preside with abewlwXe fwtt, We SS'gU M we3 VOle Luw the craw a aad sceptre at eare, teaser Ua the oath of allegiance, as tiM 1.1a tislM uJ leral S I eeee Mam ctssaiaed One scheme, but unco I kitt, I sat asieaiebod. I-cl fer cf Jadjc XXarttr i, or oiiio. Ci3cur.aU, Aag.ti. iSte. J- Sir? ! have had the pleasure of reeeivsng jour kt'er of lha I tha iaL. r- qMitf me to attend m Convention of ilia friend of Gea. Harrison, ie Eastern Peaasylsaaia. ta be be Id ia the vy of Lralr 91 Ibe I Sift of &eptgmxt MSU 1 cm assure yoo. with real simplici ty , that there if nothing coaneclrd with tit affairs of lit in which 1 take greater jatrtesi, than ia the object 10 be advaoo J by tba Cdotcauoa. which yoo iuiw sue k auend. Wert it ia at power to eesply year request, 1 shoulJ da oe wit the greatest alacrity, because I am roSJBt that the preserranoa of the li-t-rrtica f lis nation de,Mods oi 1st toe of tbe cause, for the a-lvanee-eem u! hiea joer convention baa teen called. Those of ear citlze as who know front vaeaury, ti I da, or oho htvs otherwise leant, lb separable condition of ttiia coaotrr at tha cImo of tha rtvoiutiooirv vtr, aa J ihc ttlkt affor Jed by tha adip uoa aaa wunful adtaiattnuja bfUie oa aiitatioo of 1783, onder the aafpicet of aabiogtoa, via know bnar lo appreciate bt vauie t tba tottrBornt, and the itoptr taaoa of freaertitf it ia ita orifinal puri fy. Tbo rcjrolouoaary oar bad left Hie A BKrtcaa people ia poverty and ilie'rrse . -tbot imj wilhout eoentof rce vittivot ataatilaetorea oithoot jarfdit. Ml wiiboet aaUtoat charae er, UoJer Vtt aod veil arnoif J vteai detia d by WaabinftoD, Md Jtithfally punofd ty U bi evcroaart, t4l 1829, the Amr icea poopte roao from ferly anJ ilia treta to oaae and aciaeaco, and fruui if;e reproaebfu! acoff vl Europe to the levrl f tba oaoat honored and reeptrted ot ti wa on tha glob. That potior aa fithfulle puriufd by ttery i'reiidrnt. J;oia Wai&iD(toa lo the ymvget Adawa iutUltt, and bad it been pereiatcd in till the preecet day, imainatioo ean acarcelr conctite the beahb of prosperity jo which the American peupie coulJ, ere thie lioie, bare atuioed. t may nfely bo affirmed, that the oflj baa aercr oiiaeaaed euch aa ia euore vf rapid eferau'aa aa our nation prrtcatcd ia 1829. fa the- aorl peri od of forty yeare, o bad tieo from poverty to oerfljinj tttoodaace, and freai frei(a deriaion tt tha auramil of national renooa. Oar fl u aeeo oo ctery ocean and aea-.it paad without ioauit or molestaUoo. aod brought back lo Mr ahorea the wrakh ol all ptirtiotia i4 tbo globe: and let it be remembered the frotta of that wiae ayatem of policy rare enjoyed by all claa'aea of the rom tau&ity. The moat bumble diy-lbrer participated ia the profile, aod in the gl ry, whieh the wiae oeajuree of lha g. yerameni procured for the nation. A field wai opened for the induatrioua aud enter priainf citizen, though humble and oh aeare. la We to wehh and dtatinciion. i Credit, the poor oan'a eapttal, could be reiilr cbuiuad, and it rrely liapened tnai laiem, tnougn uncultivated, J con oected wttb toduatry and houtaty, fil?. to obtain patronage. rbie, air, aaa the condition of tha American people in 1829. After that no M the yttem previoualy puraued wa Manoobed, aud a uCeion f untiicil cxpenmeau was reported to. cumtuene a . if unaar me adtnu,utration of Ilea. Jk tva. Ums, undju'jtedk, the design of km unncuiiuea man. when he ocut in to oH.ce, i auminuier the e rernment m lha pri&ciplea he had previously avowed, arnica were apprayc by tUo great raws of Jhe f.eo,4i. aud he waalj have done 0. tl be bad fallen into boueat Laiitli: hu onfortunauly, ibe chief now at the head 'f Ibe nation gamed hit entire confi dence, and became Lie principal adier, a ltd bad a couiroiltog agency tn biin;ing oh tut the cturae of experiment which haa lroia a j Oeiiructire to tbe prosperity J hapotneoa of