Deferred Articles. Awrcm GRTeei We happened lire -at ar tier tafcearajeiing woman mm ,ry pretty abeit ino expressing trefoaad igeoraace rcepecteng demes jic wcaeeaty. CrJ I berawa wurde, i4 yaw weald believe that tbe aWa t knew hew a potato lookt before ii it catked-wr whether it great j. e trect etth aehcilliki a welaet, or it demeatic animal, frd on corn, and ataegntrrd fur the table. She mould bate btr frtiada r perehpe we aaoelj 117 brr acrjnlataocre top pas that eke mat oerrr nrirrr to a litclea than in the kill o tbo her fl itrj en I that 5ie bad aa m ire Met of caliaary operative than Kobioa t'raioe'e ma Friday pes seated. Yet eart reed It stske ear life upon lite fact that if aba wet oat born io a kitchen, the wat educated as a a a I (44 ta I tbat ber Gegera were in brr ear.ier yegth ale is yoaog yet iiutb iare familiar aitU tUe tti lirtir of tha slew pans, and with the ae'ies la tie (rate. than with tbe pi. aaeforl kejs.or a lib cambric needles, talking bt n Jicul jus Jr aii e la con test ahat would be ni disgrace In ber, II kwa, celj tempt ber t aacb ri sliCiiUva k lylag affectation. No iru la) ie a-ibaned ol a knowledge of the d-teil aad d-ity of a household but aalue contrary would be extremely iarltfid at ignorance at eucn easen : tula. It ie ue stutter if f.irune baa ai blessed ber last abe need not soil a finger ia domestic occupations. A kooeledge af tbroi is absolutely oe tcntry lu have them perforated at t;rttuu. Sou it a areLhed bu.tuf kitcbf malic;, uii a victim of wan Ma a-atte, whs ceaju. detect atriiub ia tbeir misdoings kjr tbe eaa kaoa Jsdge. Ta cam wand tbe respect and obedience of acrvaais. a housekeeper I'l iuUbi toeftell informed, aa la be able ta euswrr Item upon questions, tom;titB:taticiautIy put. tier eye should never long lme tight of aty mrtaf the d imcfiic esiaulishment ; aJ the should be qualified to over t'e aodrratandMlj aU'i Elae might a taaa ncU aa Uicbus be be5red hj bit kilchrp, aad ttili ba fare ana? tbe brtrr far la. JV". 1'. T-ttUr, UJUISXIC UiBtTtor TUB TVKKS. I.i iar mruiit the l'urk joralljr ruca aitU tba ua. cave bi irayrra, ka ai ujy, drinktoSTa ataall cup of cufec aibica it M unfrcfj icutl; fii!hed j a leea af rakee: be tbca ircrd ta autre be idlee bit time, fr 1 a ill wot d.i bun ibe ijittice tu niiaM hi realljr Utr. Abwut tiwm be lial bia brekras?, cunsiatliig af aeveral Ule wt tieacd ueata au4 t gublca, witli irliapa iliu jttUIT. Tiicae j.ltlei ot in'al and tegeteUee ra cumpntd of at lrat afvm parli irgetabtca ta one l meat. Afr b.eakfa( tbe ppe;and capofcvffte iafare)rriiealed. and Ibe Turk aeai iJica aar bia '.rue uu'il a'jju'. iz . 9 m m ' . a I h'ur or ti brtire auntti, ucn ur tikrt dinner waub is near! iUi axrnj at breakfut, aitn Ibe addaiia ur a desert ar meluua, grepet, Gga, ar a;ber fruit, at the acaioii in a af l ird. Tbe Tork rarel atirt abroad afier dinner, but if be is one af those inclined to be jilSjr gives himself op fir the rest of tbe evening ta bit pipe aad Hi Miir, aecurrljr hid from the prying eye of a aeighbor; for be it knuau that tbe Kran does not aajr lUit M Muu'mau mast not drink a.b? it only aaja thai a MuiMiHnau mis, nit be a-ta lo drink and under tbit titoie th: piottJ f.o r utj rtie pr4i1iei cous'nicra.liiiaial? entitled to brtik Ibe ti red, la. Nay, 1 bite heard in o'.d Turk aaj lbt be caidered there was bo harm ia getinj druk. but tbat the harm Jj hi being ter drunk; aad he add el, he aomlered how any man could ei far firgrt prpnety et to expose Jii nself ao t- bis fneudt or the puolic Taa roUowing is rematk.ble fad ia the political ttatUUce r the United Siatrn: Virginia, the Aa icieat U itaian, l e Moihcr of S atet, itU kerself already