C U 4 j it fen mtHit "aw surg st- nd jdr1 tari-jr, frfl Ja.r Ibe hti f to y'ta cr by .lessl o lUird Ie ls ibat af fcf jirevwo year, in cu"Jl'trr ,fc MS" B et- ra,7 worm; denie the n,bt f the f.-r givrrnurat la rrgalate lb currency r f apply p' aJj"m ci aa nrru a delusive ristt.Qf I States 9 fWtrr beaks; favar soiled ear. rcry of spcct scd eaavertibln pa nrr. aad order l end moss, meads tha restriction of bai I"" to If a dvlUn trf PIr for a ape. ci-: aircUuaa tha caneelliar of unsold tat bond UM; ia th of tbe fJsakof the State or Alabama audita b'rsacties. t Ike au'wnt of Si. 501. PVO, and ibat all tbf remaining nnsoM State bndi, b,longiog to tba Dank, will tja aubecled to iba aame rocei:; arr,ea agaiast lha anamp lion aUbe debts l Iba atatre bj tar Federal Government, and adtiaea a jinking faad fur tba redemption of ha ftata atock, aa tbe proper means f auJUinjag unimpaired the credit of tba ftate; advisra lb adaptation oi )b criminal code'to tba penitentiary aystrta, and atatea Ibat tbe penitcatia- y bailiiiag ia to be computed oy ije t of Mat; recommends a reduction i.f tbe banking capital of tbe at ate from S 0.560.000 to 56,000.000. and tbe application of tbe cliff, reoce to purpura or education and internal improvement. tha former Ja prefer nc l tbe latter allude to tbe alat e Atio( and tba ioterfrre ace of abo tuiouists, both in tbit cooatry aad to rope, witU the institution of tbr South, and'adiiaea a Contention ol the !ae-huldiug atates to adopt! mcaiuree for their mitoal happiness! and thirty; and finally' recommends: IbVi lection f uvtnVrs of Congress by general ticket, ite4d of districts, aaci'itily rarn'ul tn;etii'craey ami tate sovereign y. Compiler if'kat floes this tnraaf All c fiivni rmiriir i a'atitig. thai im m'tHi' 0i04 l nt Mi-y have bern ex prn irj by ihi A lniitratin prly in thr &e Trk election. . tVhrnce comra tbf money? it tbe oniveraal jnioiry. Tbe aumt expended arr known to excerd tbe asual contribu tione levied' upon the fHce holders, by tuousandWber,ce cjtnet the'e ceai? t ba Albany Journal throws out an intimation, wuicU bat nran ing to iu Let tba reader judge for idMiir. U'aero doea Iho Moae come from? Tnit inquiry lr- in tut 'mouth of every obterrerof the event of tha recenj. ejection. 5toney hat ben puurrd out by the L'Corcoi without atiot and without nt'ea'fure. Tbey mat have exp -nded iti ttiis city plune ten tb tutand d illir. And tet it ia kuuwn tiyai the contribution1! from the parly hrrr, have bren unu aua'iy MttJI. Where, tltfo, hat the tn-ttiey cnt from? ft there not in pome p4rt of the United Istties, a ,CJlfCtqpof the custom aim it noin. tjoas y taritrupt, aliote bail are n-. terly inaulacirnt, and a ho has the . . ... rovt'idy i inilhont ol U.e goer:neii " nuney, kept in a Hank wit., hit pri- j tate funds and subject to Inn draft? It i there not reason to apprencii'i t:iat there will soon be another public dc icr to be ttjie4 to the IM?W fhrJs to be noted.Gen. IIarrisn wdl carry bia own aUte by at least 25 Ar 90.000 majority. ' Kentucky InJ luJiqna, which, next to his bwn state, are bel acquainted ilh jiia qovlificationv, character aad vertices, will give him overwhelming majorities. ptiiilcs JJjty'eounty, Va. the birth place both of Harriaon and Tyler, gives bem s majority ol 1 50 out of 208 v.'e. Ia Willimburg, James Ciiy. War wick, York and Northampton, in the for yer uf which Johq Tyler reide.) the vote io favor of the Whig ticket is nearly I .' ' .... . r ucln.inoti. ' 'Hamilton county, Oiiin, the revidencp of Cex. Harrison, (including Cincinnati.; Sj a for tle first lime in many years given a Whig