fmrn ta f A TUB TgUE ISSUE. TTaere a few niltr. item that ewtet into the peo-trg PeaiJw tial EJeeCaa, pS Tt-irh KVtif tlie is tat shm.) J i irtal, It ih Jea f ela f Jw lmrnae e iaj f lb aaakitada Ire Ibot enetUrrKMBi T the fin Bipaii by asking 4 irrelevant is art end avrri;ttti: yi-Jj tht eoateqaenen f Tfcsrt politic! trider sfreal fTatf at Sy fear defe-el. and therefore, wbh all the tact of 1 J fladlakf, they ev ade the w eae Jv they dare )ot rnfflom, tod -deal fheie blow la every other diref i A sort f lejwtf Epe of k"g Lit vne where. To f3rJ f ifcfew fal raaseijornrei efV-;i trier ph. it be come tht ! duty of those who frftnj cjcrt tie permanent g lory and proa nlj ( tt country tHfn f.he let aoUe triumph of eier party, to bring our ad versaries back la tht true iatue, asd iafi them t if. : ' ""' New la the fact. atte$tr4 if trntoir. i Be it remembered, that, in IS! !, whu (Vaeral found tli krtadib. meni. fredit vat totally destroyed: rivate ere Urn:aoQ eac n;a outer, na , n h . . N oerwhe!med with tmbara: I V, A'. ,.K.;.a li The treasury wai emrty: puUie ... J X . ... ..... . . - . . . ' . a .a rwillll VI W 1 It aww aw aaaa it bid tot? throw txxmi tharrd the drUed . w e-a.te aj.H,.y for Mr. tiMl,it!ecrtwyMjM,p ... not lard aaiffJi UW,! is Jiloie;ee. U.Mr. Polk .H...I4 My f mpl) pe ct: t'4 the cf National ,. , f h , ,cli ,d firotpe ny Vitt drid up." la t yord, tht (ovwnf vis caiiixvpr. tit it remembered, tnat an wefe eu iTerethe re.unoftheboMtedmea.ureaofij fiJthf ,,r ,?UCM ana uocniuco pinj nirirr iui were Kea?ouly reaiated by the Whif pary, by hrrn the eonaequencet to which they iihiaiately leJ wtjn f9rtto!J wjtb Prpbe Be it remeobercd, that the rtrae party that bankrupted the country it oow is the field, orfinized, and atminj with derpe ration to remin the povcr S'tich 1 by the election of 1340; and that, in the treat of ita aoccee, thia party ia ple!ed to reatore the tame meaaurre that diauo eiiahed it rule wljen in power that i to tay, the tub rrraaury. deatn to au Daaaa, bard in oner, and aliff. uaon wh ralll r -- " ' railed 'tnenl!ertf,ft Pieaideotial Candidate of jhia party it en avowed and retarded enemy of the Tariff of 1842, and rhw ad r orate of a horizontal tariff of twen ty PC ""tun " the value of fpreign ipir rr a, mhich tlie bea Ufornned nien be j.e e would be fatJ to the manufacturing jniereM, Khly prejudicial to the intereu of agriculture and rommerce, ruinoua f uU revettie, an ubrerjiTt of al hope i f the diocliarje of he pwbli; debt. Bnlt-aa (y the iuipof-iiioo of direct tasea oa the jH-ople i po'jcy whjch it indeed known be open y advocated by tfiine member pf the Pjrtjr. De it f erabered. thai the f rt ereat rnea- rure that checked the embarrassment of 0e eo-sniry wu the repeal, by the vote of the VI hi? party, of (tie odioua ami de frtmiva tub-Trearyj and that to the t arne part? belon j the merit of the pre fect Tariff lawl which ha dene more fii-sa every else to rale up our cpun try from the drprcifion caused by long m a. a . ycirt ot tuQering, ana jo au:ue cooipa ra'ite heath an I gladne'i and prosperiiy over the whr(e land. P Be it remembered, that ttiiv falu'nry measure has hot only lestored to health ful action all the great interests of the country, but has replen shed an eshau ted Treasury and yielJed miUiOna of mo hey to bp applied to the liquidation of the public dtlit. Be it remembered, that these great be pefit w result of the Tariff, within the abort space of eighteen months: and it is the confident anticipation f business nien ana statesmen inai in is is dui me precur e"C f i.tH b,rightf r djiys.f houl this mea' sure re(iia uu.!iUirt)td & Tuw year Ion It is therefore for the People now to eho -ae between the measures of