Tburday ryorfinVfr 20. ) .-.erJ.v ranreinr. lav aa tit 7 jret'f ! ief aaai'ton A Woo- Wil j; P. " was eTesdsy, sleeted tf iha United Stale for lit itae ipirtJ B,-Wi ,4 faf - . . - . ff L ix jeare irons u ' wrcn -. ,od waiUa A. Graham. eq. for tha na- iiHre4 term of Mr. 8irenr, nntil the - . ....... L .t 4.a of Jlarcn 0 wMWHOft ue sote were. Fr JJanjant, f i Graham. W Prove, 61 Saeaderr, 3 Edwsid. 1 Hull. 1 - laffmaiion having beta received ef I the election of ifit Hon. Willi P. Sua rum til l W Jlim A. Graham, erf. ft at aaior from thi etal ia tha Congress of tbe t oned rjia'ee, a tneeuns; 0 ine xm gens ( Oraae wae MJ yesterday la ibt lKini Hall, fr tha purpose of noeai Rating salable Jterson 11 tha .vacan cy in th Senate-and Ilooit of Com vg of vr Suit I.i-liure, occasion rJ hf eid appointments. Tiit meeting was rxganiiediy iht ep pwoiment of Di James S. Smith as chair nun, sad Dr. Jsta-a A. Craig ai tmt lery. The tjeei of the tnrling hating been stated by Uit chair, Mr. Gilrt Mcbaae nominated Hugh Weddell, esq. for tht Senate, and Col. Janet Graham for the House of Common. Theaa nomina jion having bren proposed by the Chair, titer were adopted by tht meeting by an bnaniasoea vote. Oa motion, Hat riaon Parker aud Gilee M-bane, esqr. anJ Dr. Janet A. Craig, were appointed at a eonmiitre to wait 03 Mr. Waddrtl and Col. Grahamt, and inform them of their nomination. This doty having been performed by tht com raittee, Mr. Waddell and Col. Grabaata were introduced 10 the meeting, and ae fepted the nomination ia very appropri alt addreaaea. Na farther boaineta being presented, tha meeting tt,en alj turned. DEMOCRlTiC MEETINQ. A. meeting of the Democratic Rcpobli. cant of Urania was held ia lit Maaonic flail on Wedneaday taU to nominate candidatea to supply tha vsraucie s occa ainned by tht election f the Hon. Wil lie P. Mengum and William A. Graham, esq. to Uit Senate of iht United State. Charles Wilron, eq. was called 10 the fhair, and Cot. Wm. Shaw appointed aerretary. The ohi-ct of tha meeting being briefly tplained by the chairman, Sidney Smith, cl. nominated Dr. Ju'iua Brjclen fur the Sn.ate and Col. J.hn Stuckard for the Ilouft nf Common; which nomina tion wett unanimously adopted by fhe njcetiiig. On motion, Allen Parka, Jacob Hur die, Joseph Heater and John K. Walker, were appointed a committee to confer with the nowiiiree ufibie meeiiog and to request their acceptance of tbe nomina tion. On motion, the meeting adjourned. We wer not a tittle amaaed by ob serving in the Stands! of last week an attempt to account for the large incteaat rrf tht Whig majority in thit autt ovtr the Atigu-t election, by Mating that "on fhe thy ofttectin it waa well know over nearly all the atate, that Mr. Van Duren if 111 certainly defeaUfUIf " M N. York and Penoaylcani had 'gone for him," the Standard add. " the vote would have been very ctoitT The Standard certainly must have furgetten ihal in hie paper ia sued only four daya before the election, he crowed at tho very top of hie voipe over his fancied victorieain Mnc, New Hampshire, New York, Peanaylvania, tnd other aisles, rsven enough to elect Mr, VanBuren without the assistance of North Carolina; and again in an extra iaaued only two daya before the election, in which he not only claimed all those tte hy large majorities, but accuse the Wliij of imposition and humbug," and even cturgea upon them " the lie direct," ll3ii.a itiao I...1 aliieil ill It NeW Yotk "id Pennsylvania and Maine bad gone lor llarrieon. According to our perception of the mat- the Suiidaid has, by tht cotitae, lioed itsflf in a very unenviable position. M tht editor hlkvrd tfva truth of the tWnt. raid i. fci, pipf r ftnltA daf aht or SnJ.y. aJ reiterated LB htm f . . . on LlUir. ka . - eppoea ihal tJ pe.pu ihoogtH-t tit tata aho44 bate diacaud , Thara d7 thai tha whole wf it wva onlr a t.RI.l.. Pretc1cnllal IJlef lloti. AianftoHirU official eota: i "" 3329 VMBurea, J8.754 , Ilarrisoa'a majority, 4,775 Tmntutt Reuiraa from B7 mnnll g a majority to the Uarruoa ticket of 10.557. . rtinoU. 