iivermatched in federal nuiibers byiy""S ino5 the firmer, ten ling teny-one tup yefi,tatifrt U Cmgreta. having ttiveu 34 2-2S votes fir Electora ot president of the Unjted Stales, whilst Aa latter, sending only three It-pre aentativM to the present Congress, fast 9J.013 v.itrt for Elector 0 no. ais if raed out of wild territory, trrada clue upiil the heels ol Pina. tflvauia, the nett olthe three Urges S tes, and will aon rauk'alaiigeMla t St Yirk. them greyest iute f the V. -i. The Weiterti Tarnplke. SrECCII OF T. L. CUN Oil AN, I the StMU, the SJ mIuwo. m ih til I MMMntrt Um Klrib o4 Umtara Tara ftfcaitMJ. Ma. 6rcaa: It waa not y pnrpisa eri!lly to dettia iha Seosta aiiha pnh at ibia lime. The ayjeel ia aai e well catculaird to iavitaibe dbabr. Tbera are aa great prineiplre involved ia its dirutaiMa, no ena:ifaiiea4 potau foe tba laetapbjaieiaa to claeidate: aar ooca it tfrd a field for the exerciae af roe paaaioaa, or ibe play of faaey. It ia a fUia natter 6f Ui detail and ralrula "oa. It woul j Late beea ban rc Ua io oie not to bate addrei aed the Sen tie iaihe preatDtattof tha bill. Rut aa it waa say fortune ia report it. tad aa it waa anaeeoiapaaied by a wriilea atata ment of the vie at of the eomwince. 1 feel it ioeaotbeai oa ma to explain the objaet of its aeTrI protiaioat and to auw aooie of tbe reaaons in favor of ita paMfe. It ia a ell known, air, that the present It an unfavorable time for the preenu Uoa i.f twh a projtei. It ia a peri.d of almost uuiertl deprraiioo anddUtrea. There ia an apparalelied aearciiy of mo ey, a great eeai atioa of tiavellinf , and a geaerl atagoation io buiineaa. By eouaequeaep, eorne ef the puMie wotka ia prugreas have been suiendrd for a time, while thoe alrealy eoaidried bate ) itld ed fir ieaa profit than their projectors aa ticipated. SeterJ of our fitter atawe haing fiMiofore embirked in extensive ehemea f ioterual iiaproveineat, and bating borrowed Urge aoait of money to perfect then, now find ihemtelvee deep ly iuvol'ed in debt, and almost ovetbur dentd by their pan ergtgeroema. N ahhitau Jiog these aeeoiirg dilScul-ie. I J i not hetiuie to expreaa the opinion that this it the i tfettanl beat time fot the :aiJ.rjlioa and aJo(ition of each a mix ure aa that propped by the bill DO a under ewiderauan. Ia the fulness ol hctlthend vigor, we of en overestimate our atrength. In perioda of great gen rl prosperity, when property ia high cat, eoimueree ta at fluuriahiog, and mo ney m m abundant, we often greatly o ma the abitiiy of our powers and the extent wf our raaourea. Under the in fltiance of feelings such a eon dition, individuals and atawa are apt to ia magnificent enterprixes, which tbey bate awl the t eoarJMli. They tre then in danger of being ar reatad ia their eareer by the firat obta elo and overwhelmed by adtersiiy But if, on the other hand, we begin at the period of the greatest depreaiion, if we tke our place at the bjitotn of Foilone's whie!, then we lute leaetlo apprehend. Any change aoat be for the betier. The danger Ihea ia leal we ahonld be too timid to attempt any thing. Nonh Caro. lint has in thete mt:ers erer erred on the aide ol cu'ion. If. thercfare, the task no ia not too great for our atrength, if we can only bein to moe, we may feel asaured that our vigor will increase aa we proirea. and tha burlrn become light er with each aie,. Can we then, or, under esitting circumstance, accompltah what thia bill propose; 1 expert to ahow air, that we can do s witlioot addition a? tixi'.io.i, without boruwing. and with out curtailing any of our prearnt expen diture, for eiacati m, or for oiler pur po?e.. lei ua, Mr. Speaker, in the first pUse. xa'nine the diffeient proiions of