the nation. IVhea Mr. yn Curen aucceeded to tie rreaueney, b p roqjiaed lo tread in hefouipa of hia illa.irioue predecea wr. Aa fr aa those etepa wore the im pieaa of errar. La Jij HlifW Uieni. bl U tle euund principlea whch ha wleceaMr had advanced in laa letter to U.e lgi.Uiureof Tennea and in bu inaugural addreaa to Uon freai; and reacted to a eucceaaiuu of ar. feitary racaaureaat war with thoae prin. lea and witli the praeOce of all tbe chief eaagiaiMtee who had preceded bim. I. waa left .,r the lawyer of Kinderhouk U ..caver thai Wa.bington. JVflVraon. M on, Monroe, and the ehler and younger Adama, were ignortnl of the prion idea f 4heeon.uiuuop,,nd blJ 'lnioutered it -tonn? period ol f.,r yrir, in fiuUlio of ita plain ip,,rt! Far one. I ,,,11 , Vll to dieiuib the eoniplcney Uiich tt.y tive bee produced i hia w.nd by ouch unparalleled t anjty. o thi. extra ordinary d.eeo.err, be ju.nfi.. h own ooarae. aud md,a.ea the roe4. aioree be it pwau.nj. And what bia free Ihejr r.anU! Ua r.p..Ur b the! AtU4o faUco Xio the piaaylo f proiperi. ty aJ bariibeti.et!joy(d i 1623. lo lie alley 4 btma ad drvpowdrac) ? il'lui tbe eyHeaa, natared by the Ulhcr f tbe cwatry, waa aJbercd to, the auoa roao va wealib. bapoioeaa a4 character, wtib uetaojplcd rapidity; bat waea lb at ayeteaa aa aMadaacd. and Air, taa Bo tea caaao tote power, tbo rroepef.ty oi Ibe eoantry waa eadJeoly cbecieJ aa if aapped by tbe firot of death; tad freta that day, we bae bent aiatie with a to lectiy M nrxaaaptcd aa tbal wbicb bad aiked the uitxrcaa ot oor cleeabeo, It ia evUeat that tC-cie eaanot be pro datd oiiibAut adeeat cm ace. lYbea wo eee a oa'ioa, ondcr the operation of a well dtf&dcd cotuee of policy, ataddy and rapidly siting, wiJioct s chcrk. tbroogb a periad of fur ty yeare, be can' eot but event the proapersiy of that nation U the fhn on which iu govern meet ha been adminiatered; and when we eee that plan abaad-rd for new, no uied expedient, and diarover that the prwcperity of the country ia eoddetdt rheked and deatroyeJ, who can beaitale la trace the efft'ci to ita prudectn eauie! At cm and v a l!e proaperity of the V. State, from 1783 to 1829, waa the ia euit of a write admiaittratioo of ita gov. ernment, ao rrriaiuly ia the t!iirra aod erbbarrtaameot wbirh now overaba dja the land, the legitimate result of eew policy and arbkrarr toeaiuret in'roduecd by Mr. Van Duren. ti in trlligent eaan can doubt itno candid mad will deny it. and no patriot will be eitve a taoment, to put forth all the mar gy which ! and n.ture have given him to terminate a policy, by wWb such resalta have been produrcd. It ie time to abandon the n w dcttructive meaturea. borrowed from the depute ofCurojie, be fure Iher abalt have consummated their sjiachirf, and to place the adminietralinn of the government in the banda of wiae and nriu-.ui men, who will lake council from experience forsake the lootatepa of foil? and ignoranee and return to the plain, re puoliran patbe of the lilottnoua nen, on der wbte guidance we were happy and prosperous Such men are to be found in thia country. Wo ace thrin ia the noiniuece of the Hatriaburg Convention. It lias leen oty lot to be itertonally and intimately acquainted w tth those dtsttn -tiished geotleioen for a number of yrate. iney are bout intelligent, experienced autetmen, 4her are ture. couautent. JrU"iaonian republicans. Huh the illustrious Nrmer of orlh uend, my acqoaiaUnce has beeo lhe4 most imiai ie. and of grcatett duration. leommeneed in 1793, when be waa a Captain in the army of Gen. Wayne, and commandant or rurt Washington. 