ti U is feV Vftt-h the rhae; aa;t.' teatrte U tee pdrt U tbt r deaf to Out aaa4 eo be Brd, tt m lAdf W a tbitg bt a fei fri re. Il Ye a kao a aaorb of kit M geaf, weak oa tiskaada. Hat It caaot 64 sayti. to 4 defamttt-, ed m khc!t of hit Muwi'i spirit tows-da lb tMett of itffl, ih.tfc ettai! lot la pray foe tad ties irea. IT b i ike r of tit MsV vxhL ki MaWr will ll rr 4 b:i it&taUcr. II erd o di vide bit 33 bieta tbeow Cd ear mt tha h?f tat rMHM'J l bit bd. .H secure foe him all -t iepwtti.oa b seed, MtHiwt a g!t IM world md to shin ia iha eria.tB beaut? aad holiaes of letn.-Jyjitj RitJtCtr. EXTKALTS F.OW 5ch 4'-rt.4 is l iTIu- CMrit. .!.., kUI at C'ajt, Alabassa, t-y Re. Mr. Caetaa, aaa) fMiaktl at U ret, tt of tM . Csliew ... , have iormeet!, fir. the tht Tern fit of Liberty hbn hakeo to it very tuserby tee gfHia of tbt thing el ed T),io-tY. J.d" wtivd m.M i ! Who! ta f r g tMi iht KtMi ef J 33 1 , ha I Ibt toaa l of rbt bnl dam .a hrard ia Caitlina, kr plain rotre l aritb ih rtraiira of Aairt tht Ur a, tad ler fittiMt4 with ft frifttfi cf-ar. Vht ' p2U-ckBtt taat aot witH pinful aaxie ip. Im tht nan w apn!.Ja an a,v pral ui Coflf rtt - "11. app'l wa madt rejeetd-tbt fnm of aWtMO trey reifd wii'uia tht npl f l' r, .d iate J of an arwifi m blnoJy F-ret OH parted. Tit tor h ol war reaaJd ttimt!"r tht eapticJ, aau the araNcr of fvctrarm were coiamandwd to V " 'a UaiUK' or rx trtninatT faor frooi tit born ol thrir fabttti 4Kr' H waa at crn:ful knur. 'tt.a ofot itf De-ooeraep booting fr I'ol tf rted'ma ton. and the ItodJtM of I.ibt.ty werpmf oVr iht j rent! It waa indred an e-n(u hr.tir i f.ll H, and a crnflt enfurfjd Lira-a t Iucl ettrrrHk. which d''lr-i.e Uhijn and prr3a j ! o emjr poim of tht ppc!ar iJ-ola ion thr.wjh iTr-land., Ia , t'rl biie2e.and variiUiiuf for and i;a nai e roAd woetiit tka auaage of. a tre-. T piineideof polmcjV tconomy, from wora owt-aue btmayaf,earru. on whi.t,,l,,oiae!ceineBtol In political earei-r. bttrt aeemed u at -aarptudci- iht poo dcroa wanb-of X.berty and1 ttit Caion. ''wftfor a toiea at from thrghoat of Waahinft-Mi, txcUioed ar th Unioa! taa parcbafed wih tha trat . aad bltod of your fuhr ra" '. ! ' Pwa "vLAY, tir; that aaaichlc tuie'mn. Clay ! Dealing ia one bmfi'i tht olitt , CJ.Hioui and iht Whig, rx'epl fioit ol 'brvnrtr f pct. a d ia tht otter ihjS.u U Cr.lina, who, t iha biddi ig ol a word of irm and of VibeTy.tt'mr-Ii- td tht anar ronaeeratt-d to liberty there 1 Iai4 hi bfierin. and If erf. wi.h that! . burning, inajiMinned el quence, eongencj a with hi exaednatare ia tht na n of ibcry.asid in tht nameof the blood aiain . -d p,rSu wb porehwd it, ha bad the - danag ton of damnerary het'i the r twiwda and do wreak beta ia tht b.wrj . of tbeiabrutLer. II t loauda'e waa obe? ed 0irold' UABof Drraocrary crouched in bit Mrpeae was rttl-r.d acd the Vnioa aaed Mr. Preaident, my heart f eor !b- lite rr t "f Washington, for Whij place a tract tf thkt erniful boar with etno, h gh value on all t'te pn rrpu id it, at m mwib anutierahle, a id l.eo it hll ette , r pirircl lberty. Ko mm." ra d h, tn brat wi h t'it warmet puNaiiina if, "erei kaowing'y einptoted a bd man at rd approSa ion fottSt matelilea acti jbiit i acromp'ish ame srldsh or ertl ii tbttgreai!rma i f any eountra lib-" parpo." Si', 1 will clini!i ae.tt rtyrle mrteittit execration of my j mvitt wi'h my lal breath, and I alSttn . eritntry , and tht curie of mr country, f a ii liai bien liter-.lly er-fi-d by the Jid. I aid is ibcn. air, and I ay itnow, iitdjtmiii' n of J.din ('. (Jthoiit and : fa Ia of ronira!ttn. thai ui'h an in- Martin Van U iren. Such an a i.fliunta 'tidtt of Uttpcwe'of-tiHitd oer Uit d -r- wn of mind and rpirit wa r.err bi l.ne ia; paantrnw of urprii, neci be fore exhibited lo the world. The edict wa pMrd iht blood warrant znej -the id L'nn of Dcioceraey .gr pe l it in hit paw -tat on stroke ol than oerpoertng -cloqiiciice, before wfridi, I vine a trembie d Des(xiU bi.w. ma U th H'MolNew Cleans oiai on hi tlw me. and reatorei " i piMneu artar oi irocny vie o.