p. n UNION. THE tJONSTITDTION AND THE LAW8-THE CUABDIANS OP OUR L1BCRTY. 11 "' L ' 1 1111111 - WWTft mmZm'mmJmm i I I VOI- T1III , , ., ,,. - ' Til t IIMD.I Yf r i:DllUAlt Y 8.JSM. - --. U , i " , T -" ., U I 4 Jf May f f r'.rk Mil, F nUreal. ' bailor b!t1ags pear Sew Ilefhod ofJlaUnj Mantirca. 1. Fiona your Inn yard with a gradual deacrot to one sjde, to I hat the liquk farmed by tln rain will flow gently to that ilc; MaktVno Lotto aa bard 'and smooth a poa title, that there may be lit tle or no watte by toaVmg into the earth. Arrange your tablet, bog re a, Ac, in Mtb order, at to throw ail tlie litter end manure into the yard. J. Kink a tat or reservoir to the lower tide of the yard, of sufficient rapacity to eontaia the j aire of the y ard. lite toott acomtana farm o the eat U ix feci width by ifcree feet depth, and twelve oi more io lengh, according to Uie ize of the yard, and the amount of liquor Coving from it. When the v it it more than twelve in length til will be beat to divide it by partition tn to -two or. three .parts, to that if at any time yea want to ute only part of the li quor, you ran d to without any inren vvtiir nre. It will be farther desirable to bare the rat to eonueeted with the ya.J, tbalwhen oncctoll. and you hae. com menced your roartufacture. if additional ' raina come before yoa shall have com pleted your heap, of which we thall toon peak, yoa ran prevent the ..liquid to ' formed (root ruinning into your vat, either y keeping H bark in the yard, or by turing it ano her direction. 3. In this vat roil the following Ingre dientt at nerly a you can, without actu al measurement or weight! to every bar rel of liquid add 4 Hit-of atone lime juat lacked, 4 11. wood aahea (rood quality and dry. or an equivalent of leached at It- re, or J lb. of taK r .lie equivalent of brioe; S on. salt-petre; 20 lb, plaater of 1'arit, or mud, or muck, 10 lot.. of ex crements from the privy, or 20 lbs. 'ml nna MaMlv- thoroughly with the liquid in the vat, ami if the vat eonuitts oncJiundred barrels in create tho abovo YeoV "n unt'rfJ fold. It would !CvJ mtx e,e ln8r" dienU a few.rfjytCcTore yoolay op your heap, and stir them every day, but tbia ia not essential. 4 On the upper side of ihe vat lay the foundation for the heap, by placing the poles or, rail, wttii one rim to tue vat, and he other extending from it, about 2 feet apart, on theae lay other polee eroetwine, (precisely at we do the foundation for a slack of hay or grain) to keep the etraw from the ground and that the liquid may flow freely beneath; 5. Having every thingprepared. com Wnce laying up the heap by placing a taw nfiinv "amli. tolLa. or wliaieter you have at hand, on the foundation of Hot, to the thtcknesa of a foot. You will find great advantage from throwing the materials a you collect them in the yard and letting the cattle tread on them until they are thoroughly broken and wet. When the layer it a fo. t thick, arirup ih ingredient in the vat and with a pail or other vestclhhoroujihly wet the layer on the polee. IMace another layer on tlie first, and of the tame and thut continue the heap at hi it x to ten feet atir ii n invredii thickness, wet at beiore, vrn lue judgment nom lor nve pountis.w -- - - until yott have raiwd and this bund ia hy lite creditor t'irownj '.; , V , gh ai jou wish-tay from u.to Cuuit. The Clerk of the county "'- - " ... . i.. 'r.tnnir of Oianne in nnvate amoneat the . Hecarelul at wetting ro has Men-ar n on in .ooaae.. ."