1-rom thai time lo the prreent day, I bavo been familiar with hia course of life, both pri rate and public. Laborioua industry and unyielding integrity have beeo prominent trait in hia character, nr haa h been dimnguished by these more than by ao orieiy ana rieuevwlenre. Kmduese and onaaeminir aimnhcitv of msnncrr hae marked hi intercourse t'a men of all eradea of aocietr. No hoaest man, whether high or low, rich or poor, baa been slighted by him. The traveller ha alwaya found a reeling place in hie bubble, but hopitibl and well eupplied mansion, and never did the own er of that mnion oner a gieater truth. than when be told the brave men wl. had returned with him from the victort ou fitil of Tippecanoe, that "ther nev. er ahould hud hia door ahut. and tha airing of th Jatch pulled in." With him the accumulation of wealth hi licit ben a leading or.jVct. fie never wa ambi lioua of aping the folly of th.isc who in dulge in eairavagant, aplendM equipage, lie never believed that yueh displays in- j crease the dignity, or A (Ui the happi nese of hta. The cultivation of the soil haa been hi favorite purfuii, and Ameri can farmers bae been the companions f a large portion of hia time. Tleated with their aimple mode of liing, ae well as with theit occupation, he adopted it m early life, and haa found it to be entirely Congcniid with hia feelings; while it hai cuatjed lino In iadulge hia natural t .se enifof o, at tVljt. bad dee before Ma it wa, oo tM.bt, ni but bU wbea Lo bum aid-de-cask p to CcerrJ ifaya tat tbo tlcctcirc faattle 4 the JlMsaee, wbkb, ia fact, terminated tha revolutio. arr war. TU fame evekade adorned hi bat bra it ara pirterd by stile bH, ia tbo batae of 1 ippccae or, ud w lea be rooqaered the eacmiee of bie cooauy at Mtaawstaaawa, ran tueigf, aaa Ibe TLasnee. !i was tbca ibe bad; of ftili try profession, not of 11$ politic; let oe Mtire yea, air, thai the aiaa obe atrribee to tiai the tlatl cwcktdo aa a political badge, alaaders bisa auot tdely. Wbea that signal diatinguUhed the par ties of the day, I waa ia baoite of iuti eaaer with him I saw biua alaoat ererr day, and aUtrra before h'sh Heart n. that bo m aa open, decided aapporter of r. jrutrson, agii.rt tbe cider Adam. Had it been other aisr. be woklJ not bare beca sup poittd io the territorial liIature of 1799 as the Democniie eabdidate for Congress against Arthur St. Clair, jr- who was the Federal can. didate, and received arcry IVderal tote ia Dotn boosts. Having been tur,clf a member of that legi.lature. I caunot be deceived; and Ileavco knowe thai I have no desire 10 deceive others. Bat thia f,n lca not real on mt dcrluation alone. Judge Sibley, of Detroit, and General larhngtoa of West Union, who. with mr. elf, are the only servitors of that body, mvj -oaue we same declaration. They afSrra that IlirrUon was recognised, bv both parties, as a JrOVrsouan tepulltean. ou iuai iu election, as auen. was bail ed a a Democratic triumph throughout the teriiMry. I tie rbat acter aud life of the t enera. hie patriot whota you support for the lVeaideney, has been scrutinized, by torn and Haatptoo. Jadr Liviegstoo and saaay tfiatiagotahed vfiecrs of the array end aaty.. Tbe gtieau were a ere d into the giautf rocna wiib the fv mite Bason J muticof IIaIl UoIua.bt.' Upoa tbo compin j t awemblieg. aa ex ceHcat Md appropriate prayer was tStf ed by the iltt. Mr. Van IV!u end a sim- dar ceremony trpeated at ibe removal U me ciotn. Tbe iatcrior of the ball was adorard ia the bighevt etyle of taate aod brilliaa- er. Forty aaiioaal flags and military aiaa ras graeed toe scete. Two elee ant aod descriptive traaaparcitcie. embtemaucal of tbo wknuriee of Geo. Uatrisoa and of Goaaotodore Terry, and executed by tbe mastcily bencll of Mr Holland, afforded gratificatioa to eery beholder. We aa- derUad tltat ibe w bole of ibe decorations were disposed agueaUy la the taste of mat l.orrl and patriotic aruat. Tbe d.a n-r waa excellent, and lie table orna meatcd with elegiat aad euiulle ea wins in tbe rwbesi style of fancy.. Mesr. Mariliof and Cezzens are eati tied to Uie highest ptaiM iW tbe prompt Banner ia which m exeslieul an eutrr tainaneat wse furnished. lho following are a portioa of the re gular and eoluoteer toasts: The President of the United States- Honored ia the attachment of tbe Ameri iLesa, witch I say bewrtrrr do at aaee Im(m i!,r.M - bat do mt soaibera die ads iLiab of ibis? If Mr. Vm Berea s ta ieei.Bg m sbvltuooist oogU the Booth W Best bim? PuidAmmt ef Frttuh Tkfjx.Httt.