-Oii j a ained .edict which be ha.1 sti2ed wnh j oclighL I repeat it tir such an inMance 4 tlit piwer if ntinils over the d iring pa atooa ol deip-it tm bad never belore teen exhibited to the woild. There w a re.fterf rkiertnowitabJouri-nmot- 'tal fbiry around the brow ol IF-nry CUt j tf irmftoar. whien preun ed Inn incoiiiOi" and raerit inoos vcinei in the cooo rtwf. ae ha great-st orator, tbe puret! pain tt. ni t'te trot ma?nai non a-ate mania tfi utnere 'YA of Cnlhoon sir, a the great Hemlrt of mind a-ol ; rrai inueeu a'e Fie pnwrr r.l , eoa mat wiicii r. niri.tuif Hie duel glorv Herculee,btii greta llercvles ia. thecal-' "d dignity men a moral' rharacier of Lioa of D n.tcraey UA h'm bjnnd .in! the highest order. 1 will cheerful y swan! 'fWrdaof Uep and whet ing hi blo-niy hnn alt ihi, a-td vk. why the amalgam 'lsogs, he wis rt'trly to tear it.e Hrrruteau j tom of such a in n I Irs wit'i tbe 1 1 gimi irnot a tltoiiaaitd atom. TU of ; le g-oe r g -acszl" whose ,til lies 'Webiterv rthe. great master spirii of, sured u wa not Urge n mit'j to cmuin ah age jreai imteed is Webster, but Webster was lhee r, and great as Wtb ater is, he bad o rhe heart to approach tf'O open yaws and bloody fangs of the Jtofkng l.oo, and bid him slay he wrath. rrae renewed for, the twb'e ou ol 1'li.y io d i the devd. a-id h wa J.me. Mr. Pre.d.:iii. if no other dcd t'.ai nai wiucit ha i tc.trrj the al aratioti ol an admiring woiH. had uaked the n ii'ieal career of ihaf- ibootnoua Btats-j h i3 i-iioi.gii irj Tis.ra iiiia . i in me 'e-r'a and fit in t;.e it'ts.riots of .the .'httbst tir, hit. deed 'at oiina:i uiiy iJi ;he couoflt! hil of hi cotin rv in the c.btuet at hootA and -l.i d ai an erbat!or of l.Kny, are ei g'aved in fha htarta ,f bis tuuti itwn .sl-i.I in t'. fcs to oi hi euuotiy, M . Pide it,,tia a I-m-frabre- het, fiat our fOeneoi the past tityear bat been pptniching a dce,Ktie moirar hy. Oat talw bate dared, under the tallowed garb of democracy, to pcrjte t te Jeed ia it. f.oce of law,' and cou ! f tJ ifet tapretied wrtinf the people, which nocToened bet I ii drops eould Kate d.iue, bul an the risk of life. It ia lor tht peop'e Hi rt m the tjajetiy ,., , . . . . ' II ui.ici, iv v bum vi itv iu.xi tbtir rifihia and arrest a sp.m auch'suie B3 truth tic trr uti-reJ. Th l bad U t ir.ic 4 l.tmir i r. bal t !' ol despwautea which der tit iatUweJ tt ef ceaaKiit, rtraJ rc-fr twf !at4 i lt ai ct emra; aa4 if Lt iaeft to vWa I fcaa rtf rd. i aei fr t it tkrra it t!eitit etnh. It loo m reraU 0 r ti ai4 noara ort t!i Ife4!r f tlarig it tit trftett a&e- it&it t!it g ll of Irea, Trillion.. It b!j rcattiaa fr to f& fii v lit pU aad !l.r aiartrl iMlj to ib tjMfit iu pmvpi el r i.!.rue orrtur, it Uit lection of oor rt kf of Snii, It vat U1 by TaabitUt M tkart it Mm at a bad ana b bad bihif fW etc. I an J f nd arrir." Itt Ihit aiiriit b-tiavrn ia V btr t of Wbit a Utt citenoa by wbirii il ej art fi be roterntil ia ttt arlsi-tioa of tLcir r!rr: let it b rteerdtJ for rotrnUrl If I it bt prorimri) it IB world. in tli Uct of lb i raiiraal ilf y ' Lol J JIr Oalltoua repoaitlt for b'-t biag rnh of Mr, Vaa Urf p nd ia iht fjf of thii ibic rotuct !art Ml, Otj f P ,,,lic J ncitlr, at Lonfrt and ronau'eurj a abote trrarUau N and cni'anery. Jlr. Caltiout ld ibt Wlig, air. otcn thy er kK' Ou'y frirod aud wlan tkry er U tfrmmd to tea tia mum th or b rndrd by tht attt badrr with hith bia aerk a ilir airurd. h told at l! fB,";ir, fnt Mr. Vo Hurra wa a ba I mat ; juvt a tad a Wabingtaa aau'tl v a icarab!t of irtat aad !fod Brrvirra lit told u lUa Le wa lh ciiiff adtucrof tb artohtcb p'ia cd iht yin ol tht Natchrz at lure ol Char'.rtloo" lhat bf waa t!Uut of donrrty at t man. w tHout piinip!e. without pttriot f-n, a mn ia wbo a null wanly priori,! could not rxi't" II I 1J at all tttia.and otbel ee l it;ilit ,td eiiU-r brtieffd or pould n t ; ueny in chgit .r Ma hl i(e ri?n Tuat bi man, air, with alt the evidence of na.t of boora'.y and of patriotUm, waa V.kea ia the arm of Mr. Callion at hi btao friend, wnliy f hi c n fiJenct and wcrihy of ihruiT.ia of the Wli-g f.ir the hihrtt fS.