majority. fco'w ver contra. Albany.' where Mr. V.n Burcn long re ti led, and 'm 'iho neighborhood of bis ! tirlh " p.ace," gives a decided' majority aeainvi him: and the state of New York. in despite of state pride and loeal feeling, goea against him. Ke ltirky, by an. overwhelming mjrt ri'y f e o.ira against R. M. John son, the I.,:o Fco candidate (if there be spr) for the Vice Presidency. And Davidson county. Tennessee, has for years psvt, gone io opposition of Ge peral Jackson. ' We appeal tit the jury of the vicin age. Lynchburg Ifcginian. The e'eptloa of General William II. llam..ii aa President of the U. Sistes, by uiumphaot majritv of the state. - d an oerwhelmi'i; majority of the peo ' of th United Sia'Cv a majority s eeiive aa i j ut cavil out of the ques tion, and to demonMrat beyond a doubt, the poteney of the popular will in his vor ought in bring as a natnra reault ud consequence, pcaee, calm, less, and ei m ti t niim. 71 b.J ul iti 4 th Pt.JiuLi9 bailee been acutely rJfe io ye. ib a aopr reawj of rrt meat, the pablw. ia fMrltww, ortnaaaapreoKOcawa a ntfliiiy, bait decidod riat Iba Adaia MUaiioa, and in favor of tba alycbo aca Cbie MitfK. Ilea aad atca m. oa iho oa aid. b beea eea. drained total! nod fatitlr, and tnef aaa aseuaret. j tba otter, aa eoaifiew ly apheld. Now. ibea, Ih ibo popular eoiea b retttectad. tba ill of tbo people aeqoieaeed ia, and tba public judgment regarded. Cie tba av AdiaiaUaUoa a fair tad impartial trial. To aaaoaae, ia adeanee. after bai baa taken plaee. a deieraiaatioa to pat tbe element of poli ueal auifa aeia in commotion, wooia ee io ahow a tpint of faeuooa eppotiuoa ta OffDOfition deaigaed to thwart and re ai theoiahea ol tM rojie. uenrw Harriaoa aU not ba a eaadidat for rc eleciioa. At tb aad of ffar tear ba ill voluntarily lay aai dTia ofSeo and lie honor, and f o one mre, and fore?, er, into the boaoni of retiiemeat. During ibo f-iar yeare. be i!l devotejbimtelf to tfco good of hia country. Ii a all, then, ocitt in eaaUininf the patriot hero in bia honeat and paieorthy eflorta. Alex. Gaztttt. From the Cbarh.oi Vcray. .Irraguut and nro7ice. What would tb Oriiiah think, if aoma South American envoy were io arrive on their eoaal, obj'Cl to all tb asual British form of reteivin; ambatsador, bring op fleet of armed vessels to intimidate iba Bri ih auih.irUies, and, from igno rance of ihrlEntlUh Unrua g e.'uke um brage at the customary expressions of diplomatic notes, demtnd red revs for sop nosed invulta therein, and retire in high dodgeonf Yet such was precisely th court of the British Ambassador. Lord NaDter. towards ibe Chinese. He in sisted that, for him, tbey abould violate iheir lime honored usages insisted thai ho ahould approach the Viceroy aa ha thought proper, by a lejter direct, instead of enmmonieaiing, a iho Chinese laws require, through a committee of tha Hong merchant: and beeauae his name, ia the (!hinee hnguage, meant laboriously vite," deemed himself flagrantly intuited at it being o written by them. Re- cauae ihey did not give away to hi igno rant and arrogant humor, ba died ol eba gnn. Tli if was on scene between John Bull and tha Celestials. A to ihe war now going on, it is just a thotifh tb United States shcvlJ send an expedition to burn Liverpool, beeauae there the authorities prohibited the amug gling of tobacco. We bare a much right in force negro head and pig tail on Queen Victoria people, as they to com pel the Chineao to lake their opiom. I ho plea that iho Chines authorities at Canton had winked at tha opium trade, nr at smuggling, which th energy of the Government haa atHeagth