I bUb mf lb lac ut4 AJbotW J j - - " " TtrniE'rcBur. . The Ith.-Xft c-V44h;h IS i f . fcr.. -i f e.i.-auf - T p Ha. W I IVfl'lIMM Ni.ir. v I ea.Wa Mill Piiaf . lib w- f ir . ...... A t -- - n . ti k - s- . -a L Jl ..Ii:. - tZIZlZl . ' , , . ibaS.a ltiJi. fc .r.-.iae-i, Ktfetaui'i ttabeaJe C tr vr..i ,-iJj . a. w bb mmm BrBBtf i.jfta ccrr u .iMMk iif i r.ck Cnff-ck... iMkMlraHia Fr,"li ' S!,,1 'V- MlIf ff r. EiM' rartMt'v:t er f.b!i bJ. k? .v. . :.w.; 'liia rtt fH't au tBHrpl cflMM trrttt PUa prtr ti4ref . chfcwr to ni1l"u,,,! try C4i4'-ii4' Stjard i iht v-tra tkaiai IK .&. Dngf.E'. c,l-e of r.felir a-d pelcilj paochabU ctarartrr. Iff uch lor Li liJ boaor n4 trkSj. , J. M-IIOWARO. .-v t F.XT HANDING; ' S. BARSSTOW, I MI ART, v JOUN OlVtN;. C0ian(c. tklii.il. O.loWrH. 1811.' Stati or Micmiaur. m V.yniC.y.tj. J M Willitw S. Diur of Dcroil, ia a d C"B jr aal tait, bn i!ulr voir, iiji, a Vedtt4tyjiBflO44ai'Ocobr ia Unt. hf ftft'intriij'ol Dairail foi ihe iwipoac of f HKf la Ssr iaav ia lki t It aaJ atrcriatairc Ua uea and cirruia iarti uUiitt 10 (iba aoatinttioa of Jmt u. iSirney. .a, . to tbt JiI. tiirt f tbf rtafa by ht DnorraM" party ia l coaat cf Simw ; tbai ra U a 12 b fay af Ociabar toiC ha called atina iaellitif buote cf J B. GarUad. Etq. abuut niaa ilri.' (tm Saiaa4' Cny, aod hald a coaTtraaupn of rnaaider abl lartfth ub bim; thai aaid Girimd, iDfvrmrd.dtrontntUiat be, aid Uailaad waa ffitmher af tha'Denorrat e party ; that I. a a mettbrr of tb Democratic aoataaliaa of and county hlJ at Sii na Cty oa W2b day of Stj lembfr laiiJICTilit parpoM of BAmatirr tin di'lataa for eiuniy ofljera and for Krprr ratatie ia tba ifilalara cf :iia a'uta; that ht a-d Gar laud, attaadad aaid eon taotio (brb Brit bvld ai tba hoaM if E J4 t)H 4h JaanaG. Birney.E.q. (ho rra. da t Karr Sijinaw ia aYid Btna9 covrtf) aaa ibrn and there eom laated by raid t orreirtioa'aa tliafamlt diti.f iha Da.Of ratio party Tor'aeI Re' prCMarab' i ; aoaiiva.i, -'ifcar beai4 (hilmd, kad aarattf cnaterra un with aa d B rnry, anma day a pievi on to tha net r.of (aid ttntntion, jn rafereia taatal Birnay'a bteamiag audi caa4ide ia bieh- ttta-'lattf r eipteaaad to him hie BirVW'a) itrB(a'a to xrcnl earh aomintita( Kroitkioi that beeliOblJ be uUa Tli'ng ta arrest it, if Lnueitd ti Ti ro, and would if edeed. aertt tha eountylo tha bet of hi abil tie, an rtfrata f bin a jiiaung the" qu tita ft Alolitioa .in the Hour. .that he, aaiJ Biraay, w'ai a' JeffetaoiiunDeoioerat and alwtya hd bten. Slid Garlnl ala, ataeJ to tfaia drpt'-'ent tht" whtn-'in Uie aaid eonteotio a av$ iiuf ixned bv; other aoeatbrr rftptctiot; Mr. Birney'e political era imei.tt and opinion, -ami that ia auawrr. be auted to the eonten tioa what ba th n atated to tbit depo Beat; dtpBent hB aahed hi a '.hat othtr authority.' he had for mat if g i aiawiktot lo. the epatention ! -to whirh ba r(.Ind that he ' had ra hit pntptainn a .tterfrB Mri Birary hinmlf, author iaiiig h ci to nka audi aUieweni ; depo Beat IbCDj rrqutetrd'him to h w h.in tba leit'r, aaid Garla'ud 4clinrd, r-raaik- lac that ba would now ttlo no one un it! aaid B rney ahould dtny havina aa tborited hn& to auke anch ta ement. in which Ci:. ba woald produce iv S,id Gatland ia v mair -of repetabHrty and good ataBoiag 