63 COBBtiea IlarruAa'a Btioritr U2145. TwentvctiH. lie jet to heu fram. ivaour.The rctnraa show lir Whig rain: bat the result ed doubtful. - Louinann.U 33 oariihea IlarrW aoa'a majority waa 3636. , Ceerui. Full retarna bava hein m. eeived; Harriaoa'a majority 8,197. Aarfti07t. All the counties bat two ere beard from; llarrieon 1,903 ahead. dftma.-Harrioaa majority in 34 rounuet. 10JLOO. OAio. -Tht official returns from .11 Uit eountie girt Gee. llarrieon a majo rity or 33.301, The vote were a fbl. ow: Harriaon, 147.141 Van Ruren, 121,780 , Birney , (at!i-i,.u) 903 Lf sjalat-irc .jf 4V. Carolina. SENATE. Tnasdsy.Nov. 17. Mr. Pockerr waa appointed Speaker pre. tern in consequence oi the indispo sition m ine speaaer. M. Keiil presented a resolution pro posing to appoint a committee of five, for tbe pornoee of prenarint permanent rote of order and decorum for the go vrroment of tbe Senate, dorinr the prea- eot session, and that the rules of the last eaion be observed until otherwise or dered. which was adopted, and Mes-r. (eid. Worth. Mrsra. Cooper and Speed wer a$poioted tocompoa aaid commit tee. The two Hnnaes voted twice for thret engrossing clerks, which resulted in the ihe election of A. Millar.GouJd and Iloyt. tVedaesday, Nov. la. Much time waa taken up in ballotin for an engrossing clerk. Tbe atanding rula of order wer re ported, and being read, wer adopted. On motion a roeasae e wa sent to the Senate proposing to raise a select joint eeamittee, to make and report joint rules of order for the government of th twq Houses. The resignation of Messrs. Drown and Strange, were read and accepted. Thurso's, Nov. 19. Mr. Joyner PSpeakerl being absent from indisposition, Mr. Dockery, of Rich mond, officiated. A meeaaga wa received from the llou.e, proposing to raise a joint select committee on Chtroke Land. Con curred in. A meaaage from the Houa also, pro posing to raie a joirtt select enmmitee lo investigate the ml of the sta'e to the Swamp hands which are to be drained under the direction of the Literary Board. ConcurrcJ in. Friday, Nov. SO. The following atanding committee were appointed: On Propotxlient and Gritvantt$. Messr. Moore, Faison, Orr, Cooper, Parks, Spier. Moulder. On Privilege and Election Mesne. Speed. Montgomery, Kerr, Bynum, Har grate, Whitaker and Exum. On Claim. Messrs. Dockery, Whit field, Mdchor, Puryear, Boud. Williams, Sloan. On the Judiciary Messrs. Morehead, Edwards. M.lchell.Gaither, Bynum, Wd son and H ill. On Internal Improttmenti.Mesm. Shepard, Clinmsu, Hawkins, McDair mid. Hrllen. Ribtljn and Paatenr. On Education and the Merary Fund. Mesra. Mangum. Arlington. Shepard, Worth. It eid. Mv res and Ward. On Cherokee Atnd, (on the part of the Senate ) Messrs. Clmgman, Ward, Qather and Wilson. On the title of the State to Swamp Landi. Messrs. Hellen and Bynum. . Mr. Mitchell presented a resolution directing the committee on Internal Im provements to inqntr into the expedien ce of eontriictiui? turnpike road from Raleigh to the Tennessee