- :;,:;'" ,r.' . , V, , " ems from the hottotn of tlie . execution, the work of one long minute. .'m' vat. I he easiest ana qutcKot way ioj tor wnicn me punr man uu ijr o-to wet the eecral layers, will be to ute a! the trifling sum of forty-one shillings and pump or cleva-e with a hoe attached, to1 fie-puce. The Clerk, in conidera tpread the liquor over the heap. Inattch a, ti-ta he i a poor man, takes it out in aork, case, let one etir, another pump, and a ; at eig'.teen yence a da v. The poor man thinl manage the hose. Only be careful ! ootks some more than laeniy-seven da a whatever method you puwue, to wet the' to pay for thit one mmuta'a wtttinf. several layers thoroughly in all iheir parts, j Well, the poor man refleclt thu: At When finished, cover the heap with eel- thie rate, when ahall I get to labour for my -1' .1 I ' t .U. ..a .:! ' t I l.yva a aa- ifat tkei nBf a?l aif minall I . . r - o . . . , . . .-.V:-. !l .. V-d--nann earth ii viva waa t -- i will answer. 6. II the heap consists of atraw, weeds; ml aha Ml it ir II rnniiirn uetiiiKr everv : fourth dav. If you have used much peat, ; w Ji go home now, and try and do what I j muck or earth, with the straw, valerian. $iay,jtei(hbor. you have nt hail; once a weak. To water the heap, make , holes with an iron bar or other iustru-; tnentin the top qf it from eight to twelve incltet apart, -snd extemlinit downward about the middle; then stir the liquid in the vat, and pour it into the holes until the whole is saturated; finally eloee the) holes. At every watering make new hole. , Gire the heap three waterings when, j made of etraw, and it will be tit for use fifteen days from the time of laying it: up: when much mud aud muck, lus neen added, thirty davt. i nen 11 is ucaireo 10 mantnnriurD mi Aind of manure in placet where bam-Jard-lipuid cannot be reailly obtained, ''or, spring or pond water will answer the some purpose for wetting the heaps as the burn yard liquid, by increasing in a email proportion the ingredients for .the , mixture, ai giveu in section 3, and aJl iiijj thorn toll. , corn ennx The moet romooiral etcihod of di ptwhtg t3 6ra eobe, ie dooUlee to xmad tbeoi p aad grind then wida eora fr ttnrk. fiat at tliia it often acjimed, another ezet&eet bvh! of ditpneal U to oak them ia.picLio aad fecdfrai to rowa -or - other cattle ia the rrd. A large tub, fbraed by aawiog bogabead in two, orar ihe middle, ahoukl bo rdared in a contmient place oear the yard, aad being filled wih eobe, a vufHrtency f warm water, ttrortjrly imprrgmnted with comtnots rait, ihowld bo poored over them jto render then toft and fabiaUo 4o the ttock. . , Moat animala devour them greedily iaiaboatibie oerrMary workt trd m order thie ttate, but wbm it it not too taurb trouble, grinding into meal ia much pro ferahle. There it but little difference in the ealue? of pare eora meal, and that made of eora and eobe, for feediog ani mate. The meal of the cob, alto, makee excellent pudJinji. - Malm Cultivator. JTHE ItCGULATIO.Y. lIOAbancra Hook. ft Impartial RtUtion eflht Firtt Jlltr d l mm la rrtaral Ui&tMUt ia ttMit .tatra ia Ur frtt JJf-lk Cuttu, (ft. In Orange roanly the first disturbance it generally ascribed to bae atiaca: bat Grant ille and Halifax eeaatiea were deeply engaged in tlie tameaiuarrehaaay veara before Oiat ge : So that it may be oeceetary to give a lew partgrapht oat of tome f their pkprrt, to show, that it waa the iaet grievance and oppretaioa that incensed all the count et, wtthrmt Ctirre ponding with earh other, -For tbnugb Granville county bad aaeoat war, aa it acre, tome )er befoie the daair h.ne ia Orange, yet e never beard of it nil it bruke out ia Orange, llrrelo.leaon txtract, the till of a Inch h Batilalei!butaaeanake neat, reads nearly