- within t'lrir ft ft. . IJero. air, wa tl.e epiaimn ol M. lhr iilutriiu leader, became at d denly c merted a Su Put on hi jour "ay t lit84cu''r uot,'htweer. It We the Ap.I-. fini ti e principle i f a faUt ti (iglitentK f i.th. but to- the f ih ol Van iuurcn Uemoc.fr. and tht tcienco of Van Bren TWISTIFICTA HON." an my olJ f wnu iVler rorrnpint rails H. Mere air. I hold the io egriy of AK Cl hnun he-'t I lu ld ih intrprny f the Whigs lei the w:!d deride betwero ii. But Mr.-Pi8iilei.t, tbrg leave to place Mr, -nnin in the Nrtnf anothrr pre ei'.i.i'Cil to the n;li!T nor ilid il erer enter she mind of the phyiWiM fcicon ceie a union of conere pini poiblr. l grant, sit. ineit roy oe circumsiaitc . . in w nir ii a du i which a bad man may be employed in! t!ie prmci, ht;" lh eiibordinaieea-ai;yrboit-ic.r.fi.letbeeie ol the j a rioi who is daatinv of y-b a country aa ours, in the; band of inch a taeilb tn. designing, cuori nf n-x a e wre -ureii wnt toe character l Air. Van Uoie-t,i more than can be attributed to a ili'R erete pnr p .as. Hre. I repeal. I h tld Mr. V.U houo: an I it .ree.itin hi I uins in :hi poir.t ol tiew, I w ll not detract one item from hit ni: rite. I mlt cherrfullr award him. all the honor of pa-t.leed h. ardu- f be c mntrj ; hi Herculean power i til minrJ;liis tlcpili of thoiigb; Ins tisi-a ul boun I-se reea-cher.j Ins et-iiv an! accomplished eruditt'tn to wnKh I wi,l one n th'e n.a tly p i ici; I ? .hiheiMine of c.MiM.ieney ar.d mor-l l o itlv. 1 -ik, hy should a U!es man of M'. ;t'h ui exalted characier. t-lrrt i.c;t mi t.. j preside over the derny of hi C(t,ifr hir, ihe aivrer is al han I 'Vahio ton was right, it wn to accomplish it ttUiih pu'pise ,f. Clh m i had dico me I Dmi Mr. Clay", was the fttori o of th Whia. tha h ha l oi.hpr i . ... piring to te Preoie.iey or' e-k new i'teiia atiu he Ine) ! ol his "i-t'f croveihi'g weaz' t". were io become lie Ineri.??--.o ! !n frienj ihfy have been .od ni !?WihJ ih.-fy mwy cjiitmu lo be, iiitit t.iks Vat Van, il bt. .. ti.ee uae'l ui man." Sj mut h for hit tcfah purpote, Mr. Prca.deni.biit w'h.l -hail we rav on them' purpose which Wa.b net m ai.urei n a ba l m.. i ei-r emj.l tyd iotce-implih. Why sir, ihtt bid man Va:!" was t wsge i eieinal wr ajfamst the currency of il Unite.l S ate Bank which Mr, hours tatire I u but a thmt Hat bef jre, wi 'M!ie le y bl currency in th worn., aid which lam happy losay the l n.v-lnla lul..a ... . A .r .L ... ! txs a a p bi t r ttiat at tMU-auH oatcblur f-f ij ytr taa irt J ti t e'It aa4 fcetor of ih oao t&itHtblo! tWretrt4 oitJf ffd ef at i) to tittt a rarreoer rv 10 (old awl lr. f iLt f ert aJ tht f. aad btth rirry ir. Ca'tot aariil a M tora Coat U ! Hibiij. by il !i baj 4 dr-t 'a..- Titt lei mm waa t - ad l.i rppontUa txial tht eunty wbtth Mr. C'aSbtea ttrl broaft.1 tht roifefaftt ofjric!tt!t3f to errt aad trade tw it a ijoor tjf "'the poor an eb,B, -id trai torf P4' am Ri-fcld b rooirellcd io fa.Sa t 50 per rt at lor il a bjr carrracy" f r raiaed hw fra yat afs and whteh bat bi tteted tha eiiiitMi of a oibcr be-eg e-r b a-r th broker aad ahavere of ti.i TaitAa ae. The art aowe of i be rtd pttrpo$M which a art eommeacf d and weie 1 1 be continued by tLat ! ad oaa Vaa.M wbicbhaaebecaaceofmiliab- td bv tht rotten bearted traitor now in ol fice ohicb are to fc anort perfectly c- coraplicht-tl by t'e eleciron of Mr. tal liotio, ami which tan be onlr rootrsei. ed by the rhcti. n ol thai b'fh 0B!fd, ll atrioua aUan.ao. Ue-n-T I'Ut M'. Pr-fKeiit. 