-e3 t- it&Kn III r- ? T - TUtUSDAV, IXDIU'ARY SI, Ihig. '"Till 1 Fr m lU ha f iLe , TiiE nm r cou.i-aE in .north CAUuLINa. i tf ft plat-ntw jhi i fffrJ rr tV ii.fjroiiiiM "f ru.ny ! your raori t b H fee inteictel in ir.fW trme f .eit trprrmj the erly r ,n, ci ix-n of th opper pan t.f Nolth Can lint for itt eduration of their too h. Toe fift dileg or intiitbt a that of fervd a complete r. lfe roar of iustma linn, wa etl.Ui.Jied atChailull, a Cma if gt. iba county Mil 4 51eckleabrg county. & aewt in o operaiin aboi ihe yr 1765, enoVr ih Kkitr tf Quttn'i i!Ieg'. It f. i!rfl b) iU l.heial.ir I eflWt wl il.e i lent h iu that f.ru 'e 1 riiif.-. r bet wet a tba Yadkia snd C'atba fi', cni-tinf klmotl t eUsie!y of SeoicU In.li Pr,brtrisn, fir ihe purpose f wan-i- g their youth la , fuliei t'bJ far p lp tutting mng their dee.i.dai is ftligttw. ntuc.litv, an sound ka ledge in l!.eti ec!udtd bern t in ill itt r.e. - Iie AlrHuJrt. , M. !)., t.f the namer oh family ol Ahrsaiidrr, tf which, in. g ether with I tit I uf llama, it g aiJ that about tH urn 'f lli Kf iUliin, they . roatutut-4 a leni a qir cr of iba cowoty, was iho fiiti I'ri a !rnt The of firi Prcilent, A bra il Alexander. Eq., f..r a long iui the preid-g maairai of itic County, wat rhiirmaa "I le onfrn'i.m ttut met in 4. i.!l whhin a Urn yeara. TLr ie. 'HCS.I LlltTlU I 'all I a bob I (BIV milra f,.,- Coar!oii, itb D(uir,e fcoja of ur reat. Ti. nl,j ,f o .V,., ,hi- ifl. Ut ion, or , f j,, f.j, 6j,t w,j, k My in a bnri tiwr, for ym mt h a klc!i f n .i.uif ai! proprrt. I l.n t ibwiM joa woulJ ukc j Uaiart nairbin . aen U.rM.rulj, frma iba .bl.iu ih.i fi iR( o ibcm. a.ot lt naaet an! aucbt ani n of a gcoeia that owjln artr la ba frr len. KrapceUall) oar, VU10R. no. ins. UHCUUTINO EVII. REPORTS. , ir sua IEDOWICK. A we Lnelwlj nttanea of the rraij of tha rircblalMm of t if potU. errurrcd a fe t ar amct in ibt dtjr of N York. A jooBf aiia aibaa) 1 aball call William Mat I by. ih on of thr, cotitpi eaout. and olJ iabbiiaai of Utceitj. eon irf ird an iniimtf jr ub i oio of e rjr rauifatipf nannrra and ilrprarrd 'fal. ilttam, youitf , inrt;tricncrri, bm! onupicinu. w flai frrj aaiih the airrmina f ihia wm. and waa brttayrd bjr luia inlt many fuliiea and am. Ilia f-t'irr imme rl in bu-iiiraa, bia on ly a tier wa oioaiamly in ihe (ay world, and nH.a of William'a family auarted iSndnjrn i no which ba waa led, aor be iba am ui.l of idrin vmil hit bd - ti.z - 1 1 in i. . inuma nui vninoic.il i.io.l aa Cbol Uttf. an I rtr f or dara dr jdet.eird in chr-atinf at a fainf iai ., lihrialHtH I ih f -m ma Mfck'rnbur to fed a Hole, and Waa obliged lu flr finj kefurarim of Itdrprn tenet. May tOA. h niy, 1713. ad afnl it t.i Cirr by Mr. .Will am hid been iemptr by tl.i man jnoe Jea, mtr mm a year bifurr lha ja ib f-mnra; un he hid tufiVred fVatmnal U-tlaruon waa toa!. Uy loe ibere, bad beeo led into oib. Afier lou i!rrUratinii of inb tendrnre. o !oii-ja. Tin In'twlrilg i f all raa tbarieJ i lux came l k a Ihunder bll oim hi tha aaoe of lb iniiiiution Irora Qutm 1 1 olltgt Ui lAbtily Hull, j family. They were oer helmed with u ben Ina IJ-l ih l-ireca laaneed from ' n.nrine 8Niib Cail na. in itt i tba Jeclara ion of litener.d nee, tSe e.l pt tieriea were nfwTiiitd. tba tu drat aeaUeeil, and lb bildtf orrupied bf iba ini. r a b rm. Toe uu raria gratea it tba rea of the 1'i.ltff, uiifie I, a( er Iba tlrpirittte tf ibe f.irrt a. lino' great hid b-(il IWtrt.a, in t-emui try wbih, frt-ra tha hirin'g i.f ibrir f..ratng partira, ami tlifSruliT of ob Uininf aupplie. eran by an armed fuite. 