I I ! z y. - ft It It : ' r. a it : t , r C . r. I 5 ' ' i io jf h g ,uon at it y ti on and the la w sTii gi7a iHhan s of oun li'dtT: L:L "cnsoAy, .rcnitiARY s.Tf iut. ?io. lOCf. r ... t. " i L--r i r . r e . .- . ... . - - - - i -, t i - , i I' 1 - " ' ' . . . ' I is Hir rick Mttl, rc'i kctltr fclMwrj tWnt, tare1 few r rurAToE puntixc; ; lit. Editoe: 1 tn. wutt W prmi mil io n.Jur l'it ncr.ntbl hirb fl . I ljt (M.it.l it, I'.trtfor i.-vjt villi taktimee " th letfelTt. I isii It e Xfrllrni rir tliuriti, foijmr Ilia euuinf bit f-oiawt f.r ffj. md rataileJ upon l-in Ui trlr ih tApnn 1 Ur pliut n. Ida renainJrr of iliif limN ' i.teo up the rrop. tnj n!J 1 it on of jour tuUcitlerf 4'ilvinit u lit rem II. m rii:-21).h Mtc1i, plmirj. ihi dV, ptriuf bulu for c.xrimf fur itt vs of ili b uh.'l.i. hf mrrri cu Imj off iKio t!(C nJ thro a in j it in a bUt. uuritf me winder, niiii it pi.rrd out -f il rrarh of th f,.n. jf, Rrj.teal br, u,i potnUft whirh were rait J fin tlterutiirT(( TrAin Ifia p .f t,e ' i-a.W Ltt tirriit Ihrw far iLe mur; lher ir ttfliAirmt and fine, parti mltrlr cfcaa ftm eb, n.l. vnhout e e.ii.m, ih h"H erp I tiff grew; tlie qinuy plwt ju Ifty ji.unUt ml fillip Ihra lute tht dtf Ikkm i nt ton Hut l ow all iw ma i- turn to iVafc.nini rp .trn i.f b e,' aliich ii rhj.le ! from ArirulmrI Almanac 'for 1S23. nj hirli it nrr ite wrr fur kfppiBf. ,i;,r , p. o " MTI f iUo'iitf imiroWmpnt in ru1ur nf putuora, i ulcn from the Amrin Farmer, tJ it exiractej for tU Alinmae, not iulj unlrr Con vie Hon ol i!t reainnilli-nar of tht practirr, but fi'om acivil ' rsperienct uf'ita tri'jr. VLnioer lit writer ! binarlf an iftinieuJtfd ifit rutlinf nf bit fej pot lue. ba bat uniformly aurcrtJed in tbia m'J nf pre jiarinf" tht aerd. but l.eu tfia prraotia em; lived ert Irfl l ltt ai foreminrnt, all the part of ilia po lt'a er iti'iaciiniinviel Cut and fliQie!; the tflerenee in the crop b irineed llie Neceity of the farmer'a at Ifnttoii io id whole detail of tht jtTJr; lii brtncli of the culture it too generally cpm silted ti bj t or ijrtitranl and care liborera. Tht'butum of the pott toe ie no bet than the atrcf-of jrain, intended ly nature to nonrith ike lettdrila llirown otti in the firat tffiirtt i-f vejeia tbn; tttt reti Jut rata and perUhea in the rnund; therefore the pracnce of prererr tn it fur the u vf the Itoutehold it inf iiutead of a watte. By judirioua ly cttttioi the bulb, there will be enough of the pabulum fur the tendril or yiuri (fye thrown out by the eyf, to aubiiil iinon; indeVd, if unly the cut containing jherycf were generally oedin planting, it ia elea(,that the cr.p woulJ be in on aUndmt; thia'prarVce had been known t", and often pr.ed by ave, many Teara btfure the arcounl uf il in the folio in f ttraet wit teen. ' -ffvw lie Am r.iran Farmer ofte t3i ef ... r AptP, iMf. . . " A corretpondent h requeatrd n to iaaert the following: The firit jear, he are, 1 cut the pottoet in three piece, the lop. the mid-lie, and iliebotttiro partt, and planted theru in three rowt. The top plant t lluee dayt earlier than the middle pi mtand a much greater crop; (be ntithtle plant waa farlterihan the b.it 'o:n and, a better crop, the bot'.om pro luring but a ery jitt'illVient erop. For aome aeatnnt paat, I hate only lined the tp ryet, and I may tafety y I have the, beat crop and the diieat jxptatoi't in the couuirv. None need be jeterred from tbia plan on the ground of waate, for'ajier'tiie-tnp it cut ofT, the re- nirtder keept hettct atiJ longer fit frj ai-e ihan if the potaloe were preaerved; Mircj an t ai a proof of thia, lay a whole potatoe on the ground, or in any etposed i lice, and il will ho that the top plain i row and are many incite In length be fore there is ahv ctolh from the bot- t...n. . .'