line; which waa read and. on motion of Mr- Gaither, amended and adopted. Mr. Moore, from the committee, re ported Joint Ruler, which were adopted. The message of the Governor wa re ceived, read, and the propoaition of the Commona, tq print five eopiea for each member, adopted. Mr. Spruill preaented resolution to send a message to the Commons propos ing a joint eelectcoairnitte on h Pub lie Building and rebuilding the Capitol; and that aaid committee report whether ihs amount of money already appropria ted for rebuilding the Capitol haa been judiciously expended, and what amount will be neceaaaiy for it completion. Re id and adopted. Mr. Gitt.tr jeretenlrd a bill filing tha torn hrrssfJer to be paid for vartnt land 10 the aute. Rd first lime tad passed. Satartfsv, N. II. Mr. Clingmaa presented a bill, direct iae the eonveviAf nf ih fnni a. joieiag tha town ofMsrphy, to iLe chsir 1 isaa of the efcarrrota of tha County Coon 4 Cbeukee; which waa Nad ihe nrsi time aaa passed. Mi. Moore presented a revolution di recting the com mi itea on Education to mqvire If any-, and hat alterationa are expedient ia the act foe the establish meet ef common schools ; which waa a dvpted, . HOUSE OFCOMMXJXS. Teaaday, Neveaaber If.- -On motion of Mr. Wtlaoa. ordered that a message be sen! to the Senate, ia forming thee of the organization of thi House, and ptoposiog that a joint select committee of two ea the part ef each Uouse be raised to wait epoe tbe Cover aor, wd inform him of the erganixaiioa ef th iwe branches of the Legislature, and of their rsadiness to receive any communication which be may ee fit lo make. A messsge waa enbsequeotly received from th 8eaate, egreeing to tbio proposition, and informing tbst Mes srs. Morehead and Orr cftmpoee the com. miuea on their part; epoa which Messrs. Wilson and J. T. Miller ware aenointed to form aaid committee en the oart of hie IJoose. The committee, Jbaving Performed the duty assigned lo tem. reported that the Governor weald make a eommunicatioa to ihe Legislature to morrow at 13 o'clock. Air. Adams moved that a committee of fire members bt appointed to prepare and report rule of order for the gov ernment of this Honee, and that ia the interim the rule of the last session be Observed. The motion prevailed, and Messrs. Adsms. Hoke, Hill, Barringer. and R. D, Gilliam were appointed said committee. Mr. Holland moved that a mestag be s-nt to the Senate, proposing to raise a joint committee to prepare and report join rule for the government of tha two Houses; but it being suggested by the Speaker, that the joint role of tht last session wer to remain permanent nntil otherwise ordered, the motion wa negatived. Tbe Speaker laid before the House Ihe resignation of Messrs. Brown and Strange, a U. S. Senator, which were read and accepted, and, on motion of Mr. Hill. nt to the Senate. Two balloting were bad for Engross ing Clerks, which resulted in th emo tion of Adolphos Miller, of Davi coun ty, and Mr. Hoyit, of Pitt. One yt lo be elected. Wedoieday, November 18, ' Messages having been exchanged, the Houe proceeded to vote for tha remain ing Engrossing Clerk. No choice was msde, Messrs. Ross and Drake running anesu. - , , Oa motion of Mr. II. C. Jones. Jletolved, That a message be sent to the Senate proposing the appointment or a joint select committee of three from each House to examine tha apartments of ihe Capitol and assign to the slats of ficers and the committees of tbe General Assembly, their several rooms; and that they ascertain whether any other