'and a Democrat' of influ. net ia aaid cun!yi He spresd hi drteraaina too to vote- for MrY-Bitney and to da all in hi poaer o promote hia aire tion. a(5raaia-that be tttiiry) ar the reialarly Boaiiaa'ed candid -le of the nf ly 'td U ha ha rtnocraU nh t baddeelarad againat hi in canatimted but aOft fctiin; lit llar v'ate ihat hv waawe'.l aqaintd With -Mr.' B. rney. tndtliwt ihel.'Ur wt 13 ibe bibit of Ir AHaftntt ftlnnnarfad' aU kai Afni'i Tl.w- leu. i-cu laua.! -am uanano to m.as an affidavit of'tha ficta ba bad-ihusa a-. . .1 . i..-.ILJ...j. i . ud, but k refuMd, alUdc'tug ibat'hetud biea inlotmadfoat Hr.Kr 'a ooiira tion ara pi ndurjg rotne " cx! tcinenl abroad and rerhap. iMUrme the Dem, cratie ny, and ha waa unwdlmf to do aay thing which aijhtkave that eflVci Uipnntnt furthar ay, that ba the . dy beftre ba had k conernion w tb Plr. K. J tare it, the keeper ot ttie hue . . I I I ii i t which aani rieniion was waio. aim a i if r.l byllum thai ha beard aaid ; uauno am it ia eoavenuon ma puo- lie ra inner, lhat M. Biraey had prof, a aed in him 1 1 be a Democrat, and pio aaiera 11 elertfrt. to eare out- ii-ato ae prianplea." Said Jewell refused in gite deponent a ari tea ataieraerrt of lhi fc (ur h aaoe reaaon jgivea by Mr. GaiUod -r hi refusal, hut. the fact tbt 1 aaid Garland, did aMkeuch.e drr ivatioa ta iU aoaeniicris-tJ tba kaoar lr. dtlW4i t e4 krU4 fcf e-ta I. i ... I.t l .aa.Ci.- i!.ru4 -12 fc-WMW 1Ua'ai w h r - tWee X'4 4 ft: MkfMfj M,. fW . -a' eia-es.t -f Mt) . - - weXe ar4-M KIM. Bada. Gattaai. b4 ewr. -M'.B.. laaV.reda.k (Car- lit wui pf mm la rceie ibe ti k llrrW II p f ki it i - tk.t K 1U4 ..-iirr U.. Cii. be, Tba dratocratiadvletf ktM liom tha te ia! tiaMbipa ia li e ekly of 8ri. veiat iwMWPe in ii a rmiii oi orx ua met cbcb m, pitaaaat to tire prtilt f twea. t Uie IIae t E. Jf"Jt S-j;iaw Ctr, i'B Siurdar. me smu way. ei eitDrr. Aitert M- Ifr. Eq V Hed 0 J-a chair. aaJ Traaaaa XI.. te a.jaf jkmuicJ Scttcti. rj. .!- ' . I BC Orj CI wl toe WwB'rBtiOB waa ai4 arpeared and took their aeat-: Ssfinav. E. N. Davenport, Joahua Blarkaiute, Allt.tM lc. AtHm.y R. Sw.rtK.ui, . " l A Ji. '. t'.'i dfB. J. Malone. J.mB. Garlaiil. Jame, -- a tT 1 A T IB Firqa'hxvn, Jubn Pa-quahoon: Tvttola, T M. Wa reave. DTi. E. EH.a, 11. 1 If w..i;..., ted, 10 be, lo Boajioiic aaitatlt pera oatt, eer .ff.rca.ta tua rawaratwa oi any be aappnrted atltha-eoauing .U-cu-n 4r I '-fM7-. KT Nf-P-coorty(Ticira. Ikefolivwiaed'lcfate .j ..'Am rZ I, r. . v V laliMMaa:atoaa4eaawieo4aea-.p .rboo aa MrCaily, WnIiaqjJSh eld. Ku tia wheaii a-tiacrioNy pmreri7'' UuW bait Ue, Saiaael Shatiurk, Jara Gn-j Mr. Clararj icJ ikn ibaiotraductioa at rucii le; Hampton. S. Si. fampbe'l, J. F.jan aKlca to tcMtuii trailed ta uVgn4r Martar. Beri. F. Cu.hw.r.- Sneiauon 1b,or , "i,r lheir Wbe!er. fittia Trprnly. j . I The following uoaiiua ioue were aaade by the Cuitei4i - " For U preaen'ative. C-J A M IT-ntK ItC V Par In J Aim Juit,,, Gardiner U ViUum, Andrew'Eweta. For Tr'eiaiir'er, . .' - .t Sdoey S. Cainpb'Til. . Fr Sheriff. I For CuaaVfterk Joahaa Btackmore. W. I P.Iitle, .; ' For Judge of Pruba r, Albert M llr. Fr Register of Deed, Thnmaa Simpiotf. ' Fat CrnintvSurrejr ; ' Jarnra J.'MrCotBKk.' a Tar CirfonVr.;: vr.t E. N. Daeenpotl and E. Daeia. aaaWJaa ' H'aliUL Wft -. 