1 fare indcrcB'Jy 1-H.rhcd Ibe aaakt ol a an who l a bea tht pit ful load it) iht l.ai.da of Dnnorra cy, of arr-ntd aliing wlat Uemwra-y i.e!f rould r of areorrj lh, Shamrlcaa' Tia toe ! lo dare to tha nam -t a V.i, to place bi no a iniH ty W ginst the wilif antliion -t dura in the f .ce of In owaa'uniri pled get to support ihv roeaure of th Whrge ImrUeud Mm, ad hc t excuse bno rll lor not doing an, becaut his i x- re me ly tendn rmacience wi-uM ooi e -rt t bun lo lullow the eiample tf hi il'Uii oa pre !ere4ort Wal.inioa and M-d ion. Ilia extremely ttnitr comciftice! Sir, he. who place bit eonacieact and hi ''riotim .hoe tht Ci'mcience and patriutism of Wtili'mgion, draerve the exerrvt'Oin of coan'ry.aud tht execra tiona of hi country be wii receive. The acene of di'ie wlvch lilt lender con trienrt hat pcrmifed hiaio pwliice. art beginning ta act upon tht . people, Tbt lhusino' and ten of Uiouandof boneat dtbtort w lira hat bceo reduced to po'cr ty and wrrtehedneie for iha want ol t bftermrrenct indeed, which hi tei.dr rnnaeience would not pcnut bim t us tin, are beginning lo t 11 their ta'e of woe in peal of vengiful tbtndrr. Ah! how t'te w Ikin rung with tbii'tirg p!aii dos when he commenced tbecaieet which Iih produced o much diat'es in the lau-l. Vein T leiVet' I t ler" ech. e.1 ihioicb t'i rank of Derorrary Irom th oounUm to ih ea, but ruvng nt. ilwrovcnd fiat h mea-uretol VeioTy ler winch they eo hig'dy applauded are abHit to lehound on their on head a the un aai.rr Deno rrjcy iiif, all i. limited a d. ai'i-lite sdenct perr.d- their rai.ka. and p or Ve o Tyler is doom ed t' nccut y I'm humble portion of the Duichm m ife 0 my Out. my Ct' aid t'e Du'chuian, I in iad Ine im. De good oi.e above cite a e to but who d d.i'kcn five re de t'te, I cann 't t l.; Ir nriilar Unl nor i!e TetiTl wtll hsve her." N.iw Sirr U,i U yi t'te poniimn of Veto Tyler .icithei Whig n ir D'tnocrats will lute turn, lint lo rettun irt Mr. (lh nn fabotU conU'oe loo mut-h of the t ine al oi ed lo tl.i in eiin. Mr. I'rei.tnt. to- pursue the fi-ttii tt m nil hiiiii Oii-teiine. Ii .t holi!! whata-H I talking hb--uf ih inc n-i-(etci of Mr. t'nUioou! ih t:i- -st-i--lenfic of the ntit wlio aa-ure us he ncftr was iin.niri-at tit n ui'l- Imnrfv n,ii...ried the ..rae ineaMtri!.'and te incooiirn- now as,oeiat- ti Miilt B ition. Tappan, Puncan. Van iderp.i !. Amo". N ls, I.eh I'.Uir. tl owie .,. .... . i . . ., H) "ihe iios ctrrtirt a;. unir:nii..l polo riana- of the age"-b!eM mv Ln.,.,,,v ia o u L,l W.:ilt..... dL. i " . and it mav be sad bv on of the noli i- cl tkepn'cs ol l)ewrz- , thai Stilouvin "M,S w,y l.ce. l HM:.i- . m- a. Ka-aiinVSI aW a.. t laa ta. ? taf itmf t,. mt, mt f. . a . ,,', . ,,.;, therewith n.x l Ut ihui iip'iAle!hu.v toil doer ta!l be like unto him. 1: imv he no-sthl . sir, th.t the fillers tl Mr. C liioun bad n t b Ca the leat itetilnil hy t ie pk.-h an I 1 me f cforiipii".!' uf whit-b e tin re brrn astr ed the very st ut ol h:s liltlt wea I tvit doer emnponiol; n m ty be pniible that ho ha iiiih.hed in ae ol the eci iiolinu of thsti l.t li oaz-l f 9:1 doer ol Ins, sine he determined to uphold hun in a I hit-evil imiioii. wdico he once swed us. t eie reply. I he C oonni e in.rotloce win tmry cil indeed t ii.av be poMill th at iIk- (ollti-.tmg ,-M.a.ge a ira.h'C sketch f .he provrrb ol the i-e irmu ha tvit brco the j rofc of misrule In tue country ..r crnli.d by Mr. Cl'intu.'g coititei.c) . a 1 i.ig ead , : boi.atr. 1 t..t.J utys if reiui t ble ti pure j Wl.y i I, Sit, thai witha CmM fi h. l t r p .l pri.! etK- trU h iu eoi lMl;wiioftJ ,veriimrntii .UtMy ad .pied wnh the f.a-tod jitefeiii p isiiton o( Mr. j lo human welfare with rra.nircr ... t'alVn.ii. a one of ihe m.ny incn itro- j mtill lied and exuiterani ent r,inzn ver i,d pro.if. ..f iho l. utii ol h Bible i tigiious ni- a.a of ineri-oinra . ..m in the ruia i"e. h ien r. I wilt .r..J j he patuot ona gru.i h.'inr he honor of hemg lliegte t'Slpinjihttof thtagf, Mil lar not except -.1. , Yc, Mt. Picsidin' a great priphel he i; for when l ie olJ lion of Dem cra ev a.izrj the Ue9ure of the na.ion and ititirtbuie J t'lem l paity p-li f tr.hei ciJL tHrji,ie ol r.erii. hi Imltt wsmZoI evil doer, Mr, Calhoun to e m the S3n ki Half of hi country and exeUimed iih the preC!Pi tud unral intrepid. ty of a pr .phei ol Ira'l, theie i a STORM abeati' n: advita the advocate of tht detpotio ineature In look out. The oat sgoa uieaaore of die ad nin'wlr 'i in ..fiinat ihe baik of the United Stat wi:l pr.id ict ll co ieqne -ce. Th pcir;l? willrs i i 'he n.j :ly o'tlnir tir'it