W fbUk aol t aVtg.tr a (oft ub.! la! kery. " D Coo) M Halt r-r. IW T tb4Bb. ik-ow tV. V"? Mf,U4 debarred of trW,e- I . , - - y - a uawest kU tak il lor f ft a ted. thai ar diatYg aided ia lS our rtqaral tgita tr-tw lb public. Tke h first ,xetgs tkis a eisay seat ni vfEeem Cat saasiets of Bjt 1 in eo14 b sor xs rotated; abey wet rebels &c bo that. k..r.J. Ate. Mad dart. te. Ad th SiMf Crrtk toe, or ssthor of No- I. S. aod J, eft m b pimaled for it tilt for the relets l tbtte former pt - pert. N m they wer m igortr.t m ttan i tee?rt.o. and wst ihnasgb rowM nf la to mk to lhr of tK first papers tolpftV f Ihet btt, I ViU obtests, tttt Utier had rghi to rtfer to lb fmt. kee.nt ibey k4 eooearred ' tad Joined ia iha foster. b.l iht if ao oant ? a'l lltea wees eonetin-' 4 ia ttia Lm mr. and aearrrlv fcaj t.airrl of ih latter, to be 0f ways eulalle - Jadiaae BOt-4aj !bo ikia d.aiioe d( ihai mUTw t a b4 people of a . ! cMBiatl Mtiafea. the akbute it im l4aMbl. Hevtftt bard tbie diIiae lkt nt haft bee to r rCerre to Cdneeiee, I lee it vat the aitett toil ftamrtlttt of a!l Ibinja to' be fIt by the pftttiee. - ? And lei iter, beetote tbrjr etiled then aUea InMHUnw of the trrat aide of Haw river, thofofort tbe hJe bod of the iebftbitaot, oo tl oeat Jr, vat tretted, that ran TrMure li ar, ibai JUioefb oot on thud aan oa, the oeat tJe bad ym eor-cemeJ lbeaa'lre, yet tbrv toert aueroaida lotted jB aa one ia ie dtfxMte thrir lie. Oe iU bote. 1 da eat ibiuk il Mfdful , la Ukt oitcli oaiaa to ehw tint uiviihc tM,lr my o;.iio ia, our oiSetra apleen int ike kHibore of fottner paper aa for that tare rOetea. thai thej were pur eeiof irgtl anJ conatitwUnnal plan to be redreaaed; u alto, vben it cone to be it lb lav, the dieunetioo a at rirtr a - in cay, imI poniahed nose but theai )b Were nia!Ie eniltr. ' ' - I bve eid tbee much thie head, lb Bi"fe aa 1 aber br the aitiMMra. thtt oae ia kiffbrr etations than out c8U .ra el'toipted Uc taotc ihir.f oa the to a So to prred i rdrl-r0 the aaij 4 k f ifiril. (lr lk at llrla arar. ! tried, a4 bth paibea. joined on the foratrr pun, me p the Iullowio( paper, wis. Ko. Vf. Atfetral etiuf of.tSt Rrealf twrt.v m Aru. me o, iioa. n aa fteed to oond P fj ' and J L to Ofqurat the fvo lai aberifTa aa our etarr aee, to meet iwrira men i that oe akall chooac on the Tne Jiv. a( iar th ajti ChM. to produce to tbrm opj of V liM of taxable for .ekch year, niad tit f bo avober and oaeir f the jaeolteete retamed eerb year, arnh an aeeooat bow o money aa aprliril, iv tabora Did. and to ohat Bfee. both 4r.eea aod eherifa, ard tn.rtqarat cor reresentttie io confer . witn ihrea in onr behalf, and ahoo a lav for the ru oraary tree tbet hn been taken fordeeda, indemaioa. tliftinlairatioRe, dee.' If ihr lime af poiaird don't euil tbeni. Jet them apfoint as Hber jnore euitatJe. flclnre tbao two nrn had lime to net firo thie aeoteaf, tk ufSeera, either t ,iry r ezaanrie me now ennju popu far, tork. br war of ?iireaa. marr eadJIe and bridle, tot one le y, and they laaoediaiely roe to in number of ainv or arventy, and ireteued th mare, 4iid If e a . .. a a n B'TQtftwt woe at the icl ol Uwlntl Kan iea honor, aa enify ther biaiu'd biuif i . i n iaoatr. Th paper ffo 6 oaa then drliterrd to vm caiaoiMoral foi'iieier ni the euunty, b andettonk io try tn)aerwmmodae the ntuer; wan. oOQtiiae!r. teiuroed viib an antfttrttfm the nCer. and thai tlit had appototed rbt 11th day of May for TVo RfaMrrr bfrrop-m raited a aeei in on th oHtn of April, en. tvUe men to areet raidtn) and aeot the of JSrera aa arontMil ttrereof but the poter oerer oeadrrtrd by rirn t u on Samrday) ifc O .ermor'e S. ere-ary rnted too oaaoe day ta th ton, and Jrw f a -ro4Meiitfa froo th Grr w. deemrf all ojtnere to aid md aaitt fit dhpfm Uteo, And bal I think if tbe oddeet oStof f cr board of, thi pro rla4iiD vat aoi an on KaMi'rday, the nov re tt r einee tbe eio .1 , weable at hnmV. yet the iteer aaeeaabUd tkerayUra oa K .oaaol ft a - 4 a. soVav. - i. . a a j ww mini or aaxMit inirtr. ttf 14- Tbit elet m UaaK.airly a ea(arrd al esoai rerfy aaan, ooanaa d cb Id, that by da I fit.cxiO)oraif . t mbc kvodietlt ere oaaa.U'd Bear the loo a, kcb tWrt aa aa br oe too, teread to otifa atf ia LaKitr arasxl aaaB an,. of obooa bod waatlrd lerty odd auUe oo fooL oo bar (onlrJ and aHB ( at If a I one) bad trei'ed tLitty aaitaa vitb bia t a . . tooet ib auMWi rai ino tneai pari virre oohorMbivk. To ob! vaeactaaWd by oh at th ootid ralla the apirit of eo tbaiaaaa. fur I frit it eataelf aa eoo aa I eaot iato th roaapaay; i ratrbrd er , food or bad, aa Saul aotoaf the oroi.tcrr. A aaan onder tha eneratioo - o - f - f thia apirra, J ant eeruia, caa do and anderf e 1tt4o what b can at aoother dote Il ia crodirMMtal danerroa to rata iLia ettirit If it ia auMhin nut aatiw rat. aa ooot miiior; but 1 Ulieaed it wa a vork of Piondear, and tLerefare feared no iL - , Tta Gareroot'a Seeietitv net thia cooipany in eirhl of tha tova: ball have to obeerve, fir.t, that both th piieooere bad gitea bail, and bad auei thie eompaor ry earljt lor are eeppoeed tb ofScci'e bad got 'me vord of their bemf oo Vt road, aa eome cornpnica took op long before day. neat th tooa or eW he pnaooera woold. v evppoae, hat been teat to Newber a200 n ice. Thie vo!d bat beta bard vmk, for th iahabitanU a the eat aide of the tova. ho vera al to aaaeoiUrd in eotapaaiee, tayinj io wait o i ear a e in pnaonrre aaoi'g lababitanta oho bad not intrraeddlrd betore. Tfie Seert tary read the proclamation; and dIi verrd eeibal awtta, vliirk he aaid b l ad from the Qovernor, That if tbry a boatd aaernbl ohde L aria bp. io iI1 thcot if ihey would pent on the Goternor, a would proit-ci and recrrea iheo agaiLti aoe anllt.l txtnitta na. or ormaakiona ol any rfScer or rffi.-rra ia tie rountt ; a a " a . . protiuca way oould dirpeit and go , Noeooaer aa the erord apote.but the oh vie ami i.ude, aa oith on toiee, enrd ouu Agreed; that fa all oant. liber ty to make our g rkraaere knuva. N Te be foil tinned. . Sir. Calhoun's Lcljtcr.' ....., F-nrt H.II, Dee. tl. 1811 , Ga.ttxextN: I herewith enclose van. aa'ih organ of thoa who have nomina ted toe fur the I'rraidencv in thia Stat. aubjert to a contention fairly constituted, an Addrera io mr rxditiral fnn!. anl uppwrtera, aeaigning my reason for not perauuing my nam to go before the I - f - w t.MlWIaV U acr n a na . oajaoaft ft t 4 iraO in III aw HO t I leonan.il iIIa o. a ooai o o j m ft tiaiiciliu (V J UU Decauae l deem it retperuul and proper tn make it known tn thnaa to whom ii ia addressed, through you, and in order io afford you an opportunity to take euck meature in relation to it, aa you inay deein proper, if indeed, you should deem any necessary. All I hare to request is. that Its publication ehould not be unncces- saruy aeiayea. v iili great respect, I am. &c. dec. -fSirnpd.V . J. C. L'AI.TIOll V. (Ion. Jacob Uond TOn aod other 'members of the Committee. The Addres of Mr. Calhoun to hit a-ouucai ATienas and Support era.' ' I hare left it to TOO. mv friend and supporters, through whooe favorable esti- been presented to the neoole of jhe tlni. led states for the oiRce of Chief Magis trate, to conduct the canvass on such principles, ard in such manner, as you roiffht think best. Dnt in so inn I did not wave my right to determine, on mr individual rrsnonsibiHtr. whAtrnurs- mv duty might compel me to nuraue i.l- limatt-ly, nor have I been an inaiientire observer of the canvass and the courts you have taken. " , It aff,.n!s me plravtire to be enabled to lav. that on all leadin auesiion. trr.tu-. inout ol the canvas, I heartily concur red with roil, in the erounda von tm.t- and ospecially in those relating to die 1 l-i . a w- . moue m wiucti tne ueiegates to the pro posed Convention lobe held al Rltimtr should be appointed, anJ now they .should vote. You have, in mv oniniou. enncln. sivtly shown, that ihey should be p- poinieu oy uixincu and vote per capita; nut your reasons, as conclusive as ihev are, have proved in vaiu. Already New I he adoption of the one, fit Xrk and some other states have appoiu-j tin which framed the Cor ted delegates en masse br Stale Conn, Uon, arid one State (Virgiuia) has resol ved that the voles of her l)eW.np ahnnhl be settletl by the majority, and ba counted Icc'Jri, tkat f canaot trtslt ray ars is go brfure l) propose j Coavtouoo, roa utawd as most now be, eoirely wiJ th priocir lea, o Lh ka evrr rd rev rUie rondurt. II r diertHfta are itperitlp. Aa it b coos i'aied. it repagBtat to tu tL frinciflca, a winch- la aa rrmntM. aurh a rootro. IMS sboold befroardv W tat tboo prio ctrwet are, 1 skaU now frocctrJ bntSy to atate. .