77eorfi2.mal the ahoee. liekel- be! ricciared unaniajoinlr romtiiteiil'tf thii Conenii..B. , A.'MILI.EU. CA'n. t T. M. Watem. Ste-y. Said neral not:iieiy in a d cuunIv. aud-ei. eally in Sa-naw City, and ia furtber proed'by the full iwg puWi hed'dnrla" r'a'ioa of G: I). Willih;Thnaiif Me Warty, A. U. Uayden and N ,B ach, alt lead.ng Dm craia in id roiiniy,--Hii to ol them, Mr. Iltyden andsMr. M Car'y, membera f ea d eon-entioii. One lV.e iltl-sat'a to tlie eontn. t,rtn ( f.,gerjUefB .f triribaad teraeity.) 1 editor! refotedSto-rartf with the''"" "'f." V 7 Pr'- Jlia matter hiatorr. .' th. 11. rranuaenpton mtgnun.Iot a breach if 7 , "' . , ' ' . " ' ' , . ".J5 iJoitrnul, that Jamea Monroe aacrinced a eonfidencc; U.e fact nlMBirney'. Z'tV ?, v' fee .uioui.t of property lo carry on thl quieaciT,,re;i.aiid.pop;i.t,io: . aaVj' J JJJ t?.W .T' Tbi. , patrioliam7 thua dipt yed aion io Uie Parte nominatin. h m '"""gb "h P'M iWuii lit. .,,.,,.;. i r ' K.p- i..-jl.i . . " . . . ZNLiflil.ril' InAI'imilh an . (I ' " " J -w.-a. at. - . : t w irib W IUL Bl W a aaiatB WW IBtrBI. mm on tlie 28tl .4 epterBbe .Ut,6ted I ... It von are re.nl red thai Et-gliah La. that Mr Bfiney pr.f..edto .bim i; be ajbor w a!.a I iunufaiui y.mr ..o:. and Uemncrai, and B'tted that he (Bime) tot that rud .re d .-tenaieied to break down would carry put Democratic pnnriplea." yuUr ., nianulrtuie, Wku alone r.M,, . Andjtrthrr ihia d. p nent ath i n.t. kee,i d..wn he pr c l KngUh oud. by 1 W. S. DRIGGS.'. tbeiroirrp ii ton, von n-.u.t nf r ure ex . Sworn and iubaerib. d bI.Ve me th. a pee t,, v,iy u Enthali .a'yrer such a I4.h d.y ul October. A. I). 1844.. pr ce for h g .id aa a ill en .hi- l.un l0 . r L HE0 w--UMS.-- l.v-, and tive is England. Of e..u-o ;v,vriilii.i ' rrom llm' N. C.'-S(tnT..r I. Mr. Gatjon Iht .fvmpton of Hit Q .S:a e Jtb'li. Tin icre i one t ai'Sre in the I .le" letter of ! It. ri... t.- . . . im'itt iv cii-i ic -j i in hi acr now 1 1 ao M . Ciav.publ,.l e. -.n.h.r clumn. Vte ,n ,,, t. Villl ,., whh de.ere. paruular aMe,,t,.,n. It .. a,m lh, En.,ie!, (.itet or ,,ite,, J,. t " " I n every article ot lnod or rlo biiig h-cb la a speerhwhich I i.Mrexl t Hie Sf i u.Hr to a.ii'h v, ind al- on erei v 7.!frSrii ';,- " aoia iiii-re .uie.l. t tr-n.i.,.ii..n. by the j. 'be uimhIs ton on-n ,. 1, General G- . rnmeiit, t f Uie debit of itie"ec- d 'iiig tl'i. y.u ii,.p.iri the British Gov falijcs ... - j Ea-jMuyr. qge,f ehiirHi, r,nV. ti..w what are the facUi Ti e tpcei h ; navy, Vd a , M Hy any n-iguhmaY lowl.i -d CI", rrirra w.4!in til in i whn cnu ne na mote if ibe iiimurnr. ..L3II - . : . .. . rr-e.ui.uin niu, ,n.i iav he I iua in the lat lii.nc of (ireely r McEl a'li. Keal the followinff j extract front the same apeech ol Henry j vlajr.ani; then jaflji. i.r yair.I.e wn-f iher lie u.in f eor'ef o Opposed Jio the, aatomptio'rijof the St bfe-; - - A id here lei me aay, ihatj lonking'fo ilir p, teilic nbj.i of these Stno.bta and Ihe cir. e'umatances ander'h:chLbes. were rnntrit-t-d, I saw Willi n:iiilHJ a'nl indignant feel- "-" tf, a Itcsolu'ioa auhmilteJ t tie Senata at the l.,i . .,iB j-i,,!,,, ,1.,, ,w. ,1 foeerarae.it would notaMume the payment nf tliani A mora ari kil. in.livn.nl t iikc rrra).)iiiordwas nrvrnn" reH to the coa Jeiiu,i ufany datiberative aaaembly" We dare the Frdaia! leaJer to deny the above aiatments. 