.ni as, ft, 9lt,t (.rts tat h -is I t 1 Tliuraitay, ,t?ttI .f.7r SLi$ lr'tf Tit Game Cck tf Jtivotrmy trivwjJ.aal !l ' Tht aSovt it iht buattinj km which l!e editor of the Staodird has p lac ed st tire brrJ cf tht eimioa return ia h Is I wctl's paper, surnioutr.rd i h (he rrpTtse.Uiion ft Came Cock stand jttf upon a Jeid animal of some kind, probably a Vox, wiih iu tall cut off. Cut this flauiith is tnaJc culy f..i the purpose pf eorerin the mortification which has vera hel;nd the party in this meet si J defeat, 1 1 is tree that they have elect ed fire'out of the nine members of Con pros to lie It the state is ntiilcJ, but nder ciremwunces mhirli reflect any thin; but credit upon, them. ThU il be embj to appear ia the Gdlowtoj abort ft&Mneiit, The elecion for Coreroor last summer turned exclusive ly ppoo general polities. an J it was shown, then fore, byhe voice f lite people directly spoken, that North Carolina was a Whig state, by a nsjnri'y of 457'i rotes. Yet nntwiihsunding this emphatic expression of Use will of the peop!e, our Ihmotta'ic Legislature m syed so outrageously to district the Mate as to sec are to themselves, certain as they thought, fi member1, and by a ILdc inaritruvcrinj. a chaurc fcr two ethers; leaving two oaly certain for tht Whig. To effect ibis purpose, no regard was had tidier (o compactness of form, or com atunity of interest, or familiarity of inter course. Of this ottr own district furnish- es an example; a string of coumirsmore than ont hundred and seventy utiles in length; but it is more grossly tppareal iu tie Caswell district, which extends orer the mountains to the westers eitrrmi y f the slate; and in tht Guilford district w hii-h stretches stress to tht South Ca rolina line. They were determined, re gardless of'aU other considerations, to coop up the large U hig majorities in as few districts as jxttMhle; and Uiis they did in funning the 1st and 4th districts, where are crowded togeher the large W hig majority of 8,607 1 ! placing as an ficl in one Loco district the eompara lively small majority of only 23s)?!! Such were the means to which they re sorted by which to secure to hemselves (our out of the rraiaintng six districts. Ind because, by this unjust arrangement. they were able to smother the voice and triumph over the rights of the people, the Democratic editor of the Standard sets op his loudest crowing. But let him crow over this fruitless vic tory, if he chooses to call that a victory purchased at so mu h cost. But is il a victory! Let us see how the matter stands. . in the sis contested districts the mnjo- lisies by which tho representatives to Congress were eleeted are as follow A Lcc. 5.-;$ Ill l r5 513 2d district, 3d 5th . 3G6 7th 8 th 9ih t 810 1300 12J0 Whig mnj. 6 1 1 these same districts Ijst year, in die election for Governor, the Iaicos had a majority of 1(333; now die Whigs have major! y of 0; bring an actual Whig gain of 1614 1 It) the 1st, 4th and Grit district?, (two AY hig and one Loco,) there has been no .contest, the majorities being so large that n opposing candidate could hope to suc ceed; this tlcciion, therefore, affords no crite;ip!i by hieh to judge of the grow ing strength oWie Whig cause in thcin. As die Whigs lVe gained in the other dis rids, il is failV, presume that they have in these; but foXou present pur- pOip