the biil. Ii propnes that the road ahall be gin at thia place. K.leigh ia the capital of the elate; the termination of one Rail UiaJ, and in the vicinity of another, which must ere long teach it. It ie near the centre of the aula between the Nor thern and S.whern bonndarjr. and in th line of travel between the Cast and the Wtat. The ttrminatioo of the ro d ia to; be on the Tennetoee line, or at the town! of Aahetille, It ia in the alteriutiv e for. this rrason. If tho road ahoulU take it four through the North Western coun ties, it ought ur.qoeatioftably to b; coa t nued io Tennessee. B-it if, on the otl.J er hand, it should take a route through tho middle or aouthern eouuties, which . . t it it appears to me, lor rrasona mat i win presently atate. will be the moat eligible location, then it muat inviiably paae through Buncombe county. In tint event, on i a reaching Ashville, it will find the better rout from thence on to Tenueasee, already occupied by tho Buncombe turn pike. Tliat road, een now the best in oar elate through the Alleghany range, on ha jreatlv improved, by Biting he company e;i extension of the mm of ita exieace, na requiring vouunwn, precedent, to improte their road. Beaidee, ir, wi'.hoot een may be compell , rd by the Courts, to kep;the road up to the specifications of the charter, which ie frequently not its condition. This, tho large profile of ita atockholders will ena ble them to acompliah without any hard hin. Such being the atate of tbinge.there a n i need that the road from this place to :he wt should extend fat .her than Ash ills. The termini beingfthus established, the b.U ia intentionally silent aa to the rout tetween them. This bas been complained I. It has been said to nr, - why do yon """M 1 """"I" --r--t iiiir--iiiiiiniir' x . 1 - a ' ...-. '". not show your band! Coat out and let ta ' that tha building ia too migniCrent. or t tre an wiowea to . n ti e e-U 1 hi know Lew yaa prpfw so laic the that it baa rest .ore lb such edifices 4ia .mg It tl.e f-i. ! !. 9riWw read, aad wa ahall ihea kn abeibrr to aenily . 1 am aaerelv condeaattirf f t.f that itt4 tiryud, trn th rer be support itttr aUn Tbera are team, tha .. in hick tba was man ! iff Jer tift-S lp 'be es"h soa,eir, why deaa it iaeipcdteatto veaigaatt ia tba Dill any particular tu:e for the read, la the firat place, it U im possible for any one, wivLaat aa aecorate auttey, ta aadeiuke to determine which ia tlte beai route. By aioply looking at map of tba stair, ao ooe can tell wai poruoaa of the eoacby present eai faces hast broken, and soda beat adapted to the atmctflie of a turapile. Nor can fee ascertain, without aa extended examine lion, what location will confer the grea test benefits oa the eitixena of tha state. Ia one word, sir, to combine utility ia u" o'goeai degree wun economy, wiU require saucb4ttme and ohservaitun. Ia the eeeoud plaee, if, disregarding these cooaideraiioaf, 1 abould fix the route, the peaaara mast be defeated eat this floor. Tbe aenatora reprcaenting the roontiea off the line, believing, as they might well do in many instances, that their counties afforded a route as favorable aa that pro rosed, would exclaim agaioat that anisic uess aad injustice, by which their ronsd tueuts were, wilhout a trial, cut off from all chance of receiving tbe greatest beae. fit. But if after a full examination, the beat route is selected, ve should all ac quiesce. N.ture baa then decided agaiast u, aad we feel it to be our duty b sub mil to ber decreee. This, eir, ia tbe on ly mode by which euccese ia such mea sure can be attained. Let ua tbea. be content with fixing tbe extremes, and leave to the board, alter a careful examl natioo, t