77ie Editor of tlit Chronicle to Iht EiiA t tor of the Standard -GbeetiXo:' . - Ware neither ti,e,leaJe.rJof Fdtr. itf" aor a Fedatjri,? b wf.direV iPilt L!L!u4 - tu .B.isu - wf " r i j - H7 aew. ir Tar-e-- Um iU wiJ :LWf oe2rH A . 4T . f i ., A a.. imM a T-hS aBWhB fffWM---- T" tr-.wk,-w Pivra: . well o aJrtOU - 5e' ,l,fl rc4,M ' . - A-M.Wy.-1. b. .. f kv tff hirwi. HM'.w.f? " ' -1 ofUtreJtiG-twMtMMiiBUit ... . Mf . .l.ua " rafii l Si .ietl' kl .h ioJ , I i'oflcte., aid nt :tw by a. Wbig;ii . ilkll- -MrB al nilMlaJaUllaUl I the ailla i aa aub fropot ia ha I bee . I I. . (t.i-Hil aaalina lurh a prn-i ia ! Tha oucioa then awt! , rfrn-l tehy latrudtica ancb a iant reaolut'Mt- . And toc! i. t it intrjdvetion Mr. CUy d f'aJ if p1fae. and tee bow iliSund.rJhanareo:ernUilhiai e 'quote f.od 41ieiidn-icl Mtlwrty ftow winch the Suiidaid emackd .ha aboteV Aa4 berk let a .N--. A aiare wMkcd atlinant, Uautvaika p(n tliaa arcaua4 any ul wan rtaMiMtma aia $t4 ta lh Senau : tut S a k afCrma iita reaolniju I '; ft r 'iinf ! ft- C.fMVe-i to tha .n.Ma.al i"W P""ajrrj w as "wa aw wn7B w m. wnea'a-kwmktm-wa iba eatraaai iJ.-a t VCHT friUm 4,C .nmptU ,( tin iMt '.dehtt ay lha Geaaral U erawent Thrre waa a ..liay ita uia.4ia fator of audi a aaraearaiB iblt Senate, aul4 at aot.b, " W .a - a Baa . a D e fi a .uk hke Mr. CUy adoc4 fd ataumpt oa Kf.SxtedebU by thet.'earr- 41 O ieinmeh:. LI jei oat tba aunmtinn hi A' h Vpeecb, the w. ; ' I - - ...v ra-vr arf rapH.dom whir h the Stan Jard mr an 'X "n ) Jl'' 1J ahrnpt ex. t act. rjrore that the Edi or intentionaVy miu preat nied M-. Clay on lhi$ queat on aa be baa been in t e h .bit of oirrprrien tmj the earn noble rriot on .itU .ovhw, qiica'iona! Thuii ia ilr. Clay.' enit-' ow n a in gtqeiar are oiirepreen d by rni crur c ( a . aog tiump. .deatt Sigue, who t)Vpe and .ll v.e pcoi.le.ua! erlpr tece ol eultgli'. n ng theas. Alrea! djJarVa 'h tumid muktli Urnoiinrmg M. I'lsr f r ad'ociitint- Die a8Minpliao f "Staie tiebl, by Ue 4Tvrat (etatamrnxl ma Hie bai(a:d i $ "eilad to-aa eon tai'tnrf" proof pon'uue" uf Vi4 .cltarg Un! v iiceuu deny it. aay READ,! READ'! READ.!!! . i We cnrniHt n I - ht. lo htwin rxtracr cm a speech wade by lie lion. Jolm M. l.l.ttoii. at a Win 1.a l..ui,. I . - ' ---a f . . : ...... .' . - . - unaware itv.,a t Jt- 2fi;la JUK. lo tUej.! - January 411, is ji. !. 7. rMin r'''"iMi 'H a t.werT A'nericiir CI - i . txer rer, wb.tr. er .ay be hi p i iicidi!ieeil. - i-.1 atTrdjood- lor ptof.iuud r-flec-l''1" 1 imn y-r.ii mu-i pay Ii m lur li w-rk, en-neb t ena'le Vim t lV ALL HIS EXCISE AVD ST45IP DUTIES. You IDUd p-y hllli :-r the brer be drihk while he i woik- iifg ttt yen; yno mux pay him hie I WinililW I.T W!.i(''i ll. in tha I .1 n . i L . . ; '"red r a ib-ao voh do; and yn-i fi ,-, Umpl .vment lor, :a'iul upp nt Kiih.ri . . ... unt (U, l b taiedbr the EhbIi'Ii C ... emment. A" I a able winer e-tini-t-s that we pi aii eVer.se of b ut (ifiv pa ce.nt: of iha eoi pi i nported artclea of manfactiirs int-i iht exeln qoert uf lor fiffd and ilea miii; (..veintnente, a a Ux' iied to e-pprr. and i jnr oinaele.."-.: Every .'line Qieeo Vi-iiria 'produce. 