'tbey named ihe ftarnel't Xrtt. U. Alfian!er MeWhioler, of New Jeraey w.l ibe lal Preileni. ' Uy iba r!ireeMia of ibe 8rnrd of New Yoik ami I'hiUdrlj hia. in the yeir 1761. ha bad i.t-d ibai regt it of e.-unlry aa a mil . eMnarr, m ad nmi-ier the ordnanrea and aiat in orgtn si( eontej'iin, and ailj tilling iba boondanea of th ta alnaty formed, an I (be nnUinwg of il 'er: and wa.eo aeepialU la the eniigregaiiona Out Qrxt year rail were mac1 a out from Hopewell. Centre, Thra ira, (Caib)'a aeutemeni) iui Fwiinb creek, fur Inm in baenma pmr. Theee were ilerne!; bui he afierw rd b came P.a.idcntnf il.e Cullege. Ujmi Uia breakin op of the iiHiita ion by ibeina.ianf Carolina. lie returned m New Jertry, where he paatrd the remainiler of a lung and uteful life. ein n an.lgritf. William t hut bint' ar iri.l folbmed ! rlf op in bia rimin. Tl Muriibf were dittintuiehed reo pit; ooihing in the e.iy waa talked .f t murli a li e i5iKj-are.it Wdliam Murjiliy. Kery ihug be hd d ne, and mucb wmae aria that ba bad not done, were t-ld aiid re o'd. and etery idle wurd briaiblta'ilie Alurbrabir calling hem atite pameular Irienc'a. Mr. Somebody beard Mr.S.mbidy i-e, who wet ter) intimte with he'.Marpbye.tay thai the) hialJ wvndrr it William lial not tome thing in i'o wi'.U ll e forger. ei! The netl peraon ihrmigH whon hand Ihe renon rteif. ta-d. William had loinrtbing m ! witii litem. Ami Hie nest edition of be tiory wit, that Will, am bad actually tcied ih atonry got by the forgeit fid aid bit gaming t!ebtt with i. Oil. eou'.d ll ete peitnna whothua tlk ed oter the Caiainiuet and dug rare of the on of their fneudt at they wculd hare d acutteti co:natnn new, hate looked into the hrue i f the irid bed Muri.hye! Could they baf iieti the father paring op ami down hie ipaciuu aparlmeitU, hi bean fi'led with grief and ditappnititweni i the digrare of Ina own ami could they hae e-n ihe mmber rie Irotn the aleeplra pitlnw wiih a ruilen eye and j II uttering he-.il eouid ibey hate teeu dead in l.ia 11. Aa ea pte lai.dai.tim ial . b.id tte jiiuw. Tn.1 itcie it life tod draib m it u-nue. I rui. piy yeoitg fueitdt, ihia tiwy may taiLr Jour a lentu a the tnljei I.iI r.pU. Ilmay beiareibalmrh fatal mjuiy i ua,rtt4 aljie ioaUuee I bate lelaird. tot if they do i u 0. r l.afoi ibey cuiaiuly baria yo aaa out. &aaaM Tbi Wcexo -Tbey wbo ty tliat tbia w a wiM-ri.Ua w wld. or thi u . muruble lite, aay am wtlL It it mi, nthr.'py, or a tVeated laitginatioa only, ibat tare ibit. Ufa i liable to miteiy, but uiieery i tot m tery being; it it not a to'ueraUeeiiatei ce. Wiu,e I know ooi what tLinga to ty, or bow mauy. 1 be era i opeind to a wmld of beamy aod to braaenaU tubtimity and lutein net. The ear betretb toaea and t oieea ibattnoeb the heart with jy, wi b rip late. The f real wtdt aitnorpbrrt brettliet apon buhre at with to(nete and fragrance. Tbea louk drejer. II w many eui:ditint are bippj I Childhood ippy land youth i pieailm(ly bap pyK and prot-jeiiiy bth iit j.y, and wrahh it a.i.l.nion; and the warm blood that fl.iwiinit.e ruddy cl erk and aiuewy arm ol bonctt poaeity, it a stall better gift. No ong i to beany and cheering anne that aieala forth frcta the wiudnwa of gay ealonntaa ihe aung of boneit labor among the bills and m-iui.-tain. Oh! tale a man with the true rnertea and auVctiunt of a n.att-a! men fcel it to te good. To be a healthful inaijf. li unheal tid and It.nrg atn bow tnuch Utter it il, than to be the min i-n or nater, .f any condition lord, landgrave, kmg or t'tet ti! (low many affections ion are hapj y gratitude, ge i.ervity, pily.I.ire, and the conaciouine of ten.g beowd! And t i bow the heart, c h.w line and adurattnn. before the Infinite, all bles ng. eer-blratrd O.ie to Bee in the all ttirroundmg brightne and gb'ry. not beauty and anjety ouly. but.. the all Ueautilul. a'.l-M .jeanc, all- Conacioti Mind iui Spirit ul lue this i to be filled with mure than ere-itrd fut- et ii i to be filled with ail the fuluea of Cod!.