-. ' . 1 bold, ilien. with yea, that t1- foo veatioo abould be so ee-iitiile J. na Io ot tet fiiHv an t vtMrtv t'.a ihim nf tfta imm. pl. and a4 Uu4 m p4.liraj manafera,or ouir BMjcr ana orrr artxers; ana mr that ivrpoae, I biU it indirpeiLle, that tho Drlrai'vakhnul.I Im annauntm) dim-il by th peO le, or to as th !angna of Lira. J Mci nm. inmt d no iieao imm ii.a foplr. 1 also htJJ that tli oidy poa- ww aww io iun;i uii, ia iir V-'O ITS" pi to rhoos lb Urb-ritra Lr JJialnrts, ana mat inry anocij voi per rap-'. Cvrrr oilier auode of anwiintine would h at I W controlled by political machine rr, and . . . a puro in pp.iaimenu ia u.s tuuu o die few. who work it. ' I id.j-rt then, to the proposed Conven tion, b-fuc it will act be conntitutrd in rnnfrnitv with this fundamea al article t f the lie publican rreed. The Delegates to it ill be appointed from soma of th cts ics, not oy tne people in tJitrict, bat, as baa Wen stated, br State inventions en ma, composed of DclfgatM ap- ". -!. . . a . pointeu in a:: cae, a t am uilormru, by Cout.ty or UUlrlct Conventiona, and in ome cae, f not .eikintoriiiod. the again composed of IMcjalet appointed by atill smallet divisions, or a few interest- 1 a Oa at. a. ea imiiviuuais. instead then ol being direct ly, or fresh fiom the people, the Delegates to th Baltimore Convention will be the Delegateaof Delegates, and of course re- fonr dePTi-ea from the twnnl. A I aarh successive rcroave. the voice tha people B O aa o a. wiu become less lull and ditunrt, until at last it will be ao faint and imperfect. as not to be auJ.ble. To drop metaphor, I hold it iui(MUaiLletafoimasrhenimoro perfectly calculated to annihilate the con- I" .1. - 1- .t - n -1 uui in luo peupip oyer in i residential election, ami rest i: in those who make politics a trade, and who live, or expect to nve on tne uorernment. In this connection, I object not Jets strongly tu tne mode in which Virginia L- t t a era a nat reaotveu nrr ueiegates anau rote. With all due retnecl. 1 must nr. I ran imagine nothing more directly in coaCict wnn our icuerai srstcai oi mrernmeni or to use a broader ev.nreai.un. tho nrinci, pies on which all confederated eommuni- uca nave ever been united. I hazard notfiin? in sarin?, thai thero ia not an in. stance in our political history, from the meetinir of the first Revulntinnarv Cnn. v j cress to the oresent da v. .f tho f)eleeaua mnj .-.'air iiii tqiiii oy majoriiy, : . . e i. . t1 i tt t .in tiisiauce vi ,iua &;nj ran as lounu in the history of any .coufedrrated couimu uity. There U, indeed, aoinclhinj mon strous in the id a of giving tlie majority the rigiit of Liipre.Kiiig the rotejif the minority into its acrv.ee, and counting dicui as its own. The plain rule that which has ever prevailed, and which con forms to the ditttes of omruin sense, is that where a la e rctes as n State, by a majority of its l irlegates, the rotes count one, be thi-y few or many, or the state Urge or small. On the contrary, where the votes of all the Uclirutir aro ronnlail. lhav tnia iudu .dually and indrpeudjutly, each fur himw-lf e.iiin'.ing onr. And it is to be nn ed that wherever thi laU-rnnule of rot lug exisu among confederated States, il is ill all Cases founded on rninnnrt. In which t'.e consent if each Slate is required. In th absence of compact, ihe invariable mode of v. tine- i;i such Stinea is. in all a. ses, by thj majority, their vote counting OI1K. The Course whirh Virarinin liua r-. solved to t'ike Ts in violation of this plain a a a a. - . - ana lumiaiiicnial rule, and il it should be come a sealed practice, would lie destruc tive 'of ihe foundation nn whirh the whnl structure of the Siute Jiight doctrine