suppressed, is about as eood aa U.mmSthMiA fJriuli (jorernnienl responsible for ih unfaithfulness of iu custom-houe officers, and contend that it wae precluded from enforcing tta law gaint;mug gljng. he eau its diahoneat agenta Bad a long time encouraged it, and many American trad ers would befrievmoptvuisappointeiisiia Umaged if it were suddenly checked. ARCTK? REHIOXS. " A lite number of the London Foreign Quarterly Review makes known for the firt lime to English readers some of the pariiculara of the Rusni.n Exploring Ex pedition to the Northern Arciie ocean. ; h wav conducted bv land; thai is, bv land . , . , , m ,, ....... ia v.n. kloiiir'a ami iliij. ar lliit , 111Isilll.rilbV ,,,. - m ,hm nii..lhp .iiaPaA nr j- tenant Van Wrauzel, and occupied near ly five years, midt the severest lurd alip. The vufferinss of lite p irty from cold, even in ihe mi'd season, were very dislreeting. As a sigr, nf the severity of the coIJ. ii i etated that in one of their r ight eq'a.Tp nent. moflled up and pro lectfd hv warm cloihinff and furs, ice waa I f,..m.il iiutfan lfti lnpLinff ni ltiiv ,"I ItlU Uli .... 1. " ... ifa. feet from the vapor thrown off by the fkinj chronQmetere were ue!e, the drop of nil wiihin ihe works coiiM not be kept fluid by any pre.cauti n. in a tempe. raiure ofien fortv degress bel w the ?ero nf Keaumor eqoal In fifty eight degrees below the zero of Fahrenheit. The result nf the expedition may bp generally stated as having traced the boundaries nf Asia in their highest north ern latitude, and, connecting with the English discoveries and examination, a demonstra Tug a continuous sea or ex panse of water f indefinite extent, bound the conti'iente on the north and en tirely rund the world. The problem remaining to be solved is, whether there be in stiil higher northern latitudes.be vond the belt of ice which skirts thi coat, a Polar continent or largo body of land. It has been found in all latitude, that, beyond a comparatively small dis tance from the coast the Polar sea is al ways open and free of ice. This distance rarelv exceeds sixteen Eng'ieh miles, and tlie concurrent reports of the natives of those frnzen regions, ordinrent trioes ta ;lie high Siherian as well ss in the Ame rican latitudes, lead to the impression that there is land, and inhabited land, not mny rod's across this water, aad around the p le f the ezrth. One of the natural curiosities which mis region hat presented to every travel ler is particularly noticed in the accounts of Van WnnzelVexpedi nn. It is the prodigious quantity of tile bones of ihe mammoth which are lound. The further north, the greater is thel quantity; and aorae nf the Asiatic Arctic islands are found to be composed of little more than 'a f n:uioiS l.nrf, Tr e'tyj ye4a.eria tr.Jtft La.tr enwy. jinj ita a.oaj by abip ki. aad Uey tU piraaUy nodimiiicd. TM lifcO pOCBMBCBWa H Vm mm m-iM iuLoepiutl clima of imaeaa oalbtadaa of ibeea berbitoroa mara blooded ant aala appear jloa; tba mbola nonhera coast of Asia aad America, aad afford acepa for a great deal of aeteatifie apeeo laiioa apoa tba natural feiftory pf tlio eaxtb and tba aaott carioaa branehea of geoicfy. Aotui Journal. DEATH OF rBOFCSSOB DaT1, OF Tilt IMVCItSirY OF yiRUtMl. Tha subjoined leiier tella the melan choly tda ol this genueman a premature demise. Ha died oa Saturday, from tba j pistol ahot received oa the Thursday he- fore, from aoma uhoowb band, im all it aspeeta 4a the auddea aad violent death of one who waa aa ornament to aoeietv and an obiect of affection to all fwho knew him and in tha dark cloud which it throws over tba whole body of