at followsQ A t rioua tddree to the inhabinatt of Granville County, containing on ac count of our deplorable situsiioa we t'iffer, 'And soma necessary bints with respect io a reformation. Bate say couatry, lleavenr, ahall be any laet. Then, after treating nn the nature ol law praio ol iCTie proreeut iLua: " Wed, gentlemen, it it ant oar form or mode government, nor )eiiba body of our laaa that we ate quarrelling with, but nb ihe raliracticea -of the olficert of our County Cugit, and the abuace tliat e s fler by (hoae that are impowered o oianaga) our public affair: I bit it tbt ertetnee, ecntlrmen, thai demand ojir aerious attention. And I shall, Thiidly, show the notorious tml in tolerable a'butra that bat err pi into the practice of ihe law in thta county, and 1 doubt nt but imo oilier countice alao; though that does, pot concern ut. In the rt'at pl-ce, there is a law that provides that a ls)cr hll take no more than fif teen staling for their fee in the County Court. Well, gentlemen, which of yon I'ts had your bu.meaa i shilli. g.T I he exact th caute: And three-lour-a. your bounces done for fifteen irty lor ever? ndfie pund fur evrrv cuse attended' with the least difficulty, and Wugli at nt fir our stupi day aud tame tubmiaatrn to.thate D-w-d.&c." . Anothjer paragraph tuns thut in sub stance: A poor man is auppnaed to hae gi- . ... t.. . . k; ' eh.ldre. nfferin. at borne, and here I -------- w have lost a whole month, and I dun i know for what; lor my merchant is sslar from b. intf D4td vtt a ever. However I done yet, diera is a d J lawyer t mount to stp jeu for you impowered bun to coolers thai you owed this five pounds, and you have thirty ehillinga to pay him for ihai. or go and wmli ntoetren days more; and then you mtiti work a long to pay tha sheriff lor hit troubl. ; and then you may go home and are your hores and cows ..d, and ll your personal estate., for one ten h part of ihe value, to pay off your met- .chant. And laaily. if ilia debt la a great. tall your personal eatate will not do to , raire tne money, wnicu nut w . u. mey. tlien goes your lands the tame way to aaiiafy theae curaed hungry caterpillars, that will eat out the very bowels of our common wealth, if they are not pulled down from their neat in every short time. Apd wbt ueed. 1 ay, to urge a reforms t on. If these thing? were absolutely ae coiiling to la,, i were enough to make u . i'l.e r f-f hi our, nip ."nor Court ia aa ma iy ..u. d vdj i . . .... .. . i, tmiiiat nnnreaainn inniiriivu uruv- tbrew effa'l etibaiitMea to tttb ty ratatra lwet tor were atfb ibieg 4rrird, h oald be bettrr to 4-U efraee oi Otf prtTdegra than to prriab for want of tie eaeaat of abewteoce. Bat at thee pae iret aie eoarry t law. it ia oar duty to pot a ttop to the betme ifcry j)iu ikia orcooatry, or that a beewme willtag laet to three UaWve wretch a, tad beg oar ckaiae of boedge, aad remaia em eawd aader ttee aecaarutaed eaJtaii4ct. Oh, g'tvleaiea, I bepe beiftt tlifigt of yea. I believe there aie bat lew of joa bat bat U It ike weight of tboee iron iLnt mJi UA m k.nJ laaarda txihii to bung it aboat aflcrlwally, e at pro eeed with circua-tptenoo; tot fearful. bt cartful. lt. Xet be ctre fl to keep toVer. or do woibiag rMbiy,bui art with dtUbetaiion. 