the pary Ihatrt'irieJ the country, and the measures that of the party has sarei the rountry; bttween meanires that are ihrerted exclu f ily to the puUie good, aid measure Jhat are suggested hy party motit es, and Intended, nawfly at leat, for party pur poses. Tlii tejroupcci. with it irppiesiiveaij pinnit'uhJ, connected an it is with the fu ture by jhe operaliorj of cause end efltct, siijrfste thiavbviov rc&tctlon; Will the People, to whom belong all the power, and ii Mm whom will rest, for weal or for wo, all Uie consequences resulting from jhe administration of the Government will they stand forth, unflinching support' er of die men and measures that give ho nr and strength and prosperity o the anion; or wU tiiey, in an ignoble apiih ol Ufs jsge, return to old tatk-m asters, fnJ invite aoother Might to desolate our land and iirjpoverh aid iilut) our ticii ineritancef This, wlien stripped of the disguitea liial running has thrown over it to cheat a confiding People, j the true iseue now l be iried. t o n ths lmlepsnJeut. -ANNEXATION AND DISUNION. Mr. Benion dtiered two speeches in Rinille. on the I7th and 1 8ih of Jai m xith. 'P"e most imp ffnl part of hi epeihrs wa that which leUiee to the schemes of Disunion, afeich'ihe f.ctioii- . . . . . . . - ' . I x sp(t,ed they tt.u laid oa t fur Da ait. in tha Texa Treaiy'. " : Mr, tteiitun eon'ti in aid of d". position avsumed by thoiV ho htvt fa!lea Irom the DtiB-ycraue ratkii. nj joined with th whig ptrty. IJ isrs thert it "one ereen oiotbe pditic4 fiaj. w'iere Why I i " .1 d Denver t.e. -d - Citrate ichf f tVv.4te t lU Unlen. H Mr. tValM 4J !ofl eerrary itraa f it a4. v.?ej frslrar a art 9 bmf aa ijia lievmia, be Ud fad thai tteia wker ' gr r aiJ kt at where of the tea pat tit aigfci asset, and thai kr r4 fMif f A pr pj Ar-Ij f party 0i frfitioai ) irrrf. Clw rr 4rfiUn Mr.tiiay aid kaktMal diert p rar'jp r anU b I f ataVd It aM at J d .rrr t a kirfc tra4w atli0 rotrI m aitCiniUa t M ryal r -qNact a. aaauiiied y Dmortaye Tf'T - If kt PaaMiiiaa ITf' ty",f f dtaBritinn. in raptcii) d IeUa. rttf? t tli aag aiat inrrrad bf h'a alac aih th. a iht goo B)tA -f Pia dm- t al ;nd), ai.J in all iH, aDiiay f a i)rrONf rriac canf ag ft! fa i( poi lianf ih t h at d ed ahot.f aottnit ! h! f.f liaif aCnie b aiira-f l rjfc.frtai Pr- ty i hnblia Mai th injimj ai iff I ID t a a akmW ..a a ka at f beeoe be auere tol of ite U iuiiinit, thedianr t'e p"y i14 im edtaitly , li.lK.w and the I)aotti in nurub'rs th.n when ilirs culled oi)t t h diun on Utlj, me, Cs iu, or I sink. The deitikuds of the diMtn'onit't will am be sbaed ta aing'e p-4 t .Such a Taiiff a Sigtb Carolina aJont die ta.'e, anoitbn submit ed to by (ha hole Union, Bui il this wf graiitrd. ftld a brare tnd Ligh.rBimled t eople were to cower benestti the insojeo' ewagfirer ol ibe J.eob Club of Sou h Caii'lina, and give ihem oo chance ff Pn'JUyrn7uu7f.n on anoihrrseetion. irdrltands would incree, They mutt h T' a'o cot " to gel T ea- s into pe L'ni but in et t' Sou hern Stt out af M." Sue h w ouid be a j a t ol iheetti qaenc f the lertin of Mr. IVJkiihe Botrerol ihe Ilisuoi-nist wouia be stiengtheDed fr onchWf, ajid it would be no nor a uiumph ol the old Demo erstie parly proper, lhan it would be .tri umph ol ibe Cl. tof Tartsty., . Mr. ttentoo T. he pimay, or-jeci t-t ibe Teas treaty diunto j an m- trrue for the Piesolenet a it seenuua- rr oef u and land speculator and stock jobbing were it ufcliry ot-j Ci and the tout etjecis, together brouyoi ii i it ward al the urn and in the manner in hicb Ursme lorosril. jusi Idfiy l)b foie Lt Bliimore C neptir, and at the ' k . . a Hart moment to mix i h il-e rrnien lultUction, and to mike diversion, O- rord and miarhivf beiaeen tUe Nrh