5 oung prince, a your.g'duka. or a darling little, peine. s. ton ilrhae the saf.ftC. Hon to-kntw tiat y.-u are expect-d tn end a Ititle mre griat to U.e Engh,h mill 11.0 her'niniribtion to aupp.iit ihe dear babies, who must'anon e.'ch hive Salariea and pensions of some hundred thoutaml p und sterling a year.. (reat Cheering ) What a d-hghifui tuin it will be fAr nur'nio lern Dem icra cy .to fearn, after t'iey 1ul iae broken down the system which now enable tbeir owpj countryman tj f.rnih them with M - i - rtij.fit4 JoeMiea f t'JtJ tvM Jy(Ullilrt.4 CWm.) - Vht ftdUtvfof J ! Ir( k rfoef y urtig UtM hi b er l i ywg prw kM lKlMit'4 MtLtr lriniIfJl lit mill ieqir lt f iwiV us (mi . tJl wi4 wa ! LtAam nTi " a krk TT M- lf-l -f Bmk J ! ! b prialfd w tirw Ymkl Tm k -1 -omIJ t aa iat Bnulh Lrf!Uk Ttt f ! tnif Aent g, . t (Cheera.) ; PRESIDENT HARRISON. TbrB-atoa AU-te.oc;1udaaaeI.quat appeal to tba'lrieoda of Geo. Ilaajuaox, JVa boi the reifdotioa of he no. able eigiteeB bandied and frrty thegfet atin.mph f Freedoaa ta the bittij ol aatiaa? tiae apoa fine, ti'h'g Sunea era (or iwIe "ye are tad.drfcadi'd' aad eipoundehht Coittiiulion, aad etiforc tuViniha aatioa.J and ute aeal4iet, Ibe uue prmciplee ol GoMBiaei.L Fa t, which thouaaada fIt, atlrai their wiadun, (otejighl, and patriulia. lie that raa wighMead the f4!y of the ruleia ai.d their anckedae. Delaultrra. ftyiaf' b the winge ef eeery winr,to Euto'pe-'-Uiatee, aoteieigaS aua.bankropi :hPira.den compelled ly hi extremity ba aae'aib!e Contra, ia a tiaae of peac, awake at (aalttfury aa ineulted pep'r. Under any. other than the government of our Fatbeia. they would hare drtea Ih'eae Cearacka froia tha Tecaple ol Liberty, affrighted by the flame at the a word aad tbej ghiaiog of thetpear. Aaitwat. w ti gloriaua entbuaiaam they aeaentbled i ana of tbouMmla. . The tout of tba na tt-n4.ed forth in eonr. The piine- pha iTFieedoiD were ia erery heart. The iee-of liberty flaaked mi erery yy. The aaqieof the Patriot llarnea' waa poa Um died. Aa ba riarcd bi fool eron the tbreh..J vl th h gh pla ea of glvtry. .To the Hera af Freexlnai t' a erdae waa firn. joe iv i,a noes wiia yut cwMraOvaaaalcavau. K - Ilia laat woida breathed aa a aaered leg ry to hit aartiving couMeymen, were t l email the princilea of the Conatilu Uaa tatried .out.". .The tioj l.aa come l.itloit. .TBehaorbaariaed.ia-lrbkh rbt dying mandate ofw Hero ar-d P.ui - dtrmn.t be bbeyed. . Soldier of llafmon Uttd to your arm! .: . .' ' L4ku iiib ui ii atra- anil in ffiirvmsi rwB'arit iiaa . .J' i n rw r a nu.niiKi. .... . T b mw i. uiuicrcaiiry ui;t - . - f1,,',P,!J.r on these y9tea The people l',e to-wt that prompted t em. kt . . . TEXT Ia lite meantime if the Whigs in:n d to elect Henry Clay, they must pull nflMit-ir eoate n II up their . sleeves and go to hard- work. It is no holiday job to eon- U nd wiU, the Locofoco a. i,i fired 1 1 f.nofio Paj.tr. I COMMENT. The Cleveland (Oluo) Herald copier j the above and says:" Off with your1 c:ii, tv nig', ami ai men: 11 1 good sen sible ad i ice that your politic I opponents g.ve you. Take your hands out of your pocket and use them in dintributing hi it documents roll up your sleccs and set the Whig bill of prof eclion to homr labor in such n.'id motion as ehall email the advotes of loreign pauper labor atsixpeucc a day. PJk a ll Ore T i i. f V.l P..11. ,1 . House voted thrtr time Iains,ti1e..ce.