. ; . I. S. If houot-keeper in townt were 'o prttene the cuttings of ihe tpt m tietr potatiVt iturinj winter, ahd preaene IV m M above, there woul I be inote than ufficieijj t plant all ihe country, without lit coat of a tiiigW cent for Tii la been diicovered in New alampihire "at the bae of the White hlinit(arii'iti.orc to pure at to yifvl from 43 t i 50 p"r cent. " he MiiaiaVmhi Union Bank bad epi- "1 ol tl5.B00.000. 01 the aeet 82, 000.000 arc re'uriidMuntatltble resour Thia come from .leaiieing on ''o.i; on mo, uf Whub th uuk - ' AX .ACT.'"." V ;' . Central Jit- Vt 1 1 ' ,he "''annual inJJi .hall annually be di.uibutcd 1 be tcteral coui.tiea of ihia .1,1. .k of Ihctr federal ponulaii.Mi u.iw. 2. He it fur!ker nmrts.t;,rt.T. ,.t' r r n. 1 - id.i nig Courta f Tleaa and 0,iai w fc..; . ,"7M . eted for "tehoole,- t . ... --"niwIH Of . . a pro.rawoa of the act of one I n Ai.ai -a i .1 . a. I t at ... 'in nunored and linn ...k. ent.ilid - an art fa ilitida ih. LJ. ' 7 "" la lor other perrm , , .1 Hie firM irr which ahtU b held af.erthe firld.yf J,uary. iQ ech and f ,Jr f,r r ,UPC"'ng term l ...u , a -n.j .riiy ,e juiicea i.f the pee f a.i.l county being present, the alJ court thall an -mi o I not et than fit. nor re than ten, aureiin'endenia of cornmoa acnooia, bo tnall hold their ap pinmeni fur one year, and aolii oibcrt are cnen. , I. He it furtitr tkatitL 'Thai aaiJ auperinteodenia thall aenib!e witlun fif teen dart ef.er Iheir appoimmenl, at ihe ffie of the clerk of the emnty eouri, aad appoint 'iti of ihcir Buiubcr chair- 4. B it farther enatteil Thai ih. elrrk of the conn It' court ahall he rr ojrirto cln ol Hi board o tuperintend entt, tnd hi record, in a book to h kepi for ilml puriioae. the pror cedinea of me ooaro. ana eoch oilier paper tvurhiag the tuijeet 0f common arhin N. at the ... . . . - botid may dirict; and ahall aafcly keep til panel which mar be eommit eJ ta oat eu.io.iy br iu board. 5. Dt it further tnitctif, That the hare .f ihe literary fund, to which each touniy nay be cmnld, under the proeia iona of thia act, tl.all be due and payable on or before the finl day of September, in each and erry year; and ahall be paid to me rnatrman of the board of aupenntcn dentt. or hit lawlul ailorrey, upon ihe warrant of the comptroller: Provided, hotccetr, iful before each diinbaion thall be bad. the paymen't which may hate been inada to ihe countict. under the act rf one thousand eight hundred and thirty-ei)lit aforetaid. ahall be added to ihe nut annual income aforetaid In the trtatnry; and the amount which may bate been paid io anv county ahall be deducted from the ahare of iiJ county," aud the eicete only paid oter. " ' 0. He it further enacted. That the Court of Pleat and Qttailer Setaiona of each and etery county, majority of the juttieca being preient. Ire hereby author tied and empowered to levy a tax in il e rtme manner that other county taxrt are now lei ted for other county purnnaet. which thall not exceed one half of the rt limated amnuiil'to be reccired by aaid county for that year from the likrary fund; and ihe therifT it hereby required to col lect and pay oter the tame to the chair man of the board of f uperintendent, on or before the fital'day of October mailing; aad hit bond, giten to r cure the pay mentrtf county taxrt. thall contain a con dition for the f.ithful collection and pay ment of tie te'iiool