-- Muo. Duraad, coUcctor of tare en roe 1st disirkt of Pari, UT fore ilie Goort of Aesixee l the Seine, on tbe charge of having appropriated of tbe public atonty lo bie own use, oreea. brzxied. 39,099 friars (six thousand dol lars.! Tbie officer is abate sixty years of age, and bad borae aa exeI!eet character. He appeared ia Court wiib tbe Cerent ttoa of the lgioa ot lion or, wmcn, tnoueb it bad been obtained by meritori ous conduct, tbe Judge would not permit bim to wear, being arraigned for crime. It appears that this embezzlement com laeaeed ia 1823, an J bvl siaee beea en Boally arcuwiulatiag. Tbe lawyere ex erted themseltres to the atmosl, pr and eon. Tut jury brought ia a vrrutet oi guilty, and the offender was sentenced to eight years bard labor ia the galleys, exposition ia the pillory, and b fine of four thouaaad francs, or so additional twelve monthe imprisonment if the fine was not paid, Aod tbe Judge added. Vm have beea wanting io honor; I therefore pronounce ia tbe n.tne tbe Ijb caa people, and in the (Vara aod hatred if ion of IIobot. thai yoa hare ceased to of their enemies. 3 cheers. Tbe memory f Washington, ihe Fa ther 01 bis loootry "tirst in war. first in peace, and first ia tbe hearts of Lis countrymen. Tbo'mae Jefferson A name ever lo be revered, whilst the Independence of bis country is dear to its sons. 9 cheers. 1 he plaudits of a grateful people, the patriot hero's best rewstd. 9 cheers. Music-Harrison's March. Mjnr General Harriaon The Deliv erer of lha Western Frontier. 17 cheers. Major General Dearborn. 12 cheers. Major General Hampton. 12 cheers. Daniel D. Tompkins Govrruor of the stain of New York. 12 cheers. be a member thereof. JIju Jijfcrtnlh art the thatneftd defautlert tf thie ceut fry treated! Register. LET IT BE REMEMBERED! That iho term L"S Cabin and fiord! Cider trre o not, as the false searching leeuUtite journals, and liCti. odical publication; aud it ie a remark bie fact, thai bia euemica Lave not been hie to find pi oof to sustain one of the thousand calumnies they bate propnga. ted against bim; on Ihe contrary, these researches bate established the purity of his principles aod practice io nublieiife. and iho talent and fidelity which bae UtKlOUS CHARGES AGUKST MB. VAN marked. What a couUast do these in- 8UKEM. veatigations exhibit betoeeu bim. and the J, D. Dot, esq. the deiegite ia Con wol or the officedndder! They show, grets from the territory of Wisconsin, that when Uarnaoo was defending the ta an address lo the people of the Unit- pioneers oi me weai at the rapids of the ed Mates, brings against Mr. Vsn Bureo Maumre, and exooains? his health and a formid.hlo life in the swamps of that severe region, (upon documentary evidence which, the Van Buren had nn been heaid of bevond New York A merican remaiLa. wuultl. in mo precincie of Kindcrhook that when other times, hare subircted tha Chi,f ' wa ucieaiiiiB- iue IiiUians and Itri 1 Maviatralo lo imneaelunent. lmn. ,l Tippecanoe, Mississinnawa, Foil other thingt, he charges thai a aneeifie Meigs, and the Thames, in the last war, appropriation of $31,009 made by Con an uurcn was onposin? Air. Alatliaon. reaa lor the erection nNuMii hnu., li , a - ia - - - - sj w and deviaiiig means to eupcreftle bim by been withheld, and applied to the cree io election oi tie tviu uunton, the acHon ol the Hub Treasury building i knoledi(ed Federal candidate. WashinsbMi: that the President has an Mr. Madison, who knew Gen. Harti I pointed men lo fill the