students the innocent along with tb guilty. This last cannot long continue. It will be dispelled, and tha crime will be fixed upon the guilty. But nothing ran restore the deceased to die bosom of a large and most estimable family to the circle of admiring friends, and to the republic of Inter which be. adorned and ennobled. He ia gone, and left but few behind him possessed of nobler traits of character a warmer heart, a clearer head, and talent better suited for public par fulness. ! " We hear that tha individual on whom suspicion hat fallen are not citizens of ihia aUte. Jiiclmend ll'hij. TO TUX EDITOR OF TUI WHIG. j Lharlot!vi:!. Nv. IS, 1840. j Gentlemen: You will bare aeen a brief notice in the last Advertiser of a most painful occurrence which took plaee at the Uoiveraiiy on Thursday night last It was hoped and believed by the physi ciaos and the numerous and devoted friends of Professor Davis in tha. neigh borhood that tha wound Was vol mortal but time has lamentably proved tha re verse. Contrary to all expectation, he expired yesterday (Saturday) about sua down, after some 43 hours of the most intense and excruciating pain. A gloom haa been thrown over thia whole country by this awful tragedy. 1 have never known so wanton, so unprovoked, and so brutal an outrage to be committed in a civilised land. The circumstances, a well aa I ean collect them," are about these: The 12th of November ia the an. niversary of a celebrated rebellion which took place in the Uniersity some three or four years ago. It baa been cuatoma ry, wi;h some few of tbe students, to ee lebrate that day ever since. .On Thurs day night last, the 12th, there were only iwo or three who could ba found to com memorate the event They went forth about 9 o'clock at night armed with pis- X- if.. ter making a good ueal of noise upon tha lawn of the University, they approached Protestor I)ai a residence with the tie sign. aa be believed, to insult him. Ha went out with the view of discovering who they were. He immediately .came upon a very sin, .11 person, who bad a inak on, and who was otherwise dis guised, lie approached him, snd reach ed out hi hand to unmask him. The individnal, wilhont uttering a word, step-) ped back one or two paces, and fired the; UU shot. I hua has been cut down, in uic Tigur ui iu'tirvi 'c , manhood, a genii, man who was an or-1 lroy.u by Uie nretcl). WiIJ Ct ,,, namcnt o society and the pr.de of il,:hi, p,y , ri: in hij ne;8hhor,MhMl Lniersiiy. snd eommatm? depredation dulv. Ilia not yet known who was the per-j petraioroi una o.auouca. oecu. a tu- UCUe vvna oi ttovu s.pvr;iusj aasitif aaitt.1 . examining a great many witnesses, the cae was adjourned over till to morrow. The evidence a.ninst him thus far, con- si.'s of the vaguest sort n supicion. Anmner viuuvna u..appcwi iron, u,0 , unnercnv on rriuav, me uaj aiitr 1 io- fessor Davis was shot, and has not been e n or heard of since. Every effort trut. will be made to bring the offcader to justice. In haste, your friend. P. S. It is due to the students general ly 10 state that they look upon the per petrator, whoever he may be, with the been very active in endeavoring 10 ascer tain who he is. Correspondency of the Rational IiUlli gencer. New York, November 14, 1840 There i a decided impiovcment it con fidence, if in nothing else, since the Pre. tidemUl election. One of the first fruits ' in this city is a loan nf a million of dillars ' hy our b.pks to aid Ih Philaddphia. nans in me ousiness ni resumpion. IJoston loans a million and a half. ; J he loan is to be made in rnila-lphia mt:, and payable in poet notes in