is reared. I hold il, in th nxt place, to he an in dispensaldtf princifb, that the Conven tion sho'.tl I be so constituted, as to gire to each Stale, in the nomination nf a nn. didale, tlte same relative weight, which the Constitution secures o it in the elec tion of the President, making due allow ance for its nlitive party strength. By tlte election, I mean the whojethe e rentual choice when it goes into the ll-iuse of Kenresentaiivrs. as well a i primary vote in the lectoral col!ege. The j one is as much a part 4f ihe e'edtinn as al. . . . me oiner. i ne two make t he who e. the Conven- onsiiiu'Kin, de- U xt a & of ib 11 if, oJ .a.a. a t ar ; evtay pmti i wrio u-m Iwf tato .tut trra.t. mY-.rtm Am aoikftM states i.U bat the a-ivaugt isieadVd to b arwiea to r.esa ay i&o ct-vato. oy bif lred e a te,aalityv aids ths Sif h ta.a tla lataa'jJ aVtrH aad af feet, I aao aalm t a ev, ry eaodid aaiod. bcuar tit coattita oftt not to M so roaa uitd to eowpeaaat ia th ooairtiMO tor th ivpoitaat adraeUgt to tb Urioo. which th ea slier tt-trs wal4 aorreridcf by gisg into roo uoat Wool J it a4 b aoialr. a aipabl waut (41 ood f-iib ai d .berait of tb rtMoptwow oi eoatutviioa to ti t bold it! Or. if oVvaroVd. ooadj it b Levi f aa ivJl to icfa ait Caa it b ihosa it that the iBillrr autea aro ao Am ft. ... ... .a. . oseo boo tat trc u in tus party poiuea of th ?ay, aa to per as it thrasstlite to b iadiiertlf ttri,fed of tlgl t,whkk their h'rhnitifi-'l aird t.atrili. aaraalara tialJ ao doar. aa to rtraf tko liaia of tha eoaauiaiioa iiK, riler iLaa aurieedrr it. ; I sljei the, to lit proposed eonvra lioa ia iltia eoooeeiioo. K-rauUi it akaa OO etiWnoajilno la. iLo a. Tra Maw.. Ldt tb sarrradeijbf thi anqwetiieeabl a4 iaifiortaat mnalit.tjal ti.hi. -Ia.ir.rl of that, its adroraita ptreat twrdy and ia otgnaowy retst any, and tieat wub seora trerr attempt t aerur ii. Soma Lav goo ea a far, aa to deny that Ul tCBal CbMC Of th liAB CABtlH tow any port ion of th tbciion, and to . o .O. - a ojanurai opea bottu-ty a.a ni tn pro tiioa of tb comti oa a abkb cootaint If tbet waa ao ether dltetioa. tha on andcr consideration would b insa ptrab! with a. I differ utterly froia th ad v oca a of th jiropoaed Coatrn- uoa ia rririenr to tn pMttoa. I re f ard it Bt on of th first intnorlane. not bt can I drsir tb elecbon io o it .a W ... - . ui iiout, but berasee I btlie it to b tlrcW.a w3 eer eV. rii that if U. ptartt ml iiniii if ratAl daira for tho Prcttd. irry, by r . refta-iuvrd at U-ry pjop-td. aLa'I I eo lit ubtal 4 fi.r. U til atrily dttrat th iV ti of tb fraaaara ad t rotvauaaii, and ooald b fi-tlawtd ky a radtcal a ad t'ajrua cbasg, t ly ia the csriit frp4iaiit, but to lb gevetaejietit iloolf. Tbi dtagfr.aja tarty foresee, aad to Bt44 it. boss ot lb wicsi aad aaott etrwfpae4 atUaaai cf fewaatr diva. SO ttrorgly etjrettd to jragresiaal rav rates 10 aosaina raaddaos for tb Tit sadeacy, that ibry aeti rotJJ le toCBet 4 to attend tbee aatoag tbet it iU be aCcieat to aat Slr.iIacoa sad Mr. Looadcs. OtLeis. UfUviBf that thi piotioioa of ib eontt taiioa ota tooja- fiatd f prariiee, wr acltrilocB to b tend it, bat aithoul isvpairisg tb eac of lbs sstller stales I th clfrtiua. Among th, I rark nptlf. Tib thai ofjeet, retUiHBt aer iotroductd, io IbSS, ia tit Sea by Cot. Bratoa. aad ia th I loot by Mr. llrDufut. (iret'idteg for disirktieg th sUUa, aad for ttfr rrieg tb tleciioa bsak to th prr-ple, la eat there ahoald be ao choice, to t-tVrt oaa frosa tb ta kighett randidans. Th priori tl tabich th anrndmral nriinoaed. aaaa to fir fair roapt natie-a to tha taa'ltr - a . aT . ft a . a o aiait ior in surreaatr oi tnnt adtaa taff la th vei.tokI rboica b tha Hanao. and at tb saw t ma to mak tb mod of elelinar th Piaident aaora atrirda ta conformity with tb principla of our aa...l t . B.O O at a a popwiar iniiiiuu-na. ana to o less liable to CM rilD I i lhao lh eii.tina nrotiaina. Thry itetired ib grnerai svpport of th ntilr. but were otieeted io bv a fw. aa aot being a full equivalent to tli smaller tl. i l , . viaar i m iiiim:ii raioracro ia urn tieal with thatnn wl.irh taa rAnou i. . r eonittut th Baluaaor cobvcbIiob, bat which has b a so dirtit.Mii.il v ob:tJ to by aom. who then t'Kk so promiotnt . . .. a pan ia us isvor. 