we wt I brut intoosiaicment the .vole as it s ood in the GoVyuor's elec tion last vear. v .Whig majority in 1st dist Ditto " lid, 8, Loco majority in &h dWk 2,3'J7 Whig majority ' Cs2t0 . It thus appears, that although , the Whigs have been cheated out of a pos lion of their proper representation iM'on gress, yet they have a majority of the popular vote of the state of 6,2 1 6. locs the Standa.d cull this vktor t A De miatic loss of 1,614 in sis districts, and VT02 ' 607 ? t e Lse pes!, eiI?Vr ItTf frl thit the etw eJI:sr lock cia?e nf Saadard. Ls hiJcd dwa tie Vaa Herts lag. AH lie etmliiales .it Cmpmt of his party ta Uie v!J were the are wed wppeners of Jha C. Calhoea for the PmkleaeT, widi the eireptioa of Mr. M'Ksy and Mr. Keid. Three out f il fit Pemocrat e caodidttes tUeied are Calhotia men. This is the source of t'l his joy; he raiuly imagines that this is eviiesce cf the success of Km Ctwite; ad U:is is tlie first cete of Lis pxi a honor rf the triumph of tht &yt&ern Ct over the Northern Fax! He is aot bold enough to come out and say so in wcrds; tut the device ha bas placed at the bead of his article makes plain the in terpretation. KORrn-CAnouxA election. The following- are what appears to be the cCcial returns of the elec ions ia this state; riSST P15TE1CT. Beti Cherokee 233 137 Ruthetfoid SCS . 710 Macon I9t 233 UaywcMHl , 347 131 I Iluoeombe 5fi) 272 w Henderson 275 285 lSurkrAM'Dowcllfi32 4C3 Vaney 287 138 Cleveland 3C3 292 Caldwell 322 253 3817 2888 . LTingmati's majority, 929. SLC0ND DISTRICT. Birrineer. Craif. Mecklenburg 614 881 Lincoln 523 1372 Iredell 1297 300 Davie 431 203 J Kowan C83 584 Cabarrus 573 29S 4153 37S5 Barriugcr's majority, 3C0. 7I1IKD riSTOtCT. Mitchell. RoM. Asho 317 345 Wilkes 108i 124- Surry 810 773 y Smkes 020 " 1027 Kockinghun 418 975 Castvell . 251 943 3S3I 4187 EeuTs majority, 350. lOl'UTM DISTKIOT. Dcbeny. Mendrnliall. Kichinond 230 203 Montgomery 170 55 Ansun 329 105 Stanly 137 82 Davidson 3ia 422 Cuilfoid 486 , 783 Randolph 332 191 2012 1S30 V Debcrry's majority, 192 rilTH DlSTf.ICT. Miller fjinndrrs. Wake 602 871 Chatham 821 519 Cumberland 438 58!) A Mooto 398 311 Johnston 399 362 Wayne v 143 490 3001 3142 Saunders majority, 141. SIXTH DISTRICT. I.parh. MKir, IJoheson 207 180 CuLmhus 31 48 BIadn 26 158 , Brunswick 6 58 Now Hanover 27 416 Sampson G9. 251 Duplin - 32 254. Innir 130 Onslow 17 - 167 Jones 47 03 462 1747 MKays majority, 12S5. SEVENTH DI3TKCIT. Nastu Daniel. Orange 150 106G. lVison 215 515 t Gran tills 770 575 I'ranklin 339 526 Warren ' - 98 536 Halifax 560 366 318U 3611 Daniel's majority, 155. EIGHTH DISIRICT. Stanly, sni g'on. Nash Kdgecouibe Pitt Greeno 71 106 654k ' .-298 851 1512 t 536 226 V 583 63 86 157 533 250 Beaofif Washiugton Tynell Hyde Craven Carteret 936 46i 335 512 52A 360 4265 4813 gtons majority, 518, NINTH DISTRICT- Riyimr. Moore. 360 'SOU 423 391 287 257 351 351 47d. 330 -Martin is rVriic Gates V Nordiaaiott V 1 213 t ' i 3 IU -l i Hi . 41 J j:i 43i Carritbct; Esyaer's 'jriy, 6 13, Tn.T.NESEII. 