order in relation to the Capitol be necesssry. Mr. Rf'd presented the pension cer tificatet of Isabella Campbell and Martha Spears; and Mr. McLaughlin, the certi ficate of Marv Marshall and Ann Patter- aon. They were countersigned by the Speaker, and sent to tht Senate. A melange was received from his Ex cellency, the Governor of the state, of considerable length wtiicb occupied some time in the reading. The House then ajjuiuned. Thursday. November 19 Another vote washed for Engrossing Clerk which resulted in the choice of John Rose, of Rockingham. The Speaker laid before the House, a report from tha Commissioner appoint ed 10 superintend the rebuilding of tha Cspitol. Mr. E. P. Miller presented a petition on the subject of a new county, to be formed of Burke and Wilkes, and to be called Caldwell. Referred to special committee, composed of the members from those two counties. Mr. Guthrie presented a bill, altering and prescribing the time at which Elec tions shall hereafter be held in thi stale. Resd first time. The following committee wss appoint ed under Mr. II. C. Jonea' resolution of yesterday; Messrs. Jonea. J. O. K. Wil liams and Graves, of the House, and Messrs. Spruill. Arringtoa and Hellen of the Senate. . - The following atandiqg committees were appointed: On aim. Messrs Wilson, MeClease, Dickson, J. M. Covington Killian, Puindeiter, Maee. Brogden, Biggs, Hawkins, McClena haa and Keener. On Proposition sd Orieewiess. Messrs. Grundy, Allen, J T. Miller, Reid, Graves, Holland. J. P. Caldwell, B. r Moore, Paller aon, R Jones, Brummell, W. J. Miller. On Agriculture. Mesr. J.B. Jonea, Baker, J. W. Lane. Murehison, Doak, Morrow, McMillan, Jacobs, Davis, How erton. Rand, Clegg. Carton On Internal Improvementt -Messrs. Paine. J. O. r Williams, Hill. Winston, Withers, Barringer. Brysn. Thompson, Whit-hurst, Robards, Holt. H. C. Jone and Miller. . . On Education. Mesr. Smith, Join er, Bsnnerman. McLanrin, Mendenhall, J. Walker. Boy den, J. R- Gilliam. Wads worth, Eaton, Cad. Jones, BeaH. E. P. Miller. On PricUeget and Electtont Messr. Proctor, Fort man, RuIUm. J, W. Cov iegton. Card welt, Yeurg. G. W, CaiJ well, fiproi'I. Hcgrjas, Roasell. Kirg. Wm. B. Lane and fatioa. v. . rriJsy Nov. 18. Mr. If eid presenled the petition of cit izens of Cumberland, Moore, Chatham and Wake, praying tha ereclioa of e new county oat of portions of aaid coeatiea. Referred. ;Mr. Lit! presented a petition from sundry citizens of Montgomery, with a bill to carry tbe prayer thereof into effect. eauued s ttlj to lay oa and establish a new cqsb? by the aaae of Stanly. Resd first tune sad passed. Mr. Boyden introduced a bill to pmeol litigalio;whieh was read the first time and passed. Propose to impose heav ier penalriea epon collecting oCccra fad ing 10 account. Mr. IM! introduced a bill concerning pilots ard commissioners of navigation for Cape Fear Riven which was read the first time and passed, Mr. J. P. Caldwell introduced a peti tion from aundry citizens of tho county of Iredell, praying smendmenU of tha law establishing eommob schools. Referred. Air. Sder presented tha petition of John B. dwsrd and Jamea McIIao; and Mr. Wsdswonb pension certificate from the county roan of Craven. On motion of Mr. Barringer, the two Iloosea went into an election for Secreta ry of State, when William II ill, esq. wa unanimously re-elected. On motion of Mr. Mills, Jlttohed, That th committee on In tenia! Improvement be instructed to in quir into tbe expediency of laying' off ana constructing a central public road