and Um South,' A.i.d yetp mociaticleaders, a ho know these f.cis, aillirre to trie i o min.tion ih -t hst gruwn out ol the design Utceate these eVits, an t tefuset-i meet un that 'een sput," t-rrupietl by V whig, on wi.ich ali'f.e Una flofioiis Ui Ion C.n be preserred, And thus etand the mot oe o the nurtie. when onurn id leg" bis chrr ter: For the Democratic Psr y, " Pttli and iiMnion"fr the W big Pant, t'lau and the Union U ehave truugltt sir, teuton tveife trie V ... .4 . . . eves of ur resder. lit we mat illutrte the post ion of mher mull gai Jeder, in the Demoera id rsnk; Iwr, if e undr stand him. he intends to hip nor i tl.e no mmiiUon. hand in g'ove nli Mi. huun, Mr, McD. ffie a-'d oiler., all of horn be jr-ves i Jbe tiaitois io their eountry. From a notireol Mr. Bm on's speeches in the Si. Lou a li-jiutl Can. I PPff l''a he p'e,etiied ihe Trim Trea iv, and ll 't e ro'respnndeore jT'Utini l it. a ar'fullif duignt&lo Ummber ikt Union. ! pirk a qurr-l ith Ureni Bnt-on. and a.lo iih the mwUvt-hnlu't inj Sties, ws obiouj tie design ol the Xtgniiuior, fr'm lie ree'iimni io the end. T arry the aln'yeho) Jirg g-.iini the nont-ll ehildmg ball ol f ie Uiion wis his ojea and roti;u:ietl effo't. . To p eem ihe acqoi-mon of T m as a QUthern, reciion J, t-vehcidirlg jiei iin, wlo'ly direrpj) io the ej'eiiMon, pfrpeiailioo, and red imjnnee ol iltte rr. wa hi i'inres. voeJ oSjVcU Ami aftr ill ili open ff irt to lualtetiie le a q's i' n a l .ve quesii' n, the aluiiT ion of the T kian Sut-s into ihe Uiiiii was io be fubmi'trd io a Houe of Kp-resenr-t've vrtce there wa a m j -r t of loriy-iit niem','rs from ilie noiila hold ii Su-e. Va c.odd a'l l! i be fr. eacwpt to have ihe TVxi.m Slue r fi-d a-Jiiii'iion, find n pretext fafiiiffifd Ihe Southern lif't Jor cereum-mf AH this ' mil und. riiii"d in S'uifi Ca rolm t!it the rfy of Texai or Uiutn ton' was raied io tf at quaver, not only brfq'e the treaty was rej-cUd, but before jl was nade!? . , nd now we repeai to the puq'ie and Jo the supj) ifjers of ihe Deiuorra;c Par- iv io pin rulir. wlmt e mill Del re the Ine elrioij in i'-i b;te, ht the leaders of thaipniy (o fynow ihe aign of, the power wh'Ch ibey perimtteil to enntro) he anion of the Baltimore p-invi ntinn; and kiiOAMig u. do prrterere in their ad hesion to ihe pisanidnista. snd ar gon g with ih'm in a b .dy, aVint lha haf pi nest and sileiy of our gbiious Coulsde racy. , '.. ' r .THE POLITIC AL PRESS'. No one Who hai bevn in Ibe t ah'H rvf glanetng t the different politic 1 journals I a av mwiiui a ta w w r - j cf the yf eta l-H I lav kvea ticl; widt riMiiaU f-rt hsi. wb e the h'g retki t Ueaele se diai I tf ateasme the to rartw. re Ujntt tn tawrtfi p ake w tjfate of M ptppo-tP VefcM!i! pfae ly tm ihp bote ttersHi eklaaaaie f4H ebr dl.te. TeiJ iKeta tlst the h'gtMuT heal"' tVarfeid awitap eaiufl. aad swgtj t a be sepesUsd. ed they re lr by urj thai 3d', Cly tdiMeJ tM SMrsWr ml Ualley. , T4 af e ftsiioo.l B'k ia f jxiloa la heif aV Tresserv ite, and they revise the eii tuded tatelba'lldctrtlw, t the eleeli- of Ada. Pmo U tht ab ol the etlo tMet B!eife iicnts. and tht remrt it. bektdJ t gam Met and duets'. Indies; the adtasgef of 31 . CiatV pls ly d.yit'Ctirtg the ptoeetd of .be pt.tde , fnd yo are errd, a a rthbth-be key. Ttts B"t mere drrt;R?.ua. lading d the pfot'irfaiu jHesiew. we take op V e S ebasond qantr ol lulv 30ih. tine art three ehelT f r'ftlrd eid."radeoitd to tht t i 1 aT tt Mfi,tia droved story of b.rti) at.d corrnptiM?' We turn to tha Giot-e wl the aeit day. and find Ht edrotial page disgrseed by apae tilt ceeeit which earot fal t asake etea Icoforoim blush. Tl.e figure al rrat ia oa line ia formed by typf above i an eseaicbeon, sa wfcicb it pie tured