- a a-a. jmiton 01 tiregon ty our rovernment. yeti ihe L.e,.lorr, .dtoeaiea of Oreg nrcu. ; l-ation. support Pok 10 en-are occui.a- timi 1 ' FROM MEXICO. ; Ad-ieeii from Vera Cruz to the 30th 'of September hatebpen received si Nrw Oiren. by war of llaana. from wbirh' we le .rn't'iat Santa Ann baa set at l.bi r iy fie one hundred and four remaining Tej tan prisoners who wtie roi.fined at tbe cata' ol Perote. -S.n-a Ann havi-it retir d In Manea de Clavo to attaiid to hi p.riate affjiia. General Canahzi, who"had bur',, 'appoint ed provisional President of Uie Mxmn Republic ad interim, armed at the city of Mexico on tlie 01 t'h iilmnn, and on lbs- flowing day entered upon the die charge of the duties of his i p tii.t nei.t. In nor portion of the new ia there any mention mvle.of ihe prep-ratmn a.int Texa-. nor do we learn tint iheChambere have taken'sny firthert-piuarde rstsing be four m'liion ol dll .r votd f.ir tii i war... ' I they t ,t.w. .r'i r.. '. " M'aiiuBgeanu in extreme poverty, jie1"-""v mw ironi iiue or that prince of chicane, the master sci peiit.oned Congress Ajr.ilia payment of., Koek with intelliirence which led to the ' ritbf therreat humbo-ronWeitlnr, i mt debts king due him. Jam A. M v t,J lhat th. u-v Mrr5pi lrl, J T? iwrnbaf Convention at Bal: -MH.f Aaat ptlVion. For1 the prof see k ? T P f , I t,nMW whlrh aoti l Cone. Deh. Mat 12.182u. toL 2. M 1,01,1 frtr imwt and ( ongrcM., Texas, i,i onnoaition iodMbn.a wi.hr j.. i.:. .t i -- . . -w CBl.tkoCatMatttB.aB4 lb lUwa ' the Car4laa afoot liaertj. ;s.8 rr raa ratitTi . ar ltaitrliy. . . - . . . . " ' , - at . . ro rxi raxitxT. . TliftxJorr 1'rt IIn;bnyacn, f Xew Jerary. lli.k TiU L-ited Stat a, and a eeead abMal Caereaey. . . A raiifVreeaae, with lair proUCtiaaal lii...lJidlnr. ' " - Aa BMat eaJaa-letaJ4aMfaireaf ib Jlali-aalCeeaaarat.- Aa ei.tHa 4itiatiaa of the rc the aata af Ibf paUtc Laada. tes uirr.ui unn , I at diatrirt, William W. Cherry. 3d do. Joauh Collin. 84 4ih 5th 6th fih 8ih Sih do.- do. do. do. do. liuhrrt B. Gilliam. AViUiaro II. Waahingtoo. Daniel B. Oaker. Maurice Q. WadJttl. John Kerr. do. Auguatia II. Shepherd, do. . Jaraea W. Gvborne. -do. Jonathan Horton. 10th I lib do. Jobs Baxter. tCT The etaetioB will take place aa-tV fi'W ftfan4at ia Meeeaabcr. beiae rke 4 lb day fine aiaaih. . . , . . GOOD NEWS FROM ARKANSAS. . Th State elcctiona in Arkansa took place ob the ?ih iqat, and if the accpunu are correct, hare vnexpectedly travitcd ia faroroflhe Whig. Tbe New Orlcana Dedof the 17th tare: . . . " . The faToralde intcUigcnce we pub liahed a day or two eince from Arkanaaa, ia confirmed by later information. CapU Woman of tlie.atcamboat louia Philip, direct from little Rork, report that eve- ry county in Uie Sute haa been heard, I . . .i .... , ! - -. . K fiom, and thai the,Vhig candidate for Go. ternor waa elected by 1559 majority. . Al ao that the Whig eandidate for Congrct, David Walker, waa probably , elected. We understand further by a gentle man of Arkanaaa, who ia in. our city, that , when' l,o leii.no doubt tra lentcmincd. fnm the for Pre-idencv. haa been nommaird returna received, tltat tlie u higa had ear- . . . , , ried the State.". , . .. J h -nwt e tcgialature, and . . . V ,'ne in return ia to' rive hit aunport to the Theee aceoanta teem to be confirmed . . . . , ' , . .. . . ljOco. and, it ia aaid, haa cone on a mia- by inuingence from other aourcea. The' . . : . . ,7 Z. ... Memplu Enquirer of the 10th tost., eaya: e have received accounts from Crtt - Undcn..Mis8iasittiB and St, Francis cot.n. Uea, all ahowing a large inmate in the' u-i,:-.