offices of the terri son thoroughly, declared in ono of his lory of Wisconsin who are ut:qu.l. Cud and Communicaiiona to Conpres. that ha h.d I incom Detent, and haa relused rendered hie country more service and I them after their anfiiuesa waa ornr-.f- received lese compensalion for it thaa a-fsinotur these, the Surreror Uener.1. ... .1 e a ..... I . . . . . w " j uuier inuivtuuiuien living. Uut. air, nu been previously rejected by the peo- . -niiiecraary io proceed turu.er, ana pie, ana woo the j'reeiucn! kuew did nl it is certainly time to relieve tour oati. . . . ener, wmcii nas teen already too much trcapaseed opon. I am, dear sir, Very respectfully, or friend, j. BUKNBT. A Lrarirom 13 it lory. The DemoeraU of 1813WA opinion !' w.el of (ienerd Harrison. 1 ). hJ .1. . n,w iwi femucrauc i resa. The Evening Post as well aa the o- i.'ier rottrt papershas been laboring uaru m prove tuat the Brilliant victories achieved by t;en. Harrison on the Wca win ironticr ilnring the late war were of nmto.1 i!t .... ..r t.u r. . " ------ " itii"-! viiif.riia regarded his services in an possess a single Qunlt&catioa for the of fice: that this latter appointment was made after it was proved thai the Surveyor ri . . . - uenerai nau oeen permitted by a Lmd uittcer, w no is noo one of bis subordi nalea, to purchase one of the ol Jest Lead Mines in the district, at S1.25 the acre. and which ho well knew the President malum, reserved from refused to remove tha nhief Justice of the territory when he wss well informed that he had b en re peatedly u'rouk. when out of Court. ..... nil suo upon the Uench. that he was un .m. i i.. it .i. , . i mo vuuni anu ai;cr it was preraium on hia abilities or experience as soldier. f.M us take a retrospective mkk, ana impartially examine into ibe merits of these chargea, which have been si often m ilicioitalv and Msely prefer red. Tho psr of hiaturv i. or ,!int.t.( for reading and study, and lo gratify hU ! he, an impartial one; m from the elir.-- ana mat in l. lNJW ciiizcn, at ni .1 . ...t . , . .. . I . . , I ",B muKr .saaociuie JU.?ge llliu w lulu Of ... ubiciii, 11 1 iiip ju.iii-iai I'liurr.il ai,. i.., I.. not conle.i.ntibh, iht. and r,i . I... i......"i s. .," " . . 1. . 1 . 1 " I '""i:cu " iiiius ni u.ese iiiree inen. I nri nil aniliiiiis n . . I . . M thirst for the scqiiiiiion of knowledge. tl- I. 1 : . a . ' , mnavi munaieu cnaracter uDjve price his integrity -.ever yielded lo the 1 temptation ol avarice, aad though the na lure of the duties he haa performed ga opportunity u abstract ihntisand from Hie pub ic money ir.truted to his care. yet h faithfully accounts (t e vry eetu. nd retired from vtiica without u in crease of property. Now, aa then, he i doomed u a ciiwrse of nn-ant industry and fragility, because hi d.ily espentli lures are to be met bv the avail of hi daily labur. His plain, republican Imbiis are the result of principles bom with htio, or imbibed iu early life they are not forced, or unnatural were he no eaaed of the most splendid fortune, his taste would lead hiu ta a plain, unos tentatious style of living. As W tbe tmliliCHl lessons he received in early life, it is enough to say tint he was orongnt up from infancy, in the aehool of such men as Washington, Jef- lersnn. I .trick Henrr and hi nwn iterated father, 10 whose name an I me mory the declaration of Independence ill give immortality. Sunn are the prin ciples and habit. nd such were the as sociates of HarriMin. Modern deioag.ig.jes hsve questioned the politics of hi youthful dy. , Same who have been deceived by falaehood, but more who sro inHjeneed by malice, have placed the black cockade tit his hat! Kyery ram familiar with the htatory of this country knows that aince 177C, the e.M:ka le has been a part of the establish ed uniform ui the American army, and f .1 r . . nau, ii win uie (icri'iu pi mi appointment, by absenting himself from the territory. failed to hold the terms of his Court re gulady; that he had refused to remove Hie District Attorney, after it waa nro. ed that he had received, as fueal agent of the territory, from the tieasury of the Unised Slates, two draft, which he exchanged for bank notes, wltii h he invested in land, on specul.tion, for hi own benefit, iu.tcad of navintf the mthlii creditors; and that he retains in ofli.