1 1 rttom frwa t!e Tecjjc-? ee .t noes thaw prrhy coociicly i Ct "Ligs bsrt rtelened (U. J.es t an iaeretsed mjorky over his vote ia 1S11; sad that ihey bate secured a 'nujority ta both branches of the !gi!4ture. Ia East Tennessee, Jones has a ffitja rity of 32S7, being a small increase; in Middle Tennessee folk's majority is 1657, being 853 less than bis msjorry ia 1811. From West Tennessee few le tirn$ hare been t eciveJ. Jones inxjo rity for Coveraor will prolally be about 4000. In the S ate Senate the Y higs have 1 4 members, the Lccos II. Ia the House die Whig have gained live or six member, and eoneithtJt!y will have a decided, majorky ia boih branches. Tt,-n n,:..ir n.: r . . . i;, ..unrr- ly of tins slate, and an ablo representativt from this district in Uie Congress of ho United States, has been elected to the House of Representatives from Bedford county. This county il appears has un dergone a complete revolution. In 1811 it gavt Polk a majority for Governor of houtl alieadj in the progress of tree 401; it aow give. Jones a majority of 31 JiZ&l f?3. and has elected a W hig to the Legislature. Members tf Congress elected, as far as heard from: wmcs, J. II. Tryton, W. T. Sen or, D. W. Dickinson. tocos. A. Collum, A. V. Drown, -Cave Johnson, 5 G. W. Jones. The result of the elccdon in Tennes see has been looked to with great inte rest from all points, as upon it has dt pended tht complexion of die Senate of ornaiors win now be elcVted from thai state, which will give a decided character tn ilia Unit ed States Senate. Whiletlu? present Ex ecutive remains at tire head of the nation, the Whigs cannot hope to do much to rt lieve tht difficulties under which the peo ple labor; but by having the control in the Senate, they may prevent live passage of such measures as would have a tenden cy to increase iht present die rest of the country. The Whig Senato will eep die Democratic House in cheek, and wt need hare 110 fear that the late Revenue act will be repealed, or that a Sub Trea sury bill will bo passed. We may there fore well rejoice at the result in Tennes see. KEN ITCKT. In this stale Richard French, Loco, has been elected in place of LandatT W. Andrews, Whig, by two or three hundred voles. In lite fif h district James Stone, Loco, is elected, in consequence of two'. Whigs running against him. In. the sixth dis rict John While, Whig, is elected without opposition. In the seventh and eighth districts, William P. Thomasson and Garret Davis, Whigs, are elected by large mojorities. In the tenth district J. W. Tibbals, Ijoco, is elected. INDIANA. Tire returns from this state show thai the Dernocralic vote for Governor has't,,hl,5 anU ir- -a'onn is partirulsrly argcly increased over the vote ia 1810. The following are the names of mem bers elected to Congress: Locos. w II ICS. Robert DjU? O en, Caleb 11. Smith, fhos. J. Henley, E. W. M-Gaughey. Win. J. Brown, John W. Davi y John Peltit, Thomas Smitiu ALABAMA. The Democrats, as usual, have earrred the Sia'c, and will probably have a large majority in both tranches of the Legisla ture. The v lugs win elect one or two only of the members of Congress. We will give the final result when the returns are all in. SUPREME COURT. Since our last nolice of this Tribunal, the following Decisions have been made: Hy Kuffin. C. J. in Duncan. . Iun- can, from Burke, directing a new- trial. Alo, in Sut t. W. P. Waters,' from Ashe, elTiriiiing the jmlgmeni belo.' Also, in Hunt v. Saunders, in r.any, from Gu.Iford, dismissing the Bill. ' AUo in Drake v Rieks, in bquiiy, from NislvdirretiR an inquiry. - , ? AIo ia Menns v. llihjan s Lk rs. in Equity, Iron? Rinilulph, directing