-, --,,iVi r-.'Vi-. r-- A woild where tacit things are a worlJ. boe all, where aaelt a preei.ce a eeemeth to ate, a roodiy wor d. I .k arouad upon it, 1 meditate upon it. I fcul its bleating and beatitudet; and 1 tay, turely it it a world of plenteoiitueis -nd beauty and gladneet, of loves and friendship, of bitted himet and lud al art, aaered communions and loll I iiatione. ol immortal prosprcu; and 1 lemember mat II who made it, looked upon it and taw that it was aery good. Ittv. Dr. Dtwty't Ditevuntt. ea the acquittance c.fi!,i Cart Shin., raust be rejuhteJ and controlled by the ird and 10 . e. He boarded f.-r a bi g Ir. be before be caaaot diret himaelf ua-e at lie I'atttiao, tai LoaibMqueinlv tf his repremi tali t-edutv to present a peti beiaroe a Ufideet ol the boe iteelf. o'a Uon sent to him, area iW a diaaolauoo of rrWt,ni 01 a pretiooa anarimoma coo. the Union. t.ei.00 be had torn d with Ihe family of J Ilia coruluet U errrntne. A part of it boael.oo the young girl was we cannot approre. But to aee an old a. U Saturday week, the young U'y man an honorable and patriotic oil man waa I e mated to eme toibe city on the , day after day batted like abutl, for no ri.teure.f rifting Lerfaibrr whobadjut other purpose that we ran see but merely toeea beie, but waa ant here then, wbea fur the mrnvtrmtnt of seeing his aobla ef- llia maietaaa w.aV L... 1 ft 1 a ' m m . ... B w Firr, ai.u rto. zd, ai ion 10 tree bimaeir hom In perweutorv, ler bating returned borne, ondrr another we aay. this esbibiuoa excites or preieaca hs fin ram ta the city, a h.0 eroipathy for the weaker aide, and a de itey both enltd in ihe packet bip ale- gree of indignation against tha aeaailinr Jitor for Lotutoa, Licb brought cut the numbers. Cnentbonvth Patriot. fact ia the eta. . " i . I Ll C'apl. Shia!er I now one of iba bib. an.aa avn rm tn..tttt. Se'siari tSS'T f : Ia 6ehM 00 Mr' Marahall. resol ut ciare I rue, atatioaed at Demarara. t .- , , Hta.ge is rarioasly represeaud. n.e luUOB, W " 11u,e of Representatives loaeat p-.int is slated at 43. and the Lijth- 00 171,1 lun Mr. Botta, f Virgin. etl at 70, tbi ditagreement of romputa- U, commenced his remarks with the fol- If0!!.?'" frolh Jk'-C P-r lowinj eiplanauon of Mr. Adama's po.i. of muatarbiot and wbiakers which the rap- ; M, ' . : ...?". Uin wore, ahde it ia affirmed be roirt , " 7 u" .wruui pcuuun.- Oot a little, and wear a wie and Me teeth. " theqnetirn bef. re the bue! ueh ornamenta aa all will allow oftea : M il c-'nmitld by add much youth to the appearance or old ,,,eien,,,n Msaebueltt The men. TbeCaptain 100 dreates remarkably Se,,,l'" J P'eented to thi !looe a ell, wallzei admirably, and ba firuteJ I"""1 " thatCongret ahould not a little ia oar f.thionable aocicty, ao wu Uaioa by an act of legi.la Ibat when ha concentrated all ihete ini- '". oul,tLongrenthould driae me, menta and faruhiet to faacinate and be 0"bJr h,rh P'acefal dittoluu'oa itch a young g et nolyei 14. who knew The g n lemaa frox nmbiiig of the world, it it not at all re- tar.ding here aa oe ol markable that be had tuccett. He itsi.. . Po f'n land, after baring been hnwettr, to be reetecUbiy rnuneeud in ,n ,f rVfe cl l,,e r taH a Cneland. and h I.'.. left 1... 