- itiier indUidua's w ho ar in iho ll4bu of availing iheucNes of the iuUov m their wfficiMl poaiti.m to enrich theiua. !. their kindred and lii(i,d, at the expense of lha Public Treasury, and to the injury of the htiiic.-i purch iRtrnl the public UnJs. 1 iH-e are crave rnarce. nrnl 1 hey am in nicies of the day shall we brini- a m ,. of evidmre in support i.f the military and democratic pretension of G-o. Harrison 9 should mk the cheiks of the slan derer of the Old Hero tingle with shame at detected falsehood and villany. We will commence our labor by giv ing the subjoined extract. It is "lak.. I front the New York Standard of Union i Uicember 3. 1813, a semi-weekly newspaper, formerly published in thi city, and edited by the late Tonj Wort- "n Ik ,c" ' ' rfrun: e"y d npot poblin document aa I)em.sert a. ever heed. Mrk well We make 1,0 coinine.,!: lor .urrfe us nijfn repP( n,j confidi-ncp in which Gen. Ilrri,...i a held by the Demo craia oi taia. UINNEit IN inxnil OPCE. WILLI IM II. iUKHBDN. Tlie gn-a-est pleasure 3ml the bet re ward which a iruou patriot can receive l the eratitudi; sml Tn,.n . r - r. and geiicrmi People. Such i the man. oer in which America rewards her ho roes, not by the proud dmdem of imperi al purple, but by the tes-timony of vener ation; ibe faithful tribute of the heart. Geo. Harrison i desevedly considered 1 he deliverer of the West. As a mark of the high estimation iu which hi public rr-ieea were held, an elegant dinner aria i ttf a 9 . eineuay, at Tammany i beaited nilificrf in the Vati Uurru ranks unbljhinly anert, taken op ojr the vtwgi to be tied as cutrb wards; but were sneering' rati by our opponents, ia the outset, opou the excellent Harrison, as a reproach, Liro they foolishly tLu'l would ruin Itinfa k. If a llaaW usaalifdl f I a to watait frllow-fi return, that soon after Geo era! Harrison was immlnefrd by tbe Ilarrisbured Convention, tbe Haiti mure llrpublican, a Loco fr'uco pnui puaiuhcdtue folioain: Give bim a barrel of harJ rider, and settle a pension of two thousmd a year upon uim, ana my worn lor it, be will sit the remainder of his days ia bis log cabin, by the side of a sea coal fire, and study moral philosophy." The same number of the same s per that contained the above, also put forth the following-as il the idea was too goud not to be repeated: Sj I'ropotiiion.U was proposed some time since, thai General Harrison should be presented with a barrel of Hard Cider, on condition of bia retinne from the field as a candidate for the Presi dency" Very shortly aficr. the New York Evriiiii? Post, in ridicule of Gen. Harrison's medium circumstances as to property, intuited bim and bis Iricuds in this way: Ccn. Harrison's poverty haa awaLad the sympathy of the ladies of il lis district. and they are now at work getting op a subscription to supply the war worn here with a suit of clothe. If yuu bare any old shoes, old boot, old bats or old stock ings, send them on, end ihey will be forwarded to.ihc hero of Noitli Bend." Beautifully lias the Evening Jour nal, i the paragraph below, turned the in tfii d.d HCundal into nraise: We thank the enemy lor giying us tlie Log Cabin as a Whig rmblem. by etrry Indoeeoifat etrepi tktpt. IT. J sacma ia euraa State. Tt m look la the cadi!i ef way f aai. try, tbe arcesaiiy f rtrraj hntZ bera ac n. o trial coal be m fatal lo thi arrav4 tba lo btf., tbe tar aurrs 4 Ike Admiatitr.ti , J, IbtirrrsolL Tbsrrsaltw those sarrs ar only sera la tbe g-aeral tress, Ibe feeble sbiI pnttractad mi. da war. aad the laVih rx p-hditu-e f pablie saonej, Tbt Iriacip'es f tbosa bo are at Ihe brad of alfira otey fee kaaasj by tbe ayatraiaiic i. crease of Kxrcctive Nrr. and il. prttjiusal for raising an army of 200, 000 men. Uat I coogrtlatea mr prosprri i oar uriitrtsace Imii such a calamity as tbe prrpctBelitja of power In the bands of tbu by buBi it is aov abused. Tbe aubjeciioa of a.ir best interests la iha iraprire of power is indeed a miserable arrtiiade and a arrsitade ia bo degree readrt! ttl tolerable, because we aaOl-r st the bands ufibose bom our prrsrat le. crs bsve so oltrn stigmatized asfalac and incapable. iBejdgiaral bf People of the Union ia favor of the gallant ilsrrison i!l vindicate their character from ibe charge of let it); ill ri e that they arrow longer ibe dupes of flattery nor the staves of par ty prejudice, and restore to our ha loved country tbe peace and bappiaras fur the pruruitiou ui which you are so anxious. With erntimrnfs of the bigh-M re gsrd, I am. gentlrmea. your Irirad aud IcUea-ciiizen, J. L PKTIGUU. To James DiatwngUt, tWej aad ikrs( Couuiltcf, c. Cvlumbta, $ C. Mvjor Eaton. The ex-eecretary rd" war, the ex miuitltr lo Spain, and the warm personal friend of Gen. Jackson's. Major Eaton, has, we are pleased to learn, taken the stump ag.inai the 8bb Trrasury scheme. 1 Ie recently addrr. ed a Harrison meeting ia Uuionville, Pa. and denuunecd, io Ihe strongest teias, this odious and ruinous scheme of Mr. Vaa Buren, Benton, Kendall & Co. i reduce the wages of ihe mechanics a-W woi king men of the United States. The Major, ia lbs course ef bis remarks, sta led that he had for some time past lired in tlie Sub-Treasury countries of innnar chical Europe, end bad closely observed ihe woiking of the Sub Treasury hum tug in all its ramifications aod wss al so an eye-witnesa of the distresses and miseries of the laboring classes there. consequent upon its introduction and per pctaation; and he prsyed thai this with ering, blighting curse, might be removed from this d iomed sod devoted land. The testimony of ihe favorite" of old Hick ory against this darling plan of our Loco toco President to oppress tlie woiking men, made a deep impression on tha minds of the assembly, who frequently interrupted him by the most heartfelt and enthusiastic sppUuse. A. F. Democratic Petit. It Is a most fittitiz Illustration of our principles. It carries the mind back ion piriud of republican simplicity when our rulers were faithlui and honest. Fortunately our country is not ao nit! in tears, nor our nconle ao rnrrvaled by luxury, at to forget their Log Cabin origin. We all know that patriotism resides among our yroman- y. a ne watcn-iircs of Libert are guarded and fed by lite dwellers in i-"g Vabius. W ti aro itroud. tin-re. fore, of the opportunity of eupporting canuiuaie Mr t'nsi li m. We jot fully accept (he Loij Cabin as our cuut of arms. Ion Buren Democracy. TU Elec toral Ticket lor De Win Clinton, in 1312, was headed io Massachusetts by Iarnson Gray Otis, an old Black Cockade I ederalist, and one of ihe prime movers of lha Hartford Contention. In Con necticut, the Ticket wss headed bv Theo dore Dwight, the Secretary of the Hart ford Cuntciitioh; for the man whom these men supported Mr. Van Buren voted. and yet Mr. Van Buren haa alwats been a democrat, at least. 0 tuy hit fiitmtt J'et. ItiUl. and present tupportert. THE "VHiGj of SOUrit-CAROLINt. The Columbia Southern Chronicle contains in"$ of The following letter appe-rs in the Na lional Intelligencer, and is. the "Editors say, from a source to be relied on. Vermont, Srptcinber 8, 1 '40. An attempt ia made by the lloston Morning Pott to give an impression that the great Whig victory in Vermont i a triumph of the Abolitionists. It is pie cisely ihe ievere. It i a mn. signal defeat of abolitionism. Paul Dillingham, the Lncn-fiico candidate for Governor, is an ablitioni. He lost Votes by Ins aupptiitrrs electioneering for him ori that ground. Edward D. Barber, the loco foco candidate for Lieutenant Governor, ia Ihe rankel abolitionist in Vermont. l-r some years pal he has been the editor of a io!cot abolition ncMsnaner. 