an I eonn i i r ;ne correnty wnli. -which they hire .r..v..rej benA pmllel a. a u - t'e; aaJT w iVl kW k jrttclytif . tar ret ard tr.Jt caett ba twataiaed. Here i bi prepk tLt h t wd aad baeeret word wU a-ead wiib ib eoy'T faMtouta of McCabatyafia aw deii8ii a a fre to the ryT! tie my ruireacy ra wLirk Ut r - a. pir.y ai agtiennore, roavavrrrc (' e art aurroiVJ. I mil aot ay. f i&T f,Ift Ur U pcfl f lU ait. Tbat aiuulu.r. eoatwnst aad toad bt beta l.toiUy bl ghtrd tinea ihedst'e of tl at car- reaey, tie woilJ kaowa and what neat thoe dtl attiky etoud wlteb a lteniif ! lb l-ad of l e greH pro pt.eTard W rvrahtiiig pea! of dis'aol thtrder wbicji art falling oa tl a ea of Decaortau liia the di Wlat koIt of Dt orraey T Ah! air, ibcy tie lite foreb -d-irg i f thai igb'y atom of pvllit irdig aatioa wlich Jaba ('. Uit popht. fort told, io U't dajt of bia bigh-ioulcd in legriiy, ad obirb ata! a'ai! it abott to burst ia all i-a vengefi.1 fur oa ih be4 of the great prophet himarll. Errry o oid of Lit pro.hety t about to be fulfi lei; te peopl art kbtiul t- lift ia tht enjcif of liir right, a be ldd a, to rontend frf iheenrieicy which pied the eotalort of a gt icu! Ui re, cotu mere e an d irdc tliriMtgh tt land. They are oi lv waiiif il at tnfurl our Caai-er of Cl.y sod the good o'druirtrry i-f W.hmgi.n and Mali a" ti tht bietae obea wa nail that Hanaer to the u a-t bra I . f ots old l..p St tie K"gh , wnh 'lay at the belm and Presmn at th bor shall hate but one fe r. Mr. P.eii lent not tbaMr Calhoun till then be pmtrd a !-! propH on, no or that h a ill tot tnak it a hi It the oei.nl etil doer did a ben be saw the banner of old Tip waring on ihe p I of hbcity my oily ler ir, ah'it we an m iiuce to iho world thai our old Ship i aboul in at'.h nrhor,a:ideitibik for her il I Poit of Priitrntv so I Independence with a ni h cargo or O d .ck a Uillt for he win t i.f tie G emmeiii ad the ama ol tbe people, there will be audi a roh of the noble lellw who intend lu ee.ho' "f1 oviored or i.k bf the hull, there will ai be rio.n enaujh oa t!it qtnrier deck to bold the m but Sir, a tH alitk ih brat fellows on the b om snd boa sprit, and ysid-iuna, knd shroud, and ba lisid are'll ttrin them fa in item t fern, and ih-u rar away ihe hfUhcs. and bow them ea drip at tbe poit holce, thar ait may are bo mj-a-ti.r.liy she a iH iuouot oer the breaker of hard time a-id T)leii-tnkar.d come ti audi r iu her ilrU rd poit. And now, Mr Prraideut, if the Ilemn. er... .re l,r battle let then, spread their . . ' -V 1C" Ut U,rm mn u,', ' their 5ub-rrea...ry h. aitH ih Jlaokeral ?. ? VVn I,a-f)- let ibrm stick C.pi. John t ai ih hel.n w.tb nt-iri. or A no, or I.. or some j "tier o,,e .J hi aeel tnbe ai the bow. on .lie look out f.r bp.e.t SWs, el t . em bear away from Hieir old h c kory j ImmU of - cx,ieriini,i and tep..ns.bdi-; Mtm i'iarr in ir fir"!! WH III; be. er co.renc, ., the C .neol Jn B iiea . , my iiiot uin'sui vjpc :j ii-i fit in l.Tihfirj h eliceetf rajf mnury and shin plarre u the brer a of Co.diitnca a- buy !" and if we den't tirml th. ir en b t oit on Ihe brak' r . lur I times and I yb'nm. we he m m;l.. s to pay f.ir n Huren Dcm !'', ' M'. President t.d (Jni rin-n of ihe j Court ilion taiJi my cntd ai thank lor! your ciurtey, I oil r-epi on yot.r ience bin a moment 1 mr. f h.ve refpotiiTeu t-i y tur ct.il, Im n lomen. notio, rei dei oijll coiiiifu.iu, but to enn-el j the eoicenty of a utMtiro in yoor iaik,; i ?p.rr to im nHife, cenilemen. I am too I I ai.d- mo pour lo be pmonulty benr fit lid by fie tucciss ,f ,ii.t cta .. and It torn from ilm peart ltd rerrem ut of my l.umhle home hyUtHow,. fanbi.no, a a ' v iHUte or iMnnr. i. i ..ndsi hK I... never e..-e.ed.nel.e..t l . r7 ' v" e 'CUinj heait Unl l.ft.t'iia. n, 1 t awe t MiiJt.ce me Uipre! l f.f y ex.. from tne w.,rl, .1, i.arekilli0Bor.reno..mfmi.r.l.. i ' l" 'V country. Y .or cue ii ilrar mv ""a"f though I ennttt be ele I Vat la tl tt-tsfttJaa Bltea 1... ..1.1 . . I . s ; - 'rn,r,H U1 iiump, inrre wi I l c ni oml ..r tbe l.ber' , ., - . y ol ficerae,: lor com We, r a-lr!? u " ! " 'Tf ,,r'"" prosperity or a ler. v: while I 1 ve I " ! ' W"0,"J h l'""" mtitbr. a pikim't biloU-eathe I mu t h",l'",;' " .l.i....itrSt....,r bit a Whiff. ; now. a ns eito aproache-, in hi iiirtt, jan.lttiy muHi Vi th,ir atniovaitce, x- IN rERF.STING C.):t::ESPt)?tTRNCr. I.!'