11 yro na aot sue ia iiidinenaabl aaaaoa. in tha hamta Ar'aa.t..t it.a.a .1 1...1 .--.1. .: ib amaller Stales, .f preteinng ihrirjin rtderting that if other kar sine w w aj-- -- -- ---ja joat a.id cin-lilu inl weight ia ibePie :i 1 .. .. . .. . . .teniKi rirc iiftfl. ami inrougn tnai,' in the exerntit drDirmM anJ th ernmeoi iNelf, which I belitt to b ea- scnual in the retrrrmoo our sublime fsdrr.l tviteia. I retard tha ai'iaiimmt of the rvlaire weight of th states in the gorernmmt to b lh fundamtBtal com promts of th consliiuiitn, and that on a a. a a o wnico our wrtoi poimeal ststrnt fls peuds. It adiotinaeiit conaiilulaii ilia great difficulty ia lurming ib conttitu tio. Th Orinciula on whirb it waa 6. nally iffecied was thai. whld eonces- . . a a a . tion tnoiiiu ot mtds 10 population, a pro vision should b alto made, in auae rurm, to preaerv th original equall y of he a a ct in eiery drprtmeut of th to teinmeni. Th pnui(l was easily earned oat in roniitutiot lh Iegtlatire a-aaaaaaa0aV--. aW a a m 1 1 TT ji, OV th alatet ia one branch (ihe enai.) and anu cjncauin( u population rs lull pre ionderanr in th other. Dut the gri and ddncuit laak of icdueing 11 ti p aciir wis in ihetxeruma denrtaieni. ai tha h-ad of whiib there ia but a tingle officer. S treat was il. thai itnccumed tna a. ten. tion of the convention, frta tiuc to time, luring tha wholt seastnp, and was very near cautipg a i.uure at latU It would 1uve b en ao e.tr tsk to emwiituta i'i.i drpartmt-n, either on the princilaof lh eousli r ol the staiea in iha enverameni. - w a , or fiat of popuution. To combine tha two, in 'the il-eiiun of a single officer. w.a qui e a different affair, but however difficult, it had in be performed at die baxard f losing ft. constitution. , Il B finallr acenmMuhed bv s-iviae ti t'-S larftratalra neatly tha 41ms pis pondera te in the elicioml c -liege, as ther have in the llouae. and nihoam.ll er. in the event l a ehoiee by the Uouar, the taiie equal. ty ihey puiou in the Sent-; thut lolluoinf cloely th snalogy 01 ma ijegiMain oepr mer.1. To mike it as elo-e at potttble, it ws al first pro poed to give ihe eventual choice to the S.-naie. inte .d nf ilia' Him. h..i it .... altered and the preaeni pruiil.;n. adopt ed, fr reatoua which did not affect tie principle. . . It was biitered by the framers, ihe pratiictl OLer.tinn il the nrot iimn wnul.l be, thai the electoral college in which the influence ol tlie larger eutte piennnder aa - changed, -yoa bjw aland whei ye ihe did, in th puier and better days of tb piny, I waa la firor of it then, as I am nw, not beeauae I consider ih resolu tions aa perfect, ibeoretic.lly, as th ex l . - .... a rWUett a! lia adoift-uja Ute to ttlj f.ai trf.-. A Uft, j '! too fa r Bb4 to ptott uui Tier sar 1 a g.. at 4 Cr.. J rt lj 8 rty ia rratti I rfo aot ftl at) lf railed tpo J bow il caa be d.o. or br w Lot tttm'L tl rtlt iv jpaity tferjth of iLa irt,,? it tt.Vta ehta b oVwiaaiattf. " th beat woald bo their re'atii il Jt iacarsaatihete. Uljtir-': lh p'incipV, I added tk liasi ato fj tie sak if a-tartey, aad to tU lopttfirv'y tb riy b trfltHtU ou. a ura n is e rri at. I e ao m. tkla la iLe piojx sd rat eaua b. nutt it , -. , - . - Bat. ia older to na'ias bv ft, teauoa will operate, it will U Mef., to tk tl eoavbiaed tff.ete of ik. . jectioBi wbicb I bat aa4. ' Ttaa twtd, it wdl be fofid that a tioa a eatiitied. .ftads ints stik'y to reairakxaiioa eeatrsJtx.;a of tha , ir. over the Piv-ideatial lrtia io tk kad of a few f tL cenUal. t ui at firai. aad fiaill ia 1 o!i J. ' offic blder si d otSre tler: ot io ..! r-eis it diffeteitir. 