1 a lon account of the proccd-j ""J 'w, ami fur yeai has been, Sec a meeting of ihe Whig party at',eUr.v ,,f the Vermont Antt-slavtrr So .. ... ....r ' tciety. 1.1. fn me tiiiiniri. i'i m.. ' We mnke 1,0 comment; lor surely none ing was addressed by the Hon. WadJr ' - . ..necessary. Jlesitct. rlQttmin. kU iJJ t n v I 'hrnso JUctodiei. It any be Ihomas Mo,;., late Vau Buren ,on' """"S the interval between the junclinn; and if j,e pro,,ciity for inn n and Mr. Van Buren. as connected t .t,a WM rp,.t. th the aubj-ct of abolition. It will be J 8 .a , -,. J I s'vamsja Blivj IllUBlsIOlIB tl H3eM U&mt tertaseit Hall, unJer the direction of the IJepubl ean t-eorl Uomm tiee. The Ting tried and faithful patriot. Col. Henry Rutgers, presided. Gen. Smith, C.d. JJwartwout. Alderman Buckmasier, and AlJerman Wendover, officiated at Vice Presidents. resides the illustriou oup'm In thm wear it. While Harriaon was riven, the was 111 service. I cnmiun .... r. 1 . -. .. " senator Irom Uh;o, and lto is a zoalou ab .lilionisl. thus speaks i f Gen. Harri son wit Ooierved that he saja : Gen. Harri soti, I sro wtll eousineed, is ia feeling and principle, a more devoted pro slavery man. than Mr. Vn Buren, who I believe in feeling is anti-tlavery." "It iaay be true that the Abulitionista were gratified wnh the selection ofGe neral Harrison as a candidate for the Presidency; if so. it. was because Mr. Clay was rejected, n.ai that iho bo on General Harriaon 1 am well satisfi ed that neither of thuse gentlemen oughi to be aupporiej by Abolitionists. Mr. Clay's fam ua speech in Congress on the slave qtiesiion,.has left them without hope s to bim. Gc-,era Harrison, I am well convinced, i iii feeling and principle, a more devoteJ po slavery in in, than Mr. Van Buren, who, 1 believe, in fui Img i anti-.lavery. I vrntore these opinio: Bi, without giying any .reasons fur j speecne?, a samp'ttous harbrctic dinner was served im. Thn f..t!...: 1 mc be any si jn of good humor, thru nre tiieWhii of Ihe United State-;, at this ampin, mi-, niomeul, and in view of the splendid pinprcl brfore them. he nviit happy-hearted heigj in the Uniicrse. For the Prras. in every letter mr. rEriGUtj. r ... 11 . . . . weanemw: 1 bate ,l th- j,,,,,,,,. , rcceivn vmir t i. ..: . . 1 mm .... i ic Att .1 ail. .. : a. a . " ioc 1 11 11 iiuworoti eiiuiion of Wing Snugger and ballad tit ers of all grades, from M.n iio!iihed ii... . .... -- 1 rcMion on I'a ci.i v. .t thin? could be more in a-cordance ilk ray fccliugi Uuu to unite in any tribute r rfSprci t ,,ut,ic aervant hi has si well enfit'cl tiimscir to t ie gratitude of hU county, by tats fearlfM opposition to the Curuti. uon 01 thi. present ndnii.,j,.r1tin. IlioiigH rlrcunntinces will prey, nt me fr-Hn partaking of the pleasiu - du ly which yoo have imposed upon yo.,P iel.ee f renlering ,ni,(,r lo ment. my yartnr,.t isb H j ,rfJf t-nrrtMie elf fts I t the rauof j.,vi, e snd nT.,rui. Tlut Cau.- h recuiuincttJed to im Poet of the ctaiuc i-trent. io the. humble, but equally patriotic and sr denl lyii,t ,. t,e ir.0fr praiiie and forest. N doubt, there was truth in he anerdotr io! by the New Urleens Ptcaiune, respecting a backwoods nun jitit Inn lcl frin up ynnd'-r." 4nariuii,itiiirriii(ji);r,. WBni all Dm f'ilks i home. All Harrison men." was the reply, AVyl, are ou one?' 00 sure." "Ihi n siittt us a ,,,;'S " Ail. Iksntcr. A jjifi Ioti iitd foi ia sold, not gii:u.

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