aelect that intermediate route which will, attthe enulleat expenae, fam uli the toad most beutficisl t Nona Ci rJios. J But egsia, Mr. Speaker, U ia argtd that the work ia too extensive to be un dertaken at eoeet that we ought to be content with a aeciion only of one third or one half of the duUnee. If a rait to si were proposed, the completion of which, even to the Yadkin, would ost abort two milliona of dollars, then, air. t ehould eoncur with the obitctoiv. If die work could not be executed fat tie whole distance without involving the state in debt, then, wa ehould, as we have been heretofore, be willing la bide our time. iSttl at tba measure proposed in this bill is entirely within our present means, aa from its character it can be completed aa easily in two yeara as in a Of looter time! and eanecialtr at it ran be most useful only when it ie finish ed, why ehould we not go on to the full extentf The West ie the region most in wsnt of tbe rosd, the West will be most benefited by it, and it ie the Weet which has beea most neglected. If therefore with the mesne in yonr hsnda to relieve as, you delay it without reason, your conduct will teem churlish aud illiberal. Is the work, Mr. Speaker, of such a character that tho sl.le ought to execute it? To establish the sffirmstive of thi. it mutt, in the first place, be ma le lo ap pear that the measure is a beneficial one and eecondly that it will not he carried ihiough by inJmduaW. As 1 shall hare occasion presently to discuss the first of these propositions, 1 will fir the pres ent sssume die utility of the enterprise. Will inditiJu.U, then, execute the work! Il seems to me, sir, that theie ia no rev eon to hope it. At tbe rate of tolls pro vided by the biH", they .would not receive a fair return from their investment. Should the tolls be eo raised as to at.1 tempt to make the stock profitable, is it not probable that the travel would be dti ten from the roi'H , Even if this effect should not follow, its value to our citizens would be great ly diminiahed. I desire that thia road shall be a great elate work for the bene. fit of our ci:izmis, a central thoroughfare between the East and the Weet: and the advanlagee resulting therefrom to North Carolina will amply repay her for the ex pei.diture. It is eid, however, and much stress, it seems, ia to be laid upon the objection, that a great waste of public money ie to ensue, and that the board will expend much more than tbe sum appropriated. Tha building of thia Capitol is then al luded to with an air of triumph, and we are told that it haa eoat just ten times aa much aa waa anticipated at ita commence ment. Are the casea at all parrallelf When the Legislature made the firat ap propriation of fifty thousand dollars for the capitol, it imposed no limitation on the commissioners, end they, therefore, expended that sum in laving the founda tions of the edifice, if they had been told that such a building only waa to be constructed aa could be finished with that aum, a different reault muat hate follow ed. So it was with each aubsequent ap propriation, they were merely voted with the understanding that the building waa to be continued and finished according to the original plan. Beeidee, air, these commissionera were responsible to nobo dy. They were oisrely appointed by the Legislature to expend the moneys voted, a leak which they accomplished with wonderful celerity and despatch. 