'nury. with one foot standinghe would riee certificate in the hands of a retreet .T '" f "' would ptidon bim all meichant. Thi ia hi third wife. Ua-'T"" ,h ,rr !' l',Vf Vti ,,ul der a let la of New York, it mar be a . tt,,,",, n'lx U lttnn d ' r,,m' well to adJ here, tbemarriiiee efitna.. mm"' rf l,,c!t he ,,,,lJ ' fure, in girl undei 16 is toid.ble. bui not id. c'"ty. be Led at the bead. iiiai ne niigtti nare an opporluiuiy ol uV - 'i! Of appealing to bis fellow citizen, vol rtoiontlrstiit with them Another uf the New York naner y: I be young lady referred to i XI it E ily Croghan. the daughter of a Mr. Cr.'g !f ".'Ml llif lt" uioIaiw of the ban of one ol the we.icro itte, who ha ' U'""n- H ! t'dd them that ihi wa teen an Indian agent in iheen iee of thn . ''.' W nn ""'fiutd to the f..riy ia m Internment. Her unci i the celebrated i,",V,V u,i heroVf Sandusky. Col. Crogban. of ihe " " ro'! V. S.'army. Her father i. now in Wa.l1n,, ,b;t iiig'of; Mia t the heirea. u i tatd. of iurf$ million of ihtlart: The tff.ir baa t ruduced a great etcitnneni in fashion able rirclra, and exeerttona are, i.f course, thrown out at raudum upon all paittea concerned. , i Tha ini riciiu given by the Prevalent i ihe d.uneitirt removing ag.in and again land two !'rfeor embraced a eoinplete i the votouihd dthe from table utelei. jltterary eoutte. aid much of the nuthc ly tpread; an I ahore all, could they hae imtics a.id nrtural phtLeophy, a wafolird the ti-ter to the rom of thai cuatomary in any college in America. I poor y. tn man, and teen bim. tha pie I I There were neverany peimaieni fxd. ! ture of temorte and rnsery, while the ial the College wtutind by ihe tui- Jhtmg oer him, trying, in vain, to con .'tion fees ami ibedoua'toii of i.nliudul j vtnee him t'ia the fiulia were not irre Tba youth educated in that iiitiilu'ion j ttterablc, that il.e alorm would pats oter be aU lepl with their fadier, and no j and hi lather would g4tti look upon him lii of their naoi'S remain. One ol the ih kindm . " Think you if they had decreet conferred it tll in eiit-nce, in 'tern all il i, (.tid with the eye of tiue ihe potrion of Mr. J. 1. Cr.hain, nl j J mpathy ihey might hare seen it) they' Lincoln county. I rould, by aggravating evil report, hare A few nuncs of g raduitrs are pretented j multiplied and sharpened the arrow that in the memoir of the (get; as C. l.;k, i eie pietcmg the botnm of this unhap an of&i-er in the Revolution', and father of J pv lamilvl Had they, by a generous ef liiahop rnU. of the bpie-pal i.burch; toil ol lite imagination; Tor one moment John (traliMit, " M I).. Fraiin Cum put themitlvr tn the Murphy' place; ffiings, I). D., who l.hnred in Gerg, had they itnit.ted lltm who without ain, aud Thnma llenderaon. M I)., of Ciur-j tou.-hed with il.e feeling of our infir lone. The three I mi name I. for the pur- mi tie, they would hare been silent, or ut P9 of economy, kepi bichelor't hall in tered only ward of kindnei. Hut alas! a mll builtlmg erected for the purpose; ' they carelrady cast stone which were to inflict death! ! fine of the two or three friends while ilia other atudent wero accommo dated at the ttewaM' hll. Thorn Heiideron. M. D., after ihe Herniation, occupied the college build ingfor a U gh School, which he carried on with great repiratiii fr many year. Of the lew surrirots of ihe pupils of tins school, the' venerab'e man fmtn j Mr. Murphy went fur the first time to whom thr fcl were obtained, John William' apartment, repeated wh it he Robins n, D. 0 Io-g prtnr of I'oplar had joat heard, and demanded in a voice Tent, i one. Tne Ute Dr. Wilson, of j aluioet ilT.ieated with emoUon, coufea Tb objects of tocicety are diaappoin led, if a high state uf morals