? UNION, THE CONSTITUTION AND TUB LAWS TUB GUARDIANS OF OUtt LIBERTY. TUl'UOiY, AI'HSL 29, 1 81 1. Xo. 1070. ... -,..t--rr-tilil(- rm mt t m irni. wastein at nooDtiay, are Irom to band,- Have nouruueJ an J brought up children, patriotism was never V art, famine, decease ad death, are the, and they have rebelled against rue. The whose names D1 be reus wiui wnicu ne cnaiu-cs uie irtiuty ox.ainowrui ms owner, ana Ui3 ass ma uoerty lias a nomc rUty t ... . . . -. nations. . Ana ne claims to uiuisc-u this master a cn but Israel doth pot know, nr of them at right. " Shad a trumpet be blown in the - my people do th not consider. And may velation, and city, and the people eat be afraid! Khali i ice not fear! Other nation in their nrkle institutions. there be evil in the city, and' the Lord; and fulness have forgotten God, and he Let the dwarfs who apo their patriot- nam noi none n: ticar ye the roa. Has swept them away as with the besom ism, wuile tliev scoff at their reltjrion. ... i . . . V oi ucsirucuon. i.ti ut near inc roa. uiusn ai meir iwuy. 2.- Covetousncss is another national sin My friends, the christian religion has of which we are chargeable. The desire done every thin 5 for us, and when this of gain has possessed our people. Every light goes out in this land, a dark cloud tiling has been prostituted to this uuhal- will setdc on our prospects. Cherish this lowed passion, and mammon lias been the light, disseminate these principles, and God of our idolatry. There has been we are safe. Count that man an enemy fiscal agency, it miy be defined in a wort, abroad a restless spirit of speculation, to your dearest rights and most precious as a lock-up chert, or a inier vault. It unfriendly to every tiling rood, and de? hopes, however exalted his station and , is not the fjeI agent of a State, and bat firucuve oi riuu piety. Ann now nave specious nis proiessious, wno would lay naming 01 ts cnaranrr, oui me ijtirm wko ! & evpoii'tJ it, 4 1 - r . .1 . Auti can c,,u uauun, lorgci miei Can we reject this wholesome truth, with out plunging into all the darkness and horrors of atheism! In this time of pub lic calamity, shall we forget the God m ho rules in heaven! Can we, or dors we, with the scoffing infidel, ak who is the Almighty, and reject his reign! 10 the christian patriot this truth is the fierce passions of men, the shakings of nations, here is our hope. God, in wis dom and power, reigns on high. What though the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing, mere is a power which restrains their malice and ecrbs tliiyr fury. Let men feebly attempt to break his chords asunder, He that eittcth in the heavens sh:dl have them in dorUion, and vex them in bis sore displeasure. It is likewise a most solemn thought full of consolation. AmiJl die ragings off our hopes been blasted! What distress his ruthless hand on the Dible. - A SEIHSOX. - , , 0. , m li:UW.; , Jt.c. A?.A It. 1JU. . 0 ta Peatn t m JU llsrrooa, lata PrcsMcat t Vm Ualtea (tatr X THE ftCVtt'iBEKT BUB ELL. lrraitsuEB r,tesr.J "ilttr )t lit rt, Md m hlh tpptUlti TJiat event which has clothed a nation ja mourning, seems properly to require coiae notice from those who are appoint ed to minister at the altar, and whoso ap propriate business it is to warn, to rebuke, n admonish. You understand to w hat melancholy event I a!lo&. Death has cmie a.no!g s, and has selected as his victim jh most shining mark. His ar row has sped, and William Henry Harri son, the man whom the people delight vj to honor, the ChU'f of this migh ty republic, the patriot fe whom friend and foe paid bomagr, has fallen. The high summit to which he aspired was gained, tlw sceptre of empire was grasp ed, the oatli of office registered, the plau dits of the millions who hailed him as their chief had scarcely died away in dis tant