10 tht rwitu. ai . comreuhitr. who lite, or nwri t... oa iU fJoterooaeai. ia ciraditiBrito I th great aaatf, who eipeel t lit tbeii aieaa or their kaest ir dutin ; aJ wooaaiiara in liveroet, and 10. liiically speikirg, rnj4.baucally tt wf pi. ' That taeh weld be tbe rare any aferred front th fact that it would afl th mean to Mate six or sevra States It. iflg rootig onus and not far from 1! cea. tr of lh UaioB, to control ihe aooiaa Uon, tud Ibrourh that ih ileet.na a. roatsatraiifg their uniud on ia t'.a roorealioa. ?Civb tl.eat tho r...... . r doing so, and it wcwlJ not bm i dor . t. a. a O a "' "t y a don by roiabiaa. uon, w ncrs u icapuiioa la ao great, ill b sor er long to bo d..i.. T coaibin and conquer is ao lest in as a maxim, whei poner is roncernrd, th.n to Divid and eonqner.H Katling b.tt tstabliahed, than that th dr. in fMf power raa bring togihcr and Baits the mot ditrordant maietials. ' Hut th tendency to centralization will . -. O a al OOaa 001 aip inerr. , 1 ne appointment of d. l.ting prn visions of th conlilulion, but Irgalra eo-mayse by Slat t'oiivcntionn, becsuta I bel'wv it would, in practice, would tend, at tho same time and even more cer ainly accomplish what the fra- with greaiorjoree, to ceuindixe thi con mera of th constitution inttaded. Bmjtrol uuhe hands of th few, who mak wbil ih protitioa stands aa it does, 1 ( polit e a Uade. Th lanher th Con woald regard atysalf as I ttt short of a j ention is removed from the people, the traitor to that eacred inibamcat, should 1 more certainly th control over It will be giv my auent, dtieedy or inJirredr, tl placed in the bands of tlte interested few. any practice which woulJ bav ih tfftei and when remoed three our four dcfrees. or divealmg th smaller states of ih due aa has been shown it will be, where ihe weight wM-h it secures to thtm i ib appointment ia by Slate Conventions, Presidential tier tion whether designed or the power of the people will cease, and ant. Andhtrelet at add. -that aa nkiir.! tha aeak-r. nf t'.M,,!;.. r..... - :!i 1 4 . - .Mw,V IHVI W Iftt lf- tiunabl as 1 think a congresinn. caucus, come ropreme. At that alage, an active, for nominaing a Ptetident, it is in my o- trained and combined erupt will he fornj- :. . .;i'..r. . : . . : . . r . y"j wnoie nine and ...onu prnpostu. ine i..ro.r ha. I attention will be directed to polities. It indeed many lli.ngs ta reeon.mrnd it. I will Utheiraolehj-s. nlo their hands members, constating of Senators and Kep.' the appointment Scatea in all the retort u-es. were ihe immed.attorf ana of aUgea will fall, aV-V will Uke special ihe Stat L-gi.l.t.,r s. 01 the people; w. re care that 4non but themselves or their irtpouaibl 10 them trsptettvtly, nd humble and obedient dependants shall be war for th most part, of high character,; appointed. The central and atate con standing and lalents. Tiy ,0ied prr, teuiions will be filled by the roost ei caiMtt. and whvt ia verr imnmiini tt.a n...! 1 : ' 1 . . . , . , , . . r ' rw cunninz, anu, alter nomi- rep-eaented fairly the relative strength of nating the President, ihey will take good their resp-eiiv it. tea. Ia all lha.a !..-. 1- Ai.iA .1. -..-I poitanl oar leuhra. it an ail thai n.nl.l .-. k-.k r .1.. j .1 . ... . : , . . . . . "-, i vi 1110 encnii ana ino otaie be deaired for a nom.i.Bittig b-nly, and Governments, among themselves and formed a striking eontraal H ihe proposed ' their dcpendanU. but why' say will? contention; and yet. it eoald not h, b .rne Is it n,ot ALaxaor Tiia case! Have ihcre PmP t " rurf,f V ol ' not hetn ro"y iMwncea of state conven tliS KetiUbliC. I. actine with fJen. J.i-k. tim k.;-. .:n..i 1. n-.. 1 , 1 . -;. , " . - nn u viiicr-iiouirrs anu so and most of t ie le.ders of ths piy office seekers, who. after making the no- at l'ia nm. ,.iIik..t.Il .. n... : a ' . ...... . . : , '".'. ""wn minatton, iiare divided the ofhees in the b eauie we believed it 10 b. li.tl u be j State among themacl. es and their partP a. ted on and influenced by the patronage sans, and joined in recommending to ihe ot the govern, ni-an ohj.ci.r.n fr more j candidate whom they had juxt nominated applicable to a contention e wt-lut-d as to appoint them to the offices to which tne o..e proposed, iha.it . a oi.g.eM..nl they have been rcspccticly allotted. If caucus Far, however, waa h f.om my such be the case 111 the infancy of ihe intention, in aiding to put thai .loan, to arstem, it must end, if such conventions