brandy btde. corkertwf f park ol eaida and a pistol UbeHed aboot ! er." Under ih'a ehsaie des'tgn t' the words a gr. pesidenee and franae, While letters, dipo-el so at to lrat ih fif ure of man, eaibody all the g'os.ei b-li that hve been published tor ibe Is-t taentv veers sraulM Mr. t.Iir. Add 'l tni pp't in ttedlieial irgn at Wh. ingio ol tht gieat p.itc who tt.uds op ped to the abifsl 'While regfi. lor the credit of tb cunuy, to set the press degraded by such n eihibitiun ol wules and amlif n.n buffnontiTt ' r j'Hred to find ihtl the enemy eause ia so meapabU of being sustained by Solid t'uaent, and by any ppeaW t the gO-d sen-e of evtry tirtnesi ron, that they ft compellei' to adopt the most discreditable devices ia order t exei e the tvaion ol tflT ffl' nJ ,,d their liilgiain. Wm Umvm ami. i.,th i.i'il f-H'.HiW the Ameih'an peojde than to imagine, however, that they are to be blinded to their true inierr at by any oeb outrage upon dectney and tuih ' Aete JerA Republic. LETTER FROM MR. CLAY. Mr CUy wa invited Io be present at the great M s Convention of Whig which met at Letwf inn. Missouri, a short time since. His tetter ol reply to 'he imitation wt aa follow a j AsMand.Slst Jiae. I8jl. Gentlemen 1 rcened your friendly letter, inviting me to Ml- n'l a mm oeet ing of the U hiitt of Missouri, and the fir et. at Iiing'of, th lath July. .... - tX' .i thii'g would -n 'M me To' -re I leisure ihsn to be in the miJ.t of them on that inteie-tnK oce.non. il 1 coiild ilh propriety. Uot, aft-e lull rounder ation, 1 ie-oled not to attend nv pot ti ral mee i -e linrms the Presidsnti'1 run- 4;indui.ny ol my tnoitilmrreet filend anniove ilat reotul-Qn, You ho.d out eiy stronj it dueemeiiis to uie Io itit Lesingionwolil friend gnd iieiclihof, the tirsisi bidr of good luul in sit the Mis supippt vallr), j r during 1,000 Iks. of heop io ta acre, a rpiti g ovf h in po pi.lition. wealth and irtiroraj"ta. and Uhoi)h I t, not lea-it t radical ami ei- tensiio revolu ton. eoine on in p4'tcs t would know you were KeutU'-kian from ihe romjacetjey with winch you spesk of all these fi ie things. 1 should he delig'.o-d to see their.; ami, if I could make an eirei t on fiom the rule which I hve adopted, it would be s viii to Ivx iiig'O-', in Fe'te counV, MOmi; but I do not ihit.k iht I ran fii.d iiidi tent rea son f r i.h an exreilion. And you krow I'm I have alwij enJfiVured to abide by my wont. I r-jo ce in ttie prop'CtofthediJiei nre n( the Sie ol J1iimhi from the yoke of L iCof t:oim, of wh eti I rereive s fliitertogrc'ittfropia'lqiareri, N' t l Viii'u, Ii toil Ke ue on tli a.U'1 t ivrntucki, wjncli adopted and huolicd and iioior d ie, theie is no Sue in ihe Union Which wouM ftl more giatiried wth ihe stiiiirt i f ihjn Mixsouri. 1 have eer ent. r- i.o-d .'kind ol pirenla: ICtlmg toward thai stal. Ainot g ttie arJuou trurglfs wtiicu I hae bauin publiQl.le It. at V'S inromnriMv ihe greilpl li whiC' l ever ieipaed. for Hie ( m- si n ol MtoHonri iiMoPie vJiiion. lIaiui mithinr, I am en lied to nothn g ou'that fiouni. l mrri'iv u uiny uuiy. aissour i hn oed me wtt'i h r ri n-t tore. In ie viewing t'.e tiot, I am'on-co ui iu ev-r hanlig toiie'ny th'ig ji ly to foi Icn ber etem and cnnh:enre. Ueir.g no inihvr imi of a bn cliffi t mild be a grcMt a ist'ai ii ii 1 1 me, b fore I ter uiinite my monal cart er, on e more in meet SiPiouii oii terms of lrendhip and affeetbii. Wiatfver may be the course wheh she may Hunk pfo;er to t ke, 1 otig'a u late you on tlie b jM andriieer ,.ro picts of te whV cauie ihroiihout th whole Union. Never were. pro.pects nf any political' party more itiUt-t i ry ami encouraging. Prrl'eclv united aa to al the great weisuies of nation. I policy wh cli'ibey support, every Wnig, trotn the St. Johns to tne Sabine, itand ready and eate to do tua duty an-l Lis whole duty. N i will they be lulled in o ecuriy or inacivity, by ihe die tmn and di-tr.e ions ul wtakisii of I tie aUerta ir, The Whig know thai the inaitm never dpie ari enemy," i wiie a id tound in politic a is in was tnd thy mem Ij comb;it t if Napnl- on or ,k- e.t t If iw en fdrta rAear taf tt 4 eiiM acrortli 4l!v.lk4yUKMtrtJ W' T'.e Mr. pot.Jeai rvawey trM.