from Raleigh through tbe aouih-western pari of North Carolina, to Aaheville. in Buncombe county and that they report by bill or other wise. Air. MLsurin prcsen'ed a resolution in favor of Samuel Terry, which was read tha first time and passed. Mr. Hill introduced a rraolution for famishing tha etandijjg committee of ibis uouse wita tbe Kevieed Statutes. &c to be deposited in the Secretory office at the dose of the session; and II. C. Jones for procuring temporary window curtains; which were resd the first timt and passed. Air. Barringer reported joint rule of orurr, wnicq were oraerea to 0 printed. The following committees were ap- nninl.fi. On the Judiciary Heme. Winston. Barringer. Hoke. Mendenhall, R. B. Gil liam, Boy den, Eaton, G. W. Caldwell and II. C. Jones. 01 Finance Messrs. J. P. Caldwell. Biggs, Burns Foreman,,Reua, Thompson, Grave and J. O. K. William. On Private Mi Messrs. E. P. Mil ter, Mclaughlin, Walker, Guthrie, Brum mell, Bsnnerman, McLaurin. Baker. Ad ams, Spruill, Wadiworib, Stallinga and Proctor. On the Library Messrs. Paine, C. Jone and J. R. Gilliam. ' On tht Cherokee Land (on the part of lb Common.) Messrs. Siler, Csrd well, Boyden. Grandy and Pstlon. Tbe House sgreed to go ioto an elec tion of Solicitor for th 6th circuit on Monday. Messrs. J. R. Dodge, Bartlell Shipp, and U. C. Jones are in nomina tion for the appointment. Saturday, November SI. - Bill PretetUtd.hf Mr. Reid, to incorporateJihe.Litlle River Manufactur ing Company ,rf Cumberland county. By Mr. Sileranihorizing th Governor to appoint an agent in the county of Ma con or Cherokee. Read first time and referred. Merf,'Rand, Poindexlsr, Smith, Hoke mod Guyther were appointed to compose the committee, on the part of the noose, on public buildings. Messrs. Paine'and B. P. Moore form the House Committee to investigate tbe title of the state to the swamp Iandt which art to be drained. On motion of Mr. Reid, Resolved, that the committee on pro positions and grievances be instructed to enquire into the expediency of restoring to the several courts jurisdiction or pleas, where the same has been heretofore abolished. Oa motion of Mr. Biggs, ' Jletolved, that the committee on the judiciary be instructed 10 enquire into the propriety or providing that the real estate .be made assets in the hands of administrator and executors for the pay msnt of debts; and that all debts against the estate of deceased persons be made of equal dignity, and in case of a deficiency of assets, paid pro rata. Heavy Voting. -Massachusetts hss I iven a total poll of not less than 120,000 . , . : i VOWS, wnicn is an increase 01 nearly 20,000 over any previous ballot. New York hse given at least 440.000, which is an increase of 35.000 over any former vote. Pennsytvanis ha given 290,000, which ia nrnr by 40.000 than ever given before. Tho other elates hsve mostly increased in a like proportion. In abort, ther hss never been so full an expression of popular opinion through tha ballot box as on thi occaaion. Nat. Intel. ' SPECIAL ELECTION. At a special election held in Richmond county, on th 12th inst. for a member of tha Uouse of Commons, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation ol George Thomas, Col. John W. Coving too (Whig) was elected. The poll stood: Covington (Whig) 597 Terry 149. Mr. C. haa taken his seau Register. Rhode hland Senator. -The Hon. Jamea F- Simmans haa been elected Se ..if.. In'iHa Ranvresa of tha United States from iho 'state Rhode Island, ih Ihe place j d the Hon. Nshrmlik R. Knight, ht