subitum m ,t. pUc whsi I iesr I as an eh Mtld become the estahlished ussge. in hundred times more ohjecionable in t I the President' Dominating Ids sncceiror; y poitfol view. ladt!aif there must Whenjtcomes t.i that, it wtllnotbelong be an lutermediauboilj between tha ,.eo- before the sword will take the place of pie and the election. ur.knnwn lo the con- the Constitution, i.tuiion, it may be well questioned I Such are mr o'bjVctions to the mod in whe.her . better than th old 1 Un of a which lite proposed Convention is to be eor.gressh.ns I caucus ran b devi.ed. j consiiluted, xnd my reasons for entertain-' In .taking the ground I hae, io favor of. jg them. They are such, that I cannot 111 II aft tft 1 .1 . a. al ll.a a a I. a I . . il I a ales would nu.i....a a.,.l .h t . .. M i T i ' " " ",Ba:i re,,,,e ta obe7 t,,e,n thotit. renouncing les, would nou,i..e. and that the Houe er states br the comprnmise of th eon-! the principle which I hat e often avow ed vot.ogby ..a es. wbe.e iher eqti-liiy , t.itution. I am art.,, ted bv n nj.i,..B s Lux :? f!-!:!1- tlT'.. wiih a tarern-ksopar ar two, and a man Iyer capita. Their course would necjssait- Woo had lattlr kilted another, a. rh il.a! lr ove.reula lk,i aukk U . . jury of loqqett bad aojndged w.Hol muri supportr d, should you go into Convention. der, all armed WMb font, pistols and swofdi,d rod tb Babbits night, the aVrttnrs of 40 sailes, aid ttok one tfi the rioters prinnr by rinu 4 wairat's ad sls'i aauffiH ianoreat pets- n wit tout any precept at all. by reason nt r rerepi could baobtitmaVaajeaa. no ehtra wa, Bnr eould be proven agiian turn, though hy kadfliade all th search o J inquiry they acre eaaabl of waa hinted before, he waa allowed 10 . and would leave yon no alternative, but 10 yield yours andadopttheirs.howevermuch rou mar be onroeiI trl itnn nr!niinla nr to meet them on the most unequal terms. wnn aiviuea, against united and concen trated forces. ' The qnestion then IS. what innrea. tin. der such circumstances, ah.ml I k 9.l,.-. tedl And tha nilPatmn trr.it aav.lt kA ... i -j,-v.,.,P1 j,ru aia ve vuiii- petted speedilr to dciile. Th' n.r ptoach of the time for meelinj-of the pro-' Ti t.,!Vtb0, Ut lh -w,"er P'P"' U,t- Powd Co,1,t2on Will not admit of much i. a. Bull at. . I ltnM.. Jt m . . . ."..jjor uciaj, umas your course may . . . ! m M T?f 'ht iflhw!',ePenl n degree on that which I t-t, mil crerr man kutw who I . , T aaai UM W 11 1 W ''ho was a tr joined into th BegulaKon. vj iftsoa It w all ths tpie of conrerae Thia new aura, i.istea'l of nn-b.' wat na- pmairv, aerating t iha iiaiure of Ilia bu4- - , - " " . aao a UUv BA IIIC relation subsisting betteen us,' to make ta I It A l-aMaaaMa . I .at .... uuwi y0tt wuaout laiiher dc Ur . ft then, after the most careful and de- nentled nn the adiirion of the othpe. - - y - . a ther could possi'dy te adopted alone. The two were tfen result of compromise b it ween the 1 irjt-r ami smaller Statei, af ter a lonjr and'dvtihtrul struglo. which threatened ihe loss of the Constitution jtself. " The object of Bit-in to the small- a3. . . . . . S. a . a . cr oies an equality win lite larger, in toe eventual ciiotre ny the JJouse, was to roun erpoise the preponderance of the largdrlti the r Ice 'oral college.' Without this, the rmaller would have voed a; iinst the whole provision, and its rejection would have been ihe consequence. Ev. en as ii s anils', Delaware voiedains if. In cotifinnatioa nf wha I sta:e, 1 reier to Mr. Madison's rcnon on tho nr, eppii; of ihe Conven Ion. ' llain tati wat I mean bv tho . ecun.it will require but a few ..words loexpam my icasunt fr the pi ine plea I hat lod down. Tiiev ar r.a. ..J simple, and real , nqthe rrninid, that the iiommati.in is in realoy ih election if concurred in, as far as the parly is cnn. cerneii 11 it so intended to be. Tha rreaerteu, would elect who should be iha President. To git it that operation in practice, th pruririon. as it orieiea I str,iKl in the constitution, was that each Muetur should to e for two individuals, without tiiseriminaiing wtucb should be Preeideni. or Vie President, sud if no one hd a niitj riiy of ih whole votes, then not of iha fit hijhf si il.e Uoute ti ling by st. te. should elect one, and iha pernB n i elected, having th highest number of vutes. should be the Vic Pre- idem. It has been tim e .liril. a tt.t ' the eleriors ihould designate which ahoald be President, and which V Pc.i.kni and the srhction of Ihe liou wsa limit ed to tbo three higheat. It it manileet. that if f it nrovinon of ihe rnnauioimo hud been left to operate by it-lf. without oe uiieivenuon ol caucuaea. ne n.rtu ennirmions between the people tnd the a.t . . ! . 