5 J Jly. !t at do nothing agalmt the koowa eauUUbvd lawa of cat land, that or apor not at a lactioo.'eadrtvorieg to aabwrttbe laa. and oeria tfieeyt teat of oar goeerom n; but let at take e-reo appear ah.t really we tre, free uhp-ett by btMk,'tadravoartiig to rero v-r oar loat native tijthtt. of reducinf ill malpractices ol the Rker of our Coeit oowe touietuadanlof oor law." - Thit paper wae rt, aad deieived to hve been printed at !ngth, boi ety abili ty would nt alord ii. It aa lived, tVvibab, Granville 'Coauty, tbe6ili of June, Anno Dm. I7o5. And though u wat the ai'jrent eocnty to Oiang e, yet ihe firtt that ever we beard of it a ia 1707, at oor Aagntt Coon. af ter we bad itied to plead our own eaaee t the bar aiaiirtt extortion. Tbee aoece pervona who lived abjoinint Graadle line tld at, they feared ibal matter would ruia tome ol at. for tbt jatt tuch a rare bad beta undertook in UranvUIe ei-uniy ome veait ago, and thai they were at law about it to thai day. And bv what I nave tiwee letined, the method they ninreed ed io oat by petitioning the legi-lative body tgaintl the malpractieea ol the of imi meniiimed in the paragtapht cited. And thtrvnpon the oflirert aued the tub etibett for a libel; indicted the author ol the paper, and impntoned hiroi kkb UV't have rr maiued to thit day. BruuiwickT t!umbeiland "inJ tome mote, btd wholly dt timed paying ttxet at eat ly at 1708. if not beloie, aa neatly aa I could collect account; but the Covrrn mrBt made no noiie but all thit t il Change could no longer be btpt quirt, bo neei had kno ledge of the diatalii lacuon of iheae eoumie; to that the thing did - not r pread by induetry of any in propngaiing or ronimunicating the gtier aucet, but itieearoe cause naturally pro duced ihe aamc affect. But now 1 ahall drop other eountiet and begin with Oiance. having, atl taid befnie, aa iitrltct a knomlrtlea of the whole piuccedingt at any one man in the pionnce. . Sometime in the laiUr part of Sum mer, in the )ear 1766, at an Interior Coutt in the county of Orange, a pafer at presented and read to the renreaen lativea and magitiratet of the couut) , at folio a a, viz. No 1. Whereas that great good n.ay come of thie great deaigned evil, the stamp Law, while tue eont of liberty wiihaianri the Lor.la in Parliament, in bilulf of true liberty, Let not officere under them car tin m; or if there is no cause, let us re tooe the jealoutiea out of -our minds. Honest rulert in power will be glad to see us examine this matter freely. And crrtiinly there is more honeal men than rogues; jet togues is harbored among us somet.mes almoat pubiirkly. Every honest man it- willing to give part of hit tuba ance io tuppoit rulers, and laws, to tte the other part from rogues; and It is his duty, as well aa riffht, to see and examine a he. her uch rulers abuse such trusi; otherwiae that part so given may do more hart than good. Een if we were all rogues, in that case aeouM not subsist; but would be obliged to frame laws to make ourselves honest. And the same reasoning holds" good tgainst the notion of a Mton club. . l hut, noogn it (meaning jutticen muat be deeired by all, or thu greatest j number of men, yet-when grievances ol such publick nature are not rrdretsed, the( reason is, every body's bnsiners it no- body's. Therefore, the following propo-. nunber inneaae iu favour of il, to be con sal is submiled to the publick, to wit; Let tiuued yearly" ! - each netgnoornooa inrougnout tne county meet together, and appoint one or rt' .r ... m 8.. ...r-.8 n,jie(j t preaent each ol our repeesenta- Monday before next November Coort,' w wjh Uanscripts;which we ata soluble place, where theie it no MBik, nol Uie ,eatl doubtbut be complied at which meeting, let it be judiciously in The author had in view to carry elec'iana by the majority, and waa.to confute a goncra! uiu- irailinjt ndttnnHthat ihe combination or rognra, by mean ol a Mason club, waa o great, that it waa in vain to try to out-vole them at aire