taxtt to ihe pertoti tuthorited to rerene ihe tanir; and for t breach of ttid Condition by the therifT, the chairman of the board ofauperintend entt thall hate the fame remediet againtt hint and hi teeuritiea aa are giten to the county truatre fir enforcing the payment of ordinary county taxe. 1 7. Be it further enacted. Thtt the board of tupermtendenia ahall hate power and the are hereby required, within three month after ihftr appointment, lo lay off; their eountiea into acitohl diatriclt, and number the tame, of auch form tnd size at they may think moil eonducite "to the convenience of the inhabitant! of aaid county, with power to alter the bounda rie of taid ditrict, causing taid bound riet and tuch alteration to be rerortled by I'irir rlrk. in the book in which the iec-rd of iheir proceeding it kepi. 8. Be it further enacted. That the free white men of the tetcral diatriett, who are entitled to m (or member of the llotito of Common, on ihe firat Monday after the expiration of one month after the taid tchool diatriclt thall hat been laid off, at herein be(re directed, ehall vote by ballot for three men; to be entitled The School Commiuee," who ahall hold tlkeir appointment for one year, and until other are chnaen; tnd lhat aaid elec !,lthe held at aucliconenienl place .nhe achool duuicl. aeveratiy. aa w :a ...norintemlenta mae ueatenaia, q the ' three perton bating -g iu - .. . number of totea at turn aire,.,..., ...... 3ccl,rcd elected. the School C.av mittee" of their.retpecu u..v... ..... the etipertntendenti anau r-" ....... which may occur in t ni ' - k .t..thl remotal. or other Theitairman of the board aupenntendent. ah.ll g pW . jwc. ' ,u.m or more oubltc placea 1;. t 1. nro.i Jed in thi eeetion, at I ti 7 f ."''-""deou pjtft of ihe coon bovae f bit e.utr. i, 7. . rrT "'rwNuer iu sa, E it further tnacltJ, Tfc.t uM..icBeiecu.i. n.eehooi f' nnA nr r.,.. ...I comaatuee, t The eaid freah-JJera ahall im m ue aaid board, wiihta Uiree da) a after tech election, a centfieaieaader their haeda, vf the nsmber of aoiea lecWtad by each prrtoo; fad the aaid board tball dai elate the. three prraont reeirjn ihe bigU en namber of ,f met the ectxml row asuiee, a herein protided: Proxiiei. Htrenhclen, that whenetcr the tjiatrirte fail in wake an election. Hie bord wf openatendentt thall appoint the aehM COmmiltea. aha .kll . r I .:i.i- 7 " rm- aupertnieniienw, anal ahall be fllrd b m oiucre are ciioaca at the, next auaoal , ibem wi.h the clerk of ihe count j court; o f?l '.r .t 1 1 '.'i'-J J IrowVeo, Aotrf cer,ihat wl.eo tie rh.ii. . lie a further enacted. That each ! roan ia team.! ia .' k..n.i .r...-..;.i Z .1, L !""! diaincu; be ahall be aHiwed lo retain five per rent, bailor, end re hereby eonatittned abmlyiof the cuooira which thalt paa ihroiet, corporate,, by iue, nae and aiyU of bit band, at eompenaatioo for bit r. tfechool Committee of,I)iuict tiara-Mere. - . .ti lh.r 01 f ' eT,?r M' 2r- 'BtitfurHei Meccrf. That it eb.Jl he cae mar br: and in Hat name ah.ll K. it,. 4... ' r .l, ...ir. , ' aWAMaatH.a.A. i . I . a a 'aa - - - -. , in, .iirriu. iua coan- be capable of parCha.if and holdinf real, lira U which a an jri y ifiberoe. on andperaonal eaiate for achoul r,uri-...rf.. .h. l'.u ol aelhng anrnafcrriog the aane; and laaad eight bandied and thirty-tic hi afore protecutinf and defending all auiia f, aaid, were for no eehool." when ihei and acamst aaid eornnaiinn. . . . 