Ti. .son. Thia aecures a general resumptiol f , specie payments tt,roughout the wole! of the U. States on tha 1st of Janjary nex. It promises a fine opening oflth spring trade in February, a revival in teal eatate and in enterprise, and a saMry and sound currency. The only dcer now is, Ihe abence 01 a licaluiy ciirji orrr the issues cf the State tiansr.liie aub treasury being but the merest fate as it operates, the whole spirit and trior of the law having been violated by ie subterfuge of the collectors and tCci v' ers by which I do not mean to ad it the law was good for anything- in ' ? way, inannuch as the execution of ie law in its spirit wss nearly an jmpo i biiity, while a pretended execution 0 it without any obedience 10 it is an immn I ity For the honor of the laws, thereft , , tad if only for iUt alter, it aWJ IU tabbed M'lvnib f d.ute bv.V. hat til mit 4'mWli SfmtV! ; ef Cawgrava fne w Jmey ihI to m tbe comtag 4 n wj bera, voa UJ remark, who farced tbem selvea apoa ihe lloose tba last eetfioa oadrr tba cre'enr that lha popular voire waa with them,submiRedibeiresss i to it people al the recent election, and hsv been condemned by a majority immense for New Jersey, vix. aer t.300. As they Fttwd aub treasary ia the Ilouee. as they ps it im tone and ebaracier, it is thought by aa that tbey will par enough deference to the majesty of tbe Tronic, at Usst ta absent them aelvea from Washington tie earning wia- ter. Cob. Morion. On of lha aaost re markable iaatancea of ill-weevedambi- lion which modern times afford, ts pre- seated by listens Morton, of Msssacba- seit. Posvessed of respeeiaw lateata, and eajoyirgafair repuuuon aa a Judge of tho Suoreme Court of bis stae. with a salary of 11.000, ba has long bad aa itching for political life, and for fourteen years ia succession was ba candidate for the Chief Magistracy of Massachusetts; and for thirteen years ia saeecjsios was be aa regularly defeated. Laat year, ia coneeqoeoee of a temporary schism in Ihe Whir rartr. he succeeded ia obtain- in th obiect at which be had ao long grasped, and succeeded by a majority of a single vole, Tha Whigs brought out John Datis as their candidate tbia year, and Ihe result is. that ha haa beaten Mor ion by a majority of about 18,000. Mor ton retires to private life, having loat hia judgeship and mucn 01 tna reputation which h bsrejofore enjuyed. Fred. tr. Ji Dutovery. Some three or four weeks since a party m tanners aeseiuoieu together at a mound on lha premises of Dr. Hughe, for th purpose of digging into th same mound, and ascertaining what it contained. They accordingly commenced operations, and aftrr dig ging soma three feet below the eorfaeeof the mound, Ihey cam to a layer of hard eattb, similar In btick. On break ing through thia layer they were not a little surprised to find a Urge roll of old Continental Bills." neatly envelop, ed ia an aotaaned Buff.loskia. Uo fur ther search a number ancient coins were found, composed chiefly of xin, btasi, copper and pewter. But what is most remarkable, an iron lime piece was found nearly at the bottom of the mound. This watch or time-peace wss marked on tbe inaid Pvla Fourche, Patre 1300, ! and on the bark of it was engraved ' bon vi vani." Tba watch weigha twenty-eight ounces, sod is somewhat ruaied. Tbe work are composed uf bra and 0'el. snd it is similar in style and make to th Engliah hunter's watch of this day. Se veral other article were foond, tba name nf wbipb our informant did not recollect, FROM FLORIDA. Si. Anp'utine, Nov. 8. Infornation has been received in this city from Fort Keid. n the Si. Johns, that