a refe rence. ' 11) Daniel J. I.i Brya-t t. Pu.lpat, A.". ia liar-re 9. Tifi.fr, fists fifty, Z-nifg t'e jftt UUw. 13 lnt -tea a. l!a liar, (ttm lifcca, tiirMig s et iiiL A'". IIHVtw . DsTia, ia Efcir, dem 5rf, wttf t ittVffcre. m A't'K it Y.r c. Vot, ia fff.ef 2iit.m?u a, dtifciteg tit Idl fe It t-n fS. Br Cirrov. J. is L Ihrd 9. Rvi. Lit. ? IIMkif Irsi'MUeju.'tMt AW. in H t .'scs r. Vtl1, Uom Cut- t't rs. kijtnn f ifce Ctet'r. AU. turn, k Kwg, inm IIrftJr, sbs. uuetitg ju6mrut l0 ts t '" - tu. soa, tliimts; ih ji?r et brio. - - aivo, ia . Lry e. Cm, f,9m pa , it trrsirg tJ.s jmHimtn IkUw ttJ durtir.g a j!mr w fi pLiot fl". Also. it. Mr Dray e CaiUr. f.o-. 1, vte. rettr.iPg the ju-lgmeni br.iW, st4df ftct.eg jJ,ent for 1 Is.mitT. AU... ia cJ!,!i p. Ym.c. hum Sa ke, sffirmiflg tht judgo. i fceLw. Etzhttr. Tht frufriKM oj St. Lorle, iB Et j-otij. m.iicr Hie Aim J Ovcup fcoa Irfw," is t, on ttir rpij;y. Kier , . .. -iui,cui u.eouiuit , uvtn lor nnrs th th.ity oidt s in tl.c.L ! Ht'side s t ervst aea.U'i fajis sttlrd in tL r On S. Lnris I.sr, in Jspiter IV arrow, ami f .ake V..n h. il ia 0.1m. puted ihit wlirn tlit present tetdtrs gfl s i fieir familirs oa ttetr rreiuisrt, Ike aumler cf iuhabi ants will Ml Imle, if say, sl ort of 1.500. A trtat nun.brr ol Sound it rtf-rncMed st a most betutifcl U.et of ar. fr u ihie t i four toilt-s wide, abounilirg ith the finest orsttr. thiinip. fi-h. sail turtle to an extent al most u.crtdd U. Der, in key. d.cki snrl !l linJsvf wi?dfsr, abound klmosi tiuifiu , Ealiiinort.lmtrica,i. 4 MEXICO. ITr t!ie ttsam-thip l'etrits, Cpt. Ii hed. 5 days front Vera Cn 1, wt bate itceicl p-ptr Iron the city of Mexico up 10 tlie 22.1 Ui. , , w, I rut AigHo of tht ISh Julr sivs: sve joM retifd by tn express ihe oe lh . bnJv ,)fTf untt amo.,miac t 1000 uk 11, and Wt.ti irn-nv Amein cans, art marching ugaintt Nt M-xco. General Annteo and Mouier.! wait collecting their luices to dtftnd the me-ni-ftd (mints. The Diaro in notir.irg the ahot'r news ssy: "II the invaders ate Texn, the arm is u-t ajjrcid upn tetwern Uie two countries wit not be extriiled, anlrss thty inttai.tiy tai uie the Mexican soil; and if they are n t Tzns ihe eottrn- mtnt'of the Ueoublie will demand i f Houston an esidicit aitwtr, ihat they ruy be enabled to obtain rrthets seain-l these n rrme eomniitfd ac-dnsl the pt-sce, which vtassolrmnly pledged them by existing trea ie."' Echoamwtrt trfterrr' -Tlie Madisn nian has ihe fnltowing peifrctly ha- ac tenstie and naive asseitlm and in term gatory. W'e defy any body tt read it. and n..l laugh : Pel. Int. "We bdlett he (Tyler) his tliuu sands and tens of thoiiyand of friends in the country, and ire trith lo know who thry arti and where they an!' Trtachtru Hetrardedr'Vfe lern. naya the Dosion Atlas, that the treitor B. II. A. Collins, of Eaihan, h been sp pointed I.eht-house keeper at Cape Cud. M hi Mr. Cullins is ihe person who, in me last l,eisUt r of Msoschuscits, dserted to the Loe. f.eos, after lining been elected in Whig, and by bis vole secured the election of Morton as Gorer nor ol the S'ate. Clay ix Gkorjua. Tht Whig pipers in Georgia give the 11 -l cheering e counts of the prospect is t'ia' Sti e Van neter did and never cn gH the tots of the ! oiliou totrcold l-rawlnrJ paity; between whose chief and Mr. Calhnuu theie sub- sisicl the hitieret hostility. . Geniga in '41 w!l tmil in the fore most rank lor Harry of the West ULig. Mr.' John Qniney Adams has bacn ...... ..rm..l l1rn,.n-l, 1 iiiyinuig on uAitiiivij iuii ta ttn.i tutuMia j Western New York and Canada, lie has! m ieh attention paid him every where At Huftalo, RochcBter, Albany, &.C., he was jjrseted by large crowd.