(W, it - tnfirtty ifdJ jif reentry. 14 tie f ' V tLe anot t(s4 a this or asy oti-er I tea tar frteal Itw twl te. - r ' n. cxav. tieaw. r. XL llatka'af. J. P. ' Caaspbef. J. Ififbara, aoj -J, W. ; $ a- - , " , rM tbe New Tark OW. V A SCENE N A SVNO0. . t wt ia ibt Aetata ol 3I bat rU eaerabh Syaod of 'tw Jffty held it est oa ia tfct aneleet a'nd ti i-ated norot,tWEI.h. Buift. Isrgeror more letrnad ee esissiie4 t.odita peel i net! ia ibia eooiarV. I.asorier wiibib iwibi fw, d the ftne.p.J IW togal ea.Uary f p UhafcA, M re- t iibrs i. Ami c O. In. m l- at aeee to then a erowa ol gbry and the oraament of Jhe Assembjy theii were the ptes.denl and prtd"eor al Pnct"B aad te Colete, wiib aol trjerely a Aineucia but a Fumpeaa fej utanoa ibere were te seoeijied pators of a hundred ehoicbe and f ldtr,froat ike el oqfcei t Senator through the various fades ol eivd ad social 1 fe )aa a to Jht jlio bat pious farmer. , During a o men ry pu in tht be sinestof thut ventr.ble and I trr.ed body n aged and highly respected clergyaan arose, anting that be wohed to pretcfii a few reeulutioot la th eoosidna oR I ht Stood. Hi tgtand wtdeirned Chirac er obttjned Jor htm a k oJly hearing. Hit reioluimnt were a the uH-rt of Abotilina'sas and in its favour, and iu op positioe to C'uloii'iition. A few well di reeled leaistk I 1 from their mover, af let vhdi he took Ms et. The Synod boked a il lakrn by tor prise, and none emed disposed io lot ch the eiciting tuhjert. The Moderator ass about tisirf to put tht motii'B,.l,e woald l ae testjurd MfTitjec non by andcTCorIming vote al houi a aord be ing tid. when be a a a'reed by.lln ord. M Modertot" slowly bat em phatically pronounced. Io a moment all a a bra hleia am ntion. For about half an boor tht Kynod bung upon tha lag t I ie sp aker. Such an exposition ol ibolc on tm, snd 1 1' t blsings of Cnlomti I ti.o, the agfd ones never h t'd before, not the mme vouthulones since. Ii was a lor rent of eloquence irresistible in a-guni tit slid most afff cti-nate at a a inr ing in i t it I- r I and mu ner. When be sal da a earn g was sa d The flowiar tsir of mtay ol he trie. hraJed one showed th emo tion that possessed their iul. The modentor waitd iome time o give op porioniiy to other Io speak, but not a word waa u'Wrtd. The ro.on wa put on the ador-i on of the n t- luPons, and ttie movtr only voted for then j whlt he whole 8) rod beide votrd tgautt them, Ami e nave rever lio an ano tttion resotuti in pieitUtd to tht By tod ine( The mover of ihe rr coin tin the exerllent Dr Weeks of Nrwnk theit oppossr. was Thodore Fivlinghuysen, ol tbe Ui.ited t-U . And V is icene m a gvuod will never be I or gotten by many who wivne-ed r, c. Y. QrATTLXBCMIKO We five below t at sa trv aa a rsoht-on adnp-en it a folk, uailt, aoa Teta meeting held in Lawrenreeountv, Alabama. With such repeated evidences before the people of the treasonable tntl uxtione of the supporters of the Iieoh co nnmnnei, it w id be inin hr the editors of that p ity t'i deny tlm I'olk and I)i$- vnton are aio"t (tnommnue lermsi u'It'eolved. Titat the potirsston of I'ex a is inhiiitelv more impnrtini m oa ol .his section of the Union t an a longer ronnexion a'd IrenAbip wuh he Nirth Eatern 9 ate; ai d. if we have io vteld either, it cannot and