-.-. w ' ik i i. i! " higTOte. W e would hot be urpnedj if Mr. Gibson, the Whig candidate for g candidate for Governor, rdiould be elected." The Philadelphia North American states, that a letter had been received by a mercantile house in tltat city, from Gin - jcinnati, on which was endorsed that a' .rut:!, i i,. . . . , ",B " '"" "u umwaeu ior, mat uie .u . . i . pi' . editor, in his exultation of his surpri-e adds: When does the next New Hamp- shire election come ofl? Wc think the uiiui, m Whigs are now in trim to carry even that stale. PENNSYLVANIA Th k,,- TpI, .1 n 1 . M U,C ,ale c,cr"on "'.ej Kama from "M-MntoMbutoneheemaU f JelTerson, in which the reported mnjori- tv of 150 is set down for Mr. Shurik. s thus stated the vote for Governor stands: For Mr. Sliunk 159,317 For Gen. Markle 1 55,07 J Majority for $litink 4,268 The abolition vote for Governor is 2, 1 887, leaving; Mr. Shunk a majority of oh- ' ly 1,381 votes. I:t the election for members of f ?nn(rrra. whid more immediately on na !.... tional politics; a veiy different complexion is given of the state of polities in this state, a ,:.:.:.. .iL ' arm BtaiJlC: CaVllllJai.llla kill' Till fill I HP VfafA IT. ftnnli of the Congressional districts in the state, I'.'i'HaaiB vet. a II show that there were. . For the Whig candidates 158,617 For tlie Locofoco candidates 153,844 Whig majority 4,773 . In 1810 the Van IJutcn party chimed a majority 111 the election of Congressmen j of from fifteen to twenty4houand votes; the Whigs admitted that they had lost the atate in that election by about eight fhqu' sand. . Yet this majority was overcome, and Gen. Harrison received the vote, of the state in the Novemlicr following. Now the Whigs have on their side a majority of near five thousand, and are farther en encouraged by many other favorable in dications. These facts remove all doubt. Pennsylvania is sure to go,fpr Clay and Frelinghityscn. - . V. . . GKORCH Aa trrtf h, tur f-rtt laat wetk at4af5e ta Ce Iocoa i, Ccji a BMjariry; etSXCC; we'saeaet toaay.SJo.- Jopi!J tbr Wiip expect to eroaaB-kN&rmber. A3 dt Wbf fapew tbrehovt th. atai . hmih a rosJea4 aaria, a&d amttatU idea of Hr. PoHa ranj ieg tLe Stele.'. BALTIMOBEjCoL Joet4) ctlVi, waa eJeeted pa) t! Slit mi. lUayac fik eity of Baltimora by the Locs&e jwty, by a "twjority of ftCI totra ot er Jtac o! UW, caq. the Wb raa&kte; aLoair j t LSwg of b tha iaxoforo vote atart tLa CarrtWa electioa of II f; aad ihat ioa a aBadautW-ficwiirt,"-,, ty, it rt laowB. semloaer a tote. How m hapBcd, U ammnled foria tbe JUSobw mg prpo tnm the Baltimore patriot. How rr Wat Poxi-A anaa aaad Dad MiUcr; a teaidcBt of tl Tfcirteerh Ward of Baltimore, and' a LbcLroJPvaa prraeBied U the Grand Jury oa Saiarf bat, and eoeniiticfj id jail, charged