does not dit'ingtiiah il.oje who pei form the duties ol public ofTierrs. It is in the power of etery one of tl.ojc, ahaterer bit func lion, t-i give a tone to all within bit influence, which mending beyond that rucie rech) the out povit oftoeiety and tlir.eta ita most tmliirerent operation. An independent exprestion ol opinion, though lor a while itihjecting the person to ahutet, seldom Ms if founded in what ia nitht, in elevate the character, and prove a aource of honorable distinction. Mr. Juiire Blacknone, when asked by the .Minister if be nvght expect htm, il in a particular flice,to suit. in the gov ernment, anawered, he would auttaiu the law. He lost the ollice, but has gained the sppUuse of posterity. If every per on entrusted with a public duty, would remember the atation, and forget hi'in self, there would ba many example like these. The people, catching the infec lion (lowing Irom uoble examples, would learn .l-io to forget the man, in venera j , uon lor t(ie puniie ollirer. I hey wouM : feel, th.l hia oiTicial honors were placed upon his brow, not to elerate one indi vidua) above another, but that a public good might be accomplished, aud person al right secured. But un'ess the officer hat this feeling for himself end his sta linn, be cannot expect it in ihe people. Politician thus-may exercise a noble had brought -n ihe flung reports, called: jfloence; but ihey must be Matestnen. into Mr. Murphy s the second evening not deroagoguee. The rabble about may after the disclosure, and told him as recet- reie one into the air, as the whirlwind e l fact the tumors about the forgety. ,f , fe,iher; but the calm, always ihe The mome it the riit..r had deprte.l,! .,. nf n.oai ratiom.1 n.ul 1.... l.i. alone in obscurity and dishonor. hid. Monitor. Ilockv Hirer, one of whoe ins is now mirsmnarv in Afrea, nn.t .Mr. Junes Wallace. Img pastor uf Providence, were among bis'pupila. No vestige of the college buildings now remain; the site i occupied by the dwell ing of Mr. Julius Alexander. While Mr. (lenders n High School continued, it is nl known thsl eff ols i;re mule lor a College; those not aati ftd withjt'ie amount of iittructioti ohtaiii ed at In school, went io Nasau II. ll in New Jney. Af'et the lime of llei tl ron, various elTiria were made to ereri a college lor thai region of eouiitrt; an! at one tune ''art r a uhiwiise'l from 'he Legislature l!ul iiutl.ii g tiruititl r permanent wa Fro tha New York Kinrcaa. ' i a ton ilia whole trutli. Pmpput-'MT -i'i.. .i. , . I MM-r . m... .... . . i;v riiiiicuirio v. c T.ie poor young man had fa ted 43 alluded to yeaterdae, of a young girl of hour, he wa weak and confused. . Thej the West, front a aell known boarding fight of hit father, the anguish o( hisdia- trlmol on Stten Island, ha attracted a hored countenance and ilia anger fl.shmg f rent deal of attention, from hi eye, deprived him of all ue nl Tin young girl, who is nearly enn oisminil. He tnai'e no attempt to explain nected with two among the mnt dimin the fircumsunees alleged against hint.! guiahed ollicers of the army, was left by Uistly a it was he Old not tee tin lie. tier lon.l parent, lit a boarding achnol on Jonx Q. A dabs. Although thi vener able man has beta stigmatised with mono mania, pronounced a tool, and j iiied for imbecility nf mind, waobsirve from the proceeding of Congress that he displays a loliy learning and talent in hi peeche hich no man in the House of Represen tative can reach, and not one in tha Sen ale can aurpars. Pool he may be, but hi tpeeche srs too tentibU for his opponent-; none uf whom seem la "try him single handed," for