shall riot ba Texas; because the pecp'e of 'l ek'S ire more ne.rlv a'lod 1 1 na io blood and congema i lv of initiintioiis, their tnritnry more eonVeiiRit in loc.lity. slid t fioittly more vsluahle in leitili'y ol b I a d eommmi 1 adantae, than the Nortt e.siern States tnem-elvet. from wlienre oow prnceeiU tbe unfriendly Opposi'ion to our wihf." At ihia same meeting, the IIm. l)aid lluhhsrd, Loeof'Co elector lor ttie Siaie at Large, waa the prinrtptl O'a or; and ii it 18-erted in the N"Hh Alabamtan t)t he noi only declared in It a speei h. hot als) in hi private ennveisa ion. ' that he uai fUy prepared to ate the Uuionrent asunder, iinc the Northern portion of the PoidVdetary wot.Jd cutiient to let us have TeXasl- What say the ilordy oldt Union men'1 of Georgia to thia h .lil prerhtng up ol diunirif How can they reconcile it to their sense'of pa rotum longer in be found eo-wnrkera with such luiti iu ihe cue ol " Bulk and Tei'" JJuguxt a Chronicle. Jpiportffnt 'Mopttnent. mret'ng of L''CtVr.coe of Cumberland eounlv, (Pa.) wit ft Id in that county a short niiiesinev. o eonrjder w hat course it h ( proper fir them, a liiends of the Tar it, to pursue in the coming I're.idM.jul ilt-ction. Ti e chair was taken by S.tauel S iaeffr, and a co in io i tie e Consisting "ot lien. I hotna C. Ml Ier, Montgomery l).naiioii and John Moire, w ere appontsd o prepaiu resolution for the adoption of ihe mi eimg. Tn Cotniiiittet re,ioned long preatobie and a nnmner oi reiniunons which were Uian m"Uly'adopted. Th pea olle t -i forth wi.n gn at clearnei tint die porlec loo of our own industry i einn ial to rory. 1 m I rrpM 1 brtegieg fi. P-:k 9 tie f al srjarr, 1 teS-wai ua.tLia trat pd: jtytoiW. Thai t4edeF IaJd sa, IIe.iv X'ail T. . il;!tef,r'reit JlaVeb, i-M U ! SUer. Juha it. e- til tier, tad Man lU)der,U tppartted e oaaaM'ee ta eddies a UV ta the 11 ap aatsbta Jaave K. Pdki akiee bB) 1- -.1 .... .r.l..uJ llmrin T'ZJ, '..Vg.Wif . lhaa ta ette ia l"a ar-d aeaisaral - - T . j I - - , ...... i . " l... " J.JZ: ' lK .,.,eiraf .tr . UmJ mf m Tmriff kt . T d-e. that be a ill not be f eiplie a J: met beg rcqttirt. t " We trasesiiMt eer lainf that Ibt Waif t' tr. A'ajiriS L'm-m- ' Now thia ra what a ratll hones. Tbi is pltm tad toova.bp.rd. Tld it tha f r actual declaration Ol folk-pilnciplrt we have seen a yt. "mi are gnait eeif Ihmf the IVhig are for. Haw asueb trouble, how much wear and tear of ingenuity and iientoa it bete saved. It reminds i t of aa anecdote tbf the utt Chiet'Justice if Ma n ti-ed tp itl, a ilh isinit humor. While at the bir. the Judge had e esse proseette, ia which a very ocsj otd pa was ueiencsei. as fa sgument for the p'atntiJT wat gon g lor a aid with much eri.emee. tha defend ant beeine very amrb elf I ed l"d aaknf assay lo-ffVetual aitempte io bear what Mr. Mellea in ssvine ta thelarv.htsl lst excNimed. I don't kouwsTTol ir ttyir. ;ffurAfeiIin. but I vrr T7r yew l'trk Tribune. A Clay Omen. A gentleman, but joat retura td turn 1 1 ip ir to tht iri f tor ot our oaa and adjoining SiaUt, tilae io a th follow ii h tie lucident, which may eaaonably b et down sa aa onto. Aa imUaoon waa givsa at Brdfud Springs oa klooday st. that 3 balloon woulJ be tent up, one lbIUd Ci y aad tha other Plk, and ia coniequenc a large Crowd wit gaihtred id witnttt lb rare, if the licenamn might b so termed. Al tht tpponted hour bth balloon wrft prtiioi; but tlieti J iy aat of short dura lion, for a sudden gutl of wiud laid iht Polk Kpon ii sole, and ai the some moment th Clay bdiooa soared m'jl. rally far upeaid and onitd to an. the West oulil lost to the tye, tdl maintain ing it advanced and erated poinion, Tiii may or may nulbe lakrn lor an onon. bui ilii reiuinly good as auy one that