- of people, ad- ihcssed by tha constituted authorities aiiu waa in various ays mo imjat-i ui lively honors. " - " . n i ennsyivania paper sav mav an i n i .1.... ..ii ; parties in that S ate will unite in impeach ing Governor Porter at the next session of the Legislature. - One causa of eom- plaint against hint is the frequency of paidons extended to criminals; in some instances before their conviction, it has been u!lcrcd. IIORUIBLE DEATH. We learn fimn the Cinrinni Sun that t womai was gored to death by a mad hiill in tht city un Monday evening of last vet k. The animal wss coofineJ in n enebisnre nsr ihe head ol Vine street, and being teased by some boys soon be gait to show signs f inlutss.. An at tempt was mailt tn seeurt him, but he kn teke.1 ont man down, totsed another oer iht fence, gored third severely; and then lexped out of tht tnclosiire. In a state of the wikluti fury h rushed up t''T d p'kr:.J I , i.t tu Ur aUiSstt, Irtuf Iti it mtmi iWk B rj kJtrtrtk.l'e taunt r, iliig lr L'tttiUtt!;. Tit'fk Lirtr;td iztm. Te Maeea titmtt, ftlVi is Ct4kstmety,A!4a, pstfi.lts ia e "etsf a irtUiiA screen iaSLtt rova y, sr J t rc bes ptestrtfioa tf le mm J.'e. TLrrt c( the rh.!J.i J..L. A. Ceate, dpif !if ,f , f runiy, in theaasreer t ttt ritcik e!cr o. k tails eomp ty ofXcr tr(McL.Uie. to kifti-'Jt t If, sal fur ths fvt,rrM L1.J & 1 J f potcJtr bret;lit .i ti t pom. A I tn m am A a fc : . r ... . t - r w am m tmm ia nil lw II II ih re, 1 r s lattil ihf 'to e it r ai trna.it til tht kf in I trrtiSe c. pioawt fo'lo,t. Te aoit Wi h'irj efLte.-Jtt. rKr rf the tuvrt tf kj were !men thrnegh tht rnf hraws fifty yr!. yl nor t f U t stten 'hUrtn weit kL'led, thoc;h all ttir hsr ;io m.ly ngtrmily( tut U 1 ihwKgl.i tWy sill iccuirr. Sommftht tftetttf Ihe, tm Ta rtfTut (Ucriia Jwnifcal y,: 'At nt.il.tail.it p't't. ,u, vnt jium" CrfTct iss.Ii ng si tm jtmit fr cat djlar, nd Sugar f.'rfl peuJ, fuf Cnr dy'Jar.f ' J Not more than eigh'een mnmlisarn. Cofft e wt stllinr fet pound frrad.jlar aad Siir six paundt form dollar! , Is the conttMiiptit'ti of these lo ar ticle. ssk Iht Dtmeetata b't in d.et tbt Whig Tariff ii jurt the ptoj.h J" " If Sujar thkt ward to . It in t!ii p'ae 25 rentt a pwnA. ran now be b'Uf In ti 14 cm s pound!' Uoa it t Itr.tT picre disdttntaft isltrtr '; CBS In ti e stmt proportion is tht tedue tion t.f piict on other fceuaiti. Now. when we compart the ifieeu f tlie Whit TaiitT. nh ititellrcit of ih TartThen Van Du'rm was Ptetit'ent. on whiirlui.It is the result trot fatorablt f Thett are fac t for ihe peopl-! TliT all know them t b s! And one fact ai'.lMhem should outweigh an bundrrd arsorriiens tnaterrma r protcn true. The Glort or Wa. Colonel M.r fan, the Texisn Commissicner, in Ut ter to tht editors of the Nrr Orleans TropK says that of 11,000 M"Xcso Irnopa sent lo Cmi.trhy t'osubibit the Yoratauese, it has bren'clearle ascertain ed tlai m!y 4.000 tt-turntd! There were 2.300 in ihe expedition sgninsi Me rida 800 of that division art all that esn b found to go bsek! UUek vnmil snd 0 her strkniss thinned their rinks da IwMul desriton, tngtiher with what were killed in tht different engagements. must account lor the balance. jM TUB MAIiKKTS. , Peimbtirg. Augit 14. Tobacco The receipts are very lighl, and no change in prices. WheatGencralalcs at 93, very finer sold at 9100. 