when one collars him, ihey all collar him, and yet they cannot throw him the old gentreman, however, in the ecuifle" very olten downs' an opunent, snd seems to lay bim down with great tutt, as though he would not hurt a hair on hia head; he eviners in .this a good deal of the Quaker. Hit recent de fence against the charge of seeking to di tolre the Union, and the allegations and imputations brought against htm by Mr. Marsha'l'e resolutions, it at affecting and patriotic a it ia powerful and triumphant. Il is a great pity, however, that ihe old gentleman, who lived in the confidence nf Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, under all ol whom he held ati important nation in cfli?e we av it ia a great pity that he should feel it bis duty and think himself perjured in refusing io present any and all pennons sent to him, w ithout reference to character. 'This evidently tends to tarnish a name which, had he avoided il, must have lived in the recollection of generation far yei to come, with reverence and grealrennwn. Milton Chronicle. dividual who had ikmd that pet lion; g and iiie,eaiog el; timenl i wiltlr tnretd throughout ihe Commonwealth of which he U a Upresentaiive. " And he a. Led them to permit him, a a member ol this House, io prctcnt a rcmootlianc. and ap I eal in tbete pelitionera agaimi the folly of their courae. Mr Ad. ms bowed hit bead to ihe table tn attent to Mr. B.' uggeiioiis as to hi motive. That was hi (Mr. B ') understanding of iIm ub jet. And on thai question the proposi tion was aubmtited: tir.l. that the gentle mm thould be censured; and then, ahoull deem it a mark of great grace ami mercy on the part 0I the Home that be w.a nut exptlhd! . eh l.er oj ject of pttt lio iaipvavemee,'' aa ii n,j be llobt tnper Ms W1 tm il (.WMaiwtional rttiU)e ration tf Frdeial pow er. By it eruM.t ew4 oet f raaa.aica'Mw wi.' be epened betw e- a tl e Kiatert the ln ea J e(aiM a ill disappear; ibeir iatrvrat will h kirn tifird. and it eie eaioat crmernetl by ae w ! and iwdttfUubl lie. Jejf Mtuet' I8P8. " .... ... ., r Tha jmbtUe aeraw.abiiiia of iba sari lues 4" retenue broi.l wbaiewote applied to the tun nai.t U ihe pobl d. b, wbet.er ti e fierttoa and y f or eomir ball be ietted, merit lb eonaideratioa vl C-mgre. Shall ii be aprf!oetie ia the cblie iu! fiba'l ibe teaeaua be nduee.If , Or ab.ll tt . t rather b ppropriaieD to tha iegovoae' fata of Road. Canal. Rivera, Lduea Hoa. aod other ireal lnilatlo i f prrs penty and anion, aider ibe pwes which Congress ay already pee. or soeh . saveud mept ef il f 'wwetitntuNi ay ba approvri! by the 8tarr Jtff't Mtt $ag 1808.-, Jon Q. Adams's defence, as he called it, on the resolutions to censure him, is said to have embraced a large part of the history of his own life, and consequently the interesting events which have occurred in Europe and America for the last half century. It was listened to with the deepest attention by ihe House. The ex-President again took occasion, in the couise of his remarks, to define his position." as regards slavery and the right of petition. He said he had told the House, the country and his constituents j ten years ago, when presenting petitions From the Richmond Whig. Ml JEFFERSON. A TARIt'F MAN til Mr. Scon made) the self styled !)emuc racy open their eye, Fridxy, when be tend extracts from Mi. jetTersou'e Me- tage, to prove that ihe father ol De mocracy was not only in favor of i lernal Imprvvtmrnts ly the Geneul Co ttrnmenl. but Wat a warm advocate of a lariff. The proof was conclusite. and produced quite a sensation in the Hull. At il it not eenernllv known that