1 .1 : ciruin.n, inn t practical operation would have been such as 1 hae sUled, a... .!... 1 . a " 1 a. anu .urn a waa cieartv iniendtd by ihe frainera of the cons tint lion. The ohi'ert intended ia imnnn.nt Ti iimrrvaiion t l l ie relitiia ta. .i .r ,ka y at wa aatu tat's, as extablnhed by the eonstttuiinn ; 1 a . a . m a.i in uepa imfl iti, u necersirr to th success snd diirati m of our av.tem f j " fovemmen; but it mar be doubted. Iielher the orovisian aJumail m (T- .1 in the executive department, is not to termed lor the s'Mnc. a..d I mav a.td forrupi passious, wUKh, Ii Pre.iderH.I - - -; , ikiuiic ana private, and which nave feeling or deiue to eoneiltaU their go id euided me ihiouh tho l..,la rour, of opinion. (fiheeae was reversed, and mv public life. . ft nuliis of the larger; instead of the) In cominj to tlus conclunon, I have imar wcm invaded. I would, wiihqnaljoot pafsed over, wirttntit Careful fxami- read nets and firmness stand up in their nation, ihe reasons assigned bv its dvo- . defence. I in th . partisan ol neit',er; cates for con$tilu ing the Convention as oiie, nor the other, bui supply a auppmtr ihey propose. They have not diminisb of 11 e eo..tiiiUt,,n. and wh.t I believe to ed the fvrce of my objections. I propose be jost arjd fair. I re-aid the eonU i.t on. to n.rfire rhe m.-at prominent. a tit y k of sale.ty for al ; and I be- Ttut which they li?v8 urged wkh the iiaa that in defending it. I daieodt'ie in- greatest confidence, i-, that enrh Slate iere.t and safety t.f raclt and all ,hs . ),., a rigiit to appoint Drlpcates as she gre.M as welt at the smdler lbs sutea) please. I meet H, by utterly denying . ...... uie rig.ua 01 omen, ss wWi ss;that there is any such right. Thai each the slates whose rights ar tna led. i otnua h.. tha r;..iii i niA.i.a.. in the slates whose rights are inhaled I hava laid doa he principle on which I real ihe ol jc;in in que-tion, wiih th limit. ti-n, ti.al tha relaii weiahiof th. states ahoij.l be niainftinrd. making due allowance r tlie relative party strengh. 1 ne propriety ul tlte liinita'iun is so sp paieut, t;it but a lew words, in i!lutra tion. will be n quired. The convention is a party contention, and prt.less. tlly in tended to lake the sen id the patty, which esnnot be done fai ly, if ataies baring but little partr atreoff'h art out oi an equality with thote which have much If thai wer don, lh rer-ull might be. thai a small portion of th partr from a'at'S tbe bait Sound, nubtiea I e. ai.il which could git but little tunuort in eon- great, mghi teleet the raudidate, and 'Oak the Preside n. tuainal a aral ma. j'tr'tj of P. soun 'sit. anij M0 WM)(a ,ie af " fj , (5i.le has the right to act aa it pleases, in whatever relates to itself exclusively, no one will deny; but it is a perfectly novel doctrine, that sny Stato has such a right when she conies to act in concert with others in reference to what concerns tlie tvli..!a In ..... U . a..iinet j dictate of common sense, tliat whatever af- rerts the whole should be regulated ny ihe mutual consent ol a'l, and not hy ,,e tliscretinit ,of each.TItat the appoint ment of Delegates to the proposed C011 vention is a case of this tleerription, I trust I have conclusively shown. I have, I al. trust, shown more; that the stippo" ed rijrht is perfectly dereplive. for.wl" il claims or each uite the tight I nP point Uelegntea as it pleases, it re"" ly gives the larger Mates ihe right to dic tate how the others shall appoint. tof psamj)c, ths Cmoiie Stale, as it U callvd, a