Mr. Icudal has fisored the woddw th, U, S, Uattte, J)blnian in .7i.iiuiin. The Tosea loota Momtor sayii A wtiict in the North Al-bamian g.e an arcmni ol a a,eecU tnidr at Mooiton.Jjiwienee coui.ty, 2'Jih bit , by iht lion. Davit Hubbard, out ol the P-lk and Texaa eh cu.r for the State alloge. The wnu-ria) thai M-j. Hub batd "declared, bodi in Ins ipech and piiva ronverlon. that h wat lully piepartd to see the Union rant a-undrr, i.nlea it.e Noiihrrn pot on of the coo- fedeiacy would consent to Utu have Tex a.' .Vabuma Journal, DANGER OP A BLUNDER. The M (J.. a Piciyun' rnemion the follow ng ingt 1 -r cae which occurred in the Hl- r Cl Court in thai city, aud which tiows how a Mum!! in.y dele.l man' in. trillion. Tlie ca.e was ihe Eierolors oflhe I ite Stephen Henderson ts, tde Legatee of the same. I he a-tmu aro-e out of a dd lereure ol inierneta ion ot the sixtu cUme of the w li .f the.iifreased. re'a'ivet i the dispoii ion to be mate of bis lie alter hi death. The ftillowtne is a trinicript of the roe a'lu led t. the words on w hich the legatee tal ed to susta n their opposition hei g m italics. "A I heeiiil.:n n ih-tare born fie yeart fter my drall. if lem ei, are l i be fiee si the age of twen y years, and mate h 1 Iren ai tne aire i f lei tv-fi.n and at the en I of five yan as afoiea d there miy he diann hy lot out ot all the Uve ten fivi male an! fi.e fnn.Ies who will be furnished with a tree p. g to our leitteilient in Al' Ca and one hundred lobars each, but they utusi g i f then own fine i I, and to return to tlavrry if ever fiey return buck to thU country. t Itie end ol ten year, twenty may ie emv.C'p.ied in the nine mnnr a die fini rie, and io teutv five years ll the fir t bom ft C may be sent fl with the entire remainder ! the old stork th ! are willing logo s lliatt die andnf tenly ftveyi are from my death there wdl tt t he upon any ol my estates any other slaves nut tne spprennce p liiir'-n, ml tl theolh i-r slaves do not Wtsri to go to Africa, h- V will te.nain up n ihnr re-peetive pina lions o i whn h they re.i Ie ai a,preiitit'e and W be provided for aec itdiuglt ; but neiiii:i tinner n w mnagemi in ot ma overseer, a will is ill their off.pii g ttie whole to becoii-nleicd ipprenl c-, snd then lib ir t t be ipplie I to tlie eeutrl g 'Oil o my luce. mon." The emu ort hd the wil pribt'ed, and pi rlof med ail tht dutit teqnred by aksaJ at...t l.aom ft Aaa alalia K-lanaa)if ! --a lit the province or Tinnevellr. have re ere lit go at the tame m-mtu.. Tua eent, forwJfJ ,BW,icifjt . 'l1! ,bMw"',hT,np terly aholUhed their Idols, requesting to aa .bu rolkbal oan tost above .It ro- be,;kenMmfrrhri-tUn instruction. Ont Sa si fc hm i t d . t det (termt t t eipttiiS f fs yr,t ta af ttlie at! UCnattj rta.4a4llVet.f, T he arte etlerud ts tWaa la tW ava4 exewetaVd, vbeatHe lgateta rUH t ii a thesa ap,ari tb elM ia 4m aaU a WUiy, at at ae ta.eAls . ft pee-oit e f'e eer u te aa tl e af . ,1 .-.-. . Um kxSMf deeVIsi tf (mwi'ici f t dscseiatbe wi.m wretrtr rrtrt 1 slavery aheU tHey er rua to tat eeuy. wf ia ia la r, sad at iaw poo.ti eoadittaoe sa a wdl an t ueated ja tf tkef Mfer existtd, (litj Cade. art. HW.) thtrrfme ika aba'e case ws a awU.iy, aad jsg'xeai readrred for 6udat. ana rasit roar. Tb beaer4'at sad ksat.a iaieaucat td tea aestvv were Im-trsied by a Header of a few ward to drsaieg ap the yisUuajeai iti b tatedrd I hH,j Coafr r lecb tigml aad Usui beat S a. . FROM MEXICO. 