. i'l'i.U r"tl l Mil CLW. In llw CliMrberehurg Whig, o! Tiion day we find a letter, e.i-ut and strn g. worn the" i ; a :iherhurt i.l.u the Hot, llr-Aiiy Ci.ay. i.h hi let -r i t in a:i J c ini iiodion. and liter ore sn cli-t.n t.,t .K..n,i.n. ........ t " -wo-.ji,,, a.c fi n now, ad lorinu-, It' a r.rh.a,..,.. ....I l.. .... .... ., u;i,,V IIJIJH). prom, oi our reir.p ct, a.tl exulting ta uib prom se or in uturef V hy is II th t atl the gr;at branches of our ntiioiial i t- ..,.rv are ... a . a e pm.airat.on or rti- wUr . . , , t-.tmat-! nave undergone l I .e., rvjblic niTair. t Tliey are napo. mi change lor the wr,f 5 ma th.ne ry : ed i encrohments of the Executive , b("JJ,n - aid perfectug it pro- d.p,rtin(.,,dfffnU.,8llllir, re.t,a..,t pul.ii. bat Utiiolbing .r, p.,ntfe..er.jfiee di-eusaioii oodfaw evgamcirt, tn re gy a..d .kdl. WVnte ii.lthe.1 that our . c ,m,ne..d our inrasures, and 1.1 ixpo.e pro-pern-. b;.a been , tluowa iuto. ab-y rlho,a of our VoH,v orr-.nnt', but they arjr;?, tra, tbeend.st fid no outlet fori ate enl t'ed aa faiiri,i..f rh-:. 1 In mea 1, and iho laUouietie uxiias wnh out out j-l.iy uisnit"" , . ,,T.ie Ifiigti of the C.-am tr' Uv'tt forbids its iusr:ion emrre.,tTi it written i reat fore siij n,ifAm Air. CtA iepU 4-j ( Mown MC CLAY'S IITUX. CeutLmetvl kit Ue booo to e taowiedee U t reeaij 4 tl.t rraow i caiioo wltvb, ia bob. If af tr.e Clay Clb of Cbaaberbwr, joa adravatd to a-e. Uforaiff ase f ft wa a tit a f U at aaaoeia ioa. and a4 it tJciertuia ttioa to r operae wi h rir iontetSoet. sad oki Whig fellow etuaea geoeraUr. ia d tBtaaiteg aad e'U.Wf nd prieriple f ( raoeot ia lb Ua-iled $Utc. Yo art lo p'ca-ad. geeib a, at th -siacet of tht CUt. to teqel toy actjei raeeaeoia tbt atioi.satraiaaiionwbKb bate beea aaad of mt for tlSe eXce ed Cbttf M cUate ef tbt LVned SaU. 1 bop sareeia a f t.t Club, ia tit pro- pagatioa and et-bJihaeat of rwrrert priociple. ay be eomojeasatat wiib iw Uodabieand pa'rio'te aiw. Aad I leae'er it my eordml tbaok aad gau ful m know bi'irneau fut ib friendly eatim at id witbet wbkb ileaieriairt tow aid oil i self. I aat i.Caait-lr elil red hi fillow eituent fr li t m c:cioiis U;monies if their coi fidrnee arid atnrhraerit. ia irani fetiag their d.ir that I hoi. II ill ibe liigbeai rf&ea in their t il; ard whatever may bt the final reauli ray btart wdleier be ai i'taied by fnl agt ef tht liveliest f latitude. The tie ba eot yet anit ed, ! tMnk. whitr I bt to deeoJ whetl-er I shall git ay coaaeat or not to (he wt of y name, as a candidate for trie r-ffire ol Pce.Bt ol ih U. Sl.tce. Wfcen itd.t I abH give to all t e eontideratino which ahou'd influence my judtm ni ful weight, and, amung them, the fuendly wihte of the Cl.y Clib a.f Chambria' U'g, ieonrur wi-b y, tlei.t!emer, gene rale, ii the retiiMiMci which yon bait presented of the tdminirrafion of pub lie a!Lifs, diinry late year.' and in the mr-iret of policy whirh iughi to guide it. Il we a-e nn att-ily drcciaed in ih ihemy tf fut ernineni, the pe"jlt of the Umten Si. tea onghr all a'oi g la have been and ahou'd now be, tie hap pict and mol piopfrous peojl upon ihe er;h,btt our rondttion baa been, and j continues to l e. f.r ott.erie. It it im , pinihlt lo em.u nj !ts the Adminirtrs tton of Uie C!i.vertmeo dnria;ncaly ihe liiVniteen years, aithout feelings ol the d.epeslrrgni and bifercat rrottiri -at'On. I hailon; prtK.d baa bcrn marked by re leiitlcts proret ip-ioi., eimiUr in- im, iff n,ore P,f''. ha uae vrm ba not B onded with the sa ne fCoaion of i ",,rl And il aff ird me ineijoistib - . ' Mood, aa ihat obirb is reeorihd in H mn bistiry tha been prrpereteT by M riu snt'Sytl-; by reekles eienmeii ami tbe overthrow of alu.b,einaiitu'i..nii'"",,ee,y l' of ' Uihb. ! bv the deitruciu n of the bratrurremy in 're,,.n'' 6H-" deliter.net aoaiia v ..' t. . . ( thai tl. P...I.U m ilt iM Ifili .,m ,, wmW.,,,,! fo..eo,, dr,a..gemeoi in ic woud,arii ronsequrnt orra.igemeoi in i .v.., ..vu7 l biaineaa of aoc.eivi by exiensitt j '' 'Cir rihta, and msrrir.t nrw tnit ,f.adaloMPtelioii swi iko pot . f, ,Lr,r r4l tX! Scil.Cvfrnmrr.t. by a pMhtrnfuieiioitanee; by xr.