Mr. Jefferson entertained these opinions, and in l.ct, thirdly opposite ones bavin been attributed to lim. we annex the extract. It will be aeen. that he. in theonit of an American, wa not disposed to give Foreigners an adrantage oer our own People, and his Democracy did not shud der at the idea of taxing European luxu ries for ihe support of Government and ihe encouragement of Domecue Maou facturea!" Tiie duly, he say, fall onon the rich, ar.d he puts il in their" patriot ism" to sv. if Ihey would not prefer to pay this lX. and appropriate the proceeds to Itoadt. tiicers. Canals, $-e. We ihink Mr. Jefferon wa wrong in recommend ing Internal Improvement by tba Fede ral Government for we consider thai system nton!y unconstitutional, but huh i ly impolitic, and in its tendencies corrupt tng and consolidating Hut The Deaenn for mev Ppa. :IJ one ol Ina boy to the deacon, I had a lunny dream lavt Bight.' v Well. Tommy, what was your fen ny dreamP I fit earned the devil came taio your", s'ore" f The Dviir - . Ye P. the devil; that be found yna drawing s glass of gin for poor A mho Jm, who has fit, ai-d whn broke a lit- lie bab)' arm the oiher day becau aha ' ene.1 when he came borne drunk. And' I thought the devil came op to the eoun-4 ter ai! laid the end of hi long tail em the chair, and leaned aver toward the' barrel where you wero stooping to draw ii oni. ami asked if y wat'nt a deacon. And I thought yon rfid'at look up, but' sni.l jno was; and then b grinned aud -shook bit ia.1 like a rat that baa a rat, ' and says he n.e, that er'e the detenu 1 fur oir!" and rn out of the ahop laugh ing o loud, thai I put sty fingera ia my ' ear and wok p " ? ,: Ttie deacon quit tha trafTie ami joined ' the Washittgt'io Temperance Soeiaty. : .,, ;,nmm . . . .... ,t ... , -f Tin Arrr Mam He was born' ia . the rity of Regeneration in th bue id ' living faith in the pariah uf Rrpentai.ee unto life educated tit ibe tchm 1 of obe dienee and litea in the plain of perse-' terence works at the trade of diligence ' h a laige estauinthe county of Cen Kntment ai d d. e j-.b of telf-dt nul ' be wer the p'ain gauaehi of hua.ilitf 4 and ha a bet er suit to pat on wbe'a ' he auends tba curt of jutiire, the robe ; of Cbrist'a righteoutnn he often walks in tha valley of tell abatement and tome ' lime climbs the M.ounUmt of tpiritui.- inindedi.e- til bieaktasi every morn- X ing on spiritual prayer and tup every j evening on ihe tame he has meat to eal the world knows not of -snd eYmkt tha lU'Cete milk ol the woid. 'Phut htunr ' he live, and happy he dira. Hippy is be i who ba gospel submission in hi will : due order in bit atTreiion sound peace i in lit cncieitrt anctifyipg grace lu In aoul teal divinity in bia brsast true huinili'y in hi heart the Redeemer' yoke oh In neck a vain world under hia -(eel a crown of glnry mi his bead -bap p! ihnce bapp)l i such a man. u !M In order to attain unto thi atale, prayt. frequently lie firmly, wail patiently,', work abundantly, lira holy, die daily,, watch your heart, guide your ene. re deem your lime, lov Christ, aud long for . glory. policy ol taxing foreign luxuries for the maintenance of the National Independ enee, and far the advantage of our ow.n citizens oer foreigner we entin ly con cur with him as we do in most of hi political view. .The wav to risk in Lira. No young : man can hope to ria in society, tr aci worthily hi part in life, without a fair moral character. The haai ol uch char acter i a virtuous, fixed principle; or a d. ep. fixed sense of moral obi igi tion, . ru-t.ined and invigorated by the fetr and t love of (hJ. , he youth who potseases