echoes, when he is hurled from his high station, to U13 home appointed for all tha living. The sun whose rising was hailed with such rapture, is suddenly dar k?ned. , On the -f ;h of March he entered on his office, and in the presence of thou sands registered his oath; and on the 4th day of A pril he was .a corpse. One brief in mlh saw the splendid pagiant passing before our eyes, and thru it vanished as a dresm. The ruler of this great nation has ginc to render up his account to God the Judge, the Kuler of nations. To the de c?a3id, honor is now a noisy breath; wealth, and worldly greatness, or gilded pageant, all, air has passed away as to i- r .,t 1-. . - r .t - t !.- : i . . mm lor ever, ana ne lies, uie u-nani 01 me uou, wno is uoiy, jusi, wise, am not casi raid grave, awaiting that trump which -aside the reigns of universal empire. With will summon kings and their subjects, the ! an outstretched arm he controls all events, high and low, to a judgment seat. I At his bidding nations rise and fall; king With die political character and opin(doms are shaken with wars, or desolated ions of the deceased President, I have no-, with fuuias. Ily him kings reign, and thing to do in this sacred place, and on rulers are set up, and at his call they pass this solemn occasion. These, by a con- away. Let the wicked fear, for God is currence of events, have become fa- holy. Let the nation that forgets God miliar at household words,' and have . tremble, for he is a righteous sovereign, been properly consigned to another and On this occasion hear ye Uie rod, and aWcr hand. I would not say a word to: who hath appointed it. .Come, let us stay the current of grief which flows from worship, ana bow down before the Lord, every bosom, nor would T repress the ar-our Maker; as a "nation let us own him dor of patriotism which beats high in ev- as King of kings, and Lord of lords, cry heart. "No, I would rather call on Witlt penitence let us seek his throne. the nation to mourn. I would say to the t Then may we hops that his chastisc irree and nnUv politician, cc&te your meats will be taken away from us, and f intentions for a season; a great and good our country blcsscd with peace and pros- matt h a r.ilkn, and the nation is sura- penty; then it may be said 01 us, happy moned to weeping and lamentation. Here is the people whose God Is the I.ord. at leat, all party feelinsf imift be forgot- J This dispensation ought to be regarded t !!, the bitterness of strife allayed, and all a 3 a rod of chastisement, eomint; from lis will unite in twtifving' respect to hi me- hand w ho in" justice and equity govern? infected every family. mory a re.pcet due to his exalted fta- the earth. Nations, as well as indivtdu-j And if these things are so, ought we tion, and, 1 cheerfjlly add, due likewise als, are corrected for tlfir sins. The tvi- s not to awake? God is a righteous Sove to his distinguished worth. jtiin and people thut forcet God will be reign, lot us -not imagine we are fafe. The nation has suffered a loss; a mys- d alt with accordingly. Thus it has ever ; He can turn upon us the fruits of otir na tcrious and overwhelming calamity hns b?cn. The history of ths world is fill cf' tionul sins. There may be raised -up come upon it, and what improvement shall examples to warn and instruct us. Thus j again a scourge of God," who will de we make! how shall we demean ojrselves llabylon and Kgypt and Tyre and Sitlon ; solate this fair land, and liberty, peace, under the rod? Mv friends, we are a and Israel were" withered "tinder his re-' happiness, will be crushed beneath on christian neonlc. Whatever the little bukes. An I in modern davs wc have had, iron despotism. IiCt us bear in mind that 'Mrs. Ilerrirk, is irpretrnwd a l.dv f great mratkl and f-eraanal sad aecota plohaifDU, and unJf itmg iit, She ha rrre r laJ anv rl ildreu by ci-Les bus band. Let tae, Urn, remind you of a few pa-' rt iued ia cur borders. No frt in fa mar, that these sentuacnu sustained lain fesw ''V1, " ".dy staled, !has desrjatcd or borders, and bo intes- in "his last mortal struggle, and threw The kingdom is the Lord's, and lie ii tine discord tas swept over cur Laid. 