1 do not wiah to be understood aa tak ing ii ojMia myaell now to affirm either aied. ft waa well aaderatuod by the in-! andrrueetb at e dry. uA ilrrhy tea , lu.ud, that tha first appropriation waajder ll.e whole 6r. Swrh, lier.ul aufficteatfor the fuuaJaiioa. to be the c-e ody mlem Us amne manage re went apna the eapposmnn : 1I..1 ii.. msmhrn -f Am I-itliHtta bad ' net aaCcieat iatelliernce aud publie epi ritt-i eoasuwet a capitol worthy of the s:aie, and tbat it was theralore arrears- Iv aonealed to. eraiit all that eiifht to be aked. Tits bill now under lUecuteioa exprea-ly liaiie the Board ol Internal Improvement loan average expenditure of one Ihoa. sand dollara per mile. If that earn should protf aufficient to complete the road ae. cording to the specifications, il is male ry to entrap them into it. Ktr, I ; Uut by d-puog ti-a rursa w nien mis 1 1 natrr boouS', eir. tn! it una in" una ao late for deeeptioa of thia etwt. an i a bill prapoeea, it wi'l heteafo-r smiIt be n. J e a esubbs'i-.l. ht,dl., e en otterly eppoeed to all fraud, even though J eessry t nii a 1 tde th- pntina ffjom any an fmm the .!. a e gi:J it shofild be c.lied pi-ms. Tlie imelleet the road which it liny b alerid ex ra!e aje 'r.n tij y c ume iwd tod pliblie apitll of the eu05iry. if prop. prdient to M'Adaonte. jwitHin a tuul-rs a d :ane. Thi erlf seuealed to. will eoooer ui later j The !!! prop.i,,l m be raised, it U' i wt-l has t f grrer'in hr-r a a'r; ai d I their doty to do it. It It should" be other- J a tolls ought tube roilreieii. It is, how aise, then tbey are 'auihorixed ontr ta.cter, impossiMe that any rod can re make the beat road which the sum a propriatcd will enable them to eonatrucU ' pri-inn aud labor thau are tt:!y fit- Aad bow is thia board coostituierlt The'en with aa. It amdd. lh f.-re. he ne Governor of the state ie tt its head, and ceary, fro-utii.e to time, tr;l .ot ihr hesppointe the other members. Ua is an otSeer elected by the peojle, end res - poustoie ta tnem, because re c.ig.lle. I o suppose diet he would violate an express provision of fhe taw, and that that i da lion will be sanctioned by the people, and by ihe next LesisUt ure, strikes me aa preposteroua. , 1 hie ease, therefore, en far fiom resembling that of the rebuild-! ( ike. The excess ol tho receipts ahote ir t!ic capitol, ia io ill respects tin i hat ie neesry to keep it i:i good eon rn.r.e. I dition, ouht at first l bn j-xpended in Will the aom appropriated be sufficient Mr. Speaker, to dwairvct the road orcr.r mug it, me apcciocanoa,! ai nrsi s tw rum', .ur. opakrr, in uni por. ; ieni. i imn iujait nm' in riti doubted, but the examination of eimilar j of the b.U a Inch i-ruvulea llist those it ! or.r fi unri j rou ii'inn prepared at roads, and eome oberaion ef ll.e eoun-1 living on il.e ruvl shall work on it. fjmyieq en with mrh rareht ha Kisl ty bate brought me to the ronrlus'mn eery iran alio trieU n thia mm- jlrney the (.itcintr. at.ith I !esre t- that it will be ample fjr the purpose, j pike, ahould be compell-d to pr t dls, j subnnt lo t!t? .Sroite. (Mr. C. then read Most of tbe litaeatSBe region is less fa- .taorU ba.dship would be thennriirnee at lei'j b a staitinent t). eationt soer- Ioratle for soch's work thsn th.t over, in (hose litii'j in.meilui. Ii n it. Ilemie ..I reieii.e and of i;, amu,:t drt rhiclt this toad ia to pass. There the jlrom their situation obliged io use t fr.;l from each.) Frufu this it sppesta il-at country is generally far more brukfo, ( quaiitl) for short d.i.n.e, t:.c parmem ! tli-mh nr inornal Imprceoient f..nt and the frequent 1-dges of lock reqnir- uf loll might b. come q-jl onrroua. The A-ioomsa imw loonly the stun r.f $233.. ing blaat greedy increase Ihe eipeose retell mtht be. that parallrl nude would ;4GS 31. jei that tine con i!ertll i of grsding. But from this place ti the be kert op, at const Jrrh!e inco nenii i..