Col. W. S. Harney, 2nd Dragoons, had naptiired twelve lndisnv, Confining of women and children, hat week, in thai niatthirhnnfl- II InnL- tntm tmm htuini fiflv blai.kets, some perfectly new, snd s mimh,r of pieCM of eMr hcme,pmu &r Thit lIun Jfr no iwhx .0me that , . k, h in,i.sn Kv ,a Port IInon. about fifteen mile, from ,h.S city, waa burnt three daya ago. The ftf)n that were garrisoning it (vcljn- teer) had not left it but a few hours be fore it was burnt. There were eight distinct tracks discovered around the for, j,y ,ne (C,,ut w , ,j,coered tint the va r,,ce WM bun Qe nf ,he ,fJck ! that of a negro, and very Ure. It is c"jthe same party that are daily reordering nne our peqpls about here, headed by Wild Cat. alias Cos coo hee. St. Atiguslinr, Nov. 7. Indian Murders. -XmuX. Judd. with Mr. Fernando Falany, and three dra- atitna am V,,.im m. .. I s t. art post ihey were fired upon by a party f inuians who were conceded in the bush es alongside the road. The Seargem and nne private were killed, and Mr. Falany and one private! severely wounded. Lieut. Judil escaped miraculously. II rode with the wounded men a short di laoce on, when the aojdier fell exhaust. ed. anl Lieut. J. dismounted, draped him off the road, arid concealed him s-1 mong some bushes. Mr. Falany was wououeii in me anoumer, the ball loUa- mg 10 the arm. l lie bodies were much disfigured, and' ttitl ot the sergeant decapitated, and the head carried off. The wounded man it is thought will recover. Lieut. Rrown, Itidgely, an I Hardee, with detachments of dragoon, went out immediately to scour the country in all directions. The Bank Party.lt it a well authmticated fact, which we havr long knotto, but which haa in moil placet been kept from the mats of the people, that notwithstanding all their affected horror of Dank Aristocrat, the present and nasi AriminUfrattona are emphatically the Bank Party of thit rmmlriif ' From 1320 to 1830, there wat slow and cautious iijcrease of on.'y txt ksudrti -i Mr KTen 6-"" . . ... rtareau . . . : . ..r I irilQII 1SU w mm 'igSOtalaSr.mrlFriodai Ores kunirti f?fj tripi"' of arl thru kwind teres aa itk ?f: . .fJJtartf Oa rxsasinaUofi. M wana ... t...dred aad Uru!y.fr lut -f S. r.WeM.l.rrfB..U " . '.i r..- ifttate issr,'ere CiiariciTB . cb.rte.rd by Jackwa a4 an 0rr. v i.t.ui. wbila tbeir srPB'"' in the aante time, only chartered ,...rl and Inrntj foar, aUa aa rapital of littla mora than 4at-fM mi'lioat. aad thrae drsignrd far local raavraieacr, here tb vela ul tht i-.i...t c..ia nnk bad deprived the people of those commercial farilitiea .kich tbrv bad previously cajoyrd. V$) make thrae remarka that onr reader mar 8 what ConfidmCB to plarr ia Ihe almost anceaaiag cry l the Admiaistration agaiaat the bank. in 5 losti'aUon. WgUaH vest. T&t treat Fa.-In ouy laat pa per. wgsveoBrredrra thecbrrring assurance, that lha rate of Htm York for Gee. Harrison, itndrred bit elee lion certain. Eery dy haa but added atreagtb in tbe whirlwind ol public afntioirnt by t licit Hf. Van Burro it driven from tbe high place which he baa ao unfaithfully filled Tbe rosjority against him, both tf electoral and or popular votei, win be nvcrabrlmlng. Tbe particulara. aa far as knoan. will be found in aa otbrr Column. Aa to tbe new Administration, we trust it miil not be dittinguishrd for excitements, lurh as marked tbe Ad ministration uf J arkion; nor for war upon any businrtt interest, such at broke down the prosperity of Ibe country under Van Buren; nor for proscription, nor spoil,' norre warda and punishments, nor dr ftuttrr. nor experiments, nor extra vagancr, such na we have experienc