term efsersir U uoa to ri,iw. The election sera i n ueh siir..eiia to our po!iu-I frivols ia tUstJ.ut. Tt tit lt mftU mrVr; Dear Sin Do me die favor to cuUiah the following- ssjsefu! receipt. taken frora th Norfolk and PorUoaoaih Uer aid. fcr aukus? a com&oaiuoa whirh will render wood eatirelv ineembiutihle. Il is aery simply prepared, and Quite easv of applies Hon. being sjsed tho same as paint, who an onliaary brwsh. A rood coat ef it applied to the floor under atovss wefcld be an exccLcat precaution. Take a Quantity er water, nrooortion- ed to tht surface of wood yoa may wUb to coer. and add lo ilea much potash as can be dissolved therein. When the wa ter will desolve so mora potaah. mif into the solution, 1st, a Quantity of flour paste of the consistency of eoeomoa painter sizes 2d, a eufieienl qusntty of pure clay to render it of tbe consistency of eresm. When tbe clay ia well mixed. apply the preparation aa be fur directed to the wood; it wi.1 secure it from tha ac tion of both fire and rain. Ia amtvi olent fire, wood thus ssturated may be carbonated, bat will never blaze. If de sirable a moat aireeabU color can be riv en to the preparation by adding a small quantity of red or yellow ochre. II might siso be useful for yon to men tion in your paper, especially at thi sea son of high wind, that a handful! or two of sulphur thrown oa to the fire when a chimney ia burning out, will almost in sianuneoualy extinguish the flames. In this county, en Thursday last, bv the Rev. Mr. Cbriatie, Mr. Tatoaa C. Hat to Miss Satan lloasa. Weekly Aljtaiuic. NOVEMBER. baa aa aats. nses so 20 Thursday, 4 63, CO 6 3 8 m Z7 rndsy. ,4 55!; at - CO CO 10) n " O S 09 as eves van 28 ejalurday, 29 Sunday, 30 Monday, 4 54 15 4 53Jo 4 52 0 4 52.r 1 I uesday - 2 Wednesday erst Junto Academy. fpi1E FALL SESSION of Ibia Academy win ciose oa ins lata 01 aext montu, and ihs aeil session will conimeaes ea lbs 15ili January, 1841. Tbia inst ilui ion is divided into two di part meats. English and claatjeal. Ia each depart ment the course of instruction ia full and com plete, la lbs EngU.h, srs taught, ia the first nlass, Reading, w riling, and Arilhmatic. at fiv dollars per session of fire months sod in tbe second class, Engliah Grammar, (iengra. phy. with the vse of the Atlas, tlieioty, fbilc 'Ophy, Astionomy, ktn at eight dollars per ssasion. In itie classical deoaiiuieni. ia iaachi full and conipteia academical course of Latin dollars snd a hall par session, la this depart, men! stndanls oro preparad for any of our U alvorsiiica No day students will bo Isken in either department; each student entering Ihe Acadi-my will be consis ted bound fur the tui tion fees, from the time he enters to the end of the session. No deduction wilt be meda lor Ihe loss of time, eicept in case nf su knraa. Every possible care will Oa taken to promote lbs advancement in literature. Morality and virtue, of each aludent Uc-Sd uuderout care. ." viwi. ,. , utm . u 1 1 iv ii i N, ,wi,a Tbeaubscriber ia prepare: lo accommodate eighteen or twenty studenta with board, and good out rooma, for seven dollars and a half per month, eacept randies end mendins. Uood board can be had couvcoient to the Are demy, at from 111 to aia aud a half dollars p par month. DANIEL W. KERR. Principal. Raleigh Star, Standard, and Itegisler, copy ine aoove six weeks, every otaer week, aud sand aceooal lo ihe subscriber, Toel Master ai junto, urar-ge county, IN. c. November 14 49 Strav Cnitln. OTRATEDfeom tha subscriber's plantation. IlJ On I.I1IIA If i.l