-e ri eiU tli atniiiit now appioi.rited. vz; mountains, the eoeutry ia most faora Me lor our purpose. By kecprig at much ae poasible on the ridge a between the etreame, the rod may fiequemly ;,tse over many railea at a time where wtSl aelJom be neeessaiv to change tbe naturat grade of the surface; But I bate, air, that to offer which Is entitled to far more weight than any thing I could aay on thia point, the opinion ol Mj. Gaynn. Of hie ski I as an Engineer, and of bis caador as a man, it ia onneesa. tary for me to epeak. It is bis impres sion, that the road may perhaps Ie made for eight hundred dollars a mile; but he isso we'd satisfied that one ihoostnd dollara ia sufficient thst he tuihoiixea me to say to the Senate that he is willing to take the whole contract at that rac, and tnjgive bond for ita execution. The width of the graded portion ol the road ia to be twenty-ta feel. Suppos ingjthe elevation of ihe embankment or road-bed to be eighteen inches, three litnea that, a the ltd proposes lo be add ed to the width, so aa to give tU a!opcs t and a half foot base lo 1 fooltleoiioo, together a Mi two feet additional on esch tide, will mike the emire width between the ditches thirty feet. 1 am aati-fied that good policy deee not permit the road way to be narrower than this. It is ho ever, ptotided, that if great d.0itil::t are eucountered, for example, deep si.le eutting, on aaieep hill which cannoi be avoided, then the graded aurface may be reduced to fifteen feet. The maxi. mum grade for the road is not to ex ceed 3 degree;, or an elivttinn nf one in twenty horizontal. Ttmithis can be obtained wilhout aerioue difficulty, no one will doubt who remember that ma ny of our rail roade are limitted to a grade of thirty feet to the mile, or one in 178. Though aome of them have per haps attained an elevation of OJ fret to ihe mile, or about ) id 60; yet tinea the load a locomolite can carry on aueh i road ta not more than one fourth the usual one, it ie deemed adviaable a. waya lo avoid such eteep "grades when praaticable. It is turther to be consider ed that the curvea on the tarnpike may be far greater than the rail road will ad mit. To increase the draft ae much as may be practicable, no reasonable ef. fort ehould be spared to render the road aa nearly level aa practicable. Besides, sir, I look forwsrd to the time when it will become the interest of tha ata e lo M'Adamixe the road, wholly or in part. It ia desirable, therefore, llut the road-bed ehould be ao conetructed, that it may hereafter become the founda tion uf a M'Atlamized road, if il should be our iniereat to make it one. Accord ing to tbe plan proposed in the bill, this contingency will be completely provided for. Nor will there be any lues whate ver ef labor or money in converting the one sort of road into the other. Ia some inslsnces, whea ihe only object is ta con struct a M'Adaiaized turnpike, until tht) graded portion of the road ia beaten down by travel so as to bs firm, the esfwaetort it am prr-niuc , n ""-. but oaeka rri'araiHf front it. Ta H feel this, fskixg the m etre'imra aecr,aary to prevent any mixing f eirt!i witli it until h rad i eon.!idlrd. bj ohaerted, r more uht' than , SJh aa reenrted oo msi iaade o thi , kind, loastuueh a the i to be 'owned, ly by the a iae, they may inered at any timo s ound jmay eeena to tl eiate. Man? persons. I .know, Mr. Speaker, are ol opinion that main to w' eonrlrion nhul m-re fa.. . a i a a - m - Legislature fr spju n ria'of. v krrpirders it almost imaMihle; aid tha ri i .io repair, an I a rousuleratile wasu nf.xensare at firqurtuly clld out lo pm ; mny aiust er.soe. n ii-ors. iioeer, appear to me, that th work -am ail heat f ana er tie put'-e for which it waa r intended, by