'around bis deaA-bed a hallowed peace, a lh governor among the nations. He , litre is enjoyed rational libeny; the op- glory which the proudea conqueror might Lord mot high is a jgrcat King ovefaa pressed have found an asylum, and the covet; glory not of the eanh, but divine, the earth. The Lord has prepared Lis' poor friendly home. Liberty of speech as imperishibl as eternity. May you throne in the heavens, and bis kingdom 'and of conscience are our birJurijbt; and and I, my hearers, have this anchor on ruleth over all. liy me princes rule, even ( under our own vino and fig tree we can which to rest ia a dying hoar, for this all the nobles of the earth. He is the jut, and there is none to make us afraid. alone can support us. bussed and only potentate, the King of Such ha been the goodness of God! It is too fashiona-'de with our public men kings and the Lord of lords. . j towards as.. But where is our gratitude! to discard religion from their thourhu. buch u the teaching of Holy Writ on- ALthe God who has blessed us is for- and to disown its claims. But this was jed fm it. e trust they this subject. There is a POTtr above OS.' t ottenW this nations his name is nrofcn. not alvara the ras. Tha men who laid it is Vrt the law of Hit land. ruling over. a.L He exalts ne, and de-jed, lus goodness despised, and his laws the foundations of our government and presses another. He creates light, and .trampled under foot. The stron? Ian- sealed them with their blood, were men ends distress. Tlie pesiik-nce that walk-.' guae of the prophet Iauh tn the peopb cf faith and of prayer. Look at the histo eth in darknes?, and the destruction that . of Israel, is but too applicable to us. V I ry of our revolution.- These men, whose qucsuoued, and ; THE SUBTRKASURY. It ia tru, ibe pi'le hae f ien ibeir tote againalii, and thiukihry !ac tcp ill. Uiouf h A jr-jared goodness despised, and his laws the foundations of our government and pepls ate f..giirg, lb mnaicM ilry . I ' - . . ... .... - . . t . a M. ' . , see ri-l ajirau. 1 ma ia iiie to f rpuni.ca as well as in monarchies. ' Whn a kn-g remntrs a grietanrr, bis tuljerta are as exejHte in ibrir giatitue'e. ihry rr vindiciitf in ilif if suffer-ngs. Tbey forgt their troubles . We a.. f rg-tttn the bad meaturcs that bmoelit on tke Sub treasury, and bear bgbdy the etila tlat have resulted, iu boj e of gel iig out nf litem aon. "This i virtue; bo oar safety rrquiifs, that we hnoldcberih-ur.dyinf ha red to surh a foul citi iiacy agantt frredi.ro, and urh a plan fr the deatrue lion uf prntprritv. Ta follmf a 1 Sui Trfury mt Jtpiiit tf put.ie iitHty. In this view, as opposed to a proper venerated as long as among men, were, ms- least, firm believers in Re- reverenced the Bible and its in this particular, is based ou the principle has come on the land! What perplexity 3. 1 cannot refrain from saying, in clos- j f a inier calculation get money, if has seized the people! And what is the ing, that here is another most affecting ; you can, ad keep i. not use it. Ths meaning of this The iniquity of our co- comment on the vanity of human glory, i money is hoarded, all that is in hand. vetousness has come upon us, and we aro Tis at best but a mere bubble, a painted The trve eronnmy or a nation, in regard withered. This is the sin, and God has toy. A man to-day is clothed with ho- .to hs financial eonerrna. is to hav money sternly rebuked us for it nor, Sid surrounded by all tlie pomp and j on