lion., wlucli waa lha nutiioJ ofraJrcaa pro lotd ru iwuvcraliuu. eaHred into, TLeiber the freeeaea of tbia . . . . . county labour aader any ataeee r pw er or ai mmi Ul&m tma be waiified ia . wriiieg, if any t found, aad tbe saatursalf greatly ia In pciforaja.ae; ttHig frrely eoaerei wpoa,' aad prepcr Wiee tbm, he bad served at witb ep'C "ihere surra aVed for emendeaeaU J of, st-d eigaified it woald edeace at, or Tcit method ill ceruialy rvaae tbe bad ttlenced a buiaa to wbat k aoaiaia wirled saea la power to tteeatW; aad , ed," I taanot faotaa the fulhe, aa ot nor there la no dsage eta euead aucb aaay one of , that eer 1 eoulJ tod, ever tetttar oor aetbiae binder it bat acow-. taw it. -erty daelKy eptro: Wbicb if it dors, I at thie uar, while bbeny prevails, we mat matter and graaible aader any a baet of power aul sorb a noble spirit preea!t ia our pnalriity; for, tale thit at j a oisxsm, thai abileatea arsm,ihmb yoa tboalJ aee a'l tlee aona of liberty (a ho baa jort now redeeated as, ftosn t. i i j jt . . ' tyrakhyjaei in office, and retted .with pewcrl tbey would aooa corrupt tgaia aud oppreet, u they. were not csllrd ap oa to give aa actounl of their tteaatd altp. knowledged it was reeanr able. And Lord ante paprr ocipg rKaiy reao aa Ce4ft eoaveysaees, ana Coott,1o audience of our.ebrefe, Mr. crvi Aaruat term. 1W. . l't T I " ..LIT Ll M -. layd, one of oar asea.bly-tf n, declar ,0reied the customary feet ed bbt snr rubstion Of ii, and tbe rest sc-. ma ,k.if detdt altered the day of meeUng to the lOio of .j u,t t9u due: at the eameume i fTer October; and we being -thee euaouragrd. ' if l0 p,y m,nt ,f Mj 0f them could shew, several eeiglbtHbuoda held ofeiitgs aad , anv j,. fl( ,0re - - ' '" eonjuuefiviiy drew ap tie lolluaing.pa- j .Xble , before the bene, when the man who spoke waa aaked, bow long it . No.iL I wsspiocehs bad commenred lawyer? But At a meeting of the neighborhood of M bc y,d nn ffg,rd aome of the beneb, I)repKiver, the J20tb of Auguat. 17C6, tegan to threaten him. for etanding in eon Uaantmously agreed to appoint W tenutol tbeeoert;ponwibieh they with C and W M- to attend at orew. ' . . general meeting on tbe 10th of October) The person who btd got tbia law book, at Maddock'e mill, whcie they are joai- half owner f iu bad it at Conit, ciously to examine whether the Iteemea ma iiwu n,njj tDOot among the peo m tbra couaty labour onder any abu.es of pj .kid, 0,her owner knowing of, power, and in particular to examine into illd ht Bei,lf; one f ,i,e beneb. and on tbe tbe publick tr, and infurm throw sles of vijeh t tha time, came immediately every paiticular thereof, by abat U and lor a hat aset it it hid, in order to re- move tome jealoutiea out i f our miude. "Andilieieprestntaiie,vesiry-ruen,'dea',UttBll ,fCrel from the reat'ol ibe and o l.er i.fficer. are lequteied to give Court. The other renliet. I have eien the membere i f tbe taid meeting what ibtt ,bll j el have the book, thai can information and aat afaction they can, 1.: oll ,ifMdt for 1 aee bow to tiers stands ao far at they value the good will ol eve- rybonett fieeholder, aud ihe executing publrk oOicee, .Itaaaut and delight- some la pur usnce hereof, about twelve men met, but none of the vdirert appeared bilorthai'd, thtt they would be therrs) hate in the day Mr, J.tnct Wauooeame alone, and brought word from Colonel Faniug, tbe other repieseutative, that be had always .intended fully to meet ut, till a day or two ago be observed in one of our paper the word juditiouely, which aigntfied, be taid, by a -Court of Author it) : and bad tome other objection, tuck' as the mill being no tuiUble place. . And Concluding, that, in abort (aay e he) Co lonel Faning lookt 00 it aa an iuturice twn.