1 - . Col ton Very little doing, at G to 7J Fnyettcville, gu4 IS. Flour, Salt (sack.) (bufhel.) Cotlw, Bocswax; 00 a 4 50 2 25 50 a 60 51 a 6 23 a 27 A majority of the Magistrates of this county will bo required to attend on Tuesday of August Court EIJlSEiniialDa .... In this cottnly, on ihe 3d inst., by the Rev. John Stadler, Mr William Swim. of Randolph, to Miss Hannah M. Walk Eft. daughter of Mr. John Walker. In ihis county, on the 17th inst , by Michael II0I1, esq., Mr. William I'at- TKKS0 Mostoomebv, of Guilford, lo Miss Jaxk Fekrill. Obituary. Died, in this county, on the 11th inst., Mr. Joas Thompson, in the 73d year of his itjie. 4VccUly Almanac. AUOUSI'. L Sllll Sun i ISO 27 Sunday, 23 Monday,' Tuesday, gj Wednesday 3 aoti3i j " " - - bl ct a s B 5 31 6 29! x cs 3 32,0 as!- aS". 5 33J0 27J5 4oe 5 35&23:3 .." jjj I liursu.iy 1 Ftidav, 5 3G'0 2 2 ? i. 2SiturJav. 5 37,6 23 .k a 3 ' To Travellers. vp SSENGERS will bear in mind itil there u i Hiast leaves S et'g.'i' (4 miica aouih nl'GtMO'.) tlaily. for Weld.ii, on tUe a-ritalil Hiu Cart Irooi liah'is!i; arrittt at Weltlou in t mo for Hit Car to I'lirlsuioulli eveniiif. Ii- lnrnig wilt leave VYetiton after Iho arrival f lle Cars from Portammitli, reach Sfeiljfea in lime tn to.inei t with the Cars tor Raleiti, thus nnliiiijja complete eonnect'on betwten lliese two to a If. Pera.n wishing to eo I hi route to- Baltimore will takt Stcamboata at PoriairfHiih on tlie arrival of tlie Cart, and proceed iiiuutJialclj lo Baltimore, and reach Baliimare aa soon as by a'iy ulhi-r rire. Fare the aameat bt the upp-r route. Tiers need be no f.:ar ol detention on this route, at it i a cojitinnaiion of Hit Mail tine Ironi Nor fulk and Por.emoiHh. Tbis Sia,i also con nects with Hit W ilroingloa 4 Utloigh Ril Koatt C treat Wcldon. V Angus! 16. . v 83- JSLAXKS for sate at this OJict ' STATE Ci Cst' C. t ' f it '-r f' t-' ft, fi f4.''t p t ! t irf'tt if fc-(ri l t i '". ! . i -t m U '..MM ft.', ( r! .' tpU 1 Ul t'tW i L CT i r i k lV trt t Xw !.r j.t f. . ' t if t 4 nJ lfnl 1,1 t r kw, kkcts it-t Cr.,-t..iM..'. TWt lfi, . 1 lr lott't w-cf II t trt'rf. I MlttltKi ti 4tr, t4 4 mhI rti. .-nEim.cn. Ak(a 14. IT D!7 The iit r.igiieJ will sell the in- H t f im nwi M r, .i keW-l t'avf WU, a tt, ix i" hut T'KI tT Laod. at its mum l id pitta. it. (n itrma. Ao?!i i i, " ., . sy tCoticc.'"" '.""' SIX itr ciii Ladttt mt Cajit. aaa ta It , rri.mm,Miir.l will, fcu'd, ttihrr k tTt muMti at tta npt Irrrrt ta ui tit timt,. b it ml.fcrtit.r a riHc m a httthy, qK-t, smJ p't.tiut miI tf i t. TV M. CYS(OTT.!. . IliH.lorf.. ;S, Ai.'iti 8. " H 25 Dollars Ilevvardt Jf) N at fii llt ftiiritr..i lit IH AU$, iett).nt Jtart UI, at ami t ( I (tn i.tshe, l.'efc. rwrorlinatil buiil, tail ei f i ov! io'k he ara) bt ytt lorkief aUl in Una 'ig-Kurt.iM..I, tul 1 bate to dm bt U liyirj u f.l u frtna't. Wjftowtlrra rait rotiniau. tibut uid wilt-t riv en, if (I. X twt., o.i f count t . W. C, or cosSned i art jot gtt I, int. ' MicnAEL 'suprrreEK.' An;nt 8. , - , 'i CI Tha Ila'eiek Ccsi.'lct sn4 rabil!t Bontr Mill ii fri llirt timet- . Seed Wheat. 