fixing the rie nf to!s ao lw th.t the fainors may all fi.d it ele ci!ed!y mi their advantafe to use the turn j-UAJantixing surh portions es ray re - qoire it. to the eitixens, ai.l with a to ti.e tuinpike. To otitate line eil, am! at ihe same lirr.e to stuid any jil ilis - Unction, it ie proiiotd that a'l orr.on liable io woik on any of the pubis road, ef the aisle, liiii itlin two m les of Ihe turnpike,-ahall be compiled lo w rk fite days in each year on it, if reqoireil by the Board; and iht i.o person shall be obliged lo pay any toll for traulling on the rod in Ms ioumv, tr within ten miles t;f bis lesidrnre. It w ill thus hsp pen, that it may be need ts a country rosd by each citizen, and one living m the line may travel ten n ilea into an Id joking county, toll free. Asa return for tins aurentaee, it ia proposed tht those .lending wiihin two miles, ahall eomri.f bote as much labor tj the road aa citizens t'f the stale dtually are obliged to per - form- If fite d.ya ahould be deemed j Ii much, th-n I hae ao nhjeetion to His peaatVe rdocing the litue, taougi ii is now, peraapa, ui-ti ettzens of the J will, on Pie c ontrary, benefit it. The en in j.itui region are nhligd annually to ; "re espiul of the Lneiary Fu;t4 ie 2,. peilor it. The c iuny courta are author j 173,630 81, inmted, aa I hate alre.dy ixed lo exempt the i mile hands from 'etiowii. The ca?h dcrited annually from working ou all other roade I ehould 1 eapiul, it ia made the dutv of the haie .a.Se the protision absolute in fs- tor of their exemption, bolfor the reflee lion that tt might be inexpedient lo do ao in move cases where the turnpike pass ed through a village or other p tint, where a number of roade come together. In that event, it would be right for the Board to compound the mater wit:i such citizens, and allow a part of them to work othrr roads since the Ubir of the residue might be euflh-ient for keeping the turn- pike i.t repair in ihe vicinity, r ro.ti these provisions, 1 think that adtmiae would rnsuli alike to Hie citizens and to the Board. Major Gwynn thinks that filty days Isbour annually on carli mild mil be eiilHcient to keep the road in repair, By taking two niiica on each aide, we j lute four eqoare miles to each onn in I x'gib. Upon the aupp sitin that there ate ten handa on the (our miles, or two and a half on each square mile (and ihe actual number will aterige this at ieat) they will, at fite data per hand, expend filty days labor, an amount eufGcient to keep the road in good repair. Tbe last section of the bill, Mr. Spesk er, provides for the survey of a route from the town ol FaycitetiHe, to aume point on the line of the turnpike, at least serenty miles West of Raleigh Also in the event of the main road's going to the South of Wilkea County, it dtrecta a sur rey to be made front aome convenient point oa it to the town of Wilkeeboro; anJ that repoite of each of these surtsys be made to the next LjUtura. The purport ol this protisioo requires Utile explanation. The atate ought, it aeeute me, to canairuct immediately the mam trunk. Iron, this point to the extreme Wes. Thai, however, will be iasutS cicnt for the wauta of tha atata. Much ef tha Wastetn trade goes so Fayette vdle. After, tlmtafors, tht saain line ia located, another, diverging frae it, aught U be made, ia the dirreuea desigeatsd. In ti e eei-t, I tie. ( the road n ui ttt r rti'HilM'n ja.ei-g 1..h jlm ... i . v . ,.f " t'ta ?.oril.i" tarr w-lt reed a runt tMit ing ena.r!iee iHttie tl.rectton nf Witre h r -ttfh. !rt us then. sir. mnrrtttrt h er energies up'in Pe exrtu'ii-f that work, wliMh is to paM r.roijii tr.e entire length sf the" st.?e Wei T a iid mUt-t it is Crushed, let