ed under both. But we look forward to n faithful administration oflheNa tiona aflsirsifor tbe Nation's good. Hating no wish to secure bis own re-election, Gen. Harrison may ad minister the government w itb aiogle eye to in present and future prosperi ty. He ill Qnd many an unfaithful officer, and many n political brawler, bote lime baa been devoted to elec tioneering, instead of bit proper doty, whom it will be proper for him to re move, urynnil these we hope no Consideration will induce hi -a to go. He will find a National debt of per hopt twenty millions ol dollars, wiihb hfc- will Berk to pay off as rarly at possible. He will find no National Bank, and we hope be will Irave none, unless the people should deride, be youd all qtirtion, that they desire one. We want no nrw hobby for demagogues to ride into power upon. He will find business, which bad been prostrated by the ruthless war upon it, gradually recovering under the influcuceof tbe cnnfitlt ne inspired by hit Clertlon. IVr hnne 1. will , j ntme. , j, n, .,.. rirnf ,e pfopl. want. u .(rfi t. b ! erf v It.i IhJI.i n I :; r.v.;...i!. ......... " lb t , "MI'Ul ni'MI 51 B' Hill. ) , l the ruuiiti v iiur ni rva icronomy. rd rill ol :him, tiiii-t i. . r . . . .. mriu ui roiijpeicni anu honest men to .face, and a cons.mioniil adntini- tratiwn r the duties uf Ciirf Execu tive, especially io recognizing the rights of the Judiciary and Lrei la ture, as co-ordinate branches of thr great system. These are what the j country wants, and thrae we tl.ii.V will he fottml in the Administration of the venerable patriot Wm. Henry Harrison. FayctlexilU Obs. Oranptt in Florida Tha A nalirlii. Cola fFliirii! A it. ..f !.. r . ' V -".-.y .waii.c, ui iiiv OIVI VC- lober, says: The orsnge crop of this year, raised in this territory, will be worth 200.00(L Iliil.rt.n i..t nil a nui 0I1 k.. t.- : 1 . vsna for that on article of consumption, 1 Destructive Fire in AnvAe--v. learn. Savs 1I10 N n,u.n. n New Orleans Oifui.i City of the Cth . . . . ----- Inst., that an eniirn (of 12 building.) hat been burnt at Natch - ez, tinder the hill. Ilnneriv i. it,. amount of at lea-l t)5o 000 was destrov. 50,000 was destroy ed. Sub- r rtaury.ln the House of Rep- .Vf n'?",e, f 'f8ia' 4th inal. Mr. I lourney of Washing.on. introduced a set f resnlutirano opposed to the sub- irewwry diii, ami directing their Senators in uongrws to vote for its repeat. New Counterfeit. Counterfoil T,- "iiry Note of the denomination of $50 of good imitation, and wel calculated 10 ocee.ve me moat scrutinizing eye, are in circulation in various pan f ihe coun- Uyv rc, Muting Watt. No Shat.-K New 0,V., ,,e night after the ! of the poll, thf late election, a lme f tflren.y sit 'gUnt was fired by a commitiee of both political Pr..e. in honor of the peaceable ,n ordcrfv m,nnerin which llifeecaun was flarncd on and concluded. ' " a raiWs Nlihiniel O. I'sndletoa, tl,v t,f Irr tUtl frow Ut Cincteskii 1 a. w OLm. ief'taateg Lis Cu Le contest fct election. utaU t ARRIVAL OF THE CALEDOXHj uiu wmmm craors. Tl'a rench mia'uter, M. Thwtm. ..j bis rleage. teadered Uwir rvsig on "Ui 824 f October. wLwb wet eepuMi, ana a bvw bib wiry afpaiataJ,,, Ui osau n ks wa uartti Sosdt, Eumoura were afloat that Labia i. lipp would abdtcat tbe threat of Pti, in lavor o cmcsi voau iitu lap,,. Isat step, it was said, would aat be takta en account of any political d&ealtiet with which tbe King waa aarratajM bat oa tceooct of domestic eaUiija to be tbe coeiiaaal atato of meaul v raagemeat siader wLieh the Queea Ufo,, incv jw axrociuus m iarwea. t ta also utat ine tjaet y,. of Spain baa