10. lie it further enacted f 1 hat when - rr autt a brooghi agamal any School eirtct. the procet ahall be by tarn- on; a.eopy 'of which ahall be left with Illli Kill III ill. ..n.,.i. ... . I .1:. , - - -... v. ..iu il-: , .. : "1 II T . r .1 ' . I . . . ; . aa. MViurmerenaaea. inauiiriall'a be ihe duty of the tchool committee to deaignate and rorcha.e, or Irate, a eui. uieaite toraacitoolbnuM,ttDearthecen-jirihia iral part of earb diairict at mar be conte-iihe meet; to bire, purrhaie'or build a tchool jthoee opposed l. iu - will rote No hoi of auch form and dimenaiona aa ; School'! on their tickett .And it ahall hey may d.cin uiiable;.and to ute. for; be. the duty of the poll keepera to rouui the procurirr i( a aiie and achnol houae. tuch, fund aa the top rintendentt may place in iheir banda for thete purpose. 12. Be it further enacted. Thar the achnol commuter thall in one month after their appoiiitoicnt, report in ruing to the chairman of the board of tuperintoudentt ihe number and oamet of ibe white chil dren in their di.iricit of fite tttd under twenty one yeart ol age. , 13. Be it further enacted. That it ahall le the duty of achool commitUct to contract' with a tuitahle teacher for their reapectite diitrictt, for tuch tiine it the tnouie to which taid diairict may be enti lied will prrmi1; and to pay him by fivinr on order on ti e chairman of the board of eupfrintendent. " 14. Be tt further enacted. That any branch of Engliehedueitionrnar betau;tti in taid tcltooU: and all ".white children under the age of twenty-one yeara, thall be permitted In attend the achool of their diuir at acholira, and receive initiue lion therein. . ' IS. Be it further enacted. That aaid achnol "eommitieea ahall have power to viait ihe rchonla from time to lime, and generally to perform all eocb, dune ae they may deem neeemry to tht uccee lul operation of taid tchool.' 1 6. Be it further enacted; That w tthio one oioni.t alter ihe acnool commitieet thall hate reporud to the chairman of the board of auperintendenta, in nura brr of children in their rerpective die trict , th chairman hafl call a meeting of'd board, who ahall determine how roanv teachera are hecery for each ditirict of their coopty; and the moniet lercived from the literary fund, and from the counte taxea, ahall be distributed among the achool dtttricta of their county, in the ratio of the number of teaebcre re quired.' ' 17. Be it further enacted. That the board of aupetinteiidenti ahall have pow er and they are hereby atithorised, to make tuch Oilier regulaiiona relating to the tchoolt of their county, nt mcon rittent with the proviaiont of thia act. aa they may deem ncce;tary to ihe uteful net of aid tchoolt. 18. Be it further enacted. That ihe tchool commitieet ahall annually, on or before the firt day of October of each and every year, make a report to the board of ettperintetidenta. thowing the number of children in thetr teapective districts who htve received imtruction at their achool the preceding j ear; the length of time the tame wa kept up; tnd tush other fact in relation lo their tchool a they may deem expedient. 19. 'Be it further enacted, I hat the chairman thall annually, within fifteen dayt after the firttday of November, re- port in writing to me rretioem anu di rector of the literary fund, or la tuch oth er officers or board at may be appointed by the General A trembly to manage t .id . J . . r u . I . lutid, me amoum oi money w wij received the preceding year, and from whom, aad to whom bo waa paid it, aet tins foith the name nf each individual, and the amount paid to him; the number nf children who may hate been taught in the achoola of hi county the preced ing yew; for what