such a character can be trusted. , Intetfri- ly, truth, benevolence, justice, aie not with htm w or i!s without meanirts; he aa to lhe known and ba feel their sacied import. j and aim in the tenor nf hi life, to ex emplify the virtue they expreas. Such a raaa ha decision ol character, he know what is right, and i firm in doing it. Such a roan has independence of character; he Hunk ano act lor lumseir. and i not II . l . ! . , iii-iB arc an ex'iaci ursi iron ins in ne mau a ion ol to erre tne porpoea Message in 1806. and again two yeata'of party. Such a mxn ba a true worth later, from hia Message in 180S. (of character; and hit life is a blessing to The Question, therefore, now comes ! Imlf, to bis f.niily, to societv. to the I m . . - . .... . lor warri, to what other oNectsthall theaei wouo. ....t..A v. : . ....i . i. I Aim. i . . . . . i . ' a - tor me aoomion ol slavery in the Uistrict 1 attrplutse be appropiiircd. and the whole of Columbia, that if they expected him to I surplus of impost, after the entre di support them they were mistaken. He said he had repeated the same sentiment time after time in that House. He repeat ed it now. He said if a bill were to be brought into this House for the abolition ! of slavery in the District of Columbia to- But to could extricate himself from tupi-'mn. Stateti Island, with tome three year vet! morrow. h wrnnM mto n ;nci Ilii faculties veietnpended. Hoinere-, before her to complete her education it; j hn argued his duty, as a representative, te ly feebly averted Ins innocence. 'I1iii where a Capt. Slunley, late an officer in j present these petitions. , , U ' . w aiicrwaiua (iiii'tv urjmiu an 4urs-.oy iiiuian m uiji anu aerving cutler ill ln. and iiiHiiy circumstance came to; the field of W let loo or N. Orleans, first 'ig'it th. t nlieyied the sin he had com- became acquainted with her. Through o no I, hut al i! too Mr; for thi victim ol , tne mtrumtntaiity, as it is said, of the too v.l r-por . The morning afier tin m (il the Udy who kept ihe bonding schoo', tettiw wuh b'u fat her hu w.s lou;id;but without her kuoletge or her con Mr. A .'s position is. fas oronerlv snm med up by a Virginia cotemporary,) .lhat w hil he is opposed to slavery, he admits that it is protected and guaranteed by the coivsiimtion from all attack, and lhat it iv fitrcstion, which, in' all its bearings, charge of the public debt, and dining Ami, then, in?, friend, to attain this cluiacter: arm at virtue and moral excel- lence. This i the first. Uieiudipenah those inteival whr the purposes of Wr qnuetion oi a goou citizen. It impart hall, not call for them! Shall we tupv ',e -tei.gth. and beauty, not only to press the impost ami give Ihut advantase individual character, but to all the insn to foreign over doniesiic manufacture:-! tutions and u.tereata in eoeifty. t it in. On a few article f more geuer.I and ne-. Iefd the dew and rain that iinun-h tins' cessary ue, the suppression, ut due sea-j v'n "u " by which we are shaded ton, will doubtless be tight, but the gte! relieahed. ' , mats of articles on which impost is pi., . arebireign luxuries, purchased by thoe It io curious f.ct. that children ra only, who are rich enough to afford them-' the best judge ol character at the firt selves the use of them. Their patriotism a ght in the woild. There i an old would certainly prefer it continuance, and. Scotch ptoverb, thev are never rannto application to the great purposes of puble that dog and bairna ditittt like,'! auil Education, Roads, Rivers, CaoaU injliheie is no truer proveib. h

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