abdicated, acd niiru f raor s. a ne Ministry wtre aravi, ally charged with the regency Util rU convocation l ilia Cor us. It is also rumored that the Etpr.rWi( Aastria will abdiesta. Tha present a. aarch haa alajsys been of a feeble ni, lution, both of body and misd. Pr.., Mrllernkh. the Atlas of Aastria, hast much cafeebled by an attack af afp pltsy. Soch being the case, aad 4 state of affairs having assamed sewe Lm . of a wailika appearance, the Aalie I'm. cil have avgresled the propriety of ton. fiding the balm of state to yosnjer pore tigorowt bands. The urcesor sf the preaeol Empervr ia bis brother tht Archduke Frsaeis Charles Joseph. Tl. I'riace ia thirty-three years of sge, mj haa issue three sons snU one uaeghtrr. The etraia ia Syria bar Uroi mora grave for Mchemet Ah. Deyrovt has been occupied by the Anglo Tail, who were fortifying Seyd. The Emir Dechir bad surrendered. II has staa. doned tbe cans of Mehemel All. TU inssrreetion is making progress ia iti mountain. Ibrahim Pscbs ia about to eonceairi bis force. Tbe Turkish troope with tba Pacti are deserting ia suorg auaibers, sad ibiS dsisehment are cnt into bead qotnm continually. All the accoutU from the sest ef ear received ainee ear last, confirm the sea of the successes of tho allies, th rrg of th Syrians, tad the dfesl said eoursgemcot ol tbe Egyptians, Tit rrriecufderrr. Tbesmbm dor sent to Alexandria from Iandoa ba succeeded in obtaining fromtba Victrey A firman for tha nneonditioad dis charge 6f tha nine uobsppy perrons fined st Dsmaaeoa, on the aeeasatio sf being parties to the murder af Fstbtt T mssa. Permission for sueb of tba Jews at had fled to return to their boats gdim tested. " A general declaration that tli Ji ahould have th aim prouciioa si all liier subjeeu. Frcftidrntial Klccfion. The fc.'owtn- Table exhibits the rh'i f lha prestdraiial eleclion ia this stale, a fr as heard from. Ths Iwo first column prevret th nflicul rctaras of the late eletlioa fcr 0V vtraort Aa;ast Siorcaibtr, Dr. 0tmaa it snud Im tvn iA ' , ; B;"' B'a.'nn U...wik 4M yi , y, ,,,, r u.... ('alia.i'M j:i 3.: . 113 13- i .'i.liiin'.ns t arltr. t turrit ia H Ci.ailism Cliowan Cumberland t ni.tr ri I'aswcll t'raven Cherokee Duplin Daviilsan nf is F.rfji com'if, FiaiiKiin . aavi:io titles Urnene tiiiilT'ird llilifai llerilord 4!4 i0 n iti Of0 V 54' lii ll'i' 3 I' 4 lo 0.6 O'Hl I44 i') JDI SOI 8S 9t! H$ 108 S4tf 741 Hjule : llTmJ i Iredell I Johnston J"e . Lincoln ' !'" ; i.rnuir , . . ! M,,," . ! Moni2omery wk'vaurg Martin Nw Hanover No'llumjiton OfSllXS Persoa PquUnk, Put rerqijimon Koaan Itaml.ilph R ckinyham Rnbesn Ifichmond Kutherford ?ampen Surry Stokes Itnvll tVashinglon Wiik.s tVarren Way no W 54 114 7S4 731 Waka Yam: 1U , f 338 417 "' I Mm- Sa irH a4, dirt. st. lino til tut S0 iU Its in 517 l tfci tea III 3D 431 3tC Sii ttT SIS l 33 S6I I Hi 37 ir i 6IU 39i M Si I SH 304 tit V7 nna 00 5S 336 D7i 603 1 14 yjt soj i7i Ctl 9iS 611 SrS ! ii V0 IS7 nna Ml C41 4X6 idi 1 3) 414 S3t 7C6 S53 II0 470 lilt I 447 III 3 SS . 383 61C 374 , 073 7 60 y3J 35 SI 303 . .tt 3 tilt 469 ttOO SU 446 , 603 334 f 31 197 4JS 173 431 4J3 UI 411 OIMI 1CC9 331 1794 69 617 i'.'l Sit ill 143 931 tOW Stil 3 431 03 433 SCO 517 S29 1102 133 1136 084 I SO I 1000 S44 57 1 " Sift 899 8:5 73 731 -Sit 519 567 ISO 6 J 143 6t3 1 5 19 1633 874 , 531 74 (GO 82 548 613 519 617 434 , 184 43 1618 874 941 1887. 346 1318 533 IOOO 447 01 568 473 671 79 820 JfiSl- 5I IWJ 471 72i 1130 Oil Vs- 1183 1190 Ii 411 44 30 371 95 43t 1411 1 89 Ii50 88 705 103 S68 777 3W 1030, 1157 10i4 3'J8 417 " 4I.SW 36.

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