&c. Sir. Wbtrtupoo we, in Watsont prettnee, drew up the lollowing paper, aud read it to htm, deauing hit judgment; aud be sii1 it was ao jutt, aud reasonable, that no man eouldljwci to it; a hkh wat thut, to wit: No. III. ' "Alt meeting of the inhabitants of Orange county, on the 10th of Octnber, 1766, for coiilerence 011 publirk affairs with; our representative, vestry mtn, die. It wtt the judgment ol the said meet ing, .that, by reatou of the extent ol the county, no one iau in it, in a general Way, wat known by above one tenth man of the inhabitants; lor which ieaon, such a meeting for a publick and free con Itience, jeaily, and as olw-n as the cae may require, wa absolutely necessary in order to leap the benefit designed us in that part of our Conatitu'.ion of choosing representatives, aud knowing for what uaea our money is called lot. We also conceive aucb a representative would find himaelf at a 11 infinite lots 10 answer the design ol bis constituents, il deprived of consulting their minds iu matter of weight and m v..ent. "And whereas, at the taid meeting, none of ihcm appeared ibough we thiuk properly acquainted with our appointment and iequest)yet, as the tiling is some what new iu this eounty (thouoii practi aed in older government) they might not hue duly considered tbe reasonableness 0( our requests a. We therefore conclude, that if they hereafter are imltoable tu answer it, that we will aileud tliero at some other tme an( pUce, on their giving ut proper notice. Ii is alao our judgment, that, on fur ther mature deliberaiion. the inhabitants 0( the county will more generally see the necetsiiv ul tuch a couiorer.ee, and the . . .. M - Mr. W, on hj Bpprobjun of ii; an,, lie pro. 13u', however, instead of complying 1 with our ao reasonable proposals. Colonel raiting, tue lollowing cwut 1, or ai a genera i By what I have ed to have mistook learnfsince, they pretend- ZnvZZZWZ our original papeia w uiako It Ukc. matter, read a leag" piece of w.iiieg If t ... . " , puMtra. oaf aataeg aat atucr, at ir- kevnanr ia our rraueaL taut tilC bias- Tbia with the sncaseca thrown oat by -lite botab soertoe araiast earn wa taost active in tbio aflae, so' dctsged the people, that the affair frpod, alter we bad tubaenbed to a sta of fiity poandt. ia ordei to commeaee a eait at .law agaiatt tbra oa the penal law a, aad wae denied by ihe emly attorney we bad . j -j . any bojet ol serving no to wndertaae it. Some taaaUit after, all waa anil, there , bappeaed to eosae oat a new eo!lctwn of the tawa ia aaa bookt two of at took e! ieopv of the feet oat of it for roeotdmg . - - . . . ramea H to Tbeae men fur the record- that writ la- ... s- aih, eountiet. thooeh that ex'eeed- 0atof Court, calling hie partner in the wi to , ,ldet ,jir,Bf him to keep lUl. kBOwledee ol the bonh'e beioi hao- tmmg ,0II. Whicb was, that m c0uIj B1Mj i,,t among ,., w wfre ,0 ,c,r . w - - a honest iheo:; for aeareo at that lime, that they woald have -known bo bad Ut it out among the people. Thut we mayjee how he apprene fined lwnnseir under a-neceisity ia cuncrti tut god edicts sod honesty to seeur bim- si If in oiher: but I euppuse he was fonnd out; lor be was soon alter put out of com mission. Tbe booths now grew more insulting, taking oausual distresses for letie; tak iog-double, treble, and four times the ysl ue; bearing all off 10 towa, thirty, forty. and ttxy onlri, and wae remarkably croas, taking by-pathe, and other ways than they had promised; so tbs I ihoe who followed, may be in a