la. I ...mmA. li.v.A V.ar. lines and one blark Heifer, vtiih while tire, anil mtrkeil ariih a emn in Ih loft r an1 .lit in the right ear. Any information of aaid cat- no win oe inanaimiy received. JUUII TUKNER. Nov. 84 th. 49- A Negro for Sale. T 7ILLbs sold on Saturday the 86th day of v V December sen, beiore the court house door in Hillsborough, a likely Negro Girl, a bout 16 years of aee,tbelqnin to ihs estate of Margaret Mardock, deceased. Nine months credit will be given, Ihe purchaser giving bond with approved security. JAAIKS A. UKAIU. JOSEPH HOLT, jJdmrt. Nov.8lh. 49 Carriage Making. TH E subscriber, bavins, established a Coaeh Shop, I wo and a half mites north of Hills borough, and near Mara uui, is prepared lo make or repair CARRIAGES. BAROUCHES. GIGS. SULKIES, CARRYALLS. and every kind of, vehicle from a Carriage down to a Wheelbarrow. Persona wishing la have family Carriagee varnished or redressed, would do well 10 civs him a trial. Ho kaa two good hands employed, who will devote their whole attention 10 tneenop. GENERAL BAITER. November If. 41 DR. JAMES SMITU's health ia ao far restored aa lo enable him to resume (he practice of his profession. Us cannot promise lo side in She night, aa his eye eight hna so far (ailed him satto render night travel dsaeerous. 118 naa as-ociaica nia son r. . aarnu vim him in tha nnclitt. who will ha able to attend lo night calls, and such aa oaftr in inclement weather, under thia arrangement an inai may call will bo attended to, either by day or lg!il, in good or in oaa weaiaer. November 4. 46 - Female School. - mmmn mi. mmA. I 2? a-4 aiM tMU bo4 a a;a miW oli-Mli-ra. raicxs on a. ewaioa sr an Knm la fdimg ard H ihw. a M AMberih, tsgltA C.tur, m4 fee. ZLr. m rn Naisrai e4 Moral rUbflf, Owtr. . fit y. Hteiuaic, Lf-tr. Btay,a4UetMMByaaCoaipMHtii. Cw BITBa, Draviif. faiatia Knoto-tto-t. 4 fsWidrif. a ro Uu. ea t trvrk,Lat;a, 4 Ciert, Laiuf, it oa War. iacfaiMif ell rrp-ascs, tU fca, U i-9 T ScfcaoJ t4i 4 lruid maM a saw t a Forie. I ata greaj'j iHtgiit my MUmp, m 1 be able im tmf4 a tarrar sunt t f iiU. i:b saora ruoss aad ((. ty U mm ca at H Urn tor fcMrctera, vitliot pttvmu r- fsffevarhls. Tli 9cal ill y ic a tl r v k si si e 14 plate adeatiaa yaaag Uiika. , ti ib Is, rary and waaasaaiUI luaocbcs of t awa! lesru- is. . Tbia ia ia tho raaairv. W hI.J mnd rraaataably keahky. ' . JOHN II. PICKAKD. Caswan, N. C . N. 11. . Equity Sale. TtMSkss Mr fliti a eat a?aal Cafal. September Term. 1840. fit virtus of a decree sasde I i YA ia Utis esse. I sball t Cci U ai. Iff I ike St h 4 j of Dw robrr or t. ttrfvo lbs Sloit of N. J. K.t,. M, Co. 10 Cbaprl Ili4. a eredii rf ens and io yoara, tha Brie HOUSE M lbs villaj aaar W eopMd by M des Pavia. Jtood and Occam j mail aoreaiia. . a aHc.cs m Ll.l,' C tf M. NoverakerlO. 47.. Brandrcth's Pills. C TECETAEI.E -and Universal Urdirii c, proved by tlw essefitaee of il ousai da in bo. bea properly persevered itb, a ciaraiai cere ia every form of tha Cblv Caa Cissasc, all having the aame origin, and iovat iablt aria i" vr-.i b.oiii suui 01 on oifsaae, namely IMPURITY er IMftBt ET tiitula- two of tha BLOOD. Ia a peiitMl of little nwre than three years ia tbe 1. 