demaod. but neer have it in hand. 3.1 would mention as national sins splendor of human glory, and to-morrow j All th at" is in band is dead capital, calling for humiliation and prayer. Sab- is Uie tenant of the grave his glory with-1 Hoarded treasures are fit only (or amisei bath-breaking, intemperance, profane- ered as the flower of grass. Verily, ;We estimate of thi, or a lyrani'ai'.cculi ness. man at his best state is altogether vani- dtsigns. There aa ner any thing The Sabbath is well nigh obliterated, ty.' . ' j more laUe, as a Stati 1 p 1 cy, than the Few reverence this sacred institution. I And, my friends, towards that grave , Sub ireaury. As a part of a social Most of us for pleasure or for filtliy lucre, you are tending. dar which God has claimed as his own. And is this world all! will without hesitation trample on this Is tlie grave to terminate the scene! Sure ly not. 1 lien. Hear the rod. Listen to Is tlits not true! Look at our public men, tlie voice that says to us,-AH flesh is demn it. civilization would scorn it, and s..j 1 j -1 1 ii .1. - i r .u. ' our lawyers, juuges, mercnanis, anu aias graf, aiiu mu uie giury.vi uiuu as uis for it, even at the members, elders, and Sower of gTass. Prepare to meet thy ministers of the church. Go to the great God. lhnmncrlif:iM of thm nation, anil von trill I lie constrained to sav, this is a Sabbath- system, it is fit only for a stats of bai bar ism, or for a despotism. When it. is understood, public economy would con breaking people. Surrey the ruin caused by intcrnpe ranee in our land. Summon up before A BI1V0F ROMANCE. We find in the Cincinnati Tiroes an an count of a fa male, who has within a few vou the crowd of drunken husbands, of ,"n m"7 Wasimdea ol fortune, bejrgared children, of withered hearts and ?' n'?w " ?pKe.nt brfore the Ohii of blighted hopes; and then remember lifVV1?' 1 ,,,,,,,rre n, ''' " that there are dens licensed by law to do this sad work; there are men, fathers, husbands, professed patriots, who can do this work, pocket the gains, and then smile at the misery they cause. Oh! this land mourncth by reason of drunkenness. It is the plnjrue spot of die nation. It has Nrwkirk.Ohio. She is a native of Lock port. New York. She was nmriied it 1820, to a man by the iian.e nf derrick, rh whom she lied iib..ui three year, when by rfpaiion and icilt nesa on his part, they were reduced to want, and the hubiu' was otligrd to leave hi hmue to srfk rmplnvmcnl. He-went to Cm- freedom wtu!d rebel against iL ... - --S I . a I." II- . - 18 1 A moment's reflection will show, that a fiea agent, in the proper sense of thus terms, discharging atl the commercial or bank functions of a national Exchequer. is one ol the most uuiiaperiialU pans if the machinery ol Goartrunrnt. A ship of the line miithft as well be afloat with out a purser, or an army be in the field without a fiscal agent. The fanner says, tiioney nukes the mare go. T In the aflW of a nation, it is not only neeesiy to have money, but equally, supremely im portant that the agtni thereof should be pel feci in its machinery, and infallibly secure in its banking operations. There ' mtiti be a medium, and one medium. jaafe and responsible agency between the how oiueh Vst-er ihy are gwer-l'y. tbia ihete we bas mtniioid. But if we take bad luck of General Jaekaww anj Mr. Van Buren in l!iir appoiataicitts as s rule, it is inceed a lr?rU.I Lai. , . toe uutn is. Uie hre stsieos is fa!t one. aad net only s total talma i; tta practical operaiioa. but iMieasuiably diaaiuoss. The simple project if hiving one currency for hs G.vcrmiBi aad oas far ths prop!, as if the fe 0ls faro ris not good ewoiigh for il. n lers, cm stituting rulers a board of aba ing brokara on iht people, which ia the r.r liM operaiion of the system, is enough. , h as a grand contrivance m