few' hours, to re-J deem their thinga, could never otertake them. These things were all sold in low n at under rate, and became a ronsiaal trade; so that rogueish people began to depend on these sales to raiee them fortunes. And as to any overplua being returned to the parttes, 1 never could hear of any. Besides, among Dutch people, and tuch at were ignorant ol e ate aruir, they practiaed taking lour pence, six pence, and a ehiLinf in a lax, more than from tbe more knowing. Tlie High 'Sheriff also sent ont an in stilling adteitivement, which was set np very ealry in the folhiwtng year, to wit. 17C3 may be in first of r cbtuwry) as iol- 10 Whereat, by a late art of Assembly the rherina olthe several counties in. tins province are tdrtiged t attend at fie dif lereni Daces in their county, ai leaai two days at each place, at aome time between the hrt day of January and the firtt day ol March, in order to receive the public county and pariah taxe. I hereby , in form the county 01 Oiange, ihai 1 in tend to comply with my duty in attending. according to law, ai timet -and place hrrealter to be advertiaed; and that every man who f .ils p.ying thair dues, at these nines and plaCea. la. hy theaame law, ob tiged to payjtwo ahillinga and eight pence extraordinary: Which rum l ahall ae- mand, without ream ct 10 peraont. Where ol evt-ry one concerned it desired to tko no.ice. And should any peraon imagine, thai it it aunVienl if they have their money ready when 1 or my deputy come font. I ad viae he in to be provided with two shillings and right pence for tlie vihiU From their humble aervani, ; TYREE HARRIS-" Every one could tee thit was quite in suiting ai well aa an attempt to m-ke ast et of u; for no one but hai aenae enough to know tint new law waa calculated for the SherifTt oae. And inatead of br ine to rarefui to word bit advertise men" that the Sheriffs were obliged to attend,' he mishthave ttid, the asaea were obl'g ed to bring their burdens to him, in order thai one of ibeir deputies might collect ine wnoie.m ten uaya iiiuiir; ou . hi , i breach, at ease, in five place only I Tha rumour of eivinff tlie Governor Ufteto ihousadd pounds, id build .bita house, all happening together at thit time cuuinrvu iu ci' 1119 iv vu wm a . nwtftly ealUd lU aVi wbcb ia a .1 .a la fl .1 .fit. Ma.dla.. litJeX Utae a) errd to. that of tbe rega'atott- Tltt atw aatcctauaa bga io a cu fur- eat aeiel bvrbewo. Um agk .lory alasHe meati aed and evroa-d ibe foraaet; aad pto.le bad eafeted ito it by bead- rrda, aad 11 spread ery way l.ke Ere full tt taebd 0adyCeek where tbe pria pal aara who wtre coaeeraed ia tbe pa- peit No. 1, ft, aad f. Itd. Tl ere. thit new adteme oaet wi.l) aame opens itauo. ow aceoaat that it waa too bet ai-d raab aad ia eweae iliiga-wM legal. Aad 1 eih tbe Saait ,'re k people eadriver ed to abr w them lie ?a-gev at sbeir pro- reeding t yet took rate at the same Uato et to kill tbat4csl frjSHce end trae li berty. . And ai the aecoad meeting tley bad prevailed with iha-m to fm aeaf ti- tcles, too ceaaoHt it. sir eVrst yet al ttitr rat roettirtf ibey bad aenl a ftier tooer Hirer: wbkb paper waa approved et end bear the name, euaaber-Y. tbetgb dated ftlarch 22J. ;l be new irticlea beicg opted at tbeir tecood meeting, held oa April the fourth, being instead of the firt lacles, alwart hurt the place of ibe firtt wnicb was Butatcr lV.aud it atfwlloat. iz: . - ... , 1. . - - ,We .the .euber tibera voluatarily agr e to lorm ourelea Into so attooia hod. to assemble outaalvs for eoaftreaco r regulating pablicjrlevaueat aad abusi a of power, ia ibe following particulars. wuh others of the like naUte 4htt may occur... '........., . . . .s 1. , lat. That we. w ill nay no more taxes ' until we ere tatiafied tliey ar agietble to lew, aud applied to, tbe purpoaea therein tbeauoued; onkta wo cannot Kelp It, or are forced ". " .4: --,.'