time the achoola may hare been kept op in the enteral diatrtcttt with each other facts and auggvtiione at he m'ay Tjeem uaeful and he ahall make two eop'ies of so much of said report aa re lates to ihe monies received and ditbora ad K. him; one of which he tbU file with the clerk of the board of superintend denti, and the ether he anaii pot up lor be Quarter Seaaioaa winch thai appoint the board of eupr ioteedeiit thall bte power to require the peianaj who may be appointed chairaaa faid board, before be eatere on the danea f bit fee, to gie bond aed ae carity for the f.iihfol apdieajon of tie fonda which nay om ta bit banda, in eocb penalty ae aaid eowrt asay pretcrrte; which bond ehail be. pafabU to iU 'ate of North Carolina, ai.d aball be ap pied aad reeeied by mjotny of it. ! - . 1 Congrete. to rie notice at the fame time, .by publie advcriisemcntin eery election precmcl. thai an eleetinn will K. K.1.1 ascertain the aule f il.a r.nnla .... I.. ' ! - . . . .. in auoiect ol eouimon aetuiota; an. I .11 II - - - - - wiii.iuiuiii .ui. ivr member tA ih h.n,.. r CA.n... thall be en titled io vote in aaid elrction; and eery .iter in favor of the rrotitiona ecu will ilepoaiie hie ote with word "School" ur.o. kia nrkn ..t I . " - me totet riven at such precinct, fur " tchoul" ut no tchool and lo return the aame lo the ahcriff, who ahall count together all ihe voice, and certify the num ber for school" apd no school ae- sepera-ely to ihe Governor.' within twe ly days after taid election, and io the coun ty eoart ofhi county next ensuing said election; and any theritf fading to com ply with Ihe reqniaitioae of thia act, shall tuffar all th pain and penaltiea i in pood by law for failing to dUcharge hit duty in any election, for nembert of Atacm bly. . M.. Be it further enacted. That ijhe county court of the counties in' which t aiajoriiy of Mbe voire ' were for no tchuol, under ihe act of one thontand eight hundred and thirty-eight aforetaid. thill not appoint auperiniendent, or lake any other action on the subject of Com mon Schools, until a majority of the peo ple' of eoch county shall have voted for the tyttern agreeably lo the provitiooaof the preceding tectum. 23. Be tt further enacted. Thai in etch of taid eonntie. where a majority of the votes ahall be for schools, auch eounty ahall be entitled to the aame right and privileges. snd the county coutt thall preform the taint dutiet, and be invetted with the Same powert as in the counties where a majority of ihe votca were cast for "achoola," under Ihe proviaiont of Ihe act of one thouttnd eight hundred end thirty-eight aforetaid; and any enumv court in said counties, tubtequent to taid election, a majority of the jusiiceaof aaid county being preten'r shall have power, and they are hereby required, to appoint superintendents ol common school agree ably to the provisions of the tecond tec lion of thie act. v 2i. Be it further enacted. That the Pretident and Direciore of the literary Fand, aa soon a it ahall be ascertained what counties vote again! the proviaione of this set, shall vest ao much of aaid fend as said coamie would have beau entitled to receive, undei the ratio provided for in ihe firat aeciion of thia act, in ihe etock ofj any of the bank of thia atate, or of the United States, or to loan Ihe aame to indo, vidua!., upon auch terme as may, in iheir opinion, be bai calculated io improve the talue thereof. 