bring ium pta pis aodrr ihe ptetsure f esitikui aa.l, in'olerable Governnrnteaciiois, 10 : make Iaes of as ... Tl c-iijh g ui of ihe system would gie ihs Goaeri,riii sod it (tf&rul eotpa.ilis ab Imt ro.uoi of all the money of lbs country. , , Tit Sui-Trtmsurj mprftti mftkinrrj , It is imperfrei (t sny odier purpose thn tbat of ties and miaehirf. - It was intended is a fUeat sgeiii, but cannot f e mads 10 work aa surh. It baa puna wiili-' out connexion, and e eh f - the parts stands dasd alone, till mum sprciid aid eiprntie force is .applied; and in ihis state .f inaction, ' wealth of the uati.m is not only enemployed, but ezpoaed 10. 1 the fingers of rogue. There ia no clock woik ta this machinery, depending on one spring or weight; out 11 is I k a watch .widi all its wheels and tackle sruttered bete snd ihre. It woi.'i o. Yon may jg one of die dijinrd pars. and see It move under tbe force yo apply; but the moment that force ia uih- drawn itiies st ll sgain. 'I hers is, for example, at this moment 1300 000 in the bauds of tbe receiver at St. LouW; collected at an ex penis ol 2i per cent., and is wanted in om rerno.e, part of the country.' Where is th Aia efainery to move it! Itcann-tt b in-Med without the application of a sprnal anJ expniS aganry, 'involving hazard "b? well as los of time. This fact illu-tra e the w hole concern, -and shows ex icily what i! it. It 1 is no sent a Steal ma' ehinery, but aits scattered over the enun try, a fragment here, and a fragment ihrre, aed'aliks inert, having n viUf,' self moving connexionwith mher parts, an rlpenss and at hazard whils lying adll, equally or mare so while in motion' and every part embarrassing the aciino nf the rcail Ala.! aU! i V hilr deaeribin;1 ii, knowing it is ao and every ore !! ee 11 ws pity the nation 00 write ii1 has been tmpnsr d. and scorn the agsney by which it was inflirted. . Tki Imt policy wifl now ) uin. F '? " S-d expert m'e h bven'our schoolA m iMer, and t.e naiton is beinj; whipped,1 scourged nui of fully into w tadoin. It is J sound drubbing ws got, long 10 be remembered. We b ar the marks npi n our DarKs f irti uie nu'iz- r ui our rinna 1. wrie iib Trmamru pniue mitp. 1 - a... - .1 ' and don took it into l.i head to go ..- s.omncos, we are asnameu ol our rag., Texas. Ilerri-k wrote to hi wife at i "f " "it""1 '.' " ' ' " i,,,,f,"?? escaped with jM ,pir,i and .f M2U voeaiion, aim ine m'i rrii.oniun: , noi cl lo reMiHe. WS Will ytl livw Srai,i. . . . B .....I - - . . . J , - iocipun. r qur,iiM; tier lorfinuve iov in- . , . . , Icinnsii. that sl.e n,ehi be nearer L In.., - - - when lew" in Texas, amlslie left Lock- j The United SMet without m Fued .f-eni. poit for Cincinnati. At C.ereljtul, heri There is thi mnmeiii a per feet vacuum means failed her, am! ahe w as obliged to ( in this ilearMient of the Government, throw l:erell uuo the kiicliPii of a 1.0'el. i The en'ire machinery, in this parncuLr, to procure money eoniinue her journey, j dasberndi ssroyed. Ilia wanting. The lute. street nolitinnns mav a.iv in their venom, an instance of a ntition tint disowned God.: virtue and tntelIt!Tence arc our onlv sate- infi.tMi,.. ,t..,i. k- iVj.,.1 ... 1,-, m,;ii. i,,.t ,r, .,,t .t,A!wnr.U fl.ei nw u-antlno--i "hd in ihis sit.jHt.on al.e accMlcnully Sub I reasury wan intended as a subat. the establUhed svstcm in this country, vials of the Wrath of the Aln Atv. I.ct inav we'd tremble for the future. Tlie ! became aeqoamteJ wah a grntiVnin from ; but H is not one. and cannot be. I he The christian religion is professed, ehris- our nation fear. Tito mighty (Sod who i people that cannot be ruled bv these, nnist: -"Iunidiis. wliodScoerii.g tlui ler c j 1. not a single feature m .10 a prop 1;.. 'i 1 .1.