8. they have icstored lo stale ef health and enjoyment over OE HIM BED TliuiiSAHiu prraoiis, who atrs given over as ioeerablo by physicians of Ihe first rank a nd alanding, and sss auany essea v. hers every other remedy had beeo rraoitrd lo in vain. lo all caaeavf Paio or W eakara, ohullrf it be chronic or recent, hetlier il be drafnrss or pain in lbs side, whether it arise frnm coast i. loiional or from soqie immediate cause, a he Iher it bo from internal or external injury, it will be cured by pervevering iu the use of these Pills. This principle of purging with Brsndretb a Pills, remove nolhina but lh- osclrss snd c)4- csyed particles from the body-. Ihe mot bid and corrupt haruora of the blood, ll.a hwnio-s wnicn cause oiaeasa they impede tbe func tions of Ihe liver when thrv settle nron that organ, and which, v. haa they s tile npna ihe muacies, produce ibeumatism or epon the nerves, produce g"uij or upon the lui gs, pro duce consumolion; of upon the itittaiin-a, turn liveness; or upon the being ol the b m u ea aeia, apopuay ana pareirne, anrt all tte an Jail bo beheld I hem 01 diaordera ao ma'anuiolv to Ibo a Urrer aed Yes, pursine tbeae humors from toe koJ . lbs true cure foe all.latse cofi-plaini, and e ery other fnmm mf ttMaaaa. I'l.ia ia no more assectinn il ia a demonstrable Irnlh, and earn day il is extending iieclf; far ami wide 11 ia be coming known, audtaioie and snore apprcci- laied. The cure by pnrgingmay more de pend vpn ihe laws which produce sweetness or purity, than may be generally imagined. Mhstever tends lo stagnate, will produce etckseta, b cause il lends 10 putrefsrtion: llicrrfura Ihe necessity ol constant mcie ia'reen. When tenetanl eaerrise rannni be 'iseH'fron, ANY t'ALSE, the occasional nao tf ortMiKO I M T l'" KDiciNB ia AEbOI.UTtLY rtqmied. lima the conduits f Ihe blood, the fountain of life, sre kept free from those imp itieswhich would prevent its steady cuirent mieialerine health. Thus mordid humors are prevented from be coming mixed with it. It ia nature whit h is thus assisted through ihe mean and entitle which she has providtdTor herself. Dr.BRAXDRKTII'a Office In Virginia, it 105 MAIS STREET, RICHMOND, Near the Old Market. Where the ills can ba obtained at 8S cents per box,- with full directions. The following gentlemen have been appoint ed agenta for the sale of Brandroth's Pills: Dennis Ileartl, Hillsborough. Stfdman it Ramsay, Pittaborough. Ilargrare, Gaither & Co. Lextneton. Joseph A. Sir elulT. Midway. Davidson. Jamea B. M'Dade. Chanel Hill.. J. M. A. Drake, Aahborough. Randolph. John R. Brown, Privilege, Do. AI. U. t.ardner, St. Uwrenee, Chatham. G. A. Mehane, Mason Hall, Orange. E. & W. Smith. Alamance. Guilford. J. tt R. Sloan. Greensborough. J. df R. Reid. Troublesome Iron Woiks, Kockingbam. James Johnson, Wentworth, Do. Wood Si Neal, Madison, Do. J. W. Burton, & Co., Leaksville, Do. Owen M'Aleer. Yanceyville, Caswell. n. J. fainter, Milton, Do. December 18. 48 18m STATE QP NORTH CAROLINA Perton County. Court ef Plea and QuarterBSeaaions, September Term, 1840. Ksesrr Janes end JCslert D. Buntpett, vs. Htndtrwn Bumpes. Attachment Levied oa Land. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Cour lication be made in the Hillsborough Recorder, lor tna space 01 ave weeae successively, lor him to appear at the aeil term of this Coort. to he held for the county of Person, at tha ... n 1 1 . . . 1 ' 1 . Court iiouae iw noxoorougD,ea ine loirc Mon day ia December next, then and there to re pty and plead to tbe aaid auil, otherwise Judgment by default will be rendered asainst k:M lli. m a A Ita. hI .m . huh. wi s "".i. r Pkarlaa Muon. Clerk ol uiJ Cnarl .1 r""... the third Vonday of September, 1840. J1IAKL.K3 A1ASUXN, CVcr. Price Adv. f 4 50. 47-Sw Job Printing, EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE.

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