7. - SrnilR tMbtcrititr Las1tir salt jnaality tf VVti.lt rrffnbett c( Iht fcawlrt hiaO. Il ia immixd.wiih an i Ihtr wheal, and it if exiVUertt ouiliit. Prite to ctnta-ttt bittlith , A. MICKLE. Aiigual 8. . , . , 68 IVo lice Wardehi of Ihe Icor. 'run WanWa of ihe P or far lit rotaly of ranep, meet tl tb fur 1 1 ohm ta the firat MonJav in StttmUer next. AH tr aunt having bvaintaa will altcnd tl thai lime, anil apptieatinna for admitting persons sboffU Ifien b fjiadt. Avtjttct-a. 85 ' i ' ii i ii . in . . TUB Conusor Warders for. Or anrt rnnnlt vf !l itrrt'il fht ttmt Hnaaannht Rrtt Monftaynf 8titiribaf. whew iht will teems Prarxiaalt Jbr Vi)tiia lbs Houtia. PnrMin iatiipg tn nndlitalit tt ' jib, which it omntl. lit iuntcd It tilt-a 4, By nrder Brtlit Comt if VNardtpS. ' ". A(tst 1. s..n i. '1 8 To Mcrcliaiils niid fh'i ' ciaiis. 'pliC auhterintra dt Urftlt in DRUGS I tD MF.UICINF.3, n3.ch tlirfuiU at- , wnt fiiii.-h to sLseliantalnd Pbvaitiarii at : Hit lo weal wbuUaalt prieta Miehanlt tni . Pli)a;tian who mat vot ut Willi their ordtrt mav real asi'rcd iY gvtiine l arthjltt frdm na putt and j'U. and at aa law priCr a at it a ay ti tauii'nnirnt i int iu in it wair. Wt takt rtieiilar t.are to-p.il up ftivfl- . ciana onlera ol audi Meditiuf a at wt Ktatt to ba furt.' - ' ' - Wt also keep entanllt w hand Paints of a'l Kind, Dva SlulTn, Window data, Primeis Ink, Purfnmtrv, Pleit Medicinas, Paint, Shot, 'if joti'.DuMinif. Scrubbing, aaiJ Ciotbck Brush- ta, santy AriH irt, 41. - i iLtilti JU.Mja & UlLh, ' Pctsiaburg, Virginia. Junt 10. 8 6a NEW. IHail Arransemciif. 'PifE Rate eh Mail elders on Sunders, Tut. -L dart, and Kridjva, at' 7 o'clock, J JV. The Wentern or Urcensboronah Mail doff on Siimliv ednedt, and Fr'uln), al 8 o clonk, P. .11. t he tranklinton Mail l trt on Monday tteniiig-at 9 oVhu-k., The li ne t Mills .Vail rlosit on" Weeeflr ever- i i2 at 9 o'clock. The L-a? Hurt Jlf iil tlntst . nn Tluirdat ttenine st 4 'chikt And 1st Oxford Mail tloxee on Tbursdaj evfiiing at 9 u'clock. , TI103. CLANCY, p u July 12. 62-'-.6w P. S. riu; Pott 03i, e it rcmntrd It .Vajor IMmtV llulcl T. C. r. n. - Dissolution. ? vKKl.b & NOKWUiiD b-t lave to ten iter tlieir grateful at know led;emtnis trt the liberal patriiige extended ta tlitir; and at the tirin bat bcrn disaotved by anbtHal cor sunt, luey ruev( Ihota imlebltt lo Ibrn ta call and rlott ilirir ac oiintt. - ; Tie butincat will iu fiiinre be tatritd on by MI Kl-t, who will kep eniiaianlly on tia id a good tnppiy of OKOl EUlES, ant) all other articlca iii iu hue. July IS. ., . . 81-. iooo rsiiT 6AC9N A. MICKLE.- : April 86. 17 A FKGS1I. SUPPLY OF , Ilolmst ocli's VERMIFUGE, Just Received and fur Sate al this Office June SO. , .. ' ' ' v . DEMOCRATIC .MEETING. 4 MEETI.NU f ihC DeoKH-ruiic eitiseiis of Oranee county will betield al the Maaoa ic Hail, in H.1l!rougt, on ihe Tuetday of tlie enfunra C u Court; fir the p i'pw or appointins Deleft es to attend! a Sum Con tention, wiiich it it expected -will meet in fio tcinber neat, and lo adopt measures .towardt the appoint tnrnt of Delepulta lo tlie Billimore Conveirtio i which meeu hi May pest A se llers! attendance ia tar ittily rtnteV Ont or more tdditttct will be tir'i. .V.. - A DEMOCRAT. - August 15.'- v ' -" 1 ' . 87 - x