-- 2J, That wa will pay so officer any. more feet than the law eUovt, uuleaa wo are obliged to itand tbtnvtothow oar das kt,ead bar ao opta tetnwoay.agsinst 3d. Tbat we will, attend eat met tinge of coolerence at often aa we conveniently can, and it necetaary, in order to consult ' our representatrvee of Uie aaMaement of ' uch laws at may be found griavoaa or unnecessary $ and 1 1 choose more suitable mm titan we have done, berrtofore for burgetsee and veairy men; and iq pet tvou tbe IloBtet ol AtaemUy, Governor, Counod, Kmg and Parliament, &e., for t f.H &'irvaac-rarinu eou7o of the undertaking may occur; and io in- : form one vaooUicr, Jeao, know, and en oy al tha prmlegee and liberties that re allowed add were settled upon ae by 1 our worthy anceltote. ibe founders of our present constitution, in. order lo preserve -it on. its. ancient fua ndation, that it mar ttaud firm aqd unabaktn. . : . 4h. , That we. will contribute to col- lectioaa for jdelraying nrceatary expeosra attending the work, according to our abi Idtet. ' ., .,-. bth: That. jn. eate of difference ia uilgoicnt. we will eubmit to the judt meutaif ihe majority of our body. - " To all which, we solemnly swear, or, bving a Quaker, ot otherwiae ecrupaloue ' in cooscienre or the common oath, do so lemnly affirm, that we will atand true and laithlul to this rause, till wt bring tbmgt to a true regulation, according to tbe true iuteut arid meaning hereof ia tbe judg went 01 iue niMjority ei ut. . -,: number five is a follows, vix.- - ' No. .V, .; .. ; .. The 22d day ol March, 1768. The requeat of the inhabitants on tbe West aide of Haw. Kiver, to ihe Assembly men and Veatry-weo ol Orange Coun ty, viz; , Where; the taxe in tbit county. are larger : according - to the number of taxables, than adjicrnt countiea. end con tinues ao year alter year, and at tbe ieal- - ousies still prevail ainongat ui that wo are wronged; and having the more rea-on to think 0, at we have been at the trou ble el choosinc men. and seodiog them, ' after the emlee manner that we ceatd. t-i know, what we, paid oor levy for, but could ten iva no aatilucton; for Thomaa ' Walton waa tent to MadducVt Mill, and taid .that Edmund Faning looked on It, that the couotry railed bim by authority, or like at if they had a right to call bun to an account. JXU allow ma the aotio try the ijbt that tbey bav been entitled to. aa Engli.b auhjocw for ttte King re- ' quires no money . trow hit subjeeia. but what tftvy ate made atnatbla what use - ttafor. . . e ... We are, oblta-i-d to oeek redress by denying paying toy mote uutil we hav - lull teulemeot for what ia past, and ? have a true regulation with our t-ffieere. As our giieaance are too many to bs Di4fiedjii a small piereol writings we " desire that you, oor AaaemMy-raea and ' - Vesuy-meu, may appomt a tmt, before , ' nex,t Court, ai me court houae, and let ut know by the bearer, aud we will chooae mca to act for at, aud aeitle our grrevan- eet. " v Uutil such time .aa you will ti t le with y. we deaire the Snenffa will nr , eome ihie way to collect Uie levy; for we wilt py none before tbeie it a satiU- - inent io our satialaction 1 V v : And ft the nature of tnnffirer it a servant 19 the public, we are determined to have the officer of this coui-tr onder a better and h mester rrgulaion than tbey I have beeu lor aomtt tiuf' past. 4t - a