lX haunj t.j,tr fuurtcewiuen.fcnd auk haaiitg bem in tru mental ia toting Uiera Uircw timea each ia all the warde of ihe rity forteeii.)M Thia prvoa waa Umly a faiildtel ally to the laxoforo nnka. oo wbraw loa Biaal be, conidml!r tlt oa the day of etmioB. TEXAS AGAINST ANNEXATION tez teres Yfnsu'ii kxtl At the recent cWtioa lor Preatdent ia Tcxaa, Dr. Anaoa Joaea, tbe' aobanncx. atioQ eandidate. waa elected by a 1, majority ocr GcB-'Bttrleaon,' the annex, tioa candidate. Aa thia aeoncd to be the onlJ,iasue that the Demociaiie leaden were diapofcd to eubmit to to people, they tnuat, bow that Texaa hcreclf hit gone againat it, feel themactree ia aome-' thing of a bait Sox; bulthey wiU find themaeHea ia a worae one after the No rcmbcr elccuooa. . ? . THE COAIJTION. . The IK-oa of the South hate been da moToiialy charging npon the Whiga a co alition with the AUdiiionwia; but it ap i . peara that lha aadule hould be put oa lite - oilier home. For the eridence we refer our readera to the publication of the Mich igan Whig Sute Central Committee in Aiir aefnnd niira !- avtiioti ! tnu.M ik.i Jamea C. Birner. the abolition eandidate .-4 i i - aion to Uie Eaat in aid of tlie Polk cauae. j W II I U H . rtcmembfr to be at roar posts on Mob- day next, tux oa smxz, and let every man diecharge his duty." Our opponent- are active, and from nreeent indications win .how Uieir full strength in the elec tion. A de-perate etTort ia making to j wrest old Orange from us. Gen. Daniel , is' to take ua in Btwcial aharre. it aem. ,d is to receive the aid. m we understand. ol the majority in the ConrenUon. Be not misled by their sophistry, nor deeciv ed by their issues. We beat Gen. Daniel himself 443 rotes in Oranrc last . . - . year, let him see that his influence ia no f renter now. And shall we permit (Jen. J Saunders to influence us, he who ricrific. .. . .. pnncipies or Kepubltcaruam in a Pty Convention fur tlie prpoM of gra- in. su-pd. We sav'then amin L at your posts, t htgs of Orange, on Monday next, and pcak3a8 you can speak in be Inlf of your ptineiplcs, and in'dcfcnce of the much ahuaetl and injured Statesman who has been their champion and gallant defender in the darkest hour of need. Beware of Extra Slandarda and Extra Signals. Depend upon it there is much deception in these publications; truth and 0 t"ilcc arc set asi,le; 'ra not for tl e . a. A ' . mean, so they can secure votes. Vote for Clay at all hazards. Rcmcnilier that his political opponent have been vilify ani' ah,,sm? hn for years, and like pure gold he conies out of lha furnace un- j harmed. AU of their charges have been I nailed" o the counter; have been proved to be base slandei. And what they may I hatch up now, on the eve of the election, you may well set down as false. We repeal: J)o your duty, Whigs, and ORANGE is safe. Do your duty, Whig-, and the OLD NORTH STATE, which was the first to nominate Henby Clay, will irive him .a In,, . .. aha gava to the lamented Harrison, ia 1840. We ought, and we. must do it. pHE WOXDERFTl DISCOVERT." The Whig Central Committee at Ra leigh a few weeks aipce, iued a circular addressed to their Whig friende in vari ous parft of thtJ; stale, urging Upon lhoiii

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