-B.Yt and I ,u,nvh nme b"!t'-,'t- "'r rrfl Mpi.d mt (.f , ,L. ,,,. j a. d I hope, ,n rs ai icioos th.n tbat ,f rt , b! a f M)b,tr( lJr fw, fht. j 1810. That acc,.m,d.stied. moit ,.f Ut ,h ',.f ,r run an.ier a,ieh 'f P-tl,e policy, which jou sag. h ,d rn.inPrt!v fl Uf,f,Und too J !'. '! t-u.l be eut. rred.and at si a.! hy j , j,; r, ,,,h,,n, jonrt more brhol.l..i. connir, honored a.d .i,, , lh. l. ...j . M k. - ..u. , . e. Jed abroul. b. Ued and maerernus irroa.f an t nw.. I - ft... ,MfM ,,w , M (l lt ; f f (r s xrelitebriteboflbe(;oiero - I ' - - - . - ineiit; aid, fia-lly.by aib-p,,, ,.f ,,e;fidy in the h-a I of tl a- b'arrh. uf which no equal eXniplr rii te loo ml in this or a- y other e-unny, tn this oi m- osl.er age. Vrs. Sr-i I s. iSri.Thoiva J. taily, ht. Ai t!iee.iiiimi.cuticitti riHi aihnm tir-j Ci.Uu.i,aiIUett.A..JUJena.. limoftbe pre.int arf.r-g Cbi-f Msg-' . irate, the leoler f o.,r p luical oppo- nXTKACT raoa MR. CALIIOC.VS ntnta, with a few l.tntura!.! excrpii.ma.j MMilit'II IX loof. niiltiouty eomt d and e-rewd b m;j I am m -rnficd (kt.i Mr. Calhotin.l that fli't- riitg and pra tii'g hhrf-tr hi vitiU j in fit country, I., ainng nl itsAi lS lu ll ( the j.i.i ei c. I.iti"i of a-co. fid-j on dcscenl, tbat sny one of reapeeaba iog p..r. Th- y iii.rchcd op. in sot s'ninliiig. much Icm the Preiidnii of tl le.i.n Column, v- in arm, along !ennyl-l Unitrutha'cs, shio.ltl be found loentcrisia tatiit A cnie M the Pretidtn itl Mar sion principles leading b such moiotenus re to t'lank and eo; gratttUtti bun. f-r ex-r-: su't-r and I can 'aire!v btheve 'mt!f ciem a IfoyJ prer.2tl-ve.'M thfeal the ; 7" V V l,Mntn'' f If" llle Si Hit si I n a m a a.f I l it. i sa Is-... .1 I -1 . la s VW . a m ... , lv exi.l-ed m the M.e of a measure dc- . .,i.,i l, . , , t , , ' t" at,.1 vt ?. 1 ' , . " Prrtn'"' 't to - s trr- , ot ine prop o; exu.te.i in the pr-r t sndconopi w-llof one nin, over - rulhg ihe will .if a large in ony of the ' Bti.ii n fie dis, initttin. f an -I'-aie Hf c;r....e.l ... the pr-r Pr-tideoce. oir. i....;... u ' f rents fill hi Mttiilil.niri,t ll:.0ll Ihf-ir all jury. Nor is ihe-.r ilaeef , fcgre1, lion of our hhctty. dim.i.iahed, hy ih fn-i thai whilst their; Ccritlemeu ought lor.ficnbitllieex iiMirumcot of seductmn were houettd le.iivc ami sudden resival ol thesei-anti word, his are the Incrauta ofTur ol c. uld not hf wi.n.tit smiie dq'inieawe. (J tf rnn.eni. N.n.ea i.re nt lo he lkn or gitm t The great politic i vent of l8f(V h pi-asurt; there must be some hmfi a'lobj. ci far ui.ite ilevatodnid ititpor.Mii-eeoe ihetr ap. Ii. a ion lo adl-eie. H mi l mat oi a in re ri.Hiig- m the high fui-c i.tinrtcs ol the.Naii .n t wa to bnnij .l'Oiiard.i;l iiitpr.ivemctti in pub. Iicpo'i'y. Aid Ii t, fcfir th,t e;cit.! a. lire m.n-'y, Itb.rl, ml i.atfi..iic i ctore which ilw th titled party ahm.ll hae pur.etl? It W!l. i,, lB e cheerlnllj : io quo-aee l in the wdl ..f the People, p (l.' cUi net! bv an nnixamtdnt l r. . . ttln l uMg in 'I nj'.v . . ... 'J i'hey should have. t:,; 1 I B pe.ti.le limp .trove rtf mie system Tney reiotire sound ciNirncy 5 of .r.Mfrtn 'M.ie. 1 hcv are oori i ed to the S ib ... 