1 Tte Jjarqae g-e. aniretl ai fi9m V.k. briagv iatell.graee If.oi VtiaCrat to the 14th air, ... Tne aewt if the n jee-lioa, by the Unit, td 6iite8esabe, of the AwlHoTiea iv, relied Vera Crtp aa Ibe ib, ta gse aaistrssl talfsetioaf i ' The piper war between ike Amemae, rttarf e a'Aftes aad U t Un cm Mia. titer of Foreign AtT'in b-l n-4 roans tea eoae'atnM:he former, jjit Juamal f Commerce etya, bg failed tetitab lisbbis vieaa." , AH 't' fortiga MioiiPr bad tolieiiej the fflemear-y of the tlavrrament tawird their rounutmrntikta to tk late ripe duioa loTabi-eo, beaded by Veslait, The ,ieidrnt, ia teply, bid etprwsrd kit deteraiimlmn ta treat diem at pink, if aa Inai they avert found gui'ty, Aa army al fileea thoasasj anen an ptepaijng to leave Mexico f-r Tela, and wateiprritd Hreirb Metmoraia Ni stmber aexi. Congresa bad at fiied p aa a l.a to ta te the f.OQO.CpO g iatJ ffr iha etpedi ido. bat there wit l.ttU doubt of their dotag to very oon, A al Ihi time of th year, there was little demand for aay kind pf goods, and price hid not rise in piprisoe ta the inrreitt f duty iid by tba at tan at. ExTcxatri Ri!ntcuTioa or IkouTif n I x ph. From the latest intelligence received at the Missionary rooms, tht population ol Southern India teelQt rapid ly advancing to a point where tha renun ciation of the foolish, d?gadiiv, and an afUfying rite of Idolatry will he frequent. Under data of March 14. 1 8 1 1. th bishop of Madrattaya that ninety six village, of the English Mixionariea, at an earl er date, ayt that he had, within the two pre ceeding months, recHv ed aeveral hundrej native under hi rare. A nd from a very recent letter of one of the Missionaries of Ihe American fl ard, It appear that, al though there ha been no movement of to decided a character in the territory rrm braced within the plan of Madura mi eton, miny thing are e xoccdingly hope ful: ami that, e-'iilJ laborers now enter Hil field, in requisite numbers, there would be no doubt of soon gathering an shun danl harvest, AY J . Jnuf f Com. Akpthi. Mimiokabt Falicx. Tht painu intelligence of the death of Kev, 0 rover S- CoHistork, Missionary of the American Bnlil Board, at Ratnree, Ar tacan, ha rpauhetl ihe M'tssioimry R-om by tlie last steamer lie died of the Ai ai'O Cholera, ai Akyah, on the 25h f April, lie his thus quickly followed hit excellent and laoent'd wife to receive hi final reward, h th of whom wilt long be held in grateful remenihraiue by a large cacle of Chriitian friends. thritfian Watchman. Sf Alt PtUnt.U find the lol osirg leper in the Coluiiil ia (Tenn,) Ob-nv.r, a ppr pul liheil in the town m wb rlt Mr. Polk remlei. wh c!i will ii our ! ...... t... ...... ..I.. .1.. I ..( .ii... auuii; on a mw . inn ivorf Se pride in and shout (.'ultunhm; Mr. Ed t : It h.i been teurrally rtr- ! eulat d thai am gmng to vote for Jams K. Pulk. and 1 hav been Irequrnny a k ed slit! aid 1 uke tti method ol ' iigihitl will never vott for Col. l'ok s long a surh a mn a Henry Cliv living. I votpd lor M . Clay wiih abnul amy of c , yen ago in Mmry; ni nenher Tens nor any mhtr shll P'1" teat fiali piet ml me fiom voting for h iinie-h.n ired iturs nm in November next. A to S ate foul's "y "'uttJ ' Hugh L. White." W. L. COLQliTT. " Ueiuribbrt Jti'y 4. 1814. Jl Qtiettio for tlie Chiral.y M' Calhoun to) m all his spiei'hes, l"1' he hai fnrevSiMi eveiy thing H at h ht" pitied for the last ilmiy year-. H' oonniei.-y ha always been fi't '"' and hisforenghi hai been equally f""1" Now we woh io know, and we put ' q-ieni in to l i.n, and In all In Chivairi: Where wa hi. Imesight in 1810. r0 he advooned Iherediiig awav Tex. ,h"' he did nn f resee that m 1841, ihaiTtf ti ory wuul l be ol vital impoiiauce loth' Union, and aSiolul.y i.ic ry to ,le a.Uaiion of ihe S -uili ru Sutei? W'" he luuchtale an anew. r. . fiichnxoM The harmonium Demoontc.y re loggerheads iu New York ' ihio par they can't a; i for Pulk and Aaucxati iH aivf the other -ay tltry mu -t.

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