23 Be it further enacted. That -the j Pretident and Director of lite Literary j Fund ahall prepare proper forma, to ena ble the chairman of the boaid of superin tendenl and the tchool committee men to make the reiurnt required of themoy thi act; and ahall cause the aame to be printed anddtatributed to the couo'-iea which have voted, or may hereafter vote, for achool; and thall delray the expenae incident to the priming and distribution of taid forma out of the literary fund. . 26 . Be it further enacted. That if any auperiniendent or committee man, ap pointed agreeably to the provision of thia act, tuch superintendent or committee man hating accepted the appointment, or any clerk of the eounty court, shall refute or neglect to perform ibe duttee required of him by law, he thall torlett and pay th eume of fifty dolfort, lo be recovered by action of debt, in the name of the elate, to any court of record in thie atate; and auch penalty, when recovered, aball be paid ocr to the chairman of the board of tu- perintrndents of the, county in which said default may oceur, to be applied ae the other monies which ahall come to hia bands from ibe literary fund and the county; sad it thall be the duty of the county attorney for ba elite ,to froe wn'-eaj viii rote euit ia a! urh caee, for aad be half of bi county - 27. U further emmrteit, Tbt if he chairman if the board of .uperrn en dent ahall fail or aejlect lo pay; aw dr-' mm J, ally draft which be mat by law be bound lo pay.be thall h liable io mil be - fore any tribunal batirj cn uixance there i f. ia the name of the irraoa ia wboae laor aaid draft may be tfrawr.; and f. phitatflr ahall br entitled to recover, oter aad betidea ihe amobnl of taid draft, iefe per rent Camagee for it tUful r"eeniion - ' 28 Be it further enacted. Thar thia art ahall not be to eonttrnedaa li pie.ri.tary eouniy hich baa le.ted and collected a tax, arreckblr'lo'ihe rro amea i.f il e eighth tceiion .f the act of on thousand right hundred and th rty etjhl aforrraid. upnn conij tyii.g with ihe ixht r rrqui.iira ol said art. from crawmr from itia liter.. ryfund. at any tin.e before the firat day of Sepumbrr next, if.r aa.ounl to which tid county may be entitled under the pro titions of i. id aei; eurh payment, bow-! eer. ti be deemed rn the natore of an adtanrrmcnt lo aaid roomy; it being th true intern fand meaning of tbt aci l make nil the roon-.ie-, fatorab'e io our system of common schools, ae neatly equa.1 aa p sibje, by ih lii.tributioi. i be made from the li'erarv fund r f tbia arr, onuer the rato protided for m the firt seeiion. .. ,-..., A , 23.. Bp tt further enacted. That the tearhf rs of any common sthiMila ahall be exempt, frm performing; military duty, working the road, or setting on the jury, whilat engaged in teaching in aaid vrhooU. ..-., 30 Jnd le il further enacted. Thai thia act lu'l be in force Irowand after it ratincation - j Head three limes snd ratified ified ihM y ' in General Assembly, ' .the 11 ft day of January A. U, 1811. THE VERiaTILirV OK fOSTI'MC 1 The tendency of our R-publtenn in tliiutinne to trailer accumulated wealth, snd prevent the perpetuity of a ereat anonied power in ihe same family, has often been lemarked upon. The children ol the man who is now at ihe topmost lot: ml of fortune's ladder, may be at the fool, and the brggar of to-day, may be ihe rich man of to morrow. ' We have to our mind two emking etamplea of thia ve'r- lattlttv of fortune. We well - tceoti.et the appearance ol two youths some ihtnv fire or forty year ago, both of about the same age, but moving fn to two exiremra of society ,1 he one waa a poor, ragged bay, lite son of humble parent, his father laboring at a prerariu occupation, and Ihe ton to all appearance, detuned or rr to rise above the station of hia father. The Utter waa a dashing, gay young fellow. moting in the first circle, hi father a wealthy and extenttte merchant,, and proof, apparently, against the shaft of aJernv. Fhtv former hit carted out foi himself a fortune, by industry and pweterance, and doea business at, a merchant on hia own capital; while the latter is destitute of every thing, snd has become the inmate or an elms house. These are by no meana solitary cases. Every man who hat lived a score or two 6f years Van call to mind similar instan cei. Indeed we ean scarcely name more ihan one or two of our mmy opulent inerchante who have inherited any eon titleraWe portion ol their wealth, nearly all of ihesa have man Iroro humble life. and by preserving industry, intelligence. ana indomitable energy,. hate been the makere nf their own fortune. And 'vet these ire the men whom enti out demagogue are perpetually atigmatis- ing aa purrcproud arjatocrat a though the posaeasion of wealth, acquired bv slow abd.lahoiiotn process. ad which must inevitably be parcelled out into Seve'ral portions after the drrease of ila pneseasnrs, were fraught with all the evtts of die hereditary aruficraciee of ihe old world! Salem Uazetle. 3 good ois. An individual residing in eounty, wnen unuer age, run- Iractrd a debt, amounting to near aixtren dollar, which he refused io pay. He, waa aued. and employed an attorney of litis place lo defend the case. Whati Vnur defence, demanded hi rouusel? Plead my mmotity, avid the rlienl, whtn 1 contracted the debt, for 1 have no other defence.'' Very well, replied the counsel. They proceeded to the jueuco coon. whete the plea was made, and aucceeti ed. The court decided in fa tor of the young man. snd the creditor had lo pay all coal. .But thia ia not the beet of the joke. A aettlemeni had yet to be made Driwcen ctient .no couuee.. -.- toon brought about by a dun from the, rouoci. ii". j " tsivice. Con. t Twemy dollar, air. Tweniv dollars! exclaimed the l- enu why. I waa aued for only tixteen dollar! I had belter have oatd tltat. So rou hac, replied the lawyer; and foe notj doing ao, you snail now tor opto ma lweniyo out with iw sir, and Issin to pay your hoaeat debie in future. The twenty waa feiked tip, and ihejiufferer willow e hope, pnfit by bit experience. MilletlgerWe Journal. ! S!r. .f iauu and Mr. It iTfce awe rc'rH-iil t 4 the . N. Y. CWiet ai d EttOfcirtr f iea ihe witwwia aeewwwi mf the aeeoe bieea ihca i)i.iii.a,hi , fcnilea-eo. ia wtirU U. Uia gain4 ao ' mnrli rrrdit. both with the llouie aad ! wi h the roua rr: ' klr. ie ia bia tpeeeb, a week f,' ruiei.b". ai.d inded in a!ne! al l-i rrrhfe doe rnl'ruU'thr arti datl!m4 law, ami a;rk if it with he inat contempt. ISrttral t anee, i tie prearot aaatwn, ihrre bate been pa$t$ beiatva) ' liaa and Mr. Alma. Wh. it wa ap.' parent, lefl anku-d fralirga It hind. ' Ti-day, Mi. Ad. ma fell fool i f hint in a war. and with a taannerfoe which there ' i lit I ex-ee. lie and that Mr. Wiao ' had art hiru.eif an f.-r tH Uader i f C.ra-' era Ilairiewn'a pt'ty h.i if he i'l be.'1 ' Cin the leader, be A.) would nrr be a sopporter of ihe, pn Vtht Mr. Wive flag waaairi roloore.l 6f-llntk,' Rko. ifAie tf.e hl4rktriM was.l.vrrr. ll.e ird was aiainrd w.lt the blii .tf lit durtliai, and the white wae the dim, palo and n.l'id rniMrm of Null. fie. tinw." ; Mr. Tiae leplird in a emit, drtitM-ra1'. m.oly and anhlr manner,, lie referred ' to the noble and patnnue father if Vr ' Aihifi t to Mr. Ad.m.'s own eple.did hi.lory to' i i age to Lis venerable appearaore lhat with hm tie h.n.fs a ere lie J that toward htm herogl.l a. art. he Could oily fcrl that Mr. Aaiwae person and rharaeter wa aem Irnm any aitark from him. and that he woo 1. 1 htmelfatike down the aim which nueht be impmu.y rai.ed againti t.im; Mr ' Wies reply wa not oolv eliK)irnt it wae pleudid, Mtgnifieena ' At rl.-ta theie waa rpnntaoeoue but inoih.rel hnrtt of tppNuie from the How) and from the gtllerrea- ii w at almost ioipnasi- t ble to rretr-on it. and if the aevrre pta. tire of the House upon such occasions, ; as respecte the gaiie, end a tente of propriety on the pari of members had not rettrained it. ie burst whew Wise i til down would have been treweiidunav '-'.,.- Loco Focoism. In the LegUla. lure of l'rnnytvaiiai iirlition hate' bren prranl d fr-tn nnzo of Erie' and Alleghany ruiiirir." pr a ing for he repeal of all laws which provide for the observance of the Sabbath, and of Ibe abolishment ol all ixnaliirv agfint blaaphruitraS 'UieprUli'i)',' rraiCprevcitt.Vhat to IU ir optuivi etc. ry prraviti haa a rigM to brrak tlie Sabbat . or be aa profane as he po aa- , eJ A'.l fce .igatrr r Lorw rVut, , (ty the IN oft 'i Amcrkao. ) tnd among Ihrrri are the names of ibe V Uurrn editor, Tiilleclor.'proarrn inc. attnr- nryi and former member of CHirra. ' AoAi!f . Out. Porter has vetoed a bill to re pay crrtatw ntonrjt borrow, ed by Goe.ilitoe'under exprrai Hiority uf a forntrr LetilatHre, net 1 Ihe ground that the money n-t borrow- ed waa improperly expended!! OffCB U iuh. For a.ioc Got. Por. lor ha tabued a full pardon io thr L Fovn rdilors ol tne Mf, im, i II r mburg in advance of their trial f.r a libel ' iVlirn Hie catr Came up for tri al, ihctacruaeil stepped up and pir.cril.. ed a pardon from the G urrnor for all and every libel of whit h they have brcn guilty, in Adam county r else. where-!-llls well mnarkrd, tliat the G ivernor had brtlrr have gone utte step further and granted throt pardow fur any libel they may hereafter wb lih. Pet Intel. Cr0wi. The New Totk St. d.rd raise al the head wf it edito rial column a rork crowing ... Ilor rh for J at kvitt." Under thia it pla Cra Ibe anoutit rinrnt uf the utprn.in of the United States Bank. Oelure ttilH roi kol the Staii'l.itl i ria again we should adnc the rtlitor lo ii iirr whether New York has ri fuodeO Ism five in ill iit witch Ur borrird ol ihis itisfitntion to rrhrve In r dutrvvi. rs cunarqtirut up-.n lltr great fir. of S5. If I'Ur figure arr Hint, oiurr than a million and o qi.rivr of xuit money riinaina ottpaio.' Nor itit Ihe wnral f lte tof! it wi:t prt.hby fvniain unpaid for a loirj; iiot-', ilier p.id al ail, -They aim i.iy .r i.rlp in their lilrra should be ihe last ! crow when mislor unes tcotue up .it their, brnrractor. Sut'U grattti.itr this brcomra nothing but loruf.H'titii ioits blind I'lvUtry of Gtieral Jaik son. Wr aie on adroirvra id !. Cot led Slates B ink. 'or nf its Bnaa ll U,Ut, hot then thei tj is deevwey ih ' - PhiladtlphUXorth America. , ,- The Waahingmn eorrespondent nj tho U. Statee Gaieti write: Mr. Van Dure ha given notice to hia houft-ltotd. that hit domestie arrangements win no teroti- natsd ut ihe 20th intant, ,fir wru h day ho wilt lake up his tes.dnco with Mr.Utlpin.ihe Attorney General, ami re main there until his final departure front ihe seat tt Goternmettt, r' t '1 . i - - s 1 i ' I r x, 1 ; . t ' t - . ! ,1 , v - I ;, ... ! ' t i i , 1 it! ' 4 t Wla'er bale. ' " 7' '' ' ' . oar new , . ,, ... . . I . i .M4 I,. -'41.11'

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