1 teaattrv. I'hey ii.j.tt upon a honest and ec..n,,m,cal a.lmi.rsuatioo - " !. ir a j w iv iss p.ri.cy, nml we wi!i nt.be rti factious op pmitt.m, nor throw ao.y onreaaonable oh s acle iu their w.y. A'mve- a'l, we e.rfrt t eiopi v any arts feduce. from Ui-pit'i o( hit day, i: aaaiK, b,, ifjvhtd In tUvaJ itjtivn, in i,e y . . - ' m-w, j I dl ed m 1 U bou ad fif'riiii . j " " 1 it fjpfw orad t il ia p i(ht .url tr;.u waid eowr-r. pa.d J 4it tui, eteau auCe enly ei.fy. Ttf .; U.i the acting !',. t, wVr J obicb ba a'oid tl. aa. VtmfrtL ic, w itbat tLe lr.at eib r ad ial-1 m ait low rotvpl-Hlir Riai,d.r4NU ote aad ir.dii.ll. If. j j t M lhf aLmld Cud Lit) aa la-evaiiair J, oeta'e, thy bae Bubodj but tbtftfr.a t rrpinach. , 1 he Ut war oik Oia-niilaiWli. the pa rivt e lr. a U al. dotiae ' I rith a for. lit powtr. it it il.t det afa r ir. ruiu i j io anna ana to gste I af lh If e'h l itl t ffct aad tig. ""J lja wuica VMates tht-s priarij !e. it sare to or the pall.r ee. deaee. Otespeiieaeeinaaeaoatf praee wiT, rtntei, mculraie another it. j Lot leeaon that In firry aid ii!t aital.lt di tea-able, at all i.ee, and a dt itm- tsratt, tuil more eleaily, th.t iata'aaVa tut t hi ofia aegteeled l...b, ia ptL. aff-ir. that lunetiy is tl e bet policy. T i paiaful em ge . the pi4ff of the Ada ia sum a of tie Cri.t(l ,v urnn cot whirb hae faithlt-Uy akrU erf. ft W01.M taie beea l fiy for ti t people ol tl e Untied 8aie, if it were aieie focy p er e art ey. Vm ibe r lpg, general and intense to-Wimwt ut bavt anfoituaately lo,! eeterely aure iHem of acosl'tekljiy. fi w tld Lua jbera a marb more agieeatle ta k to at w pottivaj uit purity. liainleit.irdr.e', hoi,orr probi y. aid tidrlny t.( all ja ,j.t charge of oar public ennrern; the i. dom of then meisiires. and llit con., qunt grntrl prosprhty of the country. Uui oe aowlmow the naore, exuit and eijuae of the public d aoiden, tif, what i ni lit iopvrtam. their iron, dr, Tim remedy i in ihe binds of the Peo, 1. Under i ther forma of Gut eta m nl, a l.eie pel he j iritis i H'irly rtaah ed by arbi raiy pooer. Ihe JVi pl wulJ I trg ainoe bae sonhiredreby violei t and foniil ve ineane. It houi peruutr gnod lortune lo have in i"ic UUji box t remsi.r wfiirh ttperrcde a neesit I ici utii g io tl.eui, and which is tpirt as ilfn fi.iu, sad more rrttaiu. as well ... I eaure lo ray to )u tit rt it ia ay firm reltc-l, rrota alt the a gi of tbe toit, I mm alt the inlormatixi which I derta ia ,'.,h' nbly It llOIHf . UUtt S C.vJi! V hil I UlifltP! II) If I P tb wh.ch I .4, f, giea nei. aud g, ' . t( - ,,'r . 1 Wl" "'S'- P' no w i. trrtkut, II. CLAY. i io be breathing the air of Mir coui.frv, and . ... .... ..a "' ihin the oll ol ihe c...e nan.. Ik a I I I. . .1. a... a t tl v,t m.K , i.rn, i u u. oi . ..- ted. It i pro if ol tha won.'e.ful d.ge..- , . . T .. r,cy of the umea-of . ,o.a! l. ol Ac 1 true c..,, p.,.,n of eoa.t l.iioa.l l.beflj- j Hut in the mnSef- I this d gsi er.ry .per j rerve Ihe symploHM of r ge'iernlion, 4i is not my xt sh lo t inch on the. party i! s gn lomi. iImI hate tecrndy obtftned. and Una in tbt molef . I this d gi er.ry jr w hn-li I are hern in roilucrd in ihe crbute on th's occasion. I, how ever, cannot bu rcn a k tbtit ihe rciv I uf the p Hy i awe l the h'ftoli t.nii. after -h-y ht so I '"S lombrrctf, i nm wit n-i.t a meaning i!..t without mi ii,dirktiiin of a i.t-irn H ihn. i.titf-ir.ln ul.icli l.o at tha ItiUliU. rememher ngbdy, h wa Aufn tn. "" lb tdn.iHude ol his iii.we,wiioidila- he f oi.id ir i...n.hii-in irtirr'!iice s lie' word. What, then, is 'that -aied.ii't ; Wlot toere in the m nning ol W IU1, and TOIfTrand alul itflbe rli-iacter nl t'je limes, whtvh has eatied tl.etr soihleti revival, aa p.rtv d. sign-li'tn", afhi" ,l,T"r I 'tike 11 ti,i tie iriy vm-w f mr J'""" ill. I which c-owMii'e a lory: joaui pter.-rT.iive y-.inl prtvileff''; l'T sttppnri ihe Kxerut ve agai:t-' the l-fi' " lative deoat tiii.Mil of the CtoteerMi.e.'t. ni ' to lean 10 tiie sole of iower sgaint ..1 it... 1..1. .... wi.. . 14 m iii1 11 theae piin.clrs ..I tl.e very o?f 8 p.i.icti(;e. Threare tbe leading" cd tar ieri.t'ps of ibe reaper li ve psrli". an.1 TttUY, and rtin through ihcir appb--tion so all Cie tariiiv of eirctimtin e whirh ahei bate len applied ither m bMiTiiuniry or Ueat Britain. Their dets revival and sppUeaiion si ! um tihi toadinnitisb my old Iricntl. wlrt' ara bow n .It aide ol the Aflmi-ii"" ii.n.. that there is o.arhlw in he il'i' a ia. thing in the 1 xidnjj airgglebet ," tW tiaiitter. ail i.i tha 1 sinet-tilrs nd-d"r ltiicadvuuaid bt Uwe wpwana'1-''' :!ret t jn Atia at