ta m-ae surh rokds. iniirr-in, il. as mav breres- mm m mmm ma w r m taw awaviiti mt. sum i jiii c i,. . rtl fl -IO Smf. tiit Jlirr it i.iih'ie spirit nd a"grity enoiijiH a mat ui e.t:x ne to indue Ihrai to rwimei gtft ,nil f I fitly or thirty n.iles in Itngih, if by d-Miif.eo. tl.ey nu!.1 reach a c' 't'r'i pike T o jrrty f fit rs e r-i'l h-f.f ike ete if ih cimaunitv. J toi'd I'e worth a f reit deal. Wl.a- a t 'i i-:ru t e it ni it rh rs Hlul.t lat l u in the fit, If j t an 'nstrueied ihnt the roiiMl f jils bil is loeer ihart i a eides. as ref ten obere them, each heaw rin ren- toil It in todrr. lint i; roars more labor in ten years, ihat would be hers"e to Con-irurt a.l keep op a gond r'ad.' Hating Uius, Mr. fijkcr. end-aeoref to tzplain the provtsior.a of the bill and ih-ir e-r lal ntjrir, I come now to ihe treat equiiy, .ae ae the meant stlhie time, M construct the oik! If we have not, thett ihrre IS t:i end to the q'.iMi--i. jlf hie not the poa-tr to make the r-iad, then ii is a waate of time io diseu'S LVi ae aad ovr,eieiof ad snot in ih nest iti years f I j r i kly s. uui il.i io mv t'piiKuu k van n-i- I e Isrsnr m nf the astount i luista f t.'iirnikf tionU. which. f..r j reas on bat I lute firoierlv ssied, aid probsMv sm. b-asilah!- f..r tome time j t e..,. "tie sum i.f 12.000. in the ahote suseuient, can be coaim. tided tt any lime. - I his. io.eher with 9C2 COO obtained by adding the rash now on hand io ex cess of reteiut (mm taxation alovt the esueitniturtt in the hext two years, makes the amount of t)l04.UiO. 11 us now lok to ihe state uf tt Lite. t rrv Fund. I know tha some eentle. men are aefnark.bly eenitite about this ; matur, ami express grrat apprehenaioa Meet our at st-m of Common Schools ; should be iiiterhrred with. I tell such ! at ihe oouet. that the coune I propose lo i ake. r from dioiiuishiug ihie fund. board so intest from time to time, so that it may not remain unproductive. They iia.e therefore been in the libit of pur chasing, at appears above, stock in banks. i tail roah, tc and also of lending to in ; ditiiuIs ai 6 per cent, interest. Of cash ' now on hand to be disposed of, there ie j 973,000. In the next two years, ae wa have sera, there will be at least S323r &'i8. Adding to this the cash now on j haol, we hate the aum of $337,535. j Subtracting from ii 930,000, the amount to be paid in tbe next two years to the Common Schools, provided'the existing law continues in force.f there rematne 9257.535, to bs inveated in tome man- tier. What 1 propose, then, ia aimnls tojborrow front this amouni$l 16.000, to iuke up the aum appropriated by this b;ll; snd thai the Cherokee bonds, a moanttng lo 9203,679, be held in pledge for tha repayment of the same, with in terest, la there tny risk, whatever, of loss, when twice tbe sum in good mo ney bonds is ia hand to meet the debt, whenever it is dsirable that it ahould be repaid! Can you find a better investment for the cash of tit Literary Funs! Is it not Isr safer t an lending it out to indi viJuals at ih; .-ams rata of interest? Doea not a gr ; publie wor merit a pre, Jerence even if the tecuriuee were equat! U is plaio, then, air, tbat e have ample meaua to eooewaet tU raa4. , Wa Bow, Ms. Speaker, arrived at that point freat wkisa art Cay artik f re priety eoaaidei tka edvaaaaa likely to result from tbiaMwrptast. :agraiat jeetioa aootea Ms VTeaterw retlctisQ, I'aey tay, bat a Twafika oiU mi aaUe fy tha cuixaaa at ate Ween mat ae thing but a Rail Hindi UI eaaat thau . i.b. To datarmiaa wkatirt tt ia much forea ia thia objeauoe, it (ssoass aeees ty bs atooei&s tha aaatparativa value ofdiffatsft! epeeaat af Lnuraal Jmpniva meat. Ne tat ti (sea &$esea rata f,