- n:n. ...i.i. .:k t. c .! i. t. ,i.,. w . rwc ri,fk-.! e..m;ilihmenu ami education were llmse . fiscal asency, nor cn 11 poibiy perloi t.n.t ,i - k;iJ,v ol a lady. wlu in ust have known refer : those r.iniiioiis. I here i no cuut ever we 'turn, this strikes us. Go to your, mcnt he can blight our prosperity, lie. children, will become the slaves of some , ury cotirts of juslics, to vour halls of lc gila-' can arm against us foreign eneniiec, or spawn of legitimacy, to be oppressed and j v-,e '' tion, to your noble constitution, to your turn loose upon us the fierce passions en-j atHietcd by the grace oLOod. pcaeeful firesides, to the grave-yards, ' pondered, by .party strife' ; he can send; Wc summon the people to repentance where alnmher the ashes of your fathers, ' disunion among our slates, and discord ! and confession. Let them come before and you will find the Bible aeknow ledgrcd. into our council's ; he can arouse the cle-l the throne of God, and seek his favour, the christian religion professed. Where mcnts,. and famine and pestilence will s and then his wrath will be turned away, is tha man who would unroot this system stalk throiiirh tne iintl. e are surround- from its firm foundation in tlie hearts and cd by enemies, whose fury and power are er orro 1 . brcsme intf rested in her behalf. ' tional medium between the (!m eminent r cate before him, and ak- and its resources. It has been annihilat- jed hi assistance in procuring a school, ed. And wlut is nvrp, t'ie yte'n ry j 10 follow der l.ii'b .ii(l. He rrqi.e led j in the prudence ol llo m t ordinary C on and God, even our God, will bless us. There are various additional topics con- ? I would no'mt onlv restrained bv the over-rulinsr nrovl-l neeted with this melancholy event, to to o.ir nobln innitution?, the pride and den.-e of (Joil. Then hc?.r Uie roil. which I n elorv of the nw. and bid him stay his su- When th? Almidity chastises nation. icidal hand. ! it is for their sins, and in order to their' gree tested the strength of our institu But I trust there are none such here to- repentance. Individuals are judged and ttons, and anords a presage or tlie sut' must allude ere I close, Ii This dispensation has in some de- her to come to Ccluinlnif; she came, and the gcmlttinan procured her a fiuall school. This wa inlSoo Whde teaching school, he beeame ill and wa confined to her room for some wrt-ks. Duiii.g her indisposition, a man callnii lunifelf Wil son, visited her, ami told her he was juat from Texts, and that hr husband died day. nnd devoutly hone the number is ' punished at the judgment; but nations as . bility of our government. The hand Mn that country, a few days before he left. . . I. ... . ' 1 1 1 7 .1 . . j ! : .1... .i t I C..11 II. ...I.I . n .1 - merctal tranaciitn', both a 10 reponsi bility and as 1 1 convenience. It is a thing which can hy no human power be mads to work. Ii d.ies not work, n I never will, am! m'er can. exeunt 10 crack, and biek. and (.11. to the ruin of the country. Ii is an invention of quacks, bavin? no iMtle n in the practical opera tionol human affair. Without exception an t be free. May the lovs ws bear 'to those w ho have aiiiniiered the eha-lise-meni do them much good, now they are, out of employment. 'I hey have put It on welland we shall all be wiser. , v' Tit indication of tkt timet. Ii-i . i " i . i ti neroer we ido ii ruin stares us irre in he lace. aa tneie ever stica a tffiit I ... Ylitt AurrAnnw nf lln. j.j.ii..t. u a . at... .1,1. WUMhlll. V, .If. iVHHIl ... tll. uiomeii ! And every simpleton can se how it comes. It is as plain as the noss on a man' "f ee. We exult in ih Con- viction that there will beeqiul unanimity in U e application uf l'is remedy. The nai on mu-t hue a currency. nJ must have a fiscal agent. JUuditoniun. small of those who reject religion and such, are punished in the present lispon-( that guuicd the ship ol state lias taiten ,,,, nation of things. May we not, then, in-, nerveless irom the helm, but no commo- fJCofT a! its diitir Wc arc called on a a christian people tsrprci this dispensation, and others of re-4 tion has followed; the wheels of govem H mourn. Our strong rod is withered cent occurrence, as indicating His displea- mcnt move on with their aerustomcd re and Iroken, and by this national calami- sure against our sins as a nation? It he- gularity. May wc not cherish the hope 'y wc ara summoned, as a people, to a1 comes us lis a christian people to ask, why , that our institutions will stand yet ruder throne of grace, to confess our sins, and it is that the Sovereign of the earth thusl shocks, and that there is among the pco .tn ilnnny..irt si, a .-aitU it'll tr1i mil trailii :itlliis us? Whv is it that the land is full pie a healthy state of feeling which will ... Mw-ro , .... ' ., i.i:' i ' i :.r.!n .v t:...:. " f.i l.i... t .. i.: i 'JfCSstonS deserVC l' ruilions VI Wilts, ...c ruuuv u.mu uuaur tuuui-i ,t.ini4ii jvvti.iiwtio vi uiu vin-niw in v. .inn wing', .iiu ,ii nuuui 4, :d ol our strengtn withered' mies ot our tree institutions. tvevr ai.ei ne nearn ner iiusoanj wa There is one part of the character , dead, Mr. Cliaiu!ler.oflVitl her bis hand di as a christian , moincnU 1 rcler as a nation, as, u to assen nts o cre.nn- .t.iV , - -. and to ehisthe us for our sins, nnd to national sms wincn seem io,ma io require ncaru w nai ne siu in ms uiaugunu. it is the greatest blunder,' upon which tlo i. .1,1 .it .1,. -d..:...... ! nation ever stumi leu. L.very uoitar oi ... 1"IM irvi . 1 1 .1 l.MV . ,n.,,u'ivt '1)11 V.' j " . I . U - ....1.1 . ...,1.17 tthll. Ilirl I. unV. 1 ted wiih her hutbmd, ihat he lift a wife in I.ockport, eci., in such a straight for ward manner, the waa forced to believe him. Hie partially recovered her health, and in 173? became acquainted with a worthy geoileiuan a widowerresiding in I e ark, named thander. ATer the resstons deserve. uuiu,a v. Tho IVnn'.Pt in die text siiffircsU tlie to- tied, and the ro. pic on which I propose to dwell. c(ir Let the people rcmcinbcr.that .their -sins ( 2. There is one part t Vt the rot, and who hath appoinle.l it." call for His wrath, and let them search, of tlie deceased,, on whicl It is a voice from heaven, addressed to us out and confess their iniquities. , , minister I may dwell a m of us, repentanco and ronfeesion on this his death bed he expressed his firm at occasion, i " . j tachment to the christian religion, and w . . i i . ... i ' ' " i ... .1 l i. w rite on all human tnn vanity, tue Sovereign of nations has broken the rod occasion. w - ' ; , tachment to Uie c instjan religion, and we f ... ,i. .t t, t,!. u-iiliomd ! 1. I would tnenhon as a national sin, are informed by tlie clergyman on whose away ' ! forgelfuluess of God and ingratitude for ministrations he attended, that it was his We are called on as a christian people' his mercies. We stand among the na- design at an early date touiiite himself to recognise and adore the hand of God , tions of the earth distinguished by mnu- publicly with tne enurcu ot uoju Alas, in this event. He hath appointed this i merable favors. A series of providences , death intervened to thwart all his plans, rod. It is a chastisement laid upon us j from the earliest settlement pf the conn- So death may step in between you and by the Sovereign Judge, who in wisdom putteth down one and setleth up ano ther." Promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south, but God is the Judge. Tha Scriptures abundandyV touch, this doctrine, which is too oftett overlooked. try, to the present moment, has given your cherished plans. Then whatever proof that ours is a land which the Lord , thy hand fimleth to do, do it with thy delights to bless. We have, leaped from. might. . ' -: . the .weakness of infancy to the giant j It is pleasant to know that, the Chief strength of manhood, and in tlie race of( Magistrate of this great republic paid such improvement nave outstripped oiaer coin- j puoua Homage io uio uiuau reuiuu. peutors. Peace .and- prosperity have : It is Comforting to hope,- as indeed we and fortune -she at first refused, but sub sequently taking into consideration her You have all 'destitute situation which was really one Uu.of want she consented to become his wife. They weie married incog. Mr? Chandler to".k her to his home at New ark, where she lived with hitn, enjoyed a in u i h happiness as human lit sti is heir to, until last .November when suddenly her first husband, Mr. derrick, appeared, and claimed her as his wife. , This was a try inn acene for a piuus and irtunua wo man; she flew to the pastor of her church, for advice, and, he id vised her to seclude l.ersell frwm both ontil audi a time as the marriage contract wiih one of them couhl be annulled. I bis ahe did, and aha im mediately applied to the Legislator for a divorce from bet first husband. . not only pot in pvrit, bm i oui f Jie. I be nation, nose n is, is ur prieu oi u. From tha National I.iteliiee.icer. PROSCRIPTION. -The Globe uttera a log ubrinu com plamt agatnat the policy of proscription, and speaks of it a involving "ths liveli hood of so many thousands who have no skill or means to support their families except by .the employment which they have devoted ths prime of life to Iern." Where were ths tender aensibilitirs of the party lo which thtGlobn belongs w hen, i;i 1623, die ruthless hand of despotism was yirsMified to strike the innocent and It it locked up, if it could be kept; boij tjie i.iihft,!? Then, neither the revolution- heinj a teiiintation to roeues, it makes rogues, and then il is gone. While there is no money, we do nut. want a Suh-Trea sury: nd hil there is money, ii is ao much more than dead capital, as. that the people are deprived of it for the lime being, resides' thai it is in danger of being lost. ' . i . EviitHct Ihis in$titif. . ( Iase Hill's bonds, including bis own. eie fn fact not worth over 25.000, and, yet he was liabfe, even in such times as these, to have $150,000 ; or $200,090 of the public Turn's in his baud-. In pros perons times, ha might have half a million, or a million. Is that no risk! ' Th bonda of Dr. Pen n, of .Missouri, were iioaiiilly $500,000. .Very likely they might be worth more than those of Isaac IIiil. . Cut the firat draft he made from the Missouri Bank was over $1,200,000 in specie Is ihis no risk! It is imposibls, to say, from the short period of this eaperiment, and from our ignorance of the real value of ths bonds given by publia receivers, try services of the incumbents ihemselves, or their immediate progenitors nor fidel ity in the discharge of duty -nor the fact if hating large families dependent on there, for support weighed aught in averting ths blow from those who had incurred the displeasure of the Executive, or of , that mors potent " power behind the throne, greater than the throne itself," the behest of an irresponsible, self consti tuted cabal, which mat in 'secret, and at, miduighl denounced ihrir fellow-laborers. When .once marked, the deatiny wis as sure to overtake the victim s the cry x . a la lanttrne did those of Fiance , iu Jllis days of Robespierre. . j J One of the most revolting feaUiieaof the proscription of 1S29 was. tha attempt unsuccessful though it was to blat the characters of all who felt the